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Version 1.0.5(sm)(July 2010)

Published By Portlaoise Publishing at Smashwords

Paperback ISBN 978-1-907082-01-6

Ebook ISBN 978-1-907082-02-3
© Copyright 2010 by Declan Stanley All rights reserved.
Cover Photo ©

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not
be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book
with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If
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your use only, then please return to and purchase your own
copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.
2 - Alice


0 - The Beginning
1 - Drink Me
2 - The Garden
3 - Go Fly a Kite
4 - Darkened Rooms
5 - The Kitchen
6 - The Mad Wankers Web Party
7 – Sexytown
8 - The Queen of Blow jobs
9 - Woodland Pleasures
10 - Playing with Balls
11 - The End
0 – The Beginning

Alice was feeling bored, very bored indeed. She was waiting
outside the gazebo for her big sister, who was inside the gazebo with
her boyfriend. Alice didn't like her big sister's boyfriend. Her big
sister's boyfriend ignored her most of the time and on the few
occasions when he did notice her he just called her "little brat". She,
for her part, just called him "The Boyfriend" and ignored him back.
Not that "The Boyfriend" cared; he just wanted to spend all his time
kissing her big sister, who was more than happy to oblige.
Alice was outside the gazebo because they were inside kissing
and she had to wait for them because her big sister was supposed to
be minding her while their mother was out doing the shopping.
"Though all she seems to mind is 'The Boyfriend'," Alice dropped
the daisy chain she had just finished making and looked around the
garden for something else to do.
Inside the gazebo she could hear rustling and sucking sounds.
And once her big sister had said, quite distinctly, "Oh no, don't do
that." But then she had giggled and the rustling and sucking sounds
had resumed. The gazebo itself was overgrown with a dense tangle
of climbing roses, so Alice could not see inside. Not that Alice really
had any interest in seeing what they were doing. As she said to
herself, "she did not know quite what they were doing, and did not
quite want to know." She just wanted something to happen to relieve
the boredom.
It was a typical late September day where through the sun shone
brightly the air still carried a chill. So she when she had first sat
down to wait for her sister to finish kissing "The Boyfriend" Alice
had chosen the sunny side of the gazebo, pulling her light summer
skirt up to let her legs get a little more colour and slipping her
spaghetti straps off her shoulders to avoid any tan lines. There in the
full sunshine she could pretend that it was early summer and that the
4 - Alice

dreaded return-to-school was months away not next week. But now,
ages and ages later, she was feeling rather warm sitting in the
sunshine and so decided to move around to the shaded side of the
She stood, letting her skirt fall and shrugging her straps back onto
her shoulders, and started to make her way around the gazebo. Inside
the rustling and sucking continued unabated. As Alice passed by the
open entrance of the gazebo she happened to glance inside. And
stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes wide and her mouth open in
shock. Her sister and "The Boyfriend" were doing more than just
Alice's big sister and "The Boyfriend" were sitting beside each
other on the little bench in the gazebo, his arm was around her
sister's shoulder and their lips were locked together. Her sister's
blouse was half undone and her bra was pulled down to expose one
breast. But what was most surprising to Alice was that The
Boyfriend's other hand was not touching her sister's breast, but that
his hand was pushed down the front of her sister's shorts.
But what was even more surprising was that her sister's hand was
down the front of her boyfriend's jeans.
Alice just stood and started open mouthed at the scene.
Their eyes were closed and neither of the older teens noticed that
Alice was standing there looking at them. They continued to French
kiss and their hands continued to make rhythmic motions inside each
other’s clothes.
Alice looked quickly to the left and then to the right, as if
expecting someone, their mother for instance, to suddenly show up
and discover the naughty things that her big sister and "The
Boyfriend" were doing. For Alice was in no doubt that what they
were doing was naughty, very naughty indeed.
But nobody came and Alice just stood and stared as the two
French kissed, their hands making sympathetic movements at each
other’s crotches.
Alice did not know what to do.
Should she interrupt? It would ruin their pleasure, that was for
sure; but they would also be angry at her and she did not really want
to provoke an argument.
Alice smiled to herself.
Declan Stanley - 5

Or she could continue to watch.

Alice's smile broadened.
Yes. It felt naughty, but a good naughty. She wanted to see what
the two of them would do.
But she could not just stand in the gazebo's entrance, they were
bound to open their eyes sooner or later and see her standing there.
She looked around quickly and decided to move around to the
left, where the roses were thinner and there was a greater likelihood
that she would find a gap to look through.
A shrill scream pierced the air.
Alice's heart jumped and she looked around in terror.
Her sister was looking at her, "The Boyfriend" bemusedly
opening his eyes as if from a dream.
"You little brat," her sister looked straight at Alice. "What do you
think you are doing?"
"The Boyfriend" looked around and saw Alice standing there.
Alice opened her mouth to answer her sister, but "The Boyfriend"
interrupted her.
"The little brat is spying on us," he pulled his hand from out of his
girlfriend's shorts.
"I am not," Alice found her voice.
"Why you little..." her sister pulled her hand out of her
boyfriend's jeans and stood up.
Alice started to feel frightened. Her sister and her boyfriend were
very angry. And yet she had done nothing wrong.
Alice turned to run away but her sister caught her arm.
Alice jerked her hand out of her sister's grip, but lost her balance.
As she fell someone made a grab for her, but missed. She fell
heavily against the wall of the gazebo, cracking her head, and
tumbled onto the ground. She found her hands under herself and
started to push herself up; then just rolled over on to her back and
closed her eyes for a moment.
1 - Drink Me

Alice opens her eyes and does not have a headache. She
remembers falling and hitting her head, but there is no
accompanying headache. She puts her hand to her forehead but there
is no pain and no swelling. Yet she is sure she has tripped and that
she hit her head as she fell. So where is the bruise and where is the
headache? Alice bruises like a peach. And one always got a
headache when one received a blow to the head. She is sure of it.
She takes a deep breath.
She had definitely fallen because she is lying on her back on a
very hard surface. A very, very hard surface. Her back aches, but it
is the pain you get from lying on a hard surface for too long, not the
pain from falling suddenly onto one. She cannot describe the
difference to you, but she can definitely recognize it.
So she has been lying on her back on this hard surface for a long
time, but she does not have a bruise and she does not have a
It is most confusing.
She rolls her head to the side and sees blackness. That is not say
that she passed out, but literally she sees something that is black. She
lifts her head a little and sees that it is a black tile, and that this black
tile is surrounded by white tiles; white tiles that are inter-spaced with
more black tiles.
She is, in fact, lying on a tiled floor. A floor tiled with inter-
spaced black and white tiles. A common enough flooring. One, for
instance, that is used extensively throughout her school. But not one
used commonly used to floor gazebos.
No, she is sure, gazebos are usually floored in wood. Usually, in
fact, the same type of wood that the walls and roof were made from.
Yes, she has definitely never seen black and white floor tiles in a
She sits up and looks around.
Declan Stanley - 7

She is definitely not in her gazebo. Which makes her think that
she is definitely not in her back garden either. A fact confirmed
when she looks beyond her feet and sees a long, slowly curving,
corridor stretching into the distance. The black and white tiles
making that funny zigzag pattern as they recede into the distance.
The corridor is flanked by bland magnolia coloured walls, without
any doors, or windows, or any markings of any kind.
"This corridor is definitely longer than our garden," she confirms.
Her face lights up in sudden realization. "Oh, I know where I
am," she nods to herself. "I am in hospital."
"Yes," she looks down at the black and white floor tiles. "They
use this type of floor in a hospital."
"And," she looks along the corridor. "They always have long
corridors in hospital."
"And," She looks at the walls, "They always paint the walls
magnolia in hospitals too. I am sure every hospital I have ever been
in has had magnolia coloured walls."
"That must be it," she reassures herself. "I fell and hit my head
and I have been taken to hospital."
"Though," she looks around again. "Surely they will have put me
in a bed on a ward, rather than have left me lying on the floor in the
"Yes," she continues to look around, though nothing has changed.
"I am sure that the doctors and nurses would not leave their patients
lying on the floor in corridors."
She looks down the empty corridor and at the featureless
magnolia walls, and shakes her head slowly.
"Oh, I know," she brightens. "It's simple. I must have fallen off
the trolley while they were pushing me along the corridor and they
will be back for me in a moment."
She waits for the doctors and nurses to return for her.
"Just as soon as they realize that I have fallen off the trolley."
She waits some more.
"Any moment now."
But no one comes.
She looks around once more, but does not archive anything more
by looking around this time than she has from her previous looks
8 - Alice

"Well I have not been inside very many hospitals, but I am quite
sure that they are very busy places," she looks down the empty
corridor. "Full of people coming and going all of the time."
There is complete silence once she has finished talking.
"Hmmm," she chews her bottom lip. "Perhaps I am not in hospital
after all."
She looks around once more.
"No," she slumps a little. "Not in hospital at all."
She stops herself from looking around yet another time.
Instead she stands. And does not sway, does not feel light-headed
and does not want to sit down.
"Hmmm," she stops herself from biting her bottom lip again. "Am
I sure that I fell and hit my head?"
She has none of the symptoms of falling and hitting her head.
"In fact I feel quite well," she blushes. "Apart, that is, from the
fact that I appear to have started talking out loud to myself rather a
She thinks some more.
"But yet I distinctly remember the startled exclamation from my
big sister," she put her hands out in front of herself, as if catching
herself in a fall. "And I remember falling forward." She steps
forward, "Into the gazebo."
"So I must have hit my head," she looks around again. "Else I
would be lying on the floor of the Gazebo with my big sister
shouting at me. And not standing in this strange corridor talking to
She considers everything once again and nods her head, "Of that I
am quite sure."
She looks around once more and notices something she had not
seen before.
Directly across the corridor from her is a small mahogany table.
The sort people put in their hallways to place their telephones on.
And sitting on the small table, instead of a telephone, is an old
fashioned medicine bottle with a cork stopper pushed into its top.
Affixed by a string tied around the neck of the bottle is a small
yellow tag.
Alice looks up and down the silent corridor but there is no sign of
anybody, or anything, else.
Declan Stanley - 9

Alice takes a step towards the table, but her footstep makes such a
loud noise, which echoes along the corridor and makes her heart
jump, that she comes to an immediate stop.
"Oh, my," Alice glances up and down the corridor, expecting at
any moment for hordes of people to come running up to her to see
what all the racket is about. But once the step is completed, and its
echoes have faded, the corridor remains as silent, and as empty of
anyone else, as before the inception of the step.
Alice takes another step, this time trying to step as quietly as she
possibly can, but once again a thunderous noise accompanies her
step. And once again Alice waits while the echoes fade to see if even
one person will approach to inquire as to the source of such a
clamorous racket. But once again the corridor returns to silence and
as Alice looks up and down all she can see are the magnolia walls
and black and white floor tiles receding into the distance.
Feeling somehow naughty, as if she were a burglar in someone
else's home, Alice crosses to the table; each footstep echoing along
the corridor; but none producing even a solitary inquiry as to its
source. By the time she reaches the table her heart is beating wildly
and she is tingling all over with excitement.
Particularly, she notes, her nipples were feeling very sensitive and
she has a peculiar feeling in the base of her tummy, way down below
her bellybutton.
How unusual, she thinks, for it is not particularly cold in this
corridor. “And I have not been drinking any fizzy drinks recently to
make my tummy fizz up.”
But her eyes are drawn once again to the little bottle. And she is
filled once more with curiosity.
Licking her lips, she reaches to pick it up. “Yikes!” she nearly
jumps out of her skin as a static shock runs up her arm and down
through her entire body.
She stands there rubbing her arm, eyes fixed on the little bottle.
Her mouth is dry, her heart is beating fast, her nipples are so hard
they almost hurt, her tummy is all a tingle and her knees feel as if
they are about to give way.
"And," she says out loud, "I must have peed myself a little, for
my panties feel damp."
"Oh!" she put her hand to her mouth, suddenly realizing that she
10 - Alice

has spoken out aloud about peeing herself.

But her voice, unlike her footsteps, produces no loud echo along
the corridor, and a quick glance up and down confirms that there is
no one here to hear what she has said.
Steadying herself against the table she gingerly reaches out with
the tips of her fingers to touch the label that is attached to the bottle.
She lets out the breath she did not know she was holding when
touching the label produces no accompanying shock. Gently she
pinches the label between the tips of her thumb and fore finger and,
slowly and carefully, concerned to avoid touching the glass of the
bottle, or disturb it in any way, she turns the label over.
There she finds, written in very neat joined-up handwriting, the
words "Drink Me".
"Drink Me?" she considers "How can one drink the contents of a
bottle when one cannot even touch the bottle?"
But the words "Drink Me" burn in her mind.
Very slowly, her hand shaking with anticipation, she reaches for
the bottle. Her fingertips touch the bottle and she jerks her hand
back. But there had been no shock. She had jerked her hand back out
of pure expectation, and not from the physical realization of any
Slowly she touches her fingers to the bottle again. The glass is ice
cold to her touch, but otherwise unremarkable.
"Someone must have been keeping it in a freezer. But yet," she
looks closer, "there is no frost on it."
She leans to the side to peer around to the back, confirming the
bottle's pristine condition. "Curiouser and curiouser," she mumbles.
She looks up and down the corridor, expecting to be discovered at
any moment, before taking the bottle in her hand and bringing it up
to her face to have a better look at it.
She turns it to the left, she turns it to the right. She tilts it back
and forward a little. She looks at the top of the cork and the base of
the bottle. But there is not a single mark on it. In fact it does not look
as if there has ever been a label of any kind stuck to it. Not even a
price sticker.
She has also never seen a cork stuck in the top of a bottle before.
It is like something one would see in a cartoon or an old movie, not
something one would normally come across in the real world.
Declan Stanley - 11

"Well," Alice shrugs. "If I am going to drink it I suppose I might

as well open it."
She takes hold of the cork and, holding the bottle at arm’s length,
afraid of what might happen, with her eyes half closed and her face
averted, she carefully pulls the cork out of the bottle.
Nothing happens. There is no static shock, no giant echo, not
even a small explosion. There is nothing.
Nothing that is except that the cork came out smoothly, with not
even the smallest of pops.
She looks up and down the empty corridor. She looks at the
inanimate bottle in her hand. She looks at the cork held in the other.
She waits.
Still nothing happens.
She waits some more.
Nothing continues to happen.
She lets out her breath and relaxes a little, looking from left to
right, from the bottle to the cork and back once more.
Slowly she brings her hands closer to her face and winkling her
nose slightly she sniffs the cork. It smelts of peppermint.
She holds the bottle under her nose and sniffs. It too smelts of
"Hmm," Alice shrugs. "I have never heard of peppermint flavours
medicine." She thinks some more, "Or poison."
She puts the cork down and turns the bottle slowly in her hands,
carefully not to spill any of its contents.
"Well, it's definitely not marked poison, or caution, or anything,"
muses Alice. She sniffs it once more. The peppermint smell is not
too strong or overpowering.
Alice shrugs and takes a little sip.
It is cool on her tongue, flows down her throat smoothly and
melts into her stomach.
"It is quite refreshing, actually," smiles Alice as she considers the
She is just starting to take another sip when she feels a pinch on
her toes.
She looks down. But there is nothing at her feet.
But yet she feels as if someone is standing on her toes. In fact it
has spread to both her feet. There is a pressure on her toes that feels
12 - Alice

as if someone is slowly leaning their full weight onto both her feet.
But there is no one there.
She lifts a foot, but the squeeze continues.
Now her heels are starting to feel the pinch as well.
"What?" Alice can feel her toes being squashed.
"Oh, no," her shoes are shrinking!
I must be imagining it, Alice thought. But the pressure on her feet
is real.
Unbelievable, but true. Her shoes really are shrinking! And her
feet are beginning to hurt.
Alice puts the bottle back on the table, sits down on the floor and,
as quickly as she can, she pulls her shoes from her feet. And sits and
watches in rapped fascination as they shrivel up before her eyes until
they are the size of tiny little dolls shoes.
But her feet are still feeling the pressure. She looks at them and
realizes that her socks are also shrinking. Quickly as she can, she
starts to pull them off, but before she can get the second `sock off it
tears and splits, and peels off her foot, falling to the ground still
She jumps to her feet and stands barefoot beside her shrunken
Her breathing is becoming laboured. She feels a tightness across
her chest. She put her hand to her hart, but actually the tightness is
all around her ribs, front and back, and her stomach. She looks down
and realizes that her top is shrinking as well. But she can't take her
top off, she is wearing nothing underneath.
The hem starts to rise up her stomach. She takes hold of it and
tries to pull it back down to her waist, but it easily slips from her
fingers and continues its remorseless rise up her stomach. She takes
a tighter hold and feels a little tear.
Quickly she lets go, afraid that her top will come asunder in her
She tries not to breath too deep; she can imagine her top splitting
just like her sock has.
For several long moments she stands unmoving as her top
tightens and more, and more, of her stomach is revealed. Soon the
spaghetti straps starts to bite into her shoulders. She tries to slide
them off her shoulders but they are now too tight to loop across the
Declan Stanley - 13

tops of her arms.

"Just as well," she has a picture of having to walk along like a
penguin with her arms pinned to her sides by her shrunken shoulder
straps. Suddenly replaced by the vision of having to walk along
trying to hold scraps of material across her body to hide her nudity.
But luckily her top is made from stretchy T-Shirt material which,
for the moment at least, is flexible enough to expand as it shrinks;
stretching thinner and thinner, but not tearing.
She feels an itch at the backs of her legs and realizes that her skirt
is also shrinking. She looks down and sees that the skirt which has
been well below her knees when she put it on this morning is now
several inches above them.
"Oh, no" she thought, not her skirt as well. "If this continues I'll
be totally exposed."
Her skirt is lose and flowing, with an elasticated waist, but now
she feels a pressure around her waist. Her skirt is getting smaller not
just in length, but in width as well; the waistband getting tighter and
tighter around her hips.
"Ah!" is the skirt going shrink and shrink cutting her in two.
"Oh, no," she remembers her sock splitting and falling from her
foot. "Surely it to will split and fall away."
And then, she realizes, she will be naked from the waist down.
Then came a pinch between her legs.
"No! No!" her eyes opens wide. "Not my panties as well."
She presses her thighs together, but that does nothing to ease the
pressure across her lower abdomen, nor the biting of the panty's
seams across her buttocks, nor the pinch way up into her crotch.
"Ah," she feels first one pop then another as the seams of her
panties split along her hips. The pressure stops. She relaxes her
thighs letting her legs part normally and feels her panties fluttering
to the ground. She looks down at them as they lie between her feet
shrinking down until they are next to nothing in size.
"Oh, dear," her clothes are shrinking to nothing. Soon they will
have shrunk to nothing, leaving her exposed and naked.
She has to do something.
"Now Stop! Stop!" she stamps her foot, and hurts her bare heel.
She hops on one leg for a moment, shaking the pain out of her
14 - Alice

"Stop shrinking this instant," she orders.

And, as suddenly as it had started, the shrinking stops.
She places both feet firmly on the ground and waits. Nothing
further happens. The size of her clothing has stabilized.
She waits a few moments more for her heartbeat to slow and her
breathing to ease; calming herself down, relaxing her body. And
nothing continues to happen.
She waits another moment. Then starts to survey the damage.
Her shoes and socks, and panties, lie on the ground shrunk to
almost nothing.
"I don't think I can even get my big toe will fit into either of my
shoes, they are so small," she shakes her head slowly.
"And my skirt," it is shorter than the shortest mini skirt she has
ever seen, never mind would ever get permission from her mother to
She runs her finger around the inside of the waistband. What had
been a loose elastic gathering before is now tight, almost cutting into
her skin.
"It's going to leave a mark."
She tries to pull the waistband down a little, to give her more
length in the skirt, but there is no give at all. It sits there circling her
stomach, wedged between her bellybutton and her hips, and will not
move a millimeter.
As she looks down at herself she notices that her nipples can be
seen clearly seen through the stretched material of her top, shrunk so
small that her two bottom ribs are uncovered.
"I wonder," Alice rubs a hand across her flat stomach, "if belly-
tops are in fashion in this strange place." Not that her mother would
ever let her wear something that shows her bellybutton.
"But then my Mother is not around to stop me," she looks around,
not so sure that that is such a good thing at the moment.
Then she smiles, she must be feeling better if she is thinking
about fashions that her mother wouldn't allow her to wear.
She traces a finger from her belly button up to the hem of the
shrunken top. She tries to slip her finger underneath, but there is no
give. The material is stretched so tight that it clings like a second
skin, even showing the faint outlines of her ribs. She moves her
finger further up, tracing the small indent of her breast bone and
Declan Stanley - 15

running her finger between the two small mounds of her recently
grown breasts. But the cotton of her top runs out before the flesh of
her breasts.
The situation is not too bad on the right side where the strap still
stretches across her shoulder, even if it pinches a little, it at least
pulls the material up to cover most of her breast. But the strap for her
left shoulder has snapped and hangs loose, letting the material fall
down, revealing quite a lot of her breast; only just covering her erect
"Oh, my. That will not do," Alice takes hold of the broken strap
and pulls it up over her shoulder, covering most of her breast once
But once she lets of go the strap it slips from her shoulder and
falls to the front once more, letting the over stretched material relax
and contract, once again uncovering most of her breast.
She reaches around over her shoulder and manages to catch hold
of the other half of the broken strap. But struggle as she might she
cannot get the back half of the broken strap to meet the front half.
She tries pulling the ends together, but there is no give in the
shrunken material.
She stops pulling afraid that she might tare her already distressed
top and leave herself even more expose.
"Oh, well," Alice let the two strap-ends drop as they might. "I
suppose that as long as my nipple is erect it will hold the material up
and stop any more of my breast from being revealed."
She jiggles up and down for a few moments. Her pert breast
remains half covered.
"After all," Alice decides to leave it at that. "I did once see aunt
May wearing a dress that revealed as much of both her breasts and
she was wearing it to a fancy ball."
Satisfied that she can do nothing more about her top Alice turns
to her next worry; her skirt.
"It is very short, and it's flouncy, and now I no longer have any
panties on," she blushes bright red thinking of how she is going to
expose herself with every step she takes. "It's intolerable!"
She catches herself and looks around guiltily, "Now I'm sounding
like my mother."
She smoothes down the skirt, and pulls at the hem and once again
16 - Alice

tries to move the waistband. But there is no give in the skirt

She is not even sure if she will be able to take the skirt off without
ripping it, "But even if I did, I'd never get it back on again."
She does not know what to do.
The sound of footsteps comes down the corridor. Not big
thunderous, echoey steps like Alice had made. But normal steps.
Well steps that are normal for someone who is walking in a hurry.
She looks up and down the corridor not able to determine from
which direction the steps are coming.
While she is looking up the corridor the steps sound as if they are
coming from down the corridor. And when she looks down the
corridor the steps sound as if they are coming up.
So that is how she turns and suddenly sees a man almost on top of
He is wearing a pinstriped suit, with a bowler hat and is carrying
a briefcase in one hand and has a folded umbrella tucked under the
He is not wearing a white coat, carrying a stethoscope nor does he
have that air of important authority that doctors in hospitals always
seem to have. In fact there is not the slightest hint of anything
medical about him. So Alice definitely decides once and for all that
she is indeed not in a hospital.
The man hurries along, seeming not to notice her until he is
almost on top of her.
Alice is about to greet him when he comes to an abrupt halt and
turns to face her.
"Well, well," he pants as he takes a long slow look up and down
her. "You are a pretty sight."
Alice is not used to being so openly scrutinized and while to be so
ogled is conventionally rude, un-expectantly it feels quite nice.
Subconsciously she squares her shoulders, pushes out her chest and
pulls in her stomach.
"Oh, yes," he continues. "I've got a boner you can fly a flag
Alice's cheeks blush bright red, "Em, um ..."
"Oh yes, I'd love to fuck you," the man continues without waiting
for Alice to formulate a reply.
Alice's cheeks burns crimson.
Declan Stanley - 17

"But I'm very, very late," he glances at his wrist watch. "If I don't
get there soon the Queen will have me sucking dick till dawn."
He bents forward, as if to perform a low bow, but instead lifts the
hem of Alice's newly shortened skirt and licks her slit.
Alice lets out a loud shriek as a bolt of electricity shoots through
And with that the man plucks up Alice's miniaturized shoes, socks
and panties, turns and scurries away so fast that he has disappeared
around the curve of the corridor before Alice has any time to react to
his surprising salutation.
And then came the realization that he has taken her stuff.
"Why you..." she takes half a step after him, but suddenly feels
foolish running down the empty corridor.
"Oh," she brought her fingers to her lips, because she has also
feels a gust of wind sweep across her crotch and bottom.
She becomes very aware that her panties have popped off, and
have just been stolen, and feels very naked from the waist down.
She looks down; her skirt really is very, very short.
"Shorter then even my shortest tennis skirt," she muses.
She tries pulling the hem of the skirt down once more, but the
waistband is way too tight to fit around her hips; it just cinches her
waist and the skirt flares out over her hips.
Then she considers the sensation that the man's intimacies has
produced, “You know, that did feel quite good."
She shakes her head to bring herself back to her senses. She will
have to get out of a skirt that encourages complete strangers to be so
intimate with her privates.
But first she will have to find something to replace it with.
She looks around once more.
"Well I'm not getting anywhere just standing here looking around
at nothing," she looks down the corridor. "Best see where this
corridor will lead me."
She tries walking again, starting with just a single step.
This time she is ready for the air caressing her upper thighs and
crotch so it does not take her by surprise.
"In fact," a smile plays across her lips, "it feels quite pleasant."
She takes another step, then another and soon she is skipping
down the corridor reveling in the free movement of air beneath her
18 - Alice

very short skirt. At each skip her skirt flops down as she pushes up
and then flares out as she falls back down again.
"Oh," she pauses, "I wonder if anyone watching can see my bare
vagina as I walk?"
"I can't go flashing everyone," she looks up and down the empty
corridor. "Who knows when some other unexpected person is going
to show up."
She tries taking a step while pressing her hand to her crotch to
hold the skirt down, but the skirt flies up so high in the back that she
is sure that anyone who observes her will see her entire bottom
She holds the back of her skirt for the next step, but that raises the
front rather alarmingly.
She holds the sides for a few steps. That seems the best solution
to the problem of her skirt flouncing up, but it is rather awkward to
walk with her hands fixed to her sides.
Then she thinks that she is just drawing attention to the shortness
of her skirt. If she just walks normally and brazens it out perhaps
nobody will notice that she is almost naked.
"Yes," she nods her head. "That would seem to be the best course
of action."
She starts to walk, trying to remain even and steady, without any
up and down movement to her steps. She has to roll her hips more
than usual, swaying from side to side, trying to minimize any up and
down movement of her skirt.
Every step brings with it the free movement of air around her
bottom and crotch. A feeling which gives her a strange trill. A
strange trill that adds a extra sway to her hips as she walks.
But every time her attention strays from her walk she slips back
into her old habit of up and down steps, which makes her skirt flair
out. Which reminds her that she is naked beneath her skirt. Which
reminds her that she has to walk carefully to avoid exposing herself.
And as she walks, thinking at each step to avoid her skirt
bouncing up, and being couscous of the trill each step brings with it,
she still finds herself musing about this peculiar place she has found
herself in. As she muses she walks. And as she walks she comes
upon a door. She has been walking past featureless magnolia
coloured walls for so long that she has passed the door before she
Declan Stanley - 19

realizes she has seen it.

