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Name : Hidayat ade saputra sastra wijaya Reg.

Number : A10190136

Department: Bachelor Management Class : Manajemen C

I would like to ___________ a deluxe room for two nights.
A. order
B. reserve √
C. rent
(Saya ingin memesan sebuah kamar deluxe untuk dua malam)

Answer the correct answer (A, B, or C), then translate them into Indonesian.

1. If you've never been to this city, you should take a look at our sight-seeing Brochures
A. Menu
B. Brochures √
C. front desk
Jika Anda belum pernah ke kota ini, Anda harus melihat brosur wisata kami

2. Sorry, we don't have a _______ service. You'll have to park your car yourself.
A. room
B. laundry
C. valet √
Maaf, kami tidak memiliki layanan valet. Anda harus memarkir mobil Anda sendiri.

3. The room has a pull-_______ couch, so it will sleep an extra person.

A. off
B. over √
C. out
Kamar memiliki sofa lipat, sehingga dapat menampung orang tambahan.

4. I’m sorry, but we don't have any vacancies. We are fully-_______ tonight.
A. vacant
B. booked √
C. closed
Saya minta maaf, tapi kami tidak punya lowongan. Kami sudah dipesan penuh malam ini.

5. After your long conference you can relax in the __________.

A. kitchenette
B. parking lot
C. hot tub √
Setelah konferensi panjang Anda, Anda dapat bersantai di bak mandi air panas

6. I'll call housekeeping and ask them to bring you some fresh _________.
A. Ice √
B. milk
C. linen
Aku akan menelepon housekeeping dan meminta mereka membawakanmu es segar.

7. If you need to do your workout we have a _______ on the third floor.

A. Gym √
B. Restaurant
C. Library
Jika Anda perlu melakukan latihan, kami memiliki gym di lantai tiga.

8. You might like to voice your complaint about the rate to the_________.
A. housekeeper
B. valet driver

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C. hotel manager √
Anda mungkin ingin menyampaikan keluhan Anda tentang tarif tersebut kepada manajer hotel

9. Please put your used _______ in the basket and leave unused ones hanging on the rack.
A. Dishes
B. Towels √
C. Tissues
Harap letakkan handuk bekas Anda di keranjang dan biarkan handuk yang tidak terpakai tergantung
di rak.

10. If you need a midnight snack there's a _______ full of potato chips on your floor.
A. Bellboy
B. Kitchenette √
C. vending machine
Jika Anda membutuhkan camilan tengah malam, ada dapur kecil yang penuh dengan keripik kentang
di lantai Anda.

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