Errors in Clinical Laboratories or Errors in Laboratory Medicine

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Errors in clinical laboratories or errors in laboratory medicine?

Article  in  Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine · February 2006

DOI: 10.1515/CCLM.2006.123 · Source: PubMed


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1 author:

Mario Plebani
University of Padova


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Clin Chem Lab Med 2006;44(6):750–759  2006 by Walter de Gruyter • Berlin • New York. DOI 10.1515/CCLM.2006.123 2006/58


Errors in clinical laboratories or errors in laboratory


Mario Plebani* Keywords: errors; intra-analytical; laboratory medi-

cine; mistakes; post-analytical procedures; pre-analyt-
Department of Laboratory Medicine, University
ical; total testing process.
Hospital of Padova and Center of Biomedical
Research, Castelfranco Veneto, Italy

Abstract Introduction
Laboratory testing is a highly complex process and,
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) report, To Err Is
although laboratory services are relatively safe, they
Human: Building a Safer Health System (1), galva-
are not as safe as they could or should be. Clinical
nized a dramatically expanded level of debate and
laboratories have long focused their attention on
concern about patient injuries in healthcare. Patient
quality control methods and quality assessment pro-
safety, a topic that had been little understood, and
grams dealing with analytical aspects of testing. How-
even less discussed in healthcare systems, became a
ever, a growing body of evidence accumulated in
frequent focus for journalists, healthcare leaders, and
recent decades demonstrates that quality in clinical
concerned citizens (2). The IOM report has far-reach-
laboratories cannot be assured by merely focusing on
ing implications for all disciplines, including patholo-
purely analytical aspects. The more recent surveys on
gy activities and laboratory medicine (3). Laboratory
errors in laboratory medicine conclude that in the
services have a great influence on clinical decision-
delivery of laboratory testing, mistakes occur more
making: 60–70% of the most important decisions on
frequently before (pre-analytical) and after (post-ana-
admission, discharge, and medication are based on
lytical) the test has been performed. Most errors are
due to pre-analytical factors (46–68.2% of total laboratory test results (4). With this high degree of
errors), while a high error rate (18.5–47% of total influence, the quality of laboratory testing and report-
errors) has also been found in the post-analytical ing is of utmost importance. The overwhelming
phase. Errors due to analytical problems have been dependence of clinical decision-making and patient-
significantly reduced over time, but there is evidence management processes on laboratory reporting (5)
that, particularly for immunoassays, interference may must induce laboratory medicine to set higher quality
have a serious impact on patients. A description of standards. Unlike many other medical processes,
the most frequent and risky pre-, intra- and post-ana- activities in laboratory medicine are precisely defined
lytical errors and advice on practical steps for meas- and are therefore more controllable than a procedure
uring and reducing the risk of errors is therefore given or treatment in an emergency department or other
in the present paper. Many mistakes in the Total Test- medical settings. Laboratory medicine enjoys another
ing Process are called ‘‘laboratory errors’’, although unique advantage in that it pioneered statistical qual-
these may be due to poor communication, action tak- ity control (QC) activities and it is leagues ahead of
en by others involved in the testing process (e.g., phy- other clinical disciplines in introducing quality
sicians, nurses and phlebotomists), or poorly design- improvement initiatives. However, the real number of
ed processes, all of which are beyond the laboratory’s mistakes made in laboratory testing is not fully rec-
control. Likewise, there is evidence that laboratory ognized, because no widespread process is in place
information is only partially utilized. A recent docu- to either determine how often mistakes occur or to
ment from the International Organization for Stan- systematically eliminate sources of errors. Moreover,
dardization (ISO) recommends a new, broader total testing is complex, consisting of a series of inter-
definition of the term ‘‘laboratory error’’ and a clas- related processes, each involving a series of process
sification of errors according to different criteria. In a steps, every one of which can result in an error. Lab-
modern approach to total quality, centered on oratory activities have been traditionally classified as
patients’ needs and satisfaction, the risk of errors and pre-, intra- and post-analytical. In the past, laboratory
mistakes in pre- and post-examination steps must be professionals focused their attention on intra-analyti-
minimized to guarantee the total quality of laboratory cal errors and on mistakes resulting in adverse
services. events, but overlooked the near misses that, appar-
ently, cause no harm. Other well-recognized limita-
*Corresponding author: Mario Plebani, Department of tions of our knowledge regarding errors and mistakes
Laboratory Medicine, Azienda Ospedaliera-Università di in laboratory medicine are derived from the scarce
Padova, Via Giustiniani 2, 35128 Padova, Italy
Phone: q39-049-8212792, Fax: q39-049-663240, scientific literature dealing with this topic, from prac-
E-mail: tical difficulties in study design, as well as in meas-
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uring and reporting the number of errors and, above Table 1 Frequency of errors in clinical laboratories
wmodified from reference (3)x.
all, in defining what a laboratory error actually is.
One error identified every:
Changing the perspective a) 330–1000 events
