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Tropes vs.

Sometimes, the best thing you can do is own your play the Anti-Hero, you have some material to run
stereotypes. Embrace them. After all, what’s better with.
than a Mark that underestimates you? If you play into Then, we break it down. We talk about how a given
a stereotype, it’ll build expectations. People assume archetype could fit into the five Roles, with examples
you’ll do certain things. After all, the human mind of how you could adapt the archetype to fit. These
wants to find patterns in everything. take the form of notes on background, motivations,
attitudes, or philosophies. Then, we offer a Talent for
each archetype. You can take this Talent as your non-
How To Use This Book Role Talent in order to emphasize the archetype, using
Inside, you’ll find character archetypes of all shapes a Role Talent to bring it all home. Alternatively, you
and sizes. They’re not quite fully-fleshed characters, could take the Talent later, to play up the stereotypes
but they’re great points to start with. If you want to associated with the archetype.

You exemplify the old saying about making omelets Thief: Sometimes, you need things to get the Job
and egg-breaking necessities. You do what has to be done. Usually, other people own those things. Often,
done to get the Job done. You’re not in it for friends innocent people own those things. You try to be
and popularity. Often, the Crew will see your methods respectful. You’ll steal cars from office parking lots
as risky. They tolerate your methods because you’re the during the day, and try to return them before closing
best at what you do, even though you start fights without hours. That is, usually. Sometimes, you just have to
even trying. On the other hand, you also have a knack for take what you need, and you tell yourself it’s just a
drawing a cult following. way of breaking down excessive materialism in
today’s culture.
Grifter: You’re always in character. Nobody knows
your real name. You’ve spent a great deal of energy
cultivating terrifying reputations around some of New Talent: Break a
your identities. When someone name-drops one of
your past identities, rooms go silent.
Few Eggs
Hacker: You’re all about versatile solutions for all of You don’t hesitate to make a little sacrifice every now

life’s problems. With some stripped copper wire, and again.

batteries, household chemicals, and a tin can, you can Activation: Crewmember raises the stakes in a Fight

wreck a political office. This is both figurative and Action. Give the player a Plot Point. Spend a Plot

literal. Sometimes, you even check to see if the janitor Point as well.

left before you go about your business. Effect: Instead of raising the stakes, the Crewmember

Hitter: Grim. Gritty. Quiet. Deadly. You’re a soldier, is Taken Down. Take their highest die, and add it to

and you’re sworn to protect your charge at any cost. your next roll. You may count three dice toward your

When you close a fist, you close it with intent. You result for that roll.

don’t threaten, you act. You rarely finish a Job without

police attention.
Mastermind: You lost your military pension due to
government malfeasance. Now, you play chess. More
importantly, you win at chess. In chess, sometimes
you lose pawns. You try not to stress over the losses.
Sometimes, your Crew thinks you don’t see them as
individual human beings. You do. But you also see
them as soldiers. To a soldier, the Job comes first.

Archetypes 1
You build. You create. You organize. You have a grand plan Hitter: You see yourself as an agent of karma. It’s
in your head, and you need to share it with the world. your duty to correct imbalances in the fabric of the
You never act without thinking about the complexities universe. Typically, you accomplish this through
of the long term. Everything takes a back seat to your meticulous balance of body, mind, and soul. For every
grand vision. Often, this makes you come off as aloof, but bone you break, you plant a tree or rebuild a broken
it also makes you a wonderful inspirational figure. home. You understand that in all good, there is some
evil, and in all evil, there is some good. However, it’s
Grifter: Everyone is but an actor in the grand play of your duty to see that evil does not become pure and
life. You just happen to be many actors at the same rampant.
time. While most Grifters fill whatever functional Mastermind: Most Masterminds have the whole Job
role the Job requires, you focus more on balance, planned out in advance. They account for Plan G;
and finding niches. This helps you to think outside they’ve considered every possible angle. You take that
the box. If you’re trapped in a bank robbery, other further. Every Job is part of a greater plot, a greater
Grifters might try to fast-talk the robbers. You do con. Your calculation and purpose are downright
your research and impersonate their getaway driver Machiavellian. You don’t take a Job without a deeper
to get them to leave in a hurry. purpose. Every con is a stepping stone to another.
Hacker: The architect Hacker is all about a deep-seated Even losses are part of the plan. Sometimes, the Crew
faith in technology. Technology solves problems. is unwilling to accept your complacency in failure.
It gives answers. It connects everything. To you, it’s Thief: Thieves steal things. But you steal with purpose,
the greatest religion known to humanity. You fight with an eye on the goal. You steal objects, sure, but
for innovation. You fight for innovators. Anyone what you really steal is security. You steal a Mark’s
advancing technology for the sake of advancement is sense of safety and control. You tear down the fabric
good in your book. of a criminal enterprise through your work. You’re
artful, pointed, and downright psychological in your

