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Pe OQ) Mor a dling _Comban.2 Wat ate the, stafes..0ffosmton.<4 | © | comfan¥.2-ExPGinddvantfa Jes col. _absaclusntages? And _|__~ | eS Vavious fies of Coatf art). P | forttoolucHion: | 7 cami ic Leall seiessol_a1__fesseats having | — [dis ancl clues of. But Goole “ie_not a nokta Gases | __—~ [hise — tucson Gein... ffisoalf e hejel of artical Persons _| Veceized 1 fo, 34 is--0_LaSal Petsons 09 st ts ZA |g ho pe by acSisheion = -vielet the. Confenbes_Dichxsate. | | DeGimitiom; — 9 : _ 7 Compa. Veleatlatl asseciatten..0) Patsoas— Seg to} lachife Coane... Cowmanans_chjeces,- havin a sefate r enti, inde Pouclent stad] _SeNGME.. Jet. jfsmembets with | PesPetusl succession “ amnek.a_cenmmen Seal ental tity coPrtel _] | divginse —rarbo _footles shales” oe Cana —-mesais 2 —tonPag —Suéoned arel__teBisketecl a | roles 7 ronpanies Ctolinttowe cb 20 eotisplatl__ Cantfot ” | staQes_0'} Jesmalizal_oF Comfen)), a various Stef fake Psomotion Stade He _Ressans —clesfouus0- Jeb onia 9 atl Ian phe trac _of- it sh achal e-xisloncec]_Gonthil : ne imalhed inthe eichton. | wPFpoval 0} PuePased maul. > Fee frtionn oh xetishertien clecunmed- z 5 eat 09. ShomPolttsael$bnd tees. 1) Sih mission — 4 teGustsationt abPLecetiow. _ |. 3) Comanencemeny of Business “Shffe: oe 4 Phe. coonfony Comes. tanto. existence enlf ...ulherl Hes. eelisheaton fig issucel 9: seh Tede of —rnessiocdiens | He Can spots Commence _ is business. one ther Biot ef commenerteyt ©} budiness... : : AddWant}s% es a ~Gonnfay, = = 5 ve A etitl te the _ccbonicfes of mPonl D strwle Lege/ extilf.. 2) Asfificiok — Pegsons. 3 SePbale cwmey She WY PeePetunl succession. 5). ceBeit Zo sue. ane cin). Sueol¢) Peocess Comment. Seal DAMembers Labi lt} Diol 8) Shaves Licey Tangpetale. Y Mont oppes eolventades. Diseolventtages oF Coo fan. Tie _dhscelvearbe§es ©} Compoorl’ Jor. of organization ae D conPhence. 69 females. ay Remini No. GitizenshiP 4) Me Yenclamentel #ifiifs. |S Membets sxe Wective —Gontioh 6) Hesvf . taxation O:SParafe_ entity 4). ComceP} i Jmovecl 9) dialing oP Ame Carsten, = = TiPes..0}._ Gonfnies. coeeee eee -- Feblewin are the TURES 09 ComPamies, D Rejjistesel._ GmPany. ~3). Limitecl _ eanfany. | BCom Linitecl pS shove... 4) Combo Amifed BY Quateorfee. 8) Unbionitecl Cuno ~SAssccstion Net $08 Predit. D SebsitieedcoanPam% __._§) Hobhtnd Compe q Pavete ompony We). Public. Company. MW Histeot Goonfen i) ome tan Coanf ny, Q: Mo: a e. Lovet aviows _amocles__oF- membershiP ? Hots meambershP of Comat acFuiriel ane fecminalion of membesshife P - _Satvoolection: we A_ComPotY - insPife 04 being an arfiferl hijab Ressons 4 Lie comnfeseel 0 Cevfain Persons whe tonshfute. jz 4 7 Cot fosee__boolY The... Retsons coo sing | the mRny ave fhe membeds—eF- Shavehokless 09 Me. com Pea “The Yenc 3 ule_o} Sawa thal a Rexsoor tthe is hebdey Jd ey, Conlon teJatolel 4a enber. a ee hcg Sos on the Combbnds..seGistet 09 members.” DePimition: ~__"MembershiP tthe evet)ethed.. Reasons whe afxees 70 become.a_onembe5_09-4 CompPanY anol whose name t exafetel in its tedistes 0} — omeanbets” Modes. 09 MembesshiP. oR ASusin? Aeombersh A Resons who ts Competeott_to confrad cin _-mecles of acGusing _membetshiP 29 Gonkeny an) of the AeMouinf. Subsevibing memoranslum, Ondles the Lao the frésons who gubsembe fo the wmemovarchin of assocefion avé cleemel fo hwe adteel ts pecome the omembéts of a Coonfbah. a 2)| Written Consent: . . —— "A Retsons Can. become..a.membet 09 the Gri aa Ip — he Sabistecl the Jellovin'| Cxrcuonsfancé 2. Pesoms Wwallea_10__). yng 8 cotpereof . = become. __ameanb es: - = as — = a) BY APPlestieen. 