b) 900–2074 patients
In the past, the perspective under which most studies c) 214–8316 laboratory results
on errors in laboratory medicine were performed was
limited to what happened inside the clinical labora- have been used for laboratory errors and mistakes.
tory. Thus, only analytical and some pre-analytical Consequently the frequency of errors in clinical lab-
errors (those affecting the so-called ‘‘within labora- oratories reported in the literature varies greatly, as
tory pre-analytical steps’’) were detected. This shown in Table 1.
approach, however, is not consistent with the concept Data in the literature clearly demonstrate that the
of patient-centered care, which is one of the six spe- collection method used has an important influence on
cific aims for improvement of the healthcare system error types and their prevalence. When data collection
suggested in the IOM report Crossing the Quality was based on complaints (9) or on a more fortuitous
Chasm (6). The promotion of patient-centered care finding of blunders (10), errors were mainly attribut-
should be translated into the need to investigate any able to misidentification, and they were few: 133
possible defect that occurs in the total testing process errors in 6 years or 0.05% (10). Yet a careful review
and that can eventually have a negative impact on the of the entire process revealed a far higher number of
patient. From the patient’s viewpoint, in fact, any errors (189 in 3 months, 0.47% of the test results) and
direct or indirect negative consequence related to a misidentification errors accounted for only 2.6% of all
laboratory test must be considered, irrespective of errors (11). Despite large differences between these
whether the source lies in the pre-, intra- or post-ana- studies, a significant decrease in error rates has been
lytical step. Moreover, from the patient’s viewpoint it documented over the last four decades, particularly
is irrelevant whether any error is caused by a labor- for analytical errors. In fact, in the survey carried out
atory professional (e.g., calibration or testing error) or by Belk and Sunderman in 1947 (12), laboratory errors
by a non-laboratory operator (e.g., inappropriate test (expressed in parts per million, ppm) were 162,116
request, error in patient identification, etc). Therefore, (16.21%), whereas in 1996 these were 12,904 (1.29%)
the unique framework for considering where mistakes (13) and in 1997 only 470 (0s0.47%) (14). The good
can occur in laboratory testing services is the total news is, therefore, that error rates in clinical labora-
testing process. A mistake can occur in each of the 11 tories have been significantly reduced over time.
steps in this process or in any of the places where a The second evidence is that, despite the large dif-
handoff can occur, starting from test request and end- ferences in actual error frequencies, all recently avail-
ing with the physician’s reaction to laboratory infor- able studies demonstrate that a large percentage of
mation. According to this perspective, the proposed laboratory errors occur in the pre- and post-analytical
definition of laboratory error is ‘‘a defect occurring at phases, with fewer mistakes occurring during the ana-
any part of the laboratory cycle, from ordering tests lytical step (15). Figure 1 shows the current stratifi-
to reporting results and appropriately interpreting and cation of errors in laboratory medicine and their
reacting on these’’ (7). Recently, this definition was distribution within the different phases of the testing
accepted and incorporated into the draft of the ISO process. In the Q-Probes studies performed in the
Technical Report 22367 ‘‘Medical laboratories – USA, the frequency of errors for pre-analytic perform-
Reduction of error through risk management and con- ance measures, such as procuring specimens for
tinual improvement – Complementary elements’’ (8). digoxin measurements before serum levels of the
Clinical laboratories should therefore assume respon- drug are in equilibrium with the level at the active
sibility for the whole cycle of the testing process, from site, was 24.4% (16); ordering an improper diagnostic
the physician ordering a laboratory investigation to test accounted for 23% (17), and incorrectly identify-
recognizing the significance of the reported result in ing a hospitalized patient prior to collecting a blood
the management of the patient. However, this respon- specimen, 6.5% (18). Lower error rates were observed
sibility requires complete control of the testing pro- for some other pre-analytic measures, such as dupli-
cess, achieved by liaising with and involving other cate ordering of laboratory tests (19) and rejecting
professionals in the quality loop. unacceptable chemistry specimens (20). Post-analyti-
cal errors included 7.1% of telephoned results incor-
Errors in laboratory medicine: the good, the rectly transmitted (21), no result for 1.7% of ordered
bad and the ugly tests (19), 15.1% of patients dissatisfied with their
phlebotomy procedure (22), and 15% of markedly
The most relevant features of studies on laboratory high critical values not noted in the patient’s medical
errors are their scarcity and their heterogeneous record (23). Performance measures for analytical pro-
nature. This means that studies performed and cesses undertaken within the clinical laboratory had
reported in the literature have used different data col- the lowest error rates, and some examples in this area
lection approaches, different time spans for data col- were the frequency of proficiency test failures (0.19%)
lection, and have investigated different laboratory (13) or a quality control specimen for an analyte that
sections or activities. Moreover, different definitions was out of control (0.14%) (24), as shown in Figure 2.
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Figure 1 Types and rates of error in the three stages of the laboratory testing process (modified from reference 3).

