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Chemical Periodicity Questions

1. Which of these does not reflect the periodicity of the elements

(a) Bonding behaviour (b) Electronegativity (c) Ionization energy (d) Neutron/proton ratio
2. The tenth elements in the periodic table resembles with the
(a) First period (b) Second period (c) Fourth group (d) Ninth group
3. On moving from left to right across a period in the table the metallic character
(a) Increases (b) Decreases
(c) Remains constant (d) First increases and then decreases
4. Chemical property of Li and Mg similar because
(a) These belong to same group (b) Both ionisation potential is same
(c) Shows diagonal relationship (d) Both electron affinity is same
5. If the atomic number of an element is 33, it will be placed in the periodic table in the
(a) First group (b) Third group (c) Fifth group (d) Seventh group
6. Which of the following statement is not correct regarding hydrogen atom
(a) It resembles halogens in some properties (b) It resembles alkali metals in some properties
(c) It can be placed in 7 group of periodic table (d) It cannot be placed in first group of periodic table
7. Ongoing left to right in a period, in transition metals, their atomic volumes
(a) Decrease (b) Increase (c) Remain same (d) None of these of correct
8. The screening effect of d-electrons is
(a) Equal to that of p-electrons (b) More than that of p-electrons
(c) Same as f-electrons (d) Less than p-electrons
9. From which of the following the hydration energy of Mg 2+ is larger

(a) Na + (b) Al 3+ (c) Be 2+ (d) Cr 3+

10. The chemistry of lithium is very similar to that of magnesium even though they are placed in different groups
(a) Both are found together in nature (b) Both have nearly the same size
(c) Both have similar electronic configuration (d) The ratio of their charge to size is nearly the same
11. Which of the following statement is not correct for the element having electronic configuration 1s 2 ,2s 2 p 6 , 3s 1

(a) It is a monovalent electropositive (b) It forms basic oxide

(c) It is a non-metal (d) It has low electron affinity
12. If an atom has electronic configuration 1s 2 2s 2 2 p 6 3s 2 3 p 6 3d 3 4 s 2 , it will be placed in
(a) Second group (b) Third group (c) Fifth group (d) Sixth group
13. The electronic configuration of an element is 1s 2 , 2s 2 2 p 6 , 3 s 2 3 p 3 . What is the atomic number of the element which is

just below the above element in the periodic table

(a) 33 (b) 34 (c) 31 (d) 49
14. The elements having the electronic configuration, [ Kr ] 4d 10 f 14 , 5 s 2 p 6 d 2 , 6 s 2 belongs to
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(a) s-block (b) p-block (c) d-block (d) f-block

15. Which pair of elements has same chemical properties

(a) 13, 22 (b) 3, 11 (c) 4, 24 (d) 2, 4
16. Under normal condition which of the following electronic configuration is able to form dipositive ion
(a) [Ar] 4 s1 (b) [Ne ] 2s 2 3 p 6 (c) [Ne ] 3s 2 (d) None of these

17. The ratio between radii of He + ion and H atom is

1 3
(a) (b) 1 (c) (d) 2
2 2
18. The smallest among the following ions is

(a) Na + (b) Mg +2 (c) Ba 2+ (d) Al 3+

19. Which is smallest in size

(a) O 2− (b) C 4 − (c) F − (d) N 3−
20. Which of the following has largest size
(a) Al (b) Al + (c) Al +2 (d) Al +3
21. Of the following, the one with largest size is

(a) Cl − (b) Ar (c) K + (d) Ca 2+

22. Which cation has smallest radius
(a) K + (b) Na + (c) Li + (d) Be 2 +

23. The radii of F, F − , O and O −2 are in the order of

(a) O 2−  F −  O  F (b) O 2−  F −  F  O (c) F −  O 2−  F  O (d) O 2−  O  F −  F

24. Which of the following has the smallest size

(a) Na + (b) Mg +2 (c) Cl − (d) F −

25. Which of the following is largest

(a) Cl − (b) S 2−
(c) Na + (d) F −
26. Which ion has greatest radius in the following

(a) H − (b) F − (c) Br − (d) I −

27. Increasing order of atomic radii is
(a) Mg 2+  Na +  Ne  F −  O 2− (b) Na +  Mg ++  Ne  F −  O 2−

(c) O 2−  F −  Ne  Na +  Mg 2+ (d) Ne  O 2−  F −  Na +  Mg 2+

28. The ionic radii of Li+ , Na + , K + are in which of the following order

(a) K +  Na+  Li+ (b) K +  Na +  Li+ (c) K +  Na +  Li+ (d) Li+  Na+  K +
29. The incorrect statement among the following is
(a) The first ionisation potential of Al is less than the first ionisation potential of Mg
(b) The second ionisation potential of Mg is greater than the second ionisation potential of Na
(c) The first ionisation potential of Na is less than the first ionisation potential of Mg