New Talent: The Great

Everything you’ve done in the past was meant to
enhance what you’re doing now.
Activation: You use a Callback.
Effect: Add a d8, instead of a d6.

2 Hollywood Hacking
vs. the Real World
Anyone can become a good con with time, training, and Mastermind: You dig through the works of the
dedication. A great con takes more. A great con takes masters, and you combine, rework, and execute them
a lifestyle and mentorship from the best. Taking that a in ways to make them sing. Sometimes, the Crew
step further, a perfect con requires all those things, and wonders if you’re running roughshod and haphazard
passion. Perfect cons look at their craft as an art form, a through the Job, because things fall apart. It’s nothing
thing of beauty. You’re this con. You want the world to of the sort. You believe it’s a Mastermind’s job to
tell stories of your work for generations to come. You sweep up all the pieces and build something better
want them to name a con game after you. You want your in the Wrap-Up.
pictures in the history books. Thief: Some thieves leave without a trace. Some leave
calling cards. You leave elaborate art installations
Grifter: You take different roles, and you talk circles leading to complex cat-and-mouse games you know
around your Mark. That’s a given. But you take it you’ll win. You can’t just win, you have to run your
further. You play it for the challenge. You go for harder Mark through the ringer and make them pursue. You
and harder roles. You sell tenuous and convoluted have to make them look the fool, and know exactly
cons, so when you wrap, the Mark feels all the more what you did to cause the laughs.
foolish. You machinate the reveal to the most public
and obvious displays possible.
Hacker: If you want to be 1337, you have to do a New Talent: Flourish
righteous hack. When the Crew asks you to hack into You don’t just win, you shine.
a bank account, you step up the game and hack the Activation: You achieve an Extraordinary Success in
IRS. If they ask you to short sell a Mark’s stocks, you any Contested Action.
put the Mark’s name and crashing account on the Effect: Take a Plot Point and a d6 Asset.
Wall Street stock tickers.
Hitter: You’re a martial artist, with emphasis on the
“art.” You believe in the perfection of body and form.
There’s nothing that cannot be solved with sufficient
application of discipline and technique. You spend
every possible moment in training. Often, the Crew
teases you for meditating while they’re out having

Archetypes 3
You let no wrong go unpunished. Something bad Mastermind: You’re all about the follow-through.
happened to you in the past. Either you avenged it, or Most Jobs end when the Mark loses their criminal
your retribution was denied. Either way, now you’re enterprise. You plan for aftershocks. You plan for
dedicated to the cause of vengeance. Your Marks will the long-term hurt. Your cons put mechanisms into
always know what they’ve done wrong, and why they motion that keep the Mark from recovering and
were ruined. going back to their devious ways. You put the client
in charge of the Mark’s empire, to hold the Mark
Grifter: Your game is pain. When you grift, you down. Worse still, you keep dirt on old Marks. You
specialize in getting close, getting intimate with your use that dirt in later Jobs, and pull ”favors” from your
Mark. That way, it hurts when you rip it all away. You past targets.
can’t always do to the rich and powerful what they Thief: You can steal anything. But you don’t steal unless
can do to the powerless, but anyone in the world can it’s personal. Faberge eggs are a great challenge, but
feel betrayal. Any Hitter can twist a knife. You can you’d prefer to nab the lucky dime your Mark’s
twist a knife that nobody can block. father passed down when she took over the family
Hacker: When you hit a Mark, you hit them so hard business. You steal wedding rings, signed baseballs,
their grandchildren can’t get credit. You specialize personalized high school yearbooks—anything that
in slash-and-burn identity devastation. Where adds that personal touch.
most Hackers are content to destroy people’s digital
existence, you launch attacks in their names. You
guarantee they’ll never get work or show their faces New Talent:
in polite society again. They’ll be on every terrorist
watch list, with APBs from Anchorage all the way
Unrelenting Force
down to Zahedan. When acting in the name of revenge, when righting