Pre-analytical errors sample collection and handling, and ends with the
transportation of specimens to the laboratory.
Pre-analytical procedures performed outside the Findings made in several studies indicate the
control of the laboratory importance of the pre-pre-analytical phase. Misuse of
laboratory services through inappropriate laboratory
While the total testing process is typically divided into test requesting is under scrutiny worldwide because
three main phases (pre-, intra- and post-analytical), of its impact on total costs, and the inherent increased
exploration of the beginning and end of the loop risk of medical errors and injury. The estimations of
reveals that currently, pre- and post-analytical steps inappropriate laboratory tests vary widely, ranging
are more error-prone than intra-analytical processes from 11% to 70% for general biochemistry and hema-
(26). In particular, in the pre-analytical phase, the exis- tology tests, 5% to 95% for urine screens and micro-
tence of a pre-pre-analytical phase (i.e., procedures biology, and 17.4% to 55% for cardiac enzymes and
performed neither in the clinical laboratory nor under thyroid tests (27). Numerous studies have been con-
the direct control of laboratory personnel) must be ducted to investigate measures to reduce the exces-
recognized. This phase starts with test request, sive and inappropriate use of laboratory tests.
patient and specimen identification, blood drawing, Combined efforts in this direction are more effective

Figure 2 Error rates in the total testing process, as shown in the Q-Probes studies performed by the American College of
Pathologists (25).
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than single interventions. Moreover, the use and dif- originate from variations in plasma volume and
fusion of evidence-based laboratory guidelines metabolites as a result of physical exercise (34–36),
should be associated with continuous monitoring and tourniquet placement (37) and other patient-related
clinical advice from laboratory specialists (28). It is physical variables (diet, stress, position) (38, 39).
therefore unanimously agreed that it is important to
provide consultancy as part of a laboratory service in Pre-analytical procedures performed in the
order to improve appropriateness. laboratory
Accurate patient identification is one of the first
steps in ensuring correct laboratory results: misiden- Specimen preparation, which involves all the activi-
tification of patients and specimens can have serious ties required to render a sample suitable for analysis,
consequences (29). In 1995, a Q-Probes study found includes log-in, centrifugation, aliquotting, pipetting,
a mean wristband error rate of 7.4% and demonstrat- dilution, and sorting specimens into batches for their
ed that the error rate was related to hospital size, with introduction into automated analyzers. The specimen
smaller hospitals having a higher error rate (18). preparation step has attracted considerable academic
A subsequent Q-Tracks inter-laboratory quality im- and commercial attention in recent years because it
provement program, performed between 1999 and contributes to approximately 19% of the overall cost
2000, demonstrated an initial error rate of 7.4% that of analyzing a single specimen and is also time-con-
fell to 3.05% following continuous monitoring and suming (37% of time spent in producing a result).
educational initiatives (30). In the College of American Moreover, the manual handling of samples that may
Pathologists Q-Probe study (31) performed in 660 be infectious constitutes a well-recognized hazard to
institutions, a total of 5514 of 114,934 outpatient req- laboratory staff (40). Indirect evidence of the risk of
uisitions (4.8%) were associated with at least one type errors in this phase stems from some papers dealing
of order entry error, including discrepancies between with the effects of the introduction of automated pre-
tests ordered and transcribed in the laboratory com- analytical robotic workstations. In particular, in a
puter, one or more discrepancies in the identity of paper by Holman et al. (41), the number of sorting,
patients or physicians, and incorrect test priority. In routing, pour-off and labeling errors was dramatically
an Australian survey on transcription and analytical reduced after the introduction of a pre-analytical
errors, the transcription error rate was up to 39%, with workstation. For instance, sorting and routing errors
the most frequent types of errors associated with mis- decreased from 7950 to 477 per month, labeling
identification of the requested tests, the requesting errors decreased from 6668 to 33 per month, while
doctors and/or the patient (32). Further evidence has biohazard exposure events decreased from 2658 to 6
