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Promotion of Products-Through Ecommerce product can be promote in

an interesting way and with lots of information directly to the customers

which reduces the cost of offline promotion because internet can interact a

lot of customers and save amount of cost of advertisements can be used in

different areas of business.

 Customer Service-Customer service can be enhanced because customers

can search detailed information about product or marketplace which

offers the product and can compare the prices of different market places.

 Brand Image- New business men can establish their brands on internet by

using attractive images at an affordable price.

 Advertisement- Traditionally the advertisements were one- way to attract

customers and let them know about the new product or market place but

now through e-commerce advertisements are two-way in which customer

can browse the market place and product, can compare the prices and also

can ask questions to the online retailers [6].

 Customization-Customized products can be made available according to

the needs of customers. It will make a good place of business in market

and new customers will be attracted.

 Order Making Process-Traditionally to take orders from customers,

intermediaries are used which takes a lot of time and expenses but with ecommerce the order
taking is so easy which reduces a lot of time and

expenses and they can make more sales.

 Customer Value-Traditionally attaining a big value from the customers

was the main interest. Only customers were attracted and it was the

biggest target but now sellers make long term relationships with

customers to attain long term value by offering them special discounts

The 9 most common digital marketing

challenges for e-commerce:
1. Not getting lost in the volume
The digital world is booming, and almost every business out there has taken its
products/services online to reach out to the masses. According to a report by
Experian, most marketers are now facing the challenge of making their brand stand
out in the volumes available on the internet. This eventually leads to the difficulty of
running a brand awareness campaign or acquiring new customers.

What can you do?

While it is a fact that at least some of your products/services might be similar to
what another business has to offer, there is a minor aspect that is unique to you.
Discover the USP of your product/service and find ways to convey the same.
Conduct surveys on your existing customers and your target audience to better
understand what they are looking for and identify which needs your brand can fulfill.

2. Driving relevant traffic to the website

Continuing on the point above, marketers today are consistently facing a challenge in
spreading brand awareness in the right target market. This also makes it harder for
them to drive the ideal traffic to their business websites. Therefore, understanding
which channel to tap into and driving the relevant audience to your website to turn
them into customers is becoming an ongoing challenge for marketers.

What can you do?

Conduct an audit of your online activity. Identify what tactics you are opting to reach
out to your audience. Consider the content you’re producing, the channels you’re
presenting it on, your social presence, and the paid/unpaid campaigns you are
running. Use robust analytics to know which of them work the best for you and
optimize your efforts simultaneously. But it is essential to measure your analytics at
modest intervals of time to give each of your efforts enough span to work over.

3. Targeting the right audience effectively

The first and foremost thing that an effective marketer would do is identify their
target audience in the market. With the number of internet users increasing by the
day and their needs changing almost every second, targeting the right audience has
become one of the biggest challenges for marketers.
Keeping in mind what your business has to offer and what kind of problems it would
solve when put to use, create your value proposition. This will help you identify who
or what demographics would resonate with it the most when targeted.

What can you do?

Look at the general demographics of the market that you want to reach out to.
Identify their needs and create customer personas taking into consideration
their online behavior and possible future needs. In this case, companies
like Wigzo equip you with machine learning and predictive analytics tools to enable
better persona creation.

4. Lead generation using social media

When it comes to the various social channels, most businesses and marketers don’t
know how to remain consistent. Most of them feel that it is all about the paid
campaigns they are supposed to run for brand awareness and lead generation.
Although, both of them is a constant challenge with the ever-increasing market
Even though considerable marketing budgets are set aside by businesses, most
marketers cannot run their engagement into revenue. But you mustn’t just build your
social following – you need to get conversions that add up to the overall business

What can you do?

The most effective way to leverage social media is to integrate your marketing and
sales efforts. Sharing behavioral data and interaction levels with leads on social
media can help the sales team define a custom, personalized customer journey for
them – which they are more likely to convert on.

