Reading & Writing QUIZ 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region II
Division of Cagayan



_____1. The pattern that uses deductive form of reasoning.

a. Definition b. Description c. Exemplification d. Narration
_____2. The pattern that has three parts
a. Definition b. Cause and Effect c. Problem-Solution d. Persuasion
_____3. In this pattern, the writer needs to use concrete and specific words.
a. Narration b. Description c. Comparison and Contrast d. Exemplification
_____4. The pattern of development that tells a story.
a. Description b. Problem-Solution c. Narration d. Definition
_____5. These patterns are often used together when examining all sides of an issue.
a. Problem-Solution b. Cause and Effect c. Persuasion d. Comparison and Contrast
_____6. This pattern highlights the causal relationship between two concepts.
a. Cause and Effect b. Problem-Solution c. Comparison and Contrast d. Persuasion
_____7. The writer use this pattern if s/he wants to explicitly persuade the readers that his/her proposition is
a. Prolem-Solution b. Definition c. Exemplification d. Persuasion
_____8. This is used to deal with topics that pose problems and present solutions in a logical manner.
a. Cause and Effect b. Description c. Comparison and Contrast d. Problem-Solution
_____9. One way to use the cause and effect pattern in which the cause is stated at the beginning of a
paragraph followed by sentences stating the effects
a. Cause to Effect b. Effect to Cause c. Consecutive cause and effect
_____10. This is best for presenting a single effect with different causes.
a. Cause to Effect b. Effect to Cause c. Consecutive cause and effect
_____11. The writer explains each cause and effect completely before moving on to the next cause and effect.
a. Cause to Effect b. Consecutive cause and effect c. Effect to Cause
_____12. The cause of the problem is identified and analyzed before a possible solution is presented
a. Problem-solution b. Problem-cause-solution c. Problem-process-solution
_____13. The problem is expressed in a simple statement, and a possible solution is given.
a. Problem-Solution b. Problem-cause-solution c. Problem-process-solution
_____14. The problem is addressed; the readers are led to the solution
a. Problem-Solution b. Problem-cause-solution c. Problem-process-solution
_____15. To use this technique in persuasion pattern, the writer must provide examples that can enhance
his/her idea or opinion and make it concrete
a. Giving Examples b. Using Evidence c. Attacking an Opposing View
_____16. Facts and statistics, statements of expert authorities, and research findings are used in this technique
to persuade the readers.
a. Attacking an Opposing View b. Giving Examples c. Using Evidence
_____17. Asserting the writer's opinion by criticizing or attacking someone or an opposing idea
a. Using Evidence b. Attacking an Opposing View c. Giving Examples
_____18. The opening paragraph in the persuasive text.
a. Need Step b. Attention Step c. Satisfaction Step d. Visualization Step
_____19. The part where you make your readers "visualize" themselves in the future as enjoying the benefits of
the proposed action.
a. Action Step b. Need Step c. Visualization Step d. Attention Step
_____20. The part where you present the problem
a. Satisfaction Step b. Need Step c. Action Step d. Visualization Step
_____21. This is where you present the solution to the problem.
a. Satisfaction Step b. Need Step c. Action Step d. Visualization Step
_____22. The part where you conclude your essay by moving your audience to action.
a. Attention Step b. Need Step c. Visualization Step d. Action Step
_____23. What is the first part of Definition Pattern?
a. General Class b. Term, concept, or subject to be defined c. Characteristics
_____24. What is the third part in creating a text using the definition pattern?
a. General Class b. Characteristics c. Term, concept, or subject
_____25. The part where the topic belongs.
a. General Class b. Term, concept, or subject c. Characteristics
_____26. Which of the following strategies in writing contains the following: the who, what, and when?
a. Description b. Narration c. Definition d. Persuasion
_____27. It is called the central idea.
a. Supporting details b. Clinching sentence c. Topic sentence
_____28. What do you call this statement below?

Friends can be classified according to honesty, loyalty, the type that fits you into their schedule, or the type that finds
time for you when they need something. An honest friend tells you the truth even if it's not always what you want to

a. Definition b. Cause and Effect c. Persuasion d. Division and Classification

_____29. Which of the following signal words used in cause and effect relationships?
a. Because b. Even if c. So that d. Additionally
_____30. Which of the following choices is included in the problem-solution essay/ paragraph?
a. Introduction b. Problem Paragraph c. Solution Paragraph d. all of the above
_____31. Which of the following signal words in drawing conclusion is not included in the choices?
a. Therefore b. Thus c. Because d. Hence
_____32. It is a factual description of the topic.
a. Description b. Objective description c. Subjective description
_____33. It is the exact meaning of the word.
a. Connotation b. Denotation
_____34. What strategy of writing does the paragraph convey?

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.

Most people who fall sick with COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate symptoms and recover without special

a. Description b. Narration c. Definition d. Persuasion

_____35. This method of paragraph development involves similarities and differences between two things.
a. Subjective Description
b. Objective Description
c. Comparison and Contrast
d. Division and Classification

Prepared by:

SHS English Teacher

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