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We hereby declare that this report paper submitted to Jimma university institute of
technology, Department of Civil Engineering is our original work. It was prepared and
submitted to the department as final internship report. It was written by using the guide
lines which was given to us by University Industry Linkage (UIL) office, and describes
our full-time internship experiences in the company BamaCon engineering plc, under
construction projects of TF house rent and construction S.C at Addis Ababa. The
matter embodied in this report has not been submitted to any other university or
institute. This paper is our original work and has not been presented before.

Name ID No. signature

Adugna Legesse RU0808/09
Dagim Niguse RU2194/09
Daniel Gebre RU2240/09
Miliyon Girma RU2121/09
Muluken Desalegn RU3678/09

First of all, we would like to praise ALMIGHTY GOD for his merciful and endless
guidance and who gave us strength to work on this internship report and complete it

we would like to thank Jimma University institute of technology for giving the chance to
take part in the internship program to upgrade our theoretical knowledge as well
practical skills. And also, we would like to express our gratefulness to Mr. Advisor. who
has not only taken the time and trouble to read this report, but also who has been for
sacrificing his time to advise us, check our progress, giving a guiding light and
monitoring in our practical work to make the internship program successful and
We would also like to forward a genuine thanks to BamaCon engineering plc, for
giving an opportunity to improve our skills and to the staff, for their irreplaceable role
in giving us sufficient information in all of their abilities. We appreciate the willingness
and assertiveness of the workers to help us what they want to know. Without their
support, the internship would not be beneficiary as it has to be.

We would like extend our sincere gratitude and appreciation to all of the participants
who helped us during our internship, the Project manager, Mr. Yishak. Special thanks to
Mr. Kassahun, Mr. Tsegaye and Mr. Solomon our supervisors at site for the continuous
follow up and sharing of their knowledge and experience. Mr. Abubakar (office
engineer) for his friendly advice. we also want to thank Mr. Yosef, Mr. Henock and Mr.
Amanuel for their brief descriptions on the activities performed. Finally, Special thanks
to all our families, friends, and colleagues who endured the completing stage of the
internship. Thank you all for your love, assistance, support, continued encouragement
and having faith on us when we were doubtful about our ability to complete this
internship report.

This internship program creates a joint relationship between the university and the hosting
company. These relationships basically focus on how engineering students are performing the
knowledge and the skill which grasp from the university and applied on practical aspect on
the hosting company.
This report presents our overall three-month internship program experience, including each of
the tasks we have performed on site and in the office, as well as the experience, knowledge,
and skills we have gained through this program. It also explores the brief history;
establishment, status, mission, level, organizational structure and services of BamaCon
engineering plc, which has been receiving and training us.
In our three months stay on this project we have been working and learning as site Engineer.
We have been working on quality checks for different parts of structure and material.
Furthermore, we were working on some office works. We did quantity analysis for different
construction materials, structural elements like foundation, slabs, stairs, walls, beams and
columns. We developed our theoretical skills and practically skills. We were also introduced
to the real-life application of the knowledge we acquired in university.
Generally, this internship report will give an overall work experience we had performed and
the learning attained from performing specific tasks while working in a professional



1.1 Background About Project Area

The project site is located in Addis Ababa city administration, Addis Ketema sub-city,
woreda one, commonly known as American Gibi, and previously housed residential and
small business centers. The ongoing redevelopment activities of the city administration; the
American Gibi area was given to organized corporations in accordance with the master plan
to make the whole business and residential compound. TF hosing rent and construction share
company is one of them. Bamacon Engineering plc is working on the contract for the
construction of 3B+SB+G+18 modern mixed residence building.

1.2 About Hosting Company

Brief History
BamaCon Engineering established as a grade VII construction firm in 2005 using the name
of the owner and general manager as Girma Gelaw Building Contractor, BamaCon
Engineering registered with the ministry of infrastructure, has grown to be a very competitive
Grade I Building Contractor with favorable prospects for a role of excellence in the
construction industry.
In the twelve years of its growth, the firm has always believed that capacity depends more on
organizational and human resource development than on equipment and finance.
In this belief, the firm has invested a significant portion of its time and money on:
Retaining and developing a highly professional management team.
Training and motivating its technical staff, from the craftsmen to the senior
engineers, to achieve and maintain high standards.
Devising and practicing a modern and effective organizational structure.
Solicit counseling and conduct selected research to assist in strategic planning.
Devising and continuously improving on a system of operation that is guided by
written head office and project guide lines, both of which were the result of the
combined efforts of professionals of high standards.

And the result has been a firm with a work force that can take on any challenge in the form of
a construction job.
With respect to capacity in terms of equipment, while acquisition of major machinery has
been dictated by the need to satisfy the regulatory body’s (ministry of infrastructure’s)
capacity requirements, special emphasis on equipment that are specifically, appropriate to
BamaCon Engineering’s own method of construction were also sought and acquired.
Hitherto, financial capacity has always been commensurate to the cash flow requirements of
the projects. This has been partly due to the firm’s good credit record with clients, insurance
companies, banks and construction material suppliers perhaps the most important creditors to
any construction firm.
Looking back, the path BamaCon Engineering PLC traveled over the last years seems to be a
path of initiation for the competitive challenges of the third millennium.

Mission Statement (Objectives)

We the leaders and followers of this business entity as a team shall:
✓ Ever survive as a business entity that is committed to the creation of excellent
values that always strives to balance the utility needs of customers, employees,
managers and shareholders.
✓ Create and sustain a combination of individual excellence (manifested in
purposeful, visionary and exemplary leadership of our management) and
communal values (expressed as the creative, harmonious, and motivated team
spirit of our employees) that will ensure the vitality, strength and propagation of
our business entity.
✓ Uphold the maxim that (“All things are changing and we are changing with
them”) since change is a universal and continuous phenomenon that positively
affects our customers, employees, managers and shareholders, so as to always
prepare and provide for change, however violent.

Main Products or Services

BamaCon Engineering PLC, through years of vast experience dealing with project
management and contract administration issues in different construction projects, has
specialized in construction of:
o Residential Houses o Factories
o Hotels o Hospitals
o Office Building Complexes o Warehouses

o Multi-Purpose Building

Main Customers or End Users of Its Product or Services

The company services are available for wide range of customers

o Individuals o NGO’s and

o Private companies o Government offices.
o Share companies
The following table summarizes major products or construction jobs BamaCon Engineering
PLC took over the complexity.

