Reflection of The Demo Teaching

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Reflection of the Demo Teaching

“In everything you do, do your best”

Whenever I heard the word demonstration, I always have this notion that it would be tiresome
and a burden in my part. Most of the time, I listen to students’ complaints on how much money they
had spent in a demonstration for the instructional materials, the detailed Lesson Plan that they will have
to accomplish as well as the perfect outfit on such task. Because of that, I had my so called ‘grudge for
the said demonstration but that is due to the mentioned factors and not on the emotional stress that it
would instill me.

Unfortunately, as a teacher, I know that I will always experience that in school. And now is the
‘lucky time’, as part of our requirement in our subject, I felt that bigger obligation was placed on me
specially that we are assigned to teach Grade 9 students from the ITL, which is my very first time to
conduct such in a real and authentic classroom setting with real students.

At this moment however, I never felt any pressure at all for I believe in myself and an additional
factor is I have a great partner who can catch me if ever I make a mess in the demonstration. The
preparation of our task is not even burdensome for we easily made our Lesson Plan and made
specialized task for both of us to accomplish faster. Before our demo, I can say that everything was
already settled. We are already wearing our formal attires and reached the venue 30 minutes before
assigned time of our demonstration.

Time ticked so fast until we realized that it’s already judgment day. We entered the room and I
felt a very warm and welcoming atmosphere from our students as well as the adviser of that subject.
Things went on smoothly with my partner taking charge the first phase of our demonstration. I am
enjoying watching the students recite and laugh and participate in the class. Finally my time came and I
felt nothing but excited. Frankly saying I’m not feeling any fear or demotivation but rather I can fell an
overpowering confidence encompassing me. At that time, I can say that I behaved extra authoritative to
my students yet still maintained a low affective environment thus eliciting students’ participation. Finally
our session ended so fast that I felt like doing that activity over and over again.

I realized that through the demonstration I believed that we should always have a second plan
in anything we are doing. This has something to do with the projector that we are using which has not
function easily that I still have to run real fast with my wedge! Take note my partner volunteered me to
do it, which for me should be the other way around since he is a guy.

Nevertheless, our demonstration ended successfully. We received positive feedbacks from the
teachers and I was extremely flattered when she said that among all the demonstrators in our class, it us
who meet more that her expectation. We are so proud to ourselves and happiness is really overflowing
on us. Sadly I and my partner were not able to take our selfies! Nonetheless, looking forward for another
activity like that and hoping that next time it would be made individually. I guess tht would be more
interesting and really challenging!

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