She stops dead in her tracks, takes a step backwards and turns
sharply to face the door. Completely unaware that the torque of her
turn causes her skirt to flare out, momentarily exposing her bottom
to anyone who might be watching.
"A door," she really must stop talking to herself out loud.
"Hmm," she tries the handle. It turns smoothly. The door opens
letting in a crack of bright summer sun. She can hear bird song and
the rustle of trees in the wind. She pushes open the door and steps
into the light, taking in a deep lung-full of fresh air.
2 – The Garden

Alice feels dewy grass under her bare feet as she steps out onto an
immaculate lawn. The door handle slips from her fingers as she
blinks in the sunshine. Her eyes taking a moment to adjust to the
brightness and the sudden openness she finds herself in. She takes a
deep breath of summer fresh air, rich with the smell of freshly cut
grass, and feels her heart soar.
"Wow," she spins around slowly drinking in the scene.
She is standing on a lawn in the middle of a beautiful park.
Surrounding the lawn is a paved path circling around and branching
off to wonder among a wide variety of flower beds and shrubbery.
Beyond the flower beds and shrubbery tall trees surrounded the park.
And beyond the trees all she can see is clear blue sky, with just a few
wispy puffs of clouds floating by overhead.
The sun is warm on her exposed skin, of which she now has a lot,
and the grass is soft under her bare feet.
"It is such a beautiful sunny day," she continues to twirl slowly
around. "The sky is so blue. And the trees and foliage are so lush and
Alice turns, slowly drinking in the wonderful sight, and enjoying
the feeling of freedom and light that flows through her. She half
closes her eyes listening to the hum of insects and the song of the
birds in the trees. The heat of the sun on her skin is so relaxing, and
the garden feels so tranquil that she is almost falling asleep as she
twirls on the lawn.
Surrounding the lawn is a border of yellow daffodils, which
shimmer in the sunshine and dance in the breeze. Alice cannot help
but be gay in such a jocund company. She gazes and gazes, and little
Then, suddenly, she has a thought. "The door I have just stepped
through has disappeared." She stops twirling.
Her eyes snap open and she turns her head quickly to the left and
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then to the right, as if expecting the door to be hiding somewhere

behind her.
But there is no sign of any door anywhere.
In fact there is no sign of any type of building in this ideal garden.
No building means no long corridor, which means no door.
Which leads to the question, "Well, how did I get here?"
Before she can consider this question further a gruff voice
bellows, "Keep off the grass!"
Alice jumps, her heart pounding. She snaps her head around to
the left again looking for the source of the voice.
"I said," the voice said, "keep off the grass."
Alice jumps once more. But this time when she lands back on the
ground she spins around and then she sees a short, stocky man in
blue overalls standing beside a wheelbarrow that is loaded down
with forks and trowels and other garden tools. He has a tangle of red
hair, that is a little too long for a man his age, and a shaggy beard.
His skin has that tan that you can only get from being outdoors in all
types of weather.
The man looks disapprovingly at Alice.
Alice stands frozen in the sunshine.
The man nods at her feet, his eyes tightening as he notices that
she is barefoot.
Alice knows that he is waiting for her to respond, or do
something, but cannot think of anything to say or do.
"I said," the man folds his arms and tilts his head in exasperation.
"Keep off the grass."
Alice looks down at her bare feet standing on the lush grass.
"Oh, I am sorry," Alice trots over to stand on the path beside the
man; the dirty asphalt warm under her naked feet.
She stands a little bit closer than he is used to, which makes him
tense up.
Alice can smell the aromas of compost and plant clippings from
him, which she finds oddly soothing.
Now that Alice is off the grass and standing expectantly beside
him, the man is at a loss for words.
Alice simply stands and smiles up at him, for even though he is
not a tall man he is still a head and shoulders taller than Alice.
The man, for his part, is totally at a loss. This has never happened
22 - Alice

to him before. The man is used to kids running away from him when
he shouts at them. None has ever run up and stood smiling at him.
Until now, that is.
A long moment passes before he realizes that Alice is not going
to say anything to him.
Another long moment passes before he realizes that she is not
going to do anything. Most importantly she is not about to turn and
run off, which is what he is rather hoping she will do, any moment
now, without any further prompting.
Alice simply stands there openly examining him.
He is wearing an old, worn shirt that was once white, but is now
dirty and gray. His sleeves are rolled up to reveal tanned grizzly
forearms, covered with a thick coating of red hairs. His well worn
hands have dirt under their fingernails and knuckles that look like
walnuts. His blue overalls are new, with almost no stains on them;
except for the hems of his legs which are splashed with dried mud,
as are the well worn pair of work boots he is wearing.
Alice surmises that he is a Gardner.
The Gardner pulls the cloak of his authority around him, "I don't
know how many times I have to tell you youngsters to keep off the
Alice is about to say that she has never seen him before, and in
fact has never been in this garden before, when he adds, "And no
ball games either."
"Oh," Alice assures him, "I don't have any balls."
He takes a long slow look at her, shaking his head in disapproval.
He looks at her pretty face and elegant neck. He looks at her slim
shoulders and arms. He looks a little longer at her pert breasts, with
their erect nipples clearly visible through her form fitting top. He
looks at her bare midriff, her slim waist and taught abdomen with it's
twisted dimple of a belly button. He looks at the waistband of her
skirt sitting too low on her hips, barely above the line of her pubic
hair. He looks at her skirt that is so short it threatens to expose her
panties with every step. He looks longest at her slim, toned legs,
with so-soft skin and not a single blemish. And when he looks at her
perfect, naked feed his breath catches in his throat.
At first Alice feels a little uncomfortable standing under his
disapproving gaze. Her first instinct is to bring her hands up to cover
Declan Stanley - 23

her breasts. But she keeps her hands down by her sides and instead
feels a fire ignite inside her. Her breasts seem to swell under his
gaze, her heartbeat quickens. His eyes drift lower.
As he looks at her abdomen she pulls her stomach in tight and
straightens up. Now she wants to simultaneously pull her skirt up
higher on her waist to cover her belly button and down to cover her
legs. But she just leaves it there, a narrow strip of cloth covering
barely enough.
He unconsciously licks his lips.
A thrill runs through her as she wonders if he can tell that she has
no panties on. His eyes move down to her legs. She feels exposed,
but not naked, as he gazes at her thighs. A tingle runs through her
body as she considers how exposed she would be but for the flimsy
patch of cloth that covers her naked vagina. A skirt so short that she
can feel every stray wisp of breeze caressing her pubic hair, so short
that the complete length of her legs are visible to him. Her slim legs
that lead his eyes down to her bare feet.
"Hump," he snorts as he completes his examination.
Still his gaze has made her nipples all the more hard.
She smiles expectantly up at him.
His examination, though clearly disapproving, has made Alice
feel naughty, a good naughty, a very good naughty. A naughty
feeling that rushes through her body and threatens to overwhelm her.
That threatens to make her pull her top down so her breasts can
spring free, threatens to make her flip up her skirt to show him her
naked vagina, threatens to make her scream madly at the top of her
But she doesn't. Instead she just stands completely still and
The gardener, for that is what Alice is sure that he is, pulls
himself together. His eyes still downcast he turns, picks up the
handles of his wheelbarrow, and trundles off down the curving path,
soon disappearing from her view behind the thick bushes that line
the path.
Alice feels light headed, almost giddy with excitement and is
tempted to immediately step back onto the grass.
"And keep off the grass!" comes a bellow from behind the bushes.
Which makes Alice laugh softly.
24 - Alice

She shrugs, letting the gardener slip from her mind, even though
she is going to be in his for a long time to come, and decides to
She turns around and follows the path in the other direction as it
meanders among the flower beds.
The sent of summer blossoms and hum of insects fill her senses
as she strolls aimlessly through the garden. The air is pleasantly
warm and Alice forgets her current state of undress as she drinks in
all the colours of the fragrant flowers.
As she wanders she sees people in the distance rounding corners
or disappearing around bends as she strolls along. At first she thinks
nothing of this, but gradually she realizes that she is only seeing
people in the distance. They are always walking away from her.
Always turning a corner. Always at a distance.
The next time she sees a person in the distance she hurries to
catch them, but they round a bend in the path and when she rounds it
in turn there is no sign of them. The path branches in several
directions and they might have taken any one of them. She strolls on
a little further and sees another fleeting glimpse on the path ahead of
her. Once again she hurries, but once again they disappear before she
can catch up with them. Again and again she sees people in the
distance. Again and again she hurries to catch them. And again and
again they disappear before she can catch them.
Try as she might she can never get close to anyone. They are all
"This is most strange," sighs Alice. "It's not like I want to engage
them in some deep philosophical conversation."
She looks around in case she might glimpse someone else, "I just
want to see what they look like."
She hears a rustle behind her. She twirls as fast as she can and
sees the branches of a clump of small trees swaying. She runs to
them, pushes her way through some bushes and finds herself in a
small, dark clearing. The trees grow high all around her, blocking
out any direct sun and the ground is littered with dried leaves and
dead branches that rustle and snap under her feet.
She hears the crunch of footsteps off to one side.
Quick as she can, she dashes down a narrow trail, but finds
herself surrounded by mossy tree trunks and quite alone with no sign
Declan Stanley - 25

of whoever made the footsteps.

She hears footsteps crunching dried branches off the the left and
dashes after them. But once again finds herself alone in this dark
tangle of a forest. What had appeared at first to be a small clump of
trees has turned into a large rambling forest of dark trails and
mottled sunshine.
"Where are all these people going?" Alice is quite frustrated.
Again and again she hears footsteps, or the rustle of branches, or
she might even glimpse the outline of a person. But time and time
again when she rushes to catch these fathom people she finds herself
arriving too late to find them and being left quite all alone.
Alice is getting very hot and sweaty and quite out of breath with
all this running about.
"And I still haven't met any of these people!" Alice stomps her
foot in frustration.
Alice hears a footstep and runs in that direction. She hears
another and runs after that. Then another. Then another. Then
another. Pushing through branches and running along narrow tracks.
Turned around and around, so that she barely knows which way is
up never mind which way the footsteps are leading her. She turns
and runs after each sound and after each shadow.
Around and around and around she goes, and where she will stop,
well nobody knows.
Alice hears the snap of a branch. She turns and pushes her way
through a tangle of foliage and suddenly finds herself running out
into the open.
She stops, momentarily startled by the sunshine. Then bends at
the waist, resting her hands on her knees as she catches her breath,
completely unconcerned as to how exposed her bottom is to any
onlooker as her short skirt flips up in the breeze.
As her breathing slows she suddenly realizes that she is exposing
herself to whoever might be standing in the dark tangle of trees that
she has just run through. She snaps up straight and pushes her skirt
down over her bottom with both hands, a blush spreading across her
She looks over her shoulder at the dark trees as her breathing
returns to normal. There might be unseen eyes looking at her from
the shadows, but she cannot tell for sure.
26 - Alice

But what she does know is that she is getting a chill, for even
though she has left the trees she is still standing in their shadow, and
it is noticeably cooler in the shade than in the sun. Her perspiration is
drying, making her shiver, giving her goose bumps and making her
nipples as hard as steel.
"Well I certainly can't stay here," Alice tears her attention away
from her nipples.
She looks around, but does not really know where to go next.
Behind her is the dark tangle of trees. In front of her is a large
open meadow. There is no road or path of any kind. In fact there is
nothing else in sight except grass, not a tree, not a bush, nor any sign
of a wall, nor even a solitary fence post interrupts the sea of green
Nothing that is except a scattering of butterflies, yellow and
white, fluttering softly in the sunshine.
Alice smiles at the butterflies. Then she shivers again and realizes
that she is still standing in the shade of the trees.
Behind her she hears the crunch of footsteps amongst the trees.
Alice hesitates, momentarily torn between the sound of footsteps
amongst the trees, with the unfulfilled promise she had been chasing
after so hard and the uninterrupted carpet of green that stretches to
the horizon.
"Well I am certainly not going back in there again," determines
Alice turning her back to the trees.
Alice takes a deep breath and sets off across the grass, with a
determined stride.
The grass, though long, is soft under her bare feet. The green
blades gently caress her legs as she walks.
"It is an amazingly sensual sensation," sighs Alice as she extends
her foot to take her next step. Her toes part the soft blades, that bend
as she presses through and caress her skin as she steps, surging back
in to surround her feet and legs with a thousand tiny touches.
"Ooh," she can feel the goose bumps returning to her skin, though
now they are there for a much more pleasant reason.
She steps again and sighs again. Her foot glides through the grass.
A delicious shiver runs up her spine.
"Ooh," exclaims Alice, bolting straight upright.
She pauses a moment to let her heartbeat slow.
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Once Alice relaxes she takes another step. Anticipating the

sensual caresses of the blades of grass she finds that it is not an
unpleasant sensation when it is not unexpected.
"In fact it is quiet pleasant," hums Alice, her eyes half closed as
she steps again.
The sea of grass swirls around her feet and ankles.
She takes another step and the grass tickles her again, sending a
giggle racing through her body.
Each step is like a soft massage on her naked feet and calves. All
her tension and tiredness ebbs away.
As she walks on she notices that she has to put a little more effort
into each step. The grass is thickening with each step. Soon pushing
her legs through the tick grass is like walking through knee deep
"An emerald sea," Alice looks around and sees nothing but long
grass gently waving in the soft summer breeze.
"Actually," Alice looks around once more. "Where are the trees I
have just left behind?"
She turns a full circle and can see no trace of anything except an
endless sea of grass. She turns around again, but there is no sigh of
the trees.
And now she does not know which direction she is facing.
"Oh, dear," mutters Alice.
The endless grass ripples in the breeze.
"Oh, well," she shrugs. "Any direction seems to be as good as any
other in this strange place."
And she starts walking again.
Even though the grass is ticker it is still exceedingly soft. Each
stalk gently brushing her skin as it slides passed, surrounding her
calves in soft kisses.
Soon Alice is lulled into a trance like state, with the endless
caresses of countless blades of grass soothing each step and sending
delicious shivers up her body. As she steps the grass closes in behind
her, gently waving in the breeze, with not a mark to show where she
has been.
Alice does indeed feel as if she is wading through an endless
emerald sea with a thousand tiny sea creatures swimming up to kiss
her legs.
28 - Alice

With each step the sea creatures swim a little higher and a little
higher again, up her legs, from her calves to the soft indentation at
the back of her knee and across her knee caps, flirting gently at the
base of her thighs.
As the blades caress her legs she can feel a flutter starting in the
base of her tummy.
The inside of her tights are very sensitive. The thousand tiny
touches of the grass are sending a thousand shivers racing through
her body. A thousand delectable shivers that shimmer up through her
stomach and pool in her nipples.
"I have never spent so much time thinking about my nipples,"
muses Alice, she has all ways had them, but has never given them
much thought. "Until now that is."
Now her nipples are hard. So hard they almost hurt.
"But it is a good hurt," sighs Alice.
She feels as if her breasts are swelling up; as if she can feel them
actually growing.
All her senses, of sight and sound and of touch, seem more acute
then ever before. But mostly it is her nipples that are super sensitive.
As she walks she can feel the air flowing pass them, even through
the stretched thin material of her distressed top. They are so sensitive
she could almost believe that she can feel each individual air
molecule that caresses her nipples. That, and the fuzzy feeling she
was experiencing at the base of her stomach, are the sensations that
fill her universe.
The blades of grass swim higher and higher, caressing both the
outside and the inside of her thighs, swirling around her naked skin
with each step. Their phantom kisses sending shivers into her
A blade of grass slips along the length of her slit. A shock runs
the length of her body and into her pointed nipples.
"Oh!" Alice stops mid stride, one leg in front of her the other
behind, as the blades of grass gently swirl around the tops of her
thighs. Her whole body is tense, her nerves on tender hooks.
A soft breeze ripples the grass, making it caress her legs, soothing
her a little.
Alice finds she is breathing in shallow short gasps.
She takes a deep breath, holding it for a moment, before letting it
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out slowly and evenly.

She completes her step. The grass sliding passed her naked legs,
sending butterflies dancing into her stomach.
She stands there a moment, composing herself.
Then gingerly starts another step.
Her foot leaves the ground and is surrounded by soft tickles,
which extend up her calf and along her thigh as she stretches her leg
forward. The rustling grass clings tightly as she completes her step,
pushing her weight on to her front foot and pulling her leg under her.
But with a sudden surge the blades of grass swirl up around the
very tips of her thighs, right in to the creases at her hips and tickle
the lips of her vagina.
"Ah," exclaims Alice as another jolt of excitement runs through
her body, her breathing once again turning ragged.
Alice looks around, but the swirling grass stretches in all
directions as far as her eye can see.
"I'll never be able to make it through this place," Alice can feel
tears building up in her eyes. "I'll drown in a sea of sensations, if I
am to feel this way with every step."
Alice leans forward and spreads her hands wide to push the
blades of grass out of her way as she steps. But the grass is like
water as soon as her fingers push the blades aside another wave of
blades push in behind them. And as she steps the grass once more
surges up to tickle her.
"Ah," grunts Alice as she falls forward into another step.
"Ah," again.
And "Ah," again.
Each step a beautiful agony as an orgasm starts to ripple through
her body.
"Agh, agh! agh!"
Step, step, step.
Her eyes closed, her arms waving aimlessly in front of her.
Step, step, step.
"Ump, ump! Ump!" as the sensations flow in waves from the tips
of her toes, surging up through her body and exploding inside her
"Agh, Agh! Agh!"
She no longer knows if she is stepping, or falling, or floating.
30 - Alice

"Ah, ah! Ah!"

Her whole body convulses.
"Oh, oh! Oh!"
She rises up as a tide of pleasure rips through her, sending her
soaring and leaving her to float slowly back down to earth.
3 - Go Fly a Kite

Alice opens her eyes to the clear blue sky above. A sky
surrounded by a halo of shimmering green grass. Lifting her head
she sees her body is covered in a thin sheen of sweat. The cool
summer breeze sending a pleasant chill across her exposed skin. She
lies back letting her heartbeat slow and her breath return to normal
and is just still for a few moments, listening to the soft rustle of the
blades of grass in the gentle summer breeze and the occasional insect
buzzing passing.
Experimentally she sits up. A pleasant buzz flows through her. A
small voice in the back of head says, "I'd like to do that again."
"Hmmm," she looks around. Her eyes, still slightly dazed, are just
at the level of the top of the grass.
A butterfly floats by, silently fluttering it's wings.
Alice watches it for a moment, before lifting her eyes further to
gaze across the top of the rippling grass. The green sea of grass
stretches serenely to the horizon.
After a while she stands.
She looks around but the grass plain is as featureless as ever.
Even the grass where she has just been lying has maliciously sprung
up and is indistinguishable from the vast expanse that surrounds her.
She takes a step.
The blades of grass still tickle her legs. But do nothing more.
She takes another step.
Her legs brush through the grass that is now merely knee deep.
She steps again.
The grass slides across her skin, a pleasant enough sensation, but
not what she was hoping for.
She is slightly disappointed.
The grass seems satisfied with just being grass for the moment.
Alice hears a sound. An exuberant laugh carried on the breeze.
She looks around, trying to find its source.
32 - Alice

She hears it again, but can't really tell from where it is coming.
She takes half a step forward, and tilts her head to one side in
order to hear better.
She hears the laugh again, this time more distinctly. She looks up
and off in the distance, on top of a low hill, she sees two boys
playing with a kite.
She looks around once more, but the low hill with the two boys
on top is the only other distinguishable feature in sight.
"Well," she sighs. "Let's see if these boys will also disappear on
And she turns slightly to face towards them and starts walking
Pushing her legs through the tick grass is difficult enough, and
she has to walk a good ten minutes before she feels the start of the
hill under her feet. She finds that the small hill the boys are on top of
is far steeper to climb than it at first looked. As she makes her way
through the grass and up the hill each step takes more and more
effort. Soon she is breathing quite hard and sweating from the
Then she realizes that the grass is no longer brushing against her
legs as she walks through it. The exertion of walking up hill has
quite preoccupied her mind and she has not noticed the grass is
growing shorter and shorter. And as the grass shortens she finds that
is also becomes thinner. With each step the grass recedes down her
legs and even thought the hill is still quite steep each succeeding step
is that bit easier to take. Soon the grass is below the level of her
knees and her calves barely feel is as she takes long strides up the
As she approaches the boys she feels more confidant. They seem
most intent on their kite flying and show no intention of moving
from the brow of the hill. However as Alice closes the gap between
herself and them she begins to feel that there is something strange
about them. It's not just that they are exerting an inordinate amount
of effort on their kite. For even though there is just the lightest of
summer breezes both boys are pulling with all their strength on the
kite string. There is something else about them that seems out of
As Alice approaches them the two boys don't notice her at all. But
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she can see them more clearly now. They are both about her own
age, maybe a year or so older. They are both about the same height
and build and both have short hair, one blond the other dark brown.
Alice wonders briefly if she should shout or call out to them to
alert them of her approach.
But the two boys are totally engrossed in their kite flying. They
hang onto the kite's string, pulling and tugging and tripping over
each other as they try to control it.
"It is a very wayward kite," observes Alice.
And then she realizes what is bothering her about the two boys.
"They are dressed like Christopher Robin in those old pictures of
Winnie the Pooh," she says. "They have those old fashioned T-shirts
with collars and cuffs and shorts with knees socks."
Alice smiles as the two boys trip over each other. They almost
tumble to the ground, but both catch their feet and neither loses his
grip on the kite string.
Their erratic tug of war with the kite has brought them over to the
side of the hill where Alice now stands and observers them.
"Nobody wears knees socks anymore," Alice states. "Not even
little girls."
"What did you say?" the dark haired boy calls out to her, then
gasps as the kite surges away from him.
The blond boy shouts, "Hey!" as he is swept away by the kite.
And the dark haired boy lunches after him and caches hold of the
kite string, dragging both boys and kite to a temporary halt.
The kite seems to have a life of its own, swooping across the sky,
swinging down low across the ground and charging up high above
the trees.
"Trees?" Alice looks around puzzled. She looks round and sees
that the hill is in fact surrounded on all sides by trees.
One of the boys cries out and Alice looks around to see the boys
once again being dragged across the top of the hill by their kite.
At first Alice is amused by their comical attempts to control the
kite. But gradually she becomes concerned. She fears that they might
do themselves an injury in their attempts to tame their wild kite.
It seems only proper that she should lend a hand.
She approaches then gingerly, for they are swinging around all
over the place as the kite flies this way and that all over the sky.
34 - Alice

Alice reaches out to take hold of the kite string.

One boy steps on her foot and the other trips over her leg, leaving
Alice with a sore toe and a bruised shin.
Both boys tumble to the ground leaving Alice holding the kite.
The kite immediately swoops across the sky, pulling Alice several
steps away from the boys.
Alice pulls back on the kite, which immediately swoops back in
the opposite direction, almost knocking Alice off her feet.
Alice stumbles after the kite, pulling hard on the string, both in an
effort to control it and in an effort to keep her balance.
The two boys sit on the ground and make no effort to come to
Alice's aid despite the trouble she is having controlling their kite.
Alice is about to bring this point to their attention, but just as she
opens her mouth to speak the kite lunges across the sky again,
dragging Alice with it.
Alice digs in her heels and brings the kite to a halt once more.
"Wow!" the blond boy points at her, "Look she's going
"Commando?" Alice is watching the exhilarated kite sore
The other boy looks where his friend is pointing.
"Commando!" Alice's eyes opened wide; the wind, her skirt, and
she is not wearing any panties. "Oh, my god!" they are looking at her
naked bottom.
"I thought she was wearing a thong," the blond boy continues,
"but look, she's not wearing anything at all!"
Alice grabs hold of the hem of her too-short skirt and pulls it
down as far as she can. Which is not very far at all.
But one hand is not enough to control her wayward skirt. Nor, she
discovers as the kite zooms over head, is one hand enough to control
the kite.
Alice hesitates a moment, one hand holding her skirt, one hand
holding the kite.
"No!" the dark haired boy shouts. "Don't let go of the kite!"
"Damn their kite," Alice is not going to display herself to them.
The boy jumps up and starts to run towards Alice.
"Give it to me," he shouts, "But don't let go!"
Alice lets got of the kite and grabs the hem of her skirt with both
Declan Stanley - 35

hands. She turns to tell the boy what he can do with his kite.
But before she can open her mouth the ground drops away from
under her feet. All that she sees is the astonished expression on the
boy's face as he cranes his neck to follow her as she flies straight up
into the air.
Alice, for her part, is also astonished for she has never flown
straight up in the air before.
"It violates all the known lays of physics," she states.
And her stomach, considering the drop she feels in it, would that
rather she that stayed on the ground as well.
Alice does not have much time to consider her stomach's reaction
to her sudden, law breaking, flight, for a thick fog has enveloped her.
It swirls and swirls and swirls, thickening and congealing,
surrounding her in a gray wall that blocks both the sky and earth
from sight.
Soon Alice feels like she is in the center of a vortex, "Or a
tornado even." As the fog twists tighter and tighter she is twirled
around and around, faster and faster, until she is quite giddy.
But she is not alone in this vortex. There are all sorts of flying
objects accompanying her on her journey.
There goes a bale of hay, next a strip of fencing and even an
uprooted tree floats by.
"And animals too," Alice watches in amazement as an
unconcerned cow drifts by.
Then a house flies by.
"Or rather half a house," Alice observes, as the house rotates to
show that only the front half seems to have been sucked into this
An eerie voice calls out, "I'm going to get you deary."
Alice looks over her left shoulder.
"And your little dog too."
Alice looks over her right shoulder.
But truth be told Alice is spinning around so fast that looking
over either shoulder shows her nothing more than she can see just by
keeping her head to the front and allowing her spin to display the
world around her. Except that her world is filled with floating cows
and flying trees and broken houses.
Then Alice thinks, "My little dog?"
36 - Alice

She looks up and sees a gray image of a caricature of a witch

riding a broomstick.
"Or is she cycling a bike?" Alice squints, but everything is
swirling around her head much too fast for her to sure of anything.
Then, as suddenly as it appeared, the gray mist evaporates, the
vortex dissipates and the flying objects disappear.
Leaving Alice floating, rather miraculously, in clear blue sky.
"Oh, dear," sighs Alice, for the peculiar feeling of her stomach
dropping away under her has been replaced by the feeling of her
stomach wanting to remain floating in the clear, blue sky as the rest
of her starts to drop back to earth.
But the expected exhilaration of a plummeting return to earth fails
to materialize. And instead, once again in direct volition of the
known laws of physics, rather than falling at terminal velocity to a
certain death, she floats softly, slowly, like a leaf, gently to the
She lands on her bottom, with a soft bump, leaving her sitting in
the middle of a dirt track in the middle of open countryside.
Alice takes a long look around her.
Behind her is a high stone wall that stretches uninterrupted in
both directions as far as the eye can see. In front of her is a
patchwork of meadows and hedgerows meandering over softly
rolling hills. She is sitting in the middle of a dirt track, little more
than two parallel ruts, with a thick ribbon of grass between them.
She climbs to her feet and brushes brown dust from her too short
skirt. Experimentally she tugs on the hem to see if she can pull it
down a little more. But there is still no give in it.
In the distance she hears a man humming a tuneless song.
She looks up the track, but sees no one.
She looks down the track, but can still see no one.
She turns to look up the track once more and jumps two feet into
the air, a little shriek escaping her lips. For there, almost directly on
top of her, is the man in the pinstriped suit and bowler hat that she
last met in the long corridor.
"I'm sorry," the man smiles, "did I startle you?"
"Well..." Alice feels her heart pounding in her chest. "... yes ... a
little." Alice fights to compose herself. "It's OK through."
The man's smile broadens, "I am glad to hear it."
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Alice cannot think of anything to say. In fact Alice cannot think

of anything at all except the pounding of her heart in her chest as she
stands so close to this man.
"I saw you flying your kite," the man continues.
Alice wanted to say that it was not her kite, but belonged to two
"And then I saw you when you decided to go flying yourself."
Alice remembers the sensation of being sucked up into the air and
once again feels that sinking feeling in her stomach.
"You were very graceful as you floated through the air."
Alice can feel those goose bumps returning to her skin.
"Your directional and attitudinal control was excellent within the
turbulence of that vortex."
Alice feels a flush across her neck and chest.
"Through your landing could do with some more work," he
glances down at her dusty skirt.
Alice is immediately aware on just how much of her legs are
exposed by her miniaturized skirt.
The man leans a little to the side and takes a long look at Alice's
Alice simultaneously wants to slap his face and to flip up her skirt
to show him her bare bottie, but remains frozen by his presence.
"Do you go flying often?" the man looks back at her face.
Alice is startled by the question. "Go flying?" she thinks.
"Often?" she frowns.
The man just smiles at her confusion.
"What on earth do you mean?" she looks up at the man. "People
can't fly."
"Well..." the man seems taken aback for a moment.”You were
flying just a few moments ago."
"No I wasn't," states Alice.
The man raises his eyebrows.
"I was falling," states Alice. "Or rather ..." Alice remembers how
slowly she fell. "... rather... I was floating."
The man says nothing.
"Either way," Alice pulls herself together. "I was not flying.
People can't fly."
"Why not?" asks the man.
38 - Alice

Alice fights to find an answer to a question that obviously should

never need to be asked, then exclaims in a sudden burst of clarity. "It
would be in direct violation of all the know laws of physics."
"Know by whom?" the man tilts his head.
"What?" Alice shakes her head as confusion returns.
"Which laws of physics?" the man asks patiently, "Know by
"The laws that everybody knows," Alice states, somewhat unsure
herself now. "The laws that everybody everywhere experiences
every day of their lives."
The man smiles, "Like you just experienced flying."
"Err..." Alice is stumped, "Oh..."
"Well I guess you're not in Kansas anymore," the man smiles.
"What?" Alice looks bemusedly at him.
The man waits a few moments, then nods his head to Alice,
"Well, I'm afraid that I must take my leave now. I am way behind
schedule, my to-do lists are over flowing and I am sure to be late for
the Queen's constitutional."
"OK," Alice manages to say, though she is no longer sure that
anything is in the least bit OK.
As on the last occasion that they met the man bends forward.
Once again Alice believes he is performing a low bow. But once
again he instead lifts the hem of Alice's very short skirt.
"Oh, my," he sighs.
Alice stands totally frozen as he looks at her naked pussy.
The man licks his lips, before running the tip of his finger along
the length of her slit.
A surge of electricity sparks through Alice's body. Her knees give
way and she falls backwards onto her bottom, legs spread wide, her
skirt flying up onto her stomach; displaying herself to the man as her
vagina spasms.
"My," he shakes his head slowly, a soft smile on his face, "but
you are too easy."
Alice lies there, all flushed and out of breath, legs spread wide
and skirt flipped up.
The man takes one long, slow look at her, then hurriedly pulls
himself together.
"Well, onwards and upwards," he tares his eyes from her.
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"Progress, efficiency, results!"

