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Within your designated group, share your insights and thoughts on the following question:
Which of the five quality concepts by Harvey and Green (1993) would you recommend that
your institution follow or adopt? Explain why.

Then summarize the insights and thoughts into one coherent group output of at most one
page (A4) single-spaced and submit in the designated submission bin.

Congratulations! You have completed Module 8. You may now proceed to the final Module.
The educational landscape of the Philippines has been changed drastically due to the
COVID-19 pandemic. With this, the JILCF College Department ought to adapt from that change.
Quality education is said to be the highest goal of every institution even at this time. This institution
aims to become one of the most sought-after educational institutions that ensures the students’
readiness for global challenges. As well as, it will remain true to its promise to produce character-
driven leaders for nation building ready for global challenges. Therefore, the learning continuity
plan will help the department to secure the fulfillment of its mission and vision despite this global
In educational terms, transformation refers to the enhancement and empowerment of
students or the development of new knowledge. Transformative view of quality education is rooted
in the notion of ‘qualitative change’, a fundamental change and is not restricted to a visible or
physical transformation but also includes cognitive excellence. This notion of transformative
quality raises issues about product-centered relevance as fitness-for-purpose. There are
problems, as we have seen, in translating product-based notions of quality to the service sector.
This becomes particularly acute when applied to education (Elton, 1992). Unlike many other
services where the provider is doing something for the consumer, in the education of students the
provider is doing something to the consumer. This process of transformation is necessarily a
unique, negotiated process in each case. The same reasoning applies to research. The provider
does not just produce 'new knowledge' in a vacuum but is involved in transforming a given body
of knowledge for particular purposes. Again, this transformation is not unidirectional, a dialectical
process is taking place with a negotiated outcome (Kuhn, 1962, 1970; Price, 1963; Lakatos and
Musgrave, 1970; Mullins, 1973; Holton, 1973).Education is not a service for a customer but an
on-going process of transformation of the participant- be it student or researcher.
Every institution aims to provide quality education that could lead to the transformation of
students in becoming a serviceable member of society. Educators should be after the continuous
improvement of the students in all aspects. Quality transformation could be attained through
providing quality teaching and maximizing different approaches, methodologies and strategies.
According to UNESCO, education can transform the lives of every human. It is their mission to build
peace, eradicate poverty and drive sustainable development. Quality education specifically entails
issues such as appropriate skills development, gender parity, provision of relevant school
infrastructure, equipment, educational materials and resources, scholarships or teaching force.
UNESCO also stated that education is a human right for all throughout life and that access must be
matched by quality. It means that every human has the right to have a quality education despite the
different situations and circumstances.
Quality is a philosophical concept. Definitions of quality vary and to some extent, reflect
different perspectives of individuals in society. We all might have different understanding of quality
higher education however we have the responsibility in maintaining and enhancing the best quality.

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