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Dr. J. Eugene

Leadership is an assiduously cultivated art, and enduring leadership styles are seen as
an invaluable asset that is designed to pass from one generation to the next. Since ancient
times, the theory of leadership has historically evolved from a narrow, unidimensional
concept into the multidimensional status it enjoys today as a prime developmental strategy.
Change is the one constant and as situations and people change with the passage of time,
workplace skills too need to evolve to keep pace with the prevailing trends. Prime among
these are leadership skills that of a necessity need to evolve in order to stay abreast of the
competition. Transformational leadership is the need of the hour in every workplace,
collective evolution is of paramount importance as work environments and the workforce
undergo rapid changes. Leadership skills must be capable of tackling such exponential
organisational changes with a constant re-think of possibilities in the path to success. In the
recent past, leadership skills and styles have become a topic of intense research with many
pivotal studies conducted by the research community which continues to expend efforts to
gain a better understanding of this management phenomenon. History abounds with inspiring
tales of great leaders, foremost among them being the powerful Greek Emperor,Alexander
the Great. History can be an excellent teacher and the success of historical figures such as
Alexander from the ancient world can easily be replicated in the modern age. Many crucial
leadership lessons can be learnt from the past and they continue to hold good in the
technology driven world of today. A valiant emperor and mighty conqueror, King Alexander
was an unparalleled military leader who maximised the potential of his soldiers by sharing his
vision with his army who led him from one victory to another. A perfect example of a strong,
rock solid leadership that was not averse to taking calculated risks in the ancient past to rise
to stupendous power, it continues to be relevant in challenging contemporary times for
exploring successful modern leadership styles.. This research paper sheds light on the vision

Sept, 2021. VOL.13. ISSUE NO. 3 Page | 325

Towards Excellence: An Indexed, Refereed & Peer Reviewed Journal of Higher Education
/Dr. J. Eugene/ Page 325-337

and leadership skills of Alexander the Great, a fearless, revolutionary leader and a master
tactician, through a meticulous study of his illustrious life and triumphant victories. This
qualitative research is based on established historical sources which makes the narrative of
one of the most notable emperors in history not only a source of instruction but also an
engaging and informative read.

Keywords: Alexander the Great, Development, Historical Research, Leadership, Reflexivity

Contextual Curtain Raiser

Leadership research as a topic for analytical study came into being around the late
20th century but its contribution gained importance much later and it garnered recognition as
a key area of investigative study only in the early 21st century (Sorenson, 2007). Since then, it
has continued to be in the spotlight with organizations intensifying efforts focused on
tapping, cultivating and enhancing the leadership skills of their workforce. Innumerous
leadership theories have expounded on this indispensible managerial trait and they have
paved the way for a concrete path to building efficient leaders across industries. The
emergence of diverse styles of leadership to suit varying human dispositions, temperaments
and workplace environments has aided organizations in adopting an optimal leadership style.
There are a good number of academic publications in the field of leadership research which
have examined the realm from all possible aspects before presenting remarkable findings.
While such studies have been very helpful in the modern era, it is interesting to examine the
historical importance accorded to leadership in the days of yore when leadership theories did
not exist and leadership styles were an unknown entity. Leadership in ancient times was
largely an intuitive action that was not carefully deliberated and did not usually follow any
pre-determined plan of action. . One such hero of the past is the mighty conqueror, Alexander
the Great, hailing from the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon, whose farsighted leadership
skills catapulted the Greek Emperor to hitherto unheard of heights. His visionary leadership
style and his inspiring command of his army led to the successful extension of his empire to
almost all of Asia. His leadership skills and style successfully tackled many challenges and
obstacles and withstood the test of time, there is much that today’s managerial workforce can
learn from Emperor Alexander’s leadership acumen, powerful behavioural traits and warfare
tactics that they would do well to emulate in the fast-paced, competitive corporate world. As
an able monarch and successful commander, he enlisted the ready participation and
cooperation of his diverse troops by motivating them and channelizing individual needs to the

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Towards Excellence: An Indexed, Refereed & Peer Reviewed Journal of Higher Education
/Dr. J. Eugene/ Page 325-337

country’s military exploits that expanded from Greece into the Persian world and reached as
far as India. History can reveal the qualities and skills behind the success of great leaders.
The insights thus gained can be adopted as actionable plans in the modern business setting.

