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NAME: Vista, Job A. DATE: 0ct. 30


“YOU” Through Other’s Eyes

This activity has two (2) parts that try to compare how we look at ourselves against how
people perceived us depending on how we present ourselves to them. For the first part, list ten to
fifteen (10-15) qualities or things that you think define who you are around the human figure
representing you.

For the second part, ask the people around you (your friends and family members), and
your digital friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and etc. the question “Who do you think I
am base on what you see me do or hear me say? Attached a screenshot or a picture of paper
where they wrote their answers.

Compare what you wrote about yourself to those written by your friends and family.
What aspects are similar and which are not? What aspects are always true to you? What aspects
are sometimes true or circumstantial? What aspects do you think are not really part of your

Base on the activity, what have you discovered? How did it affect your self-esteem?
Write your answers below.

- Some of my characteristics in how I see myself finds some contradiction in how others see
me. First others see me as a creative person, knows how to draw and stuff like that, but I don't
really see myself as how they do. I label myself as someone who has acquired a skill at drawing
through constant up and downs. I don't mind when someone say my skills are gift from God,
what I'm annoyed at is when someone constantly bugging me to use this "talent" to glorify God.
Look, I don't have any bad blood with God, but I hate it when they used the term "gift from
God" when I practiced years to get to this level. It's like all your hard work had been labeled as
talent. Please pardon me ma'am for nagging in my activity like this. And I don't also find myself
as smart or intelligent, I just think things through, which one of my friends ( first picture)
pointed out. I'de like to point out that I am not numb with some girls affection, I just don't see
any reason to flirt or indulge in a relationship, I appreciate their feelings and I let them know
but just that. Lastly I am not good looking, never been. Similarities in how I see myself and
others. Truth be told, I actually believe it when my friends find me annoying. I usually answer
their questions in sarcasm, in my defense they deserve some of it. Indeed, I am supportive. But
not to the point when your thinking of some bad idea and dragging me into it. It just makes me
relieved to help and support someone. Be it with some drawing related project or moral

This activity has given me the opportunity to know how my friends see me. I quite enjoyed going
through with this and felt better after realising some thoughts. My self-esteem is improved but I
doubt it'll collapse with some negative opinion, I don't mind negative comment about me, but I
valued those who cherish me. Once again, I'm deeply apologizing for the nagging ma'am. I don't
want to remove it though. It'll be a waste of word count and it'll make my essay look short.
Thank you ma'am for this activity.

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