Table 1 some of completed projects

No. Project type employer Period of % of work

contract completed
Mixed use building
1 Mixed-Use-A. A Ato Alemayehu Tameru 540 days 100

2 Mixed-Use-A. A Ato Mesfin Mengesha 730 days 100

3 Mixed-Use -A. A Ato Bahiru Abraham 540 days 100

4 Mixed-Use -A. A Ethiopian evangelical 365 days 100

church mekane eyesus
5 Mixed-Use -AA Adika tour & Travel 365 days 100

6 Mixed-Use -AA Enat Real Estate 730 days 100

7 Mixed-Use-A. A Atkilt Tera Mar. Center 1,080 days 100

8 Mixed-Use-A. A Dagi PLC 450 days 100

9 Mixed-Use-A. A Military Tera Merchants 420 days

10 Mixed-Use -A. A Emiru& Elizabeth 320 days 100
11 Mixed-Use –A. A OMEDAD PLC 1,095 days 100

12 Mixed-Use –A. A NEHCO Trading PLC 720 days 100

13 Mixed-Use –A. A Ato Jonny Seifu 730 days 100

14 Mixed-Use-A. A Afework Int. Group 540 days 100

Hotel buildings
1 Saromaria Hotel Ato Alemayehu 720 days 100

2 Hotel –A.A. Ato Ayele G/medhin 140 days 100

3 Hotel –A.A. Ato Habtamu Desta 545 days 100

1 Apartment-A. A EneTsehaye Zemui 300 days 100

2 Apartment -AA AL SAM PLC 570 days 100

3 Apartment-AA SACUUR Real Estate 450 days


Factory buildings
1 Factory- B IHRAK Int. PLC 240 days 100

2 Factory -B STEELY RMI 365 days 100

3 Factory -B Kanoria Textile 600 days 100

Office building
1 G+3 Office Rwanda Embassy 365 days 100

In addition to the above, the company is also providing construction service as a contractor
for various projects. More than 35 projects are currently underway, including the TF hosing
rent and construction share company project, which we have been monitoring our internship
program regularly. Some of currently underway project which we visited are listed below.

Table 2 some of currently underway projects

No. Project name Employer Location

1 TF TF Hosing Rent and Construction S.C A.A, habtegiorgis

2 Hazal 1 Hazal S.C A.A, merkato

3 Nubiah A.A, bole

Head Office Organizational Structure

As any institution the BamaCon Engineering PLC has its own organizational structure that
includes staff from the general manager to lower tier. According to head office organizational
structure, Girma Gelaw is the owner and general manager of the company, followed by the
deputy general manager as superintendent. It is divided to four main departments under the
deputy general manager and reaches the staff at the bottom of the structure.

Figure 1 head office organizational work flow




2.1 How We Get into The Company

When we were sent for the summer vacation of third year class, we had ordered to bring an
acceptance letter from a company in which we will apply our internship program. Hence, we
were chasing a good company and former internship students told us we should apply in
BamaCon Engineering plc. Finally, we were lucky to get acceptance from BamaCon
Engineering plc. Then we reported to Jimma university industry linkage office that we had
acceptance from this company. After completing fourth year first semester class we were sent
for internship program or practice. After that we went to practice and we stopped following
the Covid-19 epidemic and returned to work a few months later in early October.

2.2 Section of The Company We Have Been Working In

In the company, there were three working sections, administration, technical section (office
and site) and purchasing and supply section. We were working in technical section. In this
section we worked as an assistant site engineer in both site and office works. Before taking
any responsibility in the site we were told to take architectural and structural drawings of the
building to study and observe each part detail, when we became able to read details of
structural drawing and check with works done, we started to take part in the site activities.

The first month was the core of our internship program. We observed and managed different
operations directly relating to our theoretical knowledge and gave us a great experience about
the site works. Other important things we have acquired during our first one month were to
make ourselves being familiar with the local construction terms used in the site.

2.3 Work Flow In the Section

Workflow is very important for the project management of any site project. A good project
management will make efficient resource utilization, development of effective
communication and mechanization for resolving conflicts among participants, proper
coordination and control the entire process.

Every company has its own different working sections to accomplish all the required tasks.
All the sections are organized in such a way that to fulfill the objectives of the company. The

same thing is true in the company we visited. We have observed three main sections, which
were working together for the success of the company. These were:

1. Administration Section

2. Technical section

3. Purchasing and Supplying Section

1. Administration Section

This is a section where the manager of the company is working. It is a chief of both the
office engineer and site engineer sections. It controls all managerial and financial activities of
the company. It also coordinates and manages the activities of the two sections.

2. Technical Section

Office engineer

This section is the main working office of the company. Necessary materials and equipment
for any project or work are identified in this office. Design work of the project with its
corresponding budget is also completed in this section.

Site Engineer Section

This section is a section where paper plans are interpreted into practice. Based on the
structural drawing; the site engineer follows the implementation of the project, the quality of
the work and the materials with used. The section has great responsibility regarding to the
successful completion of the project or any task. During our internship program, we were
assigned in the site engineer section where we gained many experiences. It helped us to be
familiar with the theoretical and practical aspects of construction engineering. Although there
were many challenges, we were working the site engineer and our colleague and this assisted
us to exploit new knowledge.

Purchasing and Supplying section

Purchase materials and supplies to the project site. And also Controls materials which moved
into and out of the site. Control the amount and type of material of the construction entering
and leaving from the store by preparing some forms.

On- site organization work flow

Figure 2 site work flow

Work Description in the section

Project manager

The project manager is the most important person for the success and failure of the project
and responsible for planning, organizing, controlling the project and receives authority from
the management of the organization to mobilize the necessary resources to complete the
project. The project manager must be able to exert interpersonal influence in order to lead

the project team. He must possess leadership quality and the ability to handle better
interpersonal relationships effective within an organization.

Office engineer

The main duties of the office engineers are

➢ Preparing payment certificates for sub contract works based on actual quantity
➢ Keeps records of payments certificates related to the sub contract works.
➢ documentation
• keeping contract documents and drawing
• keeping proper documents of corresponding variables order
➢ Prepare material lists for the project.
➢ Under taking other responsibilities assigned by the project manager.
➢ Prepare working schedule

Working under the office engineer, the quantity surveyor has similar duties. But the quantity
surveyors work is approved by the office engineer. The data collectors assemble different
reports and compile them into weekly and monthly reports.

Resident Engineer

Resident Engineer works together with the project manager and site engineers to supervise
the construction work. The construction engineers give solutions to practical problems that
might occur during the process of the work. He oversees the whole project in terms of time,
cost, and quality. And reports regarding the progress, issues, and problems and development
of the project. He is from the consultant side.

Site engineer

Has the responsibility to make sure the work is done based on the design and specification.
The site engineer has Forman’s under him and he control details of the work. During the
course of construction, Forman and site engineer will make decisions how work to be
undertaken at particular Times of the day based up on the availability of the necessary
resource of laborers, materials and equipment.


Conducts the work like; alignment, setting out and checking depth by using level and total


Control distribution of masons, carpenters and daily labors. The main aim of the Forman is to
manage and supervise manual works. The site engineer always checks their work.

Coordinator/ Capo

Capo controls the number of labors at each work place, transfer of labors from one place to
another, whether or not labors are performing their work properly. He also controls the
distribution of labors throughout the site. He also assigns different workers at the proper
place. He is also responsible for the quality of work as well as the efficiency of the workers
engaging on site.

Data Collectors

Collect data about the work being done like the type and amount of materials used on the
work, the type and the numbers of workers participated on the work and reports to the office

Store Keeper

Control the amount and type of material of the construction entering and leaving from the
store by preparing some forms.