Hitter: You’re the tank. You’re the big gun. When wrongs and bringing justice, you are an unstoppable

you’re let loose on the Mark, you don’t stop until force of nature.

the ambulances arrive. Sometimes, that’s not even Activation: The Fixer raises the stakes by five, when

enough to stop you. Many Hitters wield fear as a you’re in pursuit of vengeance.

weapon. You handle a weapon as a weapon. You stop Effect: You are not Taken Down. You can try to raise

anything in your path with efficient, brutal force. the stakes like normal. If the Fixer raised the stakes

A Mark should never forget a good con. Yours are by ten, however, it’s lights out.

memorable because of the scars.

4 Hollywood Hacking
vs. the Real World
Bleeding Heart
You hurt for everyone around you. Your empathy drives Mastermind: You’re the heart of the Crew. You
you to succeed. You can put yourself in anyone’s shoes, work with a bunch of criminals, and you’ve tasked
and feel their plight. yourself with redeeming them, and keeping them on
the straight and narrow. You take up the same role
Grifter: You’re totally method. Do you know those with outsiders, sometimes even with your Mark. You
commercials about starving animals? The ones they believe everyone gets a second chance. However,
play late at night, with pop stars asking for money? most Marks burn that second chance just about as
You cause that reaction with a frown. Sympathy is quickly as you can give it.
your greatest tool. No good person would ever want Thief: You’re a proverbial Robin Hood. You rob from
to hurt you. But bad people? They want to hurt you the rich, and give to the poor. Even if the Job goes
so very much more. You’re the perfect bait, and you south, you’ll make sure you redistribute as much
know it. wealth as you can muster. Sometimes, your work
Hacker: You’re so good that when you make Internet gets in the way of the Crew’s, because of your single-
petitions, they work. You’re an activist at your minded sympathy for the underprivileged.
keyboard, and with a few words, and a whole lot of
blind carbon copies on your emails, you make change.
You know the right strings to pull, the right buttons New Talent: Sympathy
to push. Social justice is your bread and butter. You You know people. You understand them like none other.
use the Internet to turn it into delicious toast. Activation: You’re rolling a Notice Action relating to a
Hitter: Your idea of a good afternoon involves blocking person’s moods or motives.
the entrance to an oil rig run by a corrupt magnate. Effect: Add a d8 to your roll. Include a third die in your
Sometimes it seems you’re better at getting hit, than result.
hitting. You’re okay with this. Every punch you take
is one that isn’t hitting the oppressed. You get to be a
suit of armor against the privileged class.