Surmise of the study

This brief study focuses on gaining some invaluable insights into the important
aspects and incidents of Alexander the Great's life that showcase his exemplary leadership
skills. The study attempts to trace this through three different domains of Emperor
Alexander’s life, namely Personal domains, Professional domains and People domains. In the
context of these three domains, a good understanding can be gained of his leadership skills
over an eleven-year journey in the course of which 70 battles were fought with the unique
distinction of none being lost. The secondary objective is to relate his leadership skills to
today’s world, to see how the successful managerial skills of the yesteryears could be
replicated in the modern managerial world.

Methodology of the Study

The present study aims to gain insights into the exemplary leadership qualities of
Emperor Alexander by delving into his conquests, victories and triumphs. . The paper
plunges into the pages of the past to probe the unfolding of historical events. Historical
research of secondary sources reveals many important facets of leadership and qualitative
research helps in exploring and uncovering successful leadership traits, behaviour, attitudes,
beliefs, perceptions and values. These meaningful insights from the past can help gain a
better understanding of the important role of effective leadership which translates into
enhanced workforce performance and efficient organisational functioning.

Review of Literature
The essential traits of born or made leaders and pre-requisite skills for efficient
leadership have been widely discussed by research scholars around the world. Frequently
reported skills include ensuring accountability and timely accomplishment of the designated
assignments (Kemp et al, 2021), dynamism and diligence in working towards envisaged
goals (Dickinson & Smith, 2021), critical thinking and innovative problem-solving (Clarke
& Matthews, 2021), zeal to exercise creativity in societal state of affairs (Jiang et al, 2020),
self-confidence and belief in one’s abilities (Acton, 2021), willingness to admit penalties of

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Towards Excellence: An Indexed, Refereed & Peer Reviewed Journal of Higher Education
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choice and deed (Dughera, 2021), ability to withstand interpersonal pressure (Pendleton,
Furnham &Cowell, 2021), attitude of perseverance with the dogged determination to endure
frustration and deferment (Galunic, 2020), capacity to influence and impact behaviour of
other individuals who form a part of the workforce (Conger, 1991) and capacity to establish
free and unhindered flow of communication between the management and the workforce to
work in tandem towards common organizational goals (Milan & Julia, 2020). These essential
leadership skills have been tested upon several respondents for decades and different
permutations and combinations of skills have been evaluated. These skills further serve to
highlight the unique leadership skills showcased by Emperor Alexander much before the
concept of effective leadership took root.

Career Chronicles of Alexander the Great

The leadership acumen of this iconic historical figure can be well understood by
examining some of his life-changing events and notable achievements. There are many
significant incidents in his life which reveal his style of leadership that serve as inspiration to
the successful mangers of tomorrow.
Table 1. Chronology of events
Year Event
356 BCE Alexander the Great was born
334 BCE First victory at battle of Granicus
333 BCE Won the battle that was waged at Issus
332 BCE Tyre was captured along with Gaza
331 BCE Won the battle of Gaugamela
329 – 327 BCE Won the battle of Bactria and Sogdiana
326 BCE Victory at the battle of Hydaspes
336 – 323 BCE King of Macedonia
June 13, 323 BCE Death of Alexander the Great

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Towards Excellence: An Indexed, Refereed & Peer Reviewed Journal of Higher Education
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Fig 1. Staters of gold having the engraved image of Alexander the Great
(Zamansky, 2016)
Leadership in Personal domains
History has recorded for posterity the undisputed fact that Alexander was a born
leader who gained a fearsome reputation as a ruthless and unparalleled military strategist. A
legend in the battlefield, the military skills and decisiveness of this brave warrior inspired his
loyal army to break the ranks of the enemy. Although he lived only for a brief thirty two
years, within such a short span he victoriously build a powerful empire and a glimpse into his
persona could help gain better a understanding of the gifted leadership skills that propelled
him to fame. The erudite Greek philosopher, Aristotle was the young 13-year-old Prince
Alexander’s wise tutor and instilled in him a lifelong love of learning. The young lad
received the rudiments of knowledge in political, military and cultural matters alongside
poetry, geometry and astronomy. Alexander studied under the able tutelage of Aristotle for
three years along with many other boys who would at a later date serve as loyal generals in
his army. Under the able guidance and direction of his illustrious teacher, Alexander proved
to be an exemplary student displaying inherent leadership qualities from a tender age. In the
course of his tutoring, Aristotle once queried Alexander thus,

“If you rule the fatherland of the Macedonians, what will you do to me?”

