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Workshop on Excel and Its Application for Business

Amit Sethi
Assistant Professor, PCTE
Mob: 09878702546, E-Mail:

“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand”- Confucius

This workshop is primary related with advanced functions of excel and focus will be on learning
by doing. We will be doing many examples for applying these important functions.

“In God we trust; all others bring data.”- W. Edwards Deming

Edwards Deming, the father of modern quality management. Deming had the fundamental
philosophy that data measurement and analysis were essential to attaining superior performance
in every facet of business.

'If You Can't Measure It, You Can't Manage It'- Peter Drucker

Peter Drucker is father of management and in this quote; he is trying to explain the importance of
Data measurement and its importance.
These days’ organizations are generating abundance of data. Making sense of the generated data
is of paramount importance for improving decision making. Microsoft Excel is very powerful tool
for organizing and retrieving important information from generated data.

Why Microsoft Excel is important for the Business:

"There's an entire flight simulator hidden in every copy of Microsoft Excel 97." - Bruce

Areas where excel can be very powerful in Business

• Finance and Accounting Marketing and Product Management

• Human Resources Management Production Management

The workshop is divided into two parts

1. Basic Excel

2. Advanced Excel

Launching Excel

Program Microsoft Office Microsoft Excel

Customized Quick Access Toolbar More Commands

Common Shortcuts in Microsoft Excel

• Ctrl + A = Select All Ctrl+ B = Bold

• Ctrl + I= Italics Ctrl + U= Underline

• Ctrl + C= Copy Ctrl + X= Cut

• Ctrl + V= Paste Ctrl + Alt + V = Paste Special

• Ctrl + N= New Worksheet Ctrl + S = Save

• F12: For Save As Document Ctrl + Home= For coming at start point

• Ctrl + F= Find Ctrl+ H= Replace

• Ctrl + K = Insert hyperlink Ctrl + P = Print

• Ctrl + Z= Undo Ctrl + Y= Repeat

• Ctrl + 1 = Format Cell F2: For selecting Cell

• Select Column = Control + Shift + Down/Up Select First/Last Value: Ctrl + Down/up

• Select Row = Control + Shift + Right/Left Select First/Last Value: Ctrl + Down/up

Creation of Basic Formula

Formula bar Click on Fx Search for Functions

Shortcut for applying any formula: Shift + F3

Some basic functions: SUM, MIN, MAX, AVERAGE & COUNT Functions
Inserting/Deletion Rows and Columns

Select the column/row and then press Ctrl + Shift + ‘+’

In case of multiple columns/rows, select more column & rows

For deletion, Select the column/row and then press Ctrl + Shift + ‘-’

Changing the Height/Width of Rows and Columns

Go the first intersection point of excel A1, on left of A1, click and it will select the full data, double
click and it will auto fit the rows and columns. But if you want to change it, then select that column
or row, do right click and change row/column width

Hiding and Unhiding Excel Rows and Columns

Select column/row Right Click Hide/Unhide

Merging and Unmerging of Row

Select the Cells

Home Merge and Center

Deletion and Renaming of Excel Cells and Worksheet

Select column/row Right Click Delete

Double click on Sheet Do renaming

Moving and Copying Excel Worksheet

Right Click on Sheet Move/Copy Tick on Create a Copy

Basic Formatting
Ctrl + 1 or Right Click on Cell and then go to format Cell. Also, these options are available on
Home tab
Printing of Documents
File Print Print Preview
Page Setup Page, Margins, Header/Footer, Sheet
Link of Conditional Formatting:
Home Conditional Formatting
Link of Filtering:
Short Cut for Filtering: Ctrl + Shift + L
Home Sort and Filter
Inserting Tables

Insert Table Tick on My Table has head and Ok

Design, Header row, Total Row, Banded Row, Table Styles

Upper, Lower and Proper




Left, Right, Mid Options

=Left(text, Number at which you want to have values)

=Right (text, Number at which you want to have values)

=Mid (text, Number at which you want to have values, Number upto which you want to have

Additions of two different cells

= Text 1& Text 2


=CONCATENATE(text 1, text 2)

If space has to be given then

=Text 1&” “&Text 2

If more text to be added then =Text 1&” “Text 2&”_______”

Inserting Images, Inserting & Formatting Excel Shapes and Excel SmartArt

Insert Pictures/ Shapes/Smartart

Freeze Panels

View Freeze Panel Top Row, First Column, Freeze Panes

Protection Sheet

Go to Format Cells Protecting Ticked Locked and Hidden Cell

Go to Review and click on Protection Sheet, then apply password, no one will be able to change
the file.

Insert Comment
Right Click on Cell Insert Comment

Fill Series

Home Fill Series

Data Validation
Data Setting Allow Input Message & Error Message
Cell Referencing & Addressing System: Absolute and Relative
Calculation of Rank
Rank= (Number, Reference, Order)
Where number is which you want to rank, reference is total series and Order is Ascending/

Tracing Precedents & Dependents

Home Formula Trace Precedents

Home Formula Trace Dependents

Home Formula Check Formula


First select All the Data by Ctrl + A,

Insert Pivot Table

1. If there is change in data, then go to Options and do refresh, it will automatically do the changes
2. If there is new data added, then go to options and do new data source and select the items
3. Summarize by and show value as
4. Show report Filter Page

Analyze Insert Slicers

Select Day wise Data, Right Click and go to Group. Select which information you want.
Weekly, Monthly, Daily, Yearly Sales using Pivot table & Pivot Chart
 Sumif(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], ...)
• CountIF(range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], ...)
• CountIF, Countifa, Countblank, Countif, Countifs function
• Countif=Countif(Range,”criteria”)
Six Major cases:
1. A<B 2. A>B
3. A>=B 4. A<=B
5. A=B 6. A< >B
IF Function= IF (Logical_test, (Value if True), (Value if False))
1. Logical test: Which condition you want to use out of the above cases
2. Value if that condition holds true
3. Value if that condition holds false
In case of Multiple conditions, all conditions need to be True or False (AND), or only one condition
needs to be True or False (OR), or if you want to check if a condition does NOT meet your criteria?

 AND =IF(AND(Something is True, Something else is True), Value if True, Value if

 OR =IF(OR(Something is True, Something else is True), Value if True, Value if False)
 NOT =IF(NOT(Something is True), Value if True, Value if False)

Allow you to use tables of data to “look up” values and insert them in another worksheet location
• VLOOKUP= VLOOKUP(lookup value, table array, column number, [range lookup]) In
Vertical Form
• HLOOKUP= HLOOKUP(lookup value, table array, column number, [range lookup]) In
Horizontal Form
Case 1: For Approximate Match
Case 2: For Exact Match

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