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Art From Nature

Learning Intention: To learn how items from nature can take the place of paint, pencil and other
mediums to create art works.
 Success Criteria: To effectively use objects from nature to create images/shapes for an artwork.
Look at the following images that I’ve collected for inspiration. You can also create your own idea.

1. Collect a variety of different types of readily found objects from nature and
sort them into colors and shapes. EG; leaves,twigs,grass flowers.
2. Decide on the type of image that you would like to make EG: portrait,
landscape, animal or still life.
3. Draw your image outlines and decide on the placement of your nature pieces.
4. Glue the pieces (if you can glue).
5. If no glue is available, simply place the nature pieces onto your image.
6.  Take a Take a photo of your work and submit it onto compass. You could
also do this by using your camera on your computer to show me your work via
our ‘Teams Chat’ next lesson.

Have fun

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