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Gonzaga, Reinalene V.

October 25, 2021

SBIE 1F Mr. Emmanuel Sotelo


Directions: Read carefully and thoroughly the textual content of this topic and answer the following

1. What is leadership? And how he or she affects the people who are under to him / her?

Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and

directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. It affects the people who
are under his/her leadership is like a leader without having competency may not be effective and
efficient in leading an organization. When we see in light of Good Governance, efficiency, and
effectiveness in giving services to the public, utilization of resources both human and material is among
the key principle of Good Governance.

2. What is governance? Do you think those who are in seat use their power to govern their
constituents properly? name one leader you admire because of his or her good governance.

Good Governance is among other things involves participation, transparency, accountability and

Rule of law. It also involves effectiveness and equity in governance activity. Good governance ensures
that political, social and economic priorities are based on broad consensus in society and that the voices
of the poorest and the most vulnerable are heard in decision-making over the allocation of development
resources. Yes, I think those who are in seat use their power to govern their constituents properly. One
leader that I admire the most because of his good governance is Mayor Francis “Isko” Moreno
Domagoso. Because it makes a big change to the Manila City. The improvements, new rules, cleanliness
and organize.

3. How are leadership and governance inter related?

Leadership is instrumental in the course of enhancing the life of the people and realizing the

Goals of good governance. It is the ability to influence others to achieve objectives, protects and ensures
the highest quality of life while providing the much needed direction for good governance.

4. What are the types of leadership? And for you what type of leadership is needed in the
There are 3 types of leadership. Autocratic Leadership style, Democratic Leadership style,
Laissez-fare or Free-rein leadership style. For me, leadership that needed in the Philippine is
Laissez-fare or Free-rein leadership style.
5. What are the characteristics of leaders?
Personality, Knowledge, Integrity, Initiative, Communication Skills, Motivation Skills, Self-
Confidence and Will-Power, Intelligence, Decisiveness and Social Skills.
6. Why is leadership important in an organization?
Leadership is a vital management function that helps to direct an organization’s resources for
improved efficiency and the achievement of goals. Effective leaders provide clarity of purpose,
motivate and guide the organization to realize its mission.
7. How would you plead an organization with different cultures?
I will lead an organization with different cultures by first, Define desired values and behaviors.
Align culture with strategy and processes. Connect culture and accountability. Have visible
proponents. Define the non-negotiables. Align your culture with your brand. Measure your
efforts. Don’t rush it. Invest now. Be bold and lead.
8. How would you show leadership in school to influence others in following protocols of safety
against COVID-19?
While significant, the COVID-19 pandemic is unlikely to be the last crisis we will face in our
lifetime, and it’s not the first time that school leaders have been called upon to lead through
times of ambiguity. Challenges faced by school leaders have ranged from rebuilding after
environmental disasters through to supporting communities through economic, social and
emotional devastation. During these times, Me, as a student, if I will be a school leader have
provided clarity and direction, built resilience and instilled hope as they remained focused on
the best possible outcomes for their students and school communities.
9. How important is being a good follower to become an effective leader?
As a good follower, you have the courage and confidence to respectfully discuss with your
leader if you believe you're not going in the right direction. You trust that your leader would
appreciate the spirit of your input and engagement.
10. How will you describe the kind of leadership of President Rodrigo Duterte?
He has moral leadership. He helps the good and fights the bad. The good are the youth. The bad
are the drug dealers. The good are the consuming public. The bad are the oligarchs that raise
prices. The good are the oppressed farmers. The bad are the landlords who abuse them and the
communists who recruit them. The key is to find the biases of your teacher and then arrange
your logic to feed that bias. In other words, put what-you-think-your-teacher-likes into the
‘good’ side of this good vs bad logic. In my own perspective, Pres. Duterte’s leadership can be
polarizing to the Filipino people. Some may like him; some may hate him and that is life. Based
on my perception, I think he is the leader that we truly need these times. A hands-on and a strict
leader together with political will. His administration has achieved many things than the
previous one.


Imagine you are a barangay captain of your barangay. Make a situations where people in the
community need to follow social distancing. Create or formulate your own concept of protocol
about social distancing and how will you lead them to follow your instruction?
As a barangay captain, I will make my own concept of protocol about social distancing and how
will I lead them to follow my instruction are the following:

10 ways that I can reduce the spread of Covid-19

1. Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after any activity.
- This includes blowing your nose, coughing, etc. Always wash your hands before eating or

2. Wear a mask or cloth face covering.

- A cloth face covering may not protect the wearer, but it may keep the wearer from
spreading the virus to others. To reduce the spread of COVID-19, I recommend that people wear
cloth face coverings in public settings when around people outside of their household, especially
when other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.

3. Maintain social distancing. Work from home if possible and avoid large gatherings, public
spaces and public transportation.

- Keep three to six feet between yourself and others. Avoid social touching, this includes
shaking hands, kissing or hugging, instead try a hand wave or a smile.

4. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

- Be mindful to keep your hands away from any location on your face where a virus could enter
your body.

5. Clean "high-touch" surfaces regularly.

- It's still unknown if COVID-19 can spread from hard surfaces to people or how long it may live
outside the human body. Take extra caution and clean high-touch surfaces like tables,
doorknobs, light switches, desks, toilets, faucets, and sinks with household disinfectants that are
appropriate for the surface.

6. Stop sharing.

- Even though you may usually steal a bite from your kid’s plate or share a dessert with a friend
or spouse, now is the time to be selfish with your food. Don’t share any common kitchen objects
such as dishes, drinking glasses, utensils, cups, and, of course, food with anyone, even the
people in your home. Also be sure to wash any kitchen items thoroughly after use with hot
water and soap, or put them in the dishwasher.

7. If you think you have symptoms of COVID-19

- People who are mildly ill with COVID-19 are able to recover at home. Do not leave, except to
get medical care.

8. Avoid any unnecessary travel.

- While you may be tempted to visit your grandkids or family, don’t travel during this time
because it may expose you to someone who may be infected.
9. Prepare for your needs in case you’ll need to stay home for an extended period.

- Make sure you have enough groceries, household items and medications (including over-
the-counter medicines) on hand, and that you know how to order more either online or by making a
phone call.

10. Have a plan if you get sick.

- Talk to friends and family about who can help you if you get sick. Plan who could cook and
deliver meals, run errands and even take care of you.

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