And with that he turns on his heels and hurries down the path;
which soon disappears around a corner and into a thick clump of
Alice lies on the ground, in a daze, for a few moments before a
spark of anger flares in her brain.
"I'll be damned if I'm going to let him get away with that a second
time," she jumps to her feet and without even the hint of a glance
over her shoulder she heedlessly runs down the path, around the
corner and into the thick clump of trees.
The two boys, who have climbed to the top of the high wall that
surrounds their garden to see where their kite has gotten to, gaze
longingly after her.
"Nice ass," observes the dark haired boy.
"Very, very nice ass," agrees the blond.
4 - Darkened Rooms

Alice comes thundering out of the trees and into a the open. She
blinks in the sudden sunlight, blinded by the light. But her legs
continue running on auto-pilot until she trips and falls flat onto the
ground, skidding across some muddy grass.
She lies there, her arms and legs spread out, her face splashed
with cold mud, catching her breath. For she had been running
exceedingly fast and the fall has knocked whatever little breath she
had had left right out of her.
As her heartbeat slows she realizes, without any shadow of a
doubt, that her skirt has flipped up and her bum, and more, is fully
exposed to anyone who might be observing her.
"Wearing a short skirt with no panties is more inconvenient than
naughty," observes Alice.
She reaches back and pulls her skirt down. But she still feels
herself exposed. So she rolls onto her back and sits up pulling her
legs tight together; her hands in her lap to keep what little of her skirt
there was where it should be.
She shifts her weight slowly from side to side making a little
"slish, slish" noise and knows from the feeling of cold slim pushing
up around her bottom and thighs that they are now also covered in
"My bum and more," Alice gives a little shiver.
She looks down and sees that there is mud smeared all down her
body and along her thighs and knees. Her hands and forearms are
also covered in mud.
Feeling somewhat un-composed she takes a look around to find
where she has landed this time. And finds herself sitting in the
middle of a lawn adorned with coquette hoops. Or rather sitting in
the middle of an area that used to be a lawn, but that now consists
mostly of clumps of grass surrounded by large patches of muddy
earth, within with the coquette hoops have somehow managed to
Declan Stanley - 41

remain in place.
Except, that is, for one hoop. One hoop is half pulled out of the
ground. It is halfway between her and the clump of trees. And there
is a muddy skid mark running from it to where she sits. The skid
mark leads straight to her mud splattered feet. Across her right shin
is a thin, red mark.
"Shit," Alice looks up quickly in guilt, but she is alone and no one
has heard her say shit.
She reaches down and rubs the mark on her shin. "There'll be a
bruise," but it does not really hurt much, "Just a little sting."
She sits there for a while, before realizes that nothing is going to
happen. So she stands and looks around.
The lawn is mostly surrounded by threes. There is a large, read
bricked house at the other end of the lawn.
"It looks just like a Victorian country manor," observes Alice. She
looks at it for a moment, "I wonder if there is anyone home." For it
did radiate an air of dilapidation.
She slowly looks around. The trees form an uninterrupted wall on
three sides of the old coquette lawn with a dense tangle of
undergrowth and brambles in the darkness underneath.
Feeling like she has not much of a choice she starts towards the
house. "Maybe I can find a bathroom to clean myself up in," she
brightens up a little. And then she smiles, "And maybe some new
clothes as well." She quickens her pace a little.
Alice approaches the house from the side. There is just a blank
wall with a couple of drain pipes running down it. “But no door or
windows,” she steps off the grass and onto a graveled area.
"Ouch," the gravel hurts her bare feet.
Quickly she steps back onto the muddy grass.
She looks right and left and then right again. There is no one to be
seen. She gingerly touches the tip of her toes to the gravel. Quickly
she pulls her foot back, "It would be exceedingly uncomfortable to
walk on that with my bare feet." She frowns at the gravel then
realizes that the gravel doesn't much mind what she feels about it.
"Hmmm," she looks towards the front of the house and then
towards the back of the house once more. "Well I can't very well
present myself at the front door looking the way I do now," she
reasons and sets off towards the back of the house, making sure to
42 - Alice

keep to the grass.

The grass continues uninterrupted for the length of the house and
expands into a large area of un-kept lawn at the rear of the property.
Dotted across the lawn, seemingly at random, are overgrown
flowerbeds. "Over grown with weeds and thistles," observes Alice.
Alice comes around the side of the house and sees a large
conservatory jutting out into the garden. Its frame is grotty and its
glass fogged up with dirty mist. But just before the conservatory
there is a small, white door set into the wall of the house.
"A-ah," observes Alice. "A way in."
However there is a good ten feet of gravel separating the door
from the grass where Alice stands.
"Ten feet of gravel with no shoes or socks," Alice bites her lower
She looks around.
She could explore the grounds a little more. Alice shivers once
more. Being covered in cold mud is making Alice a little chilly. "I
hope I don't catch a cold," Alice turns her back to the garden and
contemplates the little white door once more. Or rather she
contemplates the stretch of sharp looking gravel that separates her
from the door and possible hot water and fresh clothes.
"Oh well," Alice takes a deep breath. "Here we go." And she
starts towards the little door.
She half hops half runs across the gravel "ouching!" with each
step until she finally jumps onto the door step. Once she reaches the
step in front of the door she takes a moment to catch her breath and
wish she had some way to console her poor feet, but she has none
except to continue standing on the cold step in front of the door.
"Well I can't stand here forever," Alice braces herself.
Gingerly she tries the door handle and finds that is opens easily.
Pushing the door open Alice takes one last look behind her. "I
wonder if any of this will still be here when I come back out of the
house?" But then she shrugs and steps inside, letting the door close
shut behind her.
A feeling of cold clam descends upon her. She shivers slightly as
her bare feet touch the cold tiles on the floor. She winkles her nose at
the dry, musty smell.
She is standing in a narrow hallway. On the right hand side a set
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of stairs, covered in faded green carpet, ascends into the gloom. On

the left the corridor stretches into the dark depths of the house. The
gloomy air is wrapped by faded floral wallpaper that is just about to
start peeling from the walls.
Alice hesitates, unsure of where to go next.
"The corridor looks very dark," she bites her lower lip. And the
corridor just seems to get darker as it pushes its way into the house.
But then the stairs are hardly any more inviting.
She leans forward and cranes her neck to look up the stairwell.
"There might be a glimmer of light," she muses. "Perhaps right at
the top."
She can feel the cold mud drying on her skin. "Particularly on my
thighs and bottom," Alice rolls her eyes. "Stop talking out loud to
yourself, girl," she says.
Anyway, she thinks, I need to get cleaned up. And bathrooms are
usually upstairs and receptions rooms are usually on the ground
But still she hesitates, unsure if there is anyone in the building
and how they will react to finding her uninvitedly roaming around
their house. Especially given her muddy state and disheveled
clothing situation.
"But then again," she brightens up. "The bedrooms are also going
to be upstairs and maybe I can find some clothes I could borrow."
She straightens up and takes hold of the banister, "So up I go."
The first stair creeks as she steps onto it. As does the second. And
the third. And the forth. "And the fifth as well," says Alice as she
steps onto the fifth stair, which doesn't creak under her weight.
"Hmmm," says Alice. She steps onto the next step, which creaks. As
does the next. "Every stair can't creak," says Alice. And as she steps
onto the next stair it doesn't creak.
"Do I have to say something out loud to avoid making each step
creak?" Alice steps onto the next step, which doesn't creak.
Alice stands with her hands on her hips.
"Is there some universal law which states that I am not going to
creep silently up these stairs," sighs Alice. "For either I talk, out
loud, or the stair itself will creak to announce my progress."
Alice looks up the stairwell. She is almost at a small landing
where the stairs take a right turn before the final three stairs lead
44 - Alice

through a doorway onto another dim corridor.

Quickly Alice steps up the last three stairs.
Creak, creak, creak.
And then jumps up the last three stairs to land in the corridor.
Alice smiles, "I made it." Then she looks up and down the
corridor, "I think." For she suddenly realizes that she does not quite
know exactly where she has made it to. She is dismayed to find
herself in another dimly lit corridor. It stretches down the length of
the house with a couple of closed doors on either side and a dirty
little window letting in a trickle of light at its end.
Alice is now quite unsure of her plan of finding a bathroom and
perhaps some clean clothes. For it is a completely uninviting house
that she has found herself in. Someplace she doesn't at all want to
explore. However her only other choice is to go back down the
She glances down into the dimly lit stairwell. "It is hardly any
more inviting," she bits her lower lip. She takes a deep breath, pulls
back her shoulders, pushes out her chest and pulls in her stomach
and sets off down the corridor.
Thought it is but two short steps to the first door. So she finds
herself stopping almost as soon as she starts. She hesitates, her hand
half reached to the door handle. She listens but can hear nothing
except her own heartbeat.
Gingerly she takes hold of the door handle. It is cold to her touch,
but otherwise nothing unusual happens. Slowly she turns it and
pushes the door open.
It opens, not unsurprisingly, into a dimly lit room.
"Does nobody in this house like sunshine?" wonders Alice as she
pushes the door open more fully.
The curtains are pulled closed, the bright sunshine forming a
rectangular aurora around the window. There is a heavy air to the
room, as if it has not been disturbed in a very long time. The thin
light makes the dim shapes of the furniture more a presence than
defined items. You know they are there even though you can't
clearly make them out.
Alice peers into the gloomy room. At first she can see nothing but
the dim blobs of the furniture. But after a few moments she notices a
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glow from the far end of the room. She takes a step inside and leans
around the door. At the far end of the room is a hunched figure
sitting in front of a computer screen.
At first she cannot make out anything but a dim outline of a head
against the computer screen. She is not sure if it a real person or if it
is just a high backed chair. But then the screen changes and the head
moves and Alice can see half a silhouette of a man's face. The faint
sound of a mumble forces its way through the thick air.
Alice's heart beats fast and her mouth is dry. Should she announce
herself. Her father is always annoyed when she disturbs him when he
is working on his computer. But on the other hand she does not want
to creep about the house like a burglar. I'm not a burglar, she
reasons. I am merely an uninvited guest. An uninvited guest in a
rather disheveled state, she can still feel the dried mud on her arms
and legs. "And my botty too," Alice blushes as the words leave her
"Hello," an old craggy voice calls from the far end of the room.
"Is there someone there?"
Oh, shit, thinks Alice. I'll have to expose myself now.
"Hello?" calls the voice again, the chair creaking as the silhouette
turns its head.
Alice takes a deep breath and slowly steps out from behind the
door into the room proper. "Err, hello," she ventures.
"Oh," the voice is unsure. "Who is there?"
"Um, Alice," Alice says.
"Alice?" the voice answers. "Alice the maid's daughter?"
"Um..." Alice does not know what to say.
"Well don't just stand there, Alice the maid's daughter," the voice
calls. "Bring my lunch over here."
Alice hesitates, unsure if she should venture further into the
darkened room.
"Come on over here," the silhouette turns back to the computer
Alice starts to slowly walk across the dark room, not quite sure if
she should, nor what she will do when she reaches the dim figure at
the computer screen.
The man is concentrating on his computer, flicking through web
sites in rapid succession. He keeps clicking on web pages as Alice
46 - Alice

comes to a stop beside him, not bothering to turn his head to look at
"Just leave it there and I'll eat it later," the man says.
Alice looks at the desk all cluttered with pages of close typed text.
She does not know where she would be supposed to leave anything,
even if she had something to leave.
"Oh, that's good," the man half whispers.
Alice is unsure if he is talking to her, or just talking to himself.
He has stopped clicking through web pages and has started to
read the current one.
Alice takes a moment to look at the man. He is not as old as she
had first thought, maybe just a little older than her father. But his
features look more weathered and crinkled than her father’s, like he
had had an outdoor job, once a long time ago. But now his skin is
pale. He looks like he has not been in direct sunlight for a very long
"Don't be shy," the man says. "Come and stand beside me where
you can see the screen properly."
Somehow she finds herself stepping closer to him.
"What are you doing?" she asks before she remembers that she
should really stop asking questions of these strange people.
"Why, I'm downloading porn from the Internet," the man
responds in a tone of voice that says, 'well what else would I be
"I beg your pardon," Alice can feel her cheeks redden.
"Why? What have you done?" The man clicks the computer's
mouse and the screen flashes to a new web page.
"I sorry," Alice looks at the man's face.
The man is still looking at the computer screen. His craggy
features illuminated by the screen's glow.
"Well I glad you're sorry, but I still don't know what you have
done," the man clicks a link.
"Done?" Alice is completely bemused. "Why, I haven't done
"Well that's not right," the man scans the new web page. "A girl
your age should be out doing things not sitting inside downloading
porn from the Internet."
"Sitting inside ..." Alice stops talking, astounded at the man's
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The man clicks a link on the web page and a download dialog
pops up.
"I am not sitting inside downloading porn from the Internet,"
Alice states.
The man clicks 'OK' and the dialog is replaced by a progress bar.
"Well what are you doing then?" the man continues to look at the
Alice looks at the computer screen for the first time and is
slapped in the face by a tangled web of intertwined naked bodies.
There are arms and legs, and breasts and bums, and erect penises and
open vaginas.
"Oh, my," she feels a knot in the base of her stomach.
"Oh, yes," the man hisses.
Alice's attention is diverted from the overwhelming montage of
naked flesh on the screen by a movement in the corner of her eye.
She looks down and sees that the man has his hand in his lap. Or
rather in his crotch.
"Oh, my," Alice feels a sinking feeling.
"Oh, yes indeed," the man squeezes his fingers on the bulge in his
"Oh," Alice does not know where to look, "my."
"Yeah," the man sighs.
Alice fixes her eyes on the progress bar on the screen, a warm
flush spreading across her cheeks, and neck, and down onto her
"Hummm," the man hums as his fingers flex.
Alice looks only at the progress bar displayed on his screen,
trying her best to ignore both the man's hand as it grips the bulge in
his crotch and the images of naked flesh on the background of the
"Nearly there now," he hisses.
Alice stops herself from asking "Nearly where?"
"Oooooh," the man's voice is a horse whisper.
Alice thinks she should probable leave now. She does not know if
she wants to view the contents of the video he is downloading. She
does not know if she wants to be here when the download, or the
man, finishes.
48 - Alice

But instead of walking away she stands there watching, with the
man, as the progress bar slowly fills.
Watching and waiting, for what she does not know.
The progress bar fills and the dialog tells them that the download
is complete.
Immediately the man clicks back to the web page that displays the
list of videos available for download, his eyes hungrily scanning the
web page.
"Ah, here's a nice sounding one," he looks sideways at Alice. "It's
called Alice and Sienna."
Alice's blush deepens.
"A different Alice, I presume," he chuckles, clicking with his
"Well, yes!" Alice does not know why she is so flustered.
A new progress bar displays itself on screen.
The man sits back, his hand gripping his crotch once more.
Alice waits a few moments, then realizes that the man is not about
to play the video he has just downloaded.
"Are you going to play the video you just downloaded?" her eyes
keep flicking down to his crotch, but she keeps making herself look
back up at the new progress bar.
"Oh, no," the man keeps his eyes glued to the progress bar. "I
don't have the time to view every file I download. There's tons of
stuff available and I need to download as much of it as I can."
"But surely..." Alice briefly looks down at his crotch as his hand
massages the bulge in his jeans, then quickly averts her eyes, "...
surely viewing the files would be more exciting than downloading
"You'd think so," the man glances at Alice. "Wouldn't you." His
eyes return to the screen.
Alice opens her mouth, but does not know how to reply to this
cryptic remark.
They both wait a few minutes while the progress bar continues to
slowly fill. The only sound being the rasping breath of the man and
the hum of his computer, hidden in the shadows beneath his desk.
Alice waits patiently for the file to finish downloading unsure if
the tingle inside her stomach is excitement or dread. Each time her
Declan Stanley - 49

eyes catch glimpses of the images on the web page she refocuses her
attention on the progress bar, but then finds her eyes wondering
down to the man's crotch. She concentrates as hard as she can on
looking at the slowly filling progress bar.
The man sits lent forward, eyes glued to the screen, tensing and
relaxing his hand in his crotch.
Presently the progress bar fills and the file is downloaded.
As quick as he can the man scans the list of download links
displayed on the screen and clicks another to download.
"Are you," Alice thinks she already knows the answer to this
question, "going to view this file?"
"Oh, no," the man whispers. "No time. No time."
"This is mad," Alice snorted.
"Oh, no," the man replies. "I'm not mad, I'm sad. The mad
Wanker is having a tea party out in his garden right about now."
"Hmmm," Alice winkles her nose.
The man's eyes are fixed on the progress bar.
Alice takes another look around the room and sees for the first
time a pile of empty pizza cartons and soft drink cans on the floor
beside the man.
She glances at the slowly filling progress bar, "Is this what you do
all day?"
"So much porn," the man whispers. "So little bandwidth." But his
attention is not on Alice. His eyes are fixed on the progress bar.
Alice feels that she could spend the rest of her life standing here
watching the man downloading porn. One file after another, over and
over again.
Slowly she straightens up and softly walks away.
The man does not notice.
She takes one glance behind her as she leaves, at the silhouette
watching his computer screen. She slowly shakes her head as she
turns and walks away.
The man continues as he was before Alice briefly entered his life.
5 - The Kitchen

Out on the landing once more Alice gives the other doors a wary
glance, "I don't think that I would be able for whatever lies behind
those doors." Alice slowly shakes her head and decides to make her
way back down the stairs.
The squeaky stairs do not bother her so much on the way down.
Though she must have taken a wrong turn somewhere, for instead of
the gloomy, dark corridor that she had previously ascended from
once she reaches the bottom of the stairs she finds herself in front of
one single door.
Alice glances up the stairs, then looks at the door, quite a little
unsure. But then she notices that the door is slightly ajar. Gingerly
she tip toes over and peers through the narrow gap.
Inside she sees a bright, modern kitchen. Its work tops and
cupboards are in pastel shades of yellow and white and everything is
bright and shiny and clean. A surge of excitement runs through
Alice. "Oh, civilization at last," smiles Alice. She quickly pulls open
the door and steps inside.
The shinny tiles are cool under her bare feet. The room smells
crisp and clean. Everything is neat and tidy. A feeling of calmness
descends over her as she walks to the center of the room.
"Everything is so perfect," Alice slowly turns, drinking in the
immaculate kitchen. "Right out of a show room." Alice sees the line
of muddy footprints leading from the door to where she stands. "And
I am exceedingly dirty," Alice looks down at her disheveled state.
"This will not do."
She sees the kitchen sink and makes a beeline for it. But as she
crosses the room something else comes to her attention. There, in
plain view, sitting on the kitchen table is a plate of cupcakes.
Alice stops dead in her tracks. Her stomach rumbles and her
mouth fills with saliva. "Oh, goodness," a little bit of drool escapes
from the corner of her mouth. Absently she wipes it with the back of
Declan Stanley - 51

her hand. All the while her eyes are locked on the cakes. Sitting in
their crisp white cases, lightly stacked in a little pyramid. With a thin
line of soft brown cake visible underneath the thick coating of white
and pink icing they are the epitome of temptation. Even their crisp
paper cases look inviting.
"And they're topped with hundreds and thousands of sprinkles,"
sighs Alice. They are, indeed, the essence of temptation.
She reaches out towards them and sees the caked mud on her
hands. "Well now," she snaps herself out of her trance. "I will need
to wash before I can eat anything." Though she gives one last
longing look at the cupcakes before turning to the sink.
She runs the water, and while it starts out cool it soon heats up.
"Lashings of hot water," exclaims Alice as she plunges her arms into
the flowing water. "Oh, yes," she sighs as her dirty arms make a
muddy puddle of the once crystal clear water. She splashes water up
along both of her forearms and is please to see the mud wash away
with hardly any effort. She quickly looks around for something to
wash her legs with. "I can't very well stand in the sink," Alice smiles,
then thinks that perhaps in this strange world standing in kitchen
sinks would be perfectly acceptable.
She sees a dish cloth so in lieu of anything better she decides to
use this to wipe the mud from her legs. She looks at her muddy feet.
"I suppose I'll start at the bottom and work my way upwards." She
soaks the dish cloth in fresh water and bends down to wash her feet.
The mud lifts easily from her skin as she runs the warm cloth across
her naked feet, first standing on one foot and then the other in order
to give them a thorough scrubbing. Her feet are soon clean. She
starts on her ankle then bolts upright suddenly realizing that with the
shortness of her skirt and the fact that she has to keep her legs
straight while she washes them, anyone looking at her is sure to see
her naked bottom exposed by her too short skirt.
Alice looks around the empty kitchen. The door is closed and
there is no one at the window. "And I need to get clean before I can
sample the cupcakes," Alice looks longingly at the plate of cupcakes
sitting on the table for a long moment. Then she shakes her head,
"It's not like I need to be that modest." Alice rinses the disk cloth in
the hot water. "Who's going to see anyway?" she shrugs. Her
stomach rumbles to remind her of the cupcakes, but she makes
52 - Alice

herself focus on getting clean.

She bends to her ankles, reaching into the sink to soak the dish
cloth then squeezing it out, before wiping the mud from her skin.
The mud easily washes off, but soon Alice is standing in a little
muddy puddle. "It will only get bigger as I wash all the mud off
myself," Alice wiggles her toes in the cooling water. "And I'll still
end up leaving watery foot prints on the floor from my wet feet."
She looks around quickly.
There is a set of draws in the cabinet beside the sink.
Alice pulls open the top drawer. It is full of cutlery. She slams it
shut and pulls open the second drawer. It is filled with lace and frills,
all tangled up together. She reaches in and pulls out a hand full of
cloth. Shaking it out with her hand it unfolds into a lacy apron, all
starched and white. The drawer is filled with them, almost to
overflowing. She pushes the apron back into the drawer and closes
it. The bottom drawer has what she is looking for. It is filled to the
brim with blue and red checkered tea towels. "These will do,"
exclaims Alice. "These will do very nicely, indeed."
She takes out a tea towel and lays it on the floor. She frowns as it
starts to soak up the muddy water. Then she takes out another two
tea towels and lays them over the first. The upper most one is almost
dry as she steps onto it.
"Now to continue where I left off," Alice soaks the dishcloth in
the hot water once more and bends down to wash her calves.
The thick mud is still slightly damp and easily wipes off leaving
her skin fresh and clean.
"It's like my very own secret beauty treatment," giggles Alice.
Alice busies herself washing the mud from her legs. Soon her
calves and lower thighs are clean. But now she realizes that as she
works her way up her legs she will quiet soon have to wash up under
her skirt, for the mud has gotten everywhere. "And I do mean
everywhere," Alice sighs. "I guess that is what you get for sitting
your naked botty down in muddy puddles."
She is a bit more self conscious now that she is washing above
her knees. She looks around, yet again. "What if someone walks in
while I'm washing my botty?" She blushes, "Or my... vagina."
She glances down at herself and notices the mud streaked across
her stomach. "A-ha," she quickly starts to wash her stomach,
Declan Stanley - 53

postponing the inevitable. But it is a short reprise for the mud comes
off so easily that it takes only a few seconds to clean her stomach
and belly button.
She looks at her skirt and top, both covered in mud. Dabbing with
the dish cloth does not get much of the mud off the cloth. But it does
soak the cloth and make it cling even tighter to her skin. She lets out
a long sigh. She knows that she will never get them back on if she
takes them off, "Assuming that I didn't rip them apart in the effort to
get them off in the first place."
She pauses to take stock.
She is standing there in the kitchen with her feet on damp tea
towels, legs clean, but wet, and her skimpy skirt and top soaked,
"And now sticking even tighter to my skin." Alice sighs. She has
done enough to make herself presentable. "But it's not enough," she
shakes her head slowly. She can feel the sticky mud between her
bottom cheeks and at the tops of her thighs. "I will have to wash all
the mud off."
Gingerly she soaks the dishcloth in fresh water. She rings it out a
little then, taking a deep breath, she lifts up the hem of her skirt and
wipes the mud from the outsides of her bottom. But she knows that
she will have to wash between her buttocks for the squishy mud has
gone everywhere.
"I never thought I would ever be standing in a kitchen, in board
daylight, washing my privates," Alice blushes, and cannot help but
look around again. Alice catches herself. "Am I hoping for an
audience," she stops as a tingle of anticipation runs through her
body. "Oh." She can feel a tingle of excitement in the pit of her
stomach. Her face and neck are flushed.
"It is kind of erotic," Alice's blush deepens. Of all the words she
has blurted out today the word "erotic" seems to be the most naughty
of all.
She shakes her head to clear her mind. "Don't be silly, girl," she
softly chides herself.
She rinses out the dishcloth with fresh water and rings it out then
once more she lifts her skirt and puts the dish cloth to her bottom,
except this time she pushes the dishcloth between her bottom cheeks.
She can feel the hot water squirt against her skin and the muddy
water trickling down the insides of her tights. She rubs up and down
54 - Alice