been provided by studies demonstrating the impor- per month.
tance of the evaluation of specimen adequacy as a
critical factor in test result accuracy and usefulness
Analytical errors
(20). Samples that are missing, coagulated, hemoly-
sed, insufficient and wrong consequent to inappro- In recent decades, standardization, automation and
priate specimen collection and handling procedures technological advances have significantly improved
may account for a large percentage of pre-analytical the analytical reliability of laboratory results and
mistakes. In particular, mistakes due to the use of decreased the error rates (42). One mark of the suc-
incorrect containers or procedures (e.g., from infusion cess achieved in decreasing errors in the analytical
route or with excessive aspiration force) stress the phase is the high level of accuracy that currently
importance of inter-departmental cooperation in im- exists in blood product testing for infectious agents.
proving the quality of specimen collection and han- Thanks to nucleic acid testing, the contamination rate
dling (33). In fact, some data demonstrate a significant has dropped about from 1 per 100 units to its current
difference regarding the frequency of these mistakes level of 1 infectious unit in 1,800,000 units (43). How-
between outpatients and inpatients (7). This differ- ever, this is not the case in all areas of laboratory
ence should be related, in part, to the higher com- medicine: importantly ‘‘quality design in a laboratory
plexity of examinations performed and multiple blood must begin with analytical quality because it is the
drawings for inpatients, but also to the more accurate essential quality characteristic of any laboratory test;
control assured by laboratory personnel who perform unless analytical quality can be achieved, none of the
sample drawings for outpatients. On the other hand, other characteristics matter’’ (44). Furthermore, some
the blood drawing performed by ward personnel, with data underline the relevance of analytical errors in
a higher turnover and less specific skills, may lead to some areas of laboratory medicine. In particular, a
an increase in the number of mistakes. Overall, inap- body of evidence demonstrates the frequency, and
propriate quantity and quality of specimens account the negative outcomes, of analytical interferences in
for over 60% of pre-analytical errors, while additional immunometric assays (45, 46). Marks stressed that
causes, such as incorrect identification of the speci- analytical interference can occur with most of the
men, lack of due signature, empty tube, lack or wrong present immunoassays, that errors related to these
compilation of the accompanying form, sample not in interferences can be difficult to identify and that they
ice, tube broken in the centrifuge, urine not acidified can produce serious errors (47) and, as stated by oth-
or without volume indication present, show a lower er authors, ‘‘interference in immunossays is insidious
prevalence. Less identifiable pre-analytical errors and could adversely affect patient care’’ (48). Analyt-
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ical interferences may arise from unsuspected abnor- which the clinicians receive, interpret and react to lab-
mal binding protein(s) in patients, such as hetero- oratory results.
philic antibodies, anti-animal antibodies and anti-idio-
typic antibodies. The exact effect of such interfer- Post-analytical procedures performed within the
ences will depend on the site of their interference with laboratory
the reaction, leading to falsely raised or lowered
The post-analytical procedures performed within the
measurements (49). The magnitude of interference
laboratory include verifying laboratory results, feed-
may vary, but in a significant percentage of cases (up
ing them into the laboratory information system, and
to 82%) it was considered large enough to have a
communicating them to the clinicians in a number of
potentially adverse effect on cost and/or the clinical
ways (in particular, by producing a report and making
care of patients. In particular, Ismail and colleagues
any necessary oral communications regarding ‘‘alert’’
underlined that the most serious impact of interfer-
or panic results). In this step, the most common mis-
ence on clinical decisions are immunoassays with
takes, accounting for 18.4–47% of total laboratory
clear ‘‘cutoff’’ limits, such as tumor markers and car-
errors, are: wrong validation, results that are delayed,
diac troponin (50). With the present limitations of
not reported or reported to the wrong providers, and
immunoassays, therefore, the magnitude of interfer-
incorrect results reported because of post-analytical
ence, direction of bias, concentration of analyte and
