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Curso/Taller: Elementary

Profesor :
Horario :
Sede :
Unidad 1
Nombre: _____________________________________________________________________ Fecha: _______________

Objetivos: To talk about past events


A Complete the conversations. Write the correct forms of the verbs.

A: Hi, Bruno. e.g. Did you get (get) my text about Sumiko?

B: Yes, I (1) _____________ (read) it a few minutes ago. What (2) _____________ to her? (happen)

A: She had a car accident last night. She (3) _____________ (drive) home when she (4) _____________ (lose)
control of her car. It (5) _____________ (rain) at the time.

A: What (6) _____________ Johnny Depp _____________ (do) when he was discovered?

B: He (7) _____________ (play) in a rock band and he (8) _____________ (make) a TV series when Tim
Burton (9) _____________ (start) using him in his movies. He soon (10) _____________ (become) a star.

A: Where (11) _____________ (be) you and Vanessa last night?

B: We (12) _____________ (study) for the exam at Vanessa’s. I (13) _____________ (try) to call you when I
got there, but you (14) _____________ (not answer).

A: I (15) _____________ (watch) a movie at home.

B Choose the correct form of the verb in each sentence.

e.g. Yesterday, I bought / was buying a birthday present for my sister online.
1 I was talking / talked to my friend on the phone when the doorbell rang.

2 I was meeting / met Stephanie while I was traveling in Thailand.

3 Kate and Elizabeth were going / went to their first concert when they were 14.

4 What were you doing / did you do at this time last year?

5 Gianni didn’t see / wasn’t seeing me when I drove past him yesterday.

Dirección: Las Orizas # 300 Teléfono: +52 2 363150 Correo:

C Look at the underlined parts of the conversation. Check (✓) the sentences that are correct. If they are
not correct, write the correct form.

A: So, Giulia, when e.g. were you going to Russia?

B: It was in 2002. I (1) went for six weeks, to a language school in St. Petersburg.

A: Why (2) were you deciding to go there?

B: Well, I (3) was working as a journalist at that time, and Russian was useful for my work.

A: And (4) were you enjoying your time there?

B: Oh, yes – and for a special reason! While I (5) lived there I (6) met Yuri, and now we’re married! It was a
big surprise – I certainly (7) wasn’t looking for a husband. My parents were so shocked when
I (8) told them. In fact, they were very unhappy at first. My mother (9) wasn’t coming to our wedding.

A: That’s a shame.

B: Yes, but then I (10) was having my baby son and she loves him so much, so everything is OK now.

e.g. did you go .

1 .
2 _____________________________.
3 _____________________________.
4 _____________________________.
5 _____________________________.
6 _____________________________.
7 _____________________________.
8 _____________________________.
9 _____________________________.
10 ____________________________.

Dirección: Las Orizas # 300 Teléfono: +52 2 363150 Correo:

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