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How Can I Contribute to a Healthy Academic Environment?

Being a student really isn’t easy and there are times where students get burnt out from
all their activities and academic requirements. Teachers and/or professors are also affected at
times like those.

When students get tired or burnt out, it affects everyone differently. A lot of people
don’t know how to handle that situation thus affecting their academic standing. As a student, I
have learned to sympathize with the people around me whether they are students, teachers, or
employees. The best way I can contribute to a healthy academic environment is by trying my
best to make things easier for them. Throughout my years of studying, I have encountered all
sorts of people, their personalities, and their goals. There are students who aim to be the best
in academics and there are students who are fine with just being average. In all honesty, I’m
part of the students who are fine with just being average which is why groupworks or paired
activities give me so much pressure because of the fear of not being enough for my
groupmates. We all carry different burdens in life, so the best way we can help one another is
just by being kind and understanding. Communicating with the people around you is essential
in order to know what your goals are and what you expect with your final output. It is easy to
stress people out which is why we have to be serious when it comes to work and requirements.

Mutual understanding and communication is very important in academic settings. I try

my best to not be a burden to anyone especially when other people’s grades are affected with
my productivity and actions.

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