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God Matters – Alex Mabe Perhaps you have been given this gift of
Dorothy Posey, Church Secretary
John Bryan - Interim Pastor 803-279-0415
friendship and thus know well how the appre-
No longer do I call you servants, for the serv- ciative love of a friend can reveal one an-

You can also visit our website for service

ant does not know what his master is doing; other’s beauties. Perhaps you have learned

but I have called you friends, for all that I that you are a better person when in the pres-

Your Church Staff

have heard from my Father I have made ence of a friend that respects and encour-

Livestreaming Services
are continuing as follows:
known to you. John 15:15 ages you. Perhaps you have had a friend
that has always been there for you in the

Worship - 10:30am
Truly, demonstrating love in our lives is a good times and the bad. Surely, such a

on Sunday
powerful tool for the Lord. Yet, loving other friend stirs up a love in our hearts for others.
people can be one of the most difficult things Yet, greater still is the love stirred by our
to do in life. Jesus, however, has given us Friend, Jesus. For He declared and lived the
Nov. 18, 2021 • Vol. 44, Issue 46 the answer as to the how, “As I have loved words, “Greater love has no man than this:
you.” (John 13:34) So let us continue t study to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”
how Jesus has loved us so that we, too, can
It’s On My Heart

love one another.
As the days of his departure were growing
Last Sunday was a historical marker in near, Jesus was preparing his disciples for
the life of our church. You were able to the coming days. In His final words, divine
experience and witness the commission- love is forevermore evident in these remarka-
ing of God’s appointed pastoral team for ble words of Jesus to His disciples, “I have
the future. As you met and heard from the called you friends…” Oh, what life changing
words to be told that you are no longer a
three lead pastors of Warren Baptist “servant”...someone that is merely useful in
Church, you now understand that God’s one’s endeavors. “No, you are now my friend,

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North Augusta, SC 29861-8168

P.O. Box 8168
Belvedere First Baptist Church
hand has been on this transition from the my companion, one that shares my vision of
beginning. the world, and one that is appreciated for the
This Sunday we will gather around contributions that you can make.” To be
God’s Word, while singing His praises called His friend, however, there is the condi-
tion of doing what He commands (John
and following His direction through the 15:14). And sadly, Jesus’ disciplines then and
multiple decisions which have been made now are prone to wander, and so painfully we
and are being made to prepare for the often fail in our obedience to our Lord God.
coming days and years ahead. I will lead Nevertheless, Jesus forgives and looks be-
us in “Directing God’s Decisions” as we yond our failures and invites us into his crea-
study together how to take the essential tive and redeeming work. As His friends, we
are invited to walk shoulder-to-shoulder in a
steps to keep us moving forward. journey that will certainly test our mettle. And
Keep reading the daily devotional pray- when we ring true for Him, appreciative love
er guide and keep declaring the greatness grows within our friendship. What an encour-
of our awesome God. agement there is to be found in Jesus’ words
to His Friends, “You did not choose me, but I
The best is yet ahead! chose you and appointed you so that you
Pastor John Bryan
Permit #20
Augusta, GA
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Non-Profit Org.

might go and bear fruit - fruit that will last -

and so that whatever you ask in my name the
Father will give you.” (John 15:16) How uplift-
Our Mission: We exist to obey Jesus Christ by ing to know that we are chosen and appoint-
continuously reaching out to create relation- ed by the Lord Jesus Christ, and as His
ships and share Christ’s story in order to make friends we are given the power and the op-
mature disciples. portunity to bear fruit that will last forever.
Weekly Ministry Opportunities Stewardship Report
Sunday, Nov. 21 LOTTIE MOON
9:15a Sunday School Week of: Nov. 14, 2021
imb CHRISTMAS Teens Reserved Unto True Holiness
Weekly Needs $6,281.00
10:30 Worship/John Bryan
4:00p Outreach-Pray & Go OFFERING Weekly Tithe $4,706.14
5:45 Small Group (J.Baker) YOUTH - Sunday School @ Needs/Date $289,648.10
Thursday, Nov. 25 Let’s Advance 9:15am Offering/Date $255,197.07
Thanksgiving Day! God’s Kingdom (Online giving included this week)
No Newsletter or ESL Class this week
Missions #8025 $50.00
Thursday & Friday, Nov. 25 & 26 Together Congratulations Home Bound Meals #5454 $60.00
Church Office Closed for Thanksgiving BFBC!
November 28 - December 5 Belvedere Elem. School #5170 $20.00
You filled 44 shoe- Poinsettias (1) #8080 $15.00
Sunday, Nov. 28 Our Goal: $8,000 boxes to be delivered Wed. Stitch Group #5500 $45.00
9:15a Sunday School
10:30 Worship/John Bryan/ 100% of your gifts go directly to to children across the
Lord’s Supper/Quarterly Business IMB missionaries and their world.
Mtg. ministries overseas. Members In Service
4:00p Outreach-Pray & Go Welcome Team
5:45 Small Group (J.Baker) Thank You Linda & Everett Gregory 11/21
Monday, Nov. 29 Sympathy A note of appreciation was received from Freddie Holton, Arnold Wilde 11/28
10:00a Sanctuary Beautification Commit-
Our heartfelt prayers are extended to all the vol- Mike and Donna Wilson and is posted
tee - decorate for Christmas Safety
unteers with the Good News Club in the passing
of one of their own, Mrs. Alice Hester.
on the bulletin board outside the church John Baker, Jake Farr 11/21
office. Olin Boatwright 11/28
Sound & Multimedia Team
Jim Seymour, Phil Solesbee
Belvedere Elementary School Christmas Souper Sunday Scott Wilk, Michael Goodridge
Needs Ushers
Underwear/new (Boys & Girls: 4, 6, 8, 10,
Poinsettias Sunday, Dec. 12, 2021 Freddie Holton, Dave Armstrong 11/21
12) Please complete the following form and return What to bring: Arnold Wilde, Jim Seymour 11/28
Pants or Shorts - Elastic waist (Boys & with your payment of $15.00 per Poinsettia to the Please bring a crockpot of soup, corn- Deacons-On-Call
Girls: sizes 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, & Adult Small), church office. (make your check out to the church) bread, and/or a dessert to share with
Socks, Toothpaste, Deodorant Phil Solesbee / 803-278-2291
others. Scott Wilk / 803-278-5033
(Boys & Girls), Deadline to order is Dec. 5th Time: Following the morning worship
Snacks - nothing with peanut butter or service. Extended Session
nuts - individually packaged, Fruit Name: _________________________________
Ministry Opportunity: Sunday School & Worship Service
Snacks, Chips, etc. We will be taking donations for a Carolyn Rhoden, Kaye Mabe 11/21
Coats or Hoodies (5T, 6, 8, 10, 12, adult # of Poinsettias ordered: ___________________
needy family during this fellowship so Carolyn Rhoden, Ginny Fulmer 11/28
small, adult medium) come prepared to be a Christmas bless-
Total amt. due: __________________________ Pray & Go Team Schedule
Also any small items that can be used as ing and enjoy good food and fellowship.
rewards would be appreciated. In Memory of: ___________________________
Nov. 21, 2021
Look for sign up sheets around the building! Freddie & Betty Holton, Rebecca Pittman
Drop off your donations in the large box Scott & Evie Wilk, Laura Arthur, Keith Head
in the hall outside the church office. In Honor of: _____________________________ Sponsored by our Women’s Ministry No Pray & Go for Nov. 28 - Holiday

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