a little, not really pushing in too deep. She can't really push too deep
while she is standing with her cheeks pulled tight together.
"This is ridiculous, Alice," she says to herself. "It's just like
wiping your bottom and you wipe your bottom every single day."
Gingerly she takes hold of the edge of the counter and squats
down. Spreading her knees wide for balance she feels more exposed
than ever. Alice letting go of the counter she lifts up her skirt and
starts to wash the mud from her bottom. She pushes the dishcloth in
deep between her buttocks, for the mud has worked its way
everywhere. The warm water feels so good against her skin, "And
that mud was beginning to itch."
She scrubs and scrubs, rinsing out the dish cloth and rubbing
fresh water against her skin.
"It is a most peculiar situation," Alice looks around the clean,
bright kitchen. And while she, of course, takes a shower every day
and will wash herself thoroughly, it is quiet another thing to be
washing herself in a kitchen. Taking this strange sort of sponge bath
with a dishcloth, "It is almost like I'm a piece of cutlery or delft,"
observes Alice.
She rinses out the cloth once more and this time washes between
her legs. The warm water feels so good on her naked vagina. "Oh,
very good," smiles Alice. And she rinses out the cloth and presses
more warm water to herself.
It feels so good to wash the mud from her skin. "I hadn't realized
that I had gotten so dirty," she says.
She keeps rinsing out the cloth and rubbing fresh warm water
against herself. She rinses and rubs and rubs and rubs and rinses.
Then stops suddenly her eyes wide with fright.
She snatches her hand away and quickly stands up, smoothing her
skirt down and looking around guiltily.
But now her legs and bottom, "And more," Alice sighs, are
soaking wet. She looks around the kitchen but there is no towel in
sight. "I will just have to dry myself with tea towels," Alice shrugs.
She quickly grabs a couple of tea towels and begins to wipe her
legs dry. Not paying any heed to the fact that she is exposing herself
as her short skirt rides up over her bottom. She works quickly for the
water is getting cold and making her skin a little goosepimplely. She
quickly dries her feet and legs.
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She squats once more and dries between her legs with the rough
cloth. She rubs and rubs, and rubs and rubs, and then she rubs some
more. And then she realizes what she must look like, squatting there
in the kitchen with her knees spread wide rubbing frantically
between her legs.
"Oh my," she stands up suddenly dropping the tea towel and
stepping away from the spot.
She stands there a moment looking at the pile of wet and muddy
tea towels discarded onto the once pristine floor. But her stomach
gives a deep rumble reminding her of what she had forced out of her
mind. Slowly her head turns to look at the plate of cakes once more.
"They do look like exceedingly good cakes," Alice licks her lips.
Alice looks around the kitchen once more, there is still no one in
sight, but she still feels very conspicuous. "To be uninvited in some
strange house, to wash so intimately and now," her stomach rumbles
even louder, "to help myself to their cakes. Well..." she doesn't know
if it is at all proper.
She closes her eyes and listens as hard as she can, for any noise,
anywhere in the house. But nothing is stirring, not even a mouse.
And the smell of the cakes is making her mouth water.
She looks longingly at them. Looks at their crisp layer of icing
sitting on top of crumbly soft sponge, which she knows is just going
to melt as soon as she puts it in her mouth. Before she knows it she
is standing beside the table. The plate of cakes is directly in front of
her. Her mouth is watering and her stomach is rumbling. Slowly, as
if watching her body move of its own accord, her hand takes a cake
and brings it to her lips.
She hesitates, lips half parted, tongue almost darting out, savoring
the expectation and knowing that this is wrong.
"Ever so wrong," Alice's voice is horse. She clears her throat and
decides to put the cake down.
Her hand does not move.
No, she determines, I will put the cake back down.
Her hand remains poised at her lips.
"I will put..." her mouth is filled with delicious textures, a cloud
of tastes and sensations beyond the physical, as her hand pushes the
cake past her lips.
Alice is lost in bliss as the wondrous texture fills her mouth. And
56 - Alice

as the wondrous taste fills her mind, a spiritual bliss fills her head. It
is velvety. It is soft. It is both rich and light and ever so sumptuous.
"And ever so addictive," crumbs spill passed of Alice's lips as she
talks with her mouth full.
But she does not notice, for her attention is solely focused on the
plate of cup cakes. Her hands move of their own accord once more
picking up another cake and pealing the paper cup from it.
It is in her mouth, exploding in delicious textures and tastes,
before she even realizes that she has swallowed the first cake. The
delicious sugar sweetness melts in her mouth before she can even
start to chew and her breath is sucked away in awe and wonderment.
Cake after cake melts in her mouth. Each one better that the last
one. "Ever so much better," half eaten cake falls from Alice's mouth,
but she is deliriously indifferent as she stuffs yet another cake into
her mouth.
High up inside the house a door slams shut and Alice freezes, a
half eaten cake in one hand and her other hand reaching for the next.
She opens her eyes and see an empty plate on the table in front of
her. For a moment she looks around for the plate with the cakes on
it. Then her eyes return to the plate, empty except for a light dusting
of cake crumbs.
Alice realizes that she has eaten all of the cakes.
Oh, shit, she thinks, for her mouth is so full of cake that she
cannot speak.
Oh, fucking shit, panic starts to rise up inside her.
Oh, no, no, no. The panic starts to take hold.
It is the worst word Alice can think to say. Or rather think to think
as she can't speak, for her mouth is stuffed with cake, so much so
that her cheeks bulge out. She has eaten every cake. And the panic is
rising up inside her taking hold and...
Alice takes a long, slow, deep breath, breathing through her nose,
around the taste of the cake filling her mouth.
Thundering footsteps start coming down the stairs.
The panic swells up in Alice's chest once more.
The thundering footsteps continue down the stairs.
Alice wants to spit the cake out. But can't. She is frozen in panic
unable to swallow, unable to spit out.
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The footsteps have reached the bottom of the stairs.

Alice can't breath. She can't swallow. She can't run. She can't
The footsteps stop and the door handle starts to turn.
Her mouth is full of cake, icing all over her fingers and crumbs on
her chain; she cannot claim to be innocent of the theft. The theft of
the entire batch of cupcakes.
Then she sees the broom closet, its door ajar offering the chance
to hide.
Quickly as she can, as the kitchen door starts to swing open, she
slips into the closet finding herself surrounded by brooms and
brushes, mops and buckets of all descriptions, though none she has
time to detail. She starts to pull the closet door closed. But the door
will not close all the way. It is stuck with a gap of a good four inches
threatening to reveal her.
Alice pulls as hard as she can but there is no give in the door it is
stuck solidly open. Then the footsteps start to come through the
kitchen door and Alice cannot try any more. She pushes herself back
into the closet as far as she can, her heart beating fast and her mouth
too dry to swallow the cake it holds. She stands there in the shadows
with her back against the wall as the door opens fully and the
thundery footsteps walk into the kitchen.
She can't breathe. A cold sweat breaks out across her skin. She
cringes against the wall, her chin hanging loose, her mouth stuffed
with cake.
Through the gap left by the open door she can see a big man
stomping across the kitchen. He is wearing a gray suit, with his shirt
collar undone. Even on a rugby pitch he would be a big man, thinks
The door ajar allows her to see something of what is happening,
but mostly she deduces the events happening outside by sound, as
the man drifts in and out of her narrow field of vision.
He opens first one cupboard, rummages around inside for a few
seconds then slams shut the door only to open a second cupboard to
once more rummage around inside.
"And I still haven't found what I'm looking for," the man slams
shut an overhead cupboard and bends down to open a floor unit;
rummaging around inside, banging and crashing the contents around
58 - Alice

before slamming that door shut and saying "No, I still haven't found
what I'm looking for."
He repeats this performance with the next set of cupboards,
searching first the top cupboards then going through the bottom
cupboard, working his way along the kitchen.
Suddenly he stops, his whole body frozen for one long moment.
He stands up straight and slowly turns his head, then his whole body,
to look at the pile of muddy tea towels Alice has discarded on the
floor. His eyes follow the line of muddy foot prints she had made
across the once clean floor. He slowly swings his head to the door
and then back to the muddy pile.
Then his head turns to look at the empty plate on the kitchen
Nothing happens for a long moment.
"Alice!" his voice thunders through the silence.
Alice's heart stops and the bottom drops out of her stomach as his
voice hits her almost like a physical object.
The man turns and stomps across the kitchen.
Oh, my god, Alice cringes in fear, the unmovable wall pressing
hard against her back as his irresistible force sweeps across the
But he stomps past the broom closet and pulls open the kitchen
door. "Alice!" his voice thunders once again.
After a moment’s pause Alice can hear the scampering of feet
coming down the stairs. "I'm coming. I'm coming," cries a faint
female voice.
"Come down here now!" the man thunders.
"I'm coming. I'm coming," the female voice is closer.
The man waits as dainty footsteps descend the stairs. "There you
are," he snarls. He turns from the door and strides to the center of the
The dainty footsteps stop at the kitchen door.
"Is there something wrong, sir?" the female voice quivers.
"Look," the man states.
"Oh my," the female voice is suddenly concerned.
"Oh my, indeed," the man snarls. "What on earth happened here?"
"I really don't know, sir," her voice is weak. "I was cleaning
upstairs. In the back bedrooms. Honest, I didn't see anyone, sir."
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"You know you are responsible for cleaning every day."

"I did clean the kitchen, honest sir."
"And somebody has eaten the master's cupcakes!"
"I... I..." her voice falters. "I had left them on the table to cool."
"I am very angry, Alice!" the man thunders.
Alice can barely hear the woman speak.
"You are employed as a maid, are you not," the man steps back
into Alice's view.
"Yes," the maid remains hidden.
"So you are responsible for this," the man states.
"But I..." the maid's voice trails off.
"You know what I will have to do, Alice," there is almost a gentle
tone to the man's voice.
Alice thinks she hears the maid say "yes", but her voice is so faint
as to be almost inaudible.
Alice can see the left side of the man, his leg, his hip his arm and
shoulder. She can feel the trembling presence of the maid just out of
sight behind the door.
The man starts to unbuckle his belt.
"No," the maid gasps. "Please, sir."
He pulls his belt free with one dramatic sweep of his arm.
"Oh," the maid quietly sighs.
"To the table," the man's voice is quiet and sure.
Alice hears the light patter of the maid's shoes on the tiled floor as
she finally comes into Alice's view. She is a petite young woman,
with thin arms and legs, wearing a classic maids uniform, with a
maid's cap pinned into her black hair.
Slowly the maid walks around to the far side of the table, her tear
stained eyes downcast.
The man waits patiently.
The maid takes the empty plate and gently places it on the
worktop beside the sink.
"You can clean up later," the man says.
"Yes, sir," the maid gives a little curtsy.
The man waits once more.
The maid returns to the kitchen table, presses her hips against it's
edge and stretches over it to grasp the other edge with her finger tips.
60 - Alice

The man slowly walks around the table and stands behind her, his
belt looped in his hand, his eyes fixed on the maid's pert bottom.
He flips up her skirt.
"Ah," both the maid and the man gasp at the same instant.
"No panties," the man's eyes remain locked on the maid's bottom.
"No, sir," the maid whispers.
The man lets out a long slow breath, his eyes fixed on her naked
Nothing happens for a long moment.
Then the man slowly raises his hand. The looped belt hanging
loosely. His eyes fixed on the maid's petite bottom.
The maid starts to tremble.
Alice can see the tears drip from her eyes. Alice wants to reach
out and help the maid. She wants to stop this man. But she is frozen
in the closet, unable to move, unable to think, unable to breath, as
the man holds his hand up high, ready to strike.
Everything is frozen for one long moment. Then...
The belt thunders into the maid's upturned bottom.
The maid gasps, lifting her head. Her knuckles white as she grips
the edge of the table.
But the man immediately raises his hand and brings the belt down
on the maid's bottom.
The maid cries out.
The man strikes again. And again and again. Blow after blow
after blow. The man ruthlessly whips the young woman.
The maid at first cries out, then gasps, then sighs and sobs as the
man rains his belt onto her buttocks.
As suddenly as he started the man stops and drops his belt onto
the floor. His is breathing hard. A sheen of perspiration covers his
face and neck.
The maid lies across the table, sobbing quietly to herself.
Alice stands there in the closet's shadows, mesmerized. Unable to
tare her eyes away she feels as if every blow has struck her own
body. Her heart beats loudly in her ears and a sheen of sweat covers
her entire body.
Without taking his eyes from the maid's bottom the man starts to
undo his trousers.
Declan Stanley - 61

Tears are streaming from the maid's eyes, forming a little pool,
with the drool that drips from the corner of her mouth, on the table
under her face.
The man pushes his trousers off his hips and pulls his shirt tails
Alice cannot fully comprehend what she is seeing.
The man steps behind the maid.
The maid jerks as he takes hold of her hips.
The man wiggles his hips a little.
"Oh," the maid opens her eyes.
The man pushes his hips forward.
"Agh," the maid closes her eyes once more.
"Yes" the man sighs as he settles his weight against the maid.
A long low moan escapes from the maid.
“Now then,” the man takes a firm grip on the maid's hips. “We
shall begin.”
The man pulls back his hips.
The maid moved her hips to follow him. But the man pushes
down with his strong hands, forcing her hips to remain tightly
pressed against the kitchen table. Instead she gives out a long, low
sigh as the man pushes his hips slowly against her bottom once
A shiver runs through Alice's body. Through her very soul itself.
The man continues to press down on the maid's hips and slowly
pulls back once more.
The maid gives a long low moan.
Alice's body wants to respond. She wants to move her hips. She
wants to arch her back and turn her head upward. She wants to
scream. But her mind is frozen. All she can do is stand and stare.
The man pushes forward and pulls back, pushes forward and pulls
back, back and forward building up a rhythm
Alice finds herself swaying to the rhythm. Back and forth, back
and forth, back and forth. Faster and faster as the man picks up speed
with his thrusts. Her body matches his pace, swaying faster and
faster with him, suddenly hitting against a dim shadow beside her in
the closet. All the brooms and mops collide creating a domino effect.
The closet door swings open in a cascade of mops and brooms. A
great clatter of handles fan out across the flagstones, all pointing
62 - Alice

back to Alice as she stands suddenly revealed, wishing the ground

will open up and swallow her.
The maid, sprawled across the table, lifts her head, her eyes
unfocused and glassy, not fully aware of what the noise is, a grunt
escaping her lips as the man once again thrusts into her.
The man pulls out, making a wet sucking sound. Lifting his gaze
above the maid he looks directly at Alice.
Alice stands, the closet door wide open, it's shadows evaporated,
icing on her fingers, crumbs on her chin, with her mouth full of cake.
A guilty blush spreads across her cheeks.
The man fixes her with a steely gaze as he thrusts once more into
the maid.
The maid, grunting, drops her head back onto the table.
Alice stands frozen like a rabbit caught in head lights.
The man pulls back, his eyes locked onto Alice's.
The maid lifts her head and gasps.
Alice shudders.
The man thrusts forward, splish.
The table squeaks a fraction of an inch across the flagstones.
The maid grunts and drops her head.
Alice feels the power of the man's thrust reaching across the
The man pulls back, suck.
The maid moans.
The table squeaks.
Alice feels a dull ache in the pit of her tummy.
The man thrusts forward once more, splish.
The maid gasps.
The table squeaks.
Alice's knees go weak.
The man pulls back, suck.
The maid moans.
The table squeaks.
Alice's world closes in around her.
The man thrusts forward once more, splish.
The maid gasps.
The table squeaks.
Alice's hands press to the base of her abdomen.
Declan Stanley - 63

The man pulls out, suck.

The maid moans.
The table squeaks.
Alice tries to moan, but no sound comes.
The man pushes forward, splish.
The maid gasps.
The table squeaks.
Alice presses her fist into her crotch.
The man pulls out, hands on the maids hips, eyes locked with
The maid moans.
The table squeaks.
Alice can almost feel the cock being pulled from her.
The man thrusts forward, splish.
The maid moans.
The table squeaks.
Wet crumbs fall from the corners of Alice's slack mouth.
The man pulls out, suck.
The maid moans.
The table squeaks.
The man thrusts forward, splish.
The maid moans.
The table squeaks.
Alice's universe shrinks down to the sounds of sex, the eyes of the
man and the feeling building inside her belly.
Suck, moan, squeak.
Alice wants to move.
Splish, gasp, squeak.
Alice wants to run away.
Suck, moan, squeak.
Alice can't tear her eyes away.
Splish, gasp, squeak.
Alice can't escape the pressure building inside her.
Suck, moan, squeak.
An iron fist slowly squeezing inside her belly.
Splish, gasp, squeak.
Her knees spread wide as she pushes both her fists into her
vagina, hard.
64 - Alice

Suck, moan, squeak.

Her mouth hangs open, her eyes are transfixed by his stare.
Splish, gasp, squeak.
She tries to whimper, but her throat is too dry and her mouth too
full of cake.
Suck, moan, squeak.
She can't hold this pressure inside.
Splish, gasp, squeak.
It burns so deep that...
Suck, moan, squeak.
...she feels she might stop breathing
Splish, gasp, squeak.
Stop breathing forever.
Splish, gasp, squeak.
For one long moment of death she hangs transfixed on the cusp.
The maid screams and bangs on the table with her fist.
The man takes half a step back pulling out of the maid with a loud
suck. Grabbing his erection in one hand, he pushes two fingers of the
other into the maid, and starts to pump both cock and cunt
Tremor's race through Alice's body.
The man lets out a deep, guttural roar. His cock spasms and white
ropes of cum spray across the maid's back.
She in turn starts banging the table with her fists and head as his
fingers continue to pump her convulsing pussy.
Bang! Bang! Bang! She hits the table as string after string of cum
shoots across her back.
Alice's knees finally give way and she sinks to the floor, her legs
spread wide, her fists pushed hard into her crotch.
Bang! Bang! Bang! The maid hits the table.
The man pumps both himself and the maid.
Alice curls into half a fetal position, her head between her knees,
as her vagina spasms against her fist. Bolts of lightning explode
inside her as her whole body convulses. And the half chewed
cupcakes fall from her mouth on to the floor between her outspread
legs as her mind disintegrates into pleasure. That pure light, that pure
fire, that consumes her.
Everything stops for a long moment.
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Nothing happens.
Then nothing continues to happen.
Slowly Alice comes to her senses.
Eventually she lifts her head.
The maid is collapsed across the table, drool dripping from the
corner of her mouth as her ragged breath slows and smoothes.
The man, still gripping his sated erection, is half turned to rest his
hip on the maid's buttock, his hand on the table beside her to support
Nobody is fully recovered.
But Alice knows that she has to recover first, that she has to get
up and run, that she needs to flee before either the man or the maid
come to their full senses. She cannot wait here. She cannot talk to
these people. She needs to get away. She needs to get away now!
Somehow Alice finds herself on her feet. Somehow she finds
herself stumbling out of the closet on jelly legs, holding onto the
door jam for support as she pulls herself together.
The maid opens her eyes.
The man looks up.
Alice turns and heads for the back door. Turning her back on
these people on whom she has intruded so intimately. Each step she
takes makes her stronger. Each step is firmer than the previous one.
By the time she reaches the door her legs no longer feel like wobbly
sticks of goo. Her heart is beating fast, there is a tension in the pit of
her stomach. It is a dread, a fear. She needs to get away, she needs to
fly away.
She fumbles the door open and starts to run.
6 - The Mad Wankers Web Party

Alice runs and runs. And runs and runs. And then she runs some
She runs and runs. And runs and runs. Until she can't run any
Alice stops. Bending forward, eyes closed, trying to catch her
breath she puts her hand out to rest against a wall, her lungs working
as hard as they can to suck the life giving air into her.
Eventually her breath is caught. She looks up to see where she has
stopped. And finds herself standing on a doorstep in front of a door.
The front door of a quaint thatched cottage to be precise.
Alice looks at the door for a moment. She is quite unsure if she
really wants to go through yet another door in this strange land. She
keeps finding herself walking through doors that lead her to places
she is not sure she wants to go. But yet she doesn't quite feel like
turning around and going back the way she came. "Although," Alice
reasons, "judging by recent experience even if I were to retrace my
footsteps exactly I would be sure to finish up somewhere completely
different from where I started."
She turns to look back the way she came and finds that she is
standing in a small garden. On either side are two small rose bushes
and a couple of clumps of daffodils. Down the middle is a short
gravel path leading to the gate of a white picket fence.
Alice shifts her weight from one bare foot to the other. "Why is
there so much gravel in use these days?" she frowns. She turns back
to the door, which stands there passively, safe within it's perfect
frame of climbing roses. "Hmmm," she says. "Decisions, decisions."
She glances over her shoulder at the gravel path, but finds her
hands go to push open the door of the cottage. "Hmmm," she bites
her lower lip. "Well, OK," she shrugs. She closes her eyes and steps
And bangs her nose into the door.
Declan Stanley - 67

"Ouch," she takes a step back. "My." She rubs her nose a little,
but it is not really hurt.
The door continues to stands there passively.
Alice tries pushing the door.
But it is locked.
"Hmmm," Alice bites her lower lip once more.
The door does nothing.
Frowning, Alice eyes the gravel path once more, then smiles, "I
guess I'll cut through the garden." She jumps off the doorstep,
skillfully avoiding the gravel and lands on the soft grass. “Perfect,”
she laughs, enjoying the soft grass under her feet as she makes her
way around to the side of the house. When she turns the corner she
finds herself in a perfectly ordinary little garden. There is a small
flower bed to one side with a few rose bushes and a bunch of
bedding plants. Most of the garden is given over to a well kept lawn.
"It is exactly the sort of garden one would expect a quaint country
cottage to have," Alice says. "How unusual."
Then she frowns. "Well not unusual, normally," she corrects
herself. "But unusual for this unusual place, where I am beginning to
expect the unusual is what is normal."
Alice stops talking and starts blushing. She looks around the
empty garden asking herself just when is she going to stop talking
out loud to herself.
"Especially when I'm talking complete nonsense," Alice sighs and
rolls her eyes.
But once she has finished her little conversation with herself she
takes a more detailed look around and sees nothing. Nothing that is
out of place for the garden of a quaint country cottage garden. The
bedding plants are in full flower. The roses blooming and well kept.
The lawn perfectly smooth and manicured. All in all nothing the
least bit unusual.
Alice waits for a moment. She is expecting some strange desire to
take over her, or some bizarre event to come rushing at her from
Turning sharply on her heels she lifts her finger and opens her
mouth to say, "I told you so." But there is nothing there. Nothing
about to pounce, no one rushing at her from behind, nothing
unexpected at all.
68 - Alice

Alice is a little disappointed.

But before her disappointment can turn to despondency she
realizes that there is a low murmur of voices floating on the air. She
turns her head a little to the left, then a little to the right, not quite
sure where the voices are coming from. She closes her eyes, to hear
"I think the voices are coming from behind the house," Alice
turns to look, but cannot see the source of the voices. "Well," she
shrugs and trots off across the lawn, hopefully going in the direction
of the voices.
She turns the corner of the house and stops dead in her tracks, her
mouth hanging open at the most bizarre sight she has ever seen.
There was a long, really long, table stretching the entire length of
the back garden. Sitting around, seeming all talking at once, is a
crowd of men. There are way too many for Alice to catalog
individually, but no two seem to be alike. There are men with short
hair and men with long hair, some are dressed in suits and ties, some
have scruffy jeans and faded t-shirts. There are tall and short, fat and
thin, old and young men. The one thing they have in common is the
intense, and animated, conversation they are all simultaneously
engaged in.
In front of each man, along with an array of crockery, half drunk
glasses of various coloured beverages and half eaten sandwiches, is a
laptop computer. But, just like the men, no two laptops look alike.
Most are gray or black, but one or two are blue or green. There are
big 22” wide-screen multimedia machines and there are petite little
7” sub laptops. And there is a complete array of every shape and size
in between. But what strikes Alice as most peculiar is the way that
the laptops are just tossed about without any care on the table. Half
the laptops are open and half are closed. Some are switched on and
some are off. They are all haphazardly facing in different directions.
None is placed in front of a man. And none of the men are paying
the slightest attention to any of the laptops.
None of the men, that is, except for one man sitting at the head of
the table. A man who is most bizarrely dressed in some Victorian
looking suit complete with starched collar, cravat and long coat tails
draped untidily over the arm of his chair. But most bizarre of all is
the tattered top hat perched precariously on the top of his head. “But
Declan Stanley - 69

he is at least looking at his laptop,” Alice says.

And indeed he is looking at his laptop. Typing intently in short
bursts and wiggling his finger about on the mouse pad, his eyes
never leave the screen. In fact he is occupied so much with his laptop
that he is paying not the least bit of attention to any of the loud
carousing and laughter that so animated the rest of the men around
the table. Those young men seemed to treat their laptops as mear
accessories, cast haphazardly on the table in front of them and then
ignored in favour of loud conversation, tea and sandwiches. But the
man at the head of the table has time only for his computer, ignoring
completely everything that is not displayed on its screen.
Alice finds herself being drawn to this man, this man who is an
island of calm in the mists of such hustle and bustle. This man apart
from, but yet still a part, of the crowd. Alice is walking, as if in a
trance, without any regard to anything else apart from this man.
He is totally without any regard for everyone else for as Alice
walks closer she sees that he has only on hand on his laptop. The
other hand is under the table. As Alice walks a little closer she sees
that the hand under the table is not laying still. He seems to be
stroking something. Something that he is holding in his lap?
Something in his crotch? Alice comes to a complete stop, blushing
as she realizes what act this man is performing.
“Hey there, young lady!”
Alice, startled, almost jumps out of her skin.
“Would you care to join us?”
Alice turns to look and sees a little, bald man sitting at the table,
half turned in his chair to smile at her.
“There's a free seat,” he gestures to the empty chair beside him.
“And I have sandwiches.” He holds out a plate in her direction.
Alice's stomach gives a rumble of approval as she eyes the
proffered plate of freshly cut sandwiches. She thinks that she might
join him, for she suddenly realizes that she is exceedingly hungry.
Alice glances back towards the man at the head of the table. He is
still intent on his laptop, ignoring everything else around him. His
hand, Alice notes, is still pumping away under the table. Alice thinks
that maybe she shouldn't disturb him, “Well not at the moment,
anyway.” She looks back towards the little, bald man and her mouth
salivates, “The sandwiches do look very tasty indeed.”
70 - Alice

The little man's smile widens.