2.4 Tasks We Have Been Executed

The main aim of internship program is to show the students about the real work situation and
making them familiar with practical works. It also helps the students to activate on different
tasks based on their theoretical knowledge.

When we started our internship program our aim was gaining different practical skills. Over
the internship period we have been executed different tasks with the help of the site engineer,
office engineer, Forman’s and all skilled labors. Some of the works are discussed below


Earth work and Excavation
Any work related with excavation, backfill, cart way of surplus material and the others which
carried out in the site where the building or civil engineering project will be constructed is
known as earth work.

Shoring is used to support a structure to prevent a collapse. The most common shoring
techniques that we encountered are during the early stage of construction which is an
excavation. Shoring is intended to support a deep excavation to prevent the retained soil over
turns and eventually cause a project mishap. Depending on the soil type the shoring support is
usually provided when we need to support an excavation at least 1.2-meter difference in level
from our get level or the +/- 0.00 level. In construction, shoring is completely different from
retaining wall, as this is used only to retain the soil during excavation and as far as the
structure design is concern; it is not used primarily for the purpose of retaining wall.

In the site we visited contiguous pile shoring is used. Contiguous or tangent pile shoring is
composed of closely spaced piles wherein the face of the piles is touching or tangent to each
other. This is used in areas where water is not significant or water pressure is very minimal.
This is usually proposed in clay soil and can use to retain dry granular material or fill.
Although water seepage between the gaps of the pile is more likely to occur when used in
water bearing granular soils, it can be prevented by grouting these gaps to form a water tight
retaining wall. Contiguous or tangent pile shoring is the best choice to use when there is no
room for open excavation or when space is limited because of an existing structure that was
to close in proximity. Contiguous pile walls can be retained by anchors or strutting system to
reduce deflection.

Figure 3 pile shoring


Selected Fill and Compaction

Selected back fill is to mean replacing excavated soil or selected material from another place
and compacting to a depth of needed with the help of compactors. We carry over compacting
in layers of appropriate thickness (25cm). Well compaction is necessary because to reduces
voids, and achieve approve strength [safe bearing capacity] of soil which creates safe
condition for buildings.

Figure 4 selected back fill and compaction

Concrete Work
Lean Concrete
Lean concrete is a C-5 grade concrete which is laid under foundation. In our site the
specification declares to place a 5cm depth of Lean concrete under mat foundation, and above
backfill of septic tank, and ramp (car way) Lean concrete is mainly laid for the following

purposes: -

➢ To protect the structural concrete from damage usually caused by dust

➢ To form working platform for the over laying structural concrete
➢ To compensate the difference in levels during earth work and thus to maintain
leveled surface for placing spacers and reinforcement

A lean concrete of 5cm thickness with a ratio of 1:4:6 is provided. The lean concrete works
started as soon as the field density tested and pass. The concrete grade is C-5 and the box size
for aggregate and sand is 50cm x 40cm x 20cm (l *w*h).

Figure 5 lean concrete

Foundation is a part of a structure which is indirect contact with the ground and those
distribute the load over a large area at a uniform bearing capacity. Because of foundation is
the part most liable to damage and the most difficult to get it after the completion of the
building, it must be constructed satisfactorily with due care keeping all the alignment and
dimension as per the design. Foundation can be shallow or deep depending on whether the
depth of footing is less than or equal to the width of the footing.

Shallow foundation: - A shallow foundation is a type of foundation which transfers building

loads to the earth very near the surface, rather than to subsurface layer or a range of depths as
does a deep foundation. Among different type of shallow foundation mat foundation was
available in this particular site.

Mat foundations, also called on grade mat foundation are used to distribute heavy column and
wall loads across the entire building area.

Mat foundation was selected because of the following reasons: -

• Water table is near to the ground level

• The building is high rise (3B+SB+G+18)
• To resist differential settlement
• Foundation is economical due to combination of foundation and floor slab.
• Use of isolated footing covers more than the one half the area
• Walls of are so close that individual footing would overlap
• When basement construction needed

Due to this the designers recommend 90cm mat foundation with 2.2m mat beam.

Mat Beam
Mat beam is a beam that transfers the load to the mat slab. The beam has the same function to
the floor beams, but the location placed at ground floor, the material used are bars of
maximum diameter to resist shear and torsion from the superstructure most of format slab use
Ф24mm bar.

Procedures used for construction of mat foundation and mat beam

After the excavation completed the soil strata at the depth is a hard rock, though directly 5cm
thick lean concrete was laid to prevent corrosion of reinforcement. Rebar work for the grade
beam and mat slab was continued after the lean concrete lay. After the reinforcement placed,
C-35 concrete was casted first for the mat slab then to the grade beam. The mat slab (inverted
slab) has 90cm thickness. After these 110 cm thick selected fill was filled and compacted
over the mat slab, the fill was compacted by hand compactor. On the selected fill lean
concrete was laid andФ10 bars in both directions (x & y directions) was placed.

Figure 6 Mat slab and beam


Retaining Wall
Retaining wall is a structure designed and constructed to resist the lateral pressure of soil,
when there is a desired change in ground elevation that exceeds the angle of response of the
soil. A basement wall is thus one kind of retaining wall. But the term usually refers to a
cantilevered retaining wall, which is a freestanding structure without lateral support at its top.
These are cantilevered from a footing and rise above the grade on one side to retain the
higher level on the opposite side. The must resist the lateral pressure generated by loose soil,
or in some case water pressures. In the entire of the structure side walls (retaining walls) are
used to protect the back fill around the building. The stability of soil is attained by giving a
gentle slope at the side but it requires a vast area so retaining wall is used as a solution. The
stability of the soil may be lost by water at rain season by the time of flood that will initiate
the movement of the soil. This is also protected by constructing a retaining wall.

Cantilevered retaining wall are made from an internal stem of steel reinforced, cast-in-place
concrete or mortared masonry. These walls cantilever loads (like beam) to large structural
footing converting horizontal pressure from behind the wall to vertical pressure on the ground
below. In this building project has a reinforced concrete cantilevered retaining wall with a
thickness of35cm used starting from the foundation up to ground level.

Design consideration of retaining wall

➢ The type of soil and its water content. when the soil water content is high, the stability
of the soil lost and the soil tries to move and it increases the load on the retaining wall
➢ The load that can exist
➢ The height of retaining wall
➢ The slope of the soil (angle of repose) - when the slope of the soil at the back of the
wall is steep the wall will be exposed for high lateral load.

Procedures used for construction of retaining wall.

First of all, the outside form work was adjusted. After the rebar of the foundation slab and
mat beams are placed the reinforcing bar are fixed in place on the face of the slope to be
supported. These rebars are then enclosed with construction plywood that will serve as a cast
for the concrete. The alignment is checked. The concrete is then poured into place and
allowed to harden.