6) G)_Submission....c) 8 APD Lind}. 3) | A4pPLication And Allotment: A Persons bf msfinJ a7 ap PLesfion Jot 1aKing Shites becomes & member when the shave ave elletecl tor him. ancl his. arof. t's. .maate—t. enteral int the. vefistel of meonbesst ae | “HensGes 09 Shares; onredisteten of HenSfes <9 Shstes th fensbesce Decwoies a anemibet..0% the. Gombe. | 5)| Tansomission of Shates:, on the..clecth. ot /nsefrere of. || Ghaehablets nis egal wePtesentahles. ot offlaial sccaives. reeule. __ | entrtel fe Shares 9 clecreaseal et saasefuentt Shave lnlalefs.___ 6)| Qua teston Shaves: A clteckis rn a coanfbar) is oPPainttee! twhen |= [he sifats 21 tovletlsbea te fake Pit bis Gulyjeatton Shsrese | _| fesanination of. Membership. 4 Pek sod mat Ose 10 peo. 3) When the Comal self bis theres in exercise 9 tGht Len exes shites: abies ond al his shove ste velisfeteol in frename of) «feeccatiift. t clecLred _tncelvent ancl his shstes ate feaasfetseel bY official deceives: 4) | when he Usiteel te brnp sn encchayffe ef Shstes. couteed te shave en onistePeeseontlion S) Mulen dhe vedeemabdle - Reefeteate shite: ate teclecoreot— = ~D when irs shetes ate colel ix extecubizat ofa cout ole chee. +) le) When the Conf bs pend temo up | The feast thaalh talons a ea nafral] acts aval dees 178. J busines aye tepmed 24 booted of oliectos?. the ixutitilane7 | —— the Coben) ts CoanfAsecl 0 dtr cafes the ffencsal beclf ©) Shuchehhes ad the best 24 cbvector- eaition + - TESS 5 “ Dsceloss ate vnislot Aefal ceskersibilld Jor the catching . [ed 09 thes dideeit ladies rel nbte —acdlanr_na]_eastall sth 6 9 theo iat LO tchatoKe. te | | eihielés: cp pre Beoreted Sur.” a : we ee te 4 Hom) = Pe he_menelenekent fl assxcicthon 1 the. estes oD imvothitiley | 9 Goaher) arrcl Sao S04- o stefaleil. cleel of Pethretshif H, a conan’ the Percleomenthl Conelito..ofo1 ich ohee te Comba | ba Fouled! mmeon'erston Definition: : Meonstanction of adtoastion kt % Rbbe clbenonectf, coro! evel Ressoane the clea with dhe. coonfenl] 14 fresumeel fo Dsea__|— SiDIeicod Hewuabelle. of Hs. orkafs one Yves ; Chuses_0f Mamstsctcuat, ) Name... Clause 9) Pafisfeted OP ee ee 3) Objet Clue 4 Lebtlilt Clause s)GPIep louie 6) Ghyes...clause,— 9) Assicfism else eel Siberia q Qa: . peline_Shates. ExPAva_vavious 1 sof shares. Arch} - Difference bélween. efuilt « Pachexence.. SABE? nntseoluctiom: a a ee A. Bhebe 1-4 -Goarfeiy -# 0€ of the Call _trifo _ which. the. eel opel <9 fhe _coorkeat i cbviolel. That _shte mesos.«. Shibe in the fried of &comfdoda ghebe ia + PeeQstion <4 eafdal whch, exch tebe bles..s2. ental fo. — | — ight eae eT _ tghele 8 exit to Fartkifates. nt fhe fadlit rnecleby, the Confer} - while tf ia. Goll ceovcton.orel 2360-09} the Gohan 2 = 7 9)| "hate mess. Shete_ inthe Shite _Ofitef sf 9 coonfrond - 2 caoilSrif Gu iscuc,a¥C. a) RDerente.... Shstes 1). Otelnadl 2 Wy Delettee! Shes] [a EGaill._Shstes_— 5) Coonalehve. shstes 6): ReclemfAn Shibes. ence betieen | jetence a: — Lichetence Shores _ Shaves: ____ —t Perce. Ssies a8 lal. Bue | Ely Sheer ac ae} oblel ba} Lee 0 2 ctiviglenel- | Sal tele 0 dvuieleved » yj — 2. Pelee che e8e enttle ta tecae | Ey sheen cila| to #06 ~~ alvideaal in Rel fence_te duit Sluies. | ehilal end) let dhe Bnei ~32 HP stave Feeec de test Sha Sate no {ieee in ~——| shee with shel to Barat: ot [ve ent od wacls'l oy We. audithe: sone chic on cnltel [eal shoe ae oxt_eatlel te Sf eile et cleo Lan artes 0 elven -RAbt sheles of bonus sholes age ret _| Kut shee ot bootwk Shaics malt | ised the Reference shacheblss. she. issoeel VA Abe comida A) Neler| afhts_o9 lomne shudele bet | yeti) ft. 0 Hel) chscisien |. —| ate _sestgetel. 