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Bible Story: David Praised God the Creator Bonus Verse: How countless are your works,
(Acts 13:21-23; Psalm 104) LORD! In wisdom you have made them all; the
Today’s Point: God is the marvelous Creator. earth is full of your creatures. Psalm 104:24

“In the beginning God created ... ” (Genesis 1 :1). This REFLECT
might be where you expected to start this week as we
talk about God as the Creator. We certainly do not want to • Have you looked out of a window or taken a walk
overlook those vital first five words of Scripture, but God’s recently and allowed God’s incredible creation to lead
creativity is not limited to Genesis 1–2. His creativity is on you to praise God as Creator? If not, plan some time this
display throughout all of God’s Word. As Scripture unfolds week to do just that. Perhaps you could write your own
we gain new glimpses into the majesty of God’s creativity. psalm of praise in a journal.
Many of the psalms, in fact, show us insight into God as • What are some ways you can begin planning to help
the marvelous Creator through the eyes of David the your students observe God’s creativity in His creation
poet/songwriter. This is where Day 1 takes us. Let’s look during VBS? Be sure to jot down a few notes to call on
together at God, the amazing Creator of all things, to see during your VBS.
His creation as an expression of His infinite creativity and
Before getting to Psalm 104, we’ll need to set up who
David was and why he is important to the overall story we
are telling this week. We see from Acts 13:21-23 that God
was working out His plan for the nation of Israel, which
ultimately included David being anointed as king. More on
that on Day 2.
Take a few minutes to open your Bible and prayerfully
read all of Psalm 104. Notice two expressions of God’s
creativity in this passage. The more obvious are the works
of God in the sky (v. 2-4), the earth and water (v. 5-9), the
springs and the animals (v. 10-14), the trees and birds
(v. 16-17), and much more. The second expression of
creativity may not be as obvious at first. Consider the
words David used to paint a picture for us to see in our
minds. It is God’s creativity at work being displayed
through David’s descriptions as he reflects on God’s
creativity throughout the psalm. As David points to God,
we see God’s creativity reflected in David’s poetry.
“How countless are your works, LORD! In wisdom you
have made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.”
(Psalm 104:24)
At the heart of Day 1, we want to encourage students to
notice God’s creation. Then we can lead them to follow
David’s example, and praise God as the Creator of all
things. God is good. His creation is good. And He is still
at work, even now, in the world around us.