Figure 7 retaining wall

Septic Tank
Septic tank is sweage storage system.This septic tank was designed to be worked by using
reinforced concrete after getting different conditions taken under consderation such as, forces
from the side soil,thelargness of building, and durabilty. So we think the desgin is important
to use this septic tank for long time.
This septic tank has three chambers. All of the chambers are connected to each other by PVC
pipe diameter of 20cm. The length of the tank is 11.2m and its depth is 3m, with width of
5.85m, 5.2m, and 4.85m for 1st ,2nd , and 3rd chamber respectively.
Procedures used for construction of septic tank;

After the mat slab and beams are filled by concrete, then selected back fill (hard core) are
filled up to a depth of 5cm below the level of the beam. The selected fill is compacted in each
of 25cm thick layer. Above the hard-core material 5cm thick lean concrete placed. When the
lean concrete hard outer side form work for the wall done by carpenters, then bottom slab

reinforcement bar and rebar for the wall placed. Bottom slab concrete is poured first and the
wall rebar is enclosed by form work. Then it also poured by C-35 concrete.

Figure 8 septic tank

Ramps are sloped pathways used both inside and outside buildings used to provide access
between vertical levels. Ramps provide an alternative to stairs for wheelchair users, people
with mobility issues and people with prams, bicycles and other wheeled items.A successful
building accessibility project requires careful planning in order to certain that the pump meets
the buildings user’s needs, complies with local building requirement and is safe for use in all
types of weather. Ramps should be a shallow as possible.

In our site the ramp slope was 10%according ramp design satisfy the maximum slope and 5%
super elevation to attain centrifugal and centripetal force and safe smooth for vehicle crossing
area. A ramp can be used to overcome changes in level, either on the inside or outside of a
home, as an alternative to using stairs.

Procedures used for construction of ramp.

After Matt Slab was filled, a selected material was filled to the floor and compact. Lean
concrete of 5 cm thick and rebar steel is laid. For the Slope Part the plywood formwork was
first made and the rebar steel was placed. Then, it was filled with concrete.

Figure 9 ramp

A column is a structural element that transmits, through compression, the weight of the
structure above to other structural elements below. In other words, a column is a compression
member. Columns may have different shapes such as circular, rectangular and square as per
architectural plan consideration. In this particular site rectangular, circular, and square
column were casted. Size of column varies as we move from bottom floor to the top floor in
this site.

In the construction of column placement of reinforcement bar is prior for this vertical
member, reinforcement stands and banded together with the overlapping length. This
overlapping length is generated (germinated) from the previous column and can be obtained
from the drawing (4times diameter of the largest bar). They are placed in position according
to the drawing and firmly bound together with middle steel called stirrups.

Procedures used for construction of column.

First the main reinforcement bars and stirrups are placed, then spacer is attached. After that
the built-in column reinforcement is enclosed by form work. The form work is closed and its
vertical and horizontal alignment is checked. When verified it is filled by C-50 concrete.

In this site during casting, the height of pouring the concrete for column in to the form work
was limited to 2.5m. After 24 hours later formwork is removed and moisture has to be
retained in the concrete to increase strength by curing.

Figure 10 column

Shear Wall
A Shear wall is a structural member in a reinforced concrete framed structure to resist lateral
forces such as wind forces. Shear walls are generally used in high-rise buildings subject to
lateral wind and seismic forces. In multi-story structures, shear walls are critical, because in
addition to preventing the failure of exterior walls, they also support the multi floors of the
building, ensuring that they do not collapse as a result of lateral movement in an earthquake.

Generally, shear walls are either plane or flanged in section, while core walls consist of
channel sections. In many cases, the wall is pierced by openings. These are called coupled
shear walls because they behave as individual continuous wall sections coupled by the
connecting beams or slabs. Normally the walls are connected directly to the foundations.
However, in a few cases where the lateral loads are relatively small and there no appreciable
dynamic effects, then they can be supported on columns connected by a transfer beam to
provide clear space.

Reinforced concrete shear walls represent a structurally efficient solution to stiffen a building
structural system under lateral loads. The main function of a shear wall is to increase the
rigidity and strength of the building for lateral resistance.

Procedures used for construction of shear wall.

In this site during construction of shear wall placement of vertical and horizontal bars are
prior. Before casting of concrete, spacers inserted between the bars and form work for
concrete cover. Then, the vertical alignment using plum bob (tumbi) is checked by the
supervisor then casting of C-50 concrete was started.
Figure 11 shear wall

A beam is a horizontal structural member in a building to resist the lateral loads applied to the
beam axis. The structural member which resists the forces laterally or transversely applied to
the (beam) axis is called a beam.

In it, the loads are acting transversely to the longitudinal axis, which produces the shear
forces and bending moment. The lateral load acting on beams are the main cause bending of
the beam. They are responsible to transfer a load from the slab to the column. The load
distribution pattern is, Slab |> Beam |> Column |> Foundation. That beam is connected with
the column and this connection is called direct support while the beam connected with beam
and this connection is called indirect support.

Purpose of beams

It is a structural element that is capable of withstanding load primarily by resisting its

bending forces. They are made of steel or reinforced concrete (RCC)or steel. We use it in
structure to

o Resist loads
o Counter bending moment and shear forces.
o Connect the structure together.
o Provide a uniform distribution of loads.

Unlike grade beam (mat beam) floor beam does not have contact with the ground and thus the
construction needs bottom formwork (fondo) and props for casting. When the slab and beams
are to be made of the same concrete quality, they are casted monolithically.

Procedures used for construction of beams;

A temporary scaffolding (false work) is constructed by using H-frame, RHS, and probs to
support the bottom form work (soffit for slab and fondo for beam). The form work is
constructed for bottom (fondo) and side (sponda) by using ply wood, metal panels for beams
and slabs. The rebar’s are positioned in the form work before the concrete is poured in.
spacers are used to hold the rebar’s away from the bottom and side of the for work. Then the
C-35 concrete is poured.

Figure 12 Floor beam

Concrete slab is a flat, horizontal structural elements made of reinforced concrete that
receives the load and transfer it through the beams to the columns and to the footing to the
soil below. Slabs are used in both load bearing and framed structure.

Solid slab (beam supported slab)

A slab which is supported by beams and columns is called solid slab or conventional slab. In
conventional slab the thickness of the slab is small but the depth of the beam is large. The
load is transmitted from slab to beam and then from the beam to column. Solid slabs are two

1. One-way slab: - the longer span of the slab is more than twice of the shorter span. As
a result, the shorter span is subjected to bending. The main reinforcements are
provided in shorter direction to resist the bending and secondary reinforcement are
provided in longer direction.

2. Two-way slab: - two-way slabs are mostly rectangular in shape and supported on all
four sides on beam. In two-way slab, the longer span is less than twice the shorter
span. The ratio of longer span to shorter span is less or equal to two. In this case both
the shorter and longer direction are subjected to bending. Therefore, the main
reinforcement would be provided in both directions.

In this site two-way solid slabs are constructed for the basement part the building to
withstand with relatively heavy and dynamic loads.

Procedures used for construction of solid slab.

A temporary scaffolding (false work) is constructed by using H-frame, RHS, and probs to
support the bottom form work (soffit). The form work is constructed by using ply wood,
metal panels for beams and slabs. The rebar’s are positioned in the form work before the
concrete is poured in. spacers are used to hold the rebar’s away from the bottom and side of
the form work. Then the C-35 concrete is poured. So that the concrete is completely envelops
the reinforcement.

