What Is It About The Philippines That Makes It Different From The Rest of The World

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What is it about the Philippines that makes it different from the rest of the world?

Well, for one thing, it

is all about their culture. Here are 11 things you should know about Filipino culture that sets them apart
from any other nation on the planet.

Filipinos are very resilient

In times of calamities and catastrophes, Filipinos always manage to rise above the challenge. Instead of wallowing,
they manage to pick themselves up and smile.

Filipinos take pride in their families

In the Philippines, it is family first. So whether you are part of the immediate family or you belong to the third or fourth
generation, you are treated as a family member. Sometimes, even the closest of friends are considered family, too.

 Family orientation. The basic and most important unit of a Filipino's life is the
family. ...
 Joy and humor. ...
 Flexibility, adaptability, and creativity. ...
 Religious adherence. ... In all corners of a Filipino house, you can find
brazen images of crosses and other religious paraphernalia. They go to
church every Sunday, or sometimes even twice or three times a week.
 Ability to survive. ...
 Hard work and industriousness. ...
 Hospitality.

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