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The Islamia University of Bahawalpur 29 Department: Commerce | Ist a2019 M. Com. (Part - 1) Maximum Marks: 100 Paper: MC 113 SH Time Allowed: 3% Hrs. (Principles of Marketing & Research Methods in Business) ¢ ee, Note: Attempt any Five questions including compulsory Q.NO.1. All questions carry equal marks. yore ‘each statement as TRUE or FALSE, 20 1 The study of human population in term of size, density gender, otcupation is called demography. - @© Primary data consists of information that already exists but was collected fora different purpose. . zl specialty product.x%. 4. E Procurement purchasing through eléetronic connection between buyers and sellers. 5 SWOT means Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Treatment." 6 Online exchange of goods and information between final consumersis called 828.% > 7. The systematic search for new product Ideas is called idea generation. 8 " Allactivities involved in seling goods & services directly to final consumers is called Wholesaling. Allthe buyer's who ae able and wiling to buy @ company’s product or Service is called overall market share. — i 10 Cost plus pricing Adding a standard markup to the cost ofthe product. ~ 11. ‘In BCG matrix Dogs are low growth , high share business. 32. TOM stands for Total Quantity Measurement. GB A shor detnition of marketing is meeting needs{roTEaB) — 14: Ideas and people caniiot be branded, ~ 45 Direct marketing channel means a'marketing channel that has unlimited intermediary levels 16. E-Marketing if not possible without internet. ~ 17. Micro environmental forces have been labeled as being “uncontrollable.” 418, All résearch must begin with an exploratory research study-+ 419. The most.common instrument used to collect primary data is the questionnaire. 7 * 20 5PSS stands for Statistical Package for Secondary Sciences. #2: - Discuss the key elements of a customer-driven marketing strategy and marketing * management Orientation that gulde marketing strategy. peat and define the major pes) buying decision bétiavior and th Gein the buyer. decision process, F define’ (wpadeerisingy the promotion mx. See Describe the (oredpf Micro eivironmendthat may affat the company’s somite Serve its customer. Seer Seserv ve gages of nic Tend how marking stele change dro te product's life cycle. QH7"_ Explain how companies have responded to the Internet and other powerful new technologies “with online marketing strategles HB: Describe’ Research Proposal in detail Scanned with CamScanner * 213 M.Com(Part Il) Paper The Islamia Gniversity of Bahawalpur 2% p/A-2018 MC113 Maximum Marks: 100. (Principles of Marketing & Research methods in business). Time Allowed: 3 % hrs. Attempt any five questions including compulsory Q # 1,all questions carry equal emarks. — ae. Mark each statement as TRUE or FALSE. CJ E-Marketing is not possible without internet ~~ A strategy for company growth by offering new product to new market is known as diversification Direct marketing channel means a marketing channel that has unlimited intermediary levels. During product stage producer also has selling department. -—~ Services may be produced even by single staff member _X Secondary data consists of information that already exists but was collected fora different Purpose, Survey research Is the gathering of primary data by asking people questions about their knowledge - 2 Major activities in strategic planning process include developing the company's goals and plans. |. In BCG matrix cash cows mean high market share and low business growth. ‘~~ Mission Statement of any company shows that why it has come into existence. | |. Most of the largest companies have thelr owri marketing research departments. . supply chain management involves coordinating and integrating the flow within the companies \—" . Descriptive research is conducted to describe the things in detall. |. Mission statement, vision statement and financial statement are prepared by the company head. Ii BCG matrix dogs mean high marketshare and low business growth Xow mit shasr, tow gente . Direct marketing means having no intermediary channels ~~ eattect . Ideas and people canbe branded V~ ‘SWOT means Strength Weaknesses Operation and Threats XX Primary data means a data which is collected from books, magazines and literatures ). Secondary data is information that ready exists somewhere. ‘What are the different marketing concepts under which organizations conduct their activities? ‘What Is market segmentation? How can the consumer market be divided Into different. segments? ‘BCG matrix isthe best known portfolio planning method explain with examples What Is Business market? Describe the elght stages of the business buying process. What is Maslow’s Theory of Motivation also explain the different buying behaviors of a ‘consumer, © what is sale promotion? Describe the tools of consumer sales promotion QH8. What are the different types of research and also explain the different approaches of research. Scanned with CamScanner 5 Sa Finite ct ss The Islamia University of Bahawalpur Department: ihr vt con, at-m partment: Commerce Maximum Marks: 100 eMC 3 eae inciples of Marketing. & Research Methods in Business) a Notei- Attempt any Five questions including compulsory Q.No L. All questions carry equal marks. lestion No.1: Mark each state ent as TRUE or Fy oo Ot. Brand equity