Figure 13 solid slab


Ribbed slab

Ribbed slabs are made up of wide band beams running between columns with narrow ribs
spanning the orthogonal direction. Normally, the beams and the ribs are the same depth. A tin
topping slab completes the system. It is a type of slab where a serious of ribbed blocks are
arranged in order. The reinforcement bars were tied following the surface pattern of the
blocks and others tied on the top of the reinforcement that follows the surface pattern.

Procedures used for construction of ribbed slab.

A temporary scaffolding (false work) is constructed by using H-frame, RHS, and probs to
support the bottom form work (soffit). The bottom and side (outer most) form work is
constructed by using ply wood, metal panels for beams and slabs. The rebar’s wide beams are
positioned in the form work. Then Pre-casted HCB block are arranged between rebar’s of
beams. On the arranged HCB block support reinforcement (negative bars) and a mesh by Ø8
bars in both x & y direction for, positive reinforcements are placed. U bars are used to inter
connect each ribs of blocks together. Spacers are used to hold the rebar’s away from the
bottom and side of the form work. Sanitary and electrical work was done according to the
design. Then the concrete is poured.

Figure 14, ribbed slab



Stairs are sets of steps heading from one floor to another and provide easy access of moving.
Stairs are the commonly used means of vertical transportation in buildings. For building up to
three floors, only stairs are usually provided but for buildings more than three floors, both
electrical lifts and stairs are to be provided. The stair case is doglegged type half turn stairs
which is provided at this site. The common terms used in stairs are thread, riser, flight, pitch
or slope and soffit.

The stair in our case had landings at the end of first and second flight. There are three stair
cases in different position of the building with a flight width of 1.35m, 1.55m, 1.6m and its
tread and riser were 30cm and 15cm respectively.

Procedures of stair case construction;

➢ It has 10 Risers with a height of 15cm and Threads with a width 30cm and 2.2m
inclined height.
➢ Flight soffits will be prepared and reinforcement bars with reinforcement mesh of
longitudinal and transverse main bars with a Ф14 bar c/c 10cm spacing. And also
2.5cm concrete spacer was placed under the stair case Mesh bars. And according to
the design they place a Ф8 Riser bar with a 30cm flight and 60cm threads in every
30cm gap and also a Ф12 &Ф14thread landing bar.
➢ Timbers for the risers will be fixed horizontally by tying the string and checking the
dimensions according to the design and also check the leveling by using a Water
Level leveling instrument.
Then after checked by the supervisor and approved they fill a concrete using a Vibratory
machine and cast. The Timber can be removed after 24 hour and watered for 7 days.

Figure 15 stair case construction


Form Work
Formwork is temporary mould used to keep the shape of concrete until it hardens. False
works refers to a temporary construction such as props and scaffolding to support arches or
spanning structure by holding them until they can support themselves. False works can be
used as a temporary support for the form work that moulds concrete. In this regard the false
work is considered as a part of the form work. When the concrete has reached the strength the
form work is no longer needed and is removed.

Form works materials used in this site are made up of;

• Wooden
• Steel and
• Ply wood
• Timber

Requirements of good formwork; A good form work should satisfy the following

• The material of form work should be cheap and suitable for reuse
• It should be water proof so that it does not absorb water from concrete
• It should be strong enough to withstand all coming loads (dead load of concrete
and live load during pouring etc.)
• It should be stiff enough so that deflection is minimum
• It should be as light as possible
• The surface of form work should be smooth to afford easy stripping.
Cristae (props) - are structures which are used to support the bottom form work ‘fondo’.
Scaffolding-are structures which is used for construction works, maintenance and repair works.

Leveling is a process of determining the height of one level relative to another. It is used in
surveying to establish the elevation of a point relative to a datum, or to establish a point at a
given elevation relative to a datum.

In this site leveling is used to determine or set the plinth level of a building and to put
reference point for the next level or storey.


After careful setup of the level the height of the cross hair is determined by sighting from
benchmark with known height. Sighting is done with an assistant surveyor who holds a staff
vertical at the point under measurement. The surveyor rotates the telescope until the
graduated staff is in the cross hairs and records the reading. This is repeated for all sightings
from that datum. Should the instrument be moved to another position within sighting
distance, it is re leveled and a sighting taken of a known level in the previous survey.

Figure 16 level (leveling)

Concrete cover spacer: - is a pre- cast concrete with thickness equals to clear cover and is
provided between lean concrete/formwork and the reinforcement bars. It is meant to maintain
the required and uniform thickness of clear cover. The Concrete cover in our site was used a
50mm thick for sub structures and 25mm for super structures. The following are the critical
uses of concrete spacer: -

➢ To ensure good bond between reinforcement and concrete.


➢ To prevent the reinforcement from corrosion that may result from being exposed
to the environment.
➢ To prevent the reinforcement from bursting out so that it will be retained in its
➢ To protect steel reinforcements from expose condition such as fire, ground water
and harsh environment.
Figure 17 concrete cover spacer

Bar spacer (Kebeleto): - it is a Zigzag

bar Spacer for combined footing pads bar working case.
➢ To separate Top and Bottom Bars
➢ To help as a Spacer for Concrete filling
Figure 18 bar spacer

Bonding Agents
Concrete bonding agents are natural or synthetic materials used to join the old and new
concrete surfaces. This agent can also be used to join the successive layers. This chemical
helps to allow different concrete surfaces to behave like a single unit.

The use of a bonding agent helps the different concrete layers to behave like a single unit,
thus increases the strength and performance of the structure. The bonding agent is applied
over the existing surface of the concrete so that the new layer of fresh concrete successfully
adheres to the old layer.

The main characteristics of bonding agents are;

1. Bonding agents are easy to use and apply

2. They reduce cracks formed in shrinkage
3. The permeability of concrete is reduced
4. The tensile flexural and bond strength of the concrete are increased
5. Bonding agents have high resistance against frost and chemical action

Acrylic latex bonding agents is used to bond fresh concrete with a surface of old concrete.
These are a combination of polymers and copolymers which is milky white in color. In this
site which we visited GMS bonding agent and BUHAKA (cement paste) are used as bonding


Initially, the existing concrete surface is cleaned. Any dirt, dust, oil, efflorescence on the
surface must be removed completely to facilitate the proper working of the bonding agent.
After the concrete surface is cleaned, the admixture is prepared. The chemical is shaken
before use. It is diluted with water and mixed properly. It is always recommended to look
through the manufacturer’s guidelines to clearly follow the application procedures. The next
step is to properly mix the mixture. The manufacturer’s guidelines would give an idea about
the time within which the mix must be applied once the chemical is diluted with water. A
primary layer of bonding agent is applied on the existing surface over which the fresh
concrete mix is placed. The concreting must be done before the primary coating starts to dry.