Alexander paused for a while, thinking deeply about the question posed by
Aristotle. Then, he looked at his teacher, and he said,

“When you have no assurance of tomorrow, do you really

seek to learn what it is to be? Then shall I give what I shall
pick and choose when providence above decrees the time,
hour and promise to be given”
(Wolohojian, 1969, p. 36)

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Aristotle was astonished to hear these carefully weighed words of wisdom from his
precocious student despite his young age and realised that with his keen intellect and military
prowess he would one day go on to triumphantly rule over most of the world. His
proclamation revealed that he was shrewd, realistic, decisive and confident in his abilities.
His brilliance lay in the fact that he was so confident about his own abilities that he was not
averse to taking bold risks with a sound plan of attack and his particular strength was a
capacity to quickly adapt to changing circumstances. The global pandemic situation that has
embroiled its denizens into tumultuous disarray must be tackled with renewed vigour by an
able leader at the helm who can help the organization and the workforce weather this
unprecedented storm. The foundations to Alexander’s exemplary leadership skills were laid
by Aristotle. The modern workforce must rely less on ubiquitous search engines and more on
the guiding hand of experienced mentors. The youth of today will do well to emulate this
ideal role model who stated with conviction the inspiring words that, “There is nothing
impossible to him who will try.”

Leadership in Professional domain

“With a small army, but distinguished for its intrinsic

perfection, Alexander overthrew the decayed fabric of
the Asiatic States; without rest and regardless of risks,
he traversed the breadth of Asia” (English, 2009)

The military tactics and battle strategies employed with great bravado by Emperor
Alexander continue to be closely studied to date. His very first victory at war came when he
was but a lad of 18. In the course of 13 years of battles, he secured his kingdom in Greece
and crossing into Asia extended his empire to include Persia. The war against Persia lasted
over 7 years and Alexander’s tactical brilliance is evident from the fact that he emerged
victorious despite having an army with less soldiers. Fearlessly leading his men, he emerged
victorious over military forces that were often more powerful than his own using ingenious
methods to marshal his army and defeat his foes.

It is noteworthy that although Alexander’s army was often outnumbered by the

opposing flanks his leadership was of such excellence that he was able to motivate and

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Towards Excellence: An Indexed, Refereed & Peer Reviewed Journal of Higher Education
/Dr. J. Eugene/ Page 325-337

energize a small but skilled army to conquer many lands. An admirable trait he had in
abundance was relentless perseverance. He never rested until the task was accomplished to
his satisfaction. He was not averse to taking calculated risks and boldly ventured into the vast
unknown territory of Asia. His battle against the Persian army is remembered for the fact that
it was won by defeating an army that was twice the size of the Greek battalion. In today’s
fast-paced world, how many of our leaders have the managerial acumen to walk in the
footsteps of King Alexander? It is unfortunate that many leaders feel insecure and threatened
by more talented subordinates and view them as competitors instead of a team asset.
Alexander was a visionary leader whose triumphant battles were the result of his focus on
building a talented team, his appreciation of their accomplishments and empowering them to
contribute their best.

The fierce battle waged between mighty Porus and Alexander the Great is a historical
incident of great significance. King Porus reigned over the land between Jhelum and Chenab
rivers, known as Hydaspes and Acesines and was the head of a large and powerful army.
Although their armies were evenly matched, Alexander defeated Porus with masterly military
acumen. The two armies faced each other on the opposite sides of the banks of the Hydaspes
River and Alexander shrewdly attacked during a heavy thunderstorm in the night when the
enemy could neither see nor hear the stealthily approaching Greek army. The heroism of
Porus is legendary and Alexander admired his bravery. Porus lost his beloved son in the
battle. After Porus was defeated in combat in 326 B.C with heavy losses on both sides, the
prisoner was brought to meet Alexander who asked him how he wished to be treated. The
valorous king replied that he wished to be treated like a king. Hearing these heroic words,
Alexander restored the conquered kingdom to Porus, made him a subordinate king and
ensured that the brilliant warrior retained his power and position as befitting a monarch
(Starnaman, 1990). This awe-inspiring incident, an account of which has been recorded in
Emperor Alexander’s own words, showcases the magnanimity of the Greek king to a worthy
foe and his respect, admiration and appreciation of the accomplishments of even his enemies.
This is an important lesson to be learnt from this incident that holds good even to this day.

