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No Title: Main Skill/Complementary Skill Date

1 Unit 7: Extreme Situations:2.1.1/ 8.3.2021
Task A page 89
1) Have you ever done an extreme sports? Would you like to?

2) Have you ever been to any place with extreme conditions?

Task B page 89
Put a √ next to the statements that describe extreme sports and a × next to those that do not.
1. They’re dangerous
2. In the end, you get a sense of achievement
3. They’re relaxing
4. They’re very exciting
5. You need a good instructor

Task C page 89
Select one of the extreme sports listed below and then describe if in two to three sentences to achieve
band 4/5.

• bungee-jumping • windsurfing
• scuba diving • free-diving
• skurfing • paddleboarding

Exam Task page 89

Rock climbing

Ice swimming

Useful Expressions
Sentence Paraphrasing
It’s a sort of It’s a kind of
It’s an activity that/a place where/a person I think it’s a
It could be/ might be It’s a similar to
It’s dangerous because It’s risky because
You need to try it You should give it a try
You should be careful have You should be cautious of

Q1. Which is the best paraphrase of the following sentence?
Deserts cover one fifth of the surface of the Earth. 
A. Deserts cover one fifth of the Earth.
B. One fifth of the Earth's surface is desert.
C. Deserts cover one fifth of the Earth.
D. Deserts cover more than half of the Earth's surface.
Q2. What is the best paraphrase of the following sentence?
A type of shark called a shortfin mako can leap 20 feet above the surface of the water.
A. A shark can leap 20 feet out of the water, it is called a shortfin mako. 
B. The shortfin mako shark can jump above the surface of water.
C..A shortfin mako is a kind of shark that can leap 20 feet out of the water. 
D.A shortfin mako can jump 20 feet above the surface of the water
Q3. What is the best paraphrase of the following sentence?
Brazil is the largest country in South America and Suriname is the smallest. 
A. The biggest country in South America is Brazil, while the tiniest is Suriname.
B. Suriname and Brazil the largest and smallest countries in Brazil.
C. The largest country is Brazil and the smallest country is Suriname, and they are both countries in
D. The two countries of Brazil and Suriname are two countries in Brazil.
Q4. Choose the sentence that BEST paraphrases this sentence:
A high school student usually has summer reading assignments.
A. A high school student always has homework assignments in the summer.
B .It is common for students in high school to have summer reading assignments.
C. Usually school aged students have summer reading assignments.
D. Most summer school students have high school reading to do.
Q5. Choose the BEST paraphrase of this sentence:
Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, has been an important market and trading place for
hundreds of years.
(World Book Illustrated Atlas page 103)
A, Tashkent and Uzbekistan are important places to trade hundreds of things in the market.
B. The Uzbekistan capital city of Tashkent has been a major market and trading place for centuries.
C. For hundreds of years, Tashkent has been the capital of Uzbekistan and trading places now is
important for the market.
D. Uzbekistan is a popular place for markets and for hundreds of years Tashkent has been trading
its capital goods.
Q6.  Choose the BEST paraphrase of this text: 
Lionel Messi earns a whopping $39.6 million a year for playing striker for La Liga's Barcelona
(Scholastic Book of World Records 2011 page 99)
A. Lionel Messi earns a whopping $39.6 million a year for playing striker for La Liga's Barcelona
B. According to Scholastic Book of World Records 2011, I think it is great that soccer player Lionel
Messi earns a whopping $39.6 million a year for playing striker for La Liga's Barcelona team!
C. Soccer player Lionel Messi earns a whopping $39.6 million a year for playing soccer as
striker/winger for La Liga's Barcelona team. Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia and the second
largest city in Spain.
D .According to Scholastic Book of World Records 2011, soccer player Lionel Messi makes over $39
million dollars annually. This impressive salary is from his work as a striker for La Liga's Barcelona
team (page 99).
Q7. Which is the best paraphrase of the following sentence?
Dragonflies have six legs, but they can’t walk. 
A. Dragonflies have six legs but cannot walk, and I think that this is odd.
B .Dragonflies have six legs.
C .Although Dragonflies have six legs, they cannot walk at all.
D. Even though they have six legs, dragonflies can’t walk. 

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