Alice gives an almost imperceivable nod and sits in the empty
chair beside the little man.
Just as she starts to reach for the plate of sandwiches the little
man turns and puts the plate back onto the table.
Alice frowns in disappointed and is about to say something
But the man turns back to her almost immediately with a tea cup
in one hand and a tea pot in the other.
“Some tea first,” he hands her the tea cup.
Alice takes it automatically, glancing at the plate of sandwiches
left sitting on the table.
The man fills her cup with golden tea.
“Milk, sugar?” he asks.
“Just a little milk,” Alice replies.
“Just a little milk,” the man hums as he drops a little milk into her
tea. He smiles at her and waits.
Alice suddenly realizes that he is waiting for her to drink her tea.
She takes a quick sip. “Hmmm,” she smiles back at him, “very nice.”
He continues to look expectantly at her.
She takes another sip.
His smiles widens.
Alice sips more tea.
He smiles some more.
Alice does not feel at all comfortable. She looks around for an
escape rout. “Who is that man at the head of the table?” Alice nods
to indicate the man staring intently at his laptop.
“Man,” the little man laughs. “That's no man. That's the Mad
“Mad Wanker?” Alice blushes.
“Yes,” the little man refills Alice's cup, even though she had not
yet drunk even half of the tea. “This is his tea party,” the little man
adds a drop of milk to Alice's cup. “Just the way you like it,” he
Alice smiles back and takes a sip.
“No, no,” the man gestures with his hand. “Drink up, drink up.”
Alice forces herself to keep smiling as she takes another sip.
The man continues to look expectantly at her, so she takes
another, bigger, sip.
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He smiles and she relaxes a little. But she is beginning to wish

she hadn't actually sat down beside him.
“Do you come here often?” the man puts his own cup to his lips,
though barely wet his lips.
“err... no,” ventures Alice. “This is my first time.”
“I was thinking I hadn't seen you here before,” the man says. “We
don't get many young girls at our parties.” He leans close for a
conspiratorial whisper, “Their mothers don't usually approve.”
Alice does not know what to say, so she smiles and takes another
sip of tea.
The man has that expectant look once more, so Alice takes
another sip, then another bigger sip, as the man watches her intently.
I'll just drink this cup down and make a polite exit, thinks Alice,
so she takes a big gulp and drains her cup.
But before Alice can put the tea cup down and stand the little man
has snatched the teapot from the table and is refilling her cup.
“Err, thanks, but I really don't want another cup,” Alice says.
“Nonsense, nonsense, my dear,” the little man puts the teapot on
the table and reaches for the milk.
As the man is turned away from her Alice seizes her opportunity
and puts her cup on the table.
“Oh, thank you,” the little man pours a drop of milk into her cup
and hands it back to her.
“No, really,” Alice tries to push the cup away. “I must be going.”
“You can't go before you go,” the little man smiles at his
“Sorry?” Alice feels a deep sinking feeling.
"Drink up, drink up," the little man presses the tea cup into
Alice's hand.
"Err, thank you," Alice takes a polite sip.
"No, no," the man stops Alice from putting the cup down, "Drink
it all up," he smiles. "You'll never fill yourself up at this rate." He
looks at Alice and waits.
Alice feels she has no option but to drink more tea. Slowly she
puts the cup to her lips and takes another sip. She starts to take the
cup away, but the man is still looking at her, so taking a deep breath
she empties the cup once more.
"Good, good," the man beams.
72 - Alice

Alice is relived that she has satisfied him. But as she goes to put
her cup down he picks up the teapot and refills her cup.
"Emm," Alice is unsure how she got herself into this situation, or
indeed the exact nature of the situation she has gotten into, but she
rather wishes she was elsewhere.
"And some milk," the man pours a drop into her cup.
"Thank you," Alice replies, unsure what else to say.
The man refills his own cup. "One spoon of milk and just a drop
of sugar," the man chuckles.
"Sorry?" Alice is puzzled.
"Just my little joke," the man smiles as he takes a sip from his
own cup.
"Oh," Alice still does not know what he is talking about.
"Drink up, drink up now," he smiles.
Alice takes a sip of the tea.
The man looks expectantly at her.
Reluctantly Alice empties her cup again.
"Good, good," the little man smiles as he brings the teapot back
towards Alice's cup.
"Oh, no," Alice is a little annoyed and puts her hand over her cup.
"I couldn't drink another drop," she tries to keep her voice polite.
"Of course you can," he starts to tip the teapot.
Alice snatches her hand away, convinced that the little man would
have poured the hot tea over her fingers.
He fills her cup and quickly adds the milk, then waits with an
expectant smile.
Alice takes a little sip.
He continues to look at her.
She empties her cup.
Perhaps this will satisfy him, she glares at the man.
But the little man has turned away and is reaching for the teapot
once more.
"Oh, no," Alice squirms a little in her seat. "I can't, really I can't
drink another cup."
"Drink up, drink up," the little man smiles. "It's good for you."
Alice watches in horror as the he refills her cup, adds the milk
and waits expectantly for her.
She is not sure if she can swallow it, for her stomach is quite full
Declan Stanley - 73

from all the tea she has already drunk.

The man looks eagerly at her.
This man is completely insane, Alice concludes.
He smiles expectantly, half waving his hand to encourage her to
drink up.
Yes, she is quiet sure, he must have some type of compulsive
obsession disorder. For the man must be quite unhinged to be forcing
her to drink so much tea.
Alice sips her tea and he smiles at her. But Alice is starting to
more annoyed than worried. She goes to put the tea cup down on the
table. But the man wiggles his finger and says, “Tut, tut tut.” Gently
taking hold of the tea cup he pushes it back towards Alice's lips.
“Drink up,” he encourages.
Alice smiles weakly trying to hide her annoyance and and finds
herself putting the cup to her lips once more.
The man shakes his head and looks hurt when she does not really
swallow, so Alice takes a loud sip and the man smiles once more.
Alice's stomach is beginning to feel a little bloated. In fact her
whole system is getting quite full and the pressure for release is
starting to build in her bladder.
Alice shifts uncomfortably in her seat.
"And so it begins." the man smiles at her.
"What begins?" Alice asks the man.
"The rest of your life begins," the man nods his head as if he has
said something very wise indeed.
Alice cannot escape the feeling that the man looks at all this tea
drinking as something more significant than Alice can discern. And
she can also not escape the feeling of her full bladder. "Please, sir,"
for she doesn't know what else to call him. "Can you tell me where
the little girl's room is."
"Which little girl's room," the man smiles mischievously.
"You know what I mean," Alice snaps.
"I do not know what you mean, little girl," the man stops smiling.
Being called little girl was the last straw. She stands up, looks the
man right in the eye and says in a loud voice, "I need to go to the
toilet to do my pee-pees!" Why she said the word “pee-pees” like a
little baby she will never know. But what she did become
immediately aware of was the sudden absence of any conversation
74 - Alice

around the table, and the fact that every pair of eyes was now
looking right at her.
"Oh," Alice blushes.
"Well that is great news," the little man breaks into a board smile.
"It is?" Alice is dumbfounded once again.
The man nods vigorously, "We would all very much like to
Alice opens her mouth to speak, but no words form in her mind.
"Would you please pee for us?" the man gestures to include the
assembled diners.
"Absolutely not!" The words are out of Alice's lips before she is
even consciously aware of the question.
“Oh,” the man's smile takes a certain edge. “I must insist.” He
softens his mile, “After all it you have drunk my entire pot of tea.”
He holds up the teapot and demonstrates by pouring the last drop of
tea into his own cup.
“But you insisted,” Alice feels a little whine edging into her
“And now I must insist some more,” the man gestures at the
assembled crowd. Who are now all looking at her. “We would all
very much like to watch.”
“You all,” a deep blush forms on Alice's cheeks, “want to watch
me pee?”
“Oh, yes,” the man nods at the crowd. “We want to watch you
“You want to,” Alice can hardly believe what she is saying,
“watch me pee?”
“We want to watch you pee,” the man starts to repeat. “We want
to watch you pee.”
Alice feels her cheeks burning red.
“We want to watch you pee,” the man picks up a kind of a tune.
“We want to watch you pee.” He looks around at the crowd of men
and starts to wave his arms in time to his chant. “We want to watch
you pee. We want to watch you pee.”
Slowly the other men start to join with the little man's chant. “We
want to watch you pee. We want to watch you pee.”
Alice is surrounded by the chanting men.
“We want to watch you pee. We want to watch you pee.”
Declan Stanley - 75

Alice can feel the pressure really building in her bladder.

“We want to watch you pee. We want to watch you pee.”
The chanting is doing nothing to help Alice in trying to hold her
pee in.
“We want to watch you pee. We want to watch you pee.”
"Yes! Yes!" Alice shouts. "I do indeed need to pee, so could
someone please tell me where to go?" Alice tries to make her voice
as firm as she can, “Where I can pee in private.”
There is a sudden stillness around the table. Nobody moves and
nobody speaks.
Nobody that is except for the Mad Wanker seated at the head of
the table. Every one turns to look as he continues to pump furiously
under the table, his glazed eyes staring into the computer screen.
Every one waits.
Slowly his eyes focus as he looks up from his laptop, a smile
plays across his cragged features. "The teapot," he grunts.
"The teapot! The teapot!" everyone chimes.
Alice does wish that they would stop doing that.
"The teapot! The teapot!"
Then Alice realizes what they meant.
"The teapot! The teapot!"
"Oh, no," Alice holds up a hand to stop them. "No, no. No, no.
"Up on the table," the mad Wanker grunts, his fist not slowing in
its furious pumping.
"Up on the table!"
"The teapot! The teapot!"
"Up on the table!"
"The teapot! The teapot!"
Alice starts to walk backwards.
"No, no, no," she repeats.
"Up on the table!"
"The teapot! The teapot!"
"Up on the table!"
"No! No! No! No! No!"
Suddenly Alice is surrounded. Hands grab her from every angle
and she is lifted into the air and deposited in a heap onto the table.
Alice sits up, looking in terror at all the eager faces that
76 - Alice

surrounded her. She is sitting up supporting herself on her arms, her

legs, half bent, are spread wide. She does not care that her vagina is
clearly on display, for a terror has filled her mind.
"I can't pee with people looking at me. I can't pee with people
looking at me. I can't pee with people looking at me," she repeats,
not knowing if she is talking out loud or not.
Meanwhile the chants of "The teapot! The teapot!" fill the air.
Alice looks all around her, but can see nothing except smiling
chanting faces. All with a quite mad look in their eyes. No one is
looking at her displayed vagina. No one, that is, Alice suddenly
realizes no one except for the Mad Wanker.
The little man stretches across the table and places his teapot
between Alice's legs, turning it on it's side so it's opening is pointing
directly at her vagina.
“No, no,” Alice shakes her head. “No. No.” But the pressure is
building inside her. “No, no,” Alice half whispers.
But her whispers are drowned out by the continuing chanting of
the assembled men. "The teapot! The teapot! The teapot! The
“No, no,” she starts to sob. “No, no.”
“We have a shy one here,” the little man shouts.
"The teapot! The teapot! The teapot! The teapot!"
The little man presses the teapot against Alice.
“No, I can't,” she sobs. “I can't. I can't.”
“Go for me, little girl,” the man hisses into her ear. “Go for me.”
“No,” Alice bites her lower lip.
“Yes,” the man hisses.
The sudden roar of her pee hitting the inside of the teapot fills
Alice's ears.
A big cheer rises up from the men, drowning out even that
dreadful sound.
Alice closes her eyes, wishing the ground really would open up
and swallow her now.
“Now there's a sight for sore eyes!”
The clarity of the voice startles Alice into opening her eyes once
more. She looks down between her legs to see the Mad Wanker has
looked up from his lap top and is now staring directly at her as he
pumps his fist. A shiver runs through Alice as the last of her pee
Declan Stanley - 77

splatters into the teapot.

"I'm going to cum! I'm going to cum!" wails the Mad Wanker.
Everyone turns to look at him. Including Alice who now has a
ringside seat with a unimpeded view of his gnarled fist pumping his
knobby cock.
Everyone, and everything, goes very quiet, very quiet indeed. The
only sound is the slish, slish of the Mad Wanker's hand sliding up
and down his hard cock.
“Oh,” grunts the Mad Wanker.
“Oh,” Alice has a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.
“Ugh,” grunts the Mad Wanker.
“Ugh,” echos Alice.
“Oh, no.”
“Oh, yes.”
Just before his eyes roll up in their sockets the Mad Wanker grabs
a plate from the table.
Alice has just enough time to think, “Oh, what a beautiful looking
Victoria sponge.” before the first string of white cum splashes from
the tip of the Mad Wanker's cock and lands on top of the pristine
cake. Two, three, four more splashes follow, each accompanied with
an exclaimed “Oh, yes!” from the Mad Wanker. Each feeling like an
electric shock coursing through Alice, even though physically
nothing touches her.
Finally the Mad Wanker squeezes the last drop from the tip of his
cock and slumps back into his chair, holding the recently decorated
cake in the air in front of him.
Everything is silent for a long moment. The Mad Wanker sits
there with a satisfied smirk on his face. Slowly he opens his eyes and
looks at his audience.
"Creamed cake, anyone," the Mad Wanker offers the plate.
Alice thinks it probably best to politely decline.
But before she can formulate a response everybody else sitting
around the table makes a mad grab for the plate. There ensues a
desperate grapple and general melee with everyone involved trying
to cram as much of the creamed cake into their mouths as possible.
China is sent flying, the table cloth ripped, elbow meets rib, fist
meets eye and teeth bite fingers in a whirlwind of desire.
78 - Alice

Alice is sent flying from the table. She somersaults head over
heels, arms and legs flopping widely, to end up flat on her back,
arms spread to each side, her legs spread wide with her skirt
covering her belly button and her puffy pussy on display for the
world to see.
But no one is the least bit interested in this normally forbidden
sight. The mayhem caused by the Mad Wanker's creamed cake
continues unabated leaving Alice ignored by everyone who until
recently had placed her at the center of their attention.
Ignored by everyone that is apart from the man in the suit, who
suddenly appears, as if from nowhere.
"My, my," he smiles as he slowly walks up to stand between
Alice's legs.
He takes a long, slow look at her pussy.
Alice knows that she should close her legs, or pull down her skirt,
or cover herself in some way. But she just lays there, on display, like
a rabbit frozen in the headlights of an oncoming car.
"You do look very tempting," he mused. Then looks up from her
pussy, "But I've got a ton of stuff to do before I meet the Queen, and
if I am late she will be very angry."
He bends down, reaching out towards her vagina.
Alice is just about to say, "No! Don't you dare!" when his finger
meets her clitoris. Her hips bucks, her back arches and her head rolls
back; a long low moan escaping from her parted lips as a wave of
pleasure sweeps over her.
And with that the man stands up and leaves.
Alice lays on the ground for a few moments. Slowly she realizes
that everything had gone very quiet.
She rolls her head to the side and sees that one end of the table
has collapsed under a tangled mass of bodies.
People start to get up, untangling themselves from their
neighbours, finding a chair to sit in, or just standing idly about.
Some continue to wipe their chins and lick their fingers clean. But
mostly people are passive. Everyone looks as if they have one hell of
a massive hangover.
Everyone that is but for the mad Wanker himself; who is lying
back in his chair, his eyes closed, a contented smile on his face.
Seemingly oblivious to the mayhem around him he is having a nice
Declan Stanley - 79

little snooze.
Alice quietly gets up and quietly leaves, completely unnoticed.
7 - Sexytown

Alice is a little dazed as she wanders away from the normal little
cottage, with its normal garden and its quiet abnormal occupants.
She doesn't take much notice of where she is going. She just walks
for a bit on autopilot, her mind bemused and befuddled. So she is
somewhat surprised when she looks up and finds herself on the
outskirts of a little village.
“A weird looking little village,” she frowns. “With weird looking
little houses.” She stops and stares for a few moments. “They look
like little the gingerbread houses that frequent fairytales.” Alice
smiles, “I wonder if they're edible.” Her stomach rumbles a little for
she had not, in the end, eaten anything at the tea party. “Not even a
bite of a sandwich,” Alice snorts.
The path she is on leads into the village. And she can see no other
obvious path to take. But she is a little weary of taking the obvious
path for as she takes a closer look she notices that the houses in the
village are all leaning at odd angles, with none of the walls vertical
and none of the windows straight. “Not a single one,” Alice frowns.
“And the roofs are all at odd angles too,” Alice squints as she looks
closer. “Very odd indeed,” she concludes after a moment's perusal.
And while their pastel colours may be welcoming, when the odd
angles are added to the equation the overall effect is not at all normal
looking. “No, not at all normal,” Alice agrees with herself.
“But still...” Alice starts to walk as she ponders the village,
having really nowhere else to go after all. “...maybe,” she reasons,
“if the normal looking houses have abnormal people, the abnormal
looking houses will house normal people.” She smiles and quickens
her step as she works out this logical deduction.
The next strange thing she notices is the lack of people. The
streets are completely empty. “With not a soul to be seen anywhere.”
Alice listens intently for a long moment, “And not even the sound of
a distant voice.”
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Alice strolls past a odd looking house with a white picket fence.
“Well it's not only the house that is odd, the fence is odd as well,”
Alice scrunches up her face. Instead of being vertical the fence of the
left side of the house leans to the left and the fence on the right side
leans to the right. When looked at in the whole the house itself seems
to lean backwards, with the roof seemingly twice the size of the
ground floor. But when Alice makes an “L” shape with her fingers
and thumb and looks intently at each part of the house each corner
and every wall is aligned correctly at right angles to its neighbours,
every window is set straight in its wall and each door is a proper
right-angled rectangle.
But when she drops her hand and looks at the overall scene the
house is once again leaning backwards and all the walls and
windows are at odd angles.
Alice frowns. She does not like houses that won't behave
normally. “I definitely could do with a little normalcy in my life at
the moment.” Then she snorts, “Whatever normalcy is.”
Alice makes an “L” shape with both her hands and holds them up
against both sides of the house at the same time in order to force it to
be correctly angled on both sides at the same time.
“What are you doing?”
Alice nearly jumps out of her skin.
In fact she does jump over a foot into the air, making her skirt
flair out and flashing her bottom to the pretty girl who now stands
behind her.
Alice feels the cold air on her bottom and quickly pulls her skirt
down. She turns around and sees a short girl, about her own age,
standing there with a big smile on her face. She is looking at Alice's
hands as they clutch the hem of her skirt.
“Hi,” the girl says. “Nice bum.”
“Err, Hi,” Alice is unconformable, both at having flashed her bum
at the girl and at having the girl remark on it.
The girl is a good three or four inches shorter than Alice and as
she looks up at Alice's face her smile broadens even wider. The girl's
pink hair is cut in a tight page boy style, she has bright blue eyes
and, Alice looks twice to make sure, pink freckles dotted across her
cheeks. But the girl has such an eager smile on her face that Alice
cannot but smile back at her.
82 - Alice

“My name is Candy,” the girl almost bounces as she talks. "Who
are you?"
"Um, Alice," Alice says.
“Alice,” Candy considers for a moment. “That is a nice name.”
“Err, thanks,” Alice hazards, because she is not used to people
pausing to consider before telling her that her name is nice.
Candy looks at her expectantly for a moment.
Alice smiles weakly back at her.
“And mine?” Candy finally asks.
“err,” Alice does not know what she is talking about. “Oh,”
realization dawns, “your name.” Alice nods, “Yes, your name is
quiet nice too.”
Candy beaks into the widest, brightest smile that Alice has ever
seen. “Oh thank you,” she gushes.
Alice is both pleased and confused that her comment has
produced such a passionate reaction. She is beginning to think that
she has found herself in yet another situation where she is
completely out of tune with everyone else.
Still all is not lost, Alice thinks, if Candy's attire is typical of the
outfits the inhabitants of this place wear then here is a place where
her own scanty clad body will not seem completely out of place.
For Candy is wearing a quite revealing pink baby doll nightie.
Alice is momentarily relieved when she sees that Candy's nightie is
even shorter than her own skirt. But then Alice notices that at least
Candy has frilly panties to cover her nudity. Then Alice realized that
she can see Candy's panties, that is all of Candy's panties. The shape,
and even the texture of the frills, is clearly visible through the
translucent material of candy's nightie. As indeed is the dimple of
her belly button and the curves of her ribs. The faux fur trim of the
nightie's hemline brushes the underside of Candy's tight buttocks,
underscoring just how short her nightie really is. And the matching
trim around the bust just emphasizes the swell of Candy's pert
breasts, capped by the dark aureole of her erect nipples.
Alice realizes that she is still gripping the hem of her skirt, but
cannot make her fingers relax to let go of it. For, revealing as
Candy's outfit is, Alice still feels more naked than ever. For even
though Candy's nightie is as short, if not even shorter than Alice's
skirt, Alice does not have the benefit of any panties, no matter how
Declan Stanley - 83

frilly, to protect her modesty.

“I was just going to start an aerobics workout,” Candy beams.
“Would you like to join me?”
Alice finds herself saying, “OK, sure.” Before suddenly realizing
that she is not at all dressed for aerobics. Her grip on her skirt
tightens, as if the mention of movement will cause it to fly up and
expose her.
“Let's go into the park,” Candy gestures behind Alice.
Alice turns to to find that they are indeed at the entrance to a
public park. A public park surrounded by odd angled houses and
filled with off angled walls and odd angled lampposts and odd
angled park benches. In fact the only normal thing was the threes
and bushes. But their very normalcy, Alice thinks to herself as she
follows Candy into the park, simple makes the whole even more
abnormal than ever.
“Let's do some warm ups first,” Candy smiles at Alice.
Alice smiles back, but does not feel at all at ease.
Candy bends down, and keeping her legs straight, touches her
toes. This, of course makes her nightie ride up, exposing her frilly
panties stretched across her tight bottom.
“I cannot possibly do aerobics wearing what I am wearing now,”
Alice is very worried.
“Oh you look fine,” Candy smiles. “Look I have no shoes on
either.” Candy lifts one foot to show Alice her naked feet.
But Alice is not worried about her naked feet. Alice is worried
about showing all and sundry her naked bottom. “And more,” Alice
feels a panic starting to build inside her.
“And more what?” Candy tilts her head.
“Err...” Alice decides to play for time. "Do you always wear your
nightie when you are doing aerobics?" Alice thinks Candy might
want to go home and change before starting her workout.
"Oh, yes," Candy smiles. "We always wear lingerie here in
Sexytown. No matter what we are doing."
"Is that so," Alice slowly shakes her head.
"Oh, yes," Candy gave a little skip and a hop. "Everyone's always
sexy in Sexytown."
Alice is trying to get her mind around the concept of doing
aerobics while wearing lingerie. Then one word catches in her mind.
84 - Alice

“Sexy?” she frowns.

“Yes, Sexy,” Candy buzzes. “Don't you just love being so sexy.”
“Err...” Alice is quiet unsure firstly just how sexy she in fact is,
and secondly how she is supposed to feel about whatever level of
sexiness she does indeed process. “I suppose...”
“And what better way to feel sexy, than to dress sexy,” Candy
“Yes... I suppose,” Alice is not quiet sure.
“You, yourself, are rather attractively attired,” Candy smiles at
“At least my nipples are covered,” Alice muses.
“Nipples,” Candy's bright, fresh face seems out of place saying
such a naughty work.
Well the word 'nipple' is itself not naughty. But the current
circumstances, and that fact the Candy's nipples are so clearly
visible, make it seem so, thinks Alice.
“Do you like my nipples?” Candy tilts her head down, but looks
up at Alice.
“Err..” Alice feels her face turning red. “Y... Yes?” Alice feels
that sinking feeling once more.
Candy slips the strap of her nightie from her shoulder, pushes the
material down, cupping her hand under her exposed breast and
squeezing slightly to point her nipple at Alice.
Alice looks at the hard, little nipple, glistening pink in the
"Would you like to suck my nipple?" Candy asks coyly.
"Emm," Alice has to swallow. "Oh, no thanks," she tares her eye
from the proffered breast.
"Oh, go on," Candy leans forward a little. "It's covered in cherry
"Cherry gloss?" Alice looks at the nipple again.
"It's very, very tasty," Candy takes half a step forward. “Very
"Em, well," Alice is tempted, but she has never sucked another
girl's nipple before and doesn't quite know how to begin.
"Just part you lips a little and lower your head," Candy
Alice leans forward, closing her eyes and parting her lips.
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Candy puts her nipple to Alice's mouth.

Alice feels the nipple brush her lips and licks.
"Hmm," it did indeed taste of strawberry.
"Open a little wider," Candy feeds her breast into Alice's mouth.
Alice finds herself suddenly with a mouthful of Candy's breast.
Even small, pert breasts, Alice thinks, can certainly fill one's mouth.
A great squeal of feedback tares through the air.
Alice jumps into the air her, lips ripped from Candy's breast, her
heart pounding in her chest.
"Ladies and Gentlemen!" hidden loudspeakers crackle. "Please
pay your full attention to, the one... the only... the fuck-mister
himself... LLLLL-Lord Sexticus!"
Cheers erupt from the speakers.
As if from nowhere a tall, muscular man comes running towards
“How bizarre,” Alice is astonished.
And bizarre is indeed the only word to describe the astonishing
outfit that the man is wearing.
He is all done out in a red, white and blue, starts and stripes motif.
“Like some kind of comic book super hero,” Alice is stunned.
“Oh he is my super hero,” Candy clasps her hands together and
gazes adoringly at the man.
There is a loud scratch as someone drops a needle onto a vinyl
record. Then loud pop music, with a fast up tempo beat, blares out:

"Welcome to Sexy Town,

It's a place where you'll want to cum.
We have so much fun here in Sexy Town,
Fucking all the day long.
"Sexticus is the king of fuck,
He is hard all day long.
And when you want to have some fun,
He'll be there to help you along.

"Cum, Cum, Cum here together

Everyone's sexy in Sexytown.
Cum here, Cum here together
Everyone's fucking in Sexytown.
86 - Alice

"When he's up, it's time to fuck - Yeah

We're doing so much fucking around – Yeah
When you're horny he'll be hard for you,
Ready to fuck you into the ground.

"Cum, Cum, Cum here together

Everyone's sexy in Sexytown.
Cum here, Cum here together
Everyone's fucking in Sexytown.
Yeah, Everyone's fucking in Sexytown."

Alice could not bear to bring herself to listen to any more of the
song. But just as she is about to stick her fingers in her ears in order
to block out the hideous racked the music shuts off just as suddenly
as it had started.
“I have arrived!” the man declares, coming to a halt beside the
two girls.
“Hello, Sexticus,” Candy beams up at him, for is she barely as tall
as his shoulder.
“Good day, all,” Sexticus strikes an heroic pose, “I hear that
somebody needs to suck some cock!” he looks off into the distance.
“Oh, me. Me please,” Candy lifts her hand into the air and raises
up on her tippy-toes. “I want to do.”
“And what about you, young lady?” Sexticus looks directly at
“Um, Me?” Alice gulps. “No thanks, I'm good.” Alice takes a
little step backwards.
“I'm sure you're very good,” Sexticus smiles down at Alice.
“No! Me first,” Candy steps in front of Alice. “I'm really, really
good, Sexticus. You know I know what I am doing.”
“Indeed you do, Candy,” Sexticus smiles down at her. “I've been
thinking of your soft, succulent lips ever since breakfast.”
“Ah, breakfast,” Candy smiles dreamingly. “Tasty breakfast.”
“And now it's time for elevenses,” Sexticus pulls at the crotch of
his spandex suit and suddenly his big cock and heavy balls are
hanging out for all to see.
“Oh, my,” Candy drops to her knees in front of him. “You are so
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gorgeous, Sexticus.”
“Yes, I know,” Sexticus puts his hands on his hips and looks off
into the distance.
Alice just lets her mouth hang open in astonishment.
Candy puts her hands on Sexticus's thighs and licks along his
flaccid penis, lapping like a little kitten with little bobs of her head.
Sexticus maintains his pose, staring off into the distance, as
slowly, but surely, his penis starts to swell and harden.
Much to the delight of Candy who makes little mewing like
sounds as she licks Sexticus's penis from tip to base over and over
Soon Sexticus is sporting a hard cock, tick and long and
glistening in the sunshine as Candy laps up and down, and along the
sides, and underneath, and swirls her tongue around its tip, sucks
gently at his pee hole and then laps back down its length to lick his
heavy balls.
Sexticus sighs contentedly. “Ah yes, Candy. You are very good.”
“Thank you,” Candy's voice is muffled as she has the head of his
cock in her mouth.
“And you, little lady?” Sexticus looks at Alice. “Would you like
some to?”
“Some?” Alice is unsure what he means
“I am sure Candy wouldn't mind sharing,” he glances down at
Candy doesn't reply as she has stuffed four or five inches of his
cock deep into her mouth.
“Oh,” Alice can feel the colour drain from her face. “No, thank
“You prefer to watch,” Sexticus thrusts his hips forward, making
Candy gag. “I like that!”
Candy wraps her hands around his cock and starts to pump up and
down, keeping as much of his cock as she can fit inside her mouth.
Alice is fascinated by the big dollops of spit drooling from
Candy's chin.
“My ejaculation is imminent,” announces Sexticus in a loud
Candy pulls her head off his cock with a loud pop, “Oh, goody!”
She drops her hands to her sides and tilts her head back with her
88 - Alice

mouth open and her tongue on her chin.