Water Stopper
Water stoppers are elements of concrete structure that prevent the passage of water through
concrete joints. Concrete joints are most liable to seepage. They are designed as fluid tight

diaphragm embedded in or running along the joints. Water stoppers are designed to
simultaneously provide an interlock with the concrete they are installed in and to provide for
a limited amount of movement within the joint. Water stoppers are generally installed in
joints of secondary structure to prevent the passage of water and other hazardous fluids.

They used a water stopper when building the septic tank at our site.

Figure 19 water stopper


Reading Construction Drawings
In every construction, before the construction work begins, construction drawings have to be
prepared. These drawings may be:

➢ Structural drawings
➢ Architectural drawings
➢ Sanitary drawings
➢ Electrical drawings

Structural drawings: these drawings show the structural aspect of the building. These
includes: detail of beams, columns, slabs, stair, and foundation layout. These structural
drawings have detail information on

• Grade, number, diameter, and spacing of reinforcing bars and stirrups.

• Grade of concrete to be used.
• Type cement to be used etc.

Architectural drawing: these drawings show the architectural aspect of the building this

• Site plan
• Elevation drawings
• Floor plans
• Sections

These architectural drawings have detailed information of each and every dimensions of the

Sanitary drawing: shows PVC diameter, length, position and connection of material.

Electrical installation drawing: shows electrical system of installation.

Quantity of works
Preparation of bill of quantities (BOQ)

Before starting any construction, one has to have a knowledge about the volume of the work
and the probable cost that may be required for the execution of the project. The BOQ form is
the format which is used in a bill of quantity to list (include) a short description of the
specification along with its measuring unit, quantity and unit prices to determine the total cost
for each trade of item. The quantity for each trade of work is obtained from the takeoff sheet
and bar schedule. The unit price is the rate for the unit amount of quantity which is filled by
the construction company.

Take Off
Take off is the process of measuring quantities from detail construction drawing. The
measurements are recorded on paper known as takeoff sheet.

Take off sheet: - is a tabular standard format in which dimension of items from working
drawing are transferred for further calculation and prepare to make payments of:

 Formwork  earth work and excavation

 concrete work
The dimensions of different works expressed in different dimension these are

➢ Concrete work –m3 ➢ Lean concrete-m2

➢ Form work-m2 ➢ Reinforcement-Kg

➢ Bulk excavation-m3 ➢ Back fill-m3

➢ Site clearance-m2
Takeoff sheet format has four columns

1. Number column: describes number of items

2. L*W*D column: describes dimension of single item
3. Quantity column: describes total quantity
4. Description column: describe the type of material

Table 3 Takeoff sheet format


Takeoff sheet
Consultant: E.E.S. Consulting Architects and Engineers Plc. Page___1
Contractor: Bamacon Engineering PLC
Project: 4B+SB+G+18 Mixed Use Building Project.

No Dim Prod Description No Dim Prod Description

033000.09, C-35 concrete
Volume of concrete (Mat slab)
A-1 (B/n axis 5'-8' & A-G)
1 30.35 L=30.351m
19.99 W=19.99m
0.90 T=0.9m
546.04 m3
A-2 (B/n axis 6-8' & G-H)
1 16.30 L=16.3m
7.25 W=7.253m
0.90 T=0.9m
106.40 m3
A-3 (B/n axis 5'-6 & G-G')
0.5 3.70 L=3.7m
1.61 W=1.614m
0.90 T=0.9m
2.69 m3

Bar Schedules:
This is a list of reinforcement bars in tabular form. It used

 To know the requirement of different size of rebar from structural drawings and
bars may be cut and bend accurately at work site.
 To prepare payments of steel bars and to purchase steel bars.

Table 4 bar schedule sheet format


Consultant:-E.E.S.Consulting Arechitects and Engineering Plc.
Contractor: -Bamacon Engineering Plc.
Project: -4B+SB+G+18 Mixed Use Building
Number of bars Length
No Sh Ø No No Tot.
Description .
ape of of No of 14. 16.0 20.0 24.0
(m) 8 10.0 12.0
Bars Mem bars 0
MFB- 8: On Axis b/n 7-6
20 5.30 12 1 12
Top 63.6
20 20 12 1 12 98.4
Intermi 16 .50 4 1 4 34.0
20 7.70 12 1 12 92.4
20 5.80 12 1 12
Stirup St1 8 5.40 92 1 92 498.2
St4 8 0.70 49 1 49 34.1
MFB- 9: On Axis 7
Top 24 11.5 36 1 36 414.0
16 7.30 4 1 4 29.2
16 7.30 4 1 4 29.2
Bottom 24 11.5 16 1 16 184.0
Stirup St1 10 5.40 20 1 20 110.5
St1 12 5.40 75 1 75 407.6
St4 8 0.70 39 1 39 27.5

Total Length…………………… 559.8 110.5 407.6 92.4 254.4 598.0

Weight/Kg………………………. 0.395 0.617 0.888 1.2 1.579 2.467 3.552

Total weight…………………… 221.12 68..18 361.9 145.9 627.6 2,124.1


To indicate the progression of carried out work, report written weekly, monthly and annually.
Therefore, this report shows man power deployed. Equipment assigned material on site and
all necessary elements especially in monthly reports.
This report is organized from the data gained from daily data collection. The daily collected
data by the data collector is submitted to the office engineer and he organizes weekly and
monthly reports. The reports prepared by the office engineer will be reviewed by the project
manager and sent to head office.

Table 5 daily data collecting sheet format


TF Housing Rent and Construction S.C

Daily Data
Format Date


Description Unit Trade No Duration Description Unit Qty Description no

Contract Documents

A contract is an agreement between parties, which they intend to be legally binding with
respect to the obligations of each party to the other and their liabilities. The contract thus
binds the contractor to construct the works as defined, and the employer to pay for them in
the manner and timing set out.
Title page giving the detailed location of site, division/circle, issuing tender, type
of work to be performed.
Index page giving content of contract document
Bill of quantity (BOQ)
Detailed specifications of the work
This contract documents are called agreement deed and are in written form. Each of the deed
must be signed by the owner and the contractor.

2.4.3 Equipment’s Used in Construction Site Works


Vibrator is used to compact concrete mix and to avoid air voids in the concrete mix. The
presence of air voids in the concrete reduces the strength of concrete and when dry it will
create cracks. In this regard, vibrators are the essential equipment for every concrete casting.

Figure 20 vibrator


Compactor is a machine or mechanism used to material soil through compaction in

construction industry. Kangaroo compactor used to compact the selected fill material

Figure 21 compactor


A machine used for digging, moving, or transporting loose gravel, sand or soil


A machine used for raising, shifting, and lowering heavy weights by means of projecting
swinging arm or with the hoisting apparatus supported on an overhead track. Crane used for
concrete pouring.

Stationary pump

It is a concrete filling machine that helps to fill long-distanced structural members through
fitting tubes. Here on this site it is used when the foundation (mat slab and mat beam) was

Figure 22 stationary pump


2.4.4 Tests Conducted

Concrete Tests
Compressive strength test

Concrete strength test: - Concrete needs to be checked for its flexural resistance, tensile and
compression strength. For compression strength test 150mm dimension of cubes are used.
The number of cubes is mostly six. Then the strength of three of cubes will be tested at the
ends of 7th day and the remaining three at 28th day.

