Vista, Job A. BSAR 1B: 1. Enumerate The Factors That Affects The Design From Pre-Historic Up To The Modern Period

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Vista, Job A.



1. Enumerate the factors that affects the design from pre-historic
up to the modern period.

A. Geographical
- This means the physical feature of the placed where the structure is
built. This could also mean the view you see.

B. Geological

C. Climate
- What weather the country is experiencing for the houses to be made
accordingly. Climates affect the architectural design of the house the
way it should be. Houses around the world differs because of the
climate of the place.

D. Religion
- Even in the ancient time, people have different beliefs and religion. This
beliefs led to architecture design that vary from every continent. Chinese
architecture differs from ours because of the religion.

E. Social-Political

F. Historical Events

2. Explain Pre-Historic Architecture

A. Stone Age
a. Paleolithic
- The early humans lives in cave and either hunt or gather food to
b. Mesolithic
- The Mesolithic period is the transition from the Paleolithic to
Neolithic. They still hunt and gather food but learned to domisticate
animals and settle in a permanent place. Lastly they have learned to
used stone tools.
c. Neolithic
- They have fully make used of stone to chipped-stone-tools and
settlement have grown into a civilization, and this period is also
considered as the early ages for metal

B. Bronze Age
- Is branded as the age for copper and bronze as the material for making
weapons. They also acquired the ability to smelt iron ore. An they're
settlement are mostly made out of straw and mud to form a structure.

C. Iron Stage
- The name itself signifies the reason why it's called that way. The iron
stage meant the production of iron and steel weapon. They're
architecture are mostly stone or brickstone.

3. Describe the following Ancient Architecture in terms of

influences on architecture

A. Egyptian Architecture
Ancient Egyptian architecture was mostly that of the monumental temple and
tomb. With architectural design mimicking those that are around them, like the
ornaments from Lily's and other plants. They're columns and capital design are
also adorned with this plants.
B. Babylonian/Assyrian Architecture
The Babylonian architecture have massive structure of crude bricks adoring
they're temple. This type of architecture led to the Early development of pilaster
and columns.
C. Persian Architecture
They mostly used symbolic geometry. Mostly relying on shapes of square and
circle to acquire a pure form of architecture design and layout. They also used
colorful stone to create beautiful mosaic.

D. Greek Architecture
Greek architecture is the one I like the most. It feature tall columns, beautiful
details, symmetry and balance. They're temple is mostly built to glorify they're
God's .

4. Draw and Label

A. 3-types of Egyptian Pyramids

B. Ziggurat
C. Greek Column/Capital; Doric, Ionic and Corinthians

D. Main part of Greek temple (Stylobate-floor, Column and Pediments)

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