Archetypes 5
You’re not necessarily a child, but you’re probably Mastermind: This whole “leading a Crew” thing is
the youngest on the Crew. You’re definitely the least new to you. But it’s okay, you tell them, you know
experienced. You constantly need coaching and advice. what you’re doing. Nevermind all the evidence to the
You often make amateur mistakes. One day, you’ll run contrary. You rely on confidence, beginner’s luck, and
a Crew. Right now, you’ve got to handle the 101 lessons. the patience and skill of your Crewmembers to get by.
Your best skill is deflecting criticism.
Grifter: You don’t have a stable of cover identities Thief: It’s not that you weren’t taught right and wrong.
yet. However, your inexperience lets you play naïve It’s more that you were taught…differently. You grew
with an almost legendary effectiveness. Nobody ever up thinking that theft was a valid method of income
assumes you’re a brilliant con, mostly because you’re generation, and that if you could do it without being
not. More than a few times, a Mark has overlooked caught, it was perfectly acceptable. Sometimes,
your efforts out of pure pity. Crewmembers lose track of the sandwiches they
Hacker: You’re a total noob. You took some classes; leave in the fridge.
you’ve pulled some hacks. You know the theory
and book information, but you haven’t put it all
into action. Working with your Crew gives you that New Talent:
chance. Unfortunately, they were expecting more
from you. You talked a big game; now you’ve got to
scramble to deliver on all those promises. When you screw up, people just think you were fooling

Hitter: You lash out. You lived a difficult life. Now, around. This sometimes lets you get by with some

you respond with fist, feet, and often headbutting. egregious mistakes that would net professionals a prison

Your value to the Crew is as a ticking time bomb. sentence.

This has its positives and negatives. On one hand, Activation: You’re Taken Down in a Fight Action.

you’re a bomb. On the other, you’re a bomb. At least Effect: Spend a Plot Point. The Fixer takes a

one Crewmember sees you as a lost child, and tries Complication. You’re not Taken Down, and can

to foster you into something greater, and more either withdraw without consequence or attempt to

importantly, something safer. raise the stakes. This even applies if the Fixer rolls an
Extraordinary Success.

6 Hollywood Hacking
vs. the Real World
Comic Relief
You’re the archetypical fool. You’re the jester, the clown, Mastermind: Your humor focuses on keeping the
the joker. You handle everything as if it were a joke, Mark and everyone else involved in the Job distracted.
and you dedicate your career to keeping spirits high You always have a plan for something silly happening
and seriousness low. Sometimes, you’ll tell a joke at on the periphery, something to make the Mark
the wrong time. But usually, you keep everyone in the underestimate your deeper plans. Then, while they’re
right perspective. In a high-stakes game, it’s easy to get laughing to the left, you give them the right hook.
pessimistic. You’re there to keep that from happening. Thief: You’re the magician. You’re a master of sleight
of hand, and distraction. You keep the audience
Grifter: You switch from face to face, and each identity laughing, while you steal the pants right off of them.
is more self-deprecating than the last. You adopt new Sometimes, you don’t even bother to hide your work.
roles just to let them fall down in spectacular ways. If you play it into a good enough skit, the Mark will
Often, this means getting work within the Mark’s laugh right along as you pickpocket him.
business, and using these glorious mistakes to bring
down the business from the inside.
Hacker: For your Mark, the day your virus graced his New Talent: You Know,
screen may have been the most important day of his
life. For you, it was Tuesday. You hack to pwn; you
Your Shoelace is Untied
hack to make your Mark look like a complete buffoon. You work your Mark with wit, leaving them unable to

This works offline as well; you know your way around defend against your coup de grace.

a Rube Goldberg machine. Activation: You’re in a Fight Action. Spend a Plot Point.

Hitter: You’re all about the slapstick, the physical Effect: The Fixer may choose not to include a second

humor. You fight with your environment. You’re die in her result. For every die past the first she counts,

dangerous around ladders, sofa units, and window you get a d8 Asset. You may use this Asset to raise the

panes. Your ideal fight takes place in a pie shop. You’re stakes in the same Fight Action, or later.

a little less Jet Li, Steven Seagal, and Chuck Norris.

You’re a little more Jackie Chan, Bruce Campbell, and
Three Stooges.