5. Optimizing marketing budgets and ROI

With the increase of digital channels and advanced analytics tools, marketers are
now expected to optimize the marketing budgets and the ROI to best suit the
business’s needs. He is expected to measure each effort and its value to achieve the
end goal – the number of leads generated or the revenue raised.

What can you do?

Tap into the power of machine learning and robust analytics regularly. An effective
marketer can gauge the value of every single lead generated from a marketing effort.
Understand the impact of each digital campaign on lead generation, test different
variants and approaches of reaching out to your target audience to optimize your
campaigns for much better results.
While you measure the digital inbound results, ensure that you consider the
outbound efforts being made by your business and what kind of results it is yielding.

6. Keeping up with the changing trends

The digital market and marketing techniques have changed drastically over the last
few years. And it continues to change even today to cater to the modern-day
addressable market needs. Hence, marketers need to stay up-to-date with all these
Be it the launch of a new social media platform or a technology that would make a
marketing effort more robust, marketers need to remain on top of things to ensure
their business does not lose out on possible conversions.

What can you do?

Consistently engage with your target audience on platforms that they are most
active on. The most effective way of doing so is to leverage social listening using
tools like Hootsuite. They help you understand what people are saying about you and
your product/service, what they expect – allowing you to become a part of their

7. A Check on Increased Security Risks

We have come across cases wherein online security has been compromised.  The
news and media keep it afresh. Since more information is shared online, hackers get
more incentives to find ways to get through security. Shopping, bill payment,
application submission, order copies, certificates, and other essential documents,
and so much more are stored online for easy access – making these spaces a
treasure trove for hackers and thieves. Venturing into digital marketing sure comes
with its cost of security getting compromised as most of the work remains online.
Security comes as a challenge.

What can you do?

You may already have a good firewall, HTTPS encryption, and maybe a good
antivirus program. But that’s not enough. You will need more. Sit out and work with
an authentic security team and identify your website’s weak spots and apps to
create measures to reduce risk.

8. Lesser Focus on Keywords

Keywords were the bread and butter of SEO sometime in the immediate past. You
just needed to find the right keywords and use them right, and your site could shoot
up to the top in the search results—helping you with more exposure and traffic.
Now Google has changed algorithms making the keywords less critical. However,
they are still to be used but are not the focus. Instead, it has become a topical
approach rather than seeking and finding one, meaning that Google first gets an
overall scope of your website.

What can you do?

First, you need to use search phrases instead of keywords and build content around
topics rather than coming up with content for each keyword you want to target.
Make your website a resource for the phase or question you need to target and see
the changes.

9. Effective Ad Copies for PPC Campaigns

Gone are the days when you could type in a ‘guess’ keyword in the PPC account, load
some budget and enable a campaign. That used to be sufficient!
It is a different world now for the PPC ad campaigns. Your copy not only has to make
sense but also has to stand out to be noticed by the coveted ‘clickers.’ Below are
some tips to keep in mind when writing PPC ad copies (Google) for your e-
commerce website and products;

 Make H1 catchy – Using trust-enforcing terms like Top, best, award-winning,

etc., in the first headline is critical. This is what either captures the user’s
attention in a split second. E.g., Most Awarded Cosmetic Store or Top
Camping Vendor are some that will work well.

 Keep H2 and H3 for Solution & Benefit – Your H2 must convey the solution in
one crisp sentence, and H3 should aim to highlight a critical benefit. E.g., for a
phone accessories brand, H2 can be Latest iPhone Accessories, and H3 can
be the Best Price Guarantee. 
 Use Sitelink Extensions effectively – Many e-commerce brands, especially
those just starting, do not use site link extensions in their PPC campaigns.
Sitelink extensions are those clickable ad-links that direct the user to specific
internal pages. E.g., Today’s Deals, Contact Us, Sign-Up, etc. The main benefit
of using site links is that Google tracks its analytics separately. So, you’ll
always know which extension link is getting more clicks and how do they
compare to your overall ad’s performance. Then, you can tweak the copy &
links accordingly.

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