Worship Prep WORSHIP (30 MINUTES)
• Show the “Session 1 Opening Slide” • Call attention to the “VBS Scripture
† Leader kit items 2 and 3
† Printables
on the screen. Poster” (kit item 2). Assign groups the
• “Playlist” • As students enter, distribute a colored following phrases of the theme verse
• “Session 1 Opening Slide” slip of paper (red, yellow, blue, green) that is on the poster: Red Group—for
† Slips of construction paper
to each student and instruct students we are his workmanship; Yellow
cut in equal parts of red,
to keep their slips for later in the Group—created in Christ Jesus for
yellow, blue, and green. good works; Green Group—which
† Four sets of the same
God prepared ahead of time; Blue
supplies such as construction • Welcome students to this first
paper, tape, cardboard tubes,
Group—for us to do. Lead each
session of Student Vacation Bible group to recite its phrase in unison
markers, cardboard, etc.
School. Invite students to introduce in the order of the theme verse,
† Pens, tape
themselves. Pray over the session and with all students ending by saying,
† A sheet of bulletin board
paper with God is printed in
students. Allow time for students to “Ephesians 2:10.” Do this two times.
the center. greet people next to them. Challenge students to memorize this
• Say: “Our theme is Spark Studios verse over the next few days.
where a spark of creativity will ignite • Point to the creations on display
Leader Tip as we draw, paint, build, design, and and say: “Just as these are your
explore ways to celebrate who God is creations and workmanship, we
Invite a church member who and who He has made us to be.” are God’s workmanship.” Ask: “For
works in the visual arts as a
painter, drawer, photographer or • Point to the screen and share that what does this verse say we were
sculptor to come to the session this session is entitled, “God, the created? (good works) What are some
to share about his or her work Creator.” Say: “We will discover that examples of good works?” Invite
and how creativity brings glory students to respond and discuss.
our creativity is a gift from the One
to God. Encourage your guest to
show some creative samples who created everything and designed • Say: “Because God is Creator, the
to students. us for His glory.” Master Artist, He is worthy of our
• Invite a student band to lead the praise. We will see in this session’s
group in singing songs from the Bible study that David praised
“Playlist.” Call on a student to pray after God the Creator.” Pass out pens to
singing a few songs. students. Lead them to think of words
that describe God to them personally
• Instruct students to take out their
and write at least one word on their
colored slips of paper and find the
slips of colored paper. Guide them
other students with their same colors
to tape their slips of paper on the
to form four groups. Lead groups
bulletin board paper entitled “God is”
to select one student to come to
on the floor in the center of the room
the front of the room to collect the
to create a word portrait of God.
supplies for his or her group.
• Instruct students to circle around the
• Give each group the same supplies
portrait. Refer to “Session 1 Poster” (kit
such as construction paper, tape,
item 3). Call on students to recite this
cardboard tubes, markers, cardboard,
verse in unison together.
and so forth. Say: “You have a chance
now to use your creativity and work • Say: “We are going to end our session
together to create a masterpiece. Be in prayer, focusing on praising God
sure that every student in your group for who He is. Once I open the
participates in some way.” After a prayer time, feel free to speak your
few minutes, call time and allow each characteristic of God aloud as praise
group to show their designs and share to Him.” Open the prayer, thanking
about them. Place these on display at God for who He is. Once students
the front. have had time to respond, end the
time with prayer.
MOTIVATE (15 MINUTES) Motivate Prep
Choose a song from the “Playlist” to † Leader kit item 3
play before the designated start time for † Printables
the session. LET’S GET CREATIVE • “Playlist”
• Direct groups to discuss the following: † Dry erase board or poster
with these questions printed
MASTERPIECES What is a definition of creativity? What to display:
• Assign each student one of the role do we play in creativity? What is • What is a definition of
following words: brush, paint, canvas, the most creative thing you have ever creativity?
easel. Instruct students to find the done? Allow a couple of volunteers to • What role do we play in
others with their word to form groups. share from their group discussions of creativity?
the second question. • What is the most creative
• Ask: “Who knows our VBS theme for thing you have ever done?
this summer?” (Spark Studios) Say: • Ask: “Does anyone know what a haiku † 4 large sheets of paper
“Our theme is built on creativity and is?” Say: “A haiku is a Japanese poem † Markers and crayons
the arts, with a focus on God as the that consists of three lines, with five † Pens
Master Artist. We will learn how God syllables in the first line, seven in the † 4 tear sheets
is working to redeem, reclaim, and second, and five in the third. To keep † Bibles
transform us—His creation—to the our creative juices flowing, we are † VBS 2022 Student Learner
original design He planned for us.” going to write a haiku. Within your Guides (1 per student)

• Give each group a large sheet of groups, get creative and write a haiku
paper and markers. Say: “Today, we about God as Creator.” Distribute a
will focus on the visual fine arts. The tear sheet to each group. Give them a
Leader Tip
first form we will explore is drawing.” few minutes. Then, ask each group to
Invite groups to work together to share. Congratulate students for being Ensure you comply with CCLI and

create a mural by drawing on the so creative and doing such a good job. streaming services guidelines
when playing music at your
sheet of paper. Say: “Every student • Instruct students to open their Bibles church. Contact your church’s
must contribute to the mural, and the to the middle. Ask: “What book of the worship leader for questions
mural needs to tell a story that makes Bible is in the center?” (Psalms) Invite about playing recorded music
during your sessions.
sense.” Play music from the “Playlist” six students to each read one of the
in the background as students work. Book of Psalms facts on page 4 in
After a short time, ask each group to their learner guides. Say: “In today’s
display their masterpieces. session we are going to learn about
• Refer students to their learner King David, his love for music, and
guides, page 4 to match the famous how he used songs and poems to
masterpieces to the artists who praise God.”
created them. After a short time, • Call attention to “Session 1 Poster”
provide the correct answers so (kit item 3) and point out that the verse
students can check their work. is found in Psalm 104:24. Recite this
• Say: “The artists who created verse in unison as a group.
these famous pieces of art in your • Say: “God created the world and
book were very creative. You may everything in it from nothing by simply
or may not consider yourself an speaking it into existence. He is the
artist, but God made all of us to be ultimate example of creativity. Before
creative. People reflect the creativity we dive into our Scripture passages,
of their creative God. We are His let’s pray.”
workmanship, a masterpiece in • Pray these words: “God, as we read
process.” Your Word, grant us wisdom and
understanding through Your Spirit.”

