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FaluN CaveuN DM Map aulo villa village

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by Ken Rolston and Elizabeth Danforth

Table of Contents
Introduction 2
History of the Northern Reaches 4
Geography of the Northern Reaches 7
Nations of the Northern Reaches 9
Ostland 9
Vestland 14
The Soderfjord Jarldoms 18
Non-Human Races 23
Court of Cnute 32
Adventures 37
Falun Caverns 37
Otkel's Stead 47
Thejarl's Hall 57
Campaign Notes 60
Adapting Gazetteers to AD&D® Campaigns 64

What Everyone Knows 1
Northlands Society 4
Creating Northman Player Characters 9
Clerics in the Northern Reaches 24
Power Runes 29
Falun Caverns Player Map 32


Design: Ken Rolston, Elizabeth Danforth REALMS, WORLD OF GREYHAWK, and BATTLESYSTEM are
Editing: Elizabeth Danforth registered trademarks owned by TSR, Inc.
Product Manager: Bruce Heard
trademarks owned by TSR, Inc.
Coordinators: Karen S. Boomgarden, Bruce Heard Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random
Cover Artist: Clyde Caldwell House, Inc., and in Canada by Random House of Canada, Ltd.
Interior Artist: Stephen Fabian Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors.
Graphic Design: Stephanie Tabat Distributed in the United Kingdom by TSR UK Ltd.
Cartography: Dave Sutherland, Dennis Kauth
Typography: Kimjanke and Betty Elmore This module is protected under the copyright laws of the United
Playtesters: Mike Doolittle, Dick Garner, Anna Harmaty, States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use
George Johnson, Paul Rini, Dave Stephens, Martin of the written material or artwork herein is prohibited without
the express written permission of TSR, Inc.
Wixted, Mark O'Green
1988 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A.

TSR Inc. TSR UK Ltd.

POB 756 The Mill, Rathmore Road
Lake Geneva, Cambridge CB14AD
WI 53147 USA United Kingdom
ISBN O-88O38-573-1
"The Northman is without peer in cour- another thing, this is a fantasy roleplay- plans to design his own adventures in this
age and might of arms. None can ques- ing game, not a historical roleplaying setting, or develops only a few of the sce-
tion our glory and honor, and none shall game. nario ideas suggested here, players can
stand against us in battle." So we give you plenty of Viking flavor, probably read the DM Book without spoil-
Onund Tolundmire, Priest of Odin but don't confuse this flavor with the his- ing the campaign. Players—check with
torical or legendary Vikings. For those your DM, who should be able to excerpt
"Look, furriners say we're just barbarian who enjoy more historical detail, we've what you can safely read. If he or she plans
pirates... axe-wielding homicidal mani- given you a list of swell references that we to run any scenarios from this book, do
acs who like to get together with friends, like, below. Use these to enhance the yourself a favor and don't spoil the sus-
guzzle gallons of mead, and yowl sense of reality in your games to the level pense by reading other sections.
moronic battle chants. I say... beats clean- that suits you. Materials: The inner covers are printed
ing fish!" with the roofs and walls of a variety of
Dwalinn the Dwarf How to Use ttje Qazetteen buildings such as would be found in a
Northlands setting. These cardboard
PC Book: Read this first for a quick over-
Qazetteeu view of the campaign from a player's per-
buildings are meant to be chopped up and
glued together so you have a collection of
This sourcebook describes the Northern spective. Players can read the PC Book
3-D Viking-style buildings to use during a
Reaches of the D&D® Game Known without restriction.
game or just to be amused by. Set them up
World for use in fantasy roleplaying cam- The first section, "What Everyone
on the fold-out map of the Jarl's Hall and
paigns. This package is designed primari- Should Know About the Northern
Stead for a game. Further descriptions
ly for Basic and Expert play. In this Reaches," introduces you to the essentials
accompany the scenarios elsewhere in this
package are the following goodies: of Northland geography and culture. The
second section, "Creating Northman
• a 64-page DM Book, a DM's eyes-only Player Characters," provides procedures,
description of the history, lands, peoples, tables, and notes on creating Viking-type youn QuiOes ON ttjis Zoim
legends, and nasty monsters of the player characters. The third section, Four Northern Reaches natives are your
Northern Reaches, with campaign adven- "Clerics in the Northern Reaches," narrators throughout this Gazetteer, both
ture settings and scenarios. describes the special role of clerics in the in the DM Book and in the Player Book.
• a 32-page Player Book, offering a Northlands, and provides rules for a new Knowledgeable, widely-traveled, and
player's-eye view of the Northern Reaches clerical magic system— "rune magic." well-connected, these four characters
campaign, and containing new rules, a DM Book: This is a DM reference on speak with authority and charm to DMs
new system to create Northland charac- the Northern Reaches. about those elements of Northern Reaches
ters, and a new rune magic system. The first section, "History of the North- life ideal for gaming. They are also NPC
• a 22" X 34" full-color foldout map, ern Reaches," outlines the history and voices to speak to players, introducing
printed on one side with a map of the geography of the three principal D&D® native and foreign travelers to topics and
Northern Reaches and the nations' capi- game world Northland nations: Vest- places of interest to adventurers. Some-
tals, and on the reverse with the layout of land, Ostland, and the Soderfjord times their views are ill-considered opin-
a Northman's hall and stead. Jarldoms. ions and sometimes they can provide an
• 4 full-color inner covers, designed to The second section, "Non-Humans in insight to the Northern life that no for-
be cut up and assembled as 3-D buildings the Northlands," gives details on dwarves, eigner could imagine.
for the jarl's hall layout. giants, gnolls, and trolls. It also introduces Each character represents a different ele-
the new humanoid race of the ment of Northern Reaches culture.
Is Ztjis X&e VikiNQS OR Wljat? Modrigswerg—the moulder dwarves.
• Helfdan Halftroll, the classic hero—
Sure, this is the Vikings. We've adapted The third section details the Northland
warrior, raider, trader, sea captain, and
them to the fantasy-adventuring of the adventures for this setting. It covers the
roughneck. Helfdan is our guide to the
D&D® game, borrowing cheerfully from nations' capitals and also the adventure
down-to-earth world of farm and stead,
the rich historical and mythological lore scenarios taking place elsewhere.
longboat and shieldwall, clan loyalty and
of the Vikings. The final section, "Campaign Notes," love of war.
But this is not a historical Viking describes how to develop your own North-
• Onund Tolundmire, itinerant priest of
setting—that wouldn't be appropriate ern Reaches campaign. Several important
Odin—skald, entertainer and moralist,
for most adventures. For one thing, an settings for Northman adventures are
runereader and student of the tales of men
abundance of magic is commonplace in elaborated.
and gods, of histories of this world and the
the D&D game, while in Viking history, Technically, the DM Book should be next. Onund is our guide to the northern
mortals didn't see a lot of magic. For read by DMs only. Practically, if a DM character as revealed in the histories of


men, monsters, and gods of the Northern Ideas for good games practically leap off Campbell. (948.02) Good photos of the
Reaches, and to the role of the D&D® the pages of good library books! wild land. Detailed treatment of long-
game cleric in this setting. We include the Dewey Decimal num- ships. Good diagrams and photos of trea-
• Sam the Serpent, the "white" sorcerer bers for the books used for this Gazetteer. sures and art. Organized in readable
—scholar and world-traveler, student of Hot tip: Go browse on the shelves where chunks.
ancient races and cultures, trader and col- these numbers are found. The 948 section Gods and Heroes from Viking Mythol-
lector of rare artifacts. Sam is our guide to is particularly rich in big, lavishly illus- ogy, Brian Branston. 0293.13) Super color
the magics and mysteries of the Northern trated picture books. Don't steer clear of illustrations, dramatic text. Tells about the
Reaches, to the cultures and treasures of the juvenile books (the ones marked with a mythological gods and their world, and
the Elder Races, and to the role of the "J") just because they're in the children's gives a great sense of heroic Viking charac-
magic user in the Northlands. section. They're well-illustrated (usually ter through these mythic figures.
• Dwalinn the Dwarf—adventurer, phi- in color), quick reading, and lurid—lots of Hrolf Kraki's Saga, and The Broken
losopher, and tavern lout, skilled fighter, dead guys, bones and tombs, weapons, Sword, Poul Anderson. Two works of fic-
craftsman, liar, and cynic. Dwalinn is our monsters, magic, and other neat stuff. tion that describe the flavor of this North-
guide to the shady side of the larger settle- Sound familiar? Just what we gamers and ern world better than most. Look for these
ments, and to the dangerous borderlands game designers are interested in, too! under "A" for Anderson, usually in the
and wildernesses of the Northlands' hill science fiction section.
and mountain regions. Books
There are other voices you'll hear. Olaf The Vikings, Michael Gibson, Wayland
Otljen DQD® Gaiue PnoOucts
the Taverner, for example, speaks for the Documentary Series. (J948.02) Quick These are official D&D game fantasy
thousands of practical residents of this read, good introduction to the Vikings. adventures in Northern Reaches settings.
region who want nothing to do with The Vikings, Modern Knowledge Curse of Xanathon (X3), Doug Niles. A
adventuring or adventurers. He regards Library, Warwick Press, Robin Place. 32-page D&D® Expert adventure, set in
most adventurers' tales with skepticism, 0948.02) Same as above, but with more the mountains of Vestland.
discounting ninety percent of it as pictures and less text. Crown of Ancient Glory (XI3), Steven
snowdreams and troll dung. Growing Up with the Vikings, Amanda Bourne. A 64-page D&D Expert/
On the other hand, most common folk Purves. 0948.02) A rather vague but fast Companion adventure dealing with the
believe uncritically in gods and heroes. look of everyday Viking life. ruling dynasty of Vestland.
The older and more often-repeated a leg- The Viking Warrior, Martin Windrow.
end, the more likely they are to regard it as 0948.02) Great color illustrations. There are other excellent and well-
truth, no matter how incredible. The World of the Vikings, Ole Klindt- researched sources. Seek them out.
As you get to know and love these Jensen and Svenolov Ehren. (948.031)
NPCs, you'll see how they can play an Brilliant illustrations and neat narrative "My name is Yon Yohnson,
important part in your Northern Reaches tidbits. Gives a real sense of place. My I come from Wisca Fjord,
campaign. Use them as NPC informants favorite. I work in a viking horde diere.
and contacts in your scenarios. Players love The Northmen, Thomas Froncek. A When I raid the seas.
familiar characters, who also give the cam- Time-life book. (913.031) As usual, lots The people I seize,
paign coherency by acting as transitional of great pictures and drawings, including They ask me my name and I say..."
elements between scenarios. an account of modern-day reconstruction (repeat endlessly)
of an ancient homestead, a lot of neat trea- Northmen's traditional drinking chant
SuGQesteO ReabiNQs sures and common items, and tastefully
ghastly treatments of the mummies of
Wise up. Where do you think we game
human sacrifices they found in Danish
designers get our neat ideas? From history
and books about ancient cultures we get—
free!—from the public library! We've The Vikings and Their Origins, David
included things we think will provide you Wilson. (914.8031) Readable, with some
with lots of exciting adventures, but no useful floor plans of buildings, aerial pho-
scenario book, including this one, even tos of fort sites, and so on.
begins to cover everything you could adapt The Northern World, edited by David
into a super game. If this subject interests Wilson. (948) Covers the whole ancient
you, and you'd like to play other games in history of Northern Europe, with nice bits
a Viking-type setting, you won't be wast- on Celts and Slavs. Good pictures.
ing your time doing a little extra reading. The Viking World, James Graham-
Histony of tljQ NoRtl7€RN Reaches
Although modern history of the North- planet. Because of their close connection Northman had to be as skilled with his
lands belongs to the human and human- to the earth, the sedentary earth, rock, weapons as with the tools of his trade.
oid races, the giantish and goblinoid and giant trolls have been known to "go The survival of every community depend-
cultures have been established in the hill to sleep"—to become immobile and ed on the warrior skills of each individual
and mountain regions for twenty-seven indistinguishable from the earth and rock member.
centuries. Only in the last three centuries where they rest. The Northlands fell under Nithian
has the Vestland region achieved any The giants were the third wave, pri- domination around 1000 BC. The
security from troll and giant raiders. In marily hill giant and stone giant clans, Nithians themselves showed little interest
Soderfjord, kobold and hill gnoll clans with sizable minorities of the other well- in these lands with their cool, wet cli-
still prey on frontier homesteaders and known giant sub-races like the fire and mate, and they avoided the highland wil-
threaten the all-important trade routes. frost giants. These clans settled predomi- dernesses out of fear of the hill gnoll and
nantly in the mountains of eastern Rock- troll clans. While a few trading posts were
RetneatiNQ Ice Sijeets-. The disas- home. Scattered clans inhabit the established along the fjords and rivers,
trous obliteration of the Blackmoor cul- western highland borders of Vestland and many Northlanders' only connection
ture caused an axial tilt that shifted the Jarldoms, and the Hardanger Range with the empire was when they or their
global climate patterns, causing the con- bordering Soderfjord and the Emirates of kin were taken as slaves and transported
tinental glaciers to recede from the Ylaruam. to the Nithian Empire. When the empire
regions now occupied by the nations of In addition to these better-known collapsed in 500 BC, the few traces of
the Known World. At this time, the giant sub-races, the Rockhome and Nithian culture in the Northlands faded
islands of Ostland and the lowlands of Northland mountains are also the refuge within a decade.
Vestland and Soderfjord were sub- of many of the more remarkable giants, Early Northland cultures practiced sha-
merged. called "great giants." Reputedly, these manistic and rune magics, but it was the
beings may grow over twenty feet tall, Nithians who brought the formal
MiqnatiONS: After 1710 and they are possessed of powerful magi- spellcasting sciences to this region. That
BC, three waves of migrations brought cal abilities, including shapeshifting, remains their only lasting contribution to
the ancestors of the current humanoid spellcasting, runemagics, and the use of the area. With the disappearance of the
populations out of the frozen north. powerful artifacts. They are said to be Nithians, spellcasting in the Northlands
They migrated slowly into the recently- capable of challenging the Immortals stagnated, a primitive and obscure an for
revealed hills and mountains of modern themselves to personal combat. Fortu- another ten centuries.
Rockhome and the Northlands. nately, these aristocrats of giantdom show
The first wave brought the hill little interest in the affairs of men, and DwanveN Cultunes: Relatively little
gnolls—primitive and unprepossessing are only encountered by the most persist- is known of the early history of the
country cousins of the giant races. Driven ent and intrepid adventurers. Modrigswerg dwarven culture of the
out of the north by the more aggressive Northlands. Known as "moulder
and better-organized trolls and giants, Eanly HUMAN SettleMCNtS: Around dwarves" by their western cousins in
the hill gnolls settled throughout the 2000 BC, early Bronze Age peoples came Rockhome, legend says that these
highlands of modern Rockhome and the to the Northland islands and to the dwarves were driven out of the Rockhome
Northlands. Lacking weaker or stupider coastal lowlands from the region of mod- region for breaking ancient clan tradi-
opponents, the hill gnoll clans fought ern Norwold. They brought with them tions against trafficking with spellcasters
one another for the scarce resources of this primitive agricultural methods and cul- and alchemists. Said to be a cursed peo-
new and barren land. tural traditions, but they were also skilled ple, their name is now associated with
The second wave included the various seamen and fishermen. Most of the madness and evil.
sub-races of trolls: the common root troll Northland lowlands and islands are good Less social than Rockhome dwarves,
(the standard troll described in the for agriculture, though the land is rugged the Modrigswerg prefer to live in small
D&D® Expert rules); the uncommon and infertile along the northern coast, family units, or as isolated hermits. They
earth troll (a larger, more durable, less and covered with forests and marshes are known for the quality of their stone-
intelligent troll); the rock troll (a slow, along the southern mainland and the off- work, jewelry, and weaponsmithing.
powerful, and unusually peaceable spe- shore islands. Their superb physical craftsmanship com-
cies); and the giant troll (generally Most communities were very small, bines with the secret arts of dwarven craft-
thought to be extinct in this region). The ruled by a petty chieftain who was likely magic to produce marvelous artifacts.
troll clans settled mostly in the western to be chosen for his strength of arm and However, the moulder dwarves are con-
hills of modern Vestland. his fighting abilities. Most villages "com- sidered greedy and malevolent at worst,
Legends say that the troll races are municated" only through raiding and greedy and mischievous in general, and
among the oldest living things on the warfare. From the very beginning, the shy and antisocial at best.

Histouy o f tl7€ NoRtl7€RN Reaches

As is typical in dwarven cultures, ancient gnomish artifacts in the moulder Xlje SONS Of CNUtC: In the early sixth
Northland dwarves are extremely con- dwarves' treasure troves. century, Cnute's three youngest sons—
servative in traditions and customs, but In 490 AC, several waves of kobolds Eirik, Sven, and Hrafn—led a series of
uninterested in tales or histories. Further, were driven into the region from the expeditions to colonize the region of
the Modrigswerg are not inclined to be west, fugitives from the armies of Rock- mainland now known as Vestland. The
chatty about their past. Consequently, home. Never a numerous race, the sons of Cnute establishing settlements
very little is known about these demi- gnomes were greatly outnumbered by the along the coast, and as far inland as
humans, and tracing the origin and fate more prolific kobolds. Moreover, the Rhoona on the Vestfjord River. They also
of legendary artifacts is a formidable task. gnomes lacked a substantial military tra- founded towns well into the hill country
Modrigswerg are said to be particularly dition. Within just a few decades, the near Landersfjord.
long-lived, even for dwarves, although aggressive and warlike kobold clans had With these communities as their bases,
the madness associated with the clan exterminated all but a few fleeing refu- the sons of Cnute solidified their father's
leads many of them to their own destruc- gees. The subterranean farms, mines, rule over the lowland regions. They also
tion. Clans and families generally remain and tunnel cities were occupied by the led raids into the hill country against the
in the same dwellings for centuries. There kobold conquerors. troll and giant populations. For this alone
are no acknowledged kings or clan lead- For decades, the kobold races have the sons of Cnute were welcomed, more
ers, and there is little communication kept to themselves in their underground often greeted by the local clans as protec-
between underground homesteads. Fam- fastnesses, apart from occasional warrior tors than as conquerors.
ilies and small clans may live within five raids. The human nations of the Known When Cnute died in 526, rule of
miles and not speak to one another for World take little note of their affairs. Ostland passed to Cnute's eldest son,
hundreds of years. However, the recent increase in kobold Brand, who remained a puppet of Queen
The Northlands are also home to raiding in southern Soderfjord may be a Gudrid until her death in 552. Brand and
numerous Rockhome emigres, account- sign that this situation is changing. his descendants continued to grow in
ing for approximately two percent of the power through raids and piracy, while the
total population in the Northern Reach- Ztje Rise of ttje OstiaNb Sea younger sons of Cnute remained on the
es. Most of these dwarven immigrants PinateS: Early in the fifth century A.C., mainland, earning a reputation for hero-
have arrived within the past four centu- a handful of war leaders rose to promi- ism and leadership against the multi-
ries. Rockhome emigrants are generally nence along the coasts of Noslo and tudes of hostile humanoid raiders. They
accepted as native Northlanders, Kalslo Islands. Uniting small communi- encouraged craftsmanship and trade in
although there still remains a considera- ties into larger war clans by conquest, the growing mainland towns, and pro-
ble prejudice against dwarves in many marriage, and diplomacy, these barbarian tected landowners from trolls and giants,
rural and conservative communities. chieftains battled each other constantly, and from the raids of the Ostlanders.
each seeking to extend his control over
"Ctje tnageOy of tlje NonttjiaNO the region. These warrior chiefs devel- T3je KiNQOOM Of VestlaNtk The roy-
QNOMCS: Little remains of the ancient oped the art of mobile seaborne warfare, al house of Cnute, while technically the
Northland gnomish culture. One may and extended the practice of raiding to protector of the Vestland region, treated
mark its traces by the vast labyrinthine include more distant targets along the the mainland as a rich treasure house to
corridors of their underground cities, coasts of modern Ylaruam and Norwold. be pillaged for the gain of the rulers
now occupied by kobolds. Moreover, These leaders gradually became more alone. The monarchs took the wealth,
curious artifacts are occasionally taken powerful, more militarily organized, and giving little in return.
from the bodies of kobold raiders— arti- more wealthy. In 604 AC, Ottar the Just refused to
facts of ancient and curious gnomish Finally, one king rose above the others. pay the increasingly burdensome tribute
design. After a series of decisive battles, Cnute of demanded by his cousin, King Finnbogi
The gnomes apparently came to the Zealand was declared King of Ostland in of Ostland. Ottar spoke for all the jarls of
Northlands from the Altan Tepe moun- 478 AC. His ascent was assisted by the Vestland, and every jarl on the mainland
tain range around 2500 BC They success- shrewd diplomatic skills of his wife, stood by him, also refusing to deliver
fully co-existed with the other humanoid Gudrid, and by the foreign sorcerers their tribute. The outraged king of
races because the underground passages enlisted by Gudrid and her advisors. Ostland sent his jarls against the rebel-
of the tunnel complexes were too small Cnute and Gudrid were ruthless but lious Vestlanders, and the young nation
for gnolls and trolls to enter. Relations effective monarchs, welding the quarrel- endured a decade of punitive raids wreak-
with the Modrigswerg clans were distant, some Northern clans into a single nation ing great havoc up and down the coast of
formal, and occasionally acrimonious by of sea-roving warriors. The descendants Vestland.
dwarven accounts, but some trade of their dynasty still hold the thrones of Direct opposition led to the Ostlan-
occurred, as evidenced by a multitude of modern Ostland and Vestland. ders' seige of Norrvik. The seige ulti-
Histony of tlje NoRtl}CRN Reaches
mately failed. In 614, the ships of Ottar Vestland, takes place a century and a half ence of the Ruthinian faith, a lawful and
and his allied jarls trapped the beseiging after the time period of this Gazetteer. civilized religion. The Trollheim hills
forces in the Battle of Bridenfjord. King Vestland has become progressively more have been pacified and colonized. With
Finnbogi was captured and forced to sign modern and feudal, like the Grand the removal of the troll nations as a buffer
a treaty acknowledging the sovereignty of Duchy of Karameikos. The worship of state, relations between Ethengar and
the new Kingdom of Vestland. Ottar was the Northman pantheon has waned Vestland have become strained, and bor-
promptly crowned the first King of Vest- among the noble and middle classes, and der raids by both nations have become
land. been supplanted by the growing influ- commonplace.

"Ctje SoOetifionO janlOOMS: A poor

land of marshes and rugged coasts,
plagued by gnoll, kobold, and Ostland Historical x:iM€]iNe of ttye Nontl?enN Reaches
raiders, and the frequent misrule of many 3000 BC: The Great Rain of Fire.
petty jarls, Soderfjord is the weakest and Blackmoor culture obliterated; planet tilts on its axis, causing ice sheets to
most backward of the Northland nations. recede from D&D® Game Known World.
Soderfjord's jarls have always been quick 2500 BC: Gnomes and dwarves enter the region and settle in hills and mountains as
to sell one another out to the highest bid- continental ice sheets recede.
der, and reluctant to risk their own 2000 BC: First human settlements in coastal and island lowlands.
resources to protect a neighbor. Conse- 1700 BC: Giants, trolls, and gnolls are driven south into the Northern Reaches in suc-
quently, the hills and mountains of cessive waves of migration.
Soderfjord are dangerous wildernesses, 1500 BC: Modest Bronze Age human cultures in eastern lowlands.
seldom traveled by men. Caravans on the Sophisticated gnomish and dwarven cultures co-exist with primitive giant -
Overland Trade Route must look to their ish clans in western uplands.
own guard escorts for protection. 1000 BC: Human cultures conquered and enslaved by Nithian Empire.
In 950 AC, the regions' jarls met at the 500 BC: Nithian Empire collapses. Weak mainland human tribal cultures at mercy
Council of Soderfjord where, after much of giantish clans.
bickering and scheming, the Nordhartar 490 BC: Kobold clans driven into uplands from the west. Kobolds overrun and
Defense League was formed. This body is exterminate gnomes, and occupy their subterranean kingdoms.
comprised of all the jarls of Soderfjord, 0 AC: First Emperor of Thyatis crowned.
who meet every six months to consider 400 AC: Ostland raiders range south to Thyatis and north to Norwold. Mainland
laws and affairs of state. tribes victimized by sea raiders and giantish clans.
The League has signed mutual defense 478 AC: Ostland united under King Cnute the Bold.
treaties with Ylaruam and Vestland, hop- 500 AC: Sons of Cnute colonize mainland. Troll and giant raids discouraged by
ing to discourage Ostland's policy of punitive expeditions.
ignoring its clans' raids on Soderfjord. 614 AC: Ottar the Just defeats King Finnbogi of Ostland in Battle of Bridenfjord,
However, neither Ylaruam nor Vestland establishes Kingdom of Vestland. Ostland continues to raid southern main-
wishes to risk a war with Ostland, so the land coasts. Vestland pursues trade witih Alphatian and Thyatian colonies
raids continue while Ostland's official in D&D® Game Known World.
position is to politely disavow knowledge 950 AC: The Nordhartar Defense League is formed at the Council of Soderfjord, cre-
of such raids. ating the Soderfjord Jarldoms. Treaties with Vestland and Ylaruam aid
Ylaruam and Vestland have also agreed Soderfjord in securing Overland Trade Route through Castellan and chal-
to aid Soderfjord in making the Overland lenge Ostland to desist coastal raiding. Ostland in turn allies with Thyatian
Trade Route safe for caravan traffic. Vest- Empire.
land and Ylaruam contribute to merce- 1000 AC: Vestland is a modern nation and a strong, independent trading partner with
nary expeditions organized by the the nations of the Known World. Ostland is a powerful, independent ally of
Defense League—expeditions to patrol Thyatis, aggressive and belligerent, barbaric in culture and religious prac-
the trade route, to pursue raiders into the tices. Soderfjord is a weak alliance of feuding minor jarls, victimized by
hills and mountains, and to locate and giantish clans and Ostland pirates.
destroy gnoll and kobold strongholds. 1150 AC: The deaths of High King Maramet of Vestland and his sole heir throw the
nation into political turmoil. The Sorona, the enchanted crown of Vestland,
Historical Not€: For this and other is sought by various factions hoping to claim the throne.
D&D® game Gazetteers, the present 1200 AC: Embassies of Republic of Darokin and Desert Nomads court Northern
time is 1000 AC. Crown of Ancient Glory nations' alliance in the Great War. (See modules X4 and X5.
(XI3), a D&D® Expert adventure set in
of tl?G Norcfl7€RN Reaches
The landscape of the Northern Reaches is not suitable for human habitiation. The Castellan Valley in the southeast, sloping
a tilted plane sloping down from the high rugged terrain and harsh climate make into the forest and lowland marshes of
southwestern mountains to the low travel extremely difficult and dangerous. the coastal plateau.
northeastern coast and offshore islands. Many parts of this region are underlain by The Gnollheim hills run north from
The climate ranges from a cool, moist, limestone honeycombed with natural the foothills of the Hardanger Range to
maritime-temperate clime along the caverns— ideal terrain for dwarves, the Soderfjord Great Marsh region and
coast, to a cold subarctic climate in the kobolds, giants, dragons, and other intel- east to the spectacular 500-foot high cliffs
higher elevations of the southern and ligent, non-human races. of the Ostfold Scarp along the seacoast.
western mountain ranges. The mountains are believed to hold
About one-fourth of the land is suit- great mineral resources. Extraction and CliMatC: The Northland hill country has
able for agriculture, most of it in the transportation of mineral wealth in such a cold, temperate, humid climate with
Ostland Islands and along the mainland rugged terrain, and through the territo- cold winters, a cool to moderate spring
coasts, rivers, and fjords. Another one- ries of hostile non-human natives, is pro- and fall, and warm summers. Precipita-
quarter of the land is only suitable for hibitively expensive and dangerous. tion in the north is moderate; in the west
grazing, primarily in the mainland interi- and south, the precipitation is moderate
or and foothills. Half of the land is raw Population: Human population is to heavy, with heavy snowfall in the win-
wilderness entirely unsuitable for human fewer than one person per square mile. A ter and violent thunderstorms in the
habitatation. The wilderness includes few folk tend isolated trade posts and summer. The Trollheim hills are swept
regions of rugged alpine, dense forest, way-stations along major caravan routes, year-round by high winds, creating tree-
and marshy terrain. and individual trappers and adventurers less high moors and dense woods in shel-
travel the wilderness. The extent of the tered hollows.
MouNtaiNS non-human population is unknown; esti-
mates suggest 5-10 kobolds or more per : In the Trollheim hills, the ter-
The Makkres Range of Rockhome forms square mile in some regions, with scat- rain rolls with steep slopes and rocky out-
the western border of the Northland tered giant and dwarven residents. crops dropping into narrow, wooded
region. The spine of this range, rising to valleys. Soft, wet turf and low bogs make
several peaks over 15,000 feet high,
presents a formidable wilderness barrier Hill CouNtny travel in the lowlands difficult. Human
travelers are forced to keep to the barren
to east-west travel, broken only by the The high hills of Trollheim form the west- high ground where they are easily spotted
Vestfjord and Nordesfjord valleys. ern half of Vestland. The naked granite from troll watchposts.
The Hardanger Range forms the rug- domes and the wind-swept heathlands of The foothills of the Makkres and Har-
ged southern border of the Soderfjord the high moors rise above the dark, danger Mountains are rocky and inhospita-
Jarldoms. These sandstone and limestone wooded valleys of this region. ble, broken by many steep-sided ravines,
mountains form a ridge wall up to 10,000 The grass-swept high plateau and the valleys, and cliffs. Some areas are margin-
feet high, with individual peaks rising to wooded foothills of the Makkres Range ally suitable for raising sheep. The non-
13,000 feet. This wall is broken in the run from Rhoona in the northwest to the human nomadic herder cultures like the
west only at Jotunvalk Pass along the
Overland Trade Route, where the caravan
road passes for thirty miles through a
series of 7,000-foot high passes and rug-
ged alpine valleys.

CliMatC: The Makkres Range and the

Hardanger Range have a cold alpine cli-
mate: a very cold fall, winter and spring,
followed by a short, mild summer. Heavy
snowfalls are expected from early fall
through late spring; even in summer, ter-
rible mountain storms may threaten trav-
elers with a foot or more of snow.

iN: With their rugged peaks, vast

glaciers, steep slopes, and rocky valleys,
the Makkres and Hardanger Ranges are
of ttje NOKUTCRN Reaches
hill gnolls arc better suited for the terrain. Qiteat Mansl? Soderfjord toward the sea.
Vestland and Soderfjord encourage set-
The Great Marsh is at the heart of the
tlement of these regions with land grants.
Soderfjord Jarldoms, a wild region with Native Fiona aNfc FauNa —
Farming and grazing lands are limited,
and hostile non-human residents vigor- little to recommend it. Plant life: The plateau country in its wild
ously defend their prior claims. state is a mixture of conifer and broadleaf
e-. The Marsh has a temperate, forest with patches of open grassland. Much
Population Human population is fewer humid climate, with cold winters, a mod- of this area is currendy under production as
than one person per square mile, concen- erate spring and fall, and warm summers. cropland and pasture. Crops include barley,
trated alongrivervalleys and the lands bor- There is moderate year-round precipita- rye, oats, and assorted root vegetables.
dering the plateau region. Non-human tion, falling in winter as snow. In the Trollheim hills, the high moors
population is undetermined; estimates sug- are covered with low, hardy heather,
gest fewer than five trolls per square mile in : This region of small lakes, while ash and yew dominate the groves of
the Trollheim hills, five to ten gnolls per meandering streams, wooded swamps, the sheltered dales.
square mile in the Hardanger foothills, and and scattered islands of high ground is A portion of the plateau country and
scattered giant and dwarven residents. subject to severe flooding during the most of the hill country is covered by a
spring and summer. The land is useless mixed conifer-broadleaf forest. These vir-
for agriculture. Wildlife is abundant, gin forests are dense wildernesses, only
Coastal Plateau and fur-trapping is a maginal occupa- broken by thick stands of undergrowth,
The eastern half of Vestland, the northern tion. Travel is easiest by ski in the winter and low, boggy areas that impede travel.
coast of Soderfjord, and virtually all of the when lakes and streams are frozen. The slopes of the Makkres and Har-
Ostland islands are part of a broad coastal danger Ranges are covered with conifer for-
plateau. The land varies between 100 and Population: Human population does ests. Most places the forestfloorsare clear of
300 feet above sea level, sloping abrupdy to not exceed five persons per square mile. undergrowth, but travel is sometimes
the sea and down the deep river valleys. Non-human population is negligible, with impeded by dense thickets of hardy shrubs
Founded on a durable bedrock resist- occasional reports of red or black dragons. and wind-thrown jumbles of tree trunks.
ant to erosion, this plateau offers poor to At higher elevations, only sparse alpine and
indifferent soil for agriculture. Good Rivens sub-alpine vegetation can be found.
farmland is scarce, generally found only Mammals: Domestic species include
in the river valleys and in narrow strips The Northland's deep river valleys cut horses, cattle, sheep, goats, dogs, and cats.
along the coast. The land is, however, through every part of the country. Rats, wild dogs, and deer are common near
generally suitable for grazing. Shallow-draft Northman longships range settled areas; boars, elk, brown bears, wild-
deep inland along these rivers, making cats, and occasional packs of wolves are
e: The plateau's climate is tem- waterways the primary channels of travel found in the mixed forests. In the southern
perate and humid, with a cold winter, a and communication in the Northlands. foothills, nomadic gnoll dans herd the
mild spring and fall, and a hot summer. Two rivers—the Vestfjord River and the mountain sheep and the great bison. Deer,
Precipitation is substantial year-round; Landersfjord River—cut through the elk, wolves, bear, and mountain lions are
most winter precipitation falls as snow. Makkres Range to the west, reaching far more numerous in the mountain regions.
into the Great Lakes region of Rockhome. Birds: In the mountain regions, hawks
.- This rolling, rocky plateau is These rivers are broad highways into the are popular pets; wild eagles are common
covered with scattered forests, woodlands, mainland, easily navigable as far as Rhoona in the mountain forests.
and grassy plains. Ninety percent of the on the Vestfjord, and to the town of Lan-
Reptiles: The only large reptiles of the
Northland's population is found in the riv- dersfjord on the river of the same name.
Northlands are the cold drake—
er and coastal valleys, where farming can be Beyond these points, the rivers are swift-
occasionally reported in the Hardanger
supplemented by fishing. Towns are few flowing, rocky, and treacherous. Longships
Range—and the red and black dragons
and small except for the major trade cen- and rafts with a bold crew and captain may
which are sometimes sighted in the Great
ters. Most people live in scattered fanning pass through the Vestfjord Gap throughout
and fishing communities. the summer and early fall.
Marine Life: The kraken and the
In the south, several great rivers drain greater sea serpent are an occasional
Population: Human population rang- the alpine glaciers of the Hardanger threat to shipping in Northland waters.
es from 5-10 persons per square mile in Range, beginning as violent cataracts in
forest regions, to over 20 people per the mountain and hill country, then
square mile along the great river valleys becoming wide meandering rivers as they
and near the large trading towns. flow through the marshy lowlands of
NatioNS o f tl7€ NoRtl7€RN Reaches
The political boundaries of Ostland, best and worst features of the North- Uje Rise of ttje ZealaMtens: Dur-
Vestland, and Soderfjord as depicted on lands' barbarian heritage. ing those fifteen centuries, the
maps are polite fictions. Over half of the Northmen were an undistinguished
western and southern hills and moun- Cultunal CONtiNuity: In their earliest assortment of barbarian clans. Each clan
tains that are claimed by Vestland and history, the Northman clans living on the fought with every other clan, generally
Soderfjord are in fact uninhabited by Ostland islands were too primitive and for sport and loot, and occasionally in
humans. In many cases, the territories are disorganized to present a threat to a civi- minor wars of conquest. No clan leader
firmly controlled by various non-human lized nation, so the Nithians showed lit- held sway over more than a fraction of the
clans. tle interest in the islands. On the Northern tribes at any one time.
Neither are the districts of the North- mainland it was a different story: the Then, late in the fifth century AC, a
ern Reaches "nations" in the modern local cultures were depopulated, demo- powerful Zealand clan consolidated
sense. Only Ostland has a strong central ralized, and obliterated by Nithian con- power through a combination of strength
government, and that is maintained only quest, disease, and slaving. Unlike much in war and shrewdness in diplomacy. This
through the monarch's ruthless applica- of the mainland, the Ostland islands clan established the first widely acknowl-
tion of military force, his actions support- offered decent soil for farming; thus, edged king of Ostland, Cnute Bear-
ed by the powerful priest class. Vestland's from 500 BC to 500 AC, Northland cul- chest. Cnute's power proved strong
king has great prestige and is a strong ture remained stable and healthy only on enough that the royal house eventually
leader in military affairs, but Vestland's the offshore islands. established itself as a clan within a clan—
jarls retain considerable authority within
their own domains. The only form of
"centralized government" in Soderfjord
is the Nordhartar Defense League, which
meets only two weeks a year and spends
most of that time arguing over who sits
where at the conference table.
Finally, any fair account of the North-
ern Reaches must consider the impor-
tance of the regions' non-human
cultures. While human cultures domi-
nate trade, economics, communications,
and warfare in the Northern Reaches, as is
common throughout most of the D&D®
Game Known World, the non-human
cultures are too important to overlook.
Individually and on their own ground,
the older races have proved more than a
match for the humans, blunting the
humans' expansion of their frontier. Fur-
ther, the prospect of a hostile non-human
army organized under a single charis-
matic leader is a threat to all nations of
the Known World.