Sexticus wraps his fist around his cock and points it straight at her
mouth. With an animal roar he starts to pump for all he is worth
Candy lets out a long soft moan.
Sexticus starts to pant as he scrunches his face up, his fish now a
blur on his cock.
“Give it to me,” pants Candy. “Please. Give it to me now.”
“One!” he declares as a dollop of cum shoots onto Candy's face.
“Oh, yeah,” she moans.
“Two!” another splash of cum catches Candy in the eye.
“Yes,” she is breathless.
“Three!” cum lands on her forehead
“Ah,” she can barely catch her breath.
“Four!” across her cheek
“Five!” right on her nose.
Alice thinks it most peculiar that having a man ejaculate on your
face can produce such orgasmic bliss in a girl. But she says nothing.
“I have ejaculated!” Sexticus jumps up and punches the air.
The sounds of cheering erupt from the hidden speakers.
Candy struggles to her feet and leans against a wall looking like
she has just run a marathon.
Sexticus starts to run around the circumference of the park,
waving and smiling at the imaginary crowd, as the loudspeakers
blare the sounds of cheering.
Alice shakes her head slowly as he does his victory lap. Then she
turns to look at Candy.
Candy is leaning back against the wall, still trying to catch her
Big globs of Sexticus's ejaculate are congealing on her face.
Candy smiles up at Alice, "Face and tits, that's what he always
"Oh, I'm sorry," Alice smiles sheepishly. "I didn't mean to stare."
"That's OK you're not the only one," Candy pants.
"Not the only one?" Alice looks around, but can see no one.
"Most people don't want to spend all every day fucking and
sucking," Candy pointed at a CCTV camera fixed to a lamppost
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beside them. "Most people just want laze around on their couches
and watch."
"Oh, my god," Alice looks from the camera that Candy has just
pointed out and sees another on the next lamppost, and another on
the next, and one on a tree. In fact there are cameras everywhere.
And all of them are pointing towards her.
"Oh, my god," Alice put her hands to her face. "Oh, my god."
"Not god, just Sexticus," Sexticus bounces to a halt beside her.
"All these cameras..." Alice pointed vaguely. “They are all
looking at me.”
"Oh, yes," Candy nodded her head brightly. "You are the star
attraction today. Everyone loves fresh meat."
"And now," announced Sexticus. "It is time for Sexticus to fuck
"Err," Alice snaps her head around to him.
"Yes, yes!" Candy claps her hands together. "Let's let Sexticus
fuck Alice."
"I don't," Alice takes a step backwards, "think so."
"Oh, please do, Alice," Candy turns to her. "It'll be so much fun."
"I don't..." Alice starts to feel unsafe.
"But you must," interrupts Sexticus. "First I have been sucked,
now I must fuck."
Alice takes another step back.
Sexticus takes a step towards her, his penis hardening once more.
“I must fuck. Yes?”
“No. No. No,” Alice holds out her hand to stop his advance.
“But I am primed and ready to go,” Sexticus nods down at
Alice glances down and finds that he is indeed hard once more.
“Don't you just adore it,” oozes Candy.
Alice does not adore it.
“Come, I am ready to start,” Sexticus states.
"Hold on a minute," a thought occurs to Alice. "You have just
ejaculated all over Candy, you couldn't possibly be ready to fuck me
"Oh yes I am," Sexticus puts his hands on his hips and thrusts his
hips forward, his erection as hard as stone. "I have infinite stamina. I
can come and come, come and come, and come again some more."
90 - Alice

He stands there with the proudest smile imaginable, showing off

his magnificent body. Hands on his hips, hard cock glistening in the
sun, fully aware that the world adores him.
But something is bubbling up inside Alice. She tries to stop it, but
she cannot. She cannot stop herself. She tries and tries, but a bubble
of laughter is rising up inside her. She puts her hand over her mouth
to hide her smile, but her chest starts to heave, and then she cannot
hold it in any longer.
Alice laughs.
Sexticus looks puzzled.
And Alice laughs some more.
Doubt starts to creep into his eyes. He looks down at Candy, who
just stands there, with her mouth open, transfixed by Alice's reaction.
But Alice can't care about the reaction of her audience, she hugs
her sides and bends double with uncontrollable laughter.
Candy looks up at Sexticus. Who in turn looks down rather
"I'm sorry," tears start rolling down Alice's face. "I'm sorry."
Another wave of laughter convulses her.
Candy glances down at Sexticus's erection, which is wilting. She
does a double take, not able to believe her eyes at first, but Sexticus's
penis is definitely wilting.
"Oh, my god," Candy reaches to his erection, but does not touch
it. She has never seen it wilt before. She looks up at his face. He is
trying to hold back tears. "Sexticus," Candy whispers.
"I'm sorry," Alice manages to bring herself under some measure
of control, but when she looks up at Sexticus the image of him being
so proud, which struck her as being so ridiculous, overcomes her
again and once more she bends double in laughter.
"Oh, my," Candy can barely breath, Sexticus's magnificent penis
is as limp as week-old celery. "Oh, what have you done, Alice?"
"Me?" Alice is still laughing, but some measure of concern is
creeping in at the edges of her mind. "Why, I have not done
"You've made Sexticus all soft," there is a quiver in Candy's voice
as she looks at his limp penis.
"But all I did was laugh," Alice stops laughing, realizing now that
something serious is afoot.
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"But don't you know how fragile a man's ego is?" Candy kneels
down in front of Sexticus's limp penis, reaching out, but still afraid
to touch it.
Alice looks up at Sexticus's face. A tear is rolling down his cheek.
"But why?" whispers Alice.
"Everyone," sniffs Sexticus. "Everyone should be in awe of my
“Everybody is,” Candy looks up at him. “It is so impressive.”
“No,” tears well up in Sexticus's eyes. “Now it is all soft nobody
will admire it.”
“There, there,” Candy finally touches his limp penis. “It will get
hard again, soon.” But there is a note of uncertainty in her voice.
“Oh, my, god,” Sexticus goes pale.
“What is it,” Candy is really worried.
"The ratings," he sobs. "The ratings will be ruined." He looks
down at Candy, tears streaming down his face. "Nobody," he sniffs.
"Nobody will want to watch me now."
"There, there," Candy soothes. "It will be alright."
"But how will I know just how good I am?" he sobs. "How will I
know, when nobody is watching?"
Candy stands up and puts her arms around his neck and pulls his
head onto her shoulder.
Alice is dumbfounded, distressed and doesn't know what to say,
"I'm..." sorry? She shakes her head. "Devastated," she nods her head.
"Totally devastated."
Sexticus slowly sinks to his knees.
Candy wraps her arms around him, slowly rocking back and
forward as Sexticus cries into her shoulder.
Alice really is totally devastated. She has never seen a grown man
cry like a little baby before. She opens her mouth, but can think of
nothing to say.
Candy gently rocks Sexticus gently back and forward.
Alice thinks it best to make a discrete exit. She turns away and
slowly makes her way out of the town and back along the road she
has just walked down, still not quite sure what just happened.
92 - Alice

8 - The Queen of Blow jobs

Alice hurries along the road. The more distance she puts between
herself and “that weird little village” the safer she feels. Once again
she is not paying too much attention to where she is going. “Like it
would matter even if I did,” Alice snorts. It was just important to get
as far away from the people of that village as she can. “In fact,”
Alice states, “As far away from everyone in this strange little land as
possible, please.” And so she hurries on.
But truth be told Alice's low mood cannot last forever, or indeed
for very long at all. For it is a beautiful day, the sun is shining, the
birds are singing and there is a joy in the very air itself. And Alice
finds herself quickly forgetting the episode in the village and simply
enjoying the sunshine and fresh air out in the open countryside.
"One could not but be gay," sings Alice as she skips along the
path, "in such a jocund company."
“Although,” she stops to consider. “I don't really know what
'jocund' means. And,” she looks around, “I am kind of alone.” She
frowns for a moment, but then brightens up, “Though I do know that
'gay' means happy and not homosexual.” The taste of Candy's cherry
flavored nipple flashes briefly in her mind.
Alice shakes her head to clear it.
Off in the distance she hears a shout.
Alice looks around, but cannot see anything except the rolling
The distant voice calls again.
“It's coming from over there,” Alice points towards a ticket of
The voice calls again, sounding more urgent.
Alice decides to investigate. “Though I shall do so from a
distance and not get involved with anybody who might be doing
anything,” she determines as she walks towards the voice.
Once again the voice calls out again. This time she can make out
the words, “Hey, Ho!”
Alice quickens her pace, afraid that the voice might disappear as
Declan Stanley - 93

quickly as it arrived.
The voice calls again.
“And appears to be more distant,” pants Alice. She speeds up
once again, now almost running through the lightly forested
The voice calls once more and Alice once again quickens her
pace now feeling a panic bubbling up inside her that she must find
this voice before it is lost forever.
She runs into a little forest of young oak and ash trees. The green
leaves making dappled pools of light and dark as she darts between
the tree trunks looking this way and that for the voice that is calling.
Once more she hears the voice, thought she is not sure if it is the
same voice. “Or even if it is coming from the same place,” Alice
turns her head, trying to locate the source of the voice. “Or voices.”
And runs slap bang into the side of a thick hedge.
Alice bounces back, remaining upright, and catching her breath as
she recovers from the unexpected interruption.
In front of her is a tall, tightly grown, smoothly trimmed hedge.
“It's like a green wall,” Alice remembers being lost in one of
those mazes that great country homes often grow for the amusement
of their visitors.
Once again the voice calls, “Hey, Ho!” Now quite near.
“It is coming from the other side of this hedge,” declares Alice.
She looks right and left, then right again, but the hedge stretches off
into the indeterminable distance in both directions. “Oh!” Alice
stamps her foot in frustration.
“Heeey, Hooo!” the voice calls again.
Alice runs a little bit to the left, then a little to the right, before
regarding the hedge once more. She grabs hold of the hedge and
tries to pull herself up. But the spindly shoots are not strong enough
to support the weight of even a petite teenager such as herself and
she cannot get enough of a grip on the green branches to lift herself
off the ground.
“Well, perhaps...” Alice has a thought. If the hedge is not strong
enough to support her weight, “...maybe it's not tick enough to stop
me from pushing my way through it.”
She looks at her hand then gingerly pushes it into the hedge. The
thin branches and green leaves gently part and swallow her hand.
94 - Alice

She pushes her other hand in beside the first and waits with both
arms swallowed up to the elbow.
Nothing happens.
Alice waits some more.
Still nothing happens.
After waiting a little longer she concludes that nothing
extraordinary is going to happen. “I hope,” for she is not entirely
sure. However, “In for a penny...” She bends down parting the
branches with her hands and sticks her head into the hedge.
She waits a moment, but her actions have provoked no reaction
from the hedge.
Pushing hard with her feet she wiggles her body and forces her
way completely into the hedge, parting the spindly branches with her
hands and pushing her body against the soft greenery. All sorts of
possibilities flash through her mind. And with each movement she
expects some extraordinary explosion to erupt.
But this time there is no sensual trill produced by the intimate
touch of magical vegetation. There is no whirlwind to suck her up
into the sky. And no perverse characters pop their heads out to talk
nonsense at her. Instead Alice simply finds herself entangled in a
mass of spindly shoots and leafs. “I shall be scratched to death,”
thinks Alice. But the hedge is soft and flexible and not a single
scratch is made on Alice's pristine skin.
The voice calls, “Hey, Ho!” once more and Alice is reminded of
her goal.
Pushing, wiggling and squirming she makes her way through the
soft growth, hoping that she has not gotten turned around, “For it
very disorientating to be surrounded by all this foliage.”
Once more the voice calls out again, “Heeey, Hooo!”
And Alice knows she is nearly through the hedge.
And indeed she is for suddenly Alice finds herself falling forward
out of the hedge and onto smoothly mown grass.
Alice lands on her hands and knees. She doesn't even bother to
check if her skirt has flipped up to reveal her bottom. Instead she
looks at the manicured grass beneath her and moans, “Oh, no. Not
another immaculate lawn.” She was getting a little weary of
immaculate lawns. “They never lead to anything good,” she shakes
her head slowly.
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“Heeey, Hooo!” the voice calls yet again.

Making Alice sit up, her naked bottom pressing onto her dirty
heels, but that doesn't bother her for there, not ten feet away from
her, is the most extraordinarily dressed man she has ever seen. “He
looks like a cross between a court jester and a town crier,” Alice
observers. For indeed the, slightly portly, man was dressed in what at
first glance looked like a traditional English town crier outfit,
complete with tri-corner hat, frock coat and ruffled shirt. But with
bells on the corners of his hat and the entire outfit made out of
alternating red and yellow colours he doesn't look at all traditional.
Alice winkles her nose in annoyance, “It would have to be
something weird, wouldn't it.”
The weird man is standing in a theatrical pose, with his hand
cupped to his mouth, looking as if he might cry out again at any
Then a movement catches Alice in the corner of her eye.
She turns her head and sees a regal looking lady, dressed in a
silver gown with a long flowing cloak. She is wearing a crown and
carrying a short stick that can only be described a scepter.
But Alice is weary. “How can I be sure of any stranger in this
strange land? Is she really a real queen?” wonders Alice. “Or is it all
just make believe?”
The lady has all the regal paraphernalia: scepter, crown and a
flowing cloak. "And," observes Alice, "a large entourage to follow
her about."
For indeed there is a great many people milling about behind the
regal lady. There are puffed up men in expensive suits and too pretty
women posing neatly for all to see. There are people who look like
office staff with files and folders tucked under their arms and there
are waiters offering trays of canapés and drinks to the ladles and
gentlemen. And there is a large contingent of guards men, "Who
look just like those in Buckingham Palace," Alice smiles. "Yes, she
must be a Queen indeed." Alice decides once and for all that the lady
is in fact a queen.
The weirdly dressed man takes a deep breath and shouts, “Hey,
Ho!” interrupting Alice's thoughts.
“Oh, do shut up,” the Queen snaps at the man.
The man looks somewhat hurt at the curt nature of the Queen's
96 - Alice

rebuff, but he composes himself. “Your Majesty,” he gives a low

bow to the Queen.
The Queen absently waves at him in dismissal as she turns and
walks towards the hedge where Alice kneeling.
The man walks off, perhaps in a huff.
The Queen stops, giving no indication that she has seen Alice.
Instead she just stands there impatiently tapping her foot for a few
seconds before turning around and pacing back to her original spot
to tap her foot once more.
The people behind her are all rushing around, stopping briefly to
have huddled conversations in two's and three's, then abruptly
breaking off to hurry away and talk to someone else. “Or rather the
men are all rushing about and huddling in conversation,” Alice
notices. “The women just seem to be standing about looking pretty”.
For her part the Queen pays not the least iota of interest to any of
the people, be they milling around or posing in the background. The
Queen is consumed solely with waiting impatiently. To demonstrate
her continued impatience she is alternatively pacing to the left for
five steps, standing tapping her foot for five seconds and then pacing
back to her original spot to once again tap her foot. She is
impatiently repeating this pacing over and over again. And still she
has to wait!
“She seems very perplexed,” Alice bites her lower lip. “Perhaps I
should ask her what is bothering her.”
For while everyone else is only too keen to talk to each other,
nobody seems to be in the least inclined to approach the Queen.
“Well I am not really dressed to be presented to royalty,” Alice
looks down at her scanty clothing, that is now beginning to look
quite shabby. “A little the worst for ware perhaps,” Alice brushes
some leaves from her top. “But then in this strange place will anyone
notice.” For indeed a great many people milling about behind the
Queen are dressed in a great variety of styles. Including some who
are wearing swim ware, Alice suddenly notices.
The Queen, for her part continues to wait in her regal isolation,
with not a solitary soul making as to inquire as to her well being.
“But, surly, even a Queen deserves a polite inquiry as to the cause
of her perplexion,” Alice looks around once more. Still nobody is
approaching the Queen.
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Alice takes a deep breath and walks right up to the Queen as she
stands tapping her foot and looking off into the distance. It is only at
the very last moment, when she is directly in front of the queen, that
Alice suddenly realizes that she has not a clue as to what she should
"Masturbation, masturbation, masturbation," The Queen
proclaims as Alice comes to a stop in front of her. "The whole world
is beset with an obsession for masturbation."
"It is?" Alice blushes at the Queen's repeated use of the word
masturbation and completely forgets that she doesn't know what to
"It is our considered opinion..." here the Queen pauses with her
chin still held high, but with her eyes looking down at Alice to make
sure she has her full attention. “...and we have giving it great
Alice nods, hanging on the Queen's every word.
The Queen resumes her imperious, far-distant look, "... that the
world would be a far better place if there were less masturbation and
more fellatio in it."
"Fell-ati-o?" Alice stumbles over the unfamiliar word.
"Fellatio, my dear child, fellatio," the Queen declares. "It means
to go down on a man, to orally service him, to suck his cock."
"Oh," exclaims Alice. "You mean 'blow jobs'." Alice is
momentarily pleased to be able to use this naughty, grown-up and
even vulgar word in its correct context.
"'Blow job' is such a vulgar phrase," the Queen lifts her nose and
starts to walk away.
"Indeed it is, your majesty," Alice runs a few steps to catch up
with the Queen. "'Fellatio' sounds much more sophisticated.”
"Sophisticated? Sophisticated, girl?" The Queen pauses to regard
Alice for a moment. "Huph, yes... well..." The queen lifts her gaze
and then turns and walks back to her other spot.
Alice starts to run after her only to almost runs right into her as
the Queen stops once again.
“Has anyone seen my management consultant yet?” the Queen
asks in a loud voice.
All the people milling about suddenly have to mill about several
steps further from the Queen than they were before.
98 - Alice

“I'll take that as a no, shall I,” mutters the Queen in a voice too
low to be heard by anybody except Alice.
Alice does not know what to say to that.
“We are off,” the Queen announces and immediately sets off.
Leaving everyone else wrong footedly milling about and not at all
prepared for the Queen's departure. Everyone else that is except
Alice who being directly beside the Queen is in the perfect position
to follow her as she sets off across the immaculate lawn.
All the milling about suddenly takes on a more frantic edge as the
assembled dignitaries, administrators and servants, scramble to
rearrange themselves in the correct order of rank to follow behind
the Queen.
Alice isn't really aware of the assembled dignitaries wrong footed
scrambling. Alice is too busy trying to keep up with the Queen. For
although the Queen is not walking that fast at all Alice's legs are not
half as long as the Queen's and so Alice must take one and a half
steps for every step that the Queen takes.
But the Queen walks at her own pace, regardless of scrambling
dignitaries and scantily dressed teenaged girls.
Alice soon discovers that she can do a kind of a one and a half
step skip to comfortably keep pace with the Queen, as she forges
ahead with her eyes fixed only forward.
Walking off the lawn they pass through an open gate and into the
pastures beyond.
Alice looks around at countryside. It is quite hilly here, but they
are low, well rounded hills, so smooth that one would hardly notice
the dip and climb of the footpath. The footpath also meanders from
side to side, around a little clump of trees here and past a strip of
hedgerow there, entwining itself between odd shaped fields where
various crops grow and livestock graze.
The Queen doesn't pay half as much attention as Alice does the
the scenic environs they are walking through. She keeps her gaze
fixed firmly to the front walking quite fast, but still with regal grace,
as her entourage trails behind and Alice skips along beside her.
Alice is enjoying herself, looking around at the pretty
countryside, drinking in the smell of the fresh air, listening to the
bird song and enjoying the feel of the late evening sunshine on her
Declan Stanley - 99

As the procession progresses Alice sees a small crowd ahead.

They are standing in a rough semi-circle in a open meadow atop one
of the taller hills.
Alice is not at first sure if this assembled crowd is the final
destination of the Queen's procession, for the path twists and turns so
many times, sometimes almost doubling back on itself, that Alice is
quite soon completely unsure of which direction is which.
But no matter how many times the procession turns about and
walking first this way around a hay field and then that way passed a
heard of grazing crows, the crowd in the meadow keeps getting
inextricably closer and closer. And soon Alice is left in absolutely no
doubt as to their destination for they make yet another turn around a
small crop of trees and suddenly find themselves in the meadow atop
the tallest hill.
The crown of people giving a little cheer as their Queen arrives.
“Nice to be appreciated,” mutters the Queen.
Behind the hill Alice can see a cluster of roofs huddled together
in a little village.
“My, there are a great number of people here,”Alice looks beyond
the crown and sees even more people making their way into the
“They are waiting for my men to give them their daily blow job,”
explains the Queen. “It is a great social occasion for them.”
Alice looks a little puzzled, “Isn't 'blow job' such a vulgar phase?”
“Vulgar? Vulgar?” considers the Queen. “Yes, well,” she starts
walking once more, “these are vulgar people after all.”
As the Queen approaches a handful of men dressed in business
suits step out of the crowd to approach her. In the center of this
group is a rotund man with a big gold chain around his neck.
“Your most gracious Majesty,” the portly man bows. The whole
crowd bows and curtsies, but the rotund man bows lower than
everyone else. In fact he bows so low that his gold chain drags
across the ground.
“Yes, yes. Get up, get up,” the Queen waves for them to stand.
The portly man takes a deep breath and begins to recite, “As
mayor of our fine...”
“Yes. Yes. That's enough of that,” the Queen interrupts him.
The mayor looks both disappointed that he can't recite his speech
100 - Alice

and worried that he might be in trouble with the Queen.

“I am a bit behind schedule today,” the Queen waves forward a
couple of her guardsmen. “So there won't be time for any of your
The mayor looks very disappointed, though also relived.
“My management consultant is late,” the Queen points at the
ground in front of the man. “Again.”
Both of the Queen's guardsmen kneel in front of the mayor. Who
now looks very happy indeed.
Alice can but stand there dumfounded as the guardsmen unzip the
mayor's flies, fish out his penis and begin to kiss and lick it. Feeling
a flush come to her cheeks she look around. Only to discover that all
the men have unzipped themselves and all the guardsmen are making
their way towards the crowd. One by one they each single out a man
and kneel in front of him.
“Is this...” Alice swallows. “Is this an orgy?”
“An orgy!” the Queen is appalled. “Of course it is not an orgy,
Alice looks around. Everywhere she sees guardsmen kneeling on
the ground sucking villager's cocks and is relieved, for she does
believe that she is rather too young to be attending an orgy.
“This is simply my evening constitutional,” the Queen continues.
“It is my constitutional duty to make sure that my citizens are
The queen looks down and sees the look of continued puzzlement
on Alice's face.
“This way all the men are sexually content,” the Queen explains.
“And the women are not bothered by excessive demands from their
men folk.”
“Oh, I see,” says Alice, who didn't really see at all, but who didn't
want to annoy the Queen by making her explain everything to her.
Alice stands beside the Queen as she surveys the scene for a few
more minutes. But soon Alice finds herself asking yet another
question, “Are the men not bothered that it is to be a man who is,
em... servicing them?”
Also Alice cannot quite fathom that the wives, and mothers and
daughters, are just standing around chatting while their men folk all
have their penises sticking out of their trousers being sucked by, or
Declan Stanley - 101

waiting to be sucked by, the Queen's guardsmen.

"It is a well known fact," the Queen states, "that a man will give a
better blow job than a woman any day of the week."
"It is?" asks Alice who had never heard that fact before.
"Of course it is," the Queen explains. "It is only by having a dick
that one can truly appreciate how to give pleasure to a dick."
"Oh, I see," said Alice. And truth be told it did make sense to Alice.
“And so a girl would be better at going down on another girl than
any boy ever would be.”
"I am afraid that I cannot say for I have ever given much thought
to 'going down' on a girl,” The Queen tone makes it quite clear just
how much she does not approve of the idea.
“Indeed, your majesty, neither have I,” Alice quickly interjects.
“Humph,” The Queen pauses for a moment. “Now fellatio,” the
Queen continues. “Fellatio is something I have indeed put a lot of
thought into.”
The Queen strides forward and points with her scepter. “You
there,” she proclaims to a startled guardsman. “Don't just nibble at
the tip. Grab his buttocks and ram his hips into your face.”
The guardsman does as instructed, gagging as the villager's hips
thrust forward again and again.
“Don't you just love the feel of a long cock as it goes down your
throat,” the Queen turns to Alice.
“Huh?” Alice cannot begin to even imagine having cock in her
The villager starts to grunt like a rutting pig, his hips jerking
against the guardsman's face.
“That's what I like to hear,” the Queen beams at him. “There will
be no namby pampy kissing and sucking while I'm on the job.”
Alice has a sudden dread that the Queen is going to instruct her to
take a villager's cock into her mouth.
“Take a look at this chap, for example,” the Queen walks over to
another guardsman kneeling in front of a very happy looking
villager. “Now he knows how to get results. He really wants to drink
all that tasty cock juice!”
Alice dumbly follows the Queen as she walks across to the
guardsman in question.
The villager is standing there with his trousers around his ankles
102 - Alice

and a very happy smile on his face.

The guardsman is not only enthusiastically ramming the villager's
cock all the way down his throat, with one hand on the villagers
buttock pulling him hard into his face. But his other hand is pushed
up between the villager's legs and he appears to be sticking his
fingers up the villager's anus.
“There's a man who truly enjoys his job,” The Queen stares
openly at the villagers cock as it pistons in and out of the
guardsman's mouth.
“Do you ever wish to sock some cock yourself, your majesty?”
Alice asks before she even realizes she has the question on her mind.
“Good lord, child!” the Queen is aghast. “I am their Queen!”
“Indeed your majesty,” Alice drops her eyes to the ground and
gives a deep curtsy.
The Queen returns her regal gaze to the assembled cock sucking.
Alice briefly wonders how they timed it so that there is always a
guardsman free when the next gentleman steps up to be serviced,
before realizing something. "Some of your guardsmen are women,"
Alice exclaims.
"Well yes, of course," the Queen gestures at the line of gentlemen
being serviced by her guardsmen. "I am an equal opportunities
employer. After all when you are having your dick sucked no one
cares if it is a man or a woman doing the sucking."
Alice is somewhat confused by this last statement.
"Please, your majesty," Alice asks. "did you not just say that a
man gives a better blow-job than a woman?"
"Did I not?" the queen tilts her head and looks down her nose at
Alice. "Or did I do?"
Alice crinkles her nose in puzzlement, "Did you do what?"
"Indeed, indeed," the Queen strides off.
Leaving a very bemused Alice to scramble to catch up with her
once more.
The queen stops suddenly points to an almost random guardsman
and declares, “Suck his dick right down!”
The villager's smile widens as the guardsman redoubles his
The Queen parades along, pointing at every second or third
pairing of villager and guardsman issuing commands to do it harder
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faster and deeper.

