A10190136 B.inggris t9 Hidayat Ade Saputra Sastra Wijaya

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Name : Hidayat ade ssaputra sastra wijaya Reg.

Number : A10190136

Department: Bachelor Management Class : Manajemen C

Fill in the blank with “will” or “won’t”.

What will I be doing during the next ten years? That’s easy to answer. First, I will graduate from
college next year. I won’t get a job right away. Instead, I will travel for a few months. I will
starts in Los Angeles and will visit Hawaii, Japan and Hong Kong. I have college friends in each
place, and I hope I will see them. Unfortunately, there won’t be enough time to go to all the
places I’d like to visit. When I get back, I will start training as a pilot. I hope I will find a job with
a major airline in about three years. I won’t get married until I get a job and work for a few
years. By then, I will have enough money to start a family.

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