GovenNMCNtzThe Northlands cultural
tradition has continued in this region
unbroken for three millennia, since the
earliest human settlers came here around
2000 BC. Early Bronze Age cultures
evolved into the original Northlanders
first on the Ostland islands. For this rea-
son, Ostland is the most traditional of the
Northern cultures, retaining many of the

NatiONS o f tl?e NoRtljeRN Reaches

the royal Cnute clan, within the noble
and honored Zeaburg clan.
Cnute was a powerful warrior and a
competent general, with a sure grasp of
both land and sea tactics that exploited
his people's skill with the longboat.
Gudrid, the new queen of Ostland, was
every bit as shrewd a diplomat and coun-
selor as her husband was a warrior. They
established the pattern that was to sustain
their dynasty and nation.

TJje Secnet of We CNirte C/aN Suc-

cess: The Cnutes have always relied on
strong leadership as the core of their
power. In hereditary monarchies, this is
sometimes an uncertain prospect. The
royal offsprings may be idiots or weak-
lings, or they might marry for romance or
lust rather than for political advantage.
The Cnutes exploit the practice of fos-
terage, rather than relying solely on suc-
cession by birth. The finest young nobles
of all the Ostland clans are invited to live
in Zeaburg in the Royal Compound,
where they form the King's Royal Court
and Personal Guard (known collectively
as the "Royal Household"). From this ("mercenaries" would be more accurate) warriors are you likely to find anywhere in
hand-picked assemblage, the ruler of for Thyatis in Norwold campaigns. the Northlands. Thirty percent of this
Ostland finally selects and adopts his suc- But Hord hoped to raise his own child to force is female, proud warrior-women
cessor, although it is often a natural-born his throne—an acceptable route when a who have proven their mettle. The king
child of the monarch who is chosen. In child proved worthy, but not something a fancies having Valkyrie shield-maidens,
any case, the heir is considered just as Cnute monarch could plan for. However, in imitation of Odin All-Father.
much of "royal blood" as if he or she Rhora died in childbirth, with the child lost The Queen's Court boasts the finest
were born of the king and queen. as well, and Hord's interest in rule waned. skalds, fairest maidens, shrewdest scholars,
The Court of Cnute also attracts many In his depression, King Hord's political and craftiest schemers in the Northlands.
adventurers and young nobles with poor power began to slip into the hands of the There is endless shuffling for position as alert
prospects of inheritance. Those who dis- powerful priests of Odin. Recently a new nobles and courtiers seek to understand and
tinguish themselves in some way—in player has entered the political game: the get close to the popular young queen.
contests, in heroic feats, or through king's new young wife. Queen Yrsa, whose
skald-enhanced reputations—are occa- vision promises unprecedented change to RaveNQueuitk These warriors and
sionally offered the hospitality of the Ostland as she consolidates her power. priests dedicated to Thor are the constant
Royal Clan. Once in the Royal Court and companions of the king. These men,
Personal Guard, the chances of personal Royal HouseljoKh The king's known commonly as berserkers, submit
and political advancement are good. Personal Guard is a 900-man elite bri- themselves to spell-induced madness in
gade, comprised of the finest nobles and combat.
KING aisrO QueeN: Ten years ago, warriors of Ostland. The Brothers of the Berserkers are generally arrogant bullies,
the then-current rulers of Ostland, King King, the king's twenty-man honor moody and unpredictable, and liable to
Hord Dark-Eye and Queen Rhora Anlafs- guard, are the hand-picked cream of this pick fights with any who will not humble
dottir, were typical Cnute Clan monarchs. crop. These warriors are often in the main themselves before the Blessed Warrior of
Hord was in his prime, a fearsome fighter, a hall at royal feasts, and they enjoy the Thor. There has been no love lost between
veteran of many adventures and pirate king's total protection. This makes them, the Brothers of the King and the Raven-
raids, and an experienced general. He led practically speaking, above the law. guard. Drunken assaults, homicide, and
several of his warbands as allied troops No more arrogant or scornful group of long-term blood feuds are common.

NatioNS of tlje NoutfjeiiN Reaches
Kingdom of Ostland: Dominions and Major Settlements North. Further, in response to efforts by
Vestland and Soderfjord to unite in com-
Major mon interest against Ostland, King Hord
Hex # Domain Area Pop. sq. mi. Settlement/Pop. has signed a number of treaties with Thy-
atis, and has allied himself with the
1. Vestpont 360 6000 Port Swenson, 2000
emperor in his war against the Alphatian
2. Sumarland 375 3000
colony of Norwold.
3. Ringmark 330 3500
4. Hammersholm 275 4000
5. Noslosford 470 7000 Society
6. Vithesford 250 2200 Storm Bay, 500 The Jarls: Although there are many pow-
7. Thorholm 250 1500 erful and wealthy clans in Ostland, the
8. Aland 195 2000 king retains his authority by taking the
9. Varmgard 500 12000 Zeafort, 7000 finest sons and daughters for his Royal
10. Haltimark 220 7000 Household. Cnute Clan authority is
11. Havardholm 220 2000 absolute.
12. Suddmore 275 2500 Suddpont, 1000 Within individual clans and domin-
13. Steingard 390 2400 ions, die principle of a leader's absolute
14. Romaland 220 3500 Shipton, 2000 authority is universally recognized: the
15. Fallersholm 385 9000 jarl's word is law. Questioning authority
16. Zeamark 415 20000 Zeaburg, 8000 is likely to result in beatings, slavery, con-
17. Hedmark 275 2100 fiscation of property, or death, although
18. Gotland 525 6000 recent judgements by Queen Yrsa have
19- Osterlo 195 1400 Saltshore, 500 mediated some of the worst brutalities.
20. Sognesholm 360 2000 Freemen and Thralls: There are no demo-
21. Ostmanland 610 8000 Ostmanhaven, 3000 cratic traditions in Ostland. Freemen are
22. Kalsloviki 695 8000 generally farmers and fishermen. They
23. Oland 635 9000 own their land and boats at the jarl's suf-
24. Kunslo 495 2000 Sati, 500 ferance; their wealth and happiness are
Total 8920 126100 directly related to the value of their serv-
ice to the jarl.
U(;e PnicstijooO of OOIN OstlaNO's Policies Slavery is legal and common in
CfrOJl: The worship of these Immortals Ostland. Those born of thralls remain
in Ostland is established law, and the The king places no restrictions on his jarls
thralls. A jarl may declare a freeman
priests wield much power. The king is regarding raids carried out in foreign
enslaved for any offense, and prisoners of
closely counseled by the high priest of lands. He even turns a blind eye to occa-
war are made thralls, distributed by the
Odin, Asgrim the Bowed, who has his sional raiding for sport among the
jarl as one of the spoils of war.
own staff of high-level clerics. Queen Ostland domains if the victim is out of
Yrsa is also assigned a priestly advisor, but favor at court.
she adeptly circumvents his efforts to con- Exploration and colonization of lands Notes
trol her. Each clan's chief jarl has a priest to the east and north is encouraged. The NoslO islBNt): The soil is fertile.
to advise him "on spiritual matters." rulers provide funding for expeditions to Spring, summer, and fall are mild. In the
the Isle of Dawn, to the southern archi- harsh winter, violent sea storms threaten
The churches of Odin and Thor in
pelagos, and to Norwold. shipping, livestock, and shelters. The
Ostland maintain many of the dark, bru-
tal pagan practices of the Northman Ostland's indifference to the piracy produce of die good growing lands is aug-
traditions—practices long ago aban- and raiding of its clans has strained rela- mented by an abundance of fish and
doned elsewhere. Ritual torture and even tions with virtually every nation in the good harbors from which to sail. The
human sacrifice are still practiced in North. Vestland, Soderfjord, Ylaruam, island is densely populated and most
Ostland. The disapproval of foreigners and Norwold are all displeased with the land is under cultivation except for scat-
has forced the government and the priest- Ostland pirates who raid their shores and tered wedands. The population is dis-
hood to disavow knowledge of these prac- flee to safe havens in their home islands. persed in village-sized clan and family
tices as a matter of policy. However, none of these nations wishes to settlements. Despite its agricultural
risk war with Ostland, a strong nation of abundance, Noslo Island's culture and
warriors with the finest navy in the technologies are relatively backward by
NatioNS of tlje NontlieuN Reaches
D&D® Game Known World standards. gades are veterans with superior morale, markets typical of small ports throughout
and are fiercely loyal to the king. the world. Natives domesticated giant
Zea.tnm.Qz The capital of Ostland is home The War Machine information (as rats to keep the ordinary rodents under
to the Court of Cnute, currently ruled by developed in the D&D® Companion control. Two-legged rats of the human
King Hord Dark-Eye and Queen Yrsa the Rules) for these brigades is as follows: variety also present a serious pest prob-
"ibung. The Royal Compound itself is sur- lem, and strangers are advised to keep a
Unit Name: Army of Ostland
rounded by twenty clan halls, the winter sharp eye on their property.
Type of Unit: Regular Division
residences of the Great Clans of Ostland. In the upper town are the clan halls of
Number of Units: 1
Noble hostages (male or female) remain in the Ostman clans. The buildings are
MV 4, BR 102
residence year-round. (Greater detail on dwarf-crafted stone well situated on the
Personnel: 882
the Court begins on p. 32.) hills overlooking the bay. The Ostmans
Troop Class: Good
Approximately one-quarter of the Special Ability: Can cross ocean have become wealthy from the profits of
town's population are soldiers, support hexes (not lakes or rivers) at normal their merchant fleets. The Ostmans swell
staff, and camp followers residing in the movement rate and can land on any their treasuries by piracy, and it's said that
barracks of the King's Personal Guard. coastal hex not occupied by an ene- the prosperous criminal population of
Also within the barrack walls are the Roy- my unit. All troops are berserkers; the lower town is organized for the con-
al Treasury and the Royal Granaries. they never check morale and always venience of the Ostman lords.
Another quarter of Zeaburg's popula- fail discipline checks. The Ostmans have never been trou-
tion is associated with the Court or the Division Commander: F9 (CB +1) bled by the traditional Northman fear
Great Clan winter residences. The remain- Deputy Division Commander: F8 and contempt for sorcery. Three
der of the town's population aggregates in Heroes: 6F15, 6 C 8 clanheads were themselves wizards, and
farming and fishing villages. Unit 1: 120 elite F3 human infan- several of the potential heirs of the cur-
Zeaburg is a wealthy but somewhat try, swords and spears, 3 Sergeants rent clanhead have trained at the Uppsala
backward capital. The rich are very rich, (F4), 1 Captain (F5) College of Magic at Norrvik.
the poor are very poor, and the merchant Ever at odds with the Cnutes, numer-
and craftsman middle-class is almost ous Ostman nobles have been outlawed
KalSlO IslaNth Most of the island is
non-existent. Foreign visitors are restrict- for treason. Twice in the last century the
edged by a narrow band of fertile coastal
ed to a visitor's compound unless they are Ostman clans rose in rebellion against the
lowland punctuated by fine harbors.
guests of the royal family. The compound Cnute dynasty; twice the rebellions were
Along the western peninsula, unwelcom-
is closely supervised by the king's Person- brutally and efficiently suppressed by the
ing rocky seacliffs face seafarers. The inte-
al Guard. Cnute kings.
rior of the island is a rugged, stony
upland suitable only for grazing sheep.
ZeafOnt: Surrounded on three sides by Kalslo's clans are proud and indepen- Ostenslo aNO KUNSIO
marshy ground, and on the fourth side by dent, and carefully watched for signs of With almost no arable land, the inhabit-
the wide shingle where the army's long- conspiracy or treason by agents of the roy- ants of these rocky islands live from the
ships are beached, Zeafort is ideally situ- al house. sea. The people hunt whales and sea ser-
ated for defense and for swift pents in tiny open boats, and are said to
The official cults of Odin and Thor are
embarkation for offensive raids and cam- be among the finest, most courageous
less honored here than the cult of Frey/
paigns. Built in the last century by the sailors in the Northern Reaches.
Freyja. Priests maintain several ancient
Cnute dynasty, Zeafort is a fortified town Outsiders and foreigners are not wel-
monasteries in the interior and along the
where the three brigades of Ostland's comed; the Osterlo and Kunslo clans con-
bleak western seacliffs. The sacred burial
standing army are garrisoned. fine their hospitality to kin and friends.
grounds of the early Ostland kings are
Three large fortresses, each with sixteen scattered along these seacliffs. The tombs Visitors are told to leave, and are attacked
longhouses, are the homes of the Raven, are guarded by the monasteries, by if they fail to comply. When threatened
Wolf, and Dragon brigades. Associated arcane wards and enchantments, and by with force, the islanders respond with sul-
with each fortress is an annex—a small for- the spirits of the restless dead. len and uncommunicative obedience.
tified town in its own right—where support
staff and camp followers live. CURRCNt EVCNtS
OstMaNljaveN: A rough trading and
The Raven, Wolf, and Dragon brigades fishing port, Ostmanhaven welcomes for-
have seen frequent action as allies of the The situations described below are meant
eigners and adventurers—unlike most to suggest possible adventures to the DM
Thyatian Empire in their wars with Ostland ports.
Alphatia, campaigning in the Alphatian who wishes to create his or her own
The lower town offers the same modest Ostland-based scenarios.
colonies of Norwold and the Isle of
shacks, seedy taverns, warehouses, and
Dawn. The officers and men of these bri-
NatioNS of tl?e NonttyCRN Reaches
"Clje Isle of DawN Colonies-. Encour- cult's patriarchs for aid. The monasteries Hord can also call on five to ten thousand
aged by Thyatian Imperial representatives, have also sought the assistance of the Ost- men from the nobles, guards, and levies
and in spite of threats by the Council of man nobility, who are loyal Frey/Freyja of the subject clans. Against such a force,
Alphatia, King Hord has authorized the followers and the traditional defenders of the Ostmans haven't a chance, as evi-
settlement of seven colonies on the north- the monasteries. denced by the bloody suppression of their
western coast of the Isle of Dawn. Three Some of Hord's jarls have offered to previous revolts.
colonies are already established; the other remove the annoying Ostman clans per- But if some brigades were busy fight-
four are in the planning and outfitting stag- manently, in return for Kalslo Island as ing elsewhere for Thyatis, if Ragnar deliv-
es. With reports of gold and silver discov- clan domain. Yrsa would work to avert a ers a brigade or two of his troops, and if
ered in this region, the House of Cnute is civil war that would endanger more Hord Dark-Eye were taken by surprise,
ever more eager to move ahead with the promising programs like Hord's alliance such a rebellion might work. With Ves-
program. with Thyatis, and the colonization pro- tland 's aid, success is even likely.
Life in the colonies is expected to be gram. She also has made it clear, through DM Note: The plots and counterplots
dangerous but profitable. Apart from the her agents, that the Ostman jarls will be of the Ostmans, the Cnutes, and their
considerable challenge of the Isle of better advised to make common ground followers can frame an entire campaign of
Dawn's bizarre wildlife, peculiar climate, with her growing power base than to start political intrigue, or set up isolated
and hostile humanoid races, the powerful an internal war the royal house is quite adventures centering around smaller ele-
sorcerous agents of the Alphatian Empire capable of finishing. ments of these plots. Consider the follow-
and their loyal servants are expected to So far, Hord has not answered the jarls ing episodes that might be isolated
oppose the establishment of these colo- who propose this scheme, but certain of his adventures or part of a larger campaign:
nies. Fortunately, most of Alphatia's older counselors have secretly encouraged • A PC cleric, a follower of Frey/Freyja, is
energies are directed elsewhere at the these aggressive jarls to take matters into sent in disguise to Ostmanhaven to deliver
moment, though that condition might their own hands. A younger Hord would a parcel (a cult relic and magical device) to a
change at any time. have acknowledged the exterminators of certain party. That individual, disguised as
DM Note: This is a blank check for sea the Ostman clans as their rightful succes- a thief and pirate, is actually a henchman of
voyages and wilderness adventures. Any sors, once the deed were done. The older the Ostman clan chiefs.
exciting adventures that don't fit your Hord now on the throne is more capricious, • Marked by King Hord's men as possi-
current campaign setting can be stuck off and Yrsa's growing power leaves some ble agents of the Ostmans, the PCs are
on this isolated island continent. counselors unsure of which way to jump. pursued and attacked as King Hord's
Finally, several times in the past decade agents try to discover the PCs' role in the
Ztje CoNtnany OstiuaN ClaNS: the Ostmans have sent agents to the King growing conspiracy.
Almost every faction in the North is inter- of Vestland and to the war leader of the • The PCs are rescued or contacted by
ested in the fortunes of this small clan. Jarldoms, offering to rebel against the agents of Ragnar, who wish to use them as
Ostland's enemies wish to heighten the Cnute king if Vestland and the Jarldoms couriers. Yrsa's agents intervene, portray-
friction between the Cnute dynasty and would offer military and diplomatic sup- ing Ragnar as an outsider intervening in
the Ostmans, weakening the nation over- port. Vestland has consistently rejected another nation's internal politics—and pre-
all. Those supportive of national unity these entreaties. The Jarldoms' war lead- senting Yrsa as the force of Ostland's
would see them reconciled with the rul- er, Ragnar, has recently agreed to such an future, able to enrich those who stand by
ing monarchs or eliminated. offer, subject to his approval of a work- her now.
Asgrim the Bowed has advised the king able plan and a timetable. • Hearing of Hord's plans to confiscate
to abolish the Frey/Freyja monasteries on An adventure set here must answer sev- and plunder the monasteries and ancient
Kalslo and confiscate their lands and prop- eral questions: can the Ostmans trust tombs, the PCs are sent to aid the Frey/
erty. With the monasteries out of the way, Ragnar to give the support he promises, Freyja clerics, and to enlist the aid of the
Hord could establish himself as protector of or might he leave the Ostmans to fry in restless dead who guard the tombs of the
the tombs of the ancestral Ostland kings— their own juices? Can they hope that Ves- ancient sea-kings.
and clandestinely plunder those tombs for tland will join the fight if they see an • Pretty soon, agents of Vestland,
the treasures they conceal. opportunity to chastise Ostland? Or is Ostland, the Ostmans, Queen Yrsa, Thy-
Yrsa's spies have informed her of this there room for negotiation with the atis, Alphatia, the various cults, and the
plan, which she opposes. She may not young queen, whose real strength is Continental Insurance Company begin to
work directly against the scheme, but she untested, banking their support now for line up in the halls outside the PCs'
cousels Hord against overt actions that her protection to come? rooms, waiting their turn to scheme with
would divide the nation. The Raven, Wolf, and Dragon bri- or whack on the increasingly bewildered
The monasteries have been informed gades, combined with the Personal PCs. The choices the PCs make might just
of their peril, and have petitioned the Guard, comprise an army of 3600. King change the face of Ostland forever!
NatioNS of tl?€ Ncmtl7€RN Reaches
QovetiNMCNt: Vestland is a modern
monarchy, with a strong feudal aristoc-
racy. An influential middle-class is devel-
oping the urban economy, and a proud
military tradition, based on a well-
trained yeoman militia, defends the
OstlaNb Fonebeans: Though a few
barbarian clans survived the Nithian
occupation of Vestland, the mainland
was essentially unsettled when Ostland
colonists arrived in the sixth century AC.
Cnute's sons and their followers found a
harsh country with scarce agricultural
land, threatened by troll tribes in the
north and giants raiding in the west. For
decades these Ostlanders joined with the
local tribes to secure their frontiers from
monstrous attacks.

Ottan ttje Just: For over a century the

Vestland colonies remained under the
rule of the Ostland kings. However, the
greedy demands for tribute and the casu-
al indifference to requests for aid against SODERFIORD IARLDOMS
the trolls and giants eventually drove the House of Ottar have pursued government atives, and prudent to acknowledge the
Vestland jarls to declare their indepen- and social policies which have made Ves- Council's interests and advice in policy
dence. tland a growing economic power in the matters.
Ottar the Just, a descendant of Eirik North. Support of craft guilds and for- This is the practical model for most
Cnute, led the Vestlanders in rebellion. eign commerce have made Vestland town governments in Vestland, where the
Ottar's forces—a motley group of jarls wealthy. Its townsfolk are as happy and mayor is selected by the king or a local
and frontier freemen— were no match prosperous as may be found in the jarl, and a council is selected to represent
for the Ostland armies in a straight fight, Known World, and many craftsmen, local interest groups. In rural and frontier
but in defense of their homes and steads, farmers, and fishermen benefit from the areas, the clan leader and his subordinate
the Vestlanders were formidable indeed. high prices their goods earn in local and jarls are the authority.
Frustrated by the staunch resistance of foreign marketplaces. Vestland's open
the rebels, King Finnbogi of Ostland society has also encouraged an influx of "Clje HOM€ Quant* The Home Guard
launched an ill-conceived invasion. foreign settlers (most notably, Rockhome is a son of police force established and
Denied supplies by Vestland raiders, dwarves), enriching Vestland's culture funded by the king, with three responsi-
Finnbogi's campaign stalled, then turned and technology. bilities: protecting the coasts from raid-
into disaster at the Battle of Bridleford
ers; patrolling the frontier borders
where a bold raid captured the king and
TZlje MNQ aNt> We Royal COUNCIL- against monster raids; and training and
many of his allied jarls.
King Harald Gudmundson is advised by drilling the local militias. Poorly-paid,
The descendants of King Ottar con- a council of royally-appointed figures undermanned, and dependent on local
tinue to rely on a strong yeomanry representing the nation's significant communities for food and support, serv-
defending Vestland's security. Vestland is interest groups: the nobles, the ice in the Home Guard is regarded as the
accurately regarded as weak in offensive craftguilders, the trade merchants, the duty of every young Vestlander— and an
military capability, but its Home Guard is freeholders, the cult of Frey/Freyja, and opportunity for travel and adventure.
exceptionally effective patrolling its others. To maintain the goodwill and
frontier borders and discouraging cooperation of a people traditionally vig-
Ostland pirates and raiders. orous in defending their rights, the king
Further, the Vestland kings of the must be fair when selecting the represent-
NatiONS of tlje NorcttyenN Reaches
Kingdom of Vestland: Dominions and Major Settlements Slavery is illegal and immoral in Vest-
land. The urban poor live wretched lives,
Major as they do elsewhere, but the rural poor
Hex# Domain Areasq. mi. Pop. Major Settlement/Pop are cared for by their community and by
the cult of Frey/Freyja.
1. Hostmore 165 3000 Hostpork, 1000
2. Valgard ^ 3000 Dwarves in Vestland: Many young
dwarves have settled in Vesdand com-
3. Grosfold 415 7000
munities to provide artisan skills. Their
4. Marsfjord 360 9000 Dremmen, 2500
skills are in demand, and they can grow
5. Sveamark 525 25,000 Norrvik, 9000
prosperous outside the rigid clan system
6. Fosterhead 195 5000
of Rockhome.
7. Ranviki 275 6000 Bergen, 2000
However, there are also many outcasts
8. Falsterholm 385 7000 Namsen, 1000
in the dwarven quarters of larger towns,
9. Fynmark 250 5000 Sudorn, 1500
where the toughs work as laborers—when
10. Jamtfjord 250 3000
they take a regular job at all. Drinking
11. Namahed 165 4000 Tromso, 2000
problems arc common. Some dwarves
12. Verfjord 335 5000
hire out as mercenaries or bodyguards, or
13. Skaniscost 415 7000
they drift into the underworld cultures.
14. Norrland 125 5000 Dovefell, 2500
Among the ignorant and uncouth there is
Scaforth Tower (X13)
much prejudice against dwarves, who are
15. Hrutmark 250 2000 perceived either as greedy and rich, or
16. Bornbank 235 3500 Vanger, 1000 violent and uncouth.
17. Brandholm 555 4000
18. Hennesdalir 470 6000 Helega, 2500
19. Landersfjord 445 10,000 Landersfjord, 5000 Qeognapljical Notes
20. Havcrhold 500 12,000 Havcrfjord, 4000 NOKKv/fc The capital of Vestland is the
21. Uplands 500 7000 most cosmopolitian town in the Northern
22. Hallmark 445 7000 Reaches. A large modern city on the
23. Rhoona 500 12,000 Rhoona, 5000 Vestfjord River, Norrvik has vigorous
24. Wilderness 13,000 + 1000 trade and craft centers, a great secular and
Total 21,065 + 161,000 magical college, and a large dwarven
Policies: As mentioned Ylaruam, Ethengar and Rockhome.
above, crafts and trade (both local and Some factions favor an alliance with Vestfjontk This broad waterway leads
foreign) are encouraged. The House of Soderfjord against Ostland to discourage from the ocean through the Makkres
Ottar has also supported the study of clas- Ostland raiding. Currently, the king is Mountains to the Rockhome interior. The
sical spellcasting. The only College of avoiding open conflict with Ostland. river is navigable year-round by most ves-
Spcllcasting in the Northern Reaches is in sels as far as Rhoona. Beyond Rhoona, the
Norrvik, but standard apprenticeships Society river is navigable only in the summer and
are common elsewhere. Spellcasters are early fall, and then only by skilled rafts-
Thejarls: In the urban areas, Vestland's
common in small towns. Witchery and men or by the occasional longship.
aristocracy has gracefully resigned its
other, more primitive magical arts are
position of power for a position of wealth
practiced mainly in the borderlands and 'Clje OvenlaNO tTnaOe Route: This
and honor. In rural and frontier areas, the
rural communities. road connects the Vesdand ports and
jarls remain the unquestioned authority
The kings in Norrvik have long encour- in the clans, though abuses of authority southern trade routes with Rockhome,
aged settlement of the Trollheim hills, are unusual. Ethengar, and the west. In Vesdand, the
but only recently has King Gudmundson road is well-patrolled by the Home
Freemen and Thralls: Free merchants
been able to support expeditions and Guard, but is not entirely free of bandits.
and crafters control much of Vestland's
border garrisons in the area. The trolls are Giants are occasionally encountered
wealth, and thus they wield considerable
organizing in response, putting Vestland along the road west of Rhoona and near
influence. Craft and merchant guilds are
on the defensive. the border with the Jarldoms, but other-
very powerful in the towns. Vesdand's
Concerning its relations with other farmers and fishermen are a proud and wise the route is pleasantly free of mon-
nations, Vestland maintains cordial polit- independent lot, honored and respected strous peril.
ical and trade relations with Soderfjord, by the clan leaders. In settled areas, there are numerous
NatioNS of tl?e Noutl?enN Reaches
small inns along the road. Small groups bring their livestock to Rhoona for sale and to pursue troll raiders all the way to their
of travelers are often welcome in private trade. The Ethengarian district is said to be hideouts. Units of the Home Guard have
dwellings, but local people are less gener- a hotbed of evil schemes and intrigue, with been dispatched to occupy, rebuild, and
ous with their hospitality than in other the rumors centering around the Cretia cult garrison the former ducal estates.
regions of the Northern Reaches, because temple and its clerics.
of the heavy traffic along this road. (The town of Rhoona is treated in SutfonN: This seaside community is the
In the borderland and wilderness areas detail in The Curse of Xanathon (X3), a market town for the whole north coast of
of the western and southern hills, there D&D® Expert Adventure module.) Vestfjord Bay. Clan warfare decimated
are shelters for caravans and travelers. the population of this region in the
The shelters are maintained at regular Uno///;e/M.- The high granite moors and eighth century AC and feelings still run
intervals along the road, and some are rugged wooded valleys of Trollheim have hot in the area. Blood feuds are common,
fortified. A few of these shelters are garri- been occupied by trolls for centuries. For even drawing in casual travelers who
soned by the Home Guard, but most are the last three decades. King Harald and unwittingly slight a touchy clansman.
untenanted. Many shelters are protected the Royal Council have encouraged set- In the hills to the northwest are the
by cult shrines, where powerful protect- tlement in this area, under the Trollheim shattered remains of several clan halls and
ive runes have been inscribed for the use Homesteading Acts. monasteries. Isolated shrines in the
of itinerant clerics. The Homesteading Acts originally region, falling into ruin, bear unfamiliar
seemed to be a simple standard proce- runes of unknown origin. Natives to the
RJJOONH: This busy, dirty frontier town dure one might follow to develop the area believe these sites to be haunted,
on the Overland Trade Route is an impor- wild lands. The king and Council began and everyone has a tale to offer.
tant port for trade goods. Caravans move by conferring a land grant to an eager Trolls, mostly absent from this region
through Rhoona on their way to and from entrepreneur, who got the title of for the last four centuries, have been
Rockhome and Ethengar in the west, and "duke" and owed loyalty directly to the sighted more frequently, scouting near
along the road to the major ocean trade king. The new duke would send in an remote lowland steads. As yet, no raids
routes in the east. Rhoona is also a com- armed expedition to drive away the resi- have occurred, but the farmers in the area
mon starting point for treasure-hunting dent trolls and, as soon as possible, build are nervous and have requested a detach-
expeditions into the Makkres Mountains. a fort that doubled as the ducal residence. ment of the Home Guard be brought in
The head of the Rhoona clan styles Unfortunately, the dukes generally as a precaution.
himself as a 'duke' after the southern failed to occupy or garrison the forts, and
fashion, and maintains a lavish, courtly few were persistent or effective in keeping "CnOMSO: This community centers
lifestyle in a dwarf-built palace on a hill the trolls out of their new dominions. around the clan seat of the powerful
overlooking the town. The palace is as yet Settlers who moved into these regions, Namahed clan, a clan which claims to
only partially complete, often delayed by clearing land for their sheep farms and bear elven blood. The Namahed clan is
the Duke's distressed treasury, but it is building fortified steads, often found ruled by Eyvind the Odd, priest of Odin.
said to be protected by various complex themselves unprotected from troll raids. He is so called for his vaunted powers of
traps engineered and built by dwarves. Worse yet, after three decades of ruthless the Sight, and for the fits and trances dur-
Construction on the building continues extermination by the humans, a small but ing which he receives his visions. The rul-
erratically. dangerous minority of trolls is now begin- ing family has a new clan hall, built in
Most of Rhoona's large dwarven popu- ning to catch on to the art of modem war- stone by dwarves, with tunnels leading
lation resides in the quaint and squalid fare against human foes. Isolated steads are back into the cliffs above the town.
section called "Old Town." Old Town has assaulted by well-led troll raiders. Before Tromso is the major depot and outfit-
more than twenty taverns, and the local neighbors or Home Guard garrisons can ting point for expeditions headed up the
breweries produce better-than-average rally in defense, the raiders have destroyed Nordesfjord into troll country.
quality lager and ale. On days when the the stead and slaughtered its inhabitants,
dwarven construction workers at the then withdrawn into the back country Dovefell: This is a small but prosperous
Ducal Palace get paid, Old Town swarms where they can easily elude trackers. fishing and whaling village. The hills to
with strong, cheerful rock-choppers with The disastrous failure of the Trollheim the south are rich in minerals, but the
a powerful thirst for suds. Old Town sees Homesteading Acts is a scandal and rough terrain and the menace of trolls
more than its share of drunken dwarven embarrassment to the king and the prevent exploitation of the resources.
brawls, and the thugs and lowlifes gather Council. The ducal titles and land grants
as thick as the skull of a hill giant. have been rescinded, and charges of trea- HavenfjonCk This bustling town is an
Rhoona's Ethengarian district is popu- son have been brought against the most important trading center on the Over-
lated mostly by merchants who deal in negligent entrepreneurs. The royal trea- land Trade Route. The political climate is
horses and goats, and by the nomads who sury has been opened to fund expeditions touchy. Recent decisions by Leif the Lean,