data entry errors and transcription errors (11, 54).
concentration of interferent should all be known
Manual test validation is a time-consuming process
before sound clinical decisions can be made. Further
with large inter-individual variation; moreover, it
recent data underline the importance of analytical
slows down the response of the laboratory to the clin-
accuracy. The National Institute of Standards and
ic, thus causing delay in the diagnostic and therapeu-
Technology (NIST) report on ‘‘The impact of calibra-
tic process. This validation process can be automated;
tion error in medical decision making’’ demonstrates
some automated validation systems with satisfactory
that calibration error, leading to analytical bias, is a
sensitivity and specificity have been developed and
key parameter affecting the number of patients pass-
introduced into clinical laboratories (55, 56). As yet,
ing decision thresholds in practice guidelines. Be-
however, it has not been proven that validation sys-
cause the signs and symptoms of hypercalcemia are
tems allow clinical laboratories to reduce errors, thus
not specific, a hypercalcemic laboratory finding can
improving patient safety and outcomes. This is owing
be confirmed with follow-up procedures, such as
to difficulties in performing longitudinal studies with
intact parathyroid hormone measurement, chest X- a design that allows the identification of real errors
rays, 24-h calcium measurement, ionized calcium and a comparison with historical error rates. Howev-
measurement and thyroid imaging (51). Based on er, validation systems may be considered valid ‘‘pre-
their analysis of over 89,000 patients receiving serum ventive action’’. Another well-recognized source of
calcium tests at the Mayo Clinic in 1998–1999, the post-analytical problems is inter-laboratory variability
authors demonstrated that the cost impact of an ana- and inaccuracy of reference intervals (57–60). Refer-
lytical bias of 0.1 mg/dL could range from $8 to $31 ence intervals for healthy subjects and diseased pop-
per patient. For an analytical bias of 0.5 mg/dL, the ulations are important benchmarks for the clinical
potential healthcare cost increase ranged from $34 to interpretation of laboratory test values. The use of dif-
$89 per patient. With approximately 3.55 million USA ferent, sometimes erroneous, reference intervals may
patients receiving screening serum calcium tests markedly affect the clinical interpretation of labora-
affected by systematic bias, the potential economic tory data, leading to errors in clinical decision-making
impacts range from $60 million to $199 million per (57). The production and release of the laboratory
year for analytic bias of 0.1 and 0.5 mg/dL, respec- report is the crucial step in post-analytical procedures,
tively. In addition, the psychological and emotional as its format, content, and communication signifi-
effects that this has on patients should be considered. cantly affect the interpretation and utilization of
The effects of analytical bias on medical and econom- laboratory data by clinicians. The importance of infor-
ical outcomes are widely demonstrated (52). mation technology in improving reliability and secu-
rity of result reporting is widely recognized.
Requirements for information technology in labora-
Post-analytical errors tory medicine now go well beyond the provision of
purely analytical data and include fundamental
Post-analytical quality, the ultimate check on the con- aspects of data communication, namely the notifica-
sistency of pre- and intra-analytical quality, can be tion of results that fall within established critical or
considered as the overall quality (53). It ties together alert intervals (61). In particular, the possible role of
not only the quality of the question to be answered, interpretative comments in improving patient out-
the analytical quality achieved and the usefulness of comes has generated a lot of interest. Guidelines for
the answer obtained, but also the context of the the provision of interpretative comments have been
patient and the perceived abilities of the physician to released (62) and schemes for assessing the quality
interpret and utilize laboratory information. Similar to of comments have been initiated (63). The results
the pre-analytical step, the post-analytical phase can obtained indicate that interpretation provided by lab-
be subdivided into one phase performed within the oratory professionals with inadequate expertise can
laboratory and another (post-post-analytical phase) in be dangerous, and highlight the need for improve-
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ment in the standard of interpretation currently pro- 6.4% to 12%, while in a larger percentage of cases
