Jobs Reading. Would You Dare A Job Like This Kl11

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Field: Language Subject: English Level: V Class:

and XI
Topic: Learning Situation:
Jobs + Reading. Would you dare a job like this? People's jobs

Learning Outcomes (competence based) Key words:

At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
Estate agent, lawyer, flight
- Identify different types of jobs.
attendant, mechanic, engineer,
- Read the text and get the meaning of the new words.
stockbroker, company, beyond
- Answer to comprehension questions about the text.
the limits, encounter, dorsal fin,
- Give a definition of words in the exercises.
marvel at, highlight etc.
- Talk about the difficult job of Mike Rutzen.
Resources: Cross curricular links:

Methodology and activities
Methodology(stages of lesson) :
Link the subject to previous student's knowledge
Look at the picture on page 5. Can you identify people's job in the pictureComplete their
description using some of the vocabulary given in the text. Can you describe yourself using some
of the adjectives given there?
Contruction of new knowdege
Have a look at the pictures in the text book. Read the first paragraph of the text. What do you
think this text is going to be about? Can you descibe the people in the pictures. What are they
First of all I am going to ask students to read the text about The AKHA WAY and identify the
new words. Then I am going to read the text aloud again and I am going to explain the new
vocabulury. Later I will ask students to try and traslate the text with my help. This text is about
an old tribe up in the moutains of Southeast Asia called the Akha tribe. Their history goes back
hundreds if not thousands of years ago. To continue, I am going to explain what is required in
each exercise and ask students to complete them. In the first exercise students have to check the
given words in the word list and use describe the people in the picture. In the third exercise
students read the text and answer in their own words based on the text: What is the Akha way? In
the fourth exercise students have to read the text again and for each question choose the correct
answer A,B,C or D.
Presentation and demonstration of the achieved result
To reflect once more on the text they have to find words in it what mean the same as the words in
exercise 5 ex: Initially - originally, skin colour - complexion etc.
I will evaluate students on their participation in the lesson.

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