New Machine-Learning Algorithms For Prediction of Parkinson's Disease

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New machine-learning algorithms for prediction of Parkinson's disease

Article  in  International Journal of Systems Science · July 2012

DOI: 10.1080/00207721.2012.724114


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Dr. Indrajit Mandal

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Bangalore


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New machine-learning algorithms for prediction of

Parkinson's disease
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Indrajit Mandal & N. Sairam
School of Computing, SASTRA University, Thanjavur – 613401, Tamil Nadu, India

Version of record first published: 24 Sep 2012.

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International Journal of Systems Science
2012, 1–20, iFirst

New machine-learning algorithms for prediction of Parkinson’s disease

Indrajit Mandal* and N. Sairam
School of Computing, SASTRA University, Thanjavur – 613401, Tamil Nadu, India
(Received 24 February 2012; final version received 20 July 2012)

This article presents an enhanced prediction accuracy of diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease (PD) to prevent the
delay and misdiagnosis of patients using the proposed robust inference system. New machine-learning methods
are proposed and performance comparisons are based on specificity, sensitivity, accuracy and other measurable
parameters. The robust methods of treating Parkinson’s disease (PD) includes sparse multinomial logistic
regression, rotation forest ensemble with support vector machines and principal components analysis, artificial
neural networks, boosting methods. A new ensemble method comprising of the Bayesian network optimised by
Tabu search algorithm as classifier and Haar wavelets as projection filter is used for relevant feature selection and
ranking. The highest accuracy obtained by linear logistic regression and sparse multinomial logistic regression is
Downloaded by [indrajit mandal] at 09:37 24 September 2012

100% and sensitivity, specificity of 0.983 and 0.996, respectively. All the experiments are conducted over 95%
and 99% confidence levels and establish the results with corrected t-tests. This work shows a high degree of
advancement in software reliability and quality of the computer-aided diagnosis system and experimentally
shows best results with supportive statistical inference.
Keywords: Parkinson’s disease; inference system; rotation forest; Haar wavelets; software reliability

1. Introduction Hanilçi 2012), and especially the most common symp-

The effective method for the treatment of Parkinson’s toms are dysphonia exhibited by more than 90% of the
disease is quiet difficult as existing methods are less patients and giat variability which is a unique param-
accurate and consequently leads to misdiagnosis (Polat eter for the onset of this illness. Therefore speech signal
2012) reported on an average of 25% based on processing of PD symptoms using an advanced tech-
dysphonia features as other diseases may also have nology has drawn significant attention. One of the
similar dysphonic symptoms. One of the major prob- common treatments is injecting a small amount of
lems is the inability to detect any chronic disease at the botulinum toxin (Borghammer et al. 2012) into the
early stage (Kamiran and Calders 2011; Mani, Chang, affected region of larynx, but it gives temporary relief
and Chen 2011; Wang, Chen, and Chen 2011; Song, for three to four months and after that voice symptoms
Lee, and Shin 2012). Here we propose robust and reappears. In the PD literature precisely there have
reliable models for addressing the fore-mentioned been studies based on speech measurements
problem with sufficient statistical inference testing (Kayasith and Theeramunkong 2011; Chia, Goh,
and presenting experimental results with the quantita- Shim, and Tan 2012; Yang, Wang, and Pai 2012) on
tive and qualitative analysis. One of the major prob- voice disorders.
lems in early recognition of its symptoms is that proper The cause of PD is still not known exactly and its
diagnosis is unavailable. So it is quiet difficult for the research is carried out all over the globe. Diagnosis is
people with Parkinson’s (PWP) disease to visit doctors being focused on different aspects, such as gene
for check up in the diagnosis centres. Therefore, the therapy, DNA-loci (Liu et al. 2012) and transcriptional
present state-of-art of technology in telecommunica- phase (Zhu, Li, Tung, and Wang 2012). The affected
tion systems offers the advantage of telemonitoring of people develop several symptoms, including move-
such patients. ment, body balance and muscle control of clients
PD is a neurodegenerative disease characterised by (Wang et al. 2011). Most people are dependent on
progressive neurodegeneration of dopamine neurons in clinical intervention. The temporary medications are
the substancia nigra (Das 2010; Tsanas, Little, available to give relief for some time.
McSharry, and Ramig 2010) that are detectable after The proposed inference system includes several
50–55 years. PD-affected patients suffer from physical highly efficient statistical learning algorithms for the
impairment of the body parts (Eskidere, Ertas , and evaluation of the voice features of the PD controls.

*Corresponding author. Email:

ISSN 0020–7721 print/ISSN 1464–5319 online

 2012 Taylor & Francis
2 I. Mandal and N. Sairam

Several traditional methods are used for the measure- 2. Data

ment of the voice features based on fundamental voice The clinical Parkinson dataset consists of 195 instances
frequency oscillation, jitter measure, shimmer test, and 22 attributes with one class without any missing
pitch period entropy (Little, McSharry, Hunter, values. The data set is collected from speech sounds
Spielman, and Ramig 2009; Singh, Singh, Jaryal, and produced during standard speech tests records using a
Deepak 2012), noise to harmonics ratios. These mea- microphone and these recorded speech signals are
sures are used to examine the extent of the PD in analysed using praat software (Little et al. 2009) to
clients. eliminate noise and characterise unique properties in
Corrected t-tests give better results as it reduces the signals.
dependency of variables, as shown in Table 5. We have The classifiers models are trained with 66% of the
conducted the experiments using robust and reliable sample and tested them over rest of it. So we have
machine-learning models choosing steep parameters taken care that the testing is not done over the same
for distinguishing PD patients from healthy individuals instances. Also the data set is standardised such that
based on the dysphonic features. the overall standard deviation and mean are equal to 1
The methods and models are briefly discussed and 0, respectively, using the relation given by
in the next section with the parameters involved in P( j) ¼ (k  n)/SD where P( j) is the standardised data,
each of them. This article addresses the improvement k is the data to be standardised, n is the mean of the
Downloaded by [indrajit mandal] at 09:37 24 September 2012