Archetypes 7
You’re comfortable in a support position. It’s your spend a lot of time around your Mastermind, making
job to make the rest of the Crew look good. You work certain he’s not crippled by an angry Mark.
with them to keep confidence in the face of adversity. Mastermind: Sure, you lead. But really, you help the
You’re a shoulder to cry on. You’re the first one to stage others lead themselves. You’re fostering talent. You’re
a necessary intervention. You’re the family some of your always trying to build the Crew’s skills, and get
Crewmembers have never had. You represent stability everyone ready to lead their own Crews one of these
for the team; you’re always there. days.
Thief: You move in and out of the shadows, poking at
Grifter: Grifters will play thousands of roles to con hornets’ nests and doing recon work for your Crew.
a Mark. You take these skills, and turn them inward. Because of your spying, your Hitter knows your Mark
You play whatever parts your Crewmembers need. has a glass jaw. Because of your traps, you can hand
Sometimes you’re the nurturer. Sometimes you’re the your Hacker all your Mark’s email passwords. You’re
drill sergeant. It doesn’t matter who you really are; all about facilitating access.
you’re exactly what they need.
Hacker: You’re comfortable working behind the scenes.
You use subtle tricks to make everyone feel successful. New Talent: Best
You stage the warehouse walls to collapse when the
Hitter fights. You use lighting to bolster your Grifter’s
Supporting Actor
game. You target security systems to keep your Thief You’re the one on the one-two punch. You make your

tumbling and rappelling nonstop. Crew truly shine with everything you do.

Hitter: You’re the iconic bodyguard. You aren’t the Activation: You’re in a Face Action or Fight Action.

face-forward weapon for the Crew; your task is to Spend a Plot Point.

make sure they can do their parts uninhibited. You Effect: Take the highest die you did not count in your
result. Give the Crew an Asset equal to that die type.

8 Hollywood Hacking
vs. the Real World
You tinker. You pick nits. You find the evidence. In the Mastermind: You study the unexpected. You study the
end, that attention to detail changes everything. You plan. You hammer out every kink, and you account
believe in the system; you believe in proven formulas for for every response. More importantly, you’re an
success. When you apply the formula, crime can’t win expert at studying Marks, and finding exactly where
(unless it’s your crime). they’ll be at a given time.
Thief: You study the path. Where most Thieves will
Grifter: You study people. You eat, sleep, and breathe learn the make and model of every security camera,
motivation. When you interact with a Mark, you ask you know which manufacturing plant they come
why. Then, when you have the answer, you ask why from, so you know which cheap substitution parts
again. Then again. No answer is ever enough, not you can exploit.
until you find the deep-seated reasons for everything
he’s doing.
Hacker: You study paper trails. You don’t stop with New Talent: Like a
embarrassing hotel receipts. You don’t stop with
yearbook photos. You know why the Mark has
strange and incomplete immunization records. You Nothing escapes your critical eye. Needles in haystacks

know why there’s a page missing from that passport. are your morning crossword puzzles.

Hitter: You study weakness. You study cracks and soft Activation: You’re making a Notice Action.

spots. You know just where to focus that punch, that Effect: Always include a third die in your result, if you

explosion, that well-aimed car to bring everything have one available.

crashing down. A good Hitter knows where someone

learned to fight. You can identify the battalion
number because of the subtleties in the way the Mark
swings a knife.

Archetypes 9
Devil’s Advocate
You speak for the bad guy, sometimes. When the Crew Mastermind: Most Masterminds do the Job in a rather
pursues a Mark, you exhaust every avenue to defend him straightforward fashion. They put everyone where
and give him the benefit of the doubt. It isn’t because they need to be, and tell them what they have to do.
you lack empathy for his victims; it’s because you want to Some Masterminds will play mind games, trying to
be sure the Crew’s efforts are properly directed. Without get their Crewmembers to act the way they need
your help, a Crew might stop when they remove a fall without thinking about it. You challenge your Crew.
guy, or a ranking underling. You find the real problem You test their assertions. You poke and prod until
through logic and consideration of all angles. they’re sure of what they’re doing.
Thief: You’re a troublemaker. You like to test the victims,
Grifter: You get into the Mark’s skin. During some and push their buttons. You’ve chased too many
Jobs, you’ll impersonate her on the phone, or even in Marks on too many fake Jobs, and you’re not going
person. You’ll do anything you can to put yourself in to do it again. Now, you go to every length to make
her shoes, and understand exactly what she’s done, sure the victims are legit, and that they’re dedicated
and why. At very least, it helps the Crew to predict to bringing the Mark to justice. Not just that, but that
her actions. they’re telling the whole story.
Hacker: When you’re putting together the briefing, you
do just as much work building a case to defend the
Mark. Usually, the Mark is still very guilty. What this New Talent: Devil’s
means is, you know exactly how he’ll be defending
himself when push comes to shove.
Hitter: You have the unfortunate role of standing You work from a weaker position throughout most of

