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These two laws are:


being created in the universe; it is only beirig changed in form.

2. THE LAW OF DECAY: And as it is being changed in form, it

becomes less available for further use. This second statement is
called the Law of Decay, or the Law of Entropy.

The universe is slowly decaying as it is changing its energy into less

available forms. The sun around which the earth orbits is giving off heat as
it utilizes its decreasing source of energy. This heat being given off is
dissipated into the universe where it becomes less available for further use.

Because energy can be neither created nor destroyed, it can only be

changed, it therefore becomes more difficult to gather it up again and further
convert it into other energy. In the case of the sun, this means that one day it
will burn itself out because it will have used up all of its available energy.
And there will be no way for it to recapture its energy.

It follows, therefore, that

one day all of the heat producing suns in the
universe will burn themselves out and there will be a uniform temperature,
called "A Heat Equilibrium," throughout the universe.

Perhaps a few illustrations will assist the reader in understanding this

science of Thermodynamics.

Today's universe has cold spots and hot spots. The hot spots are giving
off heat, and the cold spots are absorbing heat. One day all of the hot spots
will give off all of their heat into the cold spots and the temperature will be
universally the same.

This can be illustrated by visualizing a tub of cold water, into which hot
ball bearings are dropped. They will cool as they give off their heat into the
surrounding water. Some time later, the ball bearings in the tub will be the
same temperature as the water.

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