NatioNS of tl?e NontfyCRN Reaches

clanhead of Haverhold, arc alienating through the deep-water port. Modern in Tromso, or with Rurik Sturlason in
Bifurr Mim (the dwarven mayor), the his views on sorcery, Arnulf has a number Sudorn—these jarls coordinate the over-
town Council, and unsettling the wealthy of skilled wizards on retainer, and is him- all campaigns in the king's name. Eyvind
merchants of the town. self a famed adventurer and giant-killer. and Rurik have royal funds available for
Leif admires the conservative values of Arnulf s dream is to build a city to rival payment and outfitting of mercenary
the Ostlanders, and seeks closer ties with Norrvik in wealth and sophistication. To units. Missions include scouting the
the Ostman clan of Noslo Island. He has that end, he seeks to found a college of frontier and pursuing troll raiders into
offered his daughter in marriage to a magic, with a collection of tomes and the back country. ..,
young scion of that clan. artifacts to rival the library of Uppsala
Now Haverfjord is experiencing a College in Norrvik. Arnulf and a group of Rotolf Kalfson of Bornbank
crime wave, brought on by a well- wealthy backers (merchants, adventurers, clan has warned Guthorm Brittle-Bone of
organized crime network that has sprung and cult temples) are buying noteworthy Soderfjord's Boddergard clan that any
up in this previously sleepy town. The spell books, tomes, scrolls, and magical further raids by men of Boddergard will
local folk blame it on the closer relations items for top prices. be regarded as an act of war. Rotolf has
growing between the Haverhold clan and Accommodations and services in town sworn in a message delivered to
the Ostman clan and the populace is pres- are abundant, and varied in cost and Guthorm, "If provoked again, I will pur-
suring the mayor and Council to protect quality. Expedition outfitters are well sue your cowardly dogs to the door of
them, since the clanhead will not. Mer- stocked, and some will recommend your Hall."
chants know the shady reputation of the guides available for backcountry adven- Rotolf is hiring mercenaries, and
Ostman clans, and see pirate raids turing. A message service and expedition accepting freemen into his service as clan
increasing on local shipping. They are clearinghouse, located at the Council warriors. Men accepted as clan warriors
becoming reluctant to move their goods Hall, offers counseling and choice rumors are officially adopted into the Bornback
through the area, to the detriment of all. for treasure-hunters. clan, and entitled to the obligations and
hospitality of its hearths. Rumor indi-
VaN<?ei?: This muddy market town CllRR€Nt EVGNtS cates that Rotolf is not being fussy about
serves the southern shore of the Landersf- accepting outlaws, clanless men, or for-
jord River. Sovereignty of this region has These events are intended to serve as a eigners into his service and clan.
been disputed by Vestland and the north- framework on which a DM may develop
border clans of the Jarldoms. his or her own Vestland adventures. LaNOetlSfjontk Arnulf Burison has
Ragnar the Stout, war leader of the offered a reward for the recovery of two
Jarldoms, desires no conflict with Ves- : The lands affected by the enchanted headposts, carved with runes
tland at this time, but the clanheads of Trollheim Homesteading Acts lie in the and decorated in gold and silver, taken
Haltford, Boddergard, and Hillgard cov- easternmost section of hill country from the death ship of an ancient royal
et the neighboring domains of Hrutmark between Dovefell in the north and Nam- tomb. The headposts disappeared from
and Bornbank, and they willfully disre- sen in the south. These lands have been Oland's Rest, an Odin monastery in the
gard Ragnar's authority. partially mapped and settled, though in hills west of Landersfjord, where they had
These clanheads stir up trouble with the last decade many settlers have left been taken for study. The posts were
the Bornbank clan, hoping to spark a bor- their steads or been driven out by troll reportedly sacred to Odin, and bore rune
der war. Then the clans would call on raids. The hill country west of these lands variants previously unknown.
Ragnar for troops, confident that the war is uncontested troll country, largely unex-
leader would help them rather than risk plored.
losing the support of the other jarls of Warriors, spellcasters, and other
Soderfjord. adventurers are sought for service in the
Home Guard. Units for the protection of
LaNOensfjonCk This frontier and trade this region are being formed in Sudorn
town on the Overland Trade Route is also and Tromso. Enlistees are promised a
a deep-water port on the Landersfjord substantial cash enlistment bonus and a
River. Arnulf Burison, head of the Lan- land grant in Trollheim at retirement.
dersfjord clan, is also the mayor of the Short-term enlistments for cash are also
town. Arnulf has encouraged wealthy available.
merchants and adventurers to build rich Mercenary units are being hired on a
manors in town with the promise of single-mission basis for operations and
cheap dwarven labor and engineers, and campaigns in this region. Interested cap-
building stone made easily available tains must meet with Eyvind the Odd in
NatioNS of tl?€ NoRtI?€RN Reaches
For the past three centuries the Soder-
fjord region has been divided into a num-
ber of minor nations, each ruled by a
powerful clan. From time to time, one
jarl would overrun several neighboring
lands and proclaim himself king, where-
upon the other jarls would get together
and thump the living daylights out of the
self-proclaimed king. Then the jarls
would fight among themselves a bit until
everybody was very tired. In the end,
things were pretty much the way they
began, only lots of people were dead, and
plenty of villages and farms were burned
to the ground.
For variety, a few Ostland jarls would
sail over occasionally, kill a lot of people,
burn villages and farms, and proclaim
themselves kings. Then they would steal
everything they could load in their boats,
and sail back to Ostland while the
Soderfjord jarls were arguing about who
was entitled to lead their noble kin in
defense of their homeland.
After several centuries of this sort of The Council, comprised of the ruling nized militia. Each brigade is a group of
warfare and devastation, the nobles of jarls of all the dominions of Soderfjord, sub-units organized under a single jarl.
Soderfjord realized that their only hope meets twice a year to select or confirm the Some brigades from the larger settle-
lay in some more effective form of coop- war leader, and to discuss other matters of ments receive regular militia training,
eration. national defense. The Council also has but most are nothing more than the com-
the power to discuss and ordain laws con- manding jarl's retainers and the battle-
NonOljantan cerning Soderfjord and its people, but it trained freemen from his region. Politics
League: At the Council of Soderfjord in has no authority to enforce those laws. between the Brigades are fierce and dis-
950 AC, representatives of the most pow- The jarls and the clanheads remain the ruptive but, thanks to the Northlanders'
erful clans of the region signed the Treaty only recognized authorities in Soder- warrior traditions, the Brigades are mod-
of Allied Dominions, forming the fjord's various dominions. Law and jus- erately effective in combat.
Nordhartar Defense League. Those who tice depend on the power, character, and
signed, and their descendants, are sworn will of the local jarl. Policies of tlje SoOenfjontt
to answer the summons of the "war lead- The motivations of Ragnar the Stout, JanltfOMS: The people of Soderfjord
er" (chosen by a Council of the Great the current war leader, are both ambi- still honor the democratic principle of the
Jarls) in the defense of the lands of the tious and patriotic. He enjoys the wealth thing, a Northman tradition. The thing
treaty-signers. In the past half century, and power of his position, but he also is an annual or semi-annual public gath-
the successors of the signers have on the believes that the Jarldoms must become a ering where any freeman is invited to
whole remained loyal to the League. modern, unified nation in order to avoid speak out in favor of laws or policies con-
The war leader has broad powers to being swallowed up by Ostland and Thy- cerning local or national affairs. No laws
compel cooperation in matters concern- atis. He is willing to employ any means— can be established without unanimous
ing the defense of Soderfjord against persuasion, diplomacy, or despotic agreement of those in attendance, and
external aggressors (like Ostland pirates) ruthlessness—to achieve his aims. there are no provisions except social pres-
and internal threats (like unruly clans, sure for enforcing those laws which are
raiding monsters, and bandits threaten- XZtje FneeOOM BnigaOeS: Estab- established.
ing the Overland Trade Route). He has no lished, organized, and supervised by the
other official powers. war leader, these units are a loosely orga-
NatiONS of ttje NoRtfteRN Reaches
The SoderfjordJarldoms: Dominions and Major Settlements ence of various factions in Vestland,
Ostland, and other nations— nations
Hex# Domain Area sq. mi. Pop. Major Settlement/Pop that treat Soderfjord with a certain skep-
1. Olvasfjord 415 5000 Wilmik, 2000 ticism and distrust.
2. Suddland 335 3500 Soderfjord's closest ally is Vestland,
3. Hordamark 275 6000 though Ylaruam maintains friendly rela-
4. Heddesfjord 220 8000 tions to protect its trade interests.
5. Soderfjord 555 18000 Soderfjord, 7000 Ostland is openly scornful, permitting its
6. Vithesfeld 335 8000 clans to raid Soderfjord without restraint.
7. Bergholm 305 2000 Dorna, 2000 The Court of Cnute has shown no inten-
8. Vastergard 525 9000 tion, however, of planning conquest or
9. Rogaviki 500 6000 invasion.
10. Vandermark 360 7000
11. Haltford 195 6000 Morden, 3000 Society
12. Borkmark 140 2500
13. Moderfeld 390 1500 The Jarls: The presence of many individ-
14. Oberbeck 275 2500 ually powerful and uncooperative clans
15. Rurrland 610 2000 and ruling jarls make for complex and
16. Ozurfold 610 1500 Whiteheart, 750 bitter politics. Blood feuds and unlawful
17. Gudhobn 500 5000 raiding are common, and many legal dis-
18. Hedden 500 15000 Backwater, 3500 putes between clans remain unresolved.
19. Deal and 555 2000 Freemen and Thralls: The common
20. Hadmark 555 3500 freeman enjoys a greater respect here
21. Highland 445 5000 Highhold, 2000 than in Ostland or Vestland. Freemen
22. Hillgard 445 4000 tend to honor the authority and politics
23. Ranholm 445 2500 of their clan leaders, particularly where
24. Hodderland 445 2500 inter-clan disputes are concerned. Even
25. Boddergard 500 3000 Ranwood, 1000 in towns, the clan is still a strong social
bond and obligation.
26. Otterland 555 1500
27. Gretmarsh 525 2000 Sortfeld, 500 Slavery is illegal, and it is dishonorable
28. Nordcastel 775 8000 Snowvale, 2000 to claim ownership of another person.
29- Castellan 775 15000 Castellan, 6000 Nevertheless, a few powerful jarls hold
Wilderness 18000 + 3000 their households in virtual slavery,
Total 31065 + 160500 through the intimidation of housecarls
and bully-boys. Such jarls are despised,
The thing is a respectable form of Under-funded, the Sodervirk is a polit- but interference by the war leader or by
primitive democracy, but it is poorly ical nightmare. The local dominions are other jarls would be unlawful, and would
equipped to cope with the problems of a expected to pick up the costs, provide the risk confrontation with these powerful,
modern nation. Thus, Soderfjord labor, and garrison the forts that should ruthless nobles and their warriors.
remains a nation of lofty, admirable be built every four or five miles along the
principles—and primitive, ineffective wall. Few clans are interested in this dubi- Notes
government. ous privilege, and only Jarl Vandrad SoOenf/onO: This sprawling, squalid
little is done in Soderfjord as a whole Horikson of Ozurfold has made any town has an excellent river harbor and an
to encourage the internal affairs of trade headway with the project. unsavory reputation. Soderfjord is guard-
or industry. Its people are traditionally DM Note: This would be a tough but ed by Ragnar's Fort, a fortified island in
independent and self-reliant in crafts- exciting spot for a Dominion Grant to be the river opposite Soderfjord Beach, the
manship and the skilled trades (including given to a D&D® Companion noble. Jarldoms' primary trade center.
spellcasting). As with all else, the local Soderfjord is widely viewed as the Ragnar's Fort is the sometime residence
jarls make local choices. "doormat" of the Northern Reaches. A of Ragnar the Stout, war leader of the
One cooperative effort being attempt- young nation with a weak government Jarldoms, and commander of Ragnar's
ed is the Sodervirk. The Sodervirk is a and a history of divisive internal politics Brigade, a 900-man unit garrisoned at
defensive wall under construction in the and warfare, the Jarldoms can do little to the fort. The Council of Soderfjord meets
southeast hill region to protect settlers dispell this impression. Many jarls and in the fort twice a year.
from the hill gnolls tribes. clans are under the open or secret influ-
NatiONS of tl?e NoRtt?€RN Reaches
Zlje Nonttljantan DefeNse and Hardanger mountain wildernesses. "Ctje Qneat Manslj: These vast,
League: As war leader of the Jarldoms, The fabled subterranean kingdoms of the sparsely-inhabited wetlands south of
Ragnar the Stout also has the power to gnomes are powerful lures for those seek- Backwater are dotted with isolated
muster three other 900-man units from ing magical artifacts, despite the savage, islands of fertile farmland. Yet even the
the Great Clans of Soderfjord, as estab- ruthless kobold tribes said to guard those best roads are almost impassable in the
lished under the Treaty of the Nordhartar treasures. The mountains to the west and spring rainy season, and inhabitants are
Defense League. These units are obligat- north of Castellan are also home to fierce rare.
ed to assemble at forts in Morden, Back- giants and the reclusive Modrigswerg, The natives of surrounding settlements
water, and Castellan within three days of two likely prospects for those seeking tell tales of witches, demons, and horri-
receiving the summons. Unfortunately, adventure and plunder. ble beasts lurking beneath the surface of
only the fort at Castellan is complete. the dark swamp waters. The Marsh Road,
Construction of the other two forts has XJje SNOwvale Valley: A green and a one-lane road of parallel logs laid
been delayed because of insufficient fertile upland valley, Snowvale also pro- through the swamp, is ordinarily consid-
funds. Furthermore, problems of com- vides excellent grazing. The section of the ered safe by day, but there are only four
munication, transport, and internal poli- Overland Trade Route through this valley overnight shelters along the route, over
tics make it doubtful that the units of the is secure and well-patrolled, but the ten miles apart. These shelters are forti-
Defense League could operate successful- mountains rising east and west above the fied and garrisoned. Camping in the
ly in defense of the Jarldoms, much less in valley are kobold country. swamp outside of these shelters is consid-
an offensive war. ered foolhardy.
JOtUNValk Pass: Subject to violent See "Travel on the Overland Trade
CastellaN: Castellan is a clean, modern, weather and too rugged to patrol effec- Route," page 62-63, for more details
well-run town, dominated by trading tively, this is the most dangerous fifty- about the route and its shelters.
and commercial interests. These interests mile stretch of the Overland Trade Route.
support Ragnar the Stout, the Council of Caravans commonly take on extra guards Ztje Coastal PlaiNS: The High
Soderfjord, and the nationalist principles in Castellan and Cinsa-Men-Noo (Yla- Coastal Plains are a grassy plateau along
they stand for, believing that Soderfjord's ruam) for the trip through this pass. Hill the northeastern seacoast of the Jarldoms,
future lies in becoming a modern trading giants, kobolds, and common bandits are suitable for farming and grazing. The
nation. the most common intelligent menaces. Southern Coastal Plains are somewhat
Castellan more resembles a mountain When bad weather forces a caravan to more rocky, but otherwise similar. Low
town of Karameikos or Glantri than a camp in the pass, monstrous predators of cliffs drop sharply into the sea, making it
Northland settlement. The newly-built various species present an even greater difficult for ships to land except at occa-
fort is of dwarven design, with square threat. sional coves along the coast. Local look-
stone walls rather than the palisaded cir- outs are often stationed at the accessible
cular ramparts common in Northland XDje OvenlaNb rnaOe Route: This coves, and when raiders do come, the
forts. A few wealthy merchants and most vital land trade route is patrolled in populace gets a warning and some time to
of Dwarftown live in stone buildings, and Soderfjord by mercenary units funded prepare. The region is therefore partially
the rest of Castellan's population lives in and supervised by the war leader. None- protected from sea-reavers' raids.
timber and plank buildings with slate theless, bandits and non-human raiders The clans in these regions are poor,
roofs, rather than the thatched roofs com- are a constant threat. Patrols generally proud, and belligerent. Feuds, ven-
monly found elsewhere in the Northern include four to ten fighters, and clerics of geance raids, and small wars are common
Reaches. lst-3rd level. here, and the people hostile and ungen-
In custom and lifestyle the Castellans In the lowlands and settled regions, erous. With several centuries' history of
are more cosmopolitan than most these patrols are a moderately effective clan warfare, these people now depend
Northmen. Dwarves are a large minority, deterrent to bandits. In wilderness regions only on their blood kin for all support
and Ylari faces are a common sight. The like Jotunvalk Pass and the Great Marsh, and aid. There is little hope of these clans
caravan district offers pleasant accommo- patrols are encouraged to avoid encounters uniting for abstract principles, to become
dations to fit all purses, and several Ylari, wherever possible, and they are forbidden a single nation under a central leader.
Rockhome, and Northland trading com- to pursue bandits, raiders, or monsters Ragnar has encouraged Halfden Grey-
panies maintain offices here. beyond the caravan road. The morale and beard of the Haltford clan to bring the
In addition to regular caravan traffic training of these patrols is unreliable, and High Plains clans under his control, by
coming through the Jotunvalk Pass and they have been known to abandon travelers force or diplomacy. Ragnar is skeptical of
along the Overland Tirade Route, Castel- to their fates when confronted by superior Halfden's loyalties, but considers him the
lan also welcomes adventurers and numbers or sorcery. most promising candidate to draw the
treasure-hunters bound for the Makkres clans together.

NatiONS of tl7e NoRtlieuN Reaches

Ragnar himself seeks to unite the region is uninhabited by humans. The Relations between the gnoll tribes and
Southern Coastal clans under his own Northland gnome culture inhabited nat- the human settlers of the Whiteheart Val-
Soderfjord clan's dominion, if he can ural limestone caverns and artificial ley have never been friendly. Attacks on
maintain his hold on the title and powers underground habitations in this region settler steads have been frequent, and
of war leader at the same time. Only his for several millennia, only to be extermi- punitive raids are made, in turn, into
considerable charisma and diplomatic nated by invading kobold tribes around gnoll territory. Construction of the Soder-
skill will give him a fighting chance to 490-300 BC. virk along the edge of the gnolls' tradi-
bring these quarrelsome clans together. The present tenants of these under- tional winter pasturage has pitted the
ground complexes, the kobold successors, humans against the gnolls in a struggle
SaltfjonO aNt> Otofjonb Rivens: have scavenged among the artifacts and for control of these lands.
Half of thejarldoms' population lives in technologies left by the gnomes, produc- The Sodervirk itself, a partially-
the narrow, fertile lowland valleys along ing a remarkably high level of culture for completed stone-and-earth wall along
these great rivers. The clan leaders of this such primitive humanoids. For centuries, the eastern edge of the Whiteheart Val-
region are more or less supportive of there has been little contact between the ley, stretches for thirty miles through
Ragnar, the Council of Soderfjord, and Northland human culture and the Har- former gnoll pasturelands. The eighteen
the principles of the Treaty of the danger kobolds, but recent developments small border forts, only six of them com-
Nordhartar Defense League. suggest that that situation is about to plete, are undermanned and of dubious
change. tactical value against the gnolls, who pre-
Zlje NORW BonOen CJaNS: The fer brief raids to open confrontation. In
Haltford, Boddergard, and Hillgard clans XHje QNOHIjeiM Hills: This high pla- retrospect, many feel that the wall has
offer scant loyalty and support to the war teau is scored throughout by deep, wind- done more to provoke the hostility of the
leader and the Council of ing, V-shaped river valleys. The flat gnoll tribes than to ensure the security of
Soderfjord. These strong clans feel they hilltops, rising to two and three thousand the Whiteheart settlers.
have little to gain by close association feet above sea level, are covered with
with the clans of the High Coastal Plain mixed grassy meadows, and scrub and C7;e OstfOlO Scanp: The Gnollheim
and the Snowvale Valley. Guthorm pine forests. Dense growth covers the hills and the Hardanger Range meet the
Brittle-Bone, the shrewd and opportunis- steep valley sides, right down to the rocky ocean in a series of spectacular 300 to 500-
tic leader of this political power group, streambeds of the fast-moving water- foot sheer cliffs that run from the Ylari
cares little for the vision of thejarldoms as courses. border in the south, to the Stone River in
a modern nation. His maneuvers are This rugged terrain is inhabited by the the north. Broken only by the deep gorge
planned to satisfy his own political ambi- nomadic hill gnoll tribes. In the summer, of the Angesan River, these sea-cliffs are
tions, which include annexation of the the mountain goat herds graze the high scalable only by sorcery or unthinkably
lands of the Vestland Born bank clan. pastures; in the winter, when snow covers risky mountaineering.
the high plateau, the gnolls drive their live- One section of cliffs, thirty miles south
MouNtaiN stock into the low valleys on the northern of the mouth of the Angesan, is marked
RaNQ€: This exceptionally hostile alpine and western margins of the region. with vast panels of hieroglyphs engraved
NatioNS of tfte NontljeRN Reaches
into the black, durable cliff face. The south of the caravan route. expedition. He offers little coin up front.
scale of this undertaking is magnificent, Gudrun Goat-Shoe, fifth son of Instead, Vigfus contracts for substantial
with some sections of engravings over Hakon Bloodaxe, a Hedden clan noble in percentages of any spoils won.
two-hundred feet wide. Antiquarian the Personal Guard of Ceowulf War- Consequently, Vigfus entices mostly
experts suggest that these markings may Tooth, clan chief of the Hedden, has dis- inexperienced or desperate adventurers
represent the recorded history of some appeared. His brothers admitted that into his service. Vigfus is little concerned.
long-dead civilization. In fact, the hiero- they had mocked his courage. In chal- "Don't matter. Dogmen is wimps, one
glyphs are Nithian histories, and the cliffs lenge, Gudrun had dared them to join on one. Just gots to know dogmen, and
are the burial district for the middle him calling Carrah at the dark of the nobody knows 'em like I knows 'em."
dynasties of the Nithian Empire. The moon. The brothers thought Gudrun
entrances to the tombs are concealed by jested, but Gudrun was apparently seri- S: Men have often spec-
engineering and sorcery, although keys ous. He took his arms and armor and was ulated on the source of the fine silver
leading to the location of the various last seen south of Backwater heading ornaments commonly worn by gnoll
tombs may be deduced from the hiero- down the road into the Great Marsh. chieftains. Recently a group of adventur-
glyphic inscriptions. Gudrun is thought a bit fey (particu- ers returned from an expedition up the
At present, the key to translation of larly in his fascination with witchery and Angesan River into the Hardanger
these hieroglyphs is lost, and attempts at enchantments), but his father was loyal, Range, where they found substantial
magical translations have been to no even to his least son. Hakon sent deposits of silver. These adventurers have
avail. The Rosetta Stone to unlock the Gudrun's four brothers out with a scold- secretly approached Ragnar the Stout
meaning of these glyphs may be discov- ing, and with orders to find their little with their evidence, and have offered
ered in ancient Nithian ruins scattered brother and bring him back home. him a share of the workings of the
along the eastern coast of this continent, Hakon scoffed at the common supersti- deposits in return for funding a more
from the islands of Ierendi to the Alpha- tions about the Witch-Queen, but his substantial prospecting expedition, and
tian colony of Norwold. other four sons have failed to return after for political protection of their corpora-
two weeks, and now Hakon is deeply tion once mining has begun.
CuRueNt EveNts frightened. Unfortunately, one of the members of
Hakon and his lord Ceowulf have pub- the original expedition is secretly a Loki
Enterprising DMs should use the events licly announced a 10,000 gold piece cult member, and he has revealed the
outlined below as frameworks on which reward for the recovery of his sons, dead location of the site to his cult superior.
to build their own adventures in the or alive, and privately they have appealed This information has been passed on to
Soderfjord Jarldoms. to the godar (priests) of Odin and Thor the highest levels of the cult, where plans
for champions who would seek out the are being discussed for jumping the claim
Ztje Witclj-QueeN of Hel: The best missing sons. in order to enrich the cult. Three plans
known legend of the Great Marsh is that are currently under discussion:
of the Curse of Carrah, the Witch- SNOWvale Valley: Recent raids • Infiltration of any Ragnar-supported
Queen, an ever-living servant of the by kobold wolf-riders have prompted the expedition with Loki plants;
Queen of Hel and master of the Paths of local clanheads and the Castellan Town • Immediately dispatching a Loki expe-
the Dead. Council to hire specialists to track these dition to the deposit, there to work the
Carrah cruises the waters of the swamp raiders to their lairs, to exterminate them silver while waiting to ambush any later
at night in her faering MarshFire, with or hurt them sufficiently to discourage expedition; or
her four undead serving men at the oars. future raids. Two teams have already • Allowing a Ragnar-supported expedi-
She searches for brave volunteers to walk failed: one team failed even to track the tion to proceed to the deposits, shadowed
the Paths of the Dead with her in search riders, and the other team disappeared in by a Loki team who will wait until the
of her lost husband, Dunedhel. the hills east of Snowvale. Ragnar expedition has done its work. The
Dunedhel, an elf, also served the Queen The Snowvale leaders have now hired cultists would then eliminate the group
of Hel, but he strayed from the Path and Vigfus the Red, a cruel and ill-reputed and steal the fruits of its labor.
became lost in the icy otherworld of outlaw, to head up a group of kobold Neither the Ragnar and Loki groups
Niflheim. Carrah offers the Gift of hunters. Ruthless and profane, Vigfus is are well informed about the local dangers
Knowing to any who will aid her. nonetheless considered a gifted tracker of the upper Angesan region— dangers
Carrah is said to appear to any who call and wilderness fighter. "I gets dogmen which include monstrous wildlife, gnoll
her name at the dark of the moon while 'cause I thinks like dogmen," Vigfus tribesmen, and kobolds whose tunnels
standing on the Red Rock, a well-known explains. Critics add that he acts and reach into the vicinity of the silver
local landmark, a lump of red sandstone smells like the dogmen, too. Vigfus is hir- deposits.
rising above the swamp in the foothills ing adventurers for his kobold-hunting
NoN-HuMaN Races