means the practice of using the established brand names of two different companies on the same product. ‘—~ 02. Marketing strategy is the logic by which the business unit hopes to achieve its marketing objectives. X” "i 08. Customer Satisfction is the difference between the values the customer gains from owning and using product am the costs of obtaining the product, W~ wm &. Shampoo marketers rate buyers as igh, medium, or heavy product users. This is usage ate segmentation. VW" 05, A very large towel supplier for Wal-Mart has just burned down, Outstanding orders must be filed, however, ~ Mart must find anther supplier to fill them. This situation affects microenvironment. os, Prodinct %j “Build better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door" reflect the produetion concepts o7. inder psychographic Consumers who enjoy skydiving, bungee jumping and white water rafting could all be grouped under psychographic , segmentation. > ‘The ability to take video pletures conveniently fom SONY CAMCORDER is actual product. V~ cc caraiies 09, Warranties on parts and service, free lessons, and quick repair services are all considered part of the aug: product. 10. ‘An unbrellapurchsed during a rainstonn i not an emergency product. X n Raquel and Paulo just had a baby and itis time for them to buy life insurance. The purchase of life insurance is considered a unsought produc. Product mix width refers to how many different product lines the company carries. Primary data consists of information that already exists but was collected for a different purpose. X {A product concept is a detailed version ofthe idea stated in meaningful consumer terms. Niche marketing offers smaller companies an opportunity to compete by focusing their limited resources on serving niches that may be unimportant to or overlooked by larger companies. ‘When a coffee shop in an airport and a fine restaurant in a luxury hotel charge different prices for the same meal to ‘customers who find the atmosphere in the hotel worth the difference, we can say they are using value based pricing. Physical goods, services, and stores can be branded, but ideas and people cannot. ‘An intensive growth strategy involving marketing current products to new markets is a market-penetration strategy. ‘The price adjustreent strategy that reduces prices to reward customer responses such as paying early or promoting the product is value pricing. ‘Stars are high-growth, low-share businesses or products. cr 13. 14 15, 16. 1" 18. 19, 20, ‘QNo.2 List and define the four steps of companywide strategic planning. Discuss how to design business portfolios and develop growth strategies? Support your answer with practical examples, * 20) tq No.3 what is market segmentation? Explain its levels and process of market segmentation, targeting and ., Positioning in detail, (4+16) L-QNo4 Name and deseribe the elements of a company's macto environment and give an example illustrating why each is important? (20) QNo.S List and explain in detail the different types of consumer buying behaviours. 20) QNNo.6 Explain the role of retailers in the distribution channel and describe the major types of retailers? f (20) vo ‘No.7 Define scientific research, list and explain its distinguishing characteristics. (QNo.8 Describe the marketing logistics goals and functions in detail with the help of ° 3 % = 88 Fe os Oh 9° Pm dy Pag OR aoe Scanned with CamScanner i 4 Qt 1; Mark each statement as TRUE or FALSE, (Principles of Marketing & Research Methods in Business) Che Islamia University of Bahawalpur 29 D ; epartmer + Ist An M. Com. (Part - 11) nt: Commerce seo Oe Paper: MC 113 Maximum Marks: | 100 Time Allowed: 3% Hrs, Notes Attempt any Five questions including compulsory Q,NO.1. All questions carry equal marks, 20 1 The study of human population in term of size, density gender, aecupation is called demography. ~~ 2. Primary data consists of information that already exists but was collected fora different purpose. X . 3 Frequent purchase little planing, _ specialty product. E- Procurement purchasing through electronic connection between buyers and séllers, SWOT means Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Treatment, i Online exchange of goods and information between final consumers is called B28. X =~ C2 y ‘The systematic search for new product ideas is called idea generation. \V~ Corte All activities involved in selling goods & services directly to final consumers is called Wholesaling. fetailes 1s conect. 9... Allthe buyer's who are able and wiling to buy a company’s product or service is called overall ‘marketshare. ‘ : 40 Cost plus pricing Adding a standard markup to the cost of the product. \—~ 12. In BCG matrix Dogs are low growth , high share besiness, Gad qyowth 7 Dow Share 12. TQM stands for Total Quantity Measurement. X * bere: 13. Ashort definition of marketing is meeting needs profitably. ~~ 414 Ideas and people cannot be branded. X 415 Direct marketing channel means a marketing channel that has unliniited intermediary levels. X 46. E-Marketing is not possible without internet. 117. Micro environmental forces have been labeled as being “uncontrollable.” 418, All research must begin with an exploratory research study, V~ 5 419 The most common instrument used to collect primary data's the questionnaire. ~~. . is cual Sera@ntes 4

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