vided (64, 65). (26–30%) a laboratory error translates into a patient
care problem. In a study by Plebani and Carraro (11),
Post-analytical procedures performed outside the 6.4% of errors translated into inappropriate transfu-
laboratory sions, modifications in heparin infusion, infusions of
electrolyte solution and modifications in digoxin ther-
In the post-analytical phase performed outside lab- apy. The incidence of further inappropriate investi-
oratory control (post-post-analytical phase), the clini- gations is much higher. Approximately 30% of lab-
cian receives, reads and interprets the results, and oratory errors can lead to undue repetition of
makes a decision on the basis of information from the laboratory tests, more invasive testing (CAT scan,
laboratory and other sources. There is evidence that NMR, biopsies, etc.), and consultations that create
laboratory information is only partially utilized: a discomfort and increased costs for patients and the
recent report demonstrates that 45% of the results for healthcare system, respectively. Among errors due to
urgent laboratory tests requested by the Emergency analytical interference in immunoassays, 21% were
Department of one hospital were never accessed, or potentially misleading and likely to have adverse clin-
were accessed far too late (66). In addition, numerous ical effects. Anecdotal evidence indicates that one
errors can occur at this stage, as admitted by some error can translate into 15 clinical consultations with
clinicians on completing questionnaires (26), but pro- primary-care physicians and hospital specialists, 77
blems can be generated at the laboratory-clinician laboratory tests, a pituitary computed tomography
interface. In fact, results released by the laboratory scan and inappropriate treatment (49).
may not contain all the information needed by the cli-
nician; the laboratory report may even contain infor-
mation that the clinician considers superfluous or Classification, prevention and correction of
irrelevant. It has also been underlined that the intro- laboratory errors
duction of new and complex tests, including genetic The heterogeneity of criteria used in the literature on
testing, may increase the complexity of medical man- laboratory errors has led to different classification
agement, and this, in turn, may influence the inter- proposals. Table 3 shows a classification proposal
pretation and clinical applicability of new and aimed at identifying errors both within and outside of
promising laboratory tests. Laposata and coworkers the direct control of the laboratory (72).
have demonstrated the usefulness of a laboratory According to recently proposed ISO Technical
interpretive service based on a pathologist’s written, Specifications (8), laboratory errors, non-conformities
evidence-based, patient-specific interpretation that and incidents can be classified as follows:
automatically accompanies the results of complex
laboratory testing panels in several areas of labora- a) Cycle phase of event (pre-, intra- or post-analy-
tory medicine (67–69). The core of this service is the tical);
substitution of individual test requests by clinicians b) Recognition of where the event has been gener-
with the clinical question, the use of reflex testing to ated (internal or external to the laboratory);
increase appropriateness of test selection, and the c) Responsibility for event (latent or active, cognitive
provision of a patient-specific narrative interpretation or non-cognitive);
of test results. The results of a survey conducted by d) Preventability (from not preventable to highly
the same group demonstrate physician satisfaction in preventable);
nearly 80% of responses and a significant reduction e) Impact on patient care (none or minimal to inap-
in test-ordering errors per requisition after 2.5 years propriate treatment/diagnosis).
of this service (69). The above classification should enable medical lab-
oratories to: a) recognize the cause of errors; b) iden-
Effects of laboratory errors on patient tify high-risk processes where the potential for error
outcomes could lead to a risk for patients; c) identify real inci-
dents associated with deviations from standard requi-
Pre- and post-analytical errors, which are frequent, rements; d) estimate and evaluate the associated risk
undermine the quality of laboratory testing and can to patient care; e) control these risks; and f) monitor
have an unacceptable impact on patient care the effectiveness of the controls undertaken.
(Table 2). ISO Technical Specifications are useful for classi-
The risk of inappropriate care, and therefore of fying laboratory errors and, above all, stressing the
adverse events, due to laboratory errors ranges from importance of identifying potential errors and non-