There is deep prejudice against centuries their government has sent out
Dwauves dwarves in some parts of the Northern dwarves to explore and settle the Known
"Dwarves? We got dwarves a-plenty here, Reaches. In larger towns, dwarves often World. This statement is misleading.
all over the place. Nasty little beggars, keep to their own communities—called Only about ten percent of the dwarves
but clever with metal and stone. the gemeinschaft by dwarves, the ghetto who leave Rockhome are adventurers
"Now, I've got no beef with most of by Northlanders. In smaller communi- with funding. The majority are just
them—they work and earn their bread ties, and in some city establishments, ambitious young dwarves searching for
like fate-fearing folk—but some of them there are businesses which may refuse to excitement (adventurers), opportunity
are a rum lot. And when they've had a serve dwarves. This is particularly true of (young craftsmen) or they are outcasts,
few too many, they can be real sensitive, taverns, where drunken dwarves often driven from Rockhome by law or social
and they've got few enough compunc- bring violence and destruction. pressure.
tions about splitting a man in hatfwith The most numerous and best known Adventurers: There is no shortage of
those great axes they're so fond of. are the Rockhome emigres—emigrants or monsters, treasures, or perilous deeds to
"Mo-drig-whadja-say... ? Oh. Rotten descendants of emigrants from Rock- be done in Rockhome, but many dwarves
dwarves. Pfeh. Just kids' stories, like home who have settled in the Northern seek adventure in the outside world.
pixies and fairies. Live up in the moun- Reaches as craftsmen, adventurers, There they find opportunities to cooper-
tains with the giants and make 'em magi- vagrants, and ne'er-do-wells. ate with other races, finding a particular
cal spears that c'n crack mountains in Less numerous and less well-known are interest in those races skilled in magical
half. Sure. A load of crap, if you ask me." the Modrigswerg—the rotten dwarves—a technologies.
Olaf theTavemer clan expelled from Rockhome centuries A young dwarf remaining in Rock-
ago. The Modrigswerg settled in the home to seek adventure can expect to
Dwarves are the most numerous of the remotest regions of the Makkres and Har- serve a long apprenticeship guided by
non-human races in the Northern Reach- danger Ranges. older, wiser, and methodically cautious
es. They represent a substantial minority dwarven heroes. Given the great life
of the population—from one percent in expectancy of dwarves, and the strength
"Ctje RockljOMe EMignes
rural and wilderness regions, up to five of dwarven traditions and social conven-
percent in larger settlements. Rockhome dwarves proudly state that for tions, the elder dwarves consider this to
NoN-HuMaN Races
be only sensible. Only in the outside World are generally superior to those of among the outcasts, and they have a rep-
world among the \bunger Races can a other races and cultures, locally-made utation in the lower class urban districts
young dwarf be accepted as a peer in an goods are usually inferior to the work of for public drunkenness and violent
adventuring or mercenary party. Rockhome dwarves. Thus, the finest crime.
Further, dwarven adolescence is a diffi- dwarven crafts are Rockhome imports.
cult and trying period for the young and Wealthy and powerful patrons recruit Xllje Motmiqsweiu;
for their elders, more so since dwarven Rockhome craftsmen and engineers for
adolescence lasts for several decades. important mining, tunneling, and con- The Modrigswerg are an ancient clan of
During this period, the youngsters are struction, leaving others to hire local dwarves exiled from Rockhome for pur-
called Troubled Youth. The young dwarven "experts." suit of forbidden lore, and traffic with
dwarves tend to be aggressive, violent, Outcasts: Some dwarves never outgrow dark powers. Only the gnomes are their
and resentful of authority. They resent being Troubled "Vbuths. Some are tem- peers as artificers, but the Modrigswerg
the rigid clan structure, and are eager to peramental, intolerant of the smothering are said to be cursed by the Darkness,
see the world they've heard about. They burden of dwarven tradition. Others are condemned forever to suffer distrust,
dream of places a dwarf can make a lot of spoiled by wealthy families. As in all cul- treachery, and madness.
money bashing ores and goblins, not tures, some become criminals through
wasting his life apprenticed to some old nature or circumstance. Histony
codger. In Rockhome, the sentence of Denun- Onund Tolundmire: "I doubt whether
There is a tradition among dwarves ciation and Banishment is a common the history of the Modrigswerg is known
that the Troubled Tfouth journey forth judgement for non-violent crimes, or for in detail to any but the Immortals or to
from their homes to learn common sense well-to-do offenders. Dwarves can con- the eldest dwarven loremasters. This story
—and to blow off a little youthful energy. ceive of no greater hardship than being I've pieced together from legends arid
Thus the young dwarves are away from physically and emotionally cut off from rumors, and even Dwalinn can't add
home during their most rebellious and home, clan, and kin. much.
destructive years, and are exhausted and Convicted offenders are conducted "Centuries ago, a small Rockhome
grateful for the quiet and security of the under guard to a border and sent off with clan called the Modrigswerg conspired
clan hearth when they return from their a kit roughly equivalent to that of a with dark elves, and with priests of the
adventures. beginning D&D® character. Ethengar Father of Demons—this last, an obscure
Originally the Troubled %uth went off and Ylaruam are generally hostile to for- cult worshipping Immortals of the
to bother other dwarven communities. eigners, but by contrast Vestland and Sphere of Entropy, and identified with
With the opening of the Known Worlds Soderfjord are quite tolerant. Many of various modern dark cults, depending on
to dwarven travel, young dwarves now the banished leave Rockhome at the Vest- who you talk to. This conspiracy sought
spend their adolescent years disrupting land border along the Vestfjord or Lan- to bind the powers of life and magic into
someone else's culture—a situation much dersfjord River gaps. devices which might be used to conquer
to the elders' liking. The Troubled Youth Finally, a dwarf may be expelled from and rule the world. A common enough
(who more often refer to themselves as his clan for societal reasons like lack of fantasy, but within the grasp of such a
the "Vbung Punks) also find this quite deference to elders, or refusal to marry as foul alliance.
acceptable. directed by the danhead. Life in Rock- "The dark elves brought the secrets of
Young Craftsmen: Another important home as a clanless dwarf is very difficult. life and its rulership. The Father of
class of dwarven emigrant, the young Other clans are reluctant to accept Demons cultists brought the rituals of
craftsmen leave the rigid apprenticeship expelled dwarves. The Wyrwarfclan isn't summoning and binding otherworldly
structures of dwarven culture to make very fussy, but it's a tough pill for proud powers. And the dwarves brought knowl-
their way in the human world, confident dwarves to swallow. Many hit the road for edge of metalworking and mechanisms.
that their skills and fine worksmanship the outside world, where loss of clan sta- "Accounts of the league's failure dif-
will earn them good money. Indeed, tus is less stifling. fer. In some, the Immortals interfered. In
dwarven crafts are much in demand It is this class of emigrants that gives some, dwarven heroes stormed the
throughout the world— dwarven jewel- dwarves in the Northern Reaches a bad league's citadel and slew the leaders. In
ers, armorers, and artificers usually name name. Some make their living by hiring some, the confederation destroyed itsetf
their own prices. However, this easy out as temporary laborers or guards in with treachery and betrayal.
money comes at a cost. mercantile districts or with caravans. "The fates of the dark elves and the
Many carefully guarded secrets are Others make their living by less honest cultists do not concern us here. The
taught only to those who remain in the means, and a few manage to leech off the Modrigswerg were judged by the other
clan and apprenticeship structure. meagre charity to be had from the dwar- dwarven clans to be tainted with evil. The
Though dwarven crafts in the Known ven communities. Alcoholism is common
NoN-HwviaN Races
Modrigswerg elders were executed for engineers and craftsmen for towers and Path of Immortality, come to the
their crimes, and the entire clan was dungeons. Bold entrepreneurs deliver Modrigswerg to purchase arcane items
Denounced and Banished, the name of cargoes of provisions at remote mountain made with skill and subtle cunning. The
the clan to be struck forever from the meetings, where they are paid in gold moulder dwarves charge extravagantly for
annals of dwarvenkind. It was then that and gems. Adventurers seek out the their services. For example, a warhammer
the Modrigswerg came to be called the Modrigswerg to steal their treasure, or to + 5 of flying, available in Glantri for
'rotten', or 'moulder' dwarves. purchase the artifacts the rot dwarves 25,000 gold coin, could cost 35,000 gold
"No legends tell of the exodus of this hoard in their hidden tunnels. or more. They refuse all but the most
clan banished from Rockhome. We know The Wealth of the Moulder Dwarves: challenging and unique projects. ("A
from giantish tales that the exiles eventu- The Modrigswerg are artists, skilled work- ring of protection? Pfeh. Anybody can do
ally moved into caverns and tunnels deep ers in silver and gold which they mine one of those...") They charge high prices
beneath the wildest lands of the Makkres deep beneath their subterranean dwell- in part because they refuse to work with
and Hardanger Ranges. ings. They work skillfully-cut precious anything but the finest materials, provid-
"Then the Modrigswerg were cursed of stones, particularly diamonds and rubies, ed from their own inventory, or required
the Darkness. Tales of the cursing vary into their jewelries and devices. These from the purchaser as a condition of
enormously, but the behaviors brought gems are also taken from their own accepting the project.
on by the Curse are well established. mines, or are brought by giants and The Modrigswerg are also masters of
"First, the rotten dwarves became Immortals as payment for work done, or the engineering specialty of dungeon
utterly solitary and anti-social. Most live as raw materials for a desired project. trapping. Again, the Modrigswerg con-
alone or in tiny family groups, with great As valuable as these raw materials may sider themselves artists, not extermina-
distances separating households. Even be, they are of less interest than the fabu- tors, and always prefer bizarre,
family members rarely communicate with lous and bizarre artifacts the complicated, and expensive designs over
one another. Outsiders, whether dwarves Modrigswerg create in their cavern work- the simple, efficient, and practical. Even
of other clans or humans, are unwelcome; shops. Even the Immortals prize their when a pit trap would do, the rot dwarves
they are avoided if possible, ambushed worksmanship, most particularly Immor- install sliding walls, counterweights,
and slain if convenient. tals from the Sphere of Entropy, who gen- hair-triggers, false doors, and spring-
"Second, the Modrigswerg are plagued erally have little gift for craft or loaded gimcracks. Dungeon traps of
by fits of madness and irrationality. They enchantment but an endless appetite for illogical but elegant complexity are usu-
are all treacherous and unpredictable. devices of command and destruction. ally of Modrigswerg design. Only the
Whether this is the fault of the Curse, a The Modrigswerg made the spear wealthiest of evil wizards and dark lords
side-effect of their social isolation, or a Gunghir for Odin, the spear which never can afford the moulder dwarves' services.
result of trafficking with dark powers is a misses. They made Skipblade, Frey's The reclusive Modrigswerg hate to travel,
matter of conjecture." enchanted ship which always finds a and charge even more exorbitantly than
Dwalinn: "Look. This 'curse' business favorable wind, and which folds like a usual for house calls.
don't enter into it. You sit around alone handkerchief to be placed in a pocket.
in the dark eating slugs and mushrooms They also crafted for Frey a golden boar, Dwalinn the Dwarf: "I don't want to
for a couple of centuries, and see if you whose bristles sparkle to provide light, count how many times I've found mysetf
ain 't just the picture of mental health!" upon which Frey may ride over sea and dangling by one ankle from a wire loop,
air, day or night. Thor's famous hammer sliding down a track toward some glitter-
Way of Life Mjollnir, that always strikes, destroys, ing mechanical marvel. And too many
and returns to his hand, is of times I've heard a partner say, 'Hey,
Much of the information about the rot Modrigswerg craftsmanship. Thor's wife Dwahnn—Modrigswerg work!'"
dwarves is given here in theoretical terms. Sif is said to wear golden hair crafted by
The purpose is to let DMs develop their the Modrigswerg, a gift given in recom-
own aura of mystery around these strange Lifestyle: Like all dwarves, the
pense for a prank by Loki the Trickster. Modrigswerg are extremely traditional
beings. What possibilities aren't actually
used can be given to PCs as rumors and Mortal followers of these Northland and conservative. There is a right way to
red herrings. Immortals may be loaned these magnifi- do things—their way—and no other way
cent devices when engaged in a great is acceptable. Since the Modrigswerg
Contact with Outsiders: Because of
quest. Thus, these devices may play a part have been isolated from the mainstream
their unpredictability and their hostility
in the adventures of many Northland of dwarven culture, their language and
toward visitors, the Modrigswerg are
heroes. customs will seem archaic to modern
approached by very few. The giantish
The Modrigswerg also deal with less dwarves. For example, few Modrigswerg
races deal with them for arcane devices,
exalted customers. Great sorcerers and speak Common, or any tongue but an
and powerful wizards seek them out as
heroes, particularly those questing on the archaic form of Dwarvish. They also
NoN-HuMaN Races
detailed and fantastic, full of distinctly
un-dwarflike curves and flourishes.
Another Modrigswerg always wears every
bit of jewelry he owns: dozens of pen-
dants, silver and gold wrist bands, and
rings on every finger joint. Nonetheless,
no matter how bizarre or insane, most
Modrigswerg behavior can be interpreted
as an exaggeration or perversion of an
honored dwarven tradition.
Like most dwarves, rot dwarves are not
picky eaters. Most of their food is pur-
chased in great quantities from non-
human races or from trusted human allies
who have proved able to keep a secret.
The rot dwarves have adapted to infre-
quent food supplies primarily through
the technology of processed food being
put by. Various foodstuffs are boiled
together in great vats, forming a sort of
stew, which is then sealed in metal canis-
ters. Such "canned" food is said to be
nourishing, but tasteless.
Rot dwarves have also borrowed from
the kobolds the practice of cultivating
molds and mushrooms underground,
and maintaining herds of semi-
domesticated cavern creatures for fresh
meat. Some Modrigswerg freeze foods,
employing arcane refrigeration technolo-
gies. Some purchase magical food-
providing devices from enchanters.
The world knows little of the personal
lives of the Modrigswerg. They dislike
meeting their clients in person, whether
giants, wizards, or adventurers. They pre-
fer to work through agents or through
messages carved in Auld Dwarf runes on
rock slabs. When the rare meeting is
arranged, it is always in a secure place
remote from the dwarfs home—in an
speak dialects of Gnomish, Goblin, and indifferently prepared food. They
unused cavern, or on a remote peak.
Kobold; those who deal with the Har- proudly hang their ornamental weapons,
danger kobolds may be somewhat fluent armor, and heirlooms; homes have fine Modrigswerg are, by their own assess-
in Kobold. stonework and engravings. The rot ment, obsessive workers. They make no
dwarves are fiercely protective of personal distinction between work-for-hire, hob-
DM Tip: Speaking old-fashioned
property, greedy for gems, jewelry, and bies, and play, throwing themselves into
English, something quasi-Shakespearean
mineral wealth— all for their own satis- every project with the same obsessive,
with thee's and thou's, can suggest the
faction since visitors are such a rarity. uncritical enthusiasm. As with all the
old-fashioned dwarven dialect and
Elder Races, they need little sleep and are
improve the flavor of the game. The Modrigswerg honor dwarven tradi-
capable of working for days without a
Other dwarven traits and traditions tions in queer and eccentric ways. For
remain common among the example, the rock engravings and
Modrigswerg. Most wear colorful gar- runescripts decorating the tunnels of one The Modrigswerg suffer periods of
ments, and consume vast quantities of Modrigswerg individual are exceptionally extreme depression, often accompanied
by alcoholism and self-destructive behav-
NoN-HuMaN Races
ior. Legend links this to the Curse; most , Cnafts, aND SCICNCCS another living creature, the life essence
dwarves feel it is a natural consequence of may produce the effect commonly known
In general, the Modrigswerg have main-
the moulder dwarves' perverse isolation as shapeshifting, or may confer the senses
tained the same skills and lore they had
from family and kin. and abilities of the creature sacrificed.
when they were banished. They are adept
Like other dwarves, the Modrigswerg in metalsmithing, gold- and silversmith-
set great store by memorization of family ing, armoring, weapon-making, gem- "Obviously you wouldn't call this 'white'
trees and oral clan histories, but they are craft, sculpting, engraving, engineering, or 'good' magic. Not many would object
extremely reluctant to reveal them to out- mining, geology, metallurgy, and other to killing a couple of chickens to enchant
siders. Those experienced in dealing with disciplines usually associated with a sword, but then, who would want a
the moulder dwarves say they earned lim- dwarves. Their practices are, if anything, sword with the abilities of a chicken?
ited trust and respect from the archaic and out-of-date. Some cave- "Three principles make these magical
Modrigswerg by being knowledgeable dwelling practices of the kobolds have practices most objectionable. The more
about their own family trees and about been adapted to dwarven use. The rot intelligent and powerful the creature sac-
the ancient history and culture of the dwarves also occasionally receive ancient rificed, the more valuable the artifact.
dwarves. Those with poor memories gnomish artifacts from trade with the And, the greater the quantity of life sacri-
earned the dwarves' contempt. kobolds, and thereby are introduced to ficed, the more powerful.
The Modrigswerg are exceptionally novel applications of known principles. "Finally, larger artifacts require a
long-lived, even for dwarves, although Otherwise, the Modrigswerg arc not greater volume of Me—a principle most
suicide accounts for many deaths among noted for their ingenuity or originality. distressing, since giants are the primary
these mad dwarves. Historical records customers for such creations!"
show that some individuals are at least Saru the Serpent
"A dwarf never had an original idea. As
four hundred years old, and certain
Anlafthe Poet says:
dwarves speak of events over six centuries The Artificers' Crafts: Conjuration spells,
past as though they had been eyewit- 'Dwarves are stone-headed:
like conjure elemental and invisible stalk-
nesses. Still, reports of immature dwarves 'Strong thoughts, but old as the
er, imply transportation of a being from
are rare. Tales link their infertility to the hills,
another plane of existence, generally for a
Curse, but it may simply be Modrigswerg 'As light, witty, and frolicksome.'
limited time, and against the wishes of
selfishness and an obsession with privacy. "Gnomes, now, they're the ones to get
the being summoned. Craftmagics, on
crazy ideas. Not dwarves. What's new
Worship of the Immortals: The mould- the other hand, involve bargaining with
and ingenious, and made by dwarves,
er dwarves evidently follow the dwarven or purchasing a period of service from the
comes from the giants and wizards who
tradition that clerics do not reveal them- conjured being, with the terms of service
hire them. Plenty of bad ideas there, and
selves to outsiders, if indeed they have and payment determined in advance.
rot dwarves all too eager to bring them to
clerics at all. The Modrigswerg do not The conjured being enters into the agree-
life for a generous sum."
venerate Kagyar the Artificer, Denwarf ment voluntarily (except at the highest
Sam the Serpent level of craft proficiency), and therefore
Dwarffather, or any other traditional
Immortals or heroes. must be convinced that the experience
Craftmagic: Notwithstanding their lack will be profitable or "fun" in some sense.
There is only conjecture as to which of originality, the Modrigswerg have mas-
Immortals the Modrigswerg now serve, if tered two disciplines not practiced by any Other-planar beings with short lifes-
any. Legends say that the Modrigswerg other dwarven culture—the life-bindings pans are unwilling to offer substantial
were cast out of Rockhome for worship- of the dark elves, and the artificers' crafts periods of service, making the expense,
ping the Father of Demons; it may be associated with the Lords of Entropy. difficulty, and risk involved with conjura-
supposed that some still maintain this These two disciplines, combined with tions senseless. Outer Plane beings like
cult, or a similar one. Another consider- conventional dwarven skills, enable the elementals, efreet, and djinn are some-
ation is that the Modrigswerg are known Modrigswerg to create unique devices. times willing to bargain for long service,
to deal with the Lords of Entropy. and the Lords of Entropy may bargain for
Though one need not worship the Entro- Dark Elven Life-Binding Rituals: the service of their minions, who have lit-
pic Immortals to deal with them, knowl- These rituals involve the sacrifice of a liv- tle say in the matter.
edge of their rituals is necessary for safety, ing creature in order to bind some ele-
ment of its essence into an inanimate DM Note: Life-binding rituals are
and oaths of loyalty are commonly strictly NPC magical abilities, generally
demanded for the services these beings object or another living being. When
applied to an enchanted object, the life associated with evil villains. PCs won't
render. (DMs should pick what best fits get access to these abilities except
their own campaigns.) essence confers upon its user a power or
special ability associated with the being through magical items, and even then
sacrificed to create it. When applied to PCs should regard them as "cursed" and
evil, rather than useful treasures.
NoN-HuMaN Races
A DM should remember, however, Vanistar—lost magical arts The Barnyard Puzzle Maze: This elab-
that the fantasy tradition is full of good Eldalomc—dark elven royal histo- orate trap /puzzle/security system was
heroes and heroines carrying tainted, ries designed for an eccentric Immortal of the
powerful magical devices. They possess Menelo—planar travel Sphere of Energy as a test for those on a
these only to keep them away from the Sindaya—the lesser Immortals of hero quest. The maze is a sequence of
bad guys, or to use in desperate circum- the Sphere of Entropy passages and physical puzzles that can
stances where evil must be fought with Lossemir—cold-based spells and only be negotiated through the clever use
evil. (Frodo with the One Ring, Morgaine enchantments of shapeshifting magical devices scattered
with Changeling, and Elric with Momanor—necromantic spells and throughout the maze. These devices per-
Stormbringer are three literary examples enchantments mit questors to transform themselves into
that come to mind.) Characters bear Feasar—life-binding rituals a variety of small common creatures like
these items reluctantly, and use them chickens, frogs, fish, hummingbirds, and
only at direst need, fearful of the conse- The ring was given to the giant's wife snakes. Each problem the maze presents
quences of the use of these evil devices. in the hopes that she would develop an can be solved through the use of the
The items described below can be used— interest in these disciplines. The wife was peculiar talents of a different animal spe-
judiciously!—if play balance is kept on unimpressed, and the ring lay forgotten cies. The object of the maze system is to
an even keel. among her other gifts, until it was stolen find the magical device which can trans-
by an adventurous thief. form the questors back into their original
The ring is now in the possession of forms and thereby exit the maze.
ExaMples of We MoCmigsweng's King Hord Dark-Eye of Ostland, who has
Cnaft had it made into a table which he keeps The physical location of this maze is in
in his treasury with numerous other oddi- a small outer plane. Access is usually by
Micro-Golems: These devices are extraor-
ties. Neither the original thief nor King invitation from the Immortal. However,
dinarily expensive, requiring thousands
Hord have any notion of the ring's func- the dwarves also created a permanent
of miniature parts hand-crafted from rare
tion, save that it is magical. The ring is gate disguised as a treasure chest—a chest
alloys and fitted with patient, painstak-
useless without the names of the spirits which DMs can put in a dungeon hallway,
ing care. Golems follow their owner's
bound into the ring, even if its function lying where a previous party of adventur-
orders, and are often used by sorcerers
became known. Only the giant and his ers opened it. Encounters with these
and alchemists as an extra pair of hands
wife, and Brokk and Sindri who made the unsuccessful puzzle-solvers can be an
for close work. Others have been pur-
ring, know those names. amusing embellishment on the maze's
chased as intelligent operators of complex
original design.
traps and security systems. DM Note: A device of such power and
The Ring of the Nine Svartalven: This evil is most appropriate as the focus of a DM Note: A final word about these
ring was crafted by the masters Brokk and campaign quest or as the subject of a artifacts. Inexperienced or power-crazed
Sindri as a wedding gift for a Great quest on the Path to Immortality. It is also gamers may be more fascinated with the
Giant's wife. The ring is three feet in an example of the cheerful indifference powers of such devices than the negative
diameter, solid gold, decorated with of Modrigswerg craftsmen to the hideous effects of their evil nature. Ideally, your
gems and enameling. Into the ring are processes involved in the manufacture of gaming group will not fall into this trap,
bound the life-forces of nine dark elf their items, since nine dark elves had to but if you anticipate this sort of response,
sages. be sacrificed to create this artifact. be prepared to remove these artifacts
from the campaign. Here are two ways to
The ring is fashioned to resemble a The Spear of Giant-Slaying: When
take gross, evil magical devices from
dark elf grasping his toes in his out- thrown, these three-foot javelins grow to
trigger-happy PC heroes.
stretched hands, bent backwards into a twenty feet in length, and unerringly
ring. When summoned by name, the strike for the eye of a giant. • A bigger bad guy comes along and
spirit of a summoned dark elf responds as takes the devices from the PC. If Frodo
Most Modrigswerg boast of owning one
the gold forms into a likeness of his face. had gotten too carefree using the
or two of these devices, but in fact there
The eyes and mouth of the golden face Ring, Sauron would have found him
are relatively few of them in existence,
move as if alive, but the rest of the dark in a jiffy; that would have been the
and most are owned by the Immortals of
elf figure remains solidly formed as a end of Frodo.
the Northlands pantheon. Modrigswerg
ring. assert ownership of these spears largely as • The devices themselves may seek a
The nine dark elf sages are each masters a deterrent against treachery by giant cli- more appropriate owner. Intelligent
of a specific arcane discipline: ents. But moulder dwarves will also items have a way of betraying their
cheerfully sell bogus Spears of Giant Slay- owners when the prospect of a better
Harmacar—the lore of intelligent master appears. "Oh, no, master, no
ing at fabulous prices (but what a dis-
swords danger down here. No sirree. But boy,
count!) to naive adventurers.
Angalomc—sorcerous metalcraft do I detect treasure!'"
THje macho-type sports and games—anything
that exercises their bone and muscle with-
Almost nothing is known about the his- out making demands on their brains.
tory of trolls in the Northern Reaches. Take tree-ramming, for example. Trolls
Under aggressive questioning, troll pris- run head-first into trees, over and over
oners reveal nothing—the fact is, they again, until the trolls or the trees fall over.
show no concept of history whatsoever. Sometimes the object is to be the last troll
Giants arriving in the Northern Reach- to fall over, sometimes the object is to
es around 1600 BC found the trolls knock over the tree. Since the trolls gen-
already present, and they were not erally forget the object of the game long
impressed. Recorded human contacts before the tree or a troll falls over, the
with trolls date back to the third century game quickly degenerates into mindless
BC, when primitive barbarian tribes wan- confusion, with laughing trolls running
dered into the Trollheim hills and were full-bore into anything that holds still
eaten. Subsequent contacts have scarcely long enough to be hit. Other games, like
been more rewarding. Cliff Diving, Toss-the-Tiger, and
Culture: Despite their legendary Chicken-Kick, are equally pointless and
hankering for human flesh, trolls actually violent, and no one but a troll would care
eat anything. Apparently rocks and to be involved.
metals take longer to digest than organic Recent Developments in Trollheim: As
foods, and they are not pleasing to the recent military campaigns into Trollheim
troll palate. Plant matter, whether vege- continue, the youngest generation of
tables or tree stumps, is acceptable. But trolls is becoming wary of Man, and more
for a quick treat, trolls relish human cautious and resourceful in confronting
flesh. This adaptable diet permits trolls human adversaries. Some trolls have
to live anywhere, above or below ground. been reported using a variety of weapons
Troll wounds and injuries heal at a in imitation of human usage. Others are
remarkable rate. This regenerative ability showing courage and ingenuity in coping
makes playful activity peculiarly aggres- with fire attacks. Experts worry that the
sive by human standards. Troll youngsters military efforts may inadvertantly pro-
think nothing of popping the arms or legs duce an aggressive, thinking breed of
off their playmates, and the victims show troll—clearly a greater threat to North-
no ill-will for such mistreatment, as the land culture than the less sophisticated
effects don't last. trolls normally found.
As a result, trolls appear virtually fear- Relations with Immortals: Trolls have
less to humans. Although trolls do feel no idea what an Immortal might be, or
pain, it only makes them uncomfortable what worship is. Facing an Immortal visi-
rather than terrifying them. Trolls who tor, a troll would probably try to eat him.
have experienced fire or acid may display Relation to Other Humanoid Races:
an intense fear of these phenomena All other humanoid races are a source of
because they cause injuries that do not nourishment. Giants are an exceptionally
heal. Trolls do not seem to fear magic, dangerous form of nourishment.
other than fire magic, apparently because
Relations with Humans: Humans are a
they are too dim-witted to understand its
prized source of nourishment. Humans
like fire, which trolls definitely don't
Trolls are powerful, fierce, but uni- like. If given a choice between a human
maginative fighters. They are barely con- carrying fire and a human carrying no
versant with the notion of tools, but they fire, trolls always attack the human with-
do learn to use improvised weapons like out fire. Trolls do not connect the phe-
tossed rocks and tree-limb clubs in their nomenon of light with fire, and are not
various games and sports. intimidated by magical light.
Because of their remarkable durability Crafts and Technology: The only thing
and even more remarkable stupidity, a troll knows how to make is noise. Trolls
trolls are fond of exceptionally simple, have been known to use weapons and
shields, but not necessarily in the way the adversaries, as the border garrisons at the the hill country. The contentious nature
items were intended to be used. (Some of Sodervirk can testify. of both races makes this a fragile alliance,
the variations are surprising.) Culture: Gnolls are nomadic herders of but nevertheless an extremely dangerous
Trolls have very limited attention mountain sheep, and warlike predators one.
spans, and they can lose and rediscover an upon other races. The culture is cruel and Relations with Humans: Humans are
object held in their paws many times in violent and, failing to find another foe, considered dangerous but exciting prey.
the space of a few minutes. As a result, gnolls will fight among themselves. Gnolls have a healthy respect for human
although trolls absentmindedly collect Ruthlessness and skill in battle are the magic, and a taste for human flesh.
items in their lairs, they are totally indis- dominant racial traits. Social order is Gnolls do not trust humans, but they will
criminate in what they collect. determined by force: the biggest and trade with humans to obtain quality
A troll will have no idea what you toughest have everything. weapons, armor, magical items, and alco-
mean when you ask where his treasure is. Gnolls seldom cooperate in groups hol, for which local gnolls have devel-
Adventurers seeking treasure in a troll's larger than their immediate clan. Even in oped a thirst. Sorcery and bribery may
lair find it is mostly a matter of luck, since such small groups, fights break out over enable humans to obtain gnoll coopera-
trolls do not have any of humanity's con- choice of leader or tactics, division of tion, if raiding and looting are part of the
cepts of value. spoils, or any other point of debate. reward.
Magic: A troll's regeneration and other Tribal warfare is unending. In battle, Worship of the Immortals: Northern
abilities are natural, not magical. Trolls gnolls prefer taking captives, who then Reaches gnoll clans worship the Lords of
do not understand magic, and neither become slaves of the victor, but no quar- Entropy. Many clans worship a specific
fear nor value it. Magic users are simply ter is offered or given. Intertribal battles demon; for example, the Double-Rock
humans without the annoying metal are brief, often indecisive, with both River Clan worships Ranivorus, a Howl-
husks. sides withdrawing when adrenalin runs ing Demon. (See D&D® Immortals DM
low or when quarrels disrupt the groups. Guide, pp. 30-32 for demon descrip-
Notett Vnoii PensoNaiities The gnoll's powerful frame, sure- tions.)
footedness, and hardy conditioning give As with all Immortals, demons are
Two-Ox Charlie: Two-Ox Charlie is a
him a movement advantage in rough ter- enjoined by Immortal law from interfer-
tame troll owned by Hord Dark-Eye,
rain. (Gnolls move at cavalry speed in ing with events on the Prime Plane. How-
High King of Ostland. Charlie is often in
mountainous areas.) Individually, gnolls ever, the Immortals of Entropy are less
attendance at social functions, serving
are as powerful as trolls, but more numer- scrupulous in their interpretation of what
the king's dinner— a table covered with
ous and better organized — more than a constitutes "interference." Demonic arti-
food, casually flourished one-handed. He
match for humans in rough terrain. They facts have been provided to some gnoll
entertains guests with tricks and mock
have no interest in the underground, so followers, and occasionally a demon may
combats. Charlie speaks passable Com-
they cheerfully ally with kobolds when involve himself in gnoll affairs, using a
mon, recites poetry, and reportedly is bet-
common objectives permit. With assist- disguise or magical abilities to conceal his
ter at arithmetic than the king. He dotes
ance from kobold advisors in the presence from observers.
on Yrsa, who tolerates him. When asked
Gnollheim region, a few gnoll clans are Although shamans among the gnolls
why he puts up with civilization and ser-
becoming increasingly effective in their are generally regarded as weaklings and
vitude, Charlie observes that he eats bet-
use of military tactics. These clans are also misfits, they have much influence behind
ter here than he would in Trollheim, and
reported to use superior, dwarven-style the scenes in clan politics. A chief must
that humans know more interesting
weapons and armor obtained from the have the support of the shamans or he
games than trolls. The king has repeated-
kobolds. cannot command his tribe.
ly denied that Charlie is fed on human
thralls. Relation to Other Humanoid Races: Crafts and Technology: Gnoll goods
Less resistant to cold than giants, gnolls are primitive. Warriors wear poorly-made
avoid high elevations except during the leather armor, and use crude shields,
Hill QNOIIS summer. During that season, hill and spears, clubs, bows, slings, and other
Gnolls were the first humanoid race to stone giants raid their herds to steal simple weapons. Gnolls may also use
settle in the Northern Reaches after the sheep, and the gnolls enjoy the challenge plundered weapons and armor, or mod-
ice caps retreated. Nomadic gnoll clans of protecting their flocks. ern arms purchased from unscrupulous
are widely dispersed in rugged regions The kobolds of the Hardanger Range traders. Warlords and wizards elsewhere
throughout the Known World. have established close relations with a have managed to outfit, train, and field
Gnolls are less formidable than ores or number of Gnollheim clans. Normally allied gnoll armies. As yet, this has not
kobolds, militarily. On their own ground, neutral or hostile, the gnolls and kobolds occurred in the Northern Reaches.
however, they are shrewd and stubborn are brought together by their common Magic: Gnollheim gnolls do not have
hatred of the human settlers colonizing wiccas, and may fear magic users and
NoN-HuiviaN Races

their spells. Gnolls rely on their tribal Suant, chief of the Black Cliffs Clan:
shamans for healing and other clerical The large Black Cliffs Clan lives in the
spells. Minor shamans (Levels 1-2) are Angesan Valley in the foothills of the
numerous; most raiding parties will be Hardanger Ranges. Untroubled by
accompanied by one or two such. human colonists or smaller gnoll tribes,
the Black Cliffs Clan is relatively peaceful
Noteo QNOH PensoNalities under the guidance of the elderly Suant.
However, young gnoll warriors have
Kaberu, chief of the Mountain Wolf
challenged Suant's leadership, claiming
Clan: Kaberu's reputation has grown to
that he has denied aid to the warlike
legendary stature in the Whiteheart
northern gnoll clans who resist the intru-
region. His raiding parties strike swiftly
sion of the humans.
into the lowlands north of Whiteheart,
ambushing trade caravans and river trad- These younger warriors, under the
ers along the Otofjord River and plunder- leadership of Chela, a charismatic gnoll
ing settlements throughout the Otofjord war leader, have secretly allied with the
Valley. The border garrisons are baffled kobolds of the Hardanger Range. For
by his ability to pass the Sodervirk wall promises of magical and technological
without detection, and to evade the far- treasures plundered from the caverns of
ranging border patrols sent into the hills the gnomes, Chela and his followers have
in pursuit of Kaberu's war bands. Rumors sworn to bring the Black Cliffs Clan into
say that Kaberu has either sorcerous or the war against the human settlers.
Immortal aid. Captured gnoll weapons
and armor of Thyatian make suggest for-
eign support, but Thyatian representa-
tives stoutly deny any contact with the
Count o f CNUte
The Court of Cnutc at Ostland is quite PensoNalities being a clan within the Zeaburg clan).
detailed, a framework for a Northern Hord hoped their union would produce a
King Hord Dark-Eye
Reaches campaign, although shorter son strong enough to ascend the throne
High King of Ostland (F28, St 15, In 12,
adventures are perfectly reasonable. after him, but Rhora died childless. Hord
Will, Dx 15, Co 18, Ch 17, ALNeutral)
Important background information remarried, holding the same hope for
Traits: Modest 8, Peaceful 5.
about the nation of Ostland begins on strong sons. Although he has fostered
King Hord Dark-Eye exhibits the man-
page 10. some promising young nobles into his
ly virtues of a warrior people to his sub-
The first part of this section describes household, he refuses to name any one of
jects' loyal and enthusiastic approval.
the important people, and major events them his heir. The succession to the
Through the last twenty years, he has
occurring. The second section maps the throne is therefore in question, although
ruled the islands with a strength his pred-
important locations in the area. Follow- Queen Yrsa would have the strongest
ecessors on the throne have not matched
ing that are techniques the DM can use to claim by tradition.
since the rise of King Cnute himself.
run a full-length campaign. Hord is a man motivated by power, con- DM Note: King Hord maintains all the
trol, and a real delight in a good fight. trappings of power. Most of his subjects
Most natives of Ostland consider the Roy- Sadly, he lacks a guiding vision of public and many knowledgeable foreigners still
al Court at Zeaburg to be the highest welfare and prudent governance that consider him the ruthless, absolute ruler
flowering of civilization in the Northern would have made him a truly great of Ostland, even though others are shap-
Reaches. (In their view, Vestlanders have warrior-king. ing the counsels and policies that guide
fallen away from the Northland ideals, the nation. Those seeking aid in Zeaburg
At 51, King Hord no longer swings a must maintain the appearance of
corrupted by the decadent cultures of the
battleax with the vigor of his youth. acknowledging and honoring King
south.) Adventurers who have traveled
Instead he encourages the belligerence of Hord's authority, even as they court effec-
more widely through the D&D® Game
those around him. He fosters the petty tive help from other influential figures
Known World may find the Royal Court's
quarrels of the Ravenguard against the behind the throne.
self-asserted superiority less convincing.
Brothers, and delights in their competi-
Ostland's strong centralized govern- tion. The rambunctious warriors respond
ment has its heart inside the Royal Com- with untempered loyalty and constant Asgrim the Bowed
pound in the somewhat barbaric one-upsmanship. High Priest of Odin (C21, St 11, In 15,
"metropolis" of Zeaburg (actually a scat- Wi 17,Dx9, Co 12, Ch 15, AL Lawful)
King Hord's tastes grow bloodier year
ter of residences surrounding the Royal Traits: Cautious 14, Reverent 16, Forgiv-
by year. Where once he was content to
Compound and the Lower Fort). King ing 3, Trusting 4, Dogmatic 18. Knows
watch a lynx torment a field mouse for
Hord Dark-Eye rules with ruthless as, algir, and tiwar runes. Owns several
entertainment, now he talks of condemn-
strength, his word enforced by a large rune-inscribed objects.
ing criminals to face captured monsters
standing army and the loyal support of Asgrim is a very ambitious man with
like his tame troll, Two-Ox Charlie.
the war-like jarls and nobles of the lesser the vision the king lacks. A decade youn-
Osland clans. Twenty handpicked noble Hord has long since wearied of the pet-
ger than Hord, Asgrim became the king's
guards form his honor guard— fierce, ty details of rule, and he envies the young
associate relatively early in his rule. He is
fanatic warriors renowned throughout fighters their simple, violent solutions to
young for his position, but he has many
the Northern Reaches. Collectively, they their problems—even though experience
factors working in his favor. He is dis-
are known as the Brothers of the King. has taught him that thoughtless violence
creet, his ambitiousness is carefully chan-
is no lasting solution. He is impatient
Others in the kingdom wield power of neled, and he has the god's favor, which
with the wearisome chores of understand-
their own in a delicate balance of political has raised him through the ranks swiftly.
ing and guiding affairs of state. He'll
intrigue and diplomacy. The priesthood He represents the hard-core traditional-
lend an ear to outrageous schemes to
of Odin, led by the guileful Asgrim the ists who feel that the old Northman ways
enrich his treasury rather than pay atten-
Bowed, exerts wide influence and seeks to are the best, with every member of the
tion to a tedious advisor droning on
expand its power. But perhaps the most society knowing his place.
about some serious border dispute that
underrated figure of diplomatic impor- needs settling. His growing indifference For the last ten years, Asgrim has been
tance is Hord Dark-Eye's mate. Queen leaves a power vacuum, being filled by King Hord's closest advisor. Traditional
Yrsa the "Vbung. Her political acumen is others. Northman kings lead their warriors in the
matched only by the intensity of her reso- field, and so King Hord has spent many
lution to drag her backward realm into The early death of Hord's first wife,
seasons away at war. When he was away,
the mainstream of the civilized world. Rhora Anlafsdottir, was the first blow to
Asgrim ruled in day to day matters.
Hord's love of rulership. Hord and Rhora
Under Asgrim's guardianship, the power
were perfectly traditional Cnute clan
of the priest class grew tremendously as
monarchs (the royal house of Cnute
the head priest utilized his connections to
CouRt of CNirte
stay informed and to dispense swift jus- whelping legitimate heirs. In the four and traditions, and understands the
tice to all parts of Ostland. King Hord years since her marriage, the jokes faded. desire of many to retain their unique
expanded on this framework whenever he She has won an astonished respect from northern way of life.
returned to the throne. most of the jarls, and the genuine love of Queen Yrsa is careful and adroit in bal-
The diplomatic policies of the Odin many of her subjects. Because she bore ancing one faction against another, and
cult in combination with the ruthless two sons in quick succession, King Hord she rarely makes political mistakes. She is
application of Hord's military authority is utterly devoted to her; because she is schooled and admirably knowledgeable
make for a united nation ruled very effi- intelligent and astute, he listens to her. in the rituals and teachings of Odin's
ciently. The society exhibits the worst and Her popularity is only weakened by her worship, and therefore combines both
the best things provided by sound central sometimes unconventional ideas and by secular and religious power in one figure.
rule: social classes are utterly rigid, indi- her determined progressiveness. Staunch Her scholarship has earned the guarded
vidual expression and innovation are traditionalists see in these traits a desire to respect of Asgrim and his fellow clerics,
repressed, and honest commerce is diffi- make Ostland just like the other nations but her politics threaten the power of the
cult and limited; but crime is rare, laws of the world, forsaking the ideals and cul- priesthood, bringing her into direct com-
are consistent and reliable (if harsh), and ture that made the Northlands what they petition with Asgrim who also seeks to
a degree of peace reigns within the bor- are, but most of the populace sees the unite the power of cult and state under
ders. new possibilities she raises for the good of his own leadership.
Asgrim's nickname derives from his all. The entire political situation is in Yrsa shares her counsel and influence
crippled back and from the obeiances he flux, and thick with intrigue. judiciously with the jarls who can appre-
gives the king—some say to excess. Yrsa deals well with the intrigue. Her ciate her talents and her pro-
Asgrim disclaims all personal ambition, half-sister, Gunnhild Svalasdottir, is jarl development designs; thus she has
acting "for the good of the nation," or of Suddmore, which has always been a earned their support in return. She works
simply "on his god's orders." However, powerful clan in Ostland. Gunnhild held slowly, and plans for the long term. Her
he is dogmatic, tradition-bound, and a teenaged Yrsa as a hostage for a year on rank as queen allows her to exercise her
rather xenophobic. The world he envi- the grounds of doubtful loyalty to her political influence more openly than
sions would be narrow, bleak, and unfor- clan, and planned charges against Yrsa Asgrim. She can be as ruthless as the
giving, an oligarchic theocracy, with for conspiracy to depose Gunnhild as High Priest, but her manipulations are
Asgrim himself on the throne of Ostland. clanhead. said to demand the best from her
DM Note: Asgrim wields tremendous However, even from confinement, victim—a clear difference from Asgrim's
power but entirely behind the scenes. He Yrsa managed to stay in touch with her chosen methods of squeezing his victims
is a Richelieu who manipulates others influential contacts. When Gunnhild between their own weaknesses and the
adeptly but who will not take actions that made the charges of treason public, Yrsa threat of public exposure.
will expose his hand. His subtle manner took steps to clear her name. Accounts Yrsa is young and her will is strong. If
and air of subterfuge draw some suspi- differ on the actual events following the brought to fruition, her resolution to
cion among a forthright people. He is proclamation of treason but, in a stun- bring Ostland out of its barbarian past
more feared than admired, particularly ning and unexpected reversal, Gunnhild and into the mainsteam of modern
among the nobles and leaders of King abruptly retracted her charges, freed nations might make Ostland the heart of
Hord's household who can glimpse his Yrsa, and publically showered her with a rich, productive, vigorous world power.
machinations at royal audiences and gold, apologies, and assertions of life- DM Note: Queen Yrsa may be a little
councils. long affection and admiration. Gunnhild ahead of her time or just born in the
has been one of Yrsa's most determined wrong country, but her vision is worthy of
Queen Yrsa the Young supporters since the young woman a Charlemagne or Elizabeth I. Her star
Also becoming known as Yrsa Deep- became queen. rises and the priesthood's wanes, but she
Minded. (C8, St 13, In 16, Wi 18, Dxll, Yrsa's Machiavellian abilities defend must use all her intellect and policial tal-
Co 10, Ch 17, AL Neutral) Traits: Cau- her and her vision from being swallowed ent to ensure her balance as she walks a
tious 15, Peaceful 12, Courageous 14, by the lesser minds around her. Yrsa trav- fine tightrope into the future.
Energetic 15, Dogmatic 5. Knows man- eled out of the Northern Reaches as a Ostland is a nation where great change
nar rune and owns several rune-inscribed young child (to keep her out of Gunn- is possible. The presence of strong-
objects. hild's way), and she brings an expansive, minded, assertive adventurers (native or
Queen Yrsa is the king's second wife, tolerant vision to her rulership that nei- otherwise) could shift the delicate politi-
and half his age. At the time of her ther Asgrim nor her husband can match. cal balance. Relatively minor actions in
betrothal, she was the butt of jokes and She knows Ostland will sink into a bar- support of either Yrsa or Asgrim's poli-
derision: a pretty young thing marrying barian backwater if it cannot modernize cies can have far-reaching results.
an old goat for the express purpose of its ways. Even so, she respects its history Left undisturbed, Yrsa's power is likely
Tlje Count of CNUtc
smaller inner court.
Typical encounters here might include
sages, mages, skalds, and charlatans seek-
ing the Queen's favor and patronage.
People like these may be hidden
resources—or traps—for PCs.
The Queen's Court has been renovated
in recent years. Planking covers the interi-
or walls, and intricate carving adorns the
interior posts. The outer court has a
packed gravel floor which is covered with
the traditional scatter of staw and herbs,
but the inner court floor is one of Yrsa
innovations: a white lime plaster overlays
to expand unless she is assassinated. Her Dawn; certain jarls answering charges of the gravel foundation. Although this
greatest challenge comes from a small treason; or squabbles between the Broth- combination makes the room uncomfort-
core of reactionary traditionalists who ers of King and the Ravcnguard ber- ably cold in the damp climate, Yrsa feels
favor Asgrim's old-style religion over serkers. Two-Ox Charlie, the king's pet this encourages swifter thinking from
Yrsa's various plans for reform. troll, is another likely encounter. He car- petitioners.
Yrsa can accommodate the priests' ries food to the king, he might wrestle
five men at once for the audience, or he 3. The King's Hall: The king's private
power within her own, but the reverse is quarters are in keeping with traditional
not true. Asgrim would find it difficult to may recite poetry.
dwellings, although King Hord enjoys the
have her around if he winds up top dog, Banquets are served from the side- comfort of planked floors and walls. The
because Yrsa will not accept being a pow- boards along the wall behind the king's large outer room (A) functions as the king's ;
erless figurehead. And although King table (referred to as the high table). The private meeting room, although it more
Hord's interest in rule lessens, he still rear entrance from the kitchens has been often serves as his drinking hall and gaming
remains a powerful factor through the enlarged to permit Two-Ox Charlie to car- room.
might of his military arm. In his absence, ry in a fully-laden.
the military factions might themselves The king's sleeping quarters (B) include
The high table accomodates up to sev- the bed he occasionally shares with the
take Alexander's solution to the Gordian en: the king, queen, and a designated
knot of court politics—if they could stop queen, and his chests of personal belong-
guest of honor have individual chairs, ings. He keeps a worktable and chair
fighting among themselves. and everyone else sits on benches. The against the west wall for what statecraft he
long trestle tables flanking the firepit seat remains involved in, but he relies ever more J
XTl7€ Royal COMPOUND about twenty each, on benches. The heavily on verbal reports and the opinions :
clanheads or their representatives are the of those around him. His armor and weap-
1. The Great Hall: The king's Great usual company, but the king aggravates
Hall embodies much that is traditional in ons are racked on the south wall.
the Brothers and the Ravenguard by occa-
the gathering halls of the northern peo- sionally feasting with one group, then the 4. The Queen's Hall: Renovations of
ples. A stone-lined firepit fills the center other. Thralls move between table and the Queen's Court were extended into
of the hall, which is built of stripped pine firepit, and those who are insufficiently the queen's private quarters. Planking
timbers caulked with mud and moss. The agile may be tripped into the coals for a covers the walls and the floors alike, and
din floor never completely dries out, con- laugh. Against the easternmost wall is a the rooms are therefore warm and clean.
tributing to the miasma of odors— cold, bench for guards and servants. The loca- Traditionalists point out that the queen is
damp molds, energetic unwashed bodies, tion is undesirable because the wall backs unnaturally obsessed with privacy— her
and the more pleasant smells of wood against the latrine outside, and the caulk- rooms are partitioned off from one
smoke and freshly-laid straw mixed with ing in the wall is inadequate. another in the southern manner. Her
herb grasses. Only outlanders will notice; interior fireplace and chimney are poorly \
2. The Queen's Court: The court is constructed, having been built by work-
to locals, these are the smells of home. divided into two spacious rooms. The
Recently the Great Hall has served as ers willing but unfamiliar with the
larger outer court serves different func- design. Her rooms are often smoky, and i
nothing more than a feasting hall, but tions as required: an antechamber for
every meal is a lively social event. Typical those who share this part of the building
those waiting for an audience, a gather-
encounters here include: nobles and are particularly susceptible to colds.
ing hall for general councils and
adventurers petitioning permission for a announcements, and as an entertainment The outermost room (A) is a sitting
colonizing expedition to the Isle of hall. Formal audiences take place in the room, and the queen often conducts semi-
private business from this antechamber.
Count of CNirte
Only trusted advisors, or those accompa- hold live here. Two-Ox Charlie, the an effective framework:
nied by such, enter this room. Yrsa's sleep- king's pet troll, has a lean-to against one 1. Distinctive, powerful recurring char-
ing quarters (B) are not elaborate, with a wall, but no one argues with him when he acters. Significant patrons, informants,
small dressing chamber to one side. Chests decides to sleep somewhere else. allies, and/or opponents whose actions
along the walls contain her personal and motivations often shape individual
belongings: clothing, jewelery, and cosmet- Xlje Lowen Font campaign scenarios.
ics. 2. A campaign home base. Here the
8. Barracks of the Personal Guard: This
Another of the queen's innovations is player characters meet before embarking
900-man elite brigade is led by Brand the
an interior lavatory (C) which vents to the on an adventure, and have a safe haven to
Peacock, so named for his love of fine
outside. Facilities are still minimal by return to for healing after their ordeals.
dress and decoration. All are intensely
more civilized standards. (The "tavern" or the "palace of the
loyal to the king.
The upper wall of the southmost room Duke" are common FRP home bases.)
9- The Shrine of Mjolnir: A shrine ded-
(D), a solarium workroom, can be icated to Thor, it is also the barracks of the 3. Standard scenario beginning and
opened to admit the sun on pleasant Ravenguard berserkers. ending routines which link individual
days. The queen and her ladies work in scenarios into the larger campaign. (For
10. Granaries: The Court of Cnute
the western half of the room spinning, instance, many campaign scenarios begin
maintains granaries against a bad harvest
weaving, and doing the needlework with a wizard or duke gathering the play-
season, delivered as tribute from the jarls of
incumbent on females of every rank in er characters to give them a task; when
Ostland. The building closest to the Royal
this culture. On the other side of the the task is complete, the player characters
Compound doubles as the king's treasure
room, shelves overhang a table where the return to receive their rewards—or a
house. Guarded by the Personal Guard.
queen works, often late into the night, on tongue-lashing—from their patron, who
state matters—reading reports, designing 11-34. The Clan Houses: Each of the then explains there is more to be done.)
public works, and reviewing judgements. ruling clans of Ostland maintains a Great
Hall outside the walls of the Royal Com- 4. Powerful themes and narrative
Three thralls share a small room (E). pound. These are the residences of the backgrounds—stirring, dramatic ques-
Two are personal servants to the queen, entire ruling jarl's family in winter. Hos- tions of good and evil, right and wrong,
and the third is the princes' nursemaid. tages remain in residence year round. that give special meaning to the lives and
The two infant princes, Finn and Geir, actions of the player characters.
35. The Foreigners' Compound:
live in the nursery (F) across the hall from Whether hopeful merchants or foreign In the Ostland campaign, King Hord,
the queen's quarters. ambassadors, all outlanders are confined Asgrim, and Yrsa are the distinctive,
5. Barracks of the Brothers of the King: to this area except when in the company powerful recurring characters. The Court
Twenty select warriors sleep, eat, and of a noble Ostlander or the well-known of Cnute becomes the PCs' home base,
store their belongings here, where they and trusted servant of such. Non-natives where they receive missions from Hord,
are tended by their servants. Six of the are never allowed to wander unattended, Asgrim, and /or Yrsa, and where they
warriors are female. All live for the king, and even when accompanied, strangers return for healing and rewards. Most sce-
and all consider themselves above the may be challenged by any warrior. The narios will begin and end at the Court.
law. The group's captain is presently district is supervised by the Guard. And finally, the conflict between
Beowulf Stonehand. Asgrim's drive for absolute power and
The general "city" known as Zeaburg Yrsa's vision of a modern nation where all
6. Temple of Odin: An elaborate struc-
is an unplanned scatter of freemen's resi- political interests are fairly represented
ture all of oakwood, the temple contains
dences: craftsmen, farmers, fishermen, provides the background for the PCs'
a small shrine dedicated to Odin. The
and laborers. At the pier tribute is deliv- gradual increase in power and influence.
walls and posts are richly decorated, and
ered, and warships can embark warriors Their achievements gain significance, not
the best-known power runes are inscribed
and supplies. The guard towers are just in terms of personal wealth, but in
on the upright rock beside the shrine
staffed by the Personal Guard. terms of how well they can protect
itself, which contains a bust of the god. A
full set of oaken rune-tiles is kept in a sil- Ostland's people from Asgrim's ambi-
ver bowl beside the stone. A CaMpaiQN FuaMGwoRk — tions, while aiding Yrsa in bringing
The rear of the building is partitioned To run an effective FRP campaign, DMs Ostland out of its barbarian youth and
off as living quarters for Asgrim and his need an effective campaign framework, a into a civilized maturity.
staff. The High Priest himself spends group of gamemastering techniques
much of his time away from the temple, which link the short-term excitement of AN OstlANtt OutliNe
conferring with the king or others. individual adventure scenarios into large- Ambitious, adventurous Ostlanders (new
7. Thralls' Quarters: Ramshackle huts, scale, significant actions and themes. characters beginning in the Northern
none too tidy, and an open-air kitchen fill Campaigns have common elements for Reaches campaign) are drawn to the
the area. The slaves of the royal house-
Count of CNUte
Court of Cnute by rumors and open ality becomes increasingly repellent. By this phase, most of the PCs' adven-
advertisements announcing the king's Asgrim wants to consolidate the power tures may have political overtones. Even a
desire to sponsor adventurers. Upon of Ostland under puppet monarchs con- simple treasure-grab scenario requires the
arriving and applying to the king, the trolled by an enlightened statesman — PCs to reveal their political loyalties, since
characters are invited to accept Hord's Asgrim himself. The High Priest is Asgrim and Yrsa will each request that the
hospitality, in return for various services increasingly generous in his aid to the treasure be placed at their disposal to permit
to be named at a later date; these services characters, requiring in return no more them to "save Ostland from disaster." At the
will become the first adventures in the than simple favors—messages delivered, same time, once the PCs openly or secretly
Northern Reaches campaign. (For exam- special considerations to friends of Odin, declare themselves for one party, the other
ples of scenario ideas, see "The Kingdom little services for the cult. At the same party is plotting to destroy them, and the
of Ostland, Current Events," page 13) time, Asgrim hints subtly that Hord is PCs may be forced to strike back in self-
In this early phase of the campaign, the losing his grip on the rulership of defense.
PCs will first receive a mission— and per- Ostland, and that the cult of Odin, under The first crucial event in thisfinalphase of
haps some useful support, like a magical Asgrim's guidance, would be a perfect the campaign is the death of Hord. Ideally,
item or a skilled NPC companion— in an regent to protect Ostland's future. the PCs should be present for this event. For
audience with King Hord. Then the char- Yrsa wants to insure that she rules instance, Hord might insanely insist on lead-
acters are interviewed by Asgrim and by Ostland after Hord's death, as regent for ing an invasion of Ostmanhaven, and be
Yrsa. At this stage, both are polite and her sons or as sponsor of a fosterling if slain in a challenge combat with the Ostman
helpful, offering the use of little clerical that proves necessary. She is less moti- danhead. The invasion would collapse
items or NPC advisors, while making no vated by the desire for personal power, under the confusion of the factions strug-
demands on the characters. but she fears Asgrim's obsession with gling for power, and the invasion fleet would
After the PCs complete their missions, achieving absolute control for himself. return to Ostland.
they return to King Hord— and Asgrim She, too, will offer more generous assist- In the climax of the campaign, the PG
and Yrsa—to receive their rewards for ance to the PCs, but will make greater find themselves involved in a civil war
accomplishing the assigned tasks. Thus demands on them, also. She warns between Asgrim and Yrsa, the traditional-
all adventures will begin and end with against allowing Asgrim and the Odin ists vs. the progressives. Perhaps Asgrim
the DM playing the three personalities of cult to become too strong, and her kidnaps the infant princes or Yrsa, holding
Hord, Asgrim, and Yrsa. The DM begins requests will involve keeping tabs on them hostage. Perhaps Yrsa and the princes
with a mission assignment, granting aid, Asgrim and his minions. At times, she flee to exile in Ostmanhaven, where they
and ends by debriefing and delivering may require that the PCs secretly work to seek alliances with Vestland and the
rewards (payment and assignment of foil the plots of Asgrim directly. Jarldoms to permit them to return to
experience points for accomplishments). hi this second phase of the campaign, Ostland as rightful rulers. The PCs might
In the second phase of the campaign, the scenarios are still mostly monster- play a number of roles in the civil war, both
when the characters have reached approx- stomps and treasure-grabs, but minor as plotters, agents, and heroes, or as gen-
imately 4th-6th level, the king may con- political elements begin to crop up in erals in large-scale military confrontations
tinue to dispatch the PCs on missions, Hord's assigned missions. As evidence using the BATTLESYSTEM™ Fantasy
but the assignments will sometimes be mounts that Asgrim and Yrsa are strug- Combat Supplement or War Machine data
more subtle and complex. For example, gling for control of Ostland in the midst of (in the D&D® Companion Rules).
King Hord may send the PCs to Ost- King Hord's deterioration, the PCs realize Assuming that Yrsa and the PCs tri-
manhaven to search for evidence of plots that sooner or later they must choose sides umph over Asgrim, the PCs might then be
against the royal house, or he may send in this conflict. Their choices should be the retired as high-ranking NPC nobles and
the PCs to investigate rumors that Ves- deciding factors of who rises and who falls. advisors in Queen Yrsa's court. If the char-
tland and the Jarldoms conspire with the In the last phase of the campaign, the acters are to be kept in play, they might
Alphatians to support the Ostman clan in PCs have reached name level and may be continue in high-level wilderness and outer
a revolt against the Cnute's rule. seeking their own dominions. King planar exploits while involving themselves
At this point Asgrim and Yrsa begin to Hord's mind is failing him, and it is clear in diplomatic missions to the noble courts
make special personal requests, and offer that Ostland must have a new ruler. Both of Karameikos, Glantri, or Thyatis, or they
more substantial rewards. The PCs should Yrsa and Asgrim promise the PCs their might choose to move on to a new setting,
begin to realize that the three main charac- own dominions and positions of power like the Isle of Dawn colonies, or the vast
ters have competing political interests... and influence in return for support in the wildernesses north of Norwold, in search of
The king just wants to live a life of glo- struggle. The PCs are caught in the suitably challenging adventures.
rious warfare and adventure through his increasingly direct confrontation between
loyal subjects. Hord still offers the PCs Yrsa and Asgrim; to give aid to one is to
heroic tasks, but his bloodthirsty person- openly declare the other enemy.
FalUN CavcRNS to start, like the scale, the compass rose, clustered single units common in the low
or even the map title. These clues can be chambers.
Falun Caverns is an adventure setting for provided directly, or the DM can intro- Craft guild halls were communal fac-
immediate use. Use the "Gnomish" duce a gnomish informant who "can't tories, with workshops and residences for
Falun Caverns map on page 32 of the quite make it all out," but who might rec- guild members. Acceptance into a craft
Players Book as a player handout. The ognize select letters or words. guild brought the benefits of free hous-
DM's reference map to Falun Caverns is Some players hate word puzzles, and ing and various exclusive privileges. Pro-
printed on the inside cover. Use this as a will refuse to work out the Gnomish writ- ducing fine goods is still a prestige
DM reference and gamemaster screen ing. That's fine. In that case, the full occupation among gnomes, and the
while running Falun Cavern scenarios. translation on the DM's map is your joke; guilds of Falun were more elaborate and
The DM can choose precisely where in you know what they're missing. luxurious than ordinary gnome resi-
the Northern Reaches he or she wishes to dences.
locate the Caverns, but we recommend Villaqe The ancient gnomes lived on many
starting the players in Castellan or in levels of the caverns, with structures ris-
Whiteheart (both in Soderfjord). This is a The Falun Caverns region was inhabited
by the Northland gnome culture for cen- ing to the ceilings high above the cave
good opportunity for DMs to use a stand- chamber floors. Their villages were won-
ing runestone to start the adventure off— turies before it was conquered and
destroyed by kobold invaders in 490 AC. derlands of Rube Goldberg-like conveyor
a weathered block inscribed with hints belts, trolleys, counter-weighted ramps,
about the ancient gnomish village in the Over two thousand gnomes once lived in
peace in several underground villages; and elevators. All these devices are now
hills nearby. More simply, the PCs may be derelict and frozen in natural flowstone
pursing kobold raiders to their lair—a very few survived the invasion. A kobold
community of 200-300 individuals has deposits, but they can still inspire awe.
pursuit which ends in the Falun Caverns.
lived in Falun ever since.
(jNOAte AGtticultunal CaveitNS
Originally lit by continual light bulbs,
* The layout of Falun Caverns is based on a the algae, fungus, and other cave-
" real cave—Jewel Cave National Monu- Gnomes used a complex technology of
adapted plant life raised on these farms
ment in South Dakota. The Falun Cave alchemical processors to dissolve the
provided the bulk of the gnomes' nour-
map represents less than a tenth of the limestone. They transported it to an array
ishment. Now scattered descendants of
size of the Jewel Cave map; imagine even of molds and forms, and molded their
the original plants remain. The rest of the
more extensive caverns extending to the structures in place, relying heavily on
caverns show evidence of the formerly
south and west which could be further pipes, braces, and scaffoldings. Founda-
lush growth, where flowstone has cap-
developed. tions are mortared stone or reinforced
tured and mineralized the deteriorating
The writing on the player's handout fiber forms synthesized from organic cave
remains of fields grown wild in the
map is an unintelligible runic script. This resources like shines, jellies, worms, and
absence of their tenders.
is " Auld Gnomish." The mapmaker used ants.
Many areas have been taken over by the
a wish to prevent the Auld Gnomish The resulting structures look like mol-
kobolds, who have added more continual
runes from being read by magical means. ten glass or plastic poured over bizarre
lights. The lighting is far inferior to the
Only another wish can alter this condi- frameworks. They are decorated with
the original gnome illumination, and
tion. flowstone curtains and other calcite for-
only mushrooms and mold grow now.
The DM's map includes translations of mations, variously colored with bright
the Auld Gnomish. Industrious players mineral pigments. Some sections are still
lit by ancient continual lights, dating Antifact CollectiNQ ajvO Salvage
who like word puzzles will find that the
Auld Gnomish script is a replacement from the gnome occupation. Some artifi- Gnomes used flowstone and organic fiber
code for the English alphabet. (See the cial formations are lit from within by as the modern world uses metal and plas-
chart on the DM's map.) Players who fig- these continual lights, creating subtle tic. With these materials, gnomes manu-
ure out the replacement code can trans- shadings and prisms of color. factured a bewildering variety of devices.
late the Auld Gnomish notes in full, and There are two basic types of gnome About a quarter of these devices are
gain valuable information about the structures: villas and guild halls. roughly analogous to the kind of objects
cave. Villas are apartment complexes which we twentieth century humans can buy in
Players may have a little trouble get- housed from 20-100 gnomes. There are shopping malls or from store catalogs.
ting started decoding the Gnomish three main styles: high-wall, with many The rest are either pointlessly complex
script. In the spirit of enjoying a good units up the walls to the ceiling; cylinder, elaborations of items one would normally
game, the DM can point to logical places multiple units in floor-to-ceiling towers, find useful, or pointlessly complex
with walls left for murals; and low hut, designs with a purpose and function
known only to the original designer. of-the-way spot, overlooked by scaveng- damage, but the murals are still impres-
Most useful artifacts have been plun- ing kobolds and covered with flowstone sive. Faded gnomish lights are supple-
dered long ago by the kobold invaders. deposits. mented by kobold lights. A
The remaining relics are often covered by well-traveled, paved surface, this is a pre-
various calcite deposits. Kobolds have no Map Key ferred route to the kobold settlement.
skill extracting artifacts from the
The following map key lists all map refer- • Breezeway: A long chamber with very
deposits, but the magic user's rock-to-
ences, with brief descriptive notes. The high ceilings. Ruined, crumbling cat-
mud spell will do the trick. Skilled miners
listings are alphabetical to help you find walks and high observation platforms are
and would-be archaeologists may physi-
entries quickly and easily. poorly lit by fading gnomish illumina-
cally remove objects with the proper
tion. Lower course lit by recent kobold
tools, lots of patience, and a delicate • Algal Processing: Factories where algae
lights from Boulevard east to the kobold
touch. was flavored, textured, and packaged in
settlement. Ruins of Founder College are
Areas where gnomish artifacts may be flowstone or fiber containers for distribu-
recovered are indicated on the DM map tion and storage. All ruins.
of Falun Caverns (inside cover). See page • Crystal Falls: Beautiful flowstone ter-
• Ant Ranch: Draft stock was corralled
43 for charts of artifacts to be found in the races, curtains, waterfalls, and pools,
here. Ruins. Ants now range freely to the
Falun Caverns. For more elaborate dimly lit by ancient gnomish lights. Paths
north and west.
devices, see the Book of Wondrous Inven- toward Fishstone Mall and West Farms
tions (AC 11), which offers plenty of • Arch Villa: Residental high-wall apart- are covered by streams and flowstone,
bizarre artifacts that might He buried in ments, stripped by the kobolds and aban- and very dangerous to use.
the centuries-old flowstone deposits. doned. Heavy flowstone covers much.
• Culay Village: Ruined gnome village
DMs may also wish to create their own • Auld Barrow: Ancient burial ground, eight miles east along an unlit, unim-
items for PCs to find. dating from gnome pre-history. Heavy proved path. There's a small kobold set-
flowstone everywhere. Kobold taboo. tlement at Culay, and this route is
Cneatvnes ONce DoMesticateb occasionally taken by kobold war parries.
• Auld Falun Village: Earliest gnomish
Gnomes raised ants as draft and pack ani- habitations in Falun Cavem. All huts are • Falun Center: Arts and entertainment
mals, and mules for riding. Bats, rats, of mortared flowstone fragments. These center of the gnomish settlement. Great
and giant ferrets were raised as domestic oldest gnomish huts are similar in design stadium with small performance rooms
and working pets. Various cavern crea- to primitive human stone dwellings. on lower levels. Stripped, vandalized
tures, such as giant beetles, rats, and pur- ruins. This area is now used as a beetle
ple worms, were raised for food. Most of • Auld Villa: Low hut residental apart-
ments built in old mortared stone fash- farm.
these species run wild in the caverns, and
some "herds" are still maintained by the ion. Stripped by the kobolds, then • Falun Feast Village: Low hut farming
kobolds. abandoned. Heavy flowstone. and residential village. Ruins. Partially
• Barrow Way: A more recent gnomish stripped by kobolds. light flowstone.
Bunial QnouNbs catacomb, in use when the invaders Area is avoided by kobolds because an
came. light flowstone. Kobold taboo. aggressive, territorial ant colony roams
Kobolds fear dead spirits' vengeful ances- the vicinity.
tors, who they believe watch over proper- • Beetle Ranch: This was a small opera-
ly prepared graves. Thus, the kobolds tion for specialty meats; other beetle • Falun Village: A large, town-sized
avoid gnomish burial grounds. The bar- ranches were usually larger. Wild beetles gnomish settlement, with ruins of several
rows and catacombs are relatively undis- now range north, west, and east; they are residential craft guilds, a college, and an
turbed, though often buried in heavy hunted by kobolds for food. arts center. Now the site of the main
flowstone. Traditionally, gnome posses- Falun Caverns kobold settlement.
sions are handed on to clan and guild, so • Bluecaps: Gnomes in Falun relied on
the Bluecaps, a news and messenger serv- • Fiber Guild: This guild produced fiber
bodies are buried without important products for manufacturing and con-
grave goods. Burial grounds are empty of ice like the Pony Express, to stay in touch
with their kin. Surface routes between struction. Ruins. Stripped and aban-
valuable plunder. doned. Moderate flowstone. Kobolds
The unburied gnome casualties of the settlements were often dangerous but
more direct, only used by gnomes in a used salvaged fiber stocks for their earliest
kobold invasion were treated more constructions in the kobold settlement.
casually—they provided food during the hurry.
establishment of the first kobold settle- • Boulevard: Elaborately decorated • Fishstone: Cylinder-style residental
ment. However, a victim's ancient main hallway, with flowstone sculpture apartments. Called Fishstone for the
remains are occasionally found in an out- and murals. There is heavy flowstone brightly-colored flowstone walls, sculpt-