of the diagnosis methods on dysphonic symptoms. population and SD is the standard deviation. We have
We propose robust methods of treating PD including applied data cleaning methods for dimension reduction
sparse multinomial logistic regression (SMLR) horizontally as well as vertically. We have selected the
(Krishnapuram, Carin, Figueiredo, and Hartemink appropriate feature for the models and also the outliers
2005), Bayesian logistic regression (BLR) (Majeske from the dataset are removed based on the quantile
and Lauer 2012), Support Vector Machines (SVMs) information obtained statistically beyond 10% and
(de Paz, Bajo, González, Rodrı́guez, and Corchado 90%.
2012), Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) (Yu, Li, The rose plot in Figure 1 shows Hotelling’s
and Li 2011; Wu, Shi, Su, and Chu 2012), Boosting distribution of standardised data and it signifies that
methods (Li, Fan, Huang, Dang, and Sun 2012) and all the data variables are highly uneven with respect to
other machine-learning models. Further we have used numerical values and it demands for standardisation of
rotation forest (RF) (Mandal 2010a; Mandal and the dataset. Figure 2 shows the quantile curve used for
Sairam 2012) consisting of the logistic regression and the preprocessed data for outlier’s removal.
Haar wavelets (Saha Ray 2012; Ko, Chen, Hsin, Shieh, There are several vocal tests that have been devised
and Sung 2012) as projection filter in it to enhance the to assess PD symptoms that include sustained phonota-
accuracy of logistic regression as the experimental tions (Kayasith and Theeramunkong 2011; Pamphlett,
results indicate it. Morahan, Luquin, and Yu 2012; Raudino and Leva
Das (2010) used four methods and the highest 2012; Zhu et al. 2012) and running speech tests (Little
accuracy is reported as 92.9%. Little et al. (2009) have et al. 2009), nonlinear time series analysis tools and
used the SVM method and reported the overall correct pseudo periodic time series (Basin, Elvira-Ceja, and
classification performance of 91.4%. Ozcift (2012) Sanchez 2011). The details of the dysphonic parameters
author had used an RF ensemble classification can be found in Little et al. (2009). Methods from the
approach and highest reported accuracy is 96.93%. statistical learning theory such as LDA and SVMs
The results outperforms the predictive accuracy of the (Wang et al. 2011) are preferred because they can
current work on PD diagnosis, according to the directly measure the extent to which PWP can be
existing literature. Also we have performed a factor distinguished from healthy subjects.
analysis to conclude with qualitative and quantitative From the correlation coefficients among the selected
findings. variables in Table 1, valuable information can be
This article is organised as follows. Parkinson’s derived regarding the relationship between them. It
data parameters, preprocessing, feature selection is can be seen overall that MDVP features are strongly
described in Section 2. The details of machine- associated with each other like MDVP: jitter (%) is
learning methods and mathematical models are highly correlated with other MDVP features like jitter
discussed in Section 3. The results of this study are (Abs), RAP, PPQ, DDP. Then MDVP: Shimmer is
summarised in Section 4. Section 5 includes discus- strongly associated with Shimmer (dB), APQ3, APQ5,
sions, interpretations of these findings, conclusion APQ and DDA.
and relevance of results for future telemonitoring This work focuses on the problem of optimising the
applications. feature selection and thereby filtering out the irrelevant
International Journal of Systems Science 3

feature set for each classifier. We have used an

ensemble that consists of Bayesian network as classifier
and Haar wavelets as projection filter. To our knowl-
edge from literature, this ensemble is used for first
time. We have found experimentally that our ensemble
gives a better result compared to the existing ensemble
(Rodriguez, Kuncheva, and Alonso 2006).
Let X ¼ [x1, . . . , xn]T be an instance given by n
variables and x be the training sample in a form of
N  n matrix. Let vector Y ¼ [y1, … , yN] be class labels,
where yj takes a value from the set.
Let D1, … , DL be the classifiers in ensemble and F
the feature set.
In ensemble learning, choosing L in advance and
training classifiers in parallel is necessary.
Follow the steps to prepare the training sample for
classifier Di:
Downloaded by [indrajit mandal] at 09:37 24 September 2012

(1) Split F randomly into K disjoint or intersecting

Figure 1. Rose plot of Hotelling’s data of each instance in subsets. To maximise the degree of diversity,
the standardised dataset after dimensional reductions and disjoint subsets are chosen.
preprocessing. The x-axis is Hotelling’s statistics and the (2) Let Fi, j be the jth subset of features to train the
y-axis is the theta value in radians.
set of classifier Di.
Draw a bootstrap sample of objects of size 75%
by selecting randomly a subset of classes for
1 every such subset. Run Haar wavelet for only
90% Quantile M features in Fi, j and the selected subset of X.
10% Quantile
0.5 Store the coefficients of the Haar wavelets
components, aij[1], . . . , ai, j[Mj], each of size
0 M  1.
(3) Arrange the obtained vectors using coefficients
-0.5 in a sparse ‘rotation’ matrix Ri having dimen-
sionality n  'Mj. Compute the training sample
for classifier Di by rearranging the columns of
Ri. Represent the rearranged rotation matrix
Rai (size N  n). So the training sample for
Figure 2. The plot of the standardised data range of quantile classifier Di is X  Rai .
values between 10% and 90% for which data is considered
for the removal of outlier present in the data. The x-axis In this article, the relevant attribute selection is
contains the name of the features available in the dataset and performed using RF ensemble that evaluates the worth
the y-axis shows the range of values in the preprocessed of an attribute using the Bayesian network as base
dataset. classifier and Haar wavelets as the projection filter for
the analysis and transformation of the data. Bayesian
variable from the dataset and removes the outliers network learning uses the search algorithm and quality
using appropriate methods to obtain higher accurate measures. Simple estimator is used for the estimation
classifier. of conditional probability tables of the network after
Feature reduction methods (Übeyli 2009; Buryan the structure is learnt. It estimates the probability
and Onwubolu 2011) are broadly categorised as feature directly from the dataset by using alpha as a parameter
extraction and feature selection. While the feature for estimating the probability tables and can be
extraction transforms the original features to construct interpreted as the initial count on each value. Here
a new feature space, the feature selection keeps only we have set alpha as 0.50. Here the Bayes network
useful features out of the original ones by eliminating learning algorithm uses a Tabu search algorithm
the redundant ones (Askari and Markazi 2012). approach for optimisation towards finding a
RF is an ensembles classifier based on feature well-scoring Bayes network structure. The variable
extraction. The heuristic component is the feature T sets the start temperature of the simulated
extraction to subset of features and rebuilding a total annealing search. The start temperature determines
Downloaded by [indrajit mandal] at 09:37 24 September 2012

Table 1. Correlation coefficients between different dysphonia measures.

MDVP: MDVP: MDVP: MDVP: MDVP: MDVP: MDVP: Jitter: MDVP: MDVP: Shimmer: Shimmer: MDVP: Shimmer:
Fo (Hz) Fhi (Hz) Flo (Hz) jitter (%) jitter (Abs) RAP PPQ DDP Shimmer Shimmer (dB) APQ3 APQ5 APQ DDA Spread1

MDVP: Fhi (Hz) 0.37

MDVP: Flo (Hz) 0.63 0.08
MDVP: jitter (%) 0.15 0.07 0.15
MVDP: jitter (Abs) 0.41 0.05 0.29 0.93
MDVP: RAP 0.11 0.06 0.11 0.99 0.92
MDVP: PPQ 0.14 0.06 0.1 0.97 0.89 0.95
Jitter:DDP 0.11 0.06 0.11 0.99 0.92 0.99 0.95
MDVP: Shimmer 0.14 0.03 0.16 0.76 0.69 0.75 0.79 0.75
MDVP: Shimmer (dB) 0.11 0 0.13 0.8 0.71 0.78 0.83 0.78 0.98
Shimmer: APQ3 0.14 0.04 0.17 0.73 0.69 0.73 0.75 0.73 0.98 0.96
I. Mandal and N. Sairam

Shimmer: APQ5 0.11 0.05 0.11 0.71 0.63 0.69 0.78 0.69 0.98 0.97 0.95
MDVP: APQ 0.1 0.02 0.12 0.75 0.63 0.72 0.79 0.72 0.94 0.96 0.89 0.94
Shimmer: DDA 0.14 0.04 0.17 0.73 0.69 0.73 0.75 0.73 0.98 0.96 0.99 0.95 0.89
Spread1 0.46 0.11 0.42 0.68 0.73 0.63 0.7 0.63 0.64 0.64 0.59 0.63 0.66 0.59
PPE 0.41 0.1 0.36 0.71 0.74 0.66 0.76 0.66 0.68 0.68 0.63 0.69 0.71 0.63 0.96

Note: The highly correlated featured values are marked in bold.