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Fig 2. Contested and Conquered frontiers

Leadership in People domain

Alexander of Macedonia is one of the rare historical figures who foresaw the future.
As a leader, Alexander was an ideal role model, a shining example of one who ‘walked the
talk’. When he sent his troops out to the battlefield, he was always there in the forefront,
leading them on the enemy attacks as their valiant commander. He never claimed the
privileges of a king and if his soldiers had no water or food, then neither did he. If his soldiers
lost their horses, Alexander unmounted from his horse and walked beside them. He
considered himself on par with his men, never above or superior to them and showed his
solidarity with them by enduring whatever troubles they had to face in the course of war.
Confident in the knowledge that the Emperor was always with them and empathetic to their
difficulties, the army pledged their unswerving loyalty to Alexander and was devoted to him.
He inspired his army to be brave warriors in the battlefield and felicitated acts of valour. His
military strategies were often unorthodox but highly successful. There were a few instances
of dissent and opposition from a weary army but they were few and far between. Alexander
motivated his soldiers by giving empowering speeches, spurred them on when their spirits
flagged and believed in their abilities. Several centuries have gone by since the great
conqueror’s untimely demise but his cult status as one of the greatest leaders to have walked
on this earth will likely last forever. Despite his success at a very young age, he did not brag
about his war achievements. For as long as he was alive, he was not referred to as "the great."
Only in the year 200 BC did the Romans bestow this laudatory moniker. The current scenario

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Towards Excellence: An Indexed, Refereed & Peer Reviewed Journal of Higher Education
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is one in which leaders desire prominence and strive for recognition even before they achieve
anything noteworthy. The life of Alexander the Great teaches a valuable lesson in this regard.

The enduring friendship of Alexander the Great with Hephaestion, a General in his
army has been recorded in history. The son of a nobleman, Hephaestion was a loyal, dear and
trusted friend as well as intellectual companion with whom Alexander shared a special and
close bond as they grew up sharing boyhood adventures together (Flower, 2010). They
possessed a common love of literature and fought many a battle together. A brave soldier,
skilled engineer and tactical diplomat, he had a distinguished military career and rose from
the ranks of being a personal bodyguard to the king, to commander of the cavalry to the
second-in-command (Jeanne, 1999). He was entrusted with many important tasks by the
Emperor who trusted him implicitly; he actively participated in diplomatic visits and was in
charge of bridging large rivers, blockade, and the establishment of new colonies. He was
welcomed into the royal family when he wed Drypetis, who was the daughter of the Persian
king Darius III. Hephaestion’s sudden demise at Ecbatana shattered Alexander who was
overwhelmed with grief at the loss of his confidant. The monarch ordered a monument to be
erected in his honour to keep his friend’s memory alive. Sadly, he too passed away eight
months after the death of his dear friend. He died of a fever in Babylon in June 323 BC, as
the supreme emperor of a huge empire when he was only thirty-three years old but his dream
of world supremacy remained unfulfilled (Green, 1991). He also commanded that divine
status be granted to his dear departed friend. Thus, it came to be that Hephaestion was
revered as a ‘divine hero’ (Ogden, 2009).

Concluding remarks
This research study portrays the strategic campaigns and tactical leadership skills of
Alexander who was a Great Macedonian king. He was history's greatest conquerors, with
innumerable triumphs to his name and no one daring to challenge his authority. As a highly
successful military leader who reigned over diverse countries he established a vast empire
and was undeterred by a life largely spent on the battlefield. Modern leaders can learn much
from the will and wit of this quintessential leader who was so successful that he never lost a
battle all his life, one of history’s greatest leaders and a master strategist whose well-
structured fundamental leadership lessons hold good to this day, to leaders everywhere. His
focussed ambition, iron-clad discipline, adaptability to change, and proactive decision-
making clearly show how transforming a strong leadership can be. He inspired such intense

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loyalty from his devoted men that his soldiers were ready to die for him. It is not hard to see
that this timeless legend and one of history’s greatest minds truly deserved the epithet title
“The Great”. Conspicuously, he was condemned by the clergy with St. Augustine calling him
a rogue with a global appetite for hunger (Bosworth, 1988). Similarly, a man from a religious
order called Dante evaluated Alexander and pronounced him into hell that too in the seventh
circle along with the fellowship of tormenters, executioners and robbers (Wood, 1997).
Although criticisms of leaders are common by detractors, there were also those who spoke of
Alexander’s contributions in glowing terms. For instance, Paul III the French Pope, Louis
XIV the king of France and Spain’s Philip V admired Alexander and adorned their palaces
with the inspirational deeds of Alexander the Great (Abbott, 1848). One of the most
impressive leaders of all times, King Alexander bid adieu leaving a rich legacy behind him.
Are the leaders of today reinventing themselves on the lines of such illustrious, widely
acclaimed leaders and making notable contributions that will be indelible in the minds of the
people in the years to come? A debatable question that surely mandates a deep probe!

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Dr. J. Eugene
Institute of Hotel Management Catering Technology &
Applied Nutrition, IV Cross street,
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