ed into fish forms.

• Fishstone Mall: Open fairgrounds in a
high-ceiling chamber. Heavy flowstone,
poor lighting, difficult access, and little
visited by kobolds.
• Fishstone Park: Public park along West
Pool and White Canal. Heavy flowstone.
The floor is flooded by a canal which has
overflowed its banks. A nearby shrine is
badly ruined by flowstone, but it has not
been stripped.
• Flood Zone A: Long passage leading
down to flooded regions. Very slippery,
with seeps and thick algal growth.
• Flood Zone B: This region flooded just
before the gnomes were exterminated by
the kobolds. Several submerged gnome
residences here have not been stripped,
and constant flow of water has prevented
flowstone deposits. A treasure trove of
gnomish artifacts in good condition.
• Founder College: Center of gnomish
education and scholarship at the time.
Libraries and collections are stripped or
vandalized by kobolds. Nothing of value
remains. However, ruins are extensive
and complex, no longer visited by
kobolds—a good hiding place for PCs on
the run.
• Friendship Guild: Very large care com-
munity for elderly and disabled gnomes.
Gnomes are known for their generous
treatment of the old, sick, and disabled,
and Falun Village was the site of the larg-
est Friendship Guild in the region. It is
now ruined, stripped, and vandalized by
kobolds. However, the ruins of the
Health Care Center still contain several
clerical healing and curing artifacts over-
looked by the kobolds.
• Gadget Guild: The Gadget Guild pro-
duced an vast array of devices, most of
them far more elaborate and complicated
than warranted by the function they
serve. For example, the equivalent of a
can opener had fifteen different settings,
weighed eleven pounds, and required
three hands to operate. There are thou-
sands of items like these lying around the
ruins of this guild. Many have been
abused by frustrated kobold scavengers, • Magic Guild: Magic was and is a less and anyone entering the room is struck by
and most are damaged by flowstone and prestigious craft than general gadgetry a 6d6 lightning bolt.
corrosion. among the gnomes, so this was a modest
• Quiet Rest: Low hut residental apart-
magicians' guild. Ruins, moderate flow-
• Gate Watch: Gnome guards occupied ments. Ruined. Moderate flowstone.
stone. Kobolds have stripped the area of
this chamber above the main entrance.
everything that detects of magic. • Rat Nursery: Gnomes raised rats for
Ramps lead to observation platforms
food, as pets, and as trained draft ani-
which overlook the passage below. This • Marble Villa: Cylinder-type residential
mals. Wild rats are found in profusion
room is now used as a watch station by apartments. Ruined. Heavy flowstone. throughout the caverns. They are hunted
kobolds observing traffic entering the
• Meat Processing: Beetles and worms by kobolds, and also raised domestically.
were processed, textured, and packaged
• Redcap Village: A small residential
• Green Canal: This canal brought water for food, then stored in fiber or stone con-
and farming village. Ruined, stripped
to the algae colonies of West Farm. The tainers. Machinery and buildings are
and vandalized. Heavy flowstone.
area is now fanned for fungi and molds. ruined. Intensively scavenged by
kobolds. If still sealed, remaining con- • Rust Shelf: Once a small gnomish rust
• High Loft: This unlit chamber has a monster farm, now a wild colony. Wild
tainers may have edible but nasty-tasting
ceiling only three to four feet high. It was rust monsters wander throughout the
used by the gnomes as a garbage dump. caverns. They have learned to avoid
The refuse was periodically cleared away • Metal Guild: The buildings have been kobolds, who hunt them for food.
and taken outside the cavern for perma- preserved and occupied by kobold war-
nent disposal. Kobolds may use this riors. Dire wolves are corralled along • Service Guild: This complex housed
chamber to outflank invading PC parties. chamber walls. Beetle meat is brought in the equivalent of the gnomish civil serv-
several times a day from farms in the ice. Ruined. Stripped and vandalized.
• Jelly Farm: Catwalks through this area Now the site of a kobold beetle farm.
Falun Center and Service Guild areas.
are suspended over pools where various
cave jellies, puddings, and slimes were • Mikal Park: A cavern wilderness area • Slide Wall: Originally, the Falun
cultivated for their chemical compo- preserved by the gnomes for sports and Caverns entrance was sealed by massive,
nents. A small processing plant lies in recreation. Kobolds hunt cave creatures camouflaged mechanical doors. These
ruins at the southern end of the chamber. and gather fungi from this area now. doors failed, and were sealed open by
The former inhabitants have now grown kobolds. The entrance is now concealed
• Mule Ranch: Gnomes raised mules as by dense forest growth.
wild, feeding off one another, and off
riding animals. Few mules survive in the
beetles and ants that stumble into this
vicinity, though their bones lie buried in • Slime Pools: Gnomes cultivated cave
area. The kobolds avoid the jelly farm
heavy flowstone here. slimes for their chemical properties.
These pools now contain wild slime colo-
• New Villa: High-wall residental apart- nies. Kobolds avoid this area, and many
• Lower Ant Ranch: Stocks of food and
ments. Ruined. Heavy flowstone. artifacts remain in good condition.
fiber were stored here originally, but any-
thing useful was taken early on by the • Police A : Barracks of the gnomish
• Stable: Mules for the police and Blue-
kobolds. Lower levels in this direction are internal security force who doubled as a
caps were stabled here. Stripped and van-
presently inhabited by a vast ant colony, mule-riding defense force patrolling the
dalized. No flowstone.
the descendants of the gnome domesti- upper world as well. Police duties for each
cated stock. These ants are numerous, village were handled by local guardsmen. • Stone Guild: Once home to flowstone
territorial, and hostile. Area was stripped and vandalized by workers and cave engineers. Buildings
kobolds. Light flowstone. were preserved and are now occupied by
• Machine Shop: The Machine Shop is a kobold serfs.
public facility where gnome citizens • Power A : This area contained an
could bring malfunctioning devices and experimental power generator (magical) • Suburbs: Northeast of Redcap Village
work on them, with tools and advice pro- intended to replace the continual light lie several more residential and farming
vided by resident experts. Gnomes often illumination in the caverns. The project villages. All are stripped, vandalized,
lost interest in the malfunctioning was abandoned, deemed unsafe. and buried in heavy flowstone.
devices, but refused to throw them away. Kobolds who forced their way past the • Test Q: These areas were reserved for
Many were stacked, tagged, in storage entrance were baked by lightning bolts. testing of magical devices and gadgets.
bins. The PCs can find innumerable bro- Though the kobolds detected massive The chambers still bear the evidence of
ken and useless devices scattered around quantities of magic, they wisely chose to explosions and other minor disasters. The
by impatient kobolds. Other items are abandon it. The generator still draws rooms still detect as magical, and are
covered with light flowstone deposits. electrical energy from the Ethereal Plane, avoided by kobolds.

• Upper Fishstone: Low hut residential gnome-made hazards. completely destroyed.

apartments. Ruined. Moderate flow- Players may say they will "take as long
• / / /Passage Blocked: This symbol
stone. as necessary, and work as carefully as nec-
means that the passage is temporarily
• Vaults: Warehouses for agricultural blocked or under construction. essary." This is reasonable, assuming the
and manufacturing materials. Stripped PCs do not have a prior reputation for
• A /Restricted Access: Authorized ham-handed clumsiness and a love of
and vandalized by kobolds. Beyond these
gnomes only. Generally locked or other- shortcuts. Consider that there will still be
vaults, wilderness caverns extend for
wise protected. Areas marked thus on the a chance that a delicate object will be
miles. Kobolds have not charted this
map may have been entered by kobolds, damaged beyond repair, no matter how
cavern area, and avoid it because of dan-
but undamaged compartments bearing carefully the person works. DMs can also
gerous cave wildlife.
this symbol in ruined gnome buildings keep the players on their toes by having
• West Farm: Formerly the main algal may not have been plundered. cave creatures stumble onto the group at
farm for the Falun Village region. work. But above all, don't let play drag.
Kobolds farm mushrooms and other fun- Antifact "Cables These tables are to have fun with, not to
gus. make the game boring.
Artifacts marked in Auld Gnomish can
• West Pool: A beautiful, shallow pool be translated with read languages. Two
beneath Crystal Falls in Fishstone Park. values are listed for each item. The first is
Gnomes used this as a wishing well. A for sale as an antique oddity in any mar- When PCs enter an area marked on
modest fortune lies buried in flowstone ket town. The second is for sale to a the DM's map as having an artifact,
beneath the black surface of this pool. knowledgeable collector, an interested and they make the effort to locate it,
sage, or a school like Uppsala College in the DM must decide which of item is
• White Canal: This canal leads through actually found. The DM should roll a
Norrvik. DMs may alter prices up or
the Fishstone Park area. It overflows its die with the appropriate number of
down, depending on the perceived value
banks, covering the cavern floor in water sides to determine what device has
of similar items in any given campaign.
six to twelve inches deep. Footing is very been located.
treacherous. If skill and time are required for suc-
cessful extraction, make a secret skill
• Wind Way: This passage was little used check for the PC directing the extraction. Easy Recovery Table
by gnomes and retains the appearance of Then ask the player how long his charac- (Twenty percent chance of discovery
a wilderness cave. Kobolds may use this ter is willing to spend extracting the per hour of search; no skill or time
route to outflank PC invaders. object. Roll to determine time period needed to recover.)
• Wishbone Villa: Luxury high-wall resi- necessary to successfully extract the These are small objects overlooked
dences. Ruined, stripped and vandal- object. by kobold scavengers and, by rare
ized. Heavy flowstone. Several treasure If the skill check is failed, the object is luck, not covered with flowstone.
hoards still lie well-protected, though destroyed in the process of extraction. 1. Rat Whistle: Used to summon pet
they could be detected only by magical Circumstances should dicate whether you rats, it now summons wild rats (50%
means. Excavation would require plenty tell the player until he has spent the time chance of 1-10 giant rats while in
of manpower or magic. digging it all the way out. (The character Falun Caverns). 10 gp/500 gp.
might be able to tell that the item is 2. Continual Light Reflector: Shaped
• Worm Fields: Gnomes maintained ruined after getting it halfway out—or like a flashlight, it focuses a continual
these low regions for wild worm colonies. half out!) light in a 120' cone of light, with the
Worms were hunted for meat, and worm If the PC spends more time than neces- lit circle expanding to 10' in diameter
hide was prized by the Fiber Guild. sary and passes the skill check, the object before the light becomes too dim to
• Worm Nurseries: An experimental is successfully recovered. see further. 300 gp/500 gp.
worm-breeding project. Several peculiar If the PC passes the skill check, but 3. Pocket Measuring Device: Tape
worm species may be found in this area, spends less time than neeeded for safe measure and weighing scales, cali-
descendants of gnomish experiments. extraction, he will obtain the object, but brated in ancient gnomish runes. 1
it is damaged in the process. Subtract the gp/500 gp.
• Worm Ranch: Gnomes raised worms time spent from the time required. That
for food and organics. No worms remain. 4. Glassy Fiber Cube: Contains six
result is the percentage of useful value gnomish portraits, lit from within by a
Area occupied by kobold serfs and lost. (If a PC spends 2 hours working to
nobles. continual light. 10 gp/500 gp.
get something that takes 20 hours to get 5. Clear Fiber Flute: Constructed like
• Q /Danger: This symbol is prominent- safely, the object loses 18% of its value.) modern metal flute but resembling
ly displayed to indicate natural and If the value exceeds 100%, the object is
have been abandoned to colonies of these
glass. Lots of buttons and levers. These things are so massive, so com- creatures now gone wild. Also, many wil-
Requires extensive restoration before plex, or so bewildering that the scav- derness cave species have moved into the
it will function properly. 5 gp/500 gp. enging kobolds ignored them. All are gnomish ruins.
6. Firestarter: Flint-and-steel in a boxy easy to damage. Rust Monsters: Raised by gnomes for
device, hand-operated. 20 gp/50 gp. 1. Miniature Printing Press: Has their chemical properties, these unag-
7. Fiber Container of Pipeweed Gran- moveable type, Auld Gnomish runes, gressive creatures now wander the caverns
ules: Halfling weed prepared for of course. Weighs 400 pounds and at large, avoided by the kobolds.
chewing; no longer palatable. 0 gp/ prints only on fiber paper. No instruc- Giant Ferrets: Raised as hunting pets by
300gp. tions. 100 gp (as scrap)/10,000 gp. the gnomes, ferrets are now common
8. Fiber Container of Glu-All: Twenty 2. Perpetual Motion Device: A turnta- wild predators, feeding on rats.
applications. Welds any substance to ble set on a cabinet full of pendulums, Giant Beetles: Raised for food and fiber
another substance. 500 gp/2000 gp. counterweights, and whirly-gigs; in per- by the gnomes, these creatures run wild
fect working condition. Two thousand- in the southern areas of Falun Caverns,
Difficult Recovery Table word Gnomish instructions on bottom and are hunted by kobolds for food.
of cabinet. Like all perpetual motion Giant Scorpions: Found wild in lower
(Ten percent chance of discovery; min-
devices, this does nothing useful for a cavern regions.
ing or similar skills and tools required.
long time, then stops; INT check at — Giant Spiders: These dangerous preda-
Successful extraction requires ld20
16 penalty to comprehend, even with tors were eliminated by the gnomes, but
hours and successful skill check.)
instructions. 50 gp/2000 gp. they have since have returned to plague
These items are embedded in flow-
3. Lava Lamp: Clear fiber cylinder like the kobold settlement.
stone, but are simple or durable
glass, filled with viscous fluid and red Mules: Gnomes raised these as riding ani-
enough they may withstand rough
globs of stuff. When heated on one mals. Wild varieties appear in remote
end, globs zoom around in pretty pat- northeastern areas, but they are preyed
1. Foam Generator and Two Canisters:
terns. No instructions. 50 gp/500 gp. on by kobold wolf stock and so are
Device like a fire extinguisher; sprays
fiber-based foam which hardens in 4. Folding Bicycle: Balloon tires have uncommon.
minutes into a rigid substance as deteriorated and whole mechanism Gelatinous Cube: The common name of
tough as wood. Id 10 uses per canister. needs oiling. No instructions. 5 gp/ this creature comes from the variety gener-
500 gp/1500 gp. 2000 gp. ally found as sentinels in man-made corri-
5. Chronograph: Pocket watch. Interi- dors. In a natural cave environment, the
2. Worm-hide Gloves: Fire and acid
or works hopelessly flowstoned, slime limpet (as the gnomes call it) takes
resistant, gnome-sized. 350 gp/1000
though rock-to-mud may clean it. The many forms. It feeds on any organic
gp- amount of repair to actually make it
3. Handbound Sheaf of Fiber Sheets: substance—typically the algae in warm
functional is beyond the abilities of pools—but it also traps other creatures on
Personal copy of gnomish fairy tales. readily available technologies—it
Irrelevant nonsense. 10 gp/1000 gp. its sticky exterior. Slime limpets are com-
would require the abilities of a mould- mon throughout the Falun Caverns region.
4. Pocket Pinball: Hand-sized pinball er dwarf to even make the attempt. No
game, good condition. 100 gp/500 Grey Ooze: A variety of slime limpet that
instructions. 1 gp/5000 gp. developed an acid which dissolves the cal-
gP- 6. Hand Calculator: Bellows-driven
5. Coil of Thin Fiber Wire: Strong as cite skeletons of coral-like creatures that
like a bagpipe, its fiber bag is in poor grow in colonies in the caves. Cultivated
rope, 100' long, coils to 2" in diame- condition. Instructions partially legi-
ter. 100 gp/500 gp. by gnomes for manufacturing and con-
ble. 1 gp/1000 gp. struction, wild colonies may be found
6. Sporting Crossbow, Repeater: Six-
shot fiber-based crossbow; can't repli- throughout the caverns.
cate design without gnomish fiber Green Slime: This variety of slime limpet
CaveRN Cneatunes flows over rock walls like an amoeba. It
technology. 1500 gp/1500 gp.
Kobolds learned much about domesticated senses warmth at a range of 120 feet.
Miraculous Recovery Table plant and animal life of caves from their Cave-delvers know it as the slime that
gnomish victims. Gnomes were particularly drops from high ceilings onto unwary vic-
(Three percent chance of discovery; tims. Gnomes and kobolds cultivate it as
clever in raising slimes, molds, and other
mining or similar skills and tools a food source for domestic animals.
lower life forms, and employing the har-
required. Successful extraction Yellow Mold, Black Pudding: Cultivated
vested products for various purposes. Most
requires Id 100 hours and successful by gnomes for manufacturing and con-
of this technology is lost to the kobolds.
skill check.) struction. Now appear in wild colonies
Vast labyrinths of cave rooms and passages
throughout the cavern.

