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Neway challenge academy no.

2020/21 Academic Year

SUBJECT: - English
GRADE: - 12

Welcome To the First Class Hour of 2021/22 G.C. Academic Year!

Wishing you the best of success and the healthiest of life!

Lesson 1: as and like

A. like

These terms can be used in different ways with different functions. They can be used to say that

things are similar. In this context, when we are saying that things are similar, like is a

preposition, not the verb to like.

Form: Like+noun or Pronoun

Example: I hate weather like this.

I don’t like weather like this.

Like me, you are not good at sport.

B. As

The way as is used to say that things are similar differs from the way like is used.

As +subject + verb or as is followed by a clause, not a noun or pronoun.

Look at the following examples

Neway challenge academy no.1
2020/21 Academic Year

I like Edom’s hair as it is now.

As I promised, we have a test today.

It is also possible to use to use as+noun. In this case it has a different meaning from stating that

things are similar. In the second case (as+noun), it is used to show function or job.

Example: The school library is used as a classroom at the moment.

Let’s compare the following sentences and see how ‘as’ and ‘like are used to show that things

are relatively similar.

 He works as a singer. In this case, he is a singer.

 He behaves like a film star. He is not a film star.

Nb: when as and like are used in these ways, both are always stressed.

Lesson 2: Making Predictions and Talking About Consequences

We use ‘will’ to predict the future; to say what we think about the future.

My daughter’s life will be different from mine.

We will have a good crop of maize this year.

We use conditional sentences with if and will to talk about consequences.

If Helen gets good job, she will have a good life. (If + present simple + will).

The same form is used with when, time indicator.

When she marries, she will continue to work (this shows something to happen in the future).
Neway challenge academy no.1
2020/21 Academic Year

Note: when saying these sentences with will, stress if and the main verbs (except the verb to be

or auxiliary verb), don’t stress will.

 My ‘daughter’s ‘life will be ‘different from ‘mine.

 ‘If she ‘gets ‘good ‘job, she will ‘have a ‘good ‘life.

Lesson 3: the more…..the more

This is used for double comparisons-when two things are changing at the same time either

increase or decrease or vise-versa. Look at the willowing sentences and identify how double

comparison is used. The older you get, the wiser you become. In this case, both adjectives can

be changed in to their comparative forms (old-older, wise-wiser), so there is no need to add

more here.

 The more you have, the more you want.

 The more girls go to school, the harder they will try.

 The harder you try, the better you succeed.

Note: when saying these sentences, the important words should be stressed. The ‘older you ‘get,

the ‘wiser you become.

Lesson 4: Phrasal verbs

Phrasal verbs are verbs consisting of a verb and particle/preposition. Particles are words like:

up, in, off, after, to, at. In changing the form of the phrasal verbs to show tense, you normally

change the main verb not the particles or repositions. Depending on the contexts in which the

phrasal verb is used, its meaning may vary. Thus, most phrasal verbs have several meanings;

for example, make up, put down.

Neway challenge academy no.1
2020/21 Academic Year

Some phrasal verbs have a particle which is made up of two words; for example, made up of,

look forward to while other can be made up of one; for example, put down, take off.

Phrasal verbs behave in different ways grammatically: some can be split and some can’t be.

1. The object of some phrasal verbs usually goes between the verb and the particle or ending,

for example, put the book down.

The object of these phrasal verbs can go after the particle too, if it a full noun: put down the

book. But if the object is a pronoun, it must go between the verb and the particle: put it down.

2. The object of some phrasal verbs always go after the particle, for example: I am looking for

my lost keys. I am looking for them. In this case, the phrasal verb is not split, the object

doesn’t come between the verb and particle.

3. Some phrasal verbs are intransitive, the don’t normally take an object, for example, I am

going out now.

Lesson 5: Discourse Markers

Discourse markers are words and/or phrases which link and relate ideas to each other.

Discourse markers are usually formal and used when speaking in a formal context or when

presenting information formally in writing. They can be used in many ways for different

purposes: sequencing ideas, adding, exemplifying, contrasting, results, reasons….etc. Be careful

that misuse of discourse markers may create confusion and you may not properly convey your

message, especially in formal writing. Some of the purposes of discourse markers are given below.
Neway challenge academy no.1
2020/21 Academic Year

1. To focus on attention on what follows in the sentence. This is done by announcing the

subject in advance or to indicate a change of subject: with regard to, concerning, regarding

2. To present two different ideas: on the other hand, on the one hand

3. To present two contrasting ideas: however, but, nevertheless, though

4. To add information to what is said before: moreover, besides, furthermore, and

5. To show that the second statement results from the first: therefore, consequently

6. To introduce a statement that was the cause of another: since, as, because

7. To illustrate a point that has been made: for example, for instance

8. To sequence ideas: firstly, then, secondly

Excercise-1: By way of doing certain exercises from the above lessons, let’s give ourselves a
wider practice opportunity:
I. As and Like
Put one of these expressions to appropriately complete the following sentences
1. We don’t have to drink soft drinks ______________ Coca Cola and Fanta every
now and while.
2. She improved her reading ability because she had practiced _________ she had
3. On the concert, he sang ___________ the real vocalist and received a warm
4. _____________ we agreed, we’ll be spending the entire afternoon dealing with
our homework.
II. The more… the more
Use the example below as a memory-refresher and express the rest in the same way:
Example: you read a lot. You get a lot of knowledge
The more you read, the more knowledge you get
1. You sleep too much. You feel tired.
2. We drink a lot of water. Our skin gets soft.
3. One eats balanced diet. They become healthy.
Neway challenge academy no.1
2020/21 Academic Year

4. We do physical exercises. We are physically fit.

III. The language of discussion
Example: A: We have to quit wasting our time on trivial talks and precede our study
err I…
B: I totally agree with what you said. Let’s begin.
Use: the way I see it, in my opinion, speaking of….
1. A: I don’t think school will begin sooner. What do you think?
B: _____________________, it will open within the span we expected.
2. A: What was the burning issue at the café last night?
B: We just had a hot discussion about scoring high with a help of cooperative
study and…
A: ____________________, I was thinking the other day that we could form a
permanent group that lasts after the entrance exam, and I along with my neighbor,
Teddy suggested one. If you like, you can take a look at it later.
3. A: I don’t think I have to study that hard because I scored good in the last exam
without even going through my note once.
B: ____________________, it was your good memory that helped you in the
exam. Had you read your note at least once, you could have scored better.
IV. Discourse markers
Use: ‘besides’, ‘moreover’, ‘to begin with’, ‘that is why’

I wonder what caused the disagreement between these two guys. ____________, they
have been highly intimate friends ever since they started living in this village.
_______________, one is a godfather to the other’s son. _______________, they own
and run a supermarket together. _______________, no-one has even a clue as to what
started the disagreement.

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