Alice takes a look around. All the guardsmen are kneeling in the
mud with a cock in their mouth, some having two or three villagers
to service. The women of the village are standing in the background
having good natured conversations in small groups.
With all this dick sucking in progress Alice is beginning to feel
the now familiar tingle in the base of her abdomen, and when she
glances down her erect nipples can, once again, be clearly be seen
through the thin material of her top.
Alice looks around again.
The Queen notices that Alice is not longer giving her her full
attention. "Are you looking for something in particular, child?"
"I..." Alice looks back to the Queen. "I am looking for a man in a
pinstriped suit and a bowler hat."
"About so high?" The Queen gestures with her hand, "Carries a
briefcase and has a folded umbrella tucked under his arm?"
"Yes," Alice answers. "That sounds like him."
"You there," the Queen turns to a guardsman, one of the few who
doesn't currently have a dick in his mouth, "Is there any sign of my
management consultant yet?"
"Emm..." the guardsman looks worried. "I... I believe he is late,
your majesty."
"Late!" the queen's face turns red. "Late!"
Everyone quakes in their boots.
"I'll have him sucking dick till dawn."
“That's what he said you'd say,” Alice says without thinking.
“Yes, well,” the Queen regards Alice for a moment. “It's not the
first time he has been late.”
“It's not?” Alice responds.
“Sometimes I think he does it deliberately just so that I'll make
him suck some cock.”
Alice doesn't know what to say so she looks at the row of
guardsmen kneeling in front of the smiling villagers.
One cute guardsman catches her eye. He is all blond curls and
blue eyes, his face ever so pretty as he kneels in the mud sucking the
small cock of some fat man. Alice cannot help but stare.
“What is on your mind now, girl?” the Queen interrupts Alice's
daydream stare.
104 - Alice

"Em...” Alice tries to compose her mind. “Do your, err...

guardsmen ever, err... service women as well as men?" Alice blushes
as the Queen waits impatiently for her to compose her question.
"Oh, good heavens, no," the Queen waves her hand in dismissal.
"Of course not."
"Why ever not?" Alice suddenly feels rather discriminated
against, even thought up until this very moment she had no intention
of ever taking part in such public displays of sexual conduct as she
sees all around her.
"Because, my dear girl," the Queen explains, with an exasperated
tone. "Girls take too long to cum. I can't have my men," the Queen
waves around her, "tied up all day sucking cunt."
Alice has a momentary vision of the cute guardsman being tied up
and forced to suck her cunt all day long. She smiles briefly before
shaking her head to clear her mind.
"Why do girls take too long to cum?" Alice tares her eyes away
from the cute guardsman and looks back up at the Queen.
"Mostly because they are stubborn little bitches," the Queen
mumbles as she turns around and walks off.
"What?" Alice asks the retreating back of the Queen.
The Queen walks on. A few of the guardsmen, who are finished
with their current cock, scramble to their feet to form a ragged
column behind their Queen.
Alice runs to catch up with the Queen and asks, "What did you
say about girls?"
"I said that they are mostly stubborn little bitches."
"We are not!" Even as Alice declares this she realizes that she had
no experience to back up her assertion. "A girl can cum just as
quickly as any man," Alice suddenly finds a way out of her dilemma.
"Provided, of course, that she is properly stimulated."
“Really?” the Queen comes to a sudden stop.
Alice and the guardsmen stumble over themselves to stop beside
The Queen looks at Alice for a long moment. “Really?” she asks
“Well, yes,” Alice tries to sound surer than she feels.
"Suck her dick!" the Queen points at Alice.
The next guardsman in line steps towards Alice, who takes a step
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"If it pleases your majesty," Alice catches the hem of her too
short skirt and performs a quick curtsy, suddenly very unsure of
herself. "But I am a girl and don't have a dick to be sucked."
"Well what's that then?" the Queen points at Alice's crotch.
Alice looks down and sees the purple head of an erect penis
peeking out from under her skirt. She lifts her skirt in amazement
and discovers that the penis is indeed attached to her.
"It seems to me," the Queen interrupts Alice's bemusement, "that
any girl who walks around in public wearing such a short skirt, with
no panties and sporting an erect penis is simple asking for her dick to
be sucked."
Alice is wondering if she has testicles as well when a guardsman
kneels down in front of her and gently takes the head of her erection
in his lips.
A surge of pleasure flows down the shaft of her penis and deep
into the pit of her abdomen, before exploding throughout her entire
body. She grabs the back of the guardsman's head as pleasure
continues to surge through her groin. Her knees give way and she
slowly collapses into a spread-legged kneel.
The guardsman follows her down, not losing contact with her
penis for even one instance.
A long, low sigh escapes from Alice's mouth as her eyes roll up
into their sockets.
The guardsman swallows more of her cock.
"Ugh," Alice grunts like a caveman. "Ugh, ugh, ugh," Alice's hips
start to buck. "Ugh ugh, ugh ugh, ugh," she grabs the back of the
guardsman's head and pulls it hard into her crotch, forcing her cock
right down his throat.
The guardsman opens his mouth wide and takes her all the way
"Ugh. Ugh. Ugh," Alice grunts.
Slurp, slurp, slurp, the guardsman takes each thrust.
Alice throws her head back as her hips buck into his face.
The guardsman swallows deep and presses his face into her
Blots of lightening explode from Alice's newly arrived balls. Her
virgin cock jerks as bursts of fire shoot down it's length.
106 - Alice

The guardsman seals his lips shut around her shaft and swallows
as she cums.
"Oh, my GOD!" Alice screams as she is bent double by the force
of her orgasm. Her arms and tights squeeze his head so tight she is
sure it will pop like a cherry."Oh! Oh! Oh!" she screams, wrapping
his head in her body and squeezing with her entire being.
The guardsman swallows and swallows, and swallows some
more, until there is nothing more to swallow. Then he keeps
swallowing just to make sure.
Eventually Alice is spend and goes limp and soft.
The guardsman gently disentangles himself from her, laying her
softly on the ground, as her blown mind floats in a bliss.
“Humph,” the Queen briefly looks down her nose at the silly little
girl lying spent on the ground, before turning and walking off.
Alice lies there in a daze as everyone troops after the Queen.
Soon Alice is quite alone, but she does not really notice for quite a
while. She just lays there as her brain slowly reassembles itself.
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9 - Woodland Pleasures

“I have a penis!”
Alice sits up straight. And finds herself completely alone.
“Hello,” she calls, looking around. But instead of being in the
large open meadow where the Queen's Guardsmen serviced the
villagers Alice now finds herself in a small forest clearing
surrounded by tall trees.
“Oh,” she is quite alone. Neither the Queen nor her retinue, nor
any of the villagers, are to be seen anywhere.
“Hump,” Alice is not impressed. “Well, maybe all the people
turned into trees and made a new forest for me.”
She looks around again. “Hump,” she repeats.
Having no other option really she stands up and immediately feels
it dangling between her legs. And she does feel it dangle, it is not
some inanimate object strapped to her body. It's not hanging off her.
It's is not just dangling against her. She can feel the dangling
sensations from the inside. It is hanging, it is being pulled down by
gravity. It. Her new penis. It, and something heaver behind. Several
things hanging between her legs. She lifts her skirt and sees...
Well it is one of those situations where one is watching something
so extraordinary that one can't take in what is being seen. Alice just
lifts her head and lets her skirt drop. The image unable to fully form
in her mind. Her thoughts numb, except for one that slowly
crystallizes, “I have no vagina!”
Her eyes open wide, “However shall I pee?” Then she blushes
deep red, “Oh, right. Of course.” She smiles sheepishly, unsure quite
what to to next.
But she can still feel it hanging.
Tentatively she wiggles her hips and feels her new penis and
testicles shake a little.
“Oh,” it was a rather unexpected feeling. Strange, but not majorly
unpleasant. “Just different,” Alice considers. Different can be quite
nice at times.
She bounces her hips a little and feels her new testicles bob up
108 - Alice

and down. “Oh,” Alice discovers a most peculiar sensation. She is

not too sure if she wants to repeat that one. Alice swings her hips
from side to side a little making her testicles bounce off the tops of
her thighs, making her giggle, “It does make my tummy feel funny.”
A twig snaps in the forest behind her.
Alice jumps and, smoothing her skirt down to cover her new
attachment, she turns. But there is no one to be seen.
She waits a moment, just to make sure that she is indeed alone.
But the novelty of her situation is too much to resist.
Once more she wiggles her hips a little and feels a little bounce
between her legs. She wiggles a little harder and the bounce becomes
a bob. A little harder and...
“Oh,” Alice stands bolt upright. “A little too hard,” she sighs.
Gingerly she lifts her skirt. After that sharp pain she is half expecting
something to have fallen off. But everything looks the same as
“I didn't think they'd be that delicate,” she muses, taking her first
good look at her new package of attachments.
Her normal tuft of pubic hair was still there, not too thick and a
little curly, and it still spread down into the creases at the tops of her
legs, but instead of covering her vaginal lips now it was parted by an
eruption of bare flesh. A long loose sausage hung there, pale and
covered in loose network of blue veins that ran down to a ring of
loose skin that kind of formed an opening at the tip. But it didn't
hang there alone, for a loose sack of more pale skin hung behind it.
“Behind it and kind of pushing it out,” Alice observers.
She reaches down between her legs to see if there was any
opening anymore, but as the side of her hand brushes past her
scrotum everything suddenly tightens up.
“Ooh,” Alice's eyes open wide. “That is a most peculiar
Tentatively she touches the tip of her fingers to the sack. “My
scrotum?” Alice mutters. No peculiar sensations erupt.
She cups her hand and brings her palm up to take the weight of
her testicles. Her scrotum slowly relaxes, the small weight settling
into the palm of her hand. She can feel her two little testicles resting
within their lose skin. “It feels oddly reassuring to hold my
testicles,” Alice smiles. “No, my balls,” she corrects herself.
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She stands there for a pleasant moment the two balls resting in the
palm of her hand. “They feel like they are moving,” Alice muses.
“Almost as if they are slowly turning.”
She looks down but nothing is moving on the outside.
Gently she squeezes and it feels more pleasant. She squeezes
some more and the gentle pleasure takes on a hard edge of pain. She
relaxes her hand a little and her balls hum with pleasure once more.
“Not too much and not too little, but just right,” she smiles, and it
really did feel very nice to hold them. “Very nice, indeed.”
And the pleasant glow began to spread up into her abdomen.
Letting her skirt drop she just stands there, with her legs slightly
wide, holding her balls and enjoying the feeling spreading from her
groin up into the base of her tummy.
However the feeling in her tummy is starting to become very
familiar. “Oh, no,” Alice blushes. “However could I do anything
She feels her skirt tighten against her penis.
“Oh, no,” she fears that her skirt is once more going to start
shrinking. “There's not enough of it left to shrink any more!” She
grabs hold of the hem of her skirt and pulls down.
The tightness increases against her penis.
Alice scrunches up her eyes and tightens her grip. “No, no no,”
she whispers, “Give me this much at least.”
But after a moment she realizes that he material of her skirt is not
slipping through her fingers.
She opens her eyes.
The pressure on her new penis is still there. But so is her skirt.
“As much as it's ever been in it's shrunken state.”
But the pressure is still growing against her penis.
“So what is squeezing against my penis?” Alice cautiously looks
down. “Oh, my...” There is a big bulge in the front of her skirt.
Gingerly Alice lifts up her skirt to see not the hanging sausage
with loose skin, but a big, bald, purple monster sticking out of her
pubic hair.
“Shit,” Alice pulls down her skirt once more and looks around, as
if expecting to see some strange person sneaking up on people and
bestowing purple monsters on to them.
But there was no one there, of course.
110 - Alice

“I shall just have to ignore it,” Alice determines. And

determinedly looks around her. But there was nothing much to be
seen, except for a little path that lead off into the forest.
“Yet another forest path,” Alice rolls her eyes. But then, she
muses, it's either that or staying here alone.
Squaring her shoulders she sets off with a purposeful stride,
swinging her hands freely, keeping her chin up and her eyes firmly
on the path ahead.
As Alice starts along the forest path she notices things she had
never noticed before. Things like the way the blueness of the sky
seems brighter, the green of the leafs crisper, the bird song sweeter
and the way her free-swinging penis and testicles bounce as she
walks. "How ever do boys put it with it," Alice just wanted to grab
her new attachments and hold them still. "It's no wonder boys walk
so funny all the time."
In fact she too was walking with a funny gait; as if she were a
horse who could not quiet decided if they wanted to walk or canter.
At each step her testicles would brush against the top of her thigh
and her penis would swing against the opposite leg, the tip rubbing
against her skirt. Back and forward with each step her testicles and
penis follow the rhythm of her walk; brush and swing and rub, brush
and swing and rub.
"While it is a most peculiar feeling," she gave her hips an extra
wiggle. "It is not at all unpleasant."
She started to skip. Which was even nicer than walking. The extra
momentum makes the whole package bounce up and down. “Quite
pleasant,” smiles Alice, putting a little extra spring into her skip and
making everything bounce a little more. And not only are her new
penis and testicles bouncing about, but her hard nipples are rubbing
against the tight material of her top as her pert breasts also bounce.
All in all adding a nice twist to the sensations flowing through her
“Very nice indeed,” hums Alice through a wide smile.
She giggles, wouldn't be funny for any observer to see her, a cute
little girl, skipping gaily along in the sunshine, wearing a short skirt
and skimpy top. They'd see her stretch out her long legs as she skips
and maybe they would watch the little bounce of her pert breasts.
And as she passed them by they would glance behind expecting
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maybe to catch a peek at her panties as her skirt flips up and then for
them to catch a glimpse of her penis and testicles under the hem of
her skirt. They'd do a double take and shake their heads thinking,
No. It couldn't be, they'd think as they hurried on their way.
She giggles again, "Good job I'm all alone."
As she skips a little higher along the forest path Alice lets her
arms stretch out fully. Her head turned to the sky. Her legs kicking
up and out in front of her, propelling her speedily along. With her
too short skirt and shrunken top it was almost as if she were naked in
the breeze.
But mostly it is the bobbing of her penis occupies her mind. "It is
quite a pleasant buzz," she smiles, her penis bobbing a little stronger.
She jumps a little higher and her penis bobs some more.
She jumps still higher and her penis slaps up against her
“Oh,” she wasn't expecting that.
She jumps up once more and slaps her penis against her abdomen.
And again and again and once more for good measure.
“It feels kind of weird,” she stops to catch her breath. “Weird, but
very, very nice.”
She jumps up once more. But her penis doesn't slap against her
She jumps up once more, pushing her hips out.
But while her penis does bob it doesn't slap.
“Well,” she considers the unfamiliar sensations. “It feels more
like a bounce than a bob.”
She looks down and sees the bulge in her skirt. She licks her lips.
"Em-mm," she lifts her skirt to examine her new genitals. “What's
happened here?”
Her penis is big and hard and sticking straight out of her pubic
bush. Her testicles hang loosely behind, but it is the big, bald head
that has pushed back the loose skin that catches her attention.
“I thought it would just go away if I ignored it,” she frowns. But
then she really hadn't been ignoring it had she. “What am I supposed
to do with it.
“Well it's pretty hard to ignore,” she explains. “I mean it's
sticking out for all to see.”
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And it doesn't look like it has any intention of going away

anytime soon.
She pushes her penis down with the tip of her finger. But she
feels a strain before it is more than half way towards pointing at the
ground. So she lets it go.
It flies back up, almost slapping her abdomen, sending an
aftershock of sensations flowing through her body.
“Oh,” she smiles, “That was nice.”
So she does it again.
And again.
And again.
"Oh, yes," she is quite pleased with the sensations from her new
penis. Even if she is now unexpectedly out of breath once more.
Suddenly realization dawns on her. “This is what boys must do to
themselves when they're alone.”
She looks up and down the path. She is all alone.
“No, I...” her cheeks flush bright red.
She looks down. The tip of her penis is peaking out from under
the hem of her skirt.
“I mean,” Alice blushes, “boys can't be going around with
erections playing with themselves all the time.” Alice looks around,
perhaps expecting the forest to answer, “Can they?”
She looks down once more. Her erection feels... “Tight,”
concludes Alice. The purple head peeks out from under her skirt.
She looks up and down the forest path one more time, then
gingerly touches the tip of her finger to the little slit at the tip of her
A jolt of electricity shoots through her. Her balls feel like they've
suddenly been sucked inside her. “Agh,” she almost jumps out of her
Her heart is racing, her breath ragged.
Her balls feel so tight she can't help but want release.
She moans. A long low moan.
She looks up and down the path. No one and nothing is to be
She listens as hard as she can, but her heart is beating so fast she
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can't hear anything else.

Still she's been here a while and nobody has come past.
So she sits down with her back against a tree, spreads her legs and
pulls her skirt up to expose herself fully, her shrunken skirt barely
wider than a belt across her stomach.
Once again she gingerly touches her finger tip to the head of her
“Oh,” she snatches her finger away, not knowing if her touch was
painful or pleasurable.
Her penis just stands there, bobbing a little with every heart beat.
Her mouth is dry and she is not sure she cares if anyone does
catch her doing this.
That is if she knew exactly what one did to do this. "Hmm," she
chews her lip as she regards her erection.
It's hard and it aches.
She tilts her head to one side, then the other. "How does one 'jerk
off' anyway?" she asks it.
But it remains resolutely silent, just standing there, slowly
bobbing, waiting.
“It should be quite easy if boys figure it out,” muses Alice. But to
be perfectly honest Alice is not thinking very clearly at the moment.
“It must be the hormones,” she smiles. “It's always hormones when
you're horny.”
But her hard erection is demanding attention.
“Well we all know from the birds and the bees that boys insert
their erect penises into the girl's vagina,” Alice blushes slightly.
Her balls tighten up once more and her erection bobs harder.
“OK,” smiles Alice. “We like that idea.”
“Well...” Alice looks around for something to insert her erection
into. “ the absence of a vagina...” Alice spreads her hands and
chews her bottom lip once more.
...and flexes the fingers of her hand.
“So...” she forms an “O” with her thumb and forefinger. She
frowns, “I can't imagine any girl would be that big.” But this must be
how boys do it, “They can't go around finding holes to push their
erections into all the time.” No this must be what boys do.
Her first touch takes her breath away. Slowly she pulls the “O” of
her finger and thumb down the length of her erection. Slowly, bit by
114 - Alice

bit. All the while experiencing a sensation so intense she doesn't

know if it is pleasure or pain. But she can't stop. Not, that is, until
she reaches the base of her erection.
But she can't stop her hand now. The only way is up, so she pulls
the “O” of her finger and thumb back up. But at the top she can't
break contact so she pulls back down. And back up. And down.
Again and again. Making this incredible sensation last.
Soon she doesn't notice anything else. She doesn't notice her eyes
glazing over. She doesn't notice the little drool spilling from the
corner of her half open mouth. She can just feel the incredible
sensation emanating from the friction of her hand rubbing her hard
cock. A friction that is lighting a fire deep within her. Deep within
her where no such fire has any right to be lit.
“Agggh!” Her balls feel like they are being crushed, but from the
inside out.
“Ugh,” her whole body gives one sharp convulsion.
“Aggh!” fire shoots the length of her penis.
“Ugh,” her fingers squeeze as hard as they can.
“Agh!” hot stuff splashes across her fingers.
“Ugh,” her eyes roll up in their sockets.
“Ah!” her balls ache.
“Ugh,” her stomach muscles cramp.
“A...” something hot splashes across her tummy.
“Oh,” one final heave and she falls back exhausted.
Just lying there, breathing heavily, with her heart pounding in her
ears. Slowly she opens her eyes. Some milky, gooey stuff is spread
across her erection, and her hand.
Her penis is softly bobbing in time with her slowing heart beat.
She looks at the gooey stuff on her fingers and at the small
translucent pool on her tummy. “Is it like snot?” she wonders, but
can't really muster up enough enthusiasm to be much bothered about
Mostly she just feels sleepy. Very, very sleepy.
“But I can't go to sleep here,” says Alice. “First of all I'm in a
dream and I don't think is at all proper to sleep while one is
dreaming. And secondly who knows what strange inhabitant might
come along to molest me while my eyes were closed.”
Alice opens her mouth in a deep yawn.
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“No I shall not fall asleep,” states Alice. She wants to get up.
But instead she just closes her eyes to rest for a moment.
10 - Playing with Balls

Distant voices float through the air. Distant, meaningless voices.

She knows they are girls talking, but she cannot understand what
they are saying.
Alice opens her eyes. And finds herself on the same forest path,
sitting against the same tree as when she fell asleep. “I fell asleep!”
she scrambles to sit up.
The sticky stuff has dried out leaving a tight residue on her
tummy and hand. She starts to rub it off, then realizes she fell asleep
with her skirt pulled up, exposing herself to anyone who might
happen by. Quickly she pulls her skirt down, blushing deeply. Then
becomes aware of the voices once more.
They are coming from behind a small thicket of ash trees. “Or are
they birch?” Alice shakes her head to clear it, “As if it matters.”
But the voices do matter.
Alice is not at all sure she wants any more dealings with any more
strange people doing more strange things. “Usually involving sex.”
She forgets to even blush at having spoken the word “sex” out loud.
She stands up, smoothing her skirt down to cover herself, but
hesitates. She looks at the forest path behind her, but that direction
doesn't look inviting. She definitely doesn't want to go backwards.
“Though I'm not that sure the road would actually lead me back
where I came from,” she sighs. She briefly considers climbing
through the brambles that grow under the trees. But she knows it is
not going to make any difference, “No matter where I go these
strange people will find me.”
So she resolves to walk towards the voices. But she is definitely
not going to get too involved with these people. “I shall be polite,”
she decides. “I shall say hello, but I shall keep on walking.” She
takes a deep breath and squares her shoulders, “I shall positively not
engage them in anything remotely resembling a conversation.” And
she starts to walk forward once more.
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As she nears the thicket the voices become more audible.

"And did you see what she was wearing?" asks a girl.
"Ugh," replies another girl. "Did she get dressed with the lights
"Maybe she can't afford to pay her electricity bill," sniggers the
first girl. "With the number of admirers she has, I'm surprised that
she can even afford the rags she calls clothes."
"Oh, don't you know?" the second girl drops into a mock whisper,
though she was still quite audible to Alice, who had yet to see who
was talking.
"What?" asks the first girl in the same whispered tone.
"She..." the second girl can hardly contain her glee. "She makes
her own clothes."
The girl gives a gasp, "No way."
"No way."
"No way!"
"Oh my god!" both voices collapse into girlish laughter.
Alice comes around the thicket and finds that the path opens out
into a small meadow. She stops dead in her tracks, her mouth
hanging open, at the sight that greets her.
Here are the two teenage girls: one blond with short pigtails and
freckles, the other with long dark hair tied back in a French braid.
They were wearing cheerleaders’ uniforms, in red and blue; their
short skirts flaring out above their long athletic legs. They hold each
other's shoulders as they giggled into each other's faces.
But what really takes Alice by surprise are the two boys sitting
behind them, naked from the waist down and sporting long erections
sticking up from their laps. Alice feels a sympathetic twinge between
her own legs, but too caught up in the scene before her to really
The boys are sitting in high chairs; chairs quite not as high as a
tennis umpire's chair, but quite high enough that the seat of the chair
was more or less at head height to the two girls; and to Alice as well.
They reminded Alice of the shoe-shine chairs that she had seen in
old, black and white movies; through she had never seen half naked
118 - Alice

boys with erections sitting in any of the chairs in those old movies.
The two girls are focused on each other, completely ignoring the
two boys, and their erections.
"And did you see when she tried to dance?" the blond gets her
laughter under a small amount of control.
"Dance?" laughs the dark haired girl. "Was that what she was
doing? I thought she was having an epileptic fit!"
And they both collapse into uncontrollable laughter once more.
They laugh and laugh, so much so that Alice cannot contain the
laughter that swells up within her. Nor indeed can the two boys
who's laughing makes their cocks dance as they sat on their high
The blond girl looks up and notices Alice standing by the edge of
the clearing.
"Oh, Hello," she manages to say between laughs.
The dark haired girl looks around and sees Alice as well. "Hi,"
she gasps.
Slowly the laughing subsides; until both the girls and the boys,
and Alice as well, are more or less laugh free.
"Oh," the blond wipes a tear from her cheek. "My mascara."
She walks to a picnic table, the sort made from roughly cut logs
that the forestry commission erects in national parks, and takes a
compact out of a pink hand bag.
While her friend checks her makeup the dark haired girl appraises
Alice. "Don't be shy," she waves over to Alice. "Come and join us."
Alice hesitates a moment.
Then the girl remembers the boys, or rather the boy's erections.
"Oh, you good boys," she reaches out and takes one in each hand,
without looking up at the face of either boy. "You stayed hard just
for me." And she kisses the tip of each cock in turn.
Alice slowly approaches, not sure what type of adventure she is
about to entangle herself within this time.
The blond puts her compact away and turns to join them.
"What are you doing?" Alice is sorry she has asked the question
just as soon as she has asked it; not because she thinks that it is a
stupid, or silly question, but because, after the past events of the
current day, she is quite sure she is about to get a full and frank
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"We're playing with balls," answers the blond girl.

"And cocks," adds the dark haired girl, who starts to pump the
boy's cocks with her hands.
"Playing," Alice is puzzled. “What on earth for?”
"You're a girl," says the blond. "Haven't you always wanted to
play with a boy's balls?"
"And his cock," adds the dark haired girl as she pumps away.
"Err..." Alice hadn't really thought it about before. "No, not
really." But as she speaks she realizes that she has spent rather a lot
of time playing with her own balls and cock, even though she still
did not know how on earth she has suddenly gotten them.
"Don't you like the trill?" asks the dark haired girl, as she slows
her pumping a little.
"The feeling of power," the blond girl adds.
"Knowing that you have them under your complete control."
"Knowing that they have made themselves so vulnerable."
"Knowing that you can give them so much pleasure with just a
flick of your wrist," the dark haired girl continues to slow her
stroking the boy's erections.
"Or cause them so much pain with a little squeeze of their
testicles," the blond reaches around her companion and cups a
scrotum in a loose fist.
The boy sitting on the chair looks rather apprehensive as the
blond girl squeezes his balls. He visibly relaxes once she lets go. The
girl turns to face Alice once more, an angelic smile on her face.
Alice looks up at the boys; two good looking, blond boys, well
built and athletic. One is wearing a sweat shirt and the other a polo
shirt. Both sit with their legs spread wide and an erection sticking up
out of their pubic bush. They are each slumped back in their chair,
their hips pushed forward, so that their balls hang over the edge of
the seat. Their arms, Alice suddenly saw, are tied to the arms of their
chairs by a tick leather strap fixed across each writs. And she looks
down and sees a matching strap across each ankle.
But other than the four leather straps there is no other bondage
forcing the boys to sit still. The boys slump down and spread their
legs, offering their genitalia to be fondled, quite voluntarily.
It must take quite an act of trust, thinks Alice, to put such a
sensitive part of one's anatomy in the hands of another person. "So
120 - Alice

why do they risk it?" she wonders out loud.

"Because they think we are going to jerk them off," said the dark
haired girl.
"Well," Alice looks at her hands as they slowly rub up and down
on the erections of the two boys. "Aren't you?"
"Oh, no," the girl takes her hands off the erections and clasps
them to her lips with a little skip. "We are just going to tease
them ..."
"... and then leave them high and dry," finishes the blond.
"Do they know this?" Alice wonders why the boys just sit there
and do not partake in the conversation.
"Oh, yes," says the blond girl.
"We do it all the time," says the dark haired girl.
"Every day."
"Well every second day,"
"Well whenever the boys save enough pocket money to buy us
flowers and chocolates."
The two girls giggle.
And the boys just sit there with their erections straining into the
"Don't they talk?" Alice nods towards the boys.
"Oh, no."
"They know if they open their mouths that we will never touch
them ever again."
"That's what happened to Billy."
"Billy kept talking."
"Billy wouldn't shut up."
"So we black balled him."
"Now Billy's got blue balls," the blond laughs
"Billy's got to wank himself," the dark haired laughs.
"None of the girls will touch him." Both girls looks at each other
as they laugh.
"I see," says Alice, who does not really see at all.
"No, we are not interested in their chit chat," the dark hair girl
leans forward to lick the balls of one of the boys.
"We are just interested in their cocks and balls," the blond nods in
agreement, while slowly rubbing the head of the other boy's penis.
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"Their cocks and balls?" Alice is confused.

"It's the only interesting thing about a boy."
"That and his pocket money."
Both girls laugh again.
"So you play with boy's cocks and balls all the time?" Alice asks.
"Oh, yes," the dark haired girl smiles.
"All the time," agrees the blond.
"But they are never allowed to come?" Alice is perplexed.
"Oh, no."
"If they come they get a spanking," the dark haired girl looks up
at her boy's face.
"Yes, a good hard spanking," the blond sighs.
"Which makes their cocks hard again," the dark haired girl
"And then we can play with them some more," the blond giggles
as well.
"So they do get to cum," Alice points out.
"Well..." the blond girl considers.
"It's not something we encourage," the dark haired girl says as she
pumps her fist on her boy's cock.
"Yes," agrees the blond girl as she licks the tip of her boy's cock.
"Hey, this one tastes sweet, Harmony."
"He does?" Harmony looks over, her fist still pumping her boy's
"Yes," the blond girl took half a step back and bends her boy's
cock towards Harmony."Here, have a taste."
Harmony lets go of her boy's cock and leans in to lick the tip of
the other boy's cock.
"Oh, Rhapsody," she smiles up at the blond girl. "He does taste
The boy grunts.
Both girls look up sharply at him.
His face is red and he looks like he is trying to hold in his breath.
Or rather, thinks Alice, all his breaths for his entire life in one go.
“Don't you dare,” Harmony is stern.
“Oh,” Rhapsody puts her hands to her face. “Not while we have
122 - Alice

Harmony fixes him with the hardest stare that Alice has ever seen
a cute blond cheerleader give a boy.
“Not that I've seen that many, of course,” Alice mumbles.
“Sorry, what was that?” Rhapsody turns to face Alice.
“Oh,” Alice feels her face redden once more, “nothing.”
Rhapsody turns to the other boy and takes his cock in her hand
once more.
The boy lets out a strangled sort of sigh.
Harmony continues to stare down the other boy.
"So what happens to the boys?" Alice watches as Rhapsody licks
the shaft of the other boy.
"Well nothing," Rhapsody shrugs.
"They come, we play and they go home when we're board with
them," Harmony shrugs.
"So the boys get no relief at all?" Alice watched as Rhapsody
fondles the balls of her boy, completely baffled as to why the girls
are doing what they are doing and even more so as why the boys
volunteer to let them..
Harmony's boy seems to have gotten himself under control.
"Well, I suppose, they do sometimes they do cum just from the
teasing," the Harmony explains. She runs her finger down the
underside of her boy's cock.
"But then we get very, very angry," the Rhapsody squeezes her
boy's balls.
The boy gasps.
Rhapsody looks up sharply at him.
He looks very worried.
All is quiet for a few moments. Then Rhapsody wraps her fist
around his shaft and starts to pump him hard; very hard indeed.
The boy's eyes roll up in their sockets as he strains against his
"So if they are not allowed any relief, why do they keep coming
back to you?" Alice is amazed at the speed of the Rhapsody's hand
as she pumps the boy's cock.
Her hand is just a blur and she is starting to breath heavily with
her exertions. When suddenly she stops and turns to face Alice,
completely ignoring the boy; who begins to jerk his hips off the seat
behind her head, pushing his straining hard-on into the air, a thin
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trickle of clear liquid oozing from it's tip.