Cave Lizard (as "lizard, giant", D&D® Blind Robber Fly, Bat, Carrion Crawler, end of the Shining One," p 47.)
Basic DM Book, p. 32): Raised for food Giant Centipede, etc.: These and other These legendary kobold heroes, with
by the gnomes and kobolds. species are found wild in the Falun the divine aid of Immortals of the Sphere
Dire Wolves: Domesticated as mounts for Caverns. of Entropy, may rise among their people
warrior- and noble-class kobolds. Occa- in times of need, uniting the kobolds
sionally found as wild predators. Kobolbs As a Race against a common enemy or leading a
Hell Hound: Raised exclusively as migration into new territories. Most hero-
mounts for kobold high nobility. Ruling Kobold history is largely unknown. Vari- ic kobold legends center around artifacts
clan may own a pack often to twenty such ous scholars argue that kobolds may be an of unknown origin, like holy armor and
beasts. elder race (demi-human like elves and weapons, or gifts from outsiders, or magi-
Giant Rats: like the gnomes, kobolds dwarves), or of giantish, goblinoid, non- cal items remaining from a forgotten
raise giant rats as work animals and as Prime, or other origin. Similar to gnomes antiquity.
pets. Wild giant rats also abound. Shriek- in size, features, and intelligence, These periods of kobold unity seldom
er: Raised by gnomes and kobolds as an kobolds are unlike gnomes, being pro- outlast the leader. Succession is always a
alarm system and food source. lific, aggressive, and fierce, with a strong bitter battle, and kobold empires usually
Giant Fish: Blind cave varieties provide warrior tradition. dissolve in a matter of years.
food for kobolds. Primitive kobolds are tribal. Small Culture: Primitive kobolds are hunter-
Purple Worms: Denizens of lower tribes are led by chieftains. Constant gatherers of the wilderness cavern habi-
caverns, they are hunted by kobolds for inter-tribal quarreling, raiding, and bat- tat, living off wild creatures of that
food and hides. Kobolds trick worms into tling prevent primitive kobold cultures environment (black puddings, giant mil-
eating carrion that conceals containers of from presenting a serious threat to civi- lipedes, etc.). At more sophisticated
yellow mold and black puddings. lized humans and demi-humans. levels of civilization, kobolds cultivate
Giant Ants: Raised as draft animals by Periodically a great kobold leader subterranean crops (fungi and mold),
gnomes, wild colonies of these creatures comes along and welds squabbling tribes and domesticate cavern plant and animal
rule the southeastern part of the Falun into nations. Then the kobold cultures life forms, living in cave villages like
Caverns. They occasionally raid the may become important factors in human dwarves and gnomes.
kobold settlements. and demi-human history. (See "The Leg- Kobolds are not literate—all culture is


orally transmitted—so kobold civiliza- welcomed into the noble class, creating Without noble leaders, they prefer hit-and-
tion is a precarious thing. Some kobolds an unstable and fragile power structure in run tactics. Though war parries are often
have been known to learn other written times of war. Nobles are trained as superi- accompanied by wiccas and shamans on
languages and basic arithmetic. or warriors. Weak noble offspring may be wolf mounts, the inferior wolfmanship and
Kobolds see themselves as cruel and accepted into the shaman or wicca classes. lack of warrior prestige prevents these spell-
ruthless, and they do not consider that Serf- and warrior-class kobolds obey casters from being used most effectively,
evil. Their hard-hearted attitudes toward nobles on pain of death. unless under the guidance of exceptional
war, killing, and merciless authoritarian Nobles are equivalent to "chieftains." kobold nobles.
rule are the result of population pressure See "Kobolds," D&D® Basic DM Book, Warriors are equivalent to "body-
and warrior traditions, and a religion P- 32. guards." See "Kobolds," D&D® Basic
which enobles ruthlessness and power as Wiccas: In primitive tribes, wiccas are DM Book, p. 32. For warrior mounts, see
sign of enlightenment. magic users of limited skill. (See D&D® dire wolves under "Wolf," D&D Basic
Kobolds are xenophobic and paranoid. Masters DM Book, pp. 21-22). In more DM Book, p . 39.
Tradition and experience has taught that stable kobold cultures, wiccas may learn Serfs: Most kobolds are serfs, toiling to
all outsiders intend to kill kobolds. many of the spells known by humans and provide for their own needs and the needs
Kobolds have a particular antipathy for demi-humans, and employ items like of the warrior and noble classes. All serfs
gnomes. The reasons for this violent potions, scrolls, and other sophisticated are militia-trained, using spear and sling,
mutual hatred are lost in antiquity. artifacts. Wiccas also engage in the sal- but they are not permitted to carry these
Kobolds raid gnomes with self- vage of dwarven and gnomish devices. items without the specific permission of a
destructive irrationality, and exterminate Shamans: Kobolds worship the noble. They have poor morale (Morale: 6)
gnome settlements whenever possible. Immortals of the Sphere of Entropy. Each unless cornered or defending their lair
Relations with Other Humanoid tribe has its patron demon. Shamans (Morale: 8). See "Kobolds," D&D Basic
Races: Kobolds rarely cooperate with oth- have exclusive control over the benefits DM Book, p. 32.
ers of their own species, let alone with and obligations of service to these
other humanoid races. However, the Har- demons. The prestige and influence of KobolO SettleMeNt IN FaluN
danger kobolds are currently entering this clerical class rises and falls with the CavenNS
into alliances with a few hill gnoll tribes, fluctuating generosities of the patron
The Falun Caverns kobolds live in three
providing weapons and tactical support demon.
main areas.
against Whiteheart Valley settlers. DM Note: Non-human spellcasters get 1. Forty warrior-class kobolds occupy
Relations with Humans: Humans are short-changed in the Master rules (D&D® the ruins of the former Metal Guild, with
considered evil. Kobolds fear and respect Master DM Book, pages 21-22). This is their mounts nearby. Small, agile, and
human magic. They distrust human tolerable for primitive and fourth-rate armored in chain mail of gnomish
promises. Human lowlanders do not humanoid menaces, but more civilized design, the kobold warriors fight with
intimidate kobolds, who doubt that any non-human cultures may be brighter and spear, short sword, and crossbow.
humans can match kobolds in subterra- more sophisticated than this.
Each rider carries three poisoned quar-
nean terrain. Human visitors to the We encourage you to develop your own rels, individually wrapped and sealed. The
mountains must be slain, or others may non-human spellcasters for your own cam- poison is manufactured from slime limpet
come. Trade caravans are raided for loot, paigns. Raising the calibre of non-human (gelatinous cube) secretions, and is potent
and to discourage settlement. opposition permits a DM to retain the non- only for five rounds after it is exposed to air.
Crafts and Technology: Primitive tribes human races as antagonists even while the A wounded victim must save vs. Paralysis,
use crude leather armor and shields, pre- PCs continue their inevitable rise to higher, or become paralyzed in 3d6 rounds. The
fer spears and clubs as weapons, or use more powerful character levels. If it is avail- paralysis is the normal type, lasting 2-8
plundered arms. Civilized kobold cul- able, examine the Gazetteer covering the turns unless magically cured.
tures borrow crafts and the full scope of Ores of Thar as an example of a well-
military technology from gnomish and developed humanoid race.
dwarven races. Warriors: The Falun Cavern kobolds, like Wolf Riders: AM 40; AC 4; HD 1*;
most Hardanger kobold tribes, are of a /AT 1; Damage - by weapon, some
KobolO Social Stnuctune proud wolf-riding tradition. As soon as a poisoned; MV 90' (mounted: 150');
warrior whelp can walk, he is taught to ride Save Fl; ML 8; TTP; XP 19.
There are five kobold social classes. Dire Wolf Mounts: NA 40; AC 6;
and handle the bow, short sword, and
Nobles: Two or three powerful families HD4 + 1; /AT 1 bite; Damage - 2-8;
spear. Kobold warriors have high morale
are the ruling class of a typical kobold MV 150'; Save F2; ML 8; TT nil; XP
(Morale: 10), and skill in tactics and
tribe. Membership is by birth, but suc- 125.
maneuver. When led by a noble, they are
cessful warrior-class kobolds are often
well-organized and efficient on the attack.


2. The serf-class kobolds (160 individ-

uals) occupy the gnome ruins and
kobold-style huts built of loose limestone
in the vicinity of the former Stone Guild.

Kobold serfs: NA 160; AC 7; HD1/2;

/AT' 1; Damage - by weapon; MV90';
Save NM; ML 6/8; TTP; XP 5.

Serfs are armed with spears (Id6-1 for

melee damage for low strength, mini-
mum damage = 1 point), sling, leather
and shield. Serfs only fight when
attacked, or when under command of a
3. The forty noble-, shaman-, and
wicca-class kobolds occupy the upper
levels of the former Worm Ranch.
ants, giant spiders, robber flies, giant liz- guards other approaches to the noble
Noble Guard: NA 8; AC 4; HD 2; ards, giant beetles, carrion crawlers, and camp. Warrior brigades are sent out along
#AT 1; Damage - by weapon; MV 90' so on—and send them against the clan's the flank to engage intruders and delay
(mounted: 150'); Save F2; ML 11; TT enemies. To activate the staff, Hircismus the interlopers' advance.
P;XP25. must be invoked. The kobolds' overall strategy begins by
Worg (Dire Wolf) Mounts: NA 8; denying intruders an approach to the
AC 6; HD 4 + 1; If AT 1 bite; Damage - tactics main corridor. The front line consists of
2-8; MV 150'; Save F2; ML 8; TT nil; the numerous but ill-trained serf militia.
Though not particularly anticipating a
XP125. The best warrior brigades range on the
human invasion, the martially-aggressive
Clan Chief and Sons: NA 5; AC 4; flanks, and nobles are held in reserve to
kobolds are constantly prepared to
HD 2; if AT 1; Damage - by weapon; exploit tactical advantages.
defend their territory from all attackers.
MV90'(mounted: 150'); SavcF2; ML Here are some of their routine precau- Once intruders are committed to a
11;TTP;XP25. tions and tactics in defense of Falun path, flankers circle around to take the
Hellhound Mounts: NA 5; AC 4; Caverns. flank and rear. If necessary, the kobolds
HD 3 **; SAT 1 bite or 1 breath; Dam- will withdraw from the settlement and
Patrols of five kobold wolf-riders regu-
age -1-6 or special; MV120'; SaveF3; force intruders to fight their way into it.
larly travel on the surface near the cave
ML9;TTC;XP65. entrance, alert for intruders. They sup- The basic principle of kobold under-
Noble Households: NA 20 (as plement community food stores by casual ground strategy is to avoid major engage-
serfs). hunting. In clear weather, kobolds keep ments and casualties, because the terrain
Kobold wiccas: 1 Level 3, 1 Level 5. watch from high mountain stations that favors the kobolds' superior knowledge.
NA 2; AC9; HD 3/5* (4-sided dice); permit observation of any party There is almost unlimited territory to
UfATl; Damage -1-3 dagger; MV90'; approaching from the lowlands. withdraw into. Certain cave areas are
Save M3/5; ML 6; TTP; XP 75/400. known to be risky for withdrawal (i.e.
Patrols avoid a direct approach to the
Kobold shamans: 4 Level 3, 1 Level kobolds avoid withdrawing into the ant
cave entrance in daylight. If trackers are
6. NA 5; AC 4; HD 3/6** (six-sided colonies) but intruders unfamiliar with
suspected, patrols go to an alternate
dice); if AT' 1; Damage -1-6 mace; MV these risks cannot plan for them.
opening, leading into wild caverns four
90'; Save C3/6; ML 10; TTP; XP 100/ miles from the main entrance, confident
725. of losing pursuers in the passages. Specific UNH Zactics
Two kobold sentries watch the main 1. Engage with missile weapons from
Each shaman carries a staff blessed by entrance at all times. If intruders are dis- cover at the narrow end of a long passage.
the clan's patron demon Hircismus. The covered, one sentry brings the alarm to Force intruders to approach through mis-
staff can be used to charm monster once a the warriors, while the other secretly fol- sile fire, then withdraw.
day as the spell, except it only affects one lows the intruders to note divergences 2. Charge, melee briefly, then retreat
creature of 3HD or less. The shamans into side passages. The serf militia through a squeeze too small for most
charm cave creatures as available—giant deploys along the main corridor and human intruders.

3. Engage and withdraw repeatedly, important factor, such as the quick sce- credit. Herein lies the possible repetition
leading intruders away from the settle- narios suggested above. Full develop- of the original betrayal of the previous
ment area, and leaving the intruders' rear ment of the Rise of the Kobolds hero.
and flanks open for attack. campaign is left for the dedicated DM. The rise of Psa'gh explains the sudden
4. Withdraw through pools and under- A powerful theme in kobold oral histo- increase of kobold activity in the North-
water passages. (Kobolds have thick skins ry is the ancestral hero known as the ern Reaches. Neither Psa'gh nor Thra'gh
and are resistant to the cold.) "Shining One." This legendary hero appear directly in Falun Cavern scenarios,
5. Attack light sources. Shamans wears a brilliantly radiant suit of kobold- but both are national heroes and symbols
armed with continual light/darkness sized plate armor, with numerous magi- of rising kobold power. The many tales of
bombs toss them on the cave floor. (Spell cal properties; the suit itself crafted by their heroic exploits are on the lips of
is cast on a rock and tossed near the party kobold masters of the Golden Age. kobolds of all classes, and "By the teeth
to engulf them in darkness. The PCs This hero was betrayed by a friend at of Psa'gh," "In Thra'gh's name," "light
should have a devil of a time finding the the height of his accomplishments. The of the Shining One upon you" are com-
right rock on a floor of similar rocks!) mortally-wounded hero was borne to the mon oaths and greetings among the
6. Drive wild beasts toward intruders. deeps by demon servants, but he prom- kobolds of Falun Cavern.
Giant beetles and ants are most useful. ised to come again to aid the kobold peo-
ples in their time of greatest need. CanOboaut) Cut-Outs (on,
FaluN CavenNS SccNanio "Preserve the weapons of your ancestors," "Cab A aNb Slot B)
SuqqestiONS he said. "The dog shall have his day."
The ancient hero's magical suit of plate USJNQ tt}€ FolOOllt Map BNt> 3-D
• Rescue: Millen the Wise, a prominent has been recovered from a subterranean BuiJbiNQS
local sage and scholar, took off looking vault by a kobold chieftain, Psa'gh, The reverse of the large Northern Reaches
for gnome ruins. Millen has been missing questing on the Path of Immortality in fold-out map bears the layout of "The
for three weeks. Runecasts say he is still the Sphere of Entropy. Before setting out, Jarl's Village and Stead," which repre-
alive. Notes suggest the location of the Psa'gh's companion, Thra'gh (a powerful sents a typical Northern Reaches home-
Falun Caverns as the scholar's original kobold shaman), summoned a demon stead. In conjunction with the 3-D
destination. Among the notes he left and asked how they might best avenge buildings, this layout is used when play-
behind is a copy of the player map. the injuries and insults inflicted upon the ing the scenarios of "The Defense of
• Loot: The PCs are offered the player kobold races by humans and demi- Otkel's Stead," and "The Jarl's Hall." It
map for a price they can't refuse. Since humans. The demon directed Psa'gh and may also be adapted for use with home-
gnome artifacts are said to be very valu- Thra'gh to the suit, and told them they grown scenarios.
able, the profits could be fabulous. The would come to power among the The four full-color inner covers are
seller invites the PCs to use spells to kobolds, leading them to victory over the
insure that the map is genuine. The seller kobolds' enemies.
can't help that it can't be translated easi- That was forty years ago. During these
ly; it's still a bargain. decades, Psa'gh and Thra'gh have indeed
• Reconnaisance in Force: Vigfus the come to power, uniting hundreds of
Red, noted dogman hunter, discovers the smaller kobold clans under their rule.
ancient remains of gnome adventurers Now they have begun to move against the
frozen in a snow cave high in the Har- outside world, seeking a war of revenge
dangers. Among their possessions is the against the kobolds' ancient enemies.
gnomish map. Vigfus hires the PCs to Beginning with small raids on Northland
help him find the caverns and earn the settlers, Psa'gh hopes to goad the human
bounty on kobolds offered by the Town forces into foolish military operations in
Council of Castellan. terrain that favors kobolds.
Taking the long view, as one blessed
O f tl}€ Sl7INiNQ with the longevity effect of the Suit of Sil-
ON€ ver, Psa'gh expects to expand into the
lowlands within twenty years or so.
The "Shining One" and the rise of the Unfortunately, Thra'gh has not benefited
Hardanger Kobold Nations is an obvious from the Suit of Silver's magical exten-
theme for a Northern Reaches campaign. sion of youth, and he is growing impa-
The background can be worked into less tient as he grows older. He also grows a
extensive games where kobolds are an little jealous of Psa'gh, who has all the
printed with designs to be cut out and rounded by kin, loyal followers, and spe- room at the back of the longhouse. Their
glued together to form 3-D buildings for cial guests. Moveable screens may be elderly parents, young children, and ser-
the homestead layout. Directions for placed across the hall to give the head of vants share the outer sleeping room.
assembly of the village components are the household some privacy for conversa- Otkel's older children normally have
printed directly on the inner covers. tion or sleep. the run of the great hall. At harvest time,
When assembled, these buildings should Large Longhouse: This comes in two however, Otkel hires a few extra laborers,
be placed over the floor plans drawn on pieces: the main hall, and the private who sleep in the great hall.
the layout. During a game, the 3-D quarters. Longhouses: For this scenario, use
buildings may be used to conceal The main hall is similar to the smaller these as barns for livestock and storage.
counters or figures of characters within longhouse, except a large table is provid- Ignore the sleeping benches, favored
the structures. (This can give players a ed for the master of the hall and his favor- bench, and high seat on the map.
nasty surprise when they discover fifty ites. The north barn is used for storage of
armed warriors hiding in a little shed!) The private quarters are walled off grain, animal fodder, and farming tools.
The village and homestead layout uses from the main hall, and the passage par- The south barn get different uses through
a scale of approximately 1.5 ": 10'. This is titioned by a curtain. Just inside the pas- the cycle of seasons. In summer the barn
roughly equivalent to 15mm scale. Metal sage are sleeping benches for servants, is usually empty. During the late spring,
figures in 25mm scale may be used to guards, or other close associates of the the sheep are sheared here. In late fall,
indicate positions during scenarios, but head of the house. winter, and early spring the livestock are
the proportions will be misleading. For a Through a second curtain are the pri- sheltered here, sheep, cattle, and horses.
more accurate appearance, use the cut- vate quarters of the household head. The Otkel owns four fine horses for riding,
out counters provided on the four full- room is furnished with a large, comfort- and many sheep and cows. He keeps six
color inner covers, or use 15mm metal able pallet of straw covered with furs and oxen for plowing and drawing the two
figures. thick wool blankets. The household head carts. The carts are used as needed around
keeps his prized possessions in chests and the farm, and to bring grain and vegeta-
Key to Village aisrD Steatt trunks stashed along the wall. bles to the market in the nearest village.
FloonplaNs When not in use, the carts are stored in
DcfCNse of Otkel's the south barn.
The descriptions below apply to both sce-
Steat) Huts and Sheds: Two huts are turned
narios. The scenarios include other
over for the use of the farm laborers. If
details specific to their settings. SceNanio SuMMany the scenario is set in Ostland, the laborers
Gate Tower: The first floor of the gate
A farmer and his family face raiding are thralls. In Vestland and Soderfjord,
tower is hard-packed earth, which gets
monsters. The PCs and neighboring laborers are freemen. One other hut is
very muddy in wet weather. The upper
farmers gather to defend the farm and reserved as a guest house. One hut has
floor is a plank platform surrounded by a
drive off the raiders. been made into a sauna—every member
chest-high plank wall to provide guards
of Otkel's household (even the dogs)
with cover from missiles.
XHje SettiNQ really likes the sauna, which is the only
Huts: The hut walls are made of planks way to chase out the bone-deep chill of
or wattle-and-daub. The roof is made of On the inside cover is a general map of winter. Two sheds shelter the dogs, and
thatch. Sleeping benches are wooden Fjallesen Valley, where Otkel and his the other is used to store firewood.
platforms raised two feet above the straw- neighbors have made their homes. The
covered, hard-packed earth floor. Furs DM can locate this valley in any of the
and wool blankets provide cushioning rtje DefCNOens of Otkel's SteaO -
northern nations, but placing it on Ves-
and warmth. A fire pit warms the sleep- tland's frontier or in the Jarldoms is most Otkel Arnulfson: F3, enchanted heir-
ing bench. The only other furniture is a appropriate. loom broadsword +2, spear, bow, chain
crude trestle table and three short wood- Use the printed map for surrounding + 1 , shield. Courageous 17, Dogmatic
en stools. terrain or design your own locale. The 15. The head of the household, Otkel is
Longhouses: The walls are made of layout of the farmstead itself uses the in his late 40s. He has worked many long
planks; the roof is thatched. Two long foldout map and the 3-D cardboard and hard years on this farmstead, and his
sleeping benches face each other, with a buildings. For this scenario, they are des- efforts have made him prosperous.
row of fire hearths down the center. Two ignated as follows: Bera Eyvindsdottir: L2 wise woman.
rows of timber pillars support the high The Large Longhouse: This is the fami- (See page 61 for details about wise wom-
roof. Opposite the doors is a raised plat- ly house. Otkel Arnulfson's prosperous en as an NPC class.) Trusting 5, Honest 5.
form, the place of honor where the head frontier stead has made him a wealthy Otkel's wife. Bera conceals her knowl-
of the hall sits on the High Seat, sur- man. He and his wife enjoy the private edge of the Power, knowing magic users
arc viewed with suspicion. SteiNtljoRSON able to follow orders. They're positively
Arnulf Sorenson: F2, sword, spear, brilliant at rounding up sheep. They pru-
These individuals live in Hut # 1.
chain, shield. Courageous 18, Cautious dently run away from nasty beasts. Speak
Ljotolf Steinthorson: NM, bow, spear,
3. Otkel's aging father. Arnulf was a sea- with animal would make them superb
leather armor, shield. Courageous 10,
rover in his youth. Now over 70, he is scouts.
Loyal 15. Laborer. A quiet, strong man in
becoming a bit senile but still wants to his 30s, unremarkable.
die in combat. Sheep Dogs: NA 2-12; AC 7; HD 1;
Thora Bjornsdottir: NM, no weapons.
Helga Sigvatsdottir: Courageous 7. Courageous 5. Laborer. Thora works fAT 1; Dam 1-4; MV 180'; Save F3;
Arnulf s wife. She knows he's not as sharp hard, often watching over the young chil- ML 7; TTNil;XP20.
as once he was, and she fears for him. She dren in the main household.
is known throughout the region for the The Steinthorson Children: NM -2, no In the North, neighbors rely on each
quality of her weaving. weapons. Four youngsters under 10. other's assistance in times of trouble. The
Aud Otkelsdottir: Ll wise woman. following neighbors will come to the aid
Trusting 15. The oldest of Otkel's chil- of Otkel's Stead if summoned.
KNUISON Bnottjens
dren (age 22), Aud has a touch of the
Sight, like her mom. Aud has learned These two laborers live in Hut #2. Otkel Njal'sSteaO
what her mother can teach her about the was locally criticized for taking a chance
use of magic, and also keeps her ability on these two, who look unsavory. They Njal Ottarson: F2, spear + 1 , sword,
secret. This privacy is one reason she has are just ordinary folk who work an honest chain, shield. Cautious 14. Head of his
not married, in spite of her trusting day for an honest meal. stead, Njal is younger than Otkel but
nature. Knut Knutson: NM, spear, shield. otherwise much like him in attitude.
Erling Otkelson: F2, sword, javelin, Loyal 12. Laborer. A bull of a man, Knut Isleif Njalson: Fl, ax, javelin, chain,
spear, chain, shield. Courageous 15. looks intimidating but unintelligent. shield. Loyal 15, Courageous 12. Njal's
Otkel's oldest son (age 18) dreams of Both assumptions are incorrect. eldest son. He is Thorunn Otkelsdottir's
leading the life of a sea-rover, having lis- Ivar Knutson: NM, spear, shield. sweetheart, and would race to protect her
tened to his grandfather's tales. He has Laborer. Loyal 8, Energetic 6. and her kin.
agreed to wait until his twentieth birth- Eystein Eldgrim: F3, bow, sword. Cau-
day to go to sea. XljeDoqs tious 16, Honest 12. Eystein works for
Njal, but he's secretly an outlaw.
Sigmund Otkelson: NM, sword, jave- The dogs of the household are encour-
lin, spear, chain, shield. Courageous 11. aged to sleep in Sheds #1 and 2. How-
At 15, Sigmund cannot understand his SkaMkel's Steal)
ever, when not actually working, they
brother's wild desires. Sigmund is a hard wander freely around their territory, up Gilli Skamkelson: Fl, spear, sword,
worker in love with the land, satisfied the dales exploring with Rolf or under- leather, shield. Cautious 7. Second son of
with a farmer's life. foot in the houses. Skamkel. Skamkel himself cannot fight
Helga Otkelsdottir: NM, spear, shield. The Hounds: Belmond, Bowler, Bash- because of a crippled right leg.
Cautious 7. Non-identical twin to ful, Greatheart, Wolf, Anskar, and Frog. Hord the Bitter: NM, bow and spear.
Thorunn, both Helga and Thorunn are Belmond is a gallant old hound, devoted Trusting 6, Forgiving 5. A laborer for
gawky 13-year-olds. to Otkel, and his brood are just as noble. Skamkel, Hord resents every order he
Thorunn Otkelsdottir: Fl, sword, The household uses these dogs for hunt- receives, but he does his best anyway.
bow, chain, shield. Reverent 14. ing. Greatheart is especially attached to
Thorunn takes her name-allegiance to Erling Otkelson, but all respond to Otkel HoskulO's Steal)
Thor seriously, and has the makings of a and the older sons and daughters. On
warrior woman. Her neighbor's son, Islief Hoskuld Hemmingson: Fl, bow, spear,
command, they attack ferociously and leather, shield. Peaceful 14, Generous
Njalson, woos her; they hope to marry on without regard for personal safety. Speak
Thorunn's Heyday birthday. 16. Head of his household.
with animal would make them formida- Gudrun Erlendson: NM, spear, leath-
Rolf Otkelson: NM -2, spear. Coura- ble skirmishers. er, shield. Courageous 12. Laborer.
geous 13, Cautious 3. Rolf is precociously
bright for his 11 years. He knows every
Hounds: NA 2-12; AC 7; HD 2; #AT LOOIN'S Steal)
stream and wooded nook in the valley.
1; Dam 1-6; MV120'; SaveFl; ML 12; Brynhild Hrodnysdottir: F2, sword,
Hlif, Gyda, and Herdis Otkelsdottir:
NM -2, no weapons. The youngest chil- TTNil;XP25. spear, javelin, chain, shield. Courageous
dren of the household, ages 2 to 8 years 14, Energetic 18. Eldest daughter of
old. The Sheep Dogs: Ingolf, Hrefna, Blue- Lodin (by adoption), Brynhild is a fighter
Nose, and Witch. These dogs are smart, who has seen action in her jarl's guard.

Halldis Halfliefson: NM, spear and fourth troll dies, make regular morale gnolls to sneak into the stead. One group
javelin. Cautious 15, Trusting 7. House- checks to see which trolls decide they've is to overcome any guard and open the
hold servant and laborer. had enough. gate. The next is to find and kill the
horses. (Gnolls greatly fear humans on
Tlje RaiDiNQ MoNSteus Trolls (Sysop, Yump-Leg, Mak-Ditz, horseback, who can fight and pursue
Ongous, Pertgart, Hop-Hatcher, Fat- gnolls very effectively.) The last group is
Use one of the three groups below, or to seal the doors to the longhouse while
ty, Rejigger, Oak-Head): NA 1-8; AC
design your own raiders. The trolls are setting the roof on fire. The burning roof
4; HD 6+3*; *AT: 2 claws, 1 bite;
individually the toughest, but they arc is the signal for the rest of the gnolls to
Dam 1-6/1-6/1-10; MV120'; SaveF6;
stupid, overconfident, and relatively few storm the walls.
ML 12(10, if injured by tire or acid);
in number. The gnolls have no magical If Shadrak's surprise plan fails, he'll try
TTD; XP 650. Special Ability: regen-
abilities, but they are more numerous, to sucker the defenders into coming out
erate damage in third round after
cautious, and intelligent. The kobolds to attack him. If that fails, he intends to
wounded; regenerate 3 hit points per
are the most dangerous, being numer- set fire to the thatch roofs with fire arrows
round. Damage from fire or acid does
ous, well-disciplined, and supported by on the following night, then storm the
not regenerate.
magic. walls in the confusion.
Sleek-Skin: troll raider leader. Same
as above, but maximum hit points and The PCs may confound Shadrak's plan
Sleek-SkiN's CRO/J BaNO by being at the stead when Shadrak
morale 12, regardless of injuries.
Trolls are found in large numbers only in attacks, or they may have been tracking
northwest Vestland. If the troll raiders are Shadrak all along. They may be visiting a
used, Otkel's Stead should be located in a Sljatmack's QNOU Raittens neighboring farm and be summoned to
borderland domain of the Trollheim aid in the defense.
hills. The gnoll raiders are more numerous and
intelligent than trolls, but lack the trolls' Shadrak's gnolls are divided into four
These young troll raiders are on a mis- war bands, each led by a Brave or by Sha-
durability. If gnoll raiders are used,
sion of revenge. Months past, a state- drak himself. As long as the leader is with
Otkel's Stead should be located in a
funded expedition cut through the the band, the band fights as though it
domain bordering the hills of Gnollheim
troll-held moorlands, destroying three had the leader's morale.
in southeastern Soderfjord.
villages and taking several troll heads as
trophies. The BlackHair Gnolls raid frontier
farms for several reasons. First, they steal Gnolls: NA 36; AC 5; HD 2; 0AT1;
Sleek-Skin, leading the band, seeks to
sheep and cattle which they later sell to Dam by weapon; MV90'; Save F2; ML
avenge the killing of his brother. He has
unscrupulous human stocktraders. Sec- 8; TTP;XP20.
promised to take five heads for his broth-
ond, they steal human possessions to use Gnoll Brave: NA 3; AC 3; HD
er's one, and his fellow raiders have sworn
or sell. Third, they treasure magical 2+2; #AT 1; Dam by weapon; MV
similar oaths.
weapons and devices, and can get them 90'; Save F3; ML 10; TTQ; XP 30.
The trolls have two very simple objec- no other way. Fourth, gnoll warriors gain
tives: kill a lot of humans and destroy as Shadrak, Gnoll Chief: NAl;AC5;
prestige by defeating opponents in bat- HD 3; /AT 1; Dam by weapon; MV
many human settlements as they can. tle, and humans are considered particu-
The motive of revenge, reinforced by sol- 90'; SaveF3; ML 11; TTR;XP20.
larly fearsome opponents.
emn oaths, makes them bolder than typi-
cal trolls. They are not going to be put off This band of forty gnolls is led by Sha- Gnolls rely on the spear in melee, but
by the local farmers. The trolls are not drak, an old and experienced raider. Sha- their preferred weapon is the bow.
interested in treasure or magical items, drak and two comrades scouted Otkel's Gnolls' tough skin gives them a natural
but they are interested in sheep and cat- Stead the previous year, and noticed that AC 7 without armor and they wear leath-
tle. Trolls can travel for several days on a even a large band could approach under er armor. They get + 1 for damage with
single meal, but that meal has to be a cover of darkness without risking discov- weapons for their superior strength. The
feast. ery. Shadrak also noted that neighbors damage bonus is only for melee attacks.
could not be summoned quickly.
These trolls have never dealt with expe-
rienced adventurers, and they may be Shadrak's plan is to sneak up at night, X3je KobolO Quenilla Rattens
intimidated by shrewd tactics, skilled use surprise the inhabitants, massacre them, This is a carefully planned military opera-
of fire and acid, or by magical firepower. and be gone before sunrise. Even if he tion intended to draw a major defending
The death of one troll will increase their fails to surprise the household, he feels he force into the valley. By massacring one
desire for revenge. One more death and can burn them out and loot the stead in stead and terrorizing the others, the
the trolls will start to lose heart. After the no more than 24 hours. kobolds expect to sucker a militia or mer-
Shadrak plans to send three groups of
cenary force into the hills after them. face veteran adventurers —particularly
Fifteen kobolds on foot stage what skilled magic users— he'll withdraw into Noble Guard: NA 2; AC 4; HD 2;
seems to be a poorly organized attack on the hills, sacrificing a decoy unit if neces- HAT 1; Damage - by weapon; MV 90'
Otkel's Stead. Otkel sends for help. sary to permit the main force to escape. (mounted: 150'); SaveF2; ML 11; TT
Ten worg riders lie in wait along the Wolf Riders: Kobold warriors go P; XP 25. Equipped as warriors, but
road near Hoskuld's Stead and ambush armored in mail of gnomish design. They without crossbow.
the neighbors coming to reinforce Otkel. fight with spear, short sword, and cross- Dire Wolf Mounts: NA 2; AC 6;
Presumably the kobolds can drive them bow. Each rider carries three poisoned HD4 + 1; I?AT 1 bite; Damage - 2-8;
off, and may wipe them out. Then the quarrels, individually wrapped. The poi- MV 150'; Save F2; ML 8; TT nil; XP
ten worg riders proceed to Hoskuld's, son is manufactured from slime limpet 125.
then Lodin's Stead, terrorizing the set- (gelatinous cube) secretions, and is Noble Chief: NA 1; AC 4; HD 2;
tlers and attacking targets of opportunity. potent only for five rounds after it is 0AT1; Damage - by weapon; MV 90'
When finished with Lodin's Stead, or if exposed to air. A wounded victim must (mounted: 150'); SaveF2; MLll;TT
threatened by a larger force, they ride save vs. Paralysis, or become paralyzed in P; XP 25. Equipped as warriors, but
north into the hills. (If the PCs become 3d6 rounds. The paralysis is the normal without crossbow.
involved in the defense of Hoskuld's or type (lasting 2-8 turns unless magically Hellhound Mount: NA 1; AC 4;
Lodin's steads, improvise on the stead's cured). HD 3 **; if AT 1 bite or 1 breath; Dam-
layout, using Otkel's as a model.) age-1-6 or special; MV 120'; Save F3;
Meanwhile, the seige of Otkel's Stead Wolf-Riders: NA 20; AC 4; HD 1*; ML9;TTC;XP65.
begins in earnest. First, the thatch roofs if AT 1; Damage - by weapon, some
are burned with fire arrows. Each night, poisoned; MV 90' (mounted: 150');
kobolds attempt several attacks or surrep- Save Fl; ML 8; TTP; XP 19. StaqiNQ We SceNanio
titious entries into the stead. Mounted Dire Wolf Mounts: NA 20; AC 6;
kobolds pursue and engage anyone trying PCs can be introduced into this scenario
HD4 + 1; if AT 1 bite; Damage - 2-8; in one of several possible ways.
to escape. By the time Otkel's Stead falls, MV 150'; Save F2; ML 8; TT nil; XP
the kobolds will have heard from the • Journeying through the hills to some
worg riders. According to the reports, the other destination, the PCs accept the hos-
kobolds will either continue attacking pitality of a farmer in Fjallesen Valley.
Spellcasters: This includes both clerics Thus, the PCs might be at Otkel's when
other steads or, if threatened by a large and magic users.
force, they will withdraw into the hills. the raiders are discovered, or they may be
at a neighbor's stead when a breathless
The kobold infantry and worg cavalry Kobold clerics: One L2 cleric for each boy rides up screaming, "Trolls! Trolls!
are well-disciplined and organized. unit often kobolds. NA 2; AC 4; HD At the farm! Hurry!" The rules of hospi-
Kobolds know it is death to go toe-to-toe 1; IT ATI; Damage -1-6 mace; MV90'; tality demand that guests aid their host.
with human fighters. Instead, kobolds Save C2; ML 8; TTP; XP25. Each sha-
depend on ambushes and hit-and-run • While journeying through the valley,
man carries a magical staff blessed by the PCs notice black smoke coming from
skirmishes. They prefer using crossbows, the clan's patron demon Hircismus.
to keep their distance. They try to pick a hollow up in the hills. A Nature Lore or
The staff can charm monster once per Know Terrain skill check indicates that
out the weakest individual, distracting day as per the spell, except it only
others with feints and missile fire. only a housefire would cause that sort of
affects one creature of 3HD or less. To smoke. Lawful adventurers should feel
Kobolds arc patient and methodical, and activate the staff, Hircismus must be
follow orders effectively. obligated to investigate.
invoked. • The PCs have been hired by a jarl as
Each fighting unit has ten kobolds, Kobold magic users: One L2 magic
including a magic user and a cleric for mercenaries, looking for outlaws and
user assigned to each unit of ten monsters. The PCs come across the trail of
magical support. A common tactic is to kobolds. NA 2; AC9;HD 2*; If AT 1;
concentrate magical attacks on one victim a large group of creatures. Skill checks
Damage - 1-3 dagger; MV 90'; Save reveal that the creatures are outfitted for
while distracting other foes. The wolf- M2;ML6;TTP;XP35.
riding cavalry avoids melee, preferring to war. The PCs follow the raiders who are
Dire Wolf Mounts: NA 4; AC 6; attacking Otkel's Stead.
hit and run. But if an opportunity to sur- HD4 + 1; if AT 1 bite; Damage - 2-8;
round a smaller party arises, the cavalry MV 150'; Save F2; ML 8; TT nil; XP
charges. Individuals then dismount and Tactics aNtf Resounces
melee. Dire wolves fight in melee along- Otkel is brave but unsubtle. He will insist
side their dismounted riders. on leading the defense as long as his tac-
Command Group: This includes the
The captain in charge of this operation nobles and the chiefs. tics seem effective. Otkel has the typical
is shrewd. If he discovers that his forces