Examine Prep EXAMINE (30 MINUTES)
† Leader kit item 4 KINGLY DESIRES other names to see if they recognize
† Ask an artist or painter in any or find any that they are curious
• Call on a student to read Acts 13:21-23.
your church to paint a partial
Share the following context to these about.
image on a canvas.
† 4 tear sheets verses. Say: “The nation of Israel • Say: “God planned for King David to
† White crayons begged God for a king because all be part of the redemptive story, not
† Watercolor paints
the nations around them had one. So, the culmination of it. David would
† 1-inch paintbrushes
God gave them a king.” Ask: “What carry out God’s will. Jesus would be
† 4 cups of water
was this king’s name?” (Saul) “How the One to fulfill it.”
long was he king and why was he
† A plastic crown
no longer king?” (40 years, he failed • Display a canvas that has an
† Small sets of play dough
to obey God) Say: “God provided incomplete image on it, a painting
(1 for each student) that has not been completed. Point
a second king.” Ask: “What was his
name?” (David) to the canvas and say: “David was
Leader Tip part of God’s big picture, but it wasn’t
• Say: “God blessed David, and David about David, himself. We, too, are part
You may need a small bowl to became a mighty king. He was of God’s plan, but our lives are not
pour paint into and paper towels victorious in battle. He was powerful only about us. We live for something—
for clean up. and rich. He was a talented musician Someone—bigger than ourselves, to
who played instruments and wrote carry out His plans and purposes.”
songs. He was famous, and he
could have thought of himself as the • Give each group a tear sheet and a
greatest person in the world. But couple of white crayons. Lead them
instead, David chose to honor God.” to work together to summarize Acts
13:21-23 in one sentence as a social
• Ask: “According to these verses, who media post. Next, guide them to
was a direct descendant of King create a secret, hidden message
David?” (Jesus, Acts 13:23) Say: “God by writing their summary on their
had promised Israel a long time tear sheets using the white crayons.
before that He would send them a Instruct them to bear down with
Savior through the line of David, and their crayons so that the print will
He fulfilled that promise in Jesus. This not be too light. Once all groups
truth helps us remember that God’s have completed this, lead groups to
Word is true and that God always exchange their sheets with another
keeps His promises, even today.” group.
• Ask for a show of hands for any • Say: “Painting is another form of the
students or family members who visual fine arts. Earlier, we saw some
have traced their ancestry or done an of the great masterpieces in art history
ancestry test. in our learner guides. Painting media
• Direct students’ attention to consists of oil, tempera, acrylic and
“Genealogy of Jesus” (kit item 4). Say: one that we are going to use today—
“This is the lineage of Jesus.” Ask: watercolor.”
“Can you spot David’s name?” Use a • Distribute watercolor paints, 1-inch
marker to circle David’s name in the brushes, and a cup of water to each
line. Say: “Isaiah 11:1 tells us that there group. Direct groups to paint over the
will come forth a shoot from the stump tear sheets to discover the hidden
of Jesse, and a branch from his roots messages. Ask each group to read
shall bear fruit. Jesse was the father aloud the summary they discovered.
of David.” Then, draw attention to Commend groups for their work.
Jesus’ name on the list and draw a box
around it. Instruct them to look at the