Generally, the strength of concrete will be affected by

➢ Cement type ➢ Water content

➢ Quality of sand and aggregate used ➢ Admixtures
➢ Mix ratio
The strength of concrete at 28th day is used for design strength and the test strength must be
greater than the minimum required strength. However, if strength fails the structure must be
dismantled. Nevertheless, before dismantling hammer test will be taken. In this site the
concrete attains is strength in 7th day test but it fails attaining its strength in the 28th day.
Therefore, hammer test in conducted after 45 days. Hammer test is expansive and it is to be
used only is dismantling is much loss and the amount to be dismantled is high.

Figure 23 sample specimens for cube test

Slump test

Slump test is a method used to determine the consistency (workability) of concrete. The
consistency or stiffness indicates how much water has been used in the mix. The stiffness of
concrete mix should be matched to the required for the finished product.

Procedures to do the slump test of concrete;

➢ Get representative sample from C-35 and C-50 concrete.

➢ Place the slump cone on the flat surface.
➢ Fill the cone; fill the cone with concrete to 3 equal heights in turn, after the first layer
is poured it is rodded 25 times with rod penetrating rounded steel. Again, the cone
filled for the second layer and the rodding is done as the first layer. The cone filled
again for the last layer. The rodding is distributed evenly over the entire cross section
of the layer.
➢ Execs concrete from the top of cone removed.
➢ Lifting the cone; the cone is immediately lifted vertically with slow, even motion and
invert the withdrawn cone, and place next to the concrete.
➢ Checking the slump; they laid a straight edge across the top of the slump cone and
measured the amount of slumps in cm. From the bottom of the slumped concrete at a
point over the original center of the base.

On ACI Standard for building column slump should be minimum of 25mm and maximum of
100 mm for the concrete to attain good workability. During measurement of the slump they
got 60mm so it passed the slump test and ready for compressive strength test of concrete.

Figure 24 slump test

2.5 Procedures Used While Performing Work Tasks

Each task had procedures. In carrying out the task assigned to us, we followed the
organization’s operating system and followed the appropriate procedures in accordance with

the instruction given to us by our supervisors in accordance with the working schedule and
procedures, taking in account the codes and standards and the contract agreement.

2.6 How Good We Have Been Performing Our Tasks

Based on the feedback from our supervisors and as we have proven ourselves in practice; we
were able to carry out our assignments to the best of our ability. By discussing each other,
reading, and asking those which are beyond our control we performed our tasks as
professionally as possible in the work environment.

2.7 Challenges We Faced and Measures We Took to Overcome

These Challenges
Some of the Challenges we faced: -

✓ The outbreak of the covid-19 caused us to stop practicing, and months later we
returned to practice with necessary precautions in accordance the direction set by
the university.
✓ The shortage of cement in the country has hampered the concrete filling and made
it difficult to carry out the planned work as per schedule.
✓ Addis Ababa city heavy vehicle time limit proclamation poses significant
challenge to site supply of various construction materials (including concrete).
✓ Changes in design over time have made it difficult for us to understand and keep
track of they are being implemented.
✓ Project leaders’ weakness, management problems, hesitation and delays in
decision making; the illiteracy gap between the various stakeholders was
disturbing the sprint of the work environment.
✓ The delay in the work forced us to look at the recurring activities during our stay,
which was very boring.
✓ The lack of safety wears of construction like safety shoes, helmet, gloves.
✓ Get used to the real world of work and the work environment.
✓ Unfamiliar to words that being used at the site.
✓ Weakness of daily laborers and failure to fulfill their responsibilities in
accordance with their instruction.
✓ The lack of budget from the owners has led to the work being delayed and even
forced to stop.

✓ We have observed that from a variety of reason bent steel is used as a normal and
standard steel, which is a major threat to the whole structure.
✓ The site being located at a low point in the area; accumulation of water from the
area as well as from the surrounding buildings and construction site.

Measure taken: -

 With due care; wearing a mouth and nose mask, while entering, exiting and
working on the site washing our hands often with soap. Construction work is
difficult to maintain physical distance (social distancing), but we have properly
implemented various provision of the organization.
 Due to the shortage of cement and proclamation of time limit of movement of
heavy vehicles; it makes difficult to work concrete pouring on normal working
days. However, we have been tried to see concrete filling works even on
 Regarding design changes; requesting an explanation that is difficult to
understand, we were able to find out what works has been done in accordance
with the revised design. The project manager and site engineers have been very
helpful in this regard.
 When problems arise on the site, trying to understand the source of the problem
and take the necessary steps to create a comfortable work environment for
ourselves. We also spent our time discussing various ideas.
 We tried to see different sites by changing place so that we would not get bored of
repeating then same tasks.
 We have benefited from safety clothing by requesting the purchase of safety
clothing and equipment’s.
 Ask and practice what the real world of work and working environment looks like
by communicating and making friends with employees at all levels.
 Being new to the site language was a problem during our first stay, but over time
we were able to get used to by asking the site engineers, Forman’s, day laborers
and by reading the list of materials.
 Dewatering the accumulated water by using pump.



The primary goal of the Internship Program is to allow civil engineering students to
incorporate and emphasize the lessons learned in the previous year or theoretical part into a
real-world experience set in a professional practice-oriented environment. During the
internship period we have performed different types of task which helps us to upgrade our
skill and more experienced at building construction. Some of these skills we have gained are;

3.1 In Terms of Improving Practical Skill

This program gave us many opportunities to test and refine our skills. All in our learning
years our knowledge has been theoretical. This program has changed this and now we have
developed practical knowledge which helped us to build and improve our confidence. We
were practically able to see how construction materials are managed and controlled in a way
that is efficient and wastage reducing. Controlling construction materials starting from the
time it is taken out of store up to the time it is implemented on the work.
We gain a lot of practical skills among this
✓ Creativity and an innovative approach to solving problems
✓ The ability to analyze and interpret diverse, complex data
✓ Clear written and oral communication skills
✓ Awareness of ethical issues and the wider impact of your work.
✓ Construction of formworks
✓ Casting and curing of concrete
✓ Improved our ability of understanding and reading working drawings
✓ Supervising the work done on the site

3.2 In Terms of Upgrading Theoretical Knowledge

It was a good time in developing and upgrading theoretical skills for the future. We
experienced how to calculate volume works, take off sheets for rebar and concrete works.
Some of the theoretical knowledge those we gained during our internship training include: -

➢ How to write a given report either weekly or monthly

➢ How to check the work according to the drawings

➢ How inverted beams are constructed

➢ Advantage and disadvantage of ribbed slabs
➢ Purpose and usage of bonding chemicals
➢ Purpose of shear wall on buildings
➢ Purpose of stirrups
➢ How reinforcements are placed to resist moment and shear

3.3 In Terms of Improving Interpersonal Communication Skill

Interpersonal communication skill is the process of sending and receiving information among
two or more people which include habits, attitudes, manners, appearance and behavior etc.
Construction work is a team work by its nature you will face different individuals with
different professions and personality come up together and communicate with each other to
solve different problems and run the whole work. Though, good relation and communication
skill is the key for getting the experience and knowledge we require for the internship
program. Based on this we tried to change our approach to the people at the work place.