7 fi ae net restideol bc errr Cthewa} sidhet 09 tee 1h ate. Pasa) “Ts | Retous valimelon afb) andl ontaferreal Jo ebeestin, issnsachon 09 Srane_businesee 5 9) acl) Geacel) mrad 7 i 6) Aho rr = selettutel, Mets. aretha. —— - Bie pine Resltn ael exPlen void Hee 09 Resslden> lin asl_be dine 2s 4 FeRsal When “e Valeol | fables sol Pvel ard ees fe A Tani mech) on an) oncbel bélore 72, ie 1 Te LLLP Om Yeo 3 0) 5) 2) 9 5) 8) “| Vohuarbat Wierdling) UP. —— Define ee atm 0 eesehidloms” — TiPes_f- Resolution: Oselnati) Reselidon. . SRReial Pesalion. Reseletion vainf Pen! nofee Cebfaisn Resolefon, Resbition Fasseal at Aclisutneel. - oe Q:Me: Whot is winelin UP of ComPanlY ? Which ‘a company maj be winolinG_vP bf. Coutts Also oliseuss Velan far! Uidoling UP oh a Coonfany P . 7 : : a Jaf rooluctiont: The. Pecets © 4. tained wp “belins Het the cout Fas2. method © fevminahag the coishnce. 3 Combadl mesn tiara oPs winelenlf oP. 0 comb “jaa Prete “tuheceb iy erated! amel its. Poesia aclninisterdtel Int the beatfit_of jts Grecbyots and meombets *. a viiaolingt_ UP Pb ee 99 the Coorfed! has. bi Panel resale Yesplied. fo uisunel oP YY cost. seflgftet orion bleh. pre. stitosy reetianf_— _ toon Ms inestiet cost 08 Susfevol Hs buaaress Fob a Ashole Yeo 99 the muonbel.02omeaubels. tlle beh seven W the comfas) be Unable 2 Pal its-clebls. = the coutt ©) olenion peat jt ifs} he Avirsbhe.,— A comnPeij arm}. be Wausel uP xreanbets’ veductt ol winch) |r Reseliten 144 elecision 29 tag mnembeeof chess <9 shat |. “ah then mecha) Mecha) Coarlids ifs. besmess inthe Urachoi] uP ofcle’. “Thete... ave fico safes int. Petting_on enol of] the Ade 0) « Connfant weselnif uP one alissalefioa The. Conneriey— DePinition: - ae ts LF 99 cleJel} i2_rmecle in _elebvesin the Steffen) %¥st_ to. the] 99 the conkeoy] oes not omnmetee ifs badjonest. berlin 8 Ye | Wino declathen 29 Galea! Selo) Is mace -bi\ itt obtveet— __| he cwounstirees ct} -such.a\eelinl] uP ave. — am — liao ee -Coonpdall es hiboortotvoswel_ i a Wt th ‘dutcton B, ‘he alice exftes. | the aceytencee} which the. wi le When the Gomsfalb}_sfeinl tesohdinat sesehe Wouacl oP “al i LGecldots veLunger) sinaudl OP pal oe ll Astle "eh auth fa till de Bails. aijldoas \ Aes Jat the didecal “rsanfceal £f the oafag | se Se f Yevernoment f re i 3) shar call aad eghte od edie | 6) Fausto 0} shee ) Ahchon 6 _ ee a pg ntl share_| Confedts 0 froseetf. acai tens || | he ResReedus "ts the vet} Pneliton c9.¢ coaPs. ceidice. ft | ig of the vasis. 09 the Sfcbeomenfsnadle./0 Pe Feosfctus th the Pale fees. Shites. 6 olebenttles of. Me. Grafank ——___}_- a) Diectoss beniGit. Bb). Peat mecde bg... Peametostess.—_)._ ard luvel Uf ComPril ol) Fras seestly F Comfort) —- e) Pelreninet) Compsccfs 2) felonssd eocPenses. + G) Voto] Rigs ef shites bh) Divelend! -aiBhte 0? hates Statement in Lien of fhosfectus, A. Shfermeril. i len 2 PosfecttS me be Mehme a4 6 Pablic clecoreort PeePateds in te Fem Faeseeibel in He. Secon! Cheelule 1 the Comfanics Céeliasnce \)..everd — Such Pablic eomldni) which cles nef issue. 