International Journal of Systems Science 5

Table 2. Attribute ranking by an RF ensemble comprising accuracy of distinguishing healthy people from the
the Bayes network with the Haar wavelets as projection filter people affected by PD based on dysphonia.
optimised with Tabu search as search algorithm using 10-fold
cross validation.
3. Methods
Average merit Average rank Attribute
The methodology of this study is categorised into four
83.306  0.541 2.3  1.1 MDVP: Flo (Hz) stages: (1) Attributes calculations; (2) Preprocessing
83.59  0.697 2.3  0.78 MDVP: Jitter (Abs) and feature selection; (3) Application of classifiers;
83.247  2.161 2.4  1.43 PPE
80.854  2.99 4.2  1.99 Spread1
(4) Designing Inference system.
79.944  1.498 5  1.26 MDVP: Fo (Hz) An important issue in any kind of multivariate
77.894  1.456 6.6  1.02 Jitter: DDP classification problem is dealing with the suitable
77.608  1.323 7.5  0.92 MDVP: RAP variables in the sense that those variables combination
75.675  2.496 9.3  2.61 MDVP: Jitter (%) produces the best results. Though outmost care has
75.212  3.525 10.1  3.75 MDVP: Fhi (Hz)
74.469  3.914 11.3  4.96 NHR
been taken to ensure that the data acquisition is made
74.308  3.006 12.1  3.86 Spread2 noise free while the speech features had been measured
73.848  1.548 12.3  1.73 MDVP: PPQ using voice signals processing system, still it is natural
73.277  1.832 13  2.97 MDVP: Shimmer that inconsistency and outliers are inherited property
72.817  2.115 13.6  2.65 MDVP: APQ in the dataset. Also, all the 22 variables available in the
Downloaded by [indrajit mandal] at 09:37 24 September 2012

72.763  2.568 13.6  2.58 MDVP: Shimmer (dB)

70.825  3.373 16  2.79 Shimmer: DDA
dataset may not be practically useful in determining
70.825  3.373 16.7  3.23 Shimmer: APQ3 the useful analysis of PD patients.
70.774  3.041 16.7  3.55 DFA
69.688  2.016 17.7  2.72 HNR
68.374  1.901 19.6  1.28 Shimmer: APQ5
3.1. Neural networks
67.177  1.682 20.1  1.81 RPDE
66.836  1.527 20.6  1.85 D2 In this work, backpropagation neural network
(Mandal and Sairam 2011; Kuo and Yang 2012) is
Note: The ranks are generated using Ranker search method. p
trained with a sigmoid function Z(t) ¼ 1/ (1 þ et)
along with fuzzy logic. For training purpose, dynamic
the probability that a step in the wrong direction in the learning rate is used. Dynamic learning used along with
search space is accepted. The higher the temperature, momentum is applied to the weights while updating,
the higher is the probability of acceptance. The which increases the efficiency of the network as
parameter delta sets the factor with which the discussed in Mandal (2010b). The proposed algorithm
temperature is decreased in each iteration. The best is as follows:
optimised network structure formed during this (1) Provide training sample to NN.
process is returned. Entropy-based score type is used (2) Compute error from difference between net-
to determine the measure for judging the quality of a work output and expected output.
network structure. Ranks of the individual attributes (3) For every neuron, compute how much to
are obtained by Ranker search with 10-fold cross modify the weight (local error).
validation. The ranking of the attributes with their (4) Optimise weight to reduce local error.
description is provided in Table 2. (5) Compute ‘blame’ on each error.
This article presents work for improving the PD (6) Repeat from 3.
diagnosis state-of-art of technology with impressive
experimental results. Here different forms of logistic
regression methods are implemented including linear, 3.2. Support vector machines
additive, sparse multinomial and Bayesian with the Linear kernel SVM (Wang et al. 2011; Fu and Lee
statistical analysis of each of them with the corrected 2012; Li, Yang, Jiang, Liu, and Cai 2012) for the PD
t-test, which is discussed in the next section. classification. The instances in training set is used for
All the experimental results with different perfor- creating maximum margin hyper plane that is defined
mance metrics and corrected t-test are summarised in as hyper plane maximising sum of the distances
Tables 4 and 5 with the necessary parameter used for between hyper plane and margin. The proposed
the evaluation of each method. The selected models are algorithm is as follows:
robust to several inevident variation in the measure- Given a dataset Z, a data sample of n points is
ment of dysphonic symptoms in acoustic environments given by
and are well suited for telemonitoring applications.
We introduce new models for the enhanced predictive Z ¼ fðXi , Yi ÞjXi 2 RP , Yi 2 ð1, 1Þgni¼1
6 I. Mandal and N. Sairam

where Yi is either class to which the point Xi belongs. LogitBoost (Additive)

Each Xi is a p-dimensional real vector. The goal is to
(1) Starting with weight Wi ¼ 1/N where
compute the maximum-margin hyper-plane that
i ¼ 1, 2, . . . , n.
divides the points having Yi ¼ 1 from those having
Yi ¼ 1. Optimise the maximum-margin hyper planes F(x) ¼ 0 and probability estimates p(xi) ¼ 0.5
such that it divides the points into either hyper plane in
(2) Repeat for m ¼ 1, 2, . . . , M
multi- dimensional space. A hyper-plane can be
represented as the set of points X satisfying the (a) Calculate working response and weights
Zi ¼ fðy i  pðxi ÞÞ=ðpðxi Þð1  pðxi ÞÞÞg
Wi ¼ pðxi Þð1  pðxi ÞÞ
Where H is normal vector of plane and we want H and
b to maximise the margins. These hyperplanes can be (b) Fit function fm(x) by weighted least squares
expressed as regression of zi to xi using the weights wi.
(c) Update F(x) F(x) þ (1/2) fm(x)
PðxÞ ¼ eFðxÞ = eFðxÞ þ eFðxÞ
Downloaded by [indrajit mandal] at 09:37 24 September 2012

H  W  b ¼ 1
(3) Output the classifier sign
Both hyperplanes are selected such that there are
no common points lying between them and maximise " #
b X
the distance. The parameter jjWjj determines the offset ½FðxÞ ¼ sign fm ðxÞ :
of the hyper-plane from the origin along the normal m¼1
vector W. Next, the test cases are evaluated based on
the conditions below:

H  W  b  1 ½Parkinson class
3.4. AdaBoost M1
‘Boosting’ is referred to as improving the performance
H  W  b  1 ½Healthy class of a learning algorithm (Li 2012; Mandal and Sairam
The optimisation problem is min (Polat 2012) 2012; Piro, Nock, Nielsen, and Barlaud 2012). It is
used for reducing the error of any weak classifier. It
1 X works by iteratively running a weak learning algorithm
jjWjj2 þ c "i (decision stump) on various distributions over-com-
2 i
bine the classifiers into a single composite classifier.
Subject to The proposed algorithm is as follows:
yi(H . Wi  b)  ei, for all i; ei 0 for all i. Input: m sample (hx1, y1i. . .hxm . . . ymi) with labels
yi 2 Y ¼ {1 . . . k} with weak learning algorithm
Initialise: D1(i) ^ (1/m) for all i
3.3. LogitBoost For t ¼ 1, 2, . . . , T.
The LogitBoost algorithm (Reddy and Park 2011;
(1) Call weak learn with distribution Dt.
Li et al. 2012) uses Newton steps to fit an additive
(2) Get back a hypothesis ht: x ! y
symmetric logistic model by maximum likelihood. (3) Calculate the error of ht:
Here, stage-wise optimisation of the Bernoulli log-
likelihood is used for fitting additive logistic regression. X
It focuses on binary class classification and will use t ¼ Dt ðiÞ; ht ðxi Þ 6¼ yi
0/1 response y* to represent the outcome and it is
represented as the probability of y* ¼ 1 by p(x), where 
4 1=2, T ¼ t  1
If t ¼
Else abort loop
PðxÞ ¼ eFðxÞ =ðeFðxÞ þ eFðxÞ Þ where
FðxÞ ¼ 0:5 log½pðxÞ=ð1  pðxÞ (4) Set Bt ¼ t/(1 Z t)
International Journal of Systems Science 7

(5) Update
n Dt ¼ Dkþ1(i) ¼ Dt(i)/ (2) Add a model that maximises ensemble perfor-
D if ht ðxi Þ ¼ yi mance to error metric on a hill climb set.
Zt  t :
1 otherwise (3) Repeat step 2 for n times or with all models.
Where Zt ¼ constant (4) Return the ensemble from the nested set of
Output: ensembles that maximise the performance.
Final hypothesis hfinal ðxÞ ¼ arg max logð1=Bt Þ
y 2 Yt : ht ðxÞ ¼ y 3.7. Pegasos
SVM are efficient and effective classification learning
tools. This algorithm (Shalev-Shwartz, Singer,
3.5. Furia and Srebro 2007; Köknar-Tezel and Latecki 2011;
Ren 2012) switches between projection steps and
It uses fuzzy rules instead of conventional rules (Lee,
stochastic sub-gradient descent steps to reduce the
Chang, Kuo, and Chang 2012) such that it is easy to
number of iterations from :(1/e2) to O(1/e). We are
model decision boundaries in a flexible manner. It uses
interested in minimising Equation (1). Pegasos mini-
the novel rule stretching technique that has less
mises the objective function of SVM given in Equation
computational complexity and improves the perfor-
(1). Linear kernels achieve better results. The modified
Downloaded by [indrajit mandal] at 09:37 24 September 2012

mance. A fuzzy rule is obtained by replacing intervals

algorithm of Spegagos is as follows:
by fuzzy intervals with trapezoidal membership func-
tion along with greedy approach. For the quality Input: S, , T, K
measurement of a fuzzification, the rule purity is used. Initialise: Choose w1||w1||5 ¼ 1/ 
The proposed algorithm is as follows: For t ¼ 1,2. . .T
Pur ¼ Pi =ðPi þ hi Þ Choose At 2 S, where |At| ¼ k
Set ATt ^ {(x, y) 2 At: y _ Wt; x`_1}
where Pi, hi are instance from respective classes in Set gt ^ 1/jt P
dataset, namely PD and the healthy samples. Set Wtþ(1/2) ^ (1- gt j)Wt Y (gt/k) yx
Classifier Output p ðx,yÞ2A
Set Wtþ1 ^ min {1, (1/ )/||Wtþ(1/2)||} wtþ(1/2)
The fuzzy rules rð1jÞ . . . rðkjÞ have to be learned for Output: WTþ1.
class jj.
For any new query instance x, the support of this
class is defined as 3.8. Rotation forest
It is an ensemble classifier based on feature extraction.
S j ðxÞ ¼ Mri ðjÞðxÞ:CF rði jÞ
The heuristic component is the feature extraction to
jÞ the subset of features and rebuilding a total feature set
where CF(rðiQ is certainty factor of the rule rði jÞ and
for each classifier. We have used an ensemble that
Mri(j)(x) ^ i¼1...k IFi ðxi Þ where IF is fuzzy interval of
consists of logistic regression as classifier and the Haar
each instance xi.
wavelets (Ko et al. 2012) as projection filter. To our
knowledge from literature, this ensemble is used for the
first time. We have found experimentally that our
3.6. Ensemble selection ensemble gives better result compared to the ensemble
An ensemble Lin (2012) is aggregation of models whose discussed by Rodriguez et al. (2006).
predictions are combined using weighted average. The The proposed ensemble is as follows:
models need to be accurate and diverse. Bagging Let x ^ [x1, … , xn]T be an instance given by n
decision trees (DT), boosting DT, ECOC, SVMs, variables and X be the training sample in a form of
ANNs, decision tress are used. Forward stepwise N  n matrix. Let vector Y ¼ [y1, … , yN] be class labels,
selection is used for adding models to the ensemble where yj takes a value from the set. Let D1, . . . , DL be
that enhances the performance. Models are subse- the classifiers in ensemble and F is feature set.
quently added to ensemble by averaging their prediction In ensemble learning, choosing L in advance and
accuracy. Adding models to ensemble is very fast and training classifiers in parallel is necessary.
the selection procedure provides opportunity to opti- Follow the steps to prepare the training sample for
mise the ensemble based on accuracy. Model selection classifier Di:
without replacement gives the best performance.
(1) Split F randomly into K disjoint or intersecting
The ensemble method is summarised below:
subsets. To maximise degree of diversity,
(1) Initially take empty model ensemble. disjoint subsets are chosen.
8 I. Mandal and N. Sairam

(2) Let Fi,j be jth subset of features to train set of favour sparseness. Further, a priori, the  j arise from an
classifier Di. exponential distribution with the density
Draw a bootstrap sample of objects of size 75% by Pð j jÞ ¼ ð j =2Þexpð j =2  j Þ,  4 0:
selecting randomly subset of classes for every such Integrating  j gives an equivalent non-hierarchical
subset. Run the Haar wavelet for only M features in Fi,j double exponential (Laplace) distribution with the
and the selected subset of X. Store the coefficients of density.
the Haar wavelets components, aij[1], . . . ai,j[Mj], each of
Pð j jk j Þ ¼ ðki =2Þ expðki j j jÞ, where
size M  1. pffiffiffiffi
ki ¼ j 4 0
(1) Arrange the obtained vectors using coefficients
in a sparse ‘rotation’ matrix Ri having dimen- the distribution k as mean 0, mode 0 and variance 2/2.
sionality n  Mj. Compute the training
sample for classifier Di by rearranging the
columns of Ri. Represent the rearranged 3.10. Sparse multinomial logistic regression
rotation matrix Rai (size N  n). So the training We introduce methods for learning sparse classifies in
sample for classifier Di is X Rai . supervised learning for PD diagnosis using the SMLR
The RF ensemble contains of decision tree with (Krishnapuram et al. 2005; Zhong, Zhang, and Wang
Downloaded by [indrajit mandal] at 09:37 24 September 2012