"They just can't help themselves," Rhapsody smiles.
"Boys are genetically programmed to want to abuse themselves,"
explains Harmony.
"They are?" Alice is more dumbfounded by this revelation than
the entire rest of the proceedings.
"Oh yes," Rhapsody nods.
Harmony smiles, "It's in their nature."
Both girls give smug nods.
“And you like to play with their balls?” Alice can hardly believe
what she is hearing. Alice can't bring herself to say “and cocks.”
“Oh, yes,” Rhapsody nods.
“I guess, it's just in our nature,” Harmony shrugs. She puts her
lips to her boy and sucks him deep into her mouth.
The boy lets out a strangled grunt, fighting to keep his breathing
under control.
Harmony looks up at his face as she sucks hard on his cock, her
tongue lapping up and down his pee slit.
"Agh," his face is quiet red now.
In fact, thinks Alice, it looks as if it might explode.
The other boy gives one long grunt and then goes limp.
Rhapsody turns and starts twirling the tip of her finger around the
top of her boy's cock.
The cock starts to twitch.
Rhapsody takes a sharp breath.
The cock twitches again.
She looks up at her boy, “Are you...”
But the boy's face is scrunched up in a tight grimace.
“Don't you dare,” hisses Rhapsody. “Don't you...”
The boy's cock twitches once more.
Rhapsody jumps back, screeching and holding her hand out as if
it has been scalded by hot water.
Alice feels her mouth fall open as a blob of goo shoots into the air
from the tip of the boy's cock. And before it has a chance to fall to
the ground in front of Rhapsody's feet another and another shoot up
to follow it, splashing onto the ground with little dollop sounds.
Alice's own balls tighten and she lets out a low gasp, for she now
knows what those intense stabs of pleasure feel like.
124 - Alice

Rhapsody holds her hand out in front of her, a thick string of goo
dangling from her fingers. “How... how...” she stares in shock at her
fingers for a moment, then shouts, “Ugh!”
“Oh, oh, oh,” the other boy starts to pant.
“Hmmm,” Harmony looks up at him.
The boy swallows hard and closes his eyes tightly, scrunching up
his whole face as he goes bright red.
Harmony sucks for another moment, then lifts her head from his
cock with a soft pop.
The boy groans.
"Hmmm," Harmony smiles. "Just a little taste. That was nice."
The boy fights to get his breathing under control, his hard cock
glistening in the sunlight.
"Do you know what would happen if you came in my mouth?"
Harmony teases.
The boy looks at her with wide eyes, unable to speak even if he
knew what to say.
"Well let's hope you never have to find out," she gives him a
wicket smile. "As for you," she turns to the boy who'd cum and starts
to pull open the velcro cuffs that bind him to the chair. “You'll get
what you deserve now.”
The boy looks very worried, but puts up no fight when Harmony
releases him.
“Get down,” Rhapsody orders, still holding her hand out.
The boy climbs awkwardly down, his cock bouncing softly as he
slides off the high chair.
“Clean me off,” Rhapsody presents her had to the boy.
Reluctantly he looks at the goo draped across her fingers.
Everyone looks at him for a long moment.
Slowly he grabs the end of his sweatshirt.
“On, no, no,” Rhapsody shakes her head gently, while lifting her
hand towards his face. “You made the mess, you lick it clean.”
Alice looks to Harmony, unsure what it is that Rhapsody is asking
the boy to do.
Harmony is staring, transfixed, at Rhapsody's hand. She licks her
lips a little.
The boy makes a crocking sound as if he wants to speak. He
looks at Rhapsody's hand in absolutely no doubt as to what she
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wants him to do.

“Go on,” Rhapsody smirks, lifting her hand a little higher.
The boy bows his head and licks at her proffered hand.
Alice's stomach does a somersault, through whether from
apprehension or excitement is uncertain.
Rhapsody turns her hand this way and that offering different parts
to be cleaned by the boy.
The boy licks everything offered, only stopping when Rhapsody
takes her hand away.
“How that wasn't so bad was it,” Rhapsody inspects her hand.
The boy looks as if he might throw up.
“Now,” Rhapsody smiles across at Harmony, who has remained
very quiet these past few moments. “We have to punish you.”
Harmony snaps out of her daze. “Oh, yes,” she smiles back.
“Time for a little spanking, I believe.”
The boy looks from Harmony to Rhapsody and back again before
settling his gaze on Alice.
Alice's stomach flips again.
Suddenly everyone is looking at Alice.
“Why don't you do the honors?” Harmony looks directly at Alice.
Alice opens her mouth, but can't speak. Not really knowing what
to say anyway.
"You do want to spank him, don't you?" Harmony smiled.
Alice wasn't quite sure. “I... er... that is...” Alice starts, but doesn't
“Don't worry,” Rhapsody assures her. “All boys like a good
spanking. In fact the harder you smack their bare botties the more
they like it.” She smiles at the boy, “Isn't that right.”
The boy looks a little unsure, but says nothing.
Suddenly Alice is worried about what they might do if they
discover that she too has a cock and balls. One part of her wants
them to find out. But mostly, she finds, she does indeed want to
spank the boy. The thought of smacking his bare botty makes her
pulse race.
So far nobody, not even Alice, has noticed the straining erection
pushing out the front of Alice's skirt. If it pushed any further it
would protrude from beneath the material and they could not but
help notice it. But nobody sees it, because nobody thinks to look for
126 - Alice

“Come sit on this bench here,” Harmony leads Alice over to one
of the picnic tables.
Nobody thinks to look at the boy, who never the less dutifully
follows behind the girls, leaving Rhapsody standing in front of the
other boy.
Alice sits down, facing away from the table.
Harmony turns to the boy. “You had better not make a mess on
Ms. Alice's skirt,” she glares at him. “Nor,” she adds with a wicked
smile, “on her leg.”
The boy's cock gives a little jump.
And Alice realizes he quite hard again.
“Not even,” Rhapsody calls over, “on the ground beside her feet.”
The boy whimpers.
“Come here,” Harmony takes him by the elbow and stands him
beside Alice. “Now bend over Ms. Alice's lap.”
Harmony admires his cute bottom as he slowly bends over Alice's
Now the boy is over her lap Alice does not quite know where to
His naked buttocks stares her in the face with its puckered anus
and his balls hanging loosely between his legs. Suddenly she wants
to stick her finger up him.
She looks up with a startled realization of what she had thought.
Considering how frequently today she has articulating her innermost
thoughts, has she just spoken that impulse out loud?
Harmony is looking at her, a smile slowly spreading across her
face. "You know, Rhapsody," she calls over her shoulder, but keeps
her eyes on Alice. "I do believe little Alice wants to play with his
"Oh, yes," Rhapsody is idly toying with the other boy, brushing
the tips of her finger against the shaft of his erection. She picks up
interest at Harmony's insight, then feigns a disinterested shrug,
"Oh yes," Harmony does nothing to hide her enthusiasm. "You
want to stick something big up his ass don't you Alice?"
Alice blushes, but her new penis asserts its own mind and rears up
against the belly of the boy draped over her lap.
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The boy wiggles against it.

Alice lets out a little gasp. Does he know what it is? She looks
down but cannot see his face.
The boy squirms again.
“Oh, look,” Harmony laughs, “He can hardly wait for it.”
Alice does not know what to do.
“Just grab a handful of his buttock and feel how firm and slapable
it is,” Harmony encourages her.
Alice half lifts her hand.
The boy squirms some more.
Alice starts to bring her hand down.
The boy wiggles from side to side.
“Hold still,” Harmony snaps at him. “You know you want it.”
Alice brings her hand closer, but cannot bring herself to touch the
The boy can no longer contain himself, "She has a dick! She has a
dick!" He jumps off Alice's lap and kneels on the ground beside
"Please forgive me, Ms. Harmony," he glances over to Rhapsody.
"Please forgive me, Ms. Rhapsody."
Neither girl looks very pleased.
The boy clasps his hands together and looks up at Harmony,
"Please Ms. Harmony; but she has a dick." He glances sideways at
Alice. "I... I... I felt it poking my stomach," he half whispers.
But if there was any doubt in either girl's mind it is quickly
resolved with one look at Alice. For there, plain as day, for everyone
to see, sticking up out of her lap, her erection is pushing her skirt
For the longest moment nobody moves.
Harmony is the first to recover.
"What are you doing, running around masquerading as a girl?"
she stands in front of Alice with her hands on her hips.
"Masquerading?" Alice looks up at her and puts her hands in her
lap to try to hide her erection. "I'm not masquerading! I am a girl!"
"Girls don't have dicks," Harmony nods to Alice's lap. "And," she
smirks, "only a boy would be unable to resist playing with himself."
"I'm not playing with myself," Alice snatches her hands from her
lap. "I was just ..."
128 - Alice

"Playing with yourself," nodded Harmony.

"No," Alice stands, but is acutely aware of her erection tenting
her skirt.
The boy’s dick starts to jerk in Rhapsody's hand. Quite
subconsciously, for she cannot tear her eyes from the sight of Alice's
erection, she starts to pump him.
He groans.
"So," demands Harmony, "are you a boy or a girl."
"I am a girl," Alice stamps her foot, which makes her erection
"You look like a boy," Harmony looks at her erection.
"I look like a girl!" Alice is getting red in the face.
Harmony points at Alice's tented skirt, "Only boys have dicks."
Alice pulls up her top to reveal her breasts, "And only girls have
Harmony shrugged, "So you're a boy with breasts."
"I am not a boy!" Alice stamps her foot again, making both her
breasts and her dick bounce.
"Look you've got a wet patch on the front of your skirt," Harmony
nods down at Alice's skirt.
Alice looks down and sees that she is right.
"You want to come, don't you," teases Harmony.
"I do not," but Alice can feel her that balls are ever so tight.
"You would like nothing better than for me to pump your dick
until you squirt your sticky stuff all over my hand."
"No," Alice's voice catches in her throat, her dick bounces of it's
own accord.
"Ah," the boy gasps.
Rhapsody continues to pump him, while looking at Alice and
"Oh," the boy whimpers.
Rhapsody keeps pumping away.
Rhapsody turns her head to looks at him.
The boy starts to come.
Rhapsody keeps pumping away as he spurts all over her hand,
some spurts splashing onto her arm. She gives him a look that makes
it quite clear that he is going to pay for what he has just done. But it
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is lost on him as his head has rolled back and his eyes are closed.
Rhapsody keeps pumping even after he has stopped coming.
She keeps pumping until with a startled cry he snaps his eyes
opened and looks at her.
"Now," she glances down at her arm. "What are we going to do
about that?"
His face turns a whiter shade of pale.
Alice decided to take advantage of the distraction. She steps away
from Harmony and starts to turn.
"Hold on," Harmony makes a grab for Alice.
But Alice is too quick for her. She ducks under her arm and is
away before Harmony can catch her.
"Wait," calls Harmony.
But Alice does not want to wait for whatever it is that these two
girls want to do to her. If there is one thing she has learned today it is
that she has had enough sexual experimentation to last a lifetime.
That and, as she is learning now, that it produces a most peculiar
feeling to run with an erect penis between one legs.
But she does not have the time to consider the sensation; for when
she glances over her shoulder she sees that Harmony is in hot
She also does not have time to look where she is heading, for as
she turns her head from her pursuer and starts to run as fast as she
can, she finds herself heading straight for a large hole dug into the
side of a low bank. It looks like nothing so much as the entrance to
rabbit's burrow. A large rabbit's burrow. A very large rabbit's
burrow. A burrow big enough for a girl such as herself to fit inside.
She wants to turn aside, but she is on a narrow path with tick
brambles on each side. She doesn't want to fall but she has gotten up
a decent speed and does not know if she can stop herself before she
reaches the hole.
She slows as sharply as she can, not wanting to trip herself and
manages to come a halt just in time, her feet sending a shower of
loose soil over the edge and down the hole.
"Hold on," calls Harmony coming up fast.
Alice waves her hands, trying to catch her balance, but only
catching thin air.
"Wait," Harmony is rapidly approaching.
130 - Alice

There is nothing on either side for Alice to get a hold of.

"I just want to talk," Harmony reaches out to Alice.
Alice teeters on the edge for a moment, looking over her shoulder
as Harmony reaches out from this strange world that Alice has
suddenly found herself within. Then the ground under Alice's feet
crumbles away. Alice closes her eyes as she starts slipping over the
edge and falling down the deep, deep rabbit hole.
11 - The End

When Alice opened her eyes she was staring at the roof of her
Her gazebo? she blinked. It seemed so long ago since she had
been waiting outside the gazebo in the garden for her sister to finish
with “The Boyfriend”. But now she was back here lying on the
ground staring up at its roof.
"Well we can't leave her lying there," a male voice said. "Look
her skirt's pulled up and you can see her panties."
"Jesus, Tom," her sister's voice was sharp. "Only you would be
looking at her panties when she could be lying there dead." Never
the less she readjusted Alice's skirt.
"She's not dead, Mary-Jane," he countered. "Her eyes are open."
Tom? Mary-Jane? Her gazebo? She was home! Alice sat up and
pressed her hand to her crotch. Her vagina was back and her cock
and balls were gone.
"Oh shut up, Tom," her sister interjected. "And Alice, pull your
hand away, for God's sake."
"Oh," Alice blushed and snatched her hand away.
"Are you OK?" Mary-Jane knelt down beside Alice.
Alice realized she had a splitting headache.
"Oh boy, Mary-Jane," Alice gingerly touched the bruise that was
starting to form on the side of her head. "You are going to be in so
much trouble when mummy gets home."
"Trouble?" Mary-Jane looked at her. "Me?"
Alice nodded, "When I tell mummy what you and Tom were
"Doing?" Mary-Jane glanced at Tom. "We were not doing
“I saw you kissing,” teased Alice.
“So we were kissing,” Mary-Jane shrugged.
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Alice smiled, "With your hands at each other's crotches."

"You..." Mary-Jane swallowed. "You saw that?"
"Oh yes," Alice smiled. "And I'm going to tell Mummy."
“Look Alice, we were not doing anything," Mary-Jane glanced at
Tom once more.
“Now, listen here..." Tom started in a stern voice.”
“Don't you 'Now listen me'," Alice interrupted him. "You're not
my father."
“Well I..." Tom tried to pull himself up tall.
“Well you nothing, Tom," Alice interrupted once more. "Do you
think our Mum is going to let you keep seeing Mary-Jane once she
knows what you two really get up to."
“Now you just..." Tom tried again.
But this time it was Mary-Jane that interrupted. "Just shut up,
Tom," she said.
“Oh," Tom was completely deflated. "Right."
"OK," Mary-Jane looked at Alice. "What do you want?"
"Want?" asked Alice innocently.
"Cut the bullshit, Alice. What do I have to do to stop you from
telling Mum?"
"Well there is one thing I do want to try," Alice glanced at Tom.
"What is it, Alice?"
“Well...” Alice looked shyly at the ground. "I want to suck your
boyfriend's dick."
Her big sister just looked at Alice with her mouth hanging open.
She shook her head to try and clear her thoughts, "Sorry?"
"I want to suck your boyfriend’s dick."
"Now look here, you little..." her sister summoned all the
indignation she could muster.
"Or I will tell Mum that you were having sex with him."
"We were not having sex!" whatever indignation Mary-Jane had
"And that you hit me hard on the side of my head and gave me
this bruise," Alice gingerly touched her fingers to the side of her
"She'll go ballistic MJ."
Mary Jane summoned up her last counter attack. "Prove it," she
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"I don't have to prove it," Alice smiled. "You know she'll believe
“Well...” Mary-Jane looked down, she knew Alice was right.
“Now look here...” Tom started once again.
“Tom,” Mary-Jane looked up at him in exasperation.
“Oh, for fuck's sake,” Tom turned his back on them with a
dismissive wave.
“Well?” Alice looked up at her sister. “What's it to be?”
“I...” Mary-Jane started. “I can't...” she shook her head, “I can't let
“You can't let me suck your boyfriend's dick when you haven't
even done it yourself yet,” Alice finished for her.
Mary-Jane's face was bright red, “How do you know about
sucking a boy's di... I mean penis... I mean...?”
“Oh, please,” Alice rolled her eyes.
Mary-Jane saw a chance to regain the upper hand, “If Mum finds
out what you've been looking up Internet porn on the computer...”
“Come on, MJ” Alice smiled at her. “Do you think I need to go to
the Internet to hear about blow jobs and anal sex.”
“Well,” Mary-Jane didn't know what to think of her little sister at
that particular moment. And particularly didn't know what to do
about the mention of anal sex.
“And if I did do you think I would leave the files lying around
where Mum could find them?” Alice added.
Her sister opened her mouth to say something but stopped. She
knew that Alice had her in a corner. Even if Alice had been looking
up adult stuff on the Internet she knew she could never prove it.
They looked at each other for a few moments. Alice calm and
composed. Her big sister looking like a startled rabbit.
"Now look here," her sister tried one last time with a smile, "we
were not doing anything. You can't tell Mum."
"I saw him with his hand in your shorts."
"Err, yes... well, that was..." her sister scrambled for something to
"And you had your hand inside his jeans," Alice folded her arms
and shook her head. "What will mum say?"
"No, you can't tell mum," her sister finally settled for panic.
134 - Alice

"So I get to suck his dick then?"

"Why would any girl want to suck a boy's dick?" Mary-Jane
looked down at Alice with genuine confusion. "He is always asking
me and I always say no. Now you actually want to do it to him." She
shook her head, "Why?"
"I just want to see what it feels like."
"What it feels like?"
"You know," Alice shrugged. "What it feels like to have him
totally in my power."
"Totally in your power?" Mary-Jane had never thought about it
like that that before.
Alice sat and waited as the thoughts rearranged themselves inside
her sister's head.
“Yes. Well, I can't...” Mary-Jane finally said.
“OK,” Alice nodded accepting that her sister really couldn't.
“Well, can you at least let me see what it looks like?”
“What it looks like?” Mary-Jane was not too sure.
“I've never seen one before.”
“Oh, yes?” Mary-Jane smiled. “Then what was all that about the
“You know what I mean.” Alice nodded towards Tom, “I haven't
seen a real one.”
“Do I get a say in this,” Tom asked.
“No,” both girls answered, neither bothering to even glance in his
“Oh,” Tom was taken a little a back. “Well, I'll just stand here and
say nothing then.”
“If you could,” Mary-Jane replied.
While Tom stood there and said nothing Alice waited for her
sister to come to a decision.
“Well,” Mary-Jane slowly shook her head. “I really can't...” But
she was tempted.
“I just want to look,” Alice smiled. “I promise not to touch.”
“I'm not sure,” Mary-Jane was shaking her head.
“Otherwise, I'll have to...” Alice shrugged.
Mary-Jane knew that Alice wasn't really going to tell their mother
what she had been up to with Tom. But what harm could there be in
letting her little sister look at her boyfriend's penis. And to tell the
Declan Stanley - 135

truth she was a little curious herself. For despite the few times she'd
fumbled around with him, she had never actually seen it in the full
light of day either.
“Well...” Mary-Jane started.
Alice looked up.
“Just this once, OK,” Mary-Jane said.
“Cool,” Alice smiled.
“Now wait a moment,” Tom interrupted.
“Just come and stand over here for a moment, Tom,” Mary-Jane
smiled up at him.
“What if I don't want to,” Tom looked doubtful. “I mean, what if I
get... you know? Or something.”
“What if I promise to give you a hand job,” Mary-Jane glanced at
her sister. “Maybe more.”
“What!” Tom's face went white. “In front of...”
“Good God! No,” Mary-Jane interrupted.
Alice giggled a little, thinking she might like to watch.
“You just show your cock, em, penis to Alice for 30 seconds.”
Mary-Jane looked at Alice, “Then Alice will leave us alone and not
come back to bother us again.”
“Cross my heart,” Alice made a cross over her heart.
Tom didn't know if her should be happy or not about showing
himself to them. But more importantly he wanted to know would this
count as a threesome? However with the two girls looking at him he
didn't really have any choice.
Mary-Jane smiled at him as he stepped closer.
Alice just stared at his crotch.
He didn't know if he should do something.
But Mary-Jane reached out and unzipped his fly.
Tom could feel his cheeks start to burn.
Mary-Jane fumbled with the button of his jeans for a moment
before opening it. Then paused, unsure what to do next.
Tom made a move as if to pull his jeans down or maybe to hold
them up, even he wasn't sure.
“No,” Alice said.
Tom stopped.
“Just pull them down around his knees,” Alice encouraged her
136 - Alice

Mary-Jane didn't know how or why, but seemingly Alice knew

just what to do. So she took hold of the waist band of Tom's jeans
and awkwardly pulled them down.
Revealing Tom's faded navy blue cotton trunks.
Both sisters stared at his bulge.
Tom's face got redder.
Nobody seemed in a hurry to do anything. Nobody, but not
nothing. For just as the blood flow to Tom's face increased, so did
the blood flow to his penis.
Both girls watched in fascination as the front of his underwear
slowly tented.
Tom could not help himself. His face turned as red as a beetroot
and all he could hear was the pounding of his heart beat in his ears.
He wanted to cover himself. He wanted to pull up his jeans. He
wanted to turn and run. But he couldn't do anything. He just stood
there as his penis just got harder and harder, ashamed and proud.
“Oh, Tom,” Mary-Jane clasped her hands to her mouth.
“It's OK, MJ,” Alice leaned in to get a closer look. “He can't
control it. These things have a mind of their own.”
“They do,” Mary-Jane was so shocked by her little sister's
knowledge that she stopped looking at Tom and turned her head to
look at Alice.
“It is caught up in his underwear,” Alice continued to stare at
Tom. “Once you pull them down it'll pop right up.”
Mary-Jane didn't know if she should be more concerned about
showing her little sister Tom's wayward penis, or the fact that her
little sister seemed already to know more about it that she did.
Alice realized that Mary-Jane was looking at her. She glanced at
her big sister. “You did say that I could see it,” Alice's cheeks
flushed a little.
“Yes,” Mary-Jane nodded. “I did.” She turned back to Tom.
He just stood there. His face was beetroot red, his hands hanging
loosely by his sides, his mind in turmoil.
Mary-Jane swallowed hard, and with trembling fingers, reached
out to hook the waistband of his underwear.
Tom's cock jerked as Mary-Jane reached up.
Both girls jump, startled.
“Sorry,” mumbled Tom.
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“I didn't know it could do that,” Alice half whispered to herself.

“Hump,” Mary-Jane thought so she doesn't know everything
about boys. Then she added, just yet.
The sisters glanced at each other for a brief reassurance.
Then Mary-Jane reached up to the waistband of Tom's underwear
once more.
Nothing unexpected happened and both girls hold their breath as
Mary-Jane started to slowly pull Tom's underwear down.
“Hold your t-shirt up out of the way,” Alice's gaze was fixed on
the bulge in his underwear.
Tom took a moment to realize that she is talking to him, then he
fumbled with his t-shirt to pull it up out of the way. His hand
brushing Mary-Jane's as she griped the waistband of his underwear.
“Oh,” Mary-Jane gasped.
“Ah,” he replied.
They looked at each other for a long moment.
“Go on,” Alice's voice was barely a whisper.
Mary-Jane pulled the waistband down to reveal a tangle of pubic
hair. Then a little further to reveal a strip of flesh. She could feel the
pressure of his erection straining against the cotton gripped by her
fingers. She revealed a little more of his shaft. And a little more. And
a little bit more until it popped free.
“Oh,” both girls gasped in surprise.
Mary-Jane quickly pulled his underwear bellow his knees then sat
back on her heels to take a look at him.
Alice smiled at the purple head, the folds of foreskin and the
veined shaft bobbing slightly in the sunshine.
Tom couldn't breath as his cock stood out in the clear sunshine.
Alice reached out, as if to touch.
Mary-Jane cleared her throat.
Alice glanced at her sister and let her hand drop. But she couldn't
resist its allure, slowly she leaned in close to it.
Tom's heart caught in his throat, Is she going to kiss it?
"It looks so sweet," smiled Alice. “I could almost bite it off and
swallow it.”
Tom looked a little shocked.
"But I won't," Alice smiled up at him.
Mary-Jane did not know where her little sister was getting all this
138 - Alice

stuff from. "You have been by-passing 'net nanny' while you've been
surfing the Internet again," she said. "You know how ballistic Mum
went the last time she caught you doing that."
"Yes," Alice smiled. "But she hasn't caught me again. Has she?"
She licked her lips, her eyes fixed on Tom's erection.
Tom's cock twitched.
Mary-Jane knew Alice was about to kiss it, knew she should stop
her, but couldn't more or say anything.
Alice lent a little closer.
Tom felt as if the earth was about to open up and swallow him.
He could barely restrain himself.
Mary-Jane watch, rabbit-in-headlights like, as Alice leaned right
into Tom's crotch.
Alice sniffed. “Hmmm, not bad,” she whispered.
Tom felt harder than he had ever felt in his entire life.
Alice stopped her lips bare millimeters from the tip of his cock.
He twitched again and the head brushed against the tip of her
Alice giggled
But then Tom's cock fell back down hitting Alice's nose once
more, leaving a drop of clear liquid behind.
Tom gasped.
Alice froze
Suddenly it became acutely real.
Alice blushed.
Tom moaned.
And Mary-Jane said, “OK. I think that's enough,” in a horse
whisper, before clearing her throat.
“Em... Yes,” Alice sat back, unable to look at anyone.
Tom grabbed his jeans and pulled them up, turning his back on
the two girls.
Mary-Jane opened her mouth to say something but didn't.
“You promised him as well,” Alice mumbled before standing up
and running into the house.
Alice was just reaching up to get a glass out of the cupboard when
her mother busseled in.
"I've got a million bags of shopping," her mother said. "Will you
give me a hand?"
Declan Stanley - 139

"Sure thing, Mum," Alice replied opening the fridge. "I'm just
getting a drink."
"Where's your sister?"
"She's out in the gazebo. Do you want me to call her?"
"No, I'll go get her."
"But Mum..."
But Alice's mother was already out the door.
Alice waited a few seconds.
"Mary-Jane! Tom!" Alice's Mum screeched. "What on earth are
you doing to my little girl?"
Alice took a sip of her juice, “Things will never be the same
again.” She shook her head slowly

The End

Dear Reader,
Firstly I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my
story. It genuinely means a lot to me that people read and enjoy my
Secondly if you have enjoyed this book and would like to read
more of my work please check out
where you can read stories on-line and download free ebooks.

- Declan
23rd June 2010, Portlaoise.

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