in the way of vengeance. You’re always in the right the Job, in order to tackle the Mark thoroughly later on.

place at the right time to stop victims from doing Activation: A Crewmember rolls for a Fight Action.

something they’ll regret. You protect the Mark, so Spend a Plot Point.

the Crew can do everything the right way. After all, a Effect: Take the lowest die they did not use in their

black eye heals. The Mark deserves worse. result. Set it aside. Apply it as an Asset during any roll
of the Wrap-Up Flashback.

10 Hollywood Hacking
vs. the Real World
Don Juan
You’re a hopeless romantic. You’re liable to fall for Mastermind: For you, love is like a good game of
someone or another in a Job. If not, it’s probably because poker. You love a good game of poker. But just
you already have an established history with someone like with a good game of poker, it might end with
involved. It’s not that you can’t commit, it’s just that someone upturning a table. Sometimes, that’s been
your lifestyle doesn’t lend itself to long relationships. your partner. Sometimes, it’s been you.
Unfortunately, those flings were often fiery trysts that Thief: When you’re the greatest Thief in the world, how
were quick to end and left mile-long trails of grudges. do you respond to others that think they hold that
title? In your case, competition is common. Romance
Grifter: You can fool anyone. That is, except the one is more common. Romance between thieves ends in
person you left wanting more. Now, they can see handcuffs, and sometimes in jail sentences.
right through you. Your career is peppered with these
burned bridges. It’s always high drama when you’re
involved. New Talent: Hopeless
Hacker: You were always awkward, and married
to machines. Now that you’re grown up and
accomplished, you’re always looking for love. Your Everywhere you go, you run into those you’ve wooed

lack of socialization early on means that now you before. This can be helpful, but it can also be hurtful.

trip and stumble a little more than you’d like to Activation: Introduce a past fling, no more than once

admit. This has led to some uncomfortable, or at least per scene.

embarrassing, mistakes. Effect: Take a d6 Asset. Give the Fixer a d6

Hitter: You’ve got that dashing, swashbuckling hero Complication.

thing going on. And it drives all the guys and gals wild.
When you save someone’s life, you do it with such
style that you ruin them for all other heroes forever.
Your fan club has started to get rabid as you’ve done
more and more for the good guys.

Archetypes 11
Femme Fatale
The term means “dangerous woman,” but it’s not Thief: You embody the phrase, “thief of hearts.” You
restrictive. You’re the proverbial black widow, the don’t even mean it. You accidentally get in too close,
honey trap, the sweet little lie. Whether you mean to or and they accidentally become attached. You have
not, people get too close to you, and this puts them in no intention of following through. After all, it’s just
vulnerable situations. business. They never see it that way.

Grifter: You know just the right buttons to push. A

look in the eyes, a couple of sweet words, and they New Talent: Honey
love you. Whatever they need you to be, that’s you.
Hacker: <3 is the universal language, and you speak
it fluently. You’ve got a way with words, and do not With a little time and a few batted eyelashes, you can get

hesitate to use them. A quoted poem in the signature someone on your side, if only for the moment.

line of your email, or a picture of a cat with a funny Activation: You’re interacting with any Supporting

caption, and you have them eating out of your palm. Character controlled by the Fixer. Spend a Plot Point.