PCA can be found in details in Mandal (2010a). 2008; Ding, Huang, and Xu 2011; Liang et al. 2012;
Low and Lin 2012; Liu, Zechman, Mahinthakumar,
and Ranji Ranjithan 2012). The methods have
weighted sums of basis functions providing sparsity
3.9. Bayesian logistic regression and promoting priors making the weight estimates
either very large or exactly zero leading to better
The proposed algorithm is described as follows.
generalisation by reducing the number of basis
Let the learning classifier y ^ f(x), and training
functions used (Li, Yang, and Wu 2011; Qasem,
dataset D ^ {(x1, y1), . . . (xn … yn)}
Shamsuddin, and Zain 2012). If basis functions are
For text categorisation, the vectors xi ^ [xi,1, . . . ,
the original features, it does automotive feature
(xn,yn)]T consists of transformed word frequencies
selection and allowing classifier effectively to overcome
from documents.
the curse of dimensionality Little et al. (2009). If basis
The class values yi 2 {Y1, 1}
functions are made the kernels, then it can achieve
The conditional probability models of the form
! sparsity in kernel basis functions and feature selection
X is automated simultaneously. In multinomial logistic
Pðy ¼ þ1jb, xi Þ ¼ wðb xi Þ ¼ w b j xi, j regression model, the probability that an instance x
belongs to class i is
The logistic link function t(r) ¼ exp(r)/1 þ exp(r)     Xm  
produces a logistic regression models (Genkin, Lewis, P yi ¼ 1jx, w ¼ fexp ðwðiÞ ÞT xÞ= exp ðwðiÞ ÞT x
and Madigan 2007; Hong and Mitchell 2007). The
decision of assigning a class is based on comparing the For i 2 {1, . . . , m}, where w ¼ weight vector to
probability estimate with a threshold or by calculating class i and T ¼ vector/matrix transpose. P  ðiÞ
which decision gives an optimal expected utility. For The normalisation condition i¼1 p y ¼
accurate prediction by logistic regression, over-fitting 1jx, wÞ ¼ 1, the weight vector for other class need not
of the training data must be avoided. The Bayesian to be computed. We set w(m) ¼ 0 and parameters to be
approach (Genkin et al. 2007; Majeske and Lauer learned are weight vectors w(i) for i 2 {1, . . . , m  1}. In
2012) solves the over-fitting problem involving a prior supervised learning, the components of w are calcu-
distribution on b specifying that each bj is likely to be lated from training data D by the maximisation of the
near 0. Uni-variate Gaussian prior with mean 0 and Log-likelihood function:
variance  j 4 0 on each parameter bj Xn

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi lðwÞ ¼ log pðyi jx j , wÞ

Pð j j j Þ ¼ Nð0,  j Þ ¼ f1= 2tjgexp½2j =2 j , j¼1
" #
j ¼ 1, . . . d: X
n X
m X
¼ yðiÞ
j w
Þx j  log exp ðw ðiÞT
Þx j
j¼1 i¼1 i¼1
Calculating the maximum a posteriori (MAP)
estimate of  with this prior is equivalent to ridge When training sample is separable, function l(w)
regression for the logistic model. Consider priors that can be assigned large so that a prior on w is important.
International Journal of Systems Science 9

Figure 3. The possible two-factor components using the factor analysis of various parameters involved in the performance of
machine-learning classifiers used in this study. Unrotated axes and rotated axes with rigidity (varimax) and non-rigid (promax)
options are employed in the analysis to investigate the parameters that contribute to the efficiency of used models.
Downloaded by [indrajit mandal] at 09:37 24 September 2012

This motivates MAP particularly in algorithms when sparsity reaches to

extremes (Fu and Lee 2012), in such a case the
!MAP ¼ arg max LðwÞ Laplacian prior aids to obtain two upper bounds on
¼ arg max ½lðwÞ þ log pðwÞ error rate. For comparison, the ridge multinomial
logistic regression (RMLR) which exploits the
where p(w) is a prior on the parameters w. The sparsity Gaussian prior (l2 penalty), as in the ridge regression,
promoting the Laplacian prior is given by does not promote sparsity.
pðwÞa expðkjjwjjl Þ
P 4. Results
where ||w||1 ¼ l |wl| is l1 norm.
The factor analysis is employed to find out the
relationship among the PD parameters quantitatively
and qualitatively, which is very useful in understanding
3.11. SMLR component wise update rule the behaviour of the features of the disease. Dealing
Matrix inversion at each iteration need O((dm)3) with a large number of multivariable, it is very
operations and O((dm)2) storage space. Its causes important to find those variables that are independent
problem when d or training sample is very large. It is and ‘overlap’, i.e. groups of these variables may be
solved by a component-wise update procedure to avoid dependent. In this model the measured parameters
matrix inversions and scales it favourably. The depend on a few numbers of unobserved (latent)
surrogate function is maximised only w.r.t. one of the factors. Each parameter is assumed to depend on the
components of w while freezing other components at linear combination of common factors and the
their present values. For the Laplacian prior, the coefficients are known as ‘common factors’. Each
component-wise update equation has a closed form of measured variables also include a component to
solution without bounding the log-prior. For a log- independent random variability known as ‘specific
likelihood, its Hessian may be lower bounded by variance’ because it is specific to one variable.
matrix B with the Laplacian prior, maximisation of From the factor analysis shown in Figure 3, of all
function at every iteration is the parameter involved in the accuracy performance of
  ðtÞ   different algorithms, it is evident that test accuracy,
wT g e
u  Be uðtÞ þ ð1=2ÞwT Bw  kjjwjj
kappa value, F-measure have good loading value, so
Component-wise update equation under the these are the parameters that effect the most in the
Gaussian prior is given by e uðtþ1Þ
k ¼ ðBkk =Bkk  kÞ algorithm’s efficiency. ROC does not depend on the
ðtÞ ðtÞ
uk  ðgke
ðe uk =Bkk ÞÞ which has no strong inclusion or common factor. TP, Mean entropy gain and test–
exclusion criteria for the basis function and it does not region coverage does not depend much on the common
support sparsity. As the objective function possess factor. Test accuracy (%), kappa value, F-measure are
concavity nature, all schedule shall converge to global having more weight age value with factors component
maximum. It is important to note that sparsity does 1 and these are the most important parameters in the
not promise the good generalisation performance, evaluation of algorithm’s efficiency.
10 I. Mandal and N. Sairam

classifier involved. Here the Haar wavelets

(Daubechies and Teschke 2005; Ko et al. 2012; Saha
Ray 2012) are used for the first time that gives
impressive results, as shown in Table 3.
The measures of parameters for performance
calibration of the machine-learning algorithms are
briefly described as follows:
Accuracy ð%Þ ¼ ð1Þ

ROC ¼ þ ð2Þ
Figure 4. Two-factor components analysis of various mea- 2 TP þ FN TN þ FP
surable variables involved in the Parkinson dataset used in
this study. Unrotated axes and rotated axes with rigidity K ¼ ðP0  Pc Þ=ð1  Pc Þ ð3Þ
(varimax) and non-rigid (promax) options are employed in
the analysis to investigate quantitatively and qualitatively the Where
dysphonic features exploring the relationships among them.
P0 Total agreement probability.
Pc agreement probability due to
Downloaded by [indrajit mandal] at 09:37 24 September 2012

Table 3. Comparison between the proposed ensemble chance.

combination and the existing work ensemble.