Northman distrust and ignorance of the great hall and defend from there. If coordinate their efforts. Otherwise, Aud
magic, and no gift for improvisation with the raiders are trolls, there's no danger of and Bera will try to do what they can in
its resources. Aud might be able to per- fire attack, but if gnolls or kobolds are the secret. Neither one has experience as an
suade Otkel to follow a PC's counsel, raiders, the great hall is likely to be adventurer or warrior, so they have little
given the chance. Otkel's tactics are burned. gift for tactics.
straightforward: 4. Magic: This is the PCs' greatest
The PCs can bring some variety and
1. Send to other steads for help. Youn- more effective techniques to this linear resource. The raiders are generally magic-
ger sons and daughters are sent out on sequence of tactics. poor. The locals don't know much about
horseback. magic, and the PCs' magical abilities and
1. Fire, acid, and cold steel: Otkel
2. Gather livestock in barns. Livestock tactics will assist them greatly in handling
hasn't fought trolls before, and doesn't
is wealth, and Otkel will not lose it with- the raiders.
know their weaknesses. He finds it hard
out a fight. Finally, a cheap trick for the DM that
to imagine that fighting with a burning
3. Organize a scouting party to get a torch is more effective than using the can enhance the fun: Buy a 99C bag of
good look at the opposition. Otkel, his family heirloom, an enchanted long- plastic barnyard animals at a toy store and
father Arnulf, eldest son Erling, and one sword. let them "wander around" in the barn or
of the laborers go scout the enemy. They outside the stead. Players will quickly
2. The dogs: Clerics with the speak
may stumble into ambush or combat. Too come up with bad ideas about using the
with animal spell can use the swift dogs to
brave to withdraw, they are apt to lose at livestock as shock troops, and Otkel will
scout and skirmish with the raiders. The
least one victim. scream bloody murder if the raiders kill or
courageous dogs can draw off some raid-
4. Defend the walls of the stead. If steal these treasures.
ers or disorder their attacks.
neighbors have arrived, improvise a
3. Aud and Beta: PCs may discover
defense with fighters distributed around
the walls armed with javelin, bow, and
rune markings on the carved family pil- jam's Hall
lars an connect them with Aud and Bera. SceNanio SuMMany
spear. If no reinforcements are available,
Alternatively, when the PCs demonstrate
a successful defense is unlikely unless the The PCs visit an well-known aging jarl to
their use of magic, the wise women may
PCs cover the walls with magic. discover the reason for his failing judge-
reveal their powers to the PCs and offer to
5. If driven from the walls, retreat to

ment. If the jail has fallen under the service of the jarl. Various skilled, privi- (See the discussion of wise women as an
influence of some evil power, the PCs leged servants of the jarl's household live NPC class, page 61.) Generous 7, Honest
must search it out and deal with it. here, and honored guests are put up in 5. Gjaflaug keeps her magical powers
this building. secret. Only Flosi and Hoskuld know of
"He was a great jail, with all a Northlan- Of the huts, the one farthest from the her abilities, although her daughter Erika
der's virtues. Now his neighbors speak gate is home to two families of laborers. suspects. The only physical evidence of
openly of his disgrace. He outlawed his The other hut is the guest house for visi- her craft is the collection of runestones
two eldest, and fawns on the least—a tors of lower class and reputation. The used with the interpret runes spell. The
sneaking little worm, by all accounts, and shed between these huts provides storage stones are hidden behind a plank near her
a silk-robed witch-man, they say..." for firewood and tools. bed in Harek's private sleeping quarters.
"Eh-ehm...." Sam cleared his throat. One of the huts closer to the gate Gjaflaug is Harek's second wife, and
"Eh? Oh, no offense, old friend." houses the family of the royal stable- Hoskuld is her only son by Harek. Gjaf-
Helfdan waved his meaty paw in dis- keeper. The shed nearest the stable- laug hopes to bring Hoskuld to power
missal. "Not all spellcasters are in league keeper's hut is the royal stable, where two and has connived with Flosi to discredit
with the dead demons of the Queen of of the jarl's favorite horses are kept. The Harek's two elder sons, Atli and Hogni,
Hel—or so you Ve told me." shed opposite is a stable for the horses of borne by Harek's first wife. Gjaflaug has
"When last I saw him, three years past, honored guests. The horses of Kalf s fam- never shown more than passing interest
Harek Hard-Sailer was a venerable and ily, of the berserkers and Personal Guard, in her daughter Erika, and believes her to
respected jarl," Onund observed quietly. and of other well-to-do stead inhabitants be loyal but dull.
"Honored he was, head of the Vastergard are housed in a larger stable in the village Hoskuld Harekson: C4, publicly
clan, and powerful even in his old age. It below. The other hut nearest the gate is claiming to be a follower of Odin, secretly
is hard to imagine him grown a fool." the Shrine of Thor, and residence of a follower of the Queen of Hel. Energetic
"Well, I'm not looking forward to Harek's two Thor priests. 5, Reverent 4, Honest 2. Hoskuld styles
meeting those berserkers he's taken as himself a black wizard and necromancer,
bodyguards," Dwalinn said. "Not even PensoNalities but being entirely self-taught, he's strict-
house-trained, I'll bet." ly bush league as a spellcaster.
Residents of the Great Hall
Harek Hard-Sailer: F12. Reverent 17, Hoskuld was inducted into the cult of
"Clje SettiNQ Dogmatic 20, Peaceful 3, Trusting 5. His Hel by a C9 Hel cult member who
possessions include several Vastergard thought a blue-blooded cultist might be
Vastergard is in the Soderfjord Jarldoms. a political asset in the future. Hoskuld
The clan seat of Rollag lies in the heart of heirlooms: two javelins + 3, the Hammer
ofJustice (a hammer +2 with spell turn- dresses in black robes like a necromantic
the fertile farmlands of the Vastergard magic user, but everyone in Harek's Hall
domain. Several roads approach the ing ability as the ring), and Valdahelm,
the Helm of Lordship (see below). knows his skills and spells are clerical in
clanhall, passing through small farm vil- nature.
lages in Bergholm, and from fishing vil- Never noted for his judgement or wis-
dom, Harek has nonetheless been an DM Note: Hoskuld's abilities and his
lages along the coast. connection with the Hel cult are only
The Great Hall itself occupies a low hill effective ruler. He is tough and tenacious,
able to make plans and policies work even minor elements of this scenario. Use
overlooking a modest farming village of them as red herrings to draw attention
500 inhabitants. For the layout of the under the worst conditions. His hard-
headed, assertive self-confidence, and his away from Flosi and the charmed Harek,
Great Hall and associated buildings, use if the PCs prove so gullible. Hoskuld's
the foldout map and 3-D cardboard forty years as a successful leader inspire
trust and loyalty. main function is as a foil and figurehead
buildings, with the buildings being used for Flosi's machinations.
as described, below. However, the jarl's recent actions have
tarnished his reputation as an effective Erika: NM, daughter of Harek and
The Large Longhouse is the residence Gjaflaug. Energetic 6. Erika is a quiet,
hall of Harek Hard-Sailer the jarl, his ruler. He has outlawed and banished his
respected elder sons, made his youngest plain child of twelve years. She is a
wife, his youngest son, his servants dreamer, spending hours in make-believe
(including Flosi the Fox) and berserkers. son Hoskuld a favorite, and given prefer-
ence to the berserkers over the older, play with her dolls. Her only friend is
One Longhouse is designated as the Skapti the Skald, who entertains her with
residence of Harek's Personal Guard, the respected warriors in his Personal Guard.
Even so, the subtle effects of Flosi the tales of gods and heroes. Erika has an
noble warriors of the Vastergard clan who over-developed imagination and sense of
serve and protect the jarl and his stead. Fox's magical influence over Harek have
yet to affect the overall prosperity of the the dramatic. She is apt to exaggerate and
The other Longhouse is the residence fantasize extravagantly, but she may
of the family of Kalf the Dueler, younger clan.
become a useful informant and ally for
brother of Harek, and steadmaster in the Gjaflaug Hjaltisdottir, wise woman L2.
She's always present for formal family potions— healing and plant control. The surfers in a highschooler beach movie—
gatherings and official clan audiences, rest are poisons. with souls of flint. These fellows bully
because she is expected to be, but she The locals think Jarrett is hot stuff, anyone who looks like he ought to be able
stays in the background with the servants with the exception of Flosi who knows to defend himself. They are not
and avoids attracting attention. She has he's a clown. The natives are so intimi- cowards—they'd just as soon pick on
no interest in the activities of her elders, dated byJarrett that they won't touch any someone twice their size to show off.
and only wishes to be left alone. of his possessions, and they rattle on They cheerfully heap verbal abuse on
Nonetheless, she is a clever, observant about his "evil eye" and his "mastery of magic users, clerics of other cults,
girl. She suspects her brother is a secret the unseen world." Jarrett will scornfully dwarves, halflings, and elves, with an
conspirator of some sort. She has fol- refuse to cooperate with the PCs unless endlessly crude locker room wit. They are
lowed him sneaking off to the fields on they threaten to expose him as a fraud. In really loyal to three concepts: one
moonless nights to meet with his cult that case he'll either go along with the another, Thor, and serious partying. They
associates, though she has no idea where PCs, or disappear in the middle of the wear chain and carry shields and arms for
they ride to after they meet. night. public occasions and for weapons
Erika suspects her mother of practicing Einar Bjornson: C8, priest of Thor. practice—which means they're almost
runecraft, as she's secretly observed Gjaf- Honest 15, Trusting 15, Loyal 17. Knows always fully prepared for action.
laug consulting her runestones. There is the raidu and tiwar runes. Einar carries Lodin: F10. Carries the magical broad-
little in the household she has not seen— Thundersmith, a hammer +1, the han- sword LifeStealer, a sword + 2 with the
but she attaches little importance to any dle inscribed with tiwar and as runes. The energy drain power (D&D® Expert Rules,
of it. hammer is a cult heirloom of the house- p. 59). Older man, quieter than most.
Flosi the Fox: C°, a Loki priest mas- hold godar of the Vastergard dynasty, Drinks a lot; subject to sudden rages. An
querading as an elderly servant and advi- with runes inscribed by an long-dead outlaw, rumored to have accidentally
sor to Harek. Trusting 4, Honest 2. Flosi Thor priest. The entrance to Einar's resi- slain his son with the sword.
only joined Harek's service five years ago, dence and the household shrine of Thor Mord: F9. Shield +2, sword +1.
but has become the jarl's most trusted are guarded by a raidu rune, and the Social leader and chief wit. Loves to
advisor. He earned his nickname from shrine's runestone (dedicated to Thor) is maneuver others into fights over "hon-
Harek for being such a shrewd counselor. marked with the sowelu rune, also or" and other notions he finds funny.
To appearances, Flosi is bald, grey- inscribed by one of Einar's predecessors. Knut Kin-slayer: F8, Peaceful 2, For-
whiskered, and limps slowly and painful- Einar is young and earnest, completely giving 2. Hammer +1. Earnestly dedi-
ly with the use of a cane. In fact, Flosi is in dedicated to Thor, and confident that the cated to his lord and to Odin, Knut is
his late thirties. His limp and painful gait Immortals are on the side of Lawful otherwise a homicidal maniac. His lord
are feigned and, unobserved, he can Might, such as his lord Harek represents. reckons that Knut's violent reputation is
move with agility. Nominally the leader of Harek's ber- well-known, and that those who fool with
Although Flosi conspires with serkers, DMs should think of Einar as a him deserve what they get.
Hoskuld, they are never seen speaking rookie lieutenant in command of a squad Thorgest One-eyed: F6. Reverent 18,
together. A pet rat carries messages of world-wise veterans. The berserkers are Courageous 18, Loyalty 18. Thorgest is a
between them, detailed under "Reveal- formally polite and obedient, particularly deranged fanatic, totally dedicated to
ing Flosi's Role." in following Einar's fervent invocations to Odin. Everyone knows he put out his own
Jarrett Weldon: M3. Royal sorcerer and Thor, but they always go their own way. eye as a measure of his dedication. If
sage advisor. Loyal 8, Modest 5. Jarrett is a When Einar is out of earshot, they mock shown a sign from Odin (command of an
boastful and flashy mage of few accom- him. Odin cleric, a wise woman's prophecy, or
plishments. He's a real showman, using It has never occurred to Einar that persuasive PC mumbo-jumbo), Thorgest
his phantasmal force spell and resist fire) things might not be exactly as they seem. acts instantly and without concern for his
ring to good effect. At official functions Never. PCs trying to explain subtle plots well-being. Thorgest is the only Odin
he likes to stand in the center of the to Einar are wasting their time. He sup- cultist among the berserkers, but he is so
hearthfire and spout thaumaturgic gob- ports the accepted guardians of truth and totally dedicated the others don't hold
bledygook to awe the assembled clans- justice: Harek, Hoskuld, and Thor. Einar his cult affiliation against him.
men and guests. will trust PC Thor cultists and distrust "The Hook": F5. Lost his left hand in
Jarrett has a lovely enamel travel kit, others, especially magic users, thieves, combat. In its place, he wears a wooden
which he hauls around everywhere with and dwarves. fist with a metal hook protruding. He
him. Inside the kit are over twenty potion fights with the hook (damage as a dagger,
bottles, each labeled as various magical Zlje Bensenkens second attack, - 2 to hit) and a sword in
potions (i.e., diminution, clairvoyance, the other hand.
Think of these characters like the bad-guy
giant control, etc.). Only two are actually Ofeig: F4. Very dull-witted, he always

laughs about two minutes late. PensoNal quant* such a conspiracy.

Sven: F2. "Rusting 14. Lowest in the Brand, Thorgils, and Stemkel know
pecking order. Young and eager to prove The Guard remains personally loyal to
Harek, though they are bitter that the where Atli and Hogni are, and Brand
himself to his companions, Sven is often remains in contact with Hogni by secret
pushed around for general entertain- berserkers have been raised above them as
the jarl's closest companions, and that messages carried through the Frey cult
ment. priesthood. These men are reluctant to
the berserkers are now seated with honor
Horsa: C4. Mace +1. Quiet and fairly reveal this knowledge, since it is evidence
at Harek's right hand. They do not like
bright. Older than Einar, Horsa came up of disloyalty to the jarl. Only if the PCs
Hoskuld, and consider Atli or Hogni
through the ranks. He figures himself to have earned the trust of Brand will the
more worthy of being Harek's successor.
be the ideal leader of the berserkers, so others be willing to speak openly with the
The members of the Guard have a
he's just waiting for Einar to make a seri- PCs.
vague distrust of Flosi and Jarrett, sus-
ous mistake. Once a more imposing force, Harek's
pecting them of having a hand in the
Bersi: C3, Forgiving 1. Bersi has an trumped-up charges of treason that Personal Guard has declined in quality
exceptionally vicious sense of humor. He caused Atli and Hogni to be banished. since the outlawing of Adi and Hogni.
makes proper observances to Thor, but is However, they believe Einar to be the Some noble fighters have found excuses
really a Loki cultist, and uses reversed prime agent of the conspiracy to remove to absent themselves from Harek's Hall,
spell effects when they cannot be traced Atli and Hogni, since Einar and the ber- and their places have been assumed by
back to him. Flosi does not know Bersi is a serkers have risen in Harek's favor since green social climbers unaware of the
Loki cultist, nor vice versa. he outlawed his elder sons. They believe weakening status of clan Vastergard.
Finn: C3. This character is a party ani- the evidence is self-evident: Einar and the Only Brand, Thorgils, and Skamkel
mal. He has a stupendous capacity for berserkers have profited, so it must be remain from the earlier period of the
food and drink, and occasionally lets Einar and the berserkers at the root of the Guard's glory. They do what they can
loose with a blood-curdling shriek he calls plot. When challenged on their reason- with the new men, but the newcomers are
his "war cry." The other berserkers always ing, it will be clear that these men are just not first caliber, and they lack the morale
cheer and clap after this prodigious noise. poor judges of character. They do not typical of the unit at its height.
realize that Einar hasn't the subtlety for Brand Bear-Heart: Fll. Sword +1,
+2 vs. spellcasters. Frey cultist. Leader of


the Guard, respected and trusted. an with piercing eyes and sharp features. of a Modrigswerg craftsman, for the helm
Thorgils: F8. Trusting 5. Spear +1. She has been with Harek for decades, and to be tampered with. Now in addition to
Frey cultist. For no reason, suspects PCs he keeps her around as a sort of good luck its original effect, the wearer (Harek)
of conspiring with Einar to accuse the charm. He places little faith in her rune- casts on himself a charm spell when the
whole Personal Guard of treason. stone readings, but he respects her command word is spoken. Because the
Skamkel the Hairy: F5. Fine archer knowledge of dark powers and local leg- user casts the spell upon himself, Harek
(Dex 18). Arrow +2. Frey cultist. ends. receives no saving throw and the spell-
Thrain: F3. Shield + 1 Odin cultist. She remains hidden in the shadows, turning power of his other magical pos-
Hakon Hawk-Beak: F3- Frey cultist. serving her lord's will. She is learned in session, the Hammer of Justice, is not
Seamund: F3. Odin cultist. poison, rune, and legend lore, and has activated.
Olaf: F2. Thor cultist. the power to turn any character's exagger- The charmed person is controlled by
Kalf: Fl. Thor cultist. ated boast into a curse which follows the the owner of a magical amulet in the form
Amor: Fl. Thor cultist. character until he or she makes good on of a simple belt fastening, currently in
the claims. the possession of Flosi theFox. Only three
Ottjen PensoNalities Flosi has made oblique references to people at the stead know that Valdahelm
possible mutual interests, but Black has been tampered with: Flosi, Gjaflaug,
Kalf the Dueler: F12 but rights as F2
Aggie has pretended indifference. She is and Hoskuld.
due to old age. Dogmatic 18, Modest 2.
interested only in herself, but will sell out Harek invokes the magical powers of
The Dueler is the doddering younger
to the highest bidder. If the PCs turn to Valdahelm at least once a day at the eve-
brother and counselor to the jarl. Kalf
her for information or assistance, they'll ning meal, and at any other time he
sincerely but foolishly recommends rejec-
pay dearly for it. If they are careless and desires to impress those around him.
tion of new ideas or requests for aid from
allow Flosi to purchase Black Aggie's Harek is growing paranoid and distrust-
any but clan members. To persuade him
assistance, Flosi wil make good use of the ful in his old age, and feels more often
otherwise, PCs must show him he is
wise woman's poison lore and magical the need to invoke the authority of the
wrong without embarrassing him before
abilities. helm to certify his lordship. Flosi encour-
his jarl and kin. When he sees the truth,
he accepts it, if he is not blinded by Servants, Laborers, and other Resi- ages Harek's paranoia, while maintaining
wounded pride. dents: NM. The other minor NPCs in this the pretense that Flosi himself is a trust-
scenario divide into two groups, neither ing and guileless person. For example:
Skapri the Skald: C2. Open-Minded "Lord, how you do treat the captain of
of which can be much help to the PCs.
15, Cautious 5. Skapti is a young travel- your own Personal Guard, as if you do not
There are those who are too dull-witted
ing skald, searching for heroic sagas to trust your own noble warriors? Would
or complacent to notice the gradual
embellish with his poetry. He seeks out they conspire against their rightful lord?
decline in the fortune and reputation of
ancient forgotten stories on runestones, I'm certain not. True, they hold no affec-
their lord and his clan. They can't under-
and follows what heroes he can find, hop- tion for Hoskuld, and they spoke well of
stand the PCs prying into clan affairs.
ing to witness a stirring deed. He is guest- those you outlawed—but they are loyal,
Angry and indignant, they will not listen
ing at Harek's hall, killing time and surely, and follow your will, do they
to any talk of treason or conspiracy, and
fattening up while he decides where else not?"
will report such talk at once to Harek,
to seek adventure.
Hoskuld, Einar, or Flosi.
Skapti finds some interesting folk
here, but not necessarily those who The second group is so discouraged or tlje SceNanio
expect his attention. There is Black fearful that they avoid any conflict with
The Jarl's Hall is a complicated detective
Aggie, with her spooky stories; Erika, the jarl or his favored followers. In partic-
roleplaying scenario, featuring numerous
with her fanciful imagination; and Lodin ular they will avoid the PCs. Even if cor-
NPCs with complex motivations, and a
the Berserk, whose dark moods and rages nered privately, they will obstinately play
plot full of distractions and red herrings.
seem romantically tragic to Skapti. dumb, convinced that the PCs are spies.
Players who like a lot of action will
The PCs, of course, look like a guaran- enjoy this scenario best if you guide them
tee of adventure to Skapti, and he'll "Clje Stonylme through it along the suggested sequence
attach himself to them like a leech. The Valdahelm is a magical silver-plated helm of events listed below. Players who enjoy
PCs cannot get rid of him, and he is so decorated with gold and gems. When roleplaying and detective work, on the
curious and rash that he's bound to get worn by the rightful ruler of the Vas- other hand, may be happier if you don't
them into trouble. tergard clan, the command word lead them by the nose. They may prefer
Black Aggie (Sigrid Halldorsdottir): "freafast" automatically raises the wear- to be tossed into the situation and left to
Wise woman L4. Loyal 2, Honest 18. er's Charisma to 18. find their own way through the posturing
Black Aggie is a dirty, unkempt old wom- Flosi the Fox has arranged, with the aid and pretenses of the NPCs, uncovering

the central plot of subversion on their Ztje Janl'S Feast: The feast is held in enjoying himself) orders a halt to the
own. the Great Hall. The berserkers and Einar fight. The berserkers obey, though wher-
sit at Harek's right hand. Hoskuld, Gjaf- ever they think they can get away with it,
iNtROOuctioN to tlje SceNamo laug, Kalf, Skapti the Skald, and Flosi sit they take one last cheap shot at the PCs,
at Harek's left hand. The Personal Guard then look innocent.
The PC party is asked to visit the Vas-
are seated on the left, below the family Harek sternly asks who started the
tergard Great Hall and discover what
members, and the PCs are seated on the fight. The berserker who whacked the PC
influence is undermining the status and
right, below the berserkers. PCs who innocently points at his victim and says,
honor of the Vastergard clan and its ruler.
drink moderately are mocked by the ber- "Him. He did it." Regardless of PC pro-
There are a number of individuals or
serkers, and those who drink heartily tests, Harek orders that PC taken into
organizations who might request or com-
must make Constitution checks. Failure custody by the berserkers and held pris-
mand such a service:
receives a penalty of - 3 to Dexterity and oner for the rest of the PCs' stay.
• Ragnar the Stout, war leader of the Reaction. • If the PC doesn't strike back, but
Jarldoms, is alarmed by the weakening of
Skapti suggests a boasting contest, to claims a foul and demands a personal
an important supporter and ally. He
the delight of all present. Harek requires duel, Harek cheerfully agrees. The duel is
offers the party a handsome sum to act as
that the Personal Guard, the berserkers, fought under the holmgang customs of
his agents.
and the PCs participate. Hoskuld is given no armor, no magic, only hand weapons,
• The Odin or Frey/Freyja priests of the
the honor of judging the contest. to first wound. The duel proceeds nor-
domain are concerned for their followers.
The DM should alternate between the mally. However, after first blood is
They request the services of one or more
three groups, beginning with the the drawn, the berserk takes a cheap shot—
of their followers among the PCs to go
characters with the lowest levels. The Per- again, damaging, preferably humiliat-
sonal Guard are subdued and uninspired ing, but non-lethal. Then he drops his
• Brand Bear-Heart, friend or relative of in their boasting—a hint of their poor weapon, holds up his hands, and looks
a PC's family, sends a message requesting morale. The berserkers are unrestrained innocent. The Personal Guard gasp with
aid on the basis of clan, family, or friend- and taunting in their boasts, making contempt, the berserkers roar with laugh-
ship. magic users, thieves, dwarves, or other ter at the cheap shot, and Harek looks
• The PCs encounter the outlawed Adi low-status PC classes the butts of their stern but amused. The offending berserk
or Hogni, and are promised wealth and jesting boasts. (For example, Finn boasts is ejected from the hall with a tongue-
positions of honor if they will free Harek of once harnessing six dwarves, then rid- lashing from Harek, but the other ber-
from whatever evil influence has turned a ing across a stream on their backs. "Oh, it serkers sit around smirking and giggling
father against his sons. was terrible dangerous! Thor's Hammer, at the PCs.
those little bald heads are slippery when • If the PCs do nothing in response to
to tlje Ha//.- The PCs go to wet!") being provoked, the berserkers eventu-
Harek's Hall. They may go directly to the
Regardless of the quality of the PCs' ally quiet down and wink at each other,
hall or decide to scout first, speaking with
performances, Hoskuld picks one of the confident that they have a pack of wimps
villagers or local priests. They present
berserkers as winner, and that group goes to play with.
themselves to Harek, are welcomed and
wild: cheering and bellowing, throwing Finally the feast breaks up. The PCs go
offered hospitality as is customary. Each
benches and axes, and draining beaker to their guest lodgings, as assigned. The
PC is honored according to his reputation
after beaker of ale. During this mad cele- berserkers follow them out and yell a few
and character class (i.e. noted fighters are
bration, one of the berserkers "acciden- choice taunts, then go back inside the
given recognition and offered sleeping
tally" whacks a PC, preferably a weaker Great Hall to sleep.
space in Kalf s Hall; magic users, dwarves
character like a mage or a thief. (This can
and such are treated coolly, and offered
be damaging, but definitely non-lethal. "Clje HUNt: The next day Harek propos-
sleeping space in the guest hut).
If the PCs are a frail bunch, have the ber- es a little hunt with his guests. Harek,
Each of the major NPCs is introduced serker do something humiliating like Flosi, Hoskuld, Kalf, Einar, Horsa,
by name to the PCs, and the PCs are spitting, poking or jabbing—something Brand, Stemkel, and the PCs are invited
encouraged to make themselves known to that calls for a response without calling to join the hunt. Only leather armor and
the jarl's household. The berserkers will for a blood feud!) shield are customary wear for such sport
engage in some restrained and dignified
What do the PCs do? (loaned by the host if necessary), and the
boasting and PC-baiting. Then the PCs
• If the PC strikes the berserker back, a only weapons are daggers and spears.
are dismissed, permitted the liberty of
free-for-all ensues between the berserkers Lord Harek wears his chain mail, at Flosi's
the Hall, and requested to attend at a
and the PCs. The Personal Guard does urging and in deference to his age. Use of
feast in their honor that evening.
not get involved. After five to ten rounds magic on such a hunt is considered
of fighting, Harek (who's obviously unsporting, but it is tolerated when

needed to prevent serious injury to the upright by Flosi and Kalf. Harek then Personal Guard then leave in a huff.
participants. slips into slumber at the table. Harek, shamed, apologizes to the PCs
Stemkel is master of the hounds. The Courtesy demands that none leave the and excuses himself, taking refuge in his
dogs quickly scare up a herd of boars (NA table without his host's permission, so private quarters.
6; AC 7; HD 3; 0AT 1 tusk; Dam 2-8; everyone sleeps at the table that night.
MV90'; Save F2; ML 9; TTNil; XP 35). None of the NPCs attempt to leave. If the RevealiNQ Flosi's Role: The PCs may
Harek, Hoskuld, and the other jarl's- PCs attempt to leave, the berserkers rouse already have made some inquiries that
men dismount to meet the boars' charge. themselves in earnest, drunken indigna- point to Flosi's power over Harek. How-
(Any character with Horsemanship skill tion at the insult to their host: "Hey! Sid- ever, if the PCs haven't discovered clues
knows it is cowardly to risk injury to one's down or we'll...we'll... *BELCH* by this time that permit them to act
horse during a hunt.) During the ensuing yer arms off!" PCs should understand against the evil priest, they are probably
melee, Flosi casts a single hold person at that, even if the berserkers can't manage getting frustrated. Here are three ways
four PCs who are in the middle of the that threat right now, they'd get to it lat- that NPCs can help point the way to
melee and menaced by boars. Only a PC er. action for the PCs:
not in melee and specifically stated as 1. Black Aggie has decided to reveal
observing Flosi may notice who threw the to HOIMQSLNQ: When the Flosi before he causes the clan's complete
spell. Even then there will be no proof. PCs wake, there is a lot of muttering and destruction. She's decided to use the PCs
Someone, a PC or an NPC, shouts a confusion as all the hungover heroes (PC as her pawns. If the PCs succeed in reveal-
warning that hostile spells are affecting and NPC alike) crash around in pain. ing Flosi as a villain, her place at Harek's
the party. The party rallies to protect the Suddenly, Knut Kin-Slayer, who can't Hall is once again secure. But if the PCs
jarl, who is genuinely alarmed. Harek find his hammer +1, picks a PC and bel- fail and Flosi overcomes their threat,
invokes Valdahelm, shouting "Rally to lows that he has stolen his weapon. (In Black Aggie's part is not revealed, leaving
me!" The jarl sends Stemkel and Brand fact, Flosi took the weapon and hid it the her to make her peace with Flosi.
to search the forest for ambushers, calls preceding evening.) Harek immediately Black Aggie leaves the following anon-
off the hunt, and returns to the Hall. demands that Knut offer proof of his ymous hint, written in runes, where a PC
Harek then summons each PC and accusation. Knut pouts, and demands a cleric will find it: "Detect magic—the
NPC individually, and questions him on trial by combat to determine the truth. helm or the jarl? Detect magic—Flosi's
what he saw and what he believes hap- Einar offers to cast a detect lie, but Knut belt."
pened. Afterwards, he says, "I must stubbornly insists on a trial by combat, 2. Jarrett slinks up to a PC mage or cler-
retire to consider this strange occurrence. claiming that the PC is protected from ic and hints broadly that he knows some-
Double the guards at the gate and on the truth magic by his spellcasting PC thing worth a pair of magic items. If the
walls. No one is to leave or enter the friends. PCs come across with any two magic items
stead's walls unless I give permission. Harek regretfully agrees that, by cus- as payment, Jarrett reveals that he has
Please join me again for dinner this eve- tom, Knut is entitled to trial by combat. ESPed Flosi and discovered that Flosi has
ning." Brand reminds Harek that in such cases, charmed Harek. "Damned if I know how
the accused may name a champion to the pipsqueak does it, though. He sure
"Clje DniNkiNG Contest: At dinner, fight in his place. Harek agrees, and ain't no magic user. Besides, even if he
Harek is in a black mood, and talk is declares that the duel shall be fought as a was, that charm spell isn't very reliable. A
hushed. Finally, in an attempt to lighten holmgang, to fight with blunted weap- strong-willed old hero like Harek ain't
the mood, Einar proposes a drinking con- ons "until one cannot continue." (This is likely to stay under its influence." Then
test. Harek seems cheered by the pros- to unconsciousness or death. Only half of it's up to the PCs to discover the charm
pect, and he invites the PCs to any damage given is permanent; when effect of Valdahelm and Flosi's control
participate. Harek also invites Hoskuld, the victim falls to zero hit points or amulet on his belt.
Skapti, the berserkers, and the Personal below, he is unconscious. See more about 3. Skapti the Skald comes to the PCs
Guard, and boldly announces that he will holmgang in the PC Book, p. 8.) and tells them some things he's heard
also participate. If the PC wins, the berserker is from Erika:
After each round of ale downed, make required to apologize to the PC. If the "Look, she's just a little girl with a wild
a Constitution check for all participants. berserk wins, the PC is required to return imagination, but she's pretty bright. She
Those who pass remain standing. Reduce the stolen object or pay compensation for says her brother Hoskuld has been sneak-
their Constitution by one point, and it. If the PC loses, then Brand offers to ing out on moonless nights, meeting peo-
repeat the process. The last man standing pay compensation for the lost weapon ple in the forest, then disappearing. She
is the winner, and receives a golden plate himself, disgusted by the berserker's also thinks Flosi is a spellcaster. She's seen
from Harek's treasury, awarded by the jarl behavior and ashamed of the hospitality him talking to this trained rat that her
with slurred congratulations as he is held of his lord's hall. Brand and the rest of the brother has."

If questioned further, Skapti mentions kin. I welcome the opportunity to set sible, he'll order Einar and the berserkers
that Hoskuld also speaks to this pet rat, things aright, particularly to..." (Flosi's after Hoskuld and Flosi instead—
although it doesn't occur to either Erika voice changes to one of confident com- probably a quick and easy win for the
or Skapti that this is very unusual... mand, and he points boldly at the PCs) Good Guys. Wordiness will mean long
"After all, everybody knows that "...reveal the agents that threaten you arguments and counteraccusations from
Hoskuld is a cleric, and clerics talk to ani- and all of Vastergard! Behold—these folk everyone.
mals all the time, don't they?" come as assassins and spies! Sieze them!" On the other hand, a pitched battle of
In fact, it is through this pet rat that Everything goes crazy. Under Flosi's PCs and friends versus Harek, Hoskuld,
Flosi communicates with Hoskuld on charm command, Harek jumps up like a Flosi, Einar, and the berserkers should be
matters concerning the conspiracy to con- puppet and orders his men to seize the pretty close. If things start to turn against
trol Harek and rule the Vastergard clan. PCs. Einar—confused, but loyal and Flosi, he'll run, heading for the shed
Since Hoskuld and Flosi are never seen obedient—immediately hurls his ber- where two of the jarl's favorite horses are
together, no one would ever suspect them serkers and spells into the melee. stabled. Hoskuld is too dull and unimag-
of conspiring. Hoskuld starts popping off spells at the inative to escape. Einar and his boys will
Interrogating this rat will reveal all the PCs, having been warned by Flosi of the fight to the death at the command of
details of the plot (from a ratly point of coming confrontation. their lord. If Einar is shown that his lord
view): how the jarl's magic helm has been On the other side. Brand and the has been ensorcelled, Einar will use his
tampered with, and how Flosi has prom- Guard, along with any NPCs friendly to skills and spells to stop the fighting and
ised to make Hoskuld the next jarl in the PCs, will hesitate for the first round, puzzle out his next move.
return for Hoskuld's cooperation. Of surprised. The PCs themselves are proba- If the PCs fail to overcome Harek, Flo-
course, obtaining an interview with the bly surprised in the first round, but need si, Hoskuld, and friends, the PCs and the
rat is no easy matter, since it lives inside only contend with a spell from Hoskuld Personal Guard may expect to be either
the private quarters of Harek's Hall, in that round. killed or captured. Captured characters
where only family members, servants, In following rounds, Brand, the Per- and NPCs are judged guilty of treason,
and trusted advisors like Flosi are permit- sonal Guard, and any friendly NPCs rally stripped of their possessions (as compen-
ted. One way is to obtain the cooperation to the PCs' aid. Brand and the Personal sation for any damage or injuries done to
of Erika, who is more than willing to kid- Guard have been spoiling for a fight with Vastergard clan), and outlawed from the
nap the rat and deliver it to the PCs. the berserkers for months; they engage domain. Harek gives them a one hour
Einar and his men. The PCs are fairly free headstart on foot, then he sends his ber-
BiQ ActiON C/IMaX; Circum- to pick their targets, and Flosi, Hoskuld, serkers after the unarmed outlaws.
stances should have reached the point by and Harek are logical opponents. How-
now where the players are really hot for ever, the PCs should note that the Person- Wnap-up: The PCs need to hold
righteous justice. The ideal setting for al Guard is outgunned by the berserkers their own long enough to plant doubts in
this climactic confrontation is an evening in spells and character levels. They'll Einar's mind. Einar is basically a good
feast in Harek"s Hall. need PC help or they don't have a guy, and smart enough to realize that a
After all the recent trouble, everybody is chance. conspiracy between Flosi and Hoskuld
on edge but no one can refuse the lord's Skapti will remain neutral, protecting would explain the peculiar outlawing and
request to join him for dinner. Harek Erika, unless befriended by the PCs. banishment of Adi and Hogni. Einar is
starts out by invoking his helm, turning Kalf, Black Aggie, and Gjaflaug try to not obligated to follow the orders of an
on his Charisma, then apologizing to his withdraw to Harek's private quarters. Eri- ensorcelled lord.
guests and his followers for the unfortu- ka may be an excited spectator or, if Once doubts are planted, Einar gets his
nate events of the last few days. He takes befriended by the PCs, she'll play some men under control. The berserkers and
the responsibilities upon himself, as lord trick on Flosi or Hoskuld, causing them to the Personal Guard are deeply involved
and host. Harek begs everyone to aban- lose rounds of actions. Jarrett will stay in their own grudges, but both groups are
don their grudges and grace the hospitali- clear and protect himself, unless he previ- loyal to their lord and their commander.
ty of his table with polite talk and ously made a deal with the PCs. Also, like all Northmen, they are unset-
pleasurable feasting. If a PC can get to Harek, remove Valda- tled by magic, and deeply disturbed at
But before Harek takes off the helm, helm, and dispel the charm or replace it the idea that their lord might be a spell-
Flosi stands up, thanks his lord, and with another charm spell, Harek will real- caster's puppet.
begins a speech in a quiet voice: ize he's been duped. He'll order everyone Once things are under control, Flosi
"Indeed, the events of the last few days to stop fighting. Einar will obey, and deal and Hoskuld are doomed. Flosi realizes it
have been regretable—and all the more with any berserkers who fail to obey. If at once and tries to escape on horseback,
for the distress and unwonted peril that the PCs can, in a very few words, tell which alert PCs should be able to pre-
has threatened you and your clan and Harek that Hoskuld and Flosi are respon- vent. Hoskuld is not so clever, and con-


tinues fighting until slain or disabled. of Hel. An ESP cast on Hoskuld is likely serkers are technically neutral, they are as
When Harek is freed from Flosi's magi- to catch him scheming on his plots with bullying and mean-spirited as ores, and
cal control, he immediately orders Flosi the Hel cultists—generally riding around unlikely to be good allies.
and Hoskuld taken prisoner, and invites and digging things up out of NPCs like Jarrett and Black Aggie are
the PCs and NPCs to explain the mystery. graveyards— than on the conspiracy with strictly self-interested. Unless the PCs
After the conspiracy is explained to him, Flosi. offer substantial rewards, they are very
Harek immediately cancels his judge- • An ESP of Harek reveals no more than unreliable allies.
ment of Atli and Hogni as outlaws. He would be expected of the jarl: cautious Some NPCs, like Skapti, Erika, Brand,
then strips Flosi and Hoskuld of their pos- suspicion of his unfamiliar guests, and and others, are naturally inclined to aid
sesions and declares them outlaws. Harek concern for his household and clan. How- the PCs. They can believe in the PCs'
gives them a one hour headstart on foot, ever, Harek's thoughts reveal a pattern— good intentions, and will listen to evi-
then he sends his berserkers after the out- he constantly wonders what Flosi would dence that their lord is in danger.
laws. The PCs are invited to join in the advise on every topic that comes to mind. 3. Covert Attacks: This is a bad idea.
hunt. This is not too odd, given that Flosi is a Killing anyone in the household except
trusted advisor, but a magic user looking by accident or in a lawful duel is violating
tips for evidence of tampering with Harek's the hospitality of the hall. It is the jarl's
mind would have reasonable grounds for right to judge, not the PCs' right. Even if
Here are a few strategies the PCs may take suspecting Flosi. they uncover the plot and release Harek
to investigate the mysteries behind the
Detect evil spells give the PCs poten- from his enchantment, the jarl is
decline of the Vastergard clan— and the
tially misleading information. Harek, for tradition-bound to outlaw murderers
responses the DM can make.
example, always detects as evil—that is, from his land.
1. Fantasy Detective Techniques: In
as having hostile intent toward the PCs. 4. Seeking out Adi and Hogni: Atli has
addition to mundane detective tech-
This is actually the effect of Valdahelm's concealed his identity and signed on as a
niques like questioning informants,
enchantment and Flosi's counsel, rather crewman with an Ostman pirate. The
searching suspect's residences for physical
than a sign that Harek is evil. Further, the ship is currently operating off the coast of
evidence, and tailing suspects, fantasy
only other NPC who initially detects as Ostland. Atli is thus unlikely to be availa-
characters have spells at their disposal,
evil is Hoskuld, who is bad news and too ble to the PCs.
and NPC opponents have counterspells.
dumb to conceal it. As the scenario pro- Hogni is living under an assumed
Two spells—ESP and clairvoyance—are
gresses, and Einar and his berserkers get name in Norrvik. He stays in touch with
particularly useful. An invisible, silenced
on the wrong side of the PCs, they will Brand through messages sent via itine-
tail can learn a lot while observing a sus-
detect as evil. The attitude of other NPCs raent Frey/Freyja priests. The PCs can
toward the PCs may become hostile travel to Norrvik to enlist Hogni's aid.
It is extremely discourteous to cast according to the PCs' action. Flosi takes Hogni will refuse to become involved
spells without a host's or the subject's great care not to reveal any hostility unless the PCs have solid evidence that
permission, particularly in the Northern toward the PCs except during the hunt, his father is being magically controlled.
Reaches where magic users are distrusted. when he is plotting to bushwhack the Hogni already assumes his father is being
Any character observed casting a spell can PCs, and in the late stages of the scenario influenced by his advisors, a common
be challenged to a duel for the offense, once he decides they are a threat that enough problem in a jarl's household,
and placed under house arrest. With cau- must be eliminated. and feels there is nothing he can do about
tion and wit, PCs should be able to cast
DM Note: The interpretation of the it lawfully.
spells unobserved or when others are dis-
tracted. The results: detect evil spell in your campaign may If the PCs gain Hogni's aid, he will
differ from the interpretation given return to Harek's Hall only if the PCs can
• Flosi is effectively absorbed into his
above. If so, the PCs can use the spell in a devise some very effective disguise;
assumed role as an elderly, well-meaning
more straightforward way to identify the Hogni has been outlawed, and to return
advisor to the jarl. His surface thoughts as
bad guys. without permission is certain death.
read by ESP will usually reveal nothing to
contradict that image. However, when he 2. Seeking NPC Allies: This is a wise
believes himself unobserved, he slips out idea. Friendly NPCs can assist with the AitenNate SceNanios
of the advisor personality and into his investigations, and stand by the PCs in
The overall setting and NPCs of the Jarl's
scheming personality; ESP at this time the climactic melee.
Hall scenario are easily adapted for other
may reveal his plots a-hatching. Some NPCs, like Einar and the ber- adventures of your own devising. Situa-
serkers, are dogmatically loyal to Harek tions and personalities may need adjust-
• Hoskuld is less well-disciplined, but
and his followers and automatically sus- ing to fit the outcome of any scenarios
also less intent on controlling his father
picious of strangers. They won't be very played earlier.
than on sharpening his skills as a follower
willing to listen. Also, while the ber-

Setting Up a raiders, invaders, or monsters. Abie-Bodied Non-Combatant: 20%.

NM—men and women from teens to
Reaches CaMpaiQN Clerics, Magic Users, Thieves, Demi-
Humans, and other Adventurers: 1 %.
late middle-age; healthy, but no arms or
Zfte Hospitality of ttje Heantl? — Various classes and levels. Only a frac-
armor. Many of these are women with no
The conventional starting place for many interest in warfare. Others are too poor to
tion of this number are active adventurers
adventures is the tavern. In the Northern own weapons, or are prohibited from
at any given time.
Reaches, starting in a tavern is feasible in owned weapons (thralls in Ostland may
towns and large settlements—any place Non-Adventurer Dwarves: 2 %. not bear arms).
travelers would normally shelter and eat Dl—assorted weapons, 30% chain
Unfit Non-Combatant: 40%.
in a commercial establishment. and shield. Almost all dwarves are
armed. Many dwarves who never consid- NM, -2 to hit. The children, elderly,
However, in smaller communities, in sick, and otherwise unfit.
remote borderland regions, or in ered soldiering or adventuring still cher-
tradition-bound Ostland, travelers are ish the family arms and armor handed
down as heirlooms. PC C/aN Choices
expected to shelter and cat with local peo-
ple. The stranger must be shown courtesy Elite Veterans: 2%. When creating Northern Reaches charac-
and hospitality—this is a deeply- Fll-36—jarls, personal guards, ters with the procedures listed in the Play-
ingrained feature of Northland culture. heroes, adventurers. Any weapons and er Book, players are directed to consult
In return, the petitioner is expected to armor; 100% with enchanted weapons, with the DM before choosing clans. Here
be polite and respectful. It is customary armor, etc. With rare exceptions, all clans are factors to consider in making your
to offer payment, in money or in value are ruled by able fighters of 11th level or choice.
(work or barter), for the food and lodging higher. Powerful clanheads may have sev- Alternative 1: All PCs are from the
that are provided. In many cases, the eral such veterans as close relatives or as same clan chosen by the DM. This has the
offer is refused. On the other hand, personal guards. advantage of giving the player characters
where the guest sees the need is great, it is a reason for staying together and
thought proper to be quite generous. Armed Veterans: 10%. cooperating—clan loyalty. It also means
An important part of the ritual courte- F3-10—full-time warriors, soldiers, or that if you use requests or orders from
sy is the sharing of news and gossip. Folk adventurers. Assorted weapons, chain clan leaders as scenario motivations, all
in small settlements or in remote regions and shield; 10% with enchanted weap- party members will be under the same
get little in the way of news, and eagerly on, shield, armor, or other gear. No more compulsion to accept the appointed task.
await it from travelers. At the same time, than 20% are actively engaged as fighters Alternative 2: PCs are from different
the host is expected to hold up his end at a given time. Many are young nobles, clans, but the DM limits or actually
with information about local events. retired and older fighters, and adventur- chooses which clans. The simplest form of
ers turned laborers, farmers, craftsmen, this is restricting PCs to clans from a spe-
This cultural quirk gives the DM an
and merchants. cific region or nation.
excellent way to offer players adventure
hooks, hints, and clues important to the Armed and Skilled: 15%. There are several considerations here.
scenario, or general information about local Fighter or Thief 1-2—men and women First, note that many Soderfjord clans have
people, places, things, and legends. In this from teens to late middle-age with weap- intrinsic political and clan conflicts. If you
way, the host, his family, servants, and ons, armor, training, and experience. plan to develop these during the campaign,
hired laborers become informants just as a Assorted weapons, shield, 90% leather it is unwise to have player characters from
taverner and his clientele are informants in armor, 10% chain. This includes military enemy clans in the same party.
a conventional tavern setting. recruits, young nobles, and guards, as Second, Soderfjord and Vestland have
well as street-tough town dwellers and more open societies and plenty of wilder-
Population DistnibutiON IN (Jaiwe frontier settlers experienced in conflicts ness, and are better settings for lower and
with raiders and monsters. middle level wilderness and campaign play.
Finally, certain clans have specific roles in
The following describes the distribution Armed but Unskilled: 10%. the campaign background—for example,
of various character types by percentage NM—men and women from teens to the Ostman clan of Kalslo Island is estab-
in a typical Northern Reaches popula- late middle-age who possess arms but have lished as a pirate/rebel clan opposing the
tion. Non-adventuring character types no training or combat experience. 90% powerful clan that rules Ostland. Plan
are briefly described in terms of their spear & shield; 10% bow. A substantial ahead, and consider what clans that you
ability to fight at need. This information number of freemen possess arms but have intend to develop (and how) as important
is useful to establish the resources of a vil- no training or experience in their use. elements in the overall campaign narrative.
lage or that of a whole region for self- Alternative 3: PCs choose their own
defense when the area is attacked by clans without DM guidance. This can

cause intraparty squabbles and scenario Polymorph Sctf: L4 magic user spell power—so Odin forever altered the rune,
problems when clan membership plays (X13). and it never worked that way again.
an important role in the adventure. If the Fifth Level Spells Artifact Enhancement: Runes were
PCs will do most of their adventuring in MagicJar: L5 magic user spell (XI5). widely used by the historical Vikings to
wildernesses, dungeons, or outside of the Polymorph Others: L4 magic user spell identify their personal belongings, and
Northern Reaches, this is not a concern. (X13). for the magical enhancements they
Massmorph: L4 magic user spell believed the runes could offer.
Wise WOMCN (Witcljes) (X13). Visual aids can improve the fun of a
This NPC class of magic users is unique to Pass Wall: L5 magic user spell (XI5). game all around. Players can draw their
the Northland cultures. Wise women Sixth Level Spells rune-inscribed items on their character
have the Read Runes and Deceive skills, Anti-Magic Shell: L6 magic user spell sheets for easy reference. Typical items
and may use the following spells. Spells (X15). for rune inscription include weapons,
marked with an asterisk may be reversed. Conjure Elemental: L5 magic user ships, armor and shields, arrows and sling
spell (X14). stones, amulets, etc.
First Level Spells Death Spell: L6 magic user spell The DM can make drawings on cards of
Detect Evil: Ll magic user spell (B4l). (X16). objects that the players might come across
Detect Magic: Ll magic user spell Word of Recall: L6 clerical spell (X9). during their explorations and adventures,
(B39). then hand out the cards when the PCs
*Ught: Ll clerical spell (B26). Will RUNG Magic actually find them.
know both light and its reverse at first
level. Personal Runes: On rare occasions, PCs
may receive a unique personal rune from PRGVCNtlNQ AbUSeS Of tl?€
Prot/Evil: Ll magic user spell (B40). Skill SystGM
Interpret Runes: L2 clerical spell (as their patron Immortal. This is usually
described in Player Book, p. 27) only appropriate if you are about to seri- Oppressed players usually try to figure
ously challenge that character. For exam- out some way to use the rules to make
Second Level Spells
ple, if you want to encourage a PC to take their player characters' lives more safe
Ventriloquism: Ll magic user spell
on a long-term, difficult task that he or and rewarding. In the process, they may
(B41). she would sensibly refuse, it may be time
Charm Animal: This spell effect is try to milk the skill system introduced in
to provide a rune. The rune should have the Player Book for more than it's worth.
identical to that of a charm person some relatively significant magical effect
spell (B39), but any one normal ani- The suggestions below offer ways to dis-
that almost compensates for the PC's courage such abuse.
mal may be affected. The animal may uneasiness about the task.
make a saving throw vs. spells to avoid • Assess bonuses and penalties for skill
the effect. Preventing Abuse of Runes: DMs will checks according to the difficulty of a
Detect Invisible: L2 magic user spell want to carefully consider the possible mis- given task. Many tasks within a described
(B41). uses of invented runes. Just as with other skill should be considerably more or less
ESP: L2 magic user spell (B4l). magical artifacts, take the time to look for difficult than is indicated by the solitary
*Rcmovc Curse: L3 clerical spell (X6). loopholes in the description of powers value of the character's statistic.
Knows spell and its reverse at 2nd before handing the rune over to a player. • Discourage jerky or abusive skill use by
level. DMs may also wish to gradually introduce penalizing the character if his player is
Third Level Spells alternate powers for the runes already sup- going beyond the bounds of sense. "Sure.
Charm Person: Ll magic user spell plied. The same warning applies. Note that Alfgeir can use his Muscle skill to pick up
many of the rune powers are already availa- that horse. Of course, if you fail the check,
Clairvoyance: L3 magic user spell ble as spells of one sort or another. This sug- your hernia will teach your buddies all
(Xll). gests that spell powers not adapted to date about the color of your insides. Fine, no
Fly: L3 magic user spell (X12). might make good starting ideas for new problem; roll those dice."
Phantasmal Force: L2 magic user spell rune powers. • A character normally gets one chance to
(Xll). If you think the players are likely to succeed in a skill check. At your option, a
Sleep: Ll magic user spell (B40). abuse the runes, establish a precedent for second check may be permitted if the cir-
Fourth Level Spells cosmic alterations in the functions of cumstances change, or if the player sum-
Charm Monster: \A magic user spell runes early in the campaign, just in case mons up new resources. Conversely, the
(X13). one rune power turns out to unbalance repeated use of a skill may also be assigned
Dispel Magic: L3 magic user spell everything. For instance, provide a myth penalties, given that the skill has already
(Xll). of how a rune once meant some wonder- failed on the earlier attempt.
Locate Object: L4 clerical spell (X6). ful thing, but some scumbag abused the

USING C^anacten "Cnaits — ox cart or pack animals, headed by an Fl ground, with a wooden palisade, a gate
or Dl heavy foot, with Id4 peasant labor- tower and one large longhouse. Sheds
Remember that PCs are not obliged to use ers and 1D4 NM heavy foot. Typical car- protect the horses, oxen and vehicles.
traits. Even if they do, the DM should never gos include hides and leather, raw wool, They are staffed by 10 heavy foot, 20 light
try to force a player to run a character is a woven cloth, and tools. foot, 5 mounted bow (scouts and cou-
way that the player feels is inappropriate. 2. Substantial (value 1D8 x 300 gp): riers), 10 peasant laborers.
For NPCs, it's not necessary to roll up in several ox carts or wagons, or pack horses. Tolls: The toll for traveling the Marsh
advance the full selection of character trait Headed by an F2 heavy horse, 2d6 peas- Road is 10 gp/wagon, 1 gp/person.
scores for every NPC you create. Whenever ant laborers, Id4 +4 NM heavy horse OR Charge for shelter is 10 gp/wagon, 1 gp
you encounter a situation where a character mounted bowmen. Cargos include furs, per riding or draft animal, 5 sp/person.
trait might influence an NPCs actions, spirits, jewelry, amber, trade metal, tools,
consult the Character Trait Table on page 10 weapons and armor.
of the Player Book, and roll up that trait on NiN€ WORK>S o f
3. Fabulous (value Id6 x 1000 gp): one
the spot. Record the trait score for future horse-drawn wagon, headed by an F4 or D4
developments affecting that NPC. heavy horse, accompanied by a C4 and 2 F2 This section describes the way a historical
Major NPCs may need some traits simply heavy horse, Id6 peasant laborers, 2d4 NM pantheon (the Norse myths) can be
assigned to them, to reflect the personality heavy horse, 2d4 mounted bowmen. Car- adapted to the D&D® Known World.
the DM requires at a certain place and time. gos include precious metals, alchemical This overview introduces Norse myth
However, once determined (by whatever components, specialty foods, imported directly into the Northern Reaches cul-
method), the traits should not change. goods, rare books and scrolls. tures, and we hope it serves as an inspira-
It's not necessary to roll the dice on a Private Parties: There are three main tion to ambitious DMs playing
trait check to figure out how an NPC types of private parties on the Overland higher-level campaigns. The treatment is
would act, particularly in ordinary situa- Trade Route—adventurers, couriers, and suggestive rather than exhaustive, so
tions. Once you know the NPCs trait those on personal business (freemen or modify and elaborate to your heart's con-
score, it's a reliable guide to the NPCs nobles). The wealthy and important will tent. On page 3 of this book, we've
typical responses. be accompanied by retainers. included a list of references on Norse his-
1. Freemen and Nobles: various classes tory and mythology that you can get
"Cnavel ON tlje and levels, but mostly normal men in through your own public library.
Route leather with a weapon. The Northern Reaches Gazetteer is
2. Adventurers: various classes and designed for Basic and Expert play. Charac-
Players will want to know how many cara- ters at those levels have no business casually
vans and travelers travel the route... What gadding about in the realms of the gods,
3. Couriers: 1-4 heavy horse or mount-
types of travelers and caravans are com- but there are circumstances one might
ed bowmen of any class, maximum level
mon? What do they carry —and what is it imagine bringing these places into play. If
8. Couriers carry small, important pack-
worth? What're the tolls? How are the shel- you haven't already, read "Clerics in the
ages of varying value (ldlOO x 20 gp).
ters? Northern Reaches" starting on page 24 in
The items range from business, personal,
Traffic: On busy sections of the route or clerical dispatches to special delivery of the Player's Book before continuing.
(like the section between Soderfjord very valuable items, including jewelry,
Beach and Castellan), the DM can Asqantt: This Outer Plane is the
magical items, and other treasures. home of the Aesir, one of the two main
assume one might encounter anywhere
Couriers often advertise how tough they families of Norse Immortals. The most
from ten to twenty private parties and
are by displaying showy magical weapons important gods of Asgard are Odin,
caravans during a day's travel. In the shel-
and other signs of high status to discourage Thor, and Loki. In Asgard is Odin's great
ters along the Great Marsh Road, the for-
thoughtful bandits. Of course, lower level hall, Valhalla, where Odin's servants and
tified camping areas will be the place to
couriers also try to look tough. guardians dwell, including the renowned
encounter those who pass in similar num-
bers during cold dry seasons. Very valuable packages are always accom- Valkyries (magical warrior women with
panied by capable spellcasters (clerics for the powers of flight and plane shift,
Caravans: Three levels of caravan are
cult dispatches, magic users for business among other abilities).
described below according to the value of
and private packages). These spellcasters These Valkyries come to the Prime Plane
their cargos—modest, substantial, or fab-
use spells early and often when attacked. to retrieve the spirits of heroic Northman
ulous. (See D&D® Expert Rules, page 24,
(Bandits and raiders seldom have access to warriors who fall in combat. These heroic
for the cost, equipment and skills of
spellcasters, and must check morale when spirits are brought to Valhalla. By day the
heavy foot, light foot, heavy horse,
confronted with magic.) heroes contest with one another in battle; at
mounted bowman, and peasant laborer.)
Overland Trade Route shelters are for- night, the dead are raised and all share in
1. Modest (value 2d4 x lOOgp): small
tified camping areas on cleared high

the celebrations in Odin's Hall. shades are still "alive", but their exist- Known World's Dark Elves. An evil
The only access to Asgard is through the ence is that of a zombie or the walking realm, knowledge of any existing gate is
Outer Plane called the Rainbow Bridge, a dead. They dwell on the island Naastrand carefully hidden by the Dark Elves.
trispace (see the D&D® Immortals DM (Corpse Strand) in a great torture cham-
JOtUNtjeiM:This Outer Plane was grant-
Book, page 10) where magic doesn't work. ber, a vast enclosure of innumerable
ed to the giant races as a peace settlement
The Rainbow Bridge is guarded by Heim- entwined serpents, whose searing venom
concluding a long dispute between the
dal, one of the Aesir, and no mortal or drips down on those inside.
giants and the Immortals. It is inhabited
Immortal may enter Asgard without his The Queen of the Underworld, Hel, by a variety of giant types, along with a
leave. D&D® mortals have no business lives here. One half of her face is bright number of other beings.
coming to Asgard without invitation, and lifelike, the other livid and dead. She
although a heroquest to Asgard to obtain dwells with her servants, Senility the SwetiQljeiM: This is the ancestral home
the aid of a hero of Valhalla is a plausible Housemaid and Dotage the Thrall. plane of the dwarves. The location of this
high-level adventure. On the river Fearful (a torrent of swords, plane and any gates providing access to it
knives, and daggers) rides the great warship are secrets concealed in ancient dwarven
: This Outer Plane is home of legends, and known only to a handful of
Naglfar (Nailfarer), a longship built from
the V&nir, the other important family of venerable loremasters.
the untrimmcd nails of the dead. At the
Norse gods, represented most promi-
end of time, this longship will carry the MiOQanCh This is an Outer Plane contain-
nently by Frey and Freyja. Frey/Freyja
Restless Dead and the Queen of Hel to bat- ing a world with a climate and geography
cultists might come here to petition these
tle at Ragnarok. The captain of Nailfarer similar to our Earth's Scandinavia. Millenia
Immortals on behalf of their followers.
will be the greatest sinner and oath-breaker ago. Immortals established here this ideal
MuspeltjeiM: This Outer Plane is the of all time—Loki the Trickster. Norse world, populated by Prime Plane
home of the fire giants, enemies of the DM Note: This is an excellent setting descendants who have had all memory of
Norse gods. Surt, the sentinel and fore- for a heroquest: the PCs seek the Queen their former existences erased. The lives of
most among fire giants, will lead the of Hel to persuade her to release one of these peoples follow more exactly the leg-
forces against the Aesir and Vanir at the the Restless Dead (a former hero or party ends and history of Earth's Viking cultures,
final battle, Ragnarok. Muspelheim member). Alternatively, the PCs may as recounted in the epic poems and heroic
might be an appropriate setting for high- make this journey to question one of myths. This is an ideal place to send any
level adventures. Imagine the Planes of those confined here. D&D® characters wishing to adventure in a
Earth and Fire mixing in an ocean of fire, First the PCs must navigate the deadly true Viking setting.
steam, and tumbling rocks, populated by terrain of Niflheim, facing encounters with
incredibly unpleasant and powerful fire trolls and gnolls, and powerful frost giants. l, ttje WonIO Astj: This
giants. After descending the narrow trail to Hel, Outer Plane is filled with a stupendous
they must defeat or outwit Garmr. ash tree the size of several solar systems.
NiflljeiM: This Outer Plane, home of
Once in Hel's realm, the PCs must pene- Along the branches and roots of this giant
the frost giants, is a wilderness of ice,
trate the serpent-enclosure and make their tree are gates providing access into the
snow, and freezing fog. The river
way to the Court of Hel, there to persuade Nine Worlds of the Immortal Realms.
Vergelmir, the Roaring Cauldron, forms a
her with words or gifts. Finally, they may Among the other beings who live upon
black poisonous, slag-like scum which is
need to steal Nailfarer, or sneak out on the this tree are the winged dragon Nithog, the
the source of all life. Other violent rivers
River Fearful with an improvised raft. Dread Biter, and his brood of serpents:
and glaciers—named things like Storm-
Gnaw-Fang, Grave-Root, and Root-
ing, Frightful, or Bubble-Blasting —flow AlfljeiM: This Outer Plane is the home Ripper. These beings constantly tear at the
through the wasteland of ice and rock. of the High Elves. A number of perma- limbs and roots of the tree. A giant ancient
The weather is equally vile: torrents of nent gates to this plane are located in the eagle, wise but peevish, dwells in the
rain, hail, and blizzards. forests of Alfheim, a nation of the Known uppermost limbs, and the squirrel Nibble-
Beneath the surface of this vacation para- Worlds to the southwest of the Northern Tooth carries abusive messages back and
dise is the Realm of Hel, the underworld Reaches. The High Elves, ancestors of the forth between the eagle and the dragon.
where the Restless Dead dwell. The road to Prime Plane elves, are a long-lived, high- This is the great tree upon which Odin
Hel zig-zags down black vertical cliffs, with ly magical race. They possess an ancient hung by the neck for seven days, swinging
violent, icy winds whipping up from the and civilized culture, with a refined out over the abyss. From this tree he
lower regions. Gnipahellir (Cliff Cave) is appreciation of music, dance, poetry, descended with the runes, a gift of knowl-
the entrance to Hel itself, guarded by the magic, and the other sublime arts. edge and wisdom that he gave to Mankind.
bloody-chested giant hound Garmr.
In Hel are the shades of men, giants, SvantalftjeiM: This Outer Plane is the
and gods: the Restless Dead. These home of the Dark Elves, ancient enemies
of the High Elves, and ancestors of the
ADaptiNQ Qaz€tt€€RS t o ADQD
Gazetteer nations can now be set up in oth- any Norse culture in your own AD&D NPCs who reached level 36 and completed
er campaign worlds, such as those described game campaign setting. a heroic quest to qualify as Immortals.
in the FORGOTTEN REALMS™ campaign Morale: Whenever NPCs or monsters are
set, or the WORLD OF GREYHAWK®
•CecljNical seriously threatened, especially during
Fantasy Game Setting. When adapted for combat, they may surrender or flee if they
use with the AD&D® game, the Gazetteers EQuivaleNcies fail a morale check. For AD&D game, use
offer exceptionally detailed and unusual Technical differences between the D&D the reaction/loyalty systems.
backgrounds, colorful characters, and valu- game and the AD&D game are relatively Monsters: Some D&D game monsters do
able adventure resources for your ongoing trivial, but for those people unfamiliar not exist in AD&D game. Replace them
AD&D game campaigns. with D&D game, here are a few details with similar AD&D game creatures, or
For DMs wishing to adapt the material that need to be clarified. Topics appear in adapt the D&D game creature using a
in this Gazetteer into an AD&D game alphabetical order for easy reference. similar AD&D game creature as a model.
campaign, the following notes should be Alignments: D&D game characters have Stats and abilities of a given creature may
helpful. When making the adaptation of only three alignments — Lawful, differ between the two systems; when in
D&D® adventures for the AD&D game, Neutral, or Chaotic. For the AD&D doubt, check the AD&D game Monster
keep in mind that AD&D game charac- game, assign Good, Evil, or Neutral Manuals.
ters are somewhat tougher at low levels, alignments, depending on the context. Movement: Movement rates in D&D
but D&D game characters can deliver Classes: In the D&D game, elves, dwarves, game are given in feet/turn and then, in
more damage at mid-to-high levels. Fur- and halflings actually are character classes. parentheses, in feet/round. In D&D
ther, AD&D game spellcasters have access D&D game elves correspond to AD&D game, 1007turn equals 10"/round in
to longer spell lists; they may be more game elven fighter/magic users. D&D AD&D game.
powerful and versatile than their D&D game dwarves and halflings are fighters. At Ranges: All distances are expressed in
game counterparts at equivalent levels. high levels, D&D game demi-humans use feet, rather than in inches. Assume 10'
The D&D game is designed to handle Attack Ranks, which reflect their abilities to are equivalent to 1" in AD&D game. Use
very high levels of play, up to a maximum fight better. Ignore these in AD&D game. AD&D game ranges for missile weapons
of level 36. Up to level 20, it is suggested Human fighters, clerics, magic users, and and spell casting.
that you keep the same level of experi- thieves are unchanged. Rounds: Rounds and turns are used the
ence in the two games. Beyond that, Coins (en): The "en" abbreviation stands same way in both games. D&D game
assume that each two D&D game charac- for "coin" and is a measure of weight does not use segments. A D&D game
ter levels equal one character level in the equal to the AD&D game "gp." round equals one minute; a D&D game
AD&D game, rounded up. Using this Dominions: These are lands under a char- turn equals 60 rounds. For simplicity, use
guideline, a level 36 D&D game wizard is acter's rule, like AD&D game baronies. AD&D game game equivalents without
equivalent to a level 28 arch-mage in the Rulers receive taxes from inhabitants, as converting.
AD&D game. well as income from natural resources and
Spells: Some D&D game spells have
services. D&D game dominion populations
Access from the Northern Reaches to slightly different names than their
grow an average 15% per month—5dlO
other campaign worlds is possible AD&D game counterparts. Modify the
persons. At 50 inhabitants per square mile,
through Yggdrasil, the World Ash (see number of memorized spells per spell-
the growth tops out at Id5% - 5dl0 per-
page 63), an Outer Plane with numerous caster character level to match AD&D
sons. Use AD&D game Taxation.
gates to other worlds. Adventurers can game rules. AD&D game spellcasters
Equipment: Terminology in the D&D
reach Yggdrasil through the use of the have many spells not available to D&D
game game is very similar to AD&D
clerical travel spell (in the D&D game) or game spellcasters. Adapt NPC spellcaster
game. Equipment cost, encumbrance,
plane shift or gate spell (in the AD&D strategies to take advantage of AD&D
damage in combat, or AC protection may
game) or use of an artifact with similar game spells.
be slightly different; when in doubt,
powers. Such artifacts may be found as War Machine: This D&D game mass com-
check AD&D game references.
sacred cult treasures of any one of the var- bat system has no AD&D game counter-
Encumbrance: See en or coins.
ious Northman cults, and may also be part. "BR" stands for Battle Rating and is
Experience: Total accumulated experi-
found in the treasure hoards of the used only with the War Machine system.
ence for character classes may differ in the
Modrigswcrg. We suggest the BATTLESYSTEM™ Fantasy
two systems, but not enough to affect
From Yggdrasil, adventurers may come play significantly. There's still an obvious Combat Supplement which handles mass
to the Sea of Moving Ice, enter the lands of difference betweeen a level 1 magic user combat for both systems.
the Moonshae Northmen (both of the and a level 15 wizard! Weapon Mastery: Ignore references to
FORGOTTEN REALMS boxed set), or to Immortals: Equivalent to AD&D game D&D game weapon mastery and profi-
the Snow Barbarians (Kingdom of Schnai) deities, these powerful beings often are ciency; replace with the AD&D game
of the World of Greyhawk® boxed set, or equivalent.
Wl?at KNOWS...
About tl}C KINQDOM of Zeafort house the two brigades of King people don't gawk like you're a prince
OstlaNt) Hord's standing army. Ostmanhaven is a when you show a silver coin.
fishing and trading town, perhaps more " 'Course, up north in the hills and out
as told by Onuod Tolundmire, priest of modern and, I think, more corrupt than west to the mountains, things arc a lot
Odin, runemaster and skald, a native of most Ostland towns. Thorir the Wealthy, less civilized. Folk there tend to stick to
Ostland jarl in Ostmanhaven, sets a bad exam- the old ways, boast proudly of their mud-
The People: "We arc a great nation, pros- Ple" dy little huts, and fancy themselves as old
perous, powerful and proud. Our people How to Get Rich and Famous: "Join style warriors and heroes from the sagas.
have always been masters of raiding and the service of some great jarl or, better Real bunch of hayseeds."
warfare. A sword is as natural to the hand yet, join the service of the king himself. The Land: "I prefer the rugged foot-
of a farmer as is the plow. Our king Sail with the raiders. The king's armies hills along the southwest border—wild,
springs from a line of great warrior-kings, arc fighting in the local squabbles beautiful country. But there's something
and his jarls and their men are without between Thyatis and Alphatia, and there to be said for Vestland's fjords, with their
peer in courage and might of arms. Our is much glory to be won. Join a colonizing fertile lowland farms and steep valley
nation is blessed by Odin and Thor. None expedition to the Isle of Dawn or go on to sides leading up to the rocky plateau
can question our glory and honor, and more distant shores." land. There's some excellent farmland
none shall stand against us in battle. Hot Tips: "Don't look for taverns or along the coast, I'm told, but inland's no
"Others call us violent and brutal, and inns—there are none. In Ostland, you're good for anyone but the sheep. The
condemn our right to raid and make either family, a guest, or an enemy. Trollheim hills—well, they have their
slaves of those who war against us. These Because it is the heart of the nation, own beauty, I guess—bare granite tors
are the craven cawings of the weak. None Zeaburg treats foreigners a little differ- and wild, wet marshlands. It's no place
shall win power or glory without strength ently, but ask for hospitality elsewhere in for sightseeing, though."
and determined will. the islands, and you'll not be denied. Norrvik: "A real, honest-to-Odin city,
"Others call us primitive barbarians, Treat your host generously and honor- high on the bluffs over the river. The
and scorn our respect for the old ways. We ably, and you'll be well-treated in turn. Market Square district's pretty fine if
are doubtful of the honor of 'civilized' "In Ostland, we do not mock the you're out to blow your money. I prefer
men. We do not aspire to be fat mer- Immortals or the ancient traditions, and a the College District. Good folk and qui-
chants or scribbling clerks." traveler is advised to respect that, be he et, and those charming, worthless stu-
The Land: "The wind blows endlessly, Northman or dwarf, warrior or cleric of dents. Students? As the locals brag,
and there are precious few hills and for- some other god. Ostlanders are a proud they're studying at the only magic college
ests to break its force. In winter, the fury and proper folk, and we do not tolerate in the Northlands. Now the Docks are
of the ocean storms is terrible to bear. 'Yet, disrespect for the faiths or observances of another thing: dirty, cheap, but never
our other seasons are moderate, the grow- our fathers." dull. I stay out of Dwarftown—no fond
ing seasons long, and the land fertile and memories of my childhood there. It's a
generous. The main island is thoroughly About "Cljc KINQOOM of rough place, not cheerful."
settled. Folk generally live in large villa- VestiaND Other Towns: "Rhoona's busy, filthy, a
ges and clan settlements, close to their frontier town full of dwarves, merchants,
kin, and most of the land is well- according to Dwalinn the Dwarf, adven- adventurers, and hunters of giants.
cultivated. The other islands are wilder turer, philosopher, and tavern lout, Rough town, but lots of loose money and
and more sparsely populated." native of Vestland plenty of excitement. Landersfjord? Big
Zeaburg: "Our capital is an ancient The People: "For good or ill, Vestland is and getting bigger, right on the Overland
clan seat, the court of the High King what they call a 'modern nation.' In Trade Route, with ships heading west and
Hord Dark-Eye, and the winter quarters towns along the coast, most buildings are east. Plenty of work with caravans and
for the twenty Great Houses of Ostland. stone—dwarf work, most like—and the expeditions."
Zeaburg is not like your dark stone
cities—it's more a scatter of friendly vil- «1988 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
lages close together. In the center lies
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS and D&D are registered trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. PRODUCTS OF YOUR
Hord's Royal Compound, a great fortress, IMAGINATION and the TSR logo are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. Distributed to the book trade in the United
and center of culture and hospitality States by Random House, Inc., and in Canada by Random House of Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the toy and
among the Ostland folk. Outlander visi- hobby trade by regional distributors. Distributed in the United Kingdom by TSR UK Ltd.
tors can be too disruptive, and they must This module is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other
keep to the the Foreigners' Compound." unauthorized use of the written material or artwork herein is prohibited without the express written permission of
TSR, Inc.
Other Towns: "The fortresses of

How to Get Rich and Famous: "Hunt steaders, but the poor folk don't get fiord. There's good farming in the Snow-
giants and their kin. Join a mercenary much peace, what with the clans all vale Valley north of Castellan, too, I hear.
band and fight in the Troll Border Wars, squabblin' with each other, and the bul- Now inland, it's all rocky plateau. A far-
or ride the highways with the Home lies that the jarls hire for their guards. mer'd never prosper there, nothin' but
Guard. Join the treasure hunters looking Every little headman thinks he's the High grass grows, and that just in between the
for lost artifacts of the molder dwarves. King, an' he lords it over his people even rocks and boulders. The Great Marsh?
The pay for caravan guards is pretty good, though they're all living in mud huts, Wet and wild, they say, but good for
but you earn every copper." from the headman on down. Sure, some hunting. The foothills of the Makkres
Hot Tips: "Watch out for dwarf- clanholds are better than others, but it's Mountains to the west are pretty bare,
haters—every little frontier hamlet has its no pleasure to travel among 'em. They but there's little trouble with humanoids
frothing bigots. Don't believe that offer their hospitality, but you've got to there. The hills of Gnollhcim —well,
cheery crap the Council's spreading about cat their dirt thanking 'em for it, they fig- that's big trouble these days. Rough
peace and prosperity in the Trollhcim col- ure they done you such a favor. country, and thick with gnoll war bands.
onies; things are bad up there, and no "Andfighters?Well, we're a loud and Finally, there's the Hardanger Range in
mistake. And those hill giants are big! rash lot, but not too bad in a fight. Prob- the south. That's nothing but jagged
and not as stupid as the stories say. Don't lem is, it's each man for himself. No one peaks, glaciers, and kobolds."
get cocky." can tell nobody else what to do. No won- Soderfjotd Beach: "Compared to Nor-
der the Ostlanders push us around like rvik, it's pretty mean and muddy, though
About "Cl7e SoDenf joitO nithlings. I think it's right lively. Merchants and
"Me, I like the frontier. No big jarls or traders a-plenty, from all over. You can
clans out there, just roughnecks and get what you need there, and lots of stftf
as told by Helfdan Halhroll, vnrtiot znd frontier folk, the hunters, trappers, you don't, but it's not a real nice place.
roughneck, native ofthejarldoms adventurers. Sure it's rough, but a man's Ragnar's the war leader, and his fortress
The People: "Yeah, the Jaridoms are kin- respected for his own worth, not his out in the river is something to see, big
da backward, I guess. \bu won't find father's or his clan's name." thing and real 'mpressive, it is."
more friendly folk than our farmers and The Land: "Good farmland along the Other Towns: "Castellan is a pretty lit-
coast and along the Saltfjord and Oto- tle town, mostly stone. It's a big trading

center, and there's lots of furriners— personal strength of arms. Vestland is a CoMpaniNQ "CnaOitioNal
elves, Ylari, dwarves, and such like. Lots more modern nation, where the authority NoRtljlaNO ViRtues witty
of outfitters, too, if you've a mind to go of the law, rather than personal strength of
trekkin' 'round the backwoods." arms, protects its citizens. MOOCRN Civilizeb NotiONS -
How to Get Rich and Famous: "Hire "Soderfjord is a young nation in transi- Hetfdan and Saru examine the differ-
out as a bully for a jarl—or beat up bullies tion from the older barbarian ways like ences
and rob them. You can go pirate raiding, Ostland's, to a more modern culture like Helfdan: "These scribblers and fops, why
like the Ostlanders do, by finding a Vcstland's. In Soderfjord, the larger the do Vestlanders put up with them? I step
captain—ask around. Or buy your own town, the more modern the local values. from my ship in Dremmen Harbor, and
longship, and you captain it. Guarding Conversely, the more remote the place, this pipsqueak in fancy dress comes up,
caravans is good pay, and it keeps you the more traditional and barbaric the jabs me in the stomach! Says, 'Customs
away from the clan bullies. Oh, there's people will be. and Immigration. Where's your cargo
mountains of treasure in the Hardangers, "Yet even in Soderfjord's current tur- list?' I grabbed his dinky pink fist,
they say, down in those old gnome holes, bulent political climate, it's possible to jammed his pen into his palm, and told
but those holes've got lotsa dogmen, too. see in the growing power of the war lead- the little runt what he could do with the
Ragnar's got gold to pay for mercenaries er, Ragnar. Every year he looks more