Table 2 Effects of laboratory errors on patient outcomes.

Number of Effect on Risk of

errors patient care inappropriate care

• Ross and Boone (70) 336 30 7

• Nutting et al. (71) 180 27 12
• Plebani and Carraro (11) 189 26 6.4
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756 Plebani: Errors in clinical laboratories or errors in laboratory medicine?

conformities through a planned review of processes reduce laboratory errors. This should be achieved
and corrective and preventive action. Moreover, the through more sophisticated control of laboratory pro-
management’s responsibility in implementing pre- cesses thanks to affective integration between auto-
ventive and corrective actions is clearly stated. A mation and information management. In particular,
review of laboratory non-conformities, errors and while automation is responsible for sample assess-
incidents at regular intervals, as well as of the effects ment at the beginning of the process, optimized
of preventive and corrective actions, should allow routing and scheduling, and accurate and reliable
clinical laboratories to improve the quality of labora- measurements, information management involves
tory services and patient safety. Moreover, the access processes, specimen tracking, data logging
identification, implementation and monitoring of indi- and reporting, and quality control documentation.
cators that effectively evaluate the quality of pre-,
intra- and post-analytical phases can drive assess-
ment and continuous improvement programs for lab-
oratory services (73, 74). Introduction into the
laboratory arena of some methodologies that identify
Recent years have seen a significant improvement in
the most critical steps in the total testing process,
our perception of the importance of patient safety and
such as cognitive task analysis, HAZard and Opera-
the need to reduce medical errors. As they are part of
bility study and the Absolute probability Judgement
the overall healthcare system, clinical laboratories are
(75–77), should allow us to identify the risk of errors
prone to medical errors. A body of evidence demon-
and to at least reduce the errors that are more likely
strates that, currently, the pre- and post-analytical
to affect patient outcomes. Another quality tool, Six
steps of the laboratory testing process are more error-
Sigma, incorporating management commitment and
prone than the analytical steps. However, some
support, a basic problem-solving methodology rely-
points deserve further consideration:
ing heavily on metric analysis and a management
system that supports continual improvement, has a) Although analytical methods and systems have
been successfully introduced into some clinical labo- been significantly improved in recent decades, we
ratories (78). should not become complacent. There is much
Laboratory automation provides for standardized room for improvement, particularly in areas such
workflow and helps to eliminate many error-prone as immunoassays, and for more effective proce-
steps undertaken by humans. Automation and robot- dures for quality assessment and control.
ics are effective in decreasing the likelihood of lab- b) More effective integration between automation
oratory errors occurring from active human factors and information management is crucial for assur-
such as stress, fatigue, and cognitive impairment. ing process control that allows us to identify and
Clinical laboratories must identify areas in which improve on the critical steps in pre-, intra- and
human involvement can be reduced and the use of post-analytical phases.
automation and robotics increased. However, effec- c) Technological solutions, such as computerized
tive control of the total testing process will further order-entry systems, bar-coding identification of
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