Logistic-wavelet TP
(proposed) Logistic-PCA Difference Sensitivity ¼ ð4Þ
ROC 1 0.992 0.008
Mean absolute 0.0421 0.1453 0.0032 TN
error Specificity ¼ ð5Þ
RMSE 0.1424 0.1537 0.0113
Training 100% 98.2759 1.724%
accuracy Precision  Recall
F¼2 ð6Þ
Precision þ Recall
Note: It shows that proposed ensemble gives better results on
Parkinson’s dataset.
FPR ¼ ð7Þ
True positive rate is negatively correlated to the u N
2 1
precision value. RMSE ¼ t ðEi  EiÞ2 ð8Þ
From the factor analysis shown in Figure 4, of all the N J¼1
parameter features available in the dataset, it is evident
that MDVP: PPQ, MDVP: Shimmer, MDVP: Shimmer The significant works that focus on the PD
(db), shimmer: APQ3, shimmer: APQ5, MDVP: APQ, classification are done by Little et al. (2009), Das
Shimmer: DDA are most important variables that (2010) and Ozcift (2012). Little et al. use SVM in their
affect the most to the cause of PD. In the second level, study. Das had used the neural networks system for
the most important variables are MDVP:Jitter(%), classification. Akin used the RF ensemble classifica-
MDVP: Jitter (Abs), MDVP: RAP, PPE, Jitter: DDP, tion approach. The maximum reported accuracies of
NHR. Also MDVP: Fo (Hz), MDVP: Fhi (Hz), these studies are 91.4%, 92.9% and 96.93%, respec-
MDVP: Flo (Hz), RPDE, DFA, spread 2 do not have tively. In this study different models have outper-
common factors among them, hence they are much formed the above-mentioned results, as shown in
more independent in nature. MDVP: Fo (Hz), MDVP: Tables 4 and 5.
Fhi (Hz), MDVP: Flo (Hz), D2, PPE are most SMLR (Subrahmanya and Shin 2010; Yuan and
independent variables in the Parkinson data set. Liu 2011) provides very competitive classification
Therefore these variables are the most unreliable ones. results in this study. SMLR is exploited experimentally
Ozcift (2012) has used RF consisting of neural with all possible combinations of the kernel and the
networks lazy learners and decision trees with Principal priors that can be possible. The classification perfor-
Component Analysis (PCA). The existing literature mances of all the used combinations are shown in
survey discuses the RF having PCA as the heuristic Table 6. The regularisation parameter  is selected on
feature selection component in it apart from the the basis of the frequentist cross-validation approach
International Journal of Systems Science 11

Table 4. The performance analysis of the experimental output from all the machine learning algorithms with respect to various
performance metrics.

Accuracy (%)

Algorithms Train Test Time (s) Kappa value True positive False positive Precision F-measure ROC

Linear LR 100 100 0.66 1 1 0 1 1 1

Neural net 100 98.2759 138.8 0.9419 0.983 0.004 0.984 0.983 0.99
SVM 96.5517 96.5517 0.13 0.8688 0.966 0.166 0.967 0.964 0.9
SMO 100 94.8276 0.03 0.7943 0.948 0.248 0.951 0.944 0.99
Pegasos 98.2759 98.2759 8.98 0.9371 0.983 0.083 0.983 0.982 0.95
AdaBoost 98.2759 98.2759 7.08 0.9371 0.983 0.083 0.983 0.982 0.959
Additive LR 98.2759 96.5517 5.75 0.8688 0.966 0.166 0.967 0.964 1
Ensemble selection 98.2759 98.2759 6.24 0.9371 0.983 0.083 0.983 0.982 0.999
FURIA 100 98.759 0.09 0.9371 0.983 0.083 0.983 0.982 0.998
Multinomial ridge LR 100 96.5517 0.24 0.8792 0.966 0.086 0.966 0.066 0.966
RF 100 98.2759 9.14 0.9419 0.983 0.004 0.984 0.983 0.998
Bayesian LR 96.5517 96.5517 0.02 0.8688 0.966 0.166 0.967 0.964 0.9

Notes: From the whole Parkinson’s dataset 66% is used for training and rest is used for testing. All the models are implemented
Downloaded by [indrajit mandal] at 09:37 24 September 2012

under p 4 0.95 confidence level.

Table 5. The comparison of the experimental results from all the machine learning algorithms using corrected t-test.

Test accuracy Kappa True False Mean entropy Test reg

Algorithms (%) value positive positive Precision F-value ROC RMSE gain coverage

Linear LR 96.58 0.89 0.90 0.02 0.93 0.91 1 0.16 0.25 97.78
Neural networks 95.05 0.85 0.90 0.04 0.87 0.88 0.99 0.20 0.34 96.93
SVM 96.58 0.88 0.85 0.01 0.97 0.90 0.92 0.17 36.02 96.58
SMO 95.22 0.84 0.82 0.02 0.93 0.87 0.97 0.19 0.49 98.12
Pegasos 96.58 0.89 0.90 0.02 0.93 0.91 0.94 0.17 36.02 96.58
AdaBoost 96.41 0.88 0.85 0.01 0.96 0.90 0.97 0.18 21.85 96.41
Additive LR 96.75 0.89 0.87 0.01 0.96 0.91 0.98 0.16 0.88 96.75
Ensemble selection 95.90 0.86 0.85 0.02 0.93 0.89 0.95 0.19 0.46 97.43
FURIA 96.41 0.88 0.86 0.01 0.95 0.90 0.95 0.17 26.86 97.26
Multinomial ridge LR 95.73 0.86 0.88 0.03 0.91 0.89 1 0.17 0.51 98.30
RF 96.07 0.87 0.85 0.01 0.94 0.89 0.92 0.17 41.52 96.07
Bayesian LR 95.90 0.87 0.88 0.02 0.91 0.89 0.99 0.18 0.44 97.95

Notes: From the whole Parkinson’s dataset 66% is used for training and rest is used for testing. All the models are implemented
under confidence level p 4 0.99 and performed corrected t-test with respect to the linear logistic regression.