Hitter: You’re the ultimate bad boy, and they run to Effect: Gain an Asset equal to their highest die,

you like moths to a candle flame. Half the time, you reflecting a moment of impulse, where they help in

can’t tell whether your Marks want to fight you or spite of their better instincts. Also, give the Fixer a d6

knock boots with you. The other half the time, they Complication.

want to do both.
Mastermind: You’re the brain that everyone wants
to touch. While you get far more attention than a
Mastermind should, this means you can generally
seduce your way into favorable engagements even
with your worst enemies. It won’t win the Job, but it’ll
put players into the right positions.

12 Hollywood Hacking
vs. the Real World
Your character is the devoted stoic, the chaste, the scion. Mastermind: Your brain is single-handedly responsible
The Job is everything. Emotion, personal agendas—these for keeping your Crew alive, for rescuing victims,
are things for lesser criminals. When you’re not on the for stopping Marks, and for maintaining a constant
Job, you’re studying your form and going over your past balance between those factors. This takes its toll. But
successes and failures. You’re dedicated to perfection instead of medicating yourself, you throw yourself
and the platonic ideal of your work. You’re lost in the further into the Job, letting research and theory act
romanticism of your crime fantasy. as your therapy.
Thief: There is nothing but the game, the thrill, the
Grifter: You’ve long-since abandoned “you.” You don’t chase. Everything about you is temporary, because
have an identity. You might have forgotten your birth everything can—and will—be stolen. You can’t see
name. Now, you’re a chameleon. You expect the Crew a lock without opening it. You can’t see a pocket
to call you by your current identity. You expect them without picking it. You don’t even need the contents.
to know which they’re speaking with at the time. You just need the freedom of access that only your
Hacker: You exist in cyberspace. If it cannot be done skills can provide.
on the grid, you are having none of it. Your Crew may
have never even met you in person, you’re so tied to
fiber optic cables and satellite transmissions. New Talent: Laser
Hitter: You live kung fu. You right wrongs. You travel
the world looking for challenges. You don’t touch
anything that may poison your body or distract When you’re only doing one thing, you’re a machine.

your mind. You see your body as a weapon against Activation: You’re in a Fight Action and using your

the wrongs of the world, and you must sharpen that primary Role. Spend a Plot Point.

weapon constantly. Effect: Add a d12 to your roll. Take four d4 as well to
reflect the single-minded focus and the neglect for
outside concerns.

Archetypes 13
You care for your charges, whoever they may be. You find Mastermind: You’re the classic den mother. You
strays, and you keep them safe. You teach them. You help brought a Crew of miscreants together, and you’re
them. And when they do wrong, you punish them. But turning them into heroes. You’re proud of every
even if they do wrong, you will always stand beside them accomplishment. You’re hurt by every transgression.
and support them. Generally, you act as mother over the You allow nothing short of success from them, not
Crewmembers. This isn’t always the case. because you want success, but because you feel they
deserve it.
Grifter: You flow from duty to duty to duty. A mother Thief: You had a hard upbringing. Now, you take in
does so many things, and you’re a master of doing one orphans. You defend the defenseless. You find youth
at a time, perfectly. Since everything is in character, just like you, and you make sure they don’t grow
you have no problem dropping one role, and moving up the way you did. The Crew sometimes wonders
on to the next without missing a beat. This means that where your cut of the spoils goes, but they don’t ask
in some conversations, you can be different people to questions about why your mailbox is filled to the
different partners all at the same time. brim with letters from children.
Hacker: You cultivate networks. You have all these
little gardens you’re growing in cyberspace; each one
is like a child you take pride in and protect. For each, New Talent: Nurturer’s
you have a vision. For each, you have a plan. You’ll not
rest until these communities serve those purposes.
Hitter: You’re the mother bear. You cling to something, You’re always willing to take the fall for your charge.

and woe betide the poor fool that tries to tear that Within the Crew, this means you’re willing to get burned

thing away from you. There are scars and broken while they step up their game.

bones all over the world that stand testament to your Activation: A Crewmember is Taken Down. Spend a

legendary defensiveness. Plot Point.

