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Exercise/bachilleratopractice tests/test1 TEST 1


A)varios ejercicios de gramática:

1.- Pasiva: Somebody is helping the old man to cross the road.


2.- Estilo Indirecto. Sandra said, “ I can’t do the homework by myself and I need your help.”


3.- Causative HAVE / GET. Tomorrow the gardener is going to tidy John’s garden.

JOHN ………………………………………………………………………………

4.- Conditional: If it ………………………… (NOT RAIN) we …………………….. (CAN GO)

to the park yesterday evening.

5.- Tenses of the verb. While the sun …………………………. (SHINE) this morning, we
………………..(CUT) the grass.

6.- Modal verbs. I’m not sure yet but there’s a possibility I will go to the cinema tomorrow.
I ………………………….. to the cinema tomorrow.

7.- Wish. I wish …………………………… (NOT / EAT) that fish earlier. Now I feel ill.

8.- Verbs: By this time tomorrow, George ……………………. (FINISH) his work and he
……………………. (GO) to the airport to catch the plane to the Caribbean.

9.- Infinitive or gerund. He wanted …………………….. (BUY) a new car, but he could only
afford …………….. (BUY) a bike

10.- word building.

The children played …………………….in the school playground. (NOISE)

HOME ALONE (Select 1)
Tony Evans, 50, head of Portsmouth Grammar School, talks about the problems of neglected
children in middle class families.
We tend to think of neglected children as being exclusively from poor families. There have
always been “problem families”, and there always will be. But today, ignored, unhappy children are
now as common among affluent, intelligent and educated families as among families with poorer
Part of this neglect is caused by pressures of work. Parents of the professional classes work
far longer hours than they used to. Today, both partners in a marriage want carrers. But more than
that, parents are becoming more selfish, believing that other people can take care of their children’s

Twenty years ago, it was almost unheard of for a child to be alone at home. Every pupil, rich
or poor, would return at the end of the day to their family, where a meal would be waiting to be
eaten around the family table. The family would probably discuss things at that table. And that’s
where a child learns most – about how to live in a family and society.
But we all know that today the majority will now return to a sit-down meal round a table
with all the family. “Grazing”, the food grabbed at random from the fridge, eaten on knees in front
of the TV, has replaced the structured, sit-down meal.
We can’t even be sure that a child goes home to anyone at all. A surprising number of
pupils have to cope by themselves. Parents go away on holiday, skiing, or to the sun and enjoy
themselves. They leave the children at home alone to look after themselves.

1) According to the text, are these answers TRUE or FALSE? Give reasons for your answers.
(3 marks)

1.- Tony Evans is middle-aged.

2.- Neglected children are almost always from poor families.
3.- Middle class parents have less time with their families than in the past.
4.- Children can learn most about living in society from the television.
5.- Most families no longer eat together at a table and discuss things.
6.- Some parents leave their children on their own.

2) Explain the meaning of these words and expressions as they are used in the text. (1 mark)

1.- affluent (paragraph 1)

2.- careers (paragraph 2)

3) Find words and expressions in the text that mean the same as the expressions below.
(1 mark)

1.- social origins

2.- without any conscious choice

4) Make questions for the following answers. (1 mark)

1.- No-one looks after them.

2.- No, some of them are from richer families.

5) Choose the correct alternative in these sentences. ( 1 mark)

1.-Mrs Wilson is out at the moment, so the babysitter……

a) looks after the children.
b) is looking after the children.
2.- My father …….
a) works next Sunday.
b) is working next Sunday.

6) Write one of these essays in about 100 words.

a) describe one of your relatives.
b) describe a typical Sunday in your house.
c) describe the sitting room in your house.

Answers to test 1

1.- The old man is being helped to cross the road.

2.- Sandra said that she couldn’t do the homework by herself and that she needed my help.
3.- John is going to get / have the garden tidied tomorrow.
4.- If it hadn’t rained we could have gone / would have been able to go to the park yesterday
5.- While the sun was shining this morning, we cut the grass.
6.- I may/might go to the cinema tomorrow.
7.- I wish I hadn’t eaten that fish.
8.- By this time tomorrow, George will have finished his work and he will be going / will have
gone to the airport to catch the plane to the Caribbean.
9.- He wanted to buy a new car, but he could only afford to buy a bike
10.- The children played noisily in the school playground.

1 AFFLUENT means the same as RICH.
2 CAREERS means the same as PROFESSIONS, or JOBS.


1 Who looks after children when they return from school?
2 Are all neglected children from poor families?


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