Table 6. Suitability of the kernel and prior in the dataset regularisation. The weight vector of a classifier is said
with error tolerance ¼ 1  108. to be converged if the Euclidean difference between
weight vectors in consecutive iterations become smaller
Kernel\Prior Laplacian Gaussian
than the convergence tolerance. Here the convergence
Direct Good Good tolerance is taken 108.
Linear Good Poor In this study, the suitability of the SMLR is shown
Polynomial Poor Poor extensively with all possible options. This article
RBF Poor Poor addresses the details of kernel and prior that gives
Cosine Poor Poor
the best results shown experimentally in Table 6. It is
found that direct kernel with Laplacian and Gaussian
gives impressive results along with linear-Laplacian.
The performance accuracy of all the kernel and priors
and thus SMLR achieves superior generalisation. The conducted with the component-wise update rule with
Laplacian prior (SMLR) controls the sparsity of varying lambda () values are shown in Figure 5. From
learned weights and the Gaussian prior (RMLR) the results in Figure 5, it depicts that linear-Laplacian
controls the shrinkage. Larger value of  means greater achieved 100% accuracy. Kernel direct with Laplacian
12 I. Mandal and N. Sairam






Lambda values (λ)

Laplacian-direct Laplacian-linear Gaussian-direct
Polynomial-laplacian RBF-laplacian Cosine-laplacian

Figure 5. Comparison of accuracy obtained from different kernel-prior combinations used in SMLR with the component-wise
update rule of testing of PD over various SMLR kernel and prior combinations conducted over error tolerance ¼ 1  108.
A 100% accuracy is obtained in the Laplacian direct case for  ¼ 0.001, 0.005, 0.01.
Downloaded by [indrajit mandal] at 09:37 24 September 2012






Lambda Values (λ)

Laplacian-direct Laplacian-linear Gaussian-direct
Polynomial-laplacian RBF-laplacian Cosine-laplacian

Figure 6. Comparison of accuracy obtained from different kernel-prior combinations used in SMLR with the non-component-
wise update rule of testing of PD over various SMLR kernel and prior combinations conducted over error tolerance ¼ 1  108.

and Gaussian gives more than 98% accuracy with a iteration. It has computational advantage when the
large range of lambda values. number of instances is very large.
In the case of non-component-wise update rule as The proposed inference system addresses the pro-
shown in Figure 6, the performance of the kernels are blem of the inability to detect the onset of PD at an early
experimentally found to be less and the maximum stage. The proposed measure of the severity of illness is
accuracy is found to more than 98% on an average. So the kernel density estimate (KDE) for the PD diagnosis.
the statistical inference from this study of the SMLR As in Oyang, Hwang, Ou, Chen, and Chen (2005), the
over the PD is that the component-wise update rule authors have used KDE algorithm for the efficient
produces better results over the non-component-wise design of the spherical Gaussian function (SGF) based
update rule on an average. on function approximators. In this study, the kernel
Component-wise update algorithms are those density estimate is used for determining the severity by
where each element of the weight vector is updated comparing the kernel density estimate of the bivariate
one at a time using the round-robin scheme. It has a random vector and univariate, as shown in Tables 7 and
computational advantage when the product of the 8, to compute the correlation between them. In case the
number of variables and classes is very large. Non- correlation is very high, then the severity is high
component-wise update algorithms are those where otherwise vice-versa. Therefore it is possible to infer
each element of weight vectors is updated once in the incidence (Elbaz et al. 2002; Kamiran and Calders
International Journal of Systems Science 13

Table 7. Comparison of dysphonia features characteristics curves between healthy and PD patients based on the Kernel
estimator of the density function of bivariate random vector, after preprocessing and standardisation of dataset.
Downloaded by [indrajit mandal] at 09:37 24 September 2012
14 I. Mandal and N. Sairam

Table 8. Comparison of dysphonia features characteristics curves between healthy and PD patients based on the Kernel density
estimator (continuous line) compared with the density of normal distribution (dotted line) after preprocessing and
standardisation of dataset.
Downloaded by [indrajit mandal] at 09:37 24 September 2012
International Journal of Systems Science 15

Training Data Bayes + Haar Wavelets
Feature selection Pre Processed
Patient data to be Feature extraction Data

Optimization of Machine Learning Algorithms(ML)

1 3 n-2 n-1 n

Max Voting-KDE Analyzer


Downloaded by [indrajit mandal] at 09:37 24 September 2012


Figure 7. The computer aided diagnosis model integrated with machine-learning algorithms and the statistical quality control
evaluation scheme for the prediction of PD.

2011; Mani et al. 2011; Wang et al. 2011; Song et al. dependent on the statistical analysis that will be
2012) of PD by this method. Observing the nature of the able to accurately predict the patient as healthy
kernel density plot it can be clearly observed that there is or being affected by PD. It gives a measure of
a distinction between the either class curves, which is the severity of the disease based on the
exploited in this study. The kernel density curves correlation analysis of the kernel density esti-
between the pair of features reflect the difference mate (Oyang et al. 2005). Based on the
between the healthy and PWP. This difference in correlation the coefficient values obtained,
observation between the curves is exploited to address which characterises the extent of fluctuations
the problem of early recognition of the disease. in the overall sequence of relative semitone pitch
period variations. Larger value of correlation
coefficient indicates the variation over natural
4.1. Inference system healthy variations in dysphonia features
The proposed inference system for the early detection observed in healthy speech production.
and diagnosis of PD is shown in Figure 7. It consists of Since the accuracy of all the discussed models is
experimentally tested robust algorithms (models) for very high (approximately above 98%), the probability
training purpose and finally the output is given by the that the final output from the inference system is also
Max Voting-Kernel Density Estimate Analyzer. The very high because at least more than half of the
components are explained below: classifiers in it will produce a correct result and that
(a) Training: It is trained based on the clinical data gives a correct output at the end by the BVC. The total
of PD training data sample and the data probability that the output is correct, is derived from
mining steps like cleaning of data is performed. the Bayesian model in the inference system can be
The training sample contains data for healthy represented as
as well as PD with class labels. X
(b) Validation: As the patient who arrives at the Total probability ¼ PðAÞ ¼ PðA \ BnÞ
medical centre and after a short examination the X
input data is collected and fed to the machine- ¼ PðAjBnÞPðBnÞ
learning models and the decision is summarised
by these models. Statistical Quality Control is where A is the event of correct output from BVC
applied over the decision and the final decision classifier and Bn is the respective probability of correct
is displayed on the user interface. The system is classifications from n models in the inference system.
16 I. Mandal and N. Sairam