1 Feos Refus.on Jasco. | Confents 0). Sffemenf in Aieu.0f Frostects, 1) Neme09 _Guifea. 2) -Sfeleneat a Cait 3) Descaiffion 0] business 4) Name, achfterse& of theclitecioe. 5) Rights ¢} voting - —6) Shes anol olebentites Isswecl. —_} 3 ) Reme of Venaless 8) Estronte Prebminsi) cxkense 9) Aialericl cenntdacls Jo) Diseetots_ frefetest.__. QQ: Noi Deine Secretar) 0} a Com GomPay Seeredat al_w Jafrocluetion): The Conftnd) Sec the Pibfeses ef. the relinmox€. ancl ts phe. omain ical ft vespasible Ir the Combhence} lomfeal it Secgatty cludes. |; Debiniton, a Seana PE 7 Sectefar|_mesns on tndliviolual’ —oPPaiartecl to FesJerm the. edanarstedtive. gectetage) ond hes. duties ctdinatil. REosoncel “bb the Seetetait) comPan Duties 0} Compa Seexetevl: D Sfajufory_. cloties. -2)-Datles im telbtton fo. obtectot. |. -3) Daties_fo membes..4) Duties to delhding fo_0¥f)eont-zaition. |< -5) Scofe_of . seceetanal accoulernc, 6) PeePasclion iss we ~nelices DieeRetsfion_od Stated veluin_ gy Ree Motorend Letloes. |. 9) Frelise shee cesitiate. le) Retave of 704% roduc. & Us Seated Canuel De | Sectohey. Canad elo Fed) Daf Paha an OD) Conact bette) oanel| on bell) of the corfeatd. — Conniet. issue _._vsit in the. _Ganbatdis sine 9 ai ilo Het ttl eblatns OSE r —A)| Comme Witheut auf nti) shite samme o77 e¢psiet.—§. >) Cea = Seal sed sete te —echoli 7 ° | hate) Rule tad Conk | | Pridhies com shensfev hic _shske. {Sex be “titetel with care |vil the ainduee aloes of — Pecan a Fertoet. bY) _his_aeh Member Ceammat bind‘ Gaon | fret ca biel Ie panel GA. ~ | Deine ened DI Dishi patel belween. _Grnfeol_a fh _amah 4 P| Dattnes Gu of 4 [ | PaxtnevehiP { q tol Llwhen dln 06 mote Fetsore | __ rf corona busruese | lr 4 Common ik Joe" “contol hese the Pat & Mesut | ~ lon! bosiaces tl hate Fait {anilld Le i_ken oidy_ag 4 S LRabccskP Fens. FathuceshiP snot a fat Fe oS. - seeatinatiol 50. bas. zeta 2 Sea — LLBLA of meothies to \Uihb) 9 meobes is | faite! 09 cooler. | walneal in_PearesshiP | — 1 Histol bj cainReia| His vefisheteel timed, | — ad_1956._ [PPbiesshiP Ad josa, | 4 | liad oP bt his ocd {dlissabresl bil ont far st caf dine _ an ch et Sond eel lef : | cluties, Gatef Li | wh is the Peomotors 0} the. confeat 2 Deseube Rights, Hes.2 Ankcoduotton: Porites isa Pesos bho conecives phe roles 0) Sfshni a Mesh business, Ress the necessat) Rebemnsi Wes ineielents| %. the Combos tn shea’ Feomolos Is 9 feasoms who Vehartees to bang ¢ Combai) Into exasfarce. De Pion ti 7 Premotes bs the Pevson whe assembles the men, the mmoned ene! fhe meferial tafe 9 Goin] Concerns” fis 09 feomopers : 1) Rights fo indemnity - 2) ith} 10 ceive the Ladhtmele foebminsey) exPense. 3) Rgbt to. seceive the seramneations. 4) Duties oF Romosevs see % clischse the Sekt Rest a 6 clisclse ll the mafene) Jacls, Te Peonclet must make Yeods to the coonfeoi(). Dal} Jo clschse . Peivale artonfe meat Dd] oD Fearncter .sJamst the Juhere alle tecs. - Liabilities 09. Premop@iS oo Liablihes to. Pislose Jiobibther S06 sect Rik. - a G- Romefels- Functlous 0} RReonofexs. Conceive. tales 07 Golda. Memotudun escociefloa.. Attends the. tefhetelloa. 9 Comenid, Prsccates Sot fhe. Coon larree roa han. “Shes 3. fai) eto, “Howhe rePasdion fue a Pat) Peionnssl.erdiertse . “a Secures ae ‘|

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