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Depita : Good morning Dewi, how are you this morning?

Dewi : Good morning depita, I'm fine. how about you?

Depita; I am good. oh yeah, we haven't discussed anything in a
long time.
Dewi: Yes, it's been a long time. do you want to invite me to discuss something? Hahahahaha
Depita: Yes, I want to invite you to discuss about soft skills.
Dewi : oh soft skills. why soft skills?
Depita: because next year we are in the 6th semester and will be doing internships in companies.
So I think it's very good for discussion and also you seem to have more insight than I do.
Dewi: Yes, that's right. Soft skills are also needed when entering the world of work. Thank you
for the compliment.
Depita: What do you think are soft skills?
Dewi : Soft skills are communication skills, characteristics of a person, and the ability to adapt
well in life and the world of work. This ability shows how we can interact and socialize with
others in the world of work.
Depita: yes, we are of the same mind. And soft skills must be owned by a secretary because they
will handle the company.
Dewi: What are some examples of soft skills that you know?
Depita: time management, problem solving, communication, leadership, adaptation, and work
Dewi: in your opinion, what soft skills are the most important?
Depita: Time management is most important for me.
Dewi: ohh why?
Depita: because with time management we can be more disciplined, carry out activities more
regularly, value time and use time more meaningfully.
Dewi: wow, great. So how do you develop the soft skills you already have?
Depita: of course I have to consistently make a to do list so that I can be organized and
disciplined in doing activities every day. How about you? What soft skills are the most important
for you?
Dewi: for me, communication skill is the most important soft skills. Because in order to perform
well in the company we have to interact with a lot of people. That’s why communication is
important. We have to make sure that everything is clear. When it comes to communicating with
someone, because we don’t want any misunderstanding.
Depita: wow, How do you develop the soft skills you already have?
Dewi: to develop my communication skills, I participated in several committees, attend
leadership training on several training on several occasions, I was also active in several
organizations, and I became the master of ceremony in several events.
Depita: you’re great.
Dewi: apart from time management, what soft skills do you want to develop?
Depita: The soft skill that want to develop besides time management is leadership, because I
don’t fell like I have the ability to lead a team, especially in making decisions.
Dewi: In what way can you develop those soft skills?
Depita: I will join several organizations so that I can gain experience and become a leader.
Dewi: I agree with your decision to join an organization.
Depita: how about you Dewi? What soft skill that you want to develop?
Dewi: the soft skill that I want to develop is the ability to control myself. Because wee will
definitely meet with problems, and in facing a problem we must be good at controlling ourselves
to think positively and not emotionally. Besides that the ability to control myself can also help
me become a more disciplined person and know what to prioritize.
Depita: you’re great. And I want to know, does tarakanita help you in developing your soft
Dewi: tarakanita really helps me in developing my soft skills, because Tarakanita provides many
forums such as organization and commitees, tarakanita also often holds activities related to
personal development, besides that several courses at Tarakanita also help us in developing soft
Depita: I think tarakanita also helps me in developing soft skilss because there are certain
subjects such as leadership, speaking, ethics. Where we are trained to dare to give opinions in
front of many people and train us to be a good leader.
Dewi: that’s right, I hope that once I graduate from Tarakanita, I already have soft skills that I
didn’t have before.
Depita: I hope so

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