✓ We have got good lesson regarding communication skill.

✓ Experiencing communicating using variety of option such as; speaking, writing
and by using sign.
✓ Easily and quickly exchanging information
✓ Communicating in simple language
Interpersonal communication skill has the following advantages.
✓ To handle information
✓ To persuade people
✓ To improve relationships with others

3.4 In Terms of Improving Team Playing Skill

Team work plays a vital role in construction. We have learned that every member of the team
contributes in their respective areas of expertise to the end result. Team playing skill implies
to the idea that different individuals come together to work for common goals, to increase the
productivity. We learned that as part of a team, an engineer should have to works with a
positive attitude within a group for the success of a project. An engineer must have good
managerial and organizational skills. Confident and enthusiastic engineers are able to succeed
by gaining the trust of co-workers.

Good team player possesses the following skill:

• Communicates constructively • Exhibits flexibility

• Listens actively • Shows commitment to the team
• Functions as an active participant • Works as a problem-solver
• Shares openly and willingly • Treats others in a respectful
• Cooperates and pitches in to help and supportive manner

3.5 In Terms of Improving Leadership Skill

Leadership is a process of social influence in which one person /manager/ enlists the aid and
support of others in the accomplishment of a common task. Leadership deals with the
interpersonal relations. A good leadership and management provide we in managing the
overall skilled and unskilled employees in a strict manner in order to realize the work
progress in a given time and effective utilization of man power and construction equipment’s.

Leaders need to possess the following qualities:

➢ Knowledge of the tasks to be accomplished.

➢ Remarkable skill in construction works the typical project requires.
➢ Communication skills are so basic that the person who follows all the works
should have. Giving the right order.
➢ Humility - plays its own role in improving the workers eagerness and the overall
quality of the work and also influences the saving of materials during
➢ Work ethics
➢ Accepting sincere concerns and suggestion of the lower level workers.
➢ Having not only technical knowledge but also human, material, capital goods and
financial management, etc.

The benefits we gained from internship in terms of improving leadership skills are: -

• Seeking to apply responsibilities for action

• Understanding the duties of a leader
• Being a technical leader
• Controlling unwanted wastage

• Developing a sense of responsibility in workers

• Helping in completion of the work in time
• Keeping the workers informed
• Solving problems with creativity or innovation
• Effective assessment on management of risk, resource and time

3.6 Work Ethics and Related Issues

Ethics is a set of moral principles or generally accepted guidelines for right or wrong
behavior for instance treating people fairly. More generally work ethics refers the generally
accepted guidelines for right or wrong behaviors in work place.

It includes several principles related to effective work habits and personal qualities. So, in our
stay we learnt this effective work habits and principles in the company. These are:

• Punctuality: refers being in • Initiative

time to work place • Loyalty
• Honesty • Impartiality
• Willingness to acquire skills
and knowledge

3.7 Entrepreneurship Skill

Entrepreneurship is the process or action of establishing one’s own commercial enterprise. It

is also the ability to create new thing or modify existing to a better quality by reducing its
cost. It is a dynamic process of creating incremental wealth. The knowledge we acquired
from internship in terms of entrepreneurship help us in developing the basic skill necessary to
compete in today’s market.

Some of the basic skills we obtained are listed below: -

• Creativity and thinking new ideas. • Business management

• Innovativeness and future • Time management
orientation • Work management
• capacity to task risk and work • Human resource management,
Material and Equipment
• Self-motivation management, etc.

BamaCon Engineering PLC is Level I Construction Company in our country. The company
trains the interns as a regular worker and gives attention about their practical work. All the
company workers show respect and they always help the internship practicing students to
improve many skills.

Since the purpose of internship program is to help students to know what they have learnt
theoretically in practice and introduce students with working condition. Practically we have
worked on earthworks, foundation, columns, beams, slab, stair-case for different floor and
shear wall. Also, we were able to see different tests.

This internship program helped us to see and know what the real work world looks like.
During this practice time we have learnt many sites and some office works like takeoff sheet,
bar scheduling, report writing and etc. The internship program also helped us to differentiate
the responsibilities of different workers that we will work with for the future as: Project
manager manages the whole project by dividing work units and assigning it to individual staff
members and is responsible in motivating individuals, avoiding wastages of materials and
resources considering its benefits and pure workmanship, resident engineer oversees the
whole project in terms of time, cost and quality and reports regarding the progress, issues and
problems and development of the project, site engineer makes sure work is executed
according to specification and drawing and checks the construction and makes it necessary to
report it to the project manager, office engineer collects data from data collector or surveyor
and reports it to the project manager and makes detail drawings to be easy for construction,
surveyor conducts the work like alignment, setting out and checking depth by using level and
total station; time keeper keeps track of each and every employee’s punctuality, store Keeper
controls materials that come in and out of the store.

This internship program is very important for students to integrate their theoretical concept to
practice. The internship program has been helpful experience in introducing us to the real
engineering work. It can be expressed as an exciting and essential academic opportunity to
relate and implement theoretical knowledge into practical and really applicable structures.

The internship program is vital to students because it helps:

To know the working principle and work ethics of civil engineering.

To develop memorable theoretical and practical knowledge
To improve communication, team work and problem-solving skills.
To improve the self-confidence and to make full understanding about the outside
working environment.

Finally, the aim of this Internship program was to introduce students with working condition
and it made us familiar to the real construction world. We can conclude that the internship
program that we have completed was effective and productive.

Recommendation for the company;

✓ Health and safety rules and regulation are not practiced constantly in the site so
this has to be changed and the company should have to fulfill every material
which is needed for the employees and enforce the employees to use safety
materials such as helmet, safety shoe, and safety rope when they are working on
the height.
✓ Provide the necessary row materials, these will the firm to avoid unnecessary
delay of projects due to shortage of raw materials.
✓ Avoid miss communication between the employees, this can be done by arranging
company meetings.
✓ Not arrange the necessary materials and office for interns, this will danger the
interns to incited and work with responsibility
✓ The removal of formworks and panels shouldn’t done without skilled man power,
which highly disturbs the setting/hardening concrete.
✓ We would like to recommend to the company, and to all its staffs to continue their
positive assistance, to create properly learned and experienced future generations.
✓ We would like to recommend to the company, it should continue in creating job
opportunities for many people who are looking for jobs. This has a nice effect on
the development of the country and reducing unemployment.
✓ We also suggest that the company should keep applying the prize program for the
active workers as it motivates the workers and makes them more honest.

Recommendation for our university;

➢ The school should prepare orientation and some advices.

➢ Construction languages should be adapted in class.
➢ Laboratories and field practices should be given continuously for students. There
should be field trips and observations.
➢ A mentoring person should contact the student constantly. He/she should give some
advice about how the internship report is written and check the student regarding practical
and theoretical performance.

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