Effect: You’re Taken Down in their place. Somehow,
someway, you intervened and took the brunt of the

14 Hollywood Hacking
vs. the Real World
You’re bad to the bone, and nothing’s going to stand in Thief: When you’re around, the Crew sometimes
your way. Sure, you’ll do the good guy thing. But you’ll do turns up with empty pockets. No offense meant, but
it on your terms, on your schedule, and you can always you’ve got to turn a profit, and sometimes “alternative
walk away. Nothing ties you down. revenue streams” really mean “no pay for this Job.”
Your Mastermind knows you well enough to watch
Grifter: You play off your involvement with the Crew closely any time you’re talking to a Mark that might
as just another act. It may very well be. You shed your be interested in a double-agent.
skin and walk away every now and again. When the
Crew calls, you laugh it off. You don’t get why that’s
a problem. You’re a free spirit, and they should just New Talent: The Little
respect that.
Hacker: You live by a code. It’s a pirate’s code. You’re
mercenary; it just happens to be that the good guys Sometimes, you have to pull the unexpected, and put the

offer the best opportunities. A bad guy Hacker steals Crew in a little danger to bring everything together in

from people who have six or fewer zeroes at the end the end.

of their bank accounts. A good guy Hacker goes after Activation: A Crewmember is in a Fight Action. Spend

the richest Marks in the world. a Plot Point before they roll.

Hitter: You’re unchained, and this is why you’re so Effect: Take their highest die. Add it as an Asset for the

valuable. You don’t hesitate to break faces right open. Wrap-Up Flashback.

Sometimes, you break open the wrong faces, but

that’s the Mastermind’s problem. In a Crew, someone
always has to act as your cleanup and sometimes as
your public relations.
Mastermind: You don’t really know what you want.
You know the Job, and you know how to accomplish
it, but the path to get there is anyone’s guess. You play
loose with your Crewmembers. They don’t like it, but
you slip it past them with urgency. They don’t get
time to argue. By the time the Job’s done, you’re on to
the next one.

Archetypes 15
Writing: Photography:
David A. Hill Jr. Page i: The team face Damien Moreau head on © 2010 Leverage
3 Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Page ii: Nate, Eliot and Hardison listen to their informant. ©
Editing: 2010 Leverage 3 Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Sally Christensen Page 1: Eliot might be in trouble. © 2010 Leverage 3 Holdings,
Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Development: Page 2: Archie Leech, played by Richard Chamberlain. © 2010
Cam Banks Leverage 3 Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Page 3: Damien Moreau, played by Goran Visnjic. © 2010
Leverage 3 Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Layout & Production:
Page 5: Sophie’s sacrifice. © 2010 Leverage 3 Holdings, Inc. All
Daniel Solis Rights Reserved.
Page 7: Parker and Eliot in their undercover Christmas outfits. ©
Based on the LEVERAGE Roleplaying Game by Cam Banks, 2010 Leverage 3 Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Rob Donoghue, and Clark Valentine with Tiara Lynn Agresta, Page 8: Eliot and Hardison On the Run. © 2010 Leverage 3
Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Matt Forbeck, Stephanie Ford, Laura Anne Gilman, Fred Hicks,
Page 9: Dr. Anne Hannity, played by Lisa Brenner. © 2010
and Ryan Macklin Leverage 3 Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Page 11: Eliot Gets a Guitar Lesson from Kaye Lynn (Alona Tal).
© 2010 Leverage 3 Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Page 12: Nate Trying to Figure out What’s Going on with
Duberman. © 2010 Leverage 3 Holdings, Inc. All Rights
Page 13: Things get heated. © 2010 Leverage 3 Holdings, Inc. All
Rights Reserved.



Margaret Weis Productions, the Cortex System, Cortex Plus, and the Cortex Plus logo © 2012 Margaret Weis Productions, Ltd.
© Leverage Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
TNT logo and key art ™ & © Turner Network Television, A Time Warner Company. All Rights Reserved.

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