(d) The third ionisation potential of Mg is greater than the third ionisation potential of Al
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30. The second ionisation potential of an element M is the energy required to
(a) Remove one mole of electron from one mole of gaseous anion
(b) Remove one mole of electron from one mole of gaseous cation of the element
(c) Remove one mole of electron from one mole of monovalent gaseous cation of the element
(d) Remove 2 moles of electrons from one mole of gaseous atoms
31. The ionization energy of an element is
(a) The same as the electron affinity of the element
(b) Equal in magnitude but of opposite sign to the electron affinity of the element
(c) The energy released when an electron is added to an atom of the element
(d) The energy required to remove the outermost electron of an atom of the element
32. The first ionisation energies of alkaline earth metals are higher than those of the alkali metals. This is because
(a) There is increase in the nuclear charge of the alkaline earth metals
(b) There is a decrease in the nuclear charge of the alkaline earth metals
(c) There is no change in the nuclear charge
(d) None of the above
33. The statement that is not correct for the periodic classification of elements is
(a) The properties of elements are the periodic functions of their atomic numbers
(b) Non-metallic elements are lesser in number than metallic elements
(c) The first ionisation energies along a period vary in a regular manner with increase in atomic number
(d) For transition elements the d -sub-shells are filled with electrons monotonically with increase in atomic number
34. Ionization potential is lowest for
(a) Halogens (b) Inert gases (c) Alkaline earth metals (d) Alkali metals
35. Ionization energy increases in the order
(a) Be , B, C, N (b) B, Be , C, N (c) C, N , Be , B (d) N , C, Be , B

36. The ionization energy of nitrogen is larger than that of oxygen because of
(a) Greater attraction of electrons by the nucleus
(b) The size of nitrogen atom being smaller
(c) The half-filled p -orbitals possess extra stability
(d) Greater penetration effect
37. The formation of the oxide ion O(g) requires first an exothermic and then an endothermic step as shown below

O(g) + e − = O−(g)H 0 = −142 kJmol −1

O(g) + e − = O(g)
H 0 = 844 kJmol −1

This is because
(a) O − ion will tend to resist the addition of another electron
(b) Oxygen has high electron affinity
(c) Oxygen is more electronegative
(d) O − ion has comparatively larger size than oxygen atom

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38. Which among the following elements have lowest value of IE1
(a) Pb (b) Sn (c) Si (d) C
39. The first ionisation potential is maximum for
(a) B (b) N (c) O (d) Be
40. The correct order of ionisation energy for comparing carbon, nitrogen and oxygen atoms is
(a) C  N  O (b) C  N  O (c) C  N  O (d) C  N  O
41. The correct order of electron affinity of B, C, N, O is
(a) O  C  N  B (b) B  N  C  O (c) O  C  B  N (d) O  B  C  N
42. Which one has maximum electron affinity
(a) N (b) Be (c) B (d) Cl
43. The electron affinity values for the halogens show the following trend
(a) F  Cl  Br  I (b) F  Cl  Br  I (c) F  Cl  Br  I (d) F  Cl  Br  I
44. Which element has maximum electron affinity
(a) Na (b) S (c) Mg (d) Al
45. Ionic compounds are formed most easily with
(a) Low electron affinity, high ionisation energy (b) High electron affinity, low ionisation energy
(c) Low electron affinity, low ionisation energy (d) High electron affinity, high ionisation energy
46. Which of the following pairs show reverse properties on moving along a period from left to right and from top to down
in a group
(a) Nuclear charge and electron affinity (b) Ionisation energy and electron affinity
(c) Atomic radius and electron affinity (d) None of these
47. Ongoing from right to left in a period in the periodic table the electronegativity of the elements
(a) Increases (b) Decreases
(c) Remain unchanged (d) Decreases first then increases
48. Which one of the following represents the electronic configuration of the most electropositive element

(a) [He] 2s1 (b) [Xe]6s1 (c) [He] 2s 2 (d) [Xe]6s 2

49. An atom with high electronegativity has

(a) Large size (b) High ionisation potential
(c) Low electron affinity (d) Low ionisation potential
50. Which of the following property displays progressive increase with the rise in atomic number across a period in the
periodic table
(a) Electronegativity (b) Electron affinity (c) Ionization potential (d) Size of the atom
51. With respect to chlorine, hydrogen will be
(a) Electropositive (b) Electronegative (c) Neutral (d) None of the above
52. Among Al 2 O 3 , SiO 2 , P2 O 3 and SO 2 the correct order of acid strength is

(a) Al 2 O 3  SiO 2  SO 2  P2 O 3 (b) SiO 2  SO 2  Al 2 O 3  P2 O 3

(c) SO 2  P2 O 3  SiO 2  Al 2 O 3 (d) Al 2 O 3  SiO 2  P2 O 3  SO 2

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53. If the valence shell electronic structure for an element is ns 2 np 5 , this element will belong to the group of
(a) Alkali metals (b) Inert metals (c) Noble gases (d) Halogens
54. Strongest reducing agent is

(a) Cl 2 (b) Cl − (c) Br − (d) I −

55. The correct order of increasing order of oxidising power is

(a) F2  Cl 2  Br2  I2 (b) F2  Br2  Cl 2  I2 (c) Cl 2  Br2  F2  I2 (d) I2  Br2  Cl 2  F2
56. Variable valency in general, is exhibited by
(a) Transition elements (b) Gaseous elements (c) Non-metals (d) s -block elements
57. The maximum valency of an element with atomic number 7 is
(a) 2 (b) 5 (c) 4 (d) 3
58. Which of the following metals exhibits more than one oxidation state
(a) Na (b) Mg (c) Fe (d) Al

59. Which of the following elements is found in native state

(a) Al (b) Au (c) Cu (d) Na
60. 3 and 6 electrons are present in the outermost orbit of A and B respectively. The chemical formula of its compound will
(a) A 3 B2 (b) A 2 B 3 (c) A 2 B (d) AB

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