Let j1, j2, . . . jm be a finite set of input parameters where

to the models M1, M2, . . . , Mm, respectively. Let Pi(x)
X number of failures observed in n
represent the probability of correctness of each model
when x 2 X is a continuous random variable. Using the
Y number of runs sampled from
Bayesian classifier, we can represent q(x) ¼ P(x/jr).
input sub-domains E.
P(jr) where P(x/jr) is a conditional PDF. P(jr) is the P(E) probability that the dataset E will
probability of correctness of the rth model in be accessed the operational envir-
the inference model. The probability of correctness of onment of the inference system.
the output produced by model
After substituting the values in Equation (1), the
m X
reliability of the inference system obtained is 0.998820.
z¼ Pðx 2 Z, kiÞ ¼ Pðx 2 ZjkiÞPðkiÞ
i¼1 i¼1
m Z
¼ PðxjkiÞPðkiÞdx 5. Conclusion
i¼1 x2z
Our main findings are that the logistic regression is
If the probabilities of the prior model P(ki) and the integrated with the Haar wavelets in RFs for the
conditional density function P(x|ki) are known then improvement of the predictive analysis of the classi-
Downloaded by [indrajit mandal] at 09:37 24 September 2012

the output produced by z will have very low error fiers. Here we have experimentally shown the suitable
probability. Hence it leads to a maximum probability machine-learning models and methods that can be
of right decision. employed to upgrade the existing state-of-art of
The proposed inference system addresses the technology of PD treatment for the affected patients.
problem of the inability to detect the onset of PD at The statistical inference from the experimental results
an early stage. The proposed measure of the severity of of this work brings a turning point in the treatment of
illness is the kernel density estimate (KDE) for the the PD.
CAD diagnosis. In this study, the kernel density The significant works that focus on the PD
estimate is used for determining the severity by classification are done by Little et al., Das and Akin.
comparing the kernel density estimate of the bivariate The maximum reported accuracies of these studies are
random vector and univariate as shown in Tables 7 91.4%, 92.9% and 96.93%, respectively. In this study
and 8 and compute the correlation between them. In different models have outperformed the above-men-
case the correlation is very high, then the severity is tioned results as shown in Tables 4 and 5, all the
high else vice-versa. Therefore it is possible to infer the experiments being conducted at the 95% confidence
incidence of PD disease by this method. Observing the level. The highest reported test accuracy is 100% in the
nature of the kernel density plot clearly shows that case of Laplacian-direct with the component-wise
there is a distinction between the either class curves, update rule. The performance of every models used in
which is exploited in this study. The analysis of the this study shows better results compared to the existing
diagnosis is done in the following way. The input works. Corrected t-tests gives better results as it reduces
features are the observed symptoms of patients. The the dependency of variables, as shown in Table 5. We
occurrence of the symptoms gives indication about the have conducted the experiments using robust and
presence of disease. The patient’s information is reliable machine-learning models choosing steep para-
acquired and fed into the system and the correlation meters for distinguishing PD patients from healthy
is computed with the existing data. If the correlation is individuals based on the dysphonic features. The
very high above 0.90, then severity is strongly indicated corrected t-test conducted confirms the robustness of
and thus suggested. If the correlation is above 0.50, the models, as shown in Table 5. Also in the above-
then there is a chance for disease (suspected) and thus mentioned significant contributions, the set of features
proceed for further investigation. And diagnosis is selected differs from each other. The features selected
suspended if the correlation is below 0.50. Since the are based on the PCA, the LASSO method and the
algorithm models in the inference system is in parallel SVM feature selection method. This article also gives
and all are independent of each other, the expected the merit values based on which the features are selected
reliability (Hu, Si, and Yang 2010; Mandal and Sairam for classification qualitatively and quantitatively.
2012) of the inference system can be computed from The proposed measure of severity of PD based on
the following relation: the kernel density estimate (KDE) is incorporated in
Y n the inference system. The correlation of the KDE is
Rs ¼ 1  ðX=YÞ PðEÞ ð9Þ employed to analyse the status of an unknown patient
i¼1 arrived at the diagnosis centres.
International Journal of Systems Science 17

An important observation in the analysis using the the basis functions. Experimental results show that
factor analysis is that the behavior of PD features is SMLR has outperformed the SVM and RMLR as it
derived whether they are dependent or independent on gave 100% test accuracy rate. This article investigates
each other and also the features which contribute the experimentally and reports the best kernel and prior
most. In the case of regression models, the problem of along with the values of regularisation parameter ()
curse of dimensionality, that is, fewer input parameters suitable for the diagnosis of the Parkinson patients
could potentially lead to a simpler model with more based on dysphonia.
accurate prediction. Research has shown that several The main aim of this study is to improve the
dysphonia measures highly correlated and this finding reliability of the available state-of-art of diagnosis of
is confirmed in this study using the factor analysis. PD patients and avoid the misdiagnosis of patients and
The degree of dependency of each feature is reflected in the experimental results suggest that the aim is fulfilled.
the factor analysis plot of two-component analysis by But still there is lot of scope to improve the technology
their specific variance. as the diagnosis can be done in several means. The
The possible reason for the statistical inference results of this study caution against the use of less
difference in results is due to the pre-processing step, reliable methods for PD diagnosis and suitability of
including the feature selection and then outlier’s telemonitoring applications. Also the new measure
removal and several robust machine-learning algo- (KDE) of PD gives an opportunity to predict the
Downloaded by [indrajit mandal] at 09:37 24 September 2012

rithms that are chosen in this study. It is also due to the incidence of PD.
fine tuning of the parameters that affect each
algorithm’s performance obtained by rigorous experi- Conflict of interest statement: We (authors) declare that there
mentation with their possible combinations of para- is no conflict of interest in terms of financial and personal
meter values. relationships with other people or organisations that could
inappropriately influence (bias) our work.
In all these mentioned papers by Little et al., Das
and Akin, none of the authors have worked on the
inference system. To the best of our knowledge form
literature survey, we have introduced a new method of Notes on contributors
machine-learning algorithm for PD diagnosis including Indrajit Mandal is working as a
RF consisting of Haar wavelets as projection filter Researcher at the School of
integrated with logistic regression classifier for a better Computing, SASTRA University,
performance, as shown in Table 3, and the experi- India. Based on his research works,
he has received Gold medal awards in
mental results show best results supported with Computer Science & Engineering dis-
statistical inference. cipline twice from National Design
This article proposes an inference system which is and Research forum, The Institution
highly robust and reliable because a group of robust of Engineers (India). He has won
algorithms are used for making the inference system several prizes from IITs, NITs in technical paper presenta-
tions held at the national level. He has published several
which safeguards it form any kind of incorrect research papers in international peer-reviewed journals and
classification. The final output of the inference system international conferences. His research interest includes
is not governed by a signal model instead powerful and machine-learning, applied statistics, computational intelli-
experimentally tested statistical and heuristic learning gence, software reliability and artificial Intelligence.
models are used. By carefully studying the kernel
density graphics, it is possible to conclude that the N. Sairam is working as a Professor in
the School of Computing, SASTRA
patient may be at the initial stage of PD. If the person’s University, India, and has teaching
kernel density graph is highly correlated to the PD experience of 15 years. He has pub-
graphs or approaching near to it, it can be predicted that lished several research papers in
the person is at the initial stage of the disease depending national and international peer-
upon the value. Therefore, we are able to say about the reviewed journals and conferences.
His research interest includes soft
severity of PD. It is a method used first time as per our computing, theory of computation,
knowledge from the existing literature. We are using parallel computing and algorithms and data mining.
heuristic machine-learning methods (logistics).
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is concave and it gives a unique maxima. The computa-
tional cost is to be optimised before building any sparse Askari, M., and Markazi, A.H.D. (2012), ‘A New Evolving
classification algorithms for multi-class problems. The Compact Optimised Takagi–Sugeno Fuzzy Model and its
component-wise update procedure provides an elegant Application to Nonlinear System Identification’,
method for determining the inclusion and exclusion of International Journal of Systems Science, 43, 776–785.
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