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Solo is many culture.

Solo is batik city.

Solo is born Jokowi.
Solo is beautiful city.
Solo has selat Solo.

Nama saya Wuyi.

Saya guru.
My name Wuyi.=> My name is Wuyi.
I teacher. => I am a teacher.

Kata kerja bantu (auxiliary verb/helping verb): Membantu kata kerja utama dengan
memberikan arti tambahan.
1. To be (is, am, are, was, were):
a. to be + V-ing
artinya: aktif (me-), sedang
Sinta is singing.
Aldy was sleeping.
Sheilla and Putri are walking to school.
b. to + V3
artinya: pasif (di-)
The wall is painted green.
The car was repaired.
The cakes are eaten.
2. do/does/did + Vdasar
I do not (don’t) sleep there.
We did not (didn’t) come home last night.
Does Karen sing?
Via sings. <= Via does sing.
 Does Via sing?
 Via does not (doesn’t) sing?
Budi walked to school. <= Budi did walk to school.
 Did Budi walk to school?
 Budi did not (didn’t) walk to school.
3. have/has/had + V3
I have watched the film 3 times.
I haven’t watched the film.
Have I watched the film?
Danny has slept for an hour.
Danny hasn’t slept for an hour.
Has Danny slept for an hour?
4. Modal Auxiliary + Vdasar

Present Past Arti (umum)

Will Would Akan
Shall Should Akan (seharusnya)
Can Could Dapat
May Might Boleh
Must/have to Had to Harus
Saya akan pergi ke Jakarta => I will go to Jakarta.
=? I would go to Jakarta.
Diah dapat naik sepeda. => Diah can ride a bicycle.
=> Diah could ride a bicycle,
Bolehkah saya pulang ke rumah sekarang?
=> May I go home now?
=> Might I go home?
Dia harus makan tiga kali sehari.
=> He must eat three times a day.
=> He had to eat three times a day.

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