PRAISE FOR CREATOR GOD Start slow at first. As the game gets going,
• Say: “Now, let’s go back to the Book of speed up giving commands, talking over
Psalms.” Lead them to turn to Psalm 104. each other, and even giving the same
Point out that David was the author of this commands. The goal is to confuse the
students as much as possible. Tell leaders
psalm. He wrote it as worship of God the
to take their place around the room.
Creator and as an argument against sun
worship. Say: “Even in these ancient times, • Say: “When I say go, our leaders will begin
people were worshiping things other than to call out commands for the rest of you
the God of creation.” Ask: “What are some to follow. Only follow those commands
things people today worship?” (money, preceded with ‘leader says.’ If a leader
gives a command but does not say ‘leader
phones, stuff, careers, relationships, and
says’ before the command, you are not to
so forth)
follow it. If they say ‘leader says’ and you
• Say: “In this psalm, David wrote about don’t follow the command, then you are
the greatness of God. He explained how out of the game. If you do a command that
everything God created has a place and is not preceded by ‘leader says,’ then you
a purpose. David celebrated God as the are out. The objective is to be among the
King of the Universe. He wrote that even last students still in the game when time is
the sun and moon follow God’s plan. called to end the game.”
David understood his place in creation. • Be mindful of your time, not allowing
God created David to be a king, but God is “Leader Says” to go on too long. Recognize
the true King of everything. Let’s read this the last student(s) standing. Ask students
chapter and break it down even further.” to debrief this activity, comparing the
leaders to other authority figures.
• Say: “As we read this psalm about Creator
God, we will discover other characteristics • Ask a student to read Psalm 104:5-9.
Invite students to call out examples of
of God.”
God’s authority found in these verses.
(established the foundations of the
earth, at His rebuke the water fled and
• Call on a student to read Psalm 104:1-4. mountains rose up) Ask: “What evidence
Hold up the crown. Say: “We see God as do we see in our everyday lives that God
King in these verses. David recognized his is in control and has ultimate authority?”
place before the Creator God as a place • Lead students to “God Is Authority” on
of submission.” page 5 of their learner guides.
• Ask students to share examples of king
language found in these verses: clothed GOD IS PROVIDER
with majesty and splendor, wraps himself • Call on a student to read Psalm 104:10-18.
in light as if it were a robe, spreading out Say: “Here, we see God’s provision.” Allow
the sky like a canopy, laying the beams of time for students to give examples of this
his palace on the waters above, making from the Scripture. (provides water for
the clouds his chariot, and so forth. all creatures, food for animals, crops for
people to cultivate)
• Ask students to complete the activities in
• Instruct students to answer the question in
the “God is King” section of their learner
“God Is Provider” on page 6 of their learner
guide on page 5.
guides. Then, invite them to share, one
at a time, some of the ways that God has
GOD IS AUTHORITY provided. In between each one, say: “God
• Say: “We are going to play a variation is our Provider.”
of the childhood favorite game ‘Simon
Says’ called ‘Leader Says!’ ” Ask for three • Ask: “How can you use what God has
or four students to serve as leaders. Pull given you to help someone in need?”
these students aside and give them these • Remind students that God may provide
instructions: You are to give students for others through us and our willingness
actions to perform. Precede some actions to share.
with ‘leader says…’ and others without it.
GOD IS DEPENDABLE • Say: “Another form of the visual fine
• Ask a student to read Psalm 104:19-23. arts is sculpture. The media an artist
Say: “In these verses, we see God’s uses for molded sculptures include
dependability through the orderliness clay, wax, paper-mache and plaster.
of creation.” We are going to experience sculpture
today using everyone’s childhood
• Lead students to page 6 of their favorite: play dough!”
learner guides to “God Is Dependable”
to complete the activity. • Give each student an individual-
Sharing the Gospel sized play dough container and give
• Ask students to ponder this question: instructions to use it to create a
This icon identifies an “Can God depend on you to share His representation of hope, both for today
opportune time to share the love and gospel with others who do and for the future.
gospel with students as led by not know Jesus?”
the Holy Spirit. • Refer students to page 7 in the learner
GOD IS OUR HOPE guide to answer the question found in
• Read Psalm 104:24-30 or ask a the “God Is Our Hope” section.
student to read these verses aloud.
Say: “Here, we see all of creation GOD IS WORTHY OF PRAISE
waiting for God’s future provision. We • Call on a student to read aloud
see David pause to worship God.” Psalm 104:31-35. Say: “In these last
verses of this passage, we see God’s
• Cross reference and read aloud people worship Him. He is worthy
Romans 8:18-23. Say: “When we have of our praise. The poem ends with
Christ in our lives, we have the hope ‘Hallelujah.’ which means ‘Praise God.’”
of an eternity with the Father. Jesus
made that possible by dying on the • Ask students to respond to the last
Apply Prep questions in the learner guide on
cross for all of our sins and being
† Leader kit item 5 resurrected, so we can be reconciled page 7 in the “God is Worthy of Praise”
(1 per student) and restored to God.” section. Encourage students to look
† Bulletin board paper up and read the Scripture passages
(1 per group) noted there at a later time.
† Colored chalk
† VBS 2022 Student Learner
Guides (1 per student)

CONCERT OF PRAISE » Seeing God as Creator, who created

• Say: “We are going to follow David’s me in His image as a unique
Leader Tip example from Psalm 104 and pause to masterpiece, I will ... .
take time to worship and participate » My role in God’s creativity leads me
If you have several students to ... .
in a concert of praise.” Encourage
who are artists, consider inviting
them to showcase some of their students to spread out. Play songs
work at an Art Show. If you are from “Playlist.” Lead students to PSALM 104:24
needing to fund raise for a trip, reflect on and give God praise • Give each group a sheet of black
think about holding a silent personally. After a few minutes, bulletin board paper and colored
auction of some of these items invite students to stand in a circle. chalk. Instruct them to print the words
(if okay with your students). Distribute a copy of “Responsive of Psalm 104:24 with the chalk and
Use “Art Show Promo Poster”
Reading - Concert of Praise” (kit item create verse art to go along with it.
printable to promote this event.
5) to each student. Invite students to • Lead each group to hang their art on
recite the lyrics of this hymn written a focal wall. Recite the verse in unison
by St. Francis of Assisi in 1225 as as one large group several times.
directed on the handout.
FOR ME? End the session by saying: “We are
beyond thankful that Jesus fulfilled
• Point students to open their learner
God’s promise of being our Savior.
guides to page 7 to complete the
following statements.
Recreation Prep
ROTATIONS (30 MINUTES EACH) † Text or email students and ask
them to bring their phones
MISSIONS with them to this session.
Remind them that they are not
Plans for leading a missions rotation can be found in the printable resources of the to use them until recreation,
student leader kit. and even then, not everyone
will need to use their phone.
† Make copies of “Photo List” for
RECREATION groups from printable items.
† Purchase a small prize for the

• Say: “In today’s session, we looked at drawing, painting, and sculpture as different Recreation Tip
forms of the visual fine arts. Another form is photography, and we are going to use Consider including at least one
photography during this recreation time.” leader to accompany each group
in the photo scavenger hunt.
• Inform students they are about to compete in a photo scavenger hunt. Form small
groups, possibly by gender, by grade in school, or by shoe color. Note: The point
of a photo scavenger hunt is for your students to engage with one another and
their environment while taking photos of their interactions, not just the act of
taking the photos themselves.
• Say: “I am going to give each group a list of photos that your group needs to take.
The first group to take all the photos, get back to me, and show me your photos
will be the winning team. The winning team will receive a prize.”
• Give these rules:
1. You can go anywhere on the church property to get your photos, but you cannot
leave campus.
2. Only use one phone per group.
3. You cannot enter any space where other groups are conducting VBS that
interrupts or distracts.
4. Walk at all times. While this is a competition, we cannot have groups running.
5. There should be no more than two groups at the same photo location at a time.
If that is the case, move on to the next photo on the list and come back.
6. Your group should report back at the end of 30 minutes. (Designate one student
in each group to set a time on his or her phone.) You will have no longer than 30
minutes to get your photos. If no group gets all of them, the winning team will
be the one that has taken the most photos.
Pass out “Photo List” and start the activity. Award the group with the most photos
from the list as the winner and give them a prize.

• Ask students to share how this activity relates to the lesson today.
• Share with students that God is Creator of all things, including all the items in their
photos. Point out the nature items they took pictures of including the small animal,
flowers, and insect. These may be the most obvious items. Explain that all pictures
included people and share how human beings are set apart in God’s creation. We
are all made as creative people to reflect our Creator God!

Crafts Prep
Earth Stress Ball
† Bible
Welcome students to the Crafts Design Center. Ask a volunteer to find and read
† Blue balloons (1 per student)
Psalm 104:24. Show the students the stress ball you made. Explain that students will
† Green balloons (2 per
be able to make a stress ball that looks like the earth, so that we can be reminded
that God is the marvelous Creator.
† Dry, empty water bottles
(1 per student)
† Funnels ASSEMBLE
† Flour (about ½ cup per Step 1: Place the funnel in the neck of a dry, empty Step 1
project) water bottle. Add about ½ cup of flour into
† Pencils the funnel. Use a pencil to poke the flour
† Damp cloths into the bottle, if necessary.
† Scissors
† Newspaper or VBS 2022
Tablecloths (9781087756639) Step 2: Inflate one of the green balloons as large as
to cover tables. you can, then release. Inflate it again, about
half full. Twist the neck of the balloon and
hold it closed.
Advanced Preparation
Step 3: Stretch the opening of the balloon over the Step 6
† Make a sample stress ball.
water bottle while holding the twisted neck
of the balloon closed. Continue to hold the
Leader Tip opening of the balloon around the top of
the bottle and allow the neck of the balloon
Keeping the flour cleaned from
to untwist. Invert the bottle and squeeze
the outside of the balloons will
allow the balloons to form a seal. so that the flour from the bottle goes into
the balloon.

Step 4: Once all the flour is in the balloon, hold the

neck of the balloon and slowly let out the air.

Step 5: Use the damp cloth to clean any flour from

the outside of the balloon. Set the balloon
on the table and cut off the neck of the

Step 6: Cut the neck from the second green

balloon. Carefully wrap the second balloon
over the balloon with the flour in it. Wipe
away any flour from the outside of the
Step 7

Step 7: Cut the neck from the blue balloon. Use

scissors to make a few cutouts from the
blue balloon. This will allow the green
balloon to show through to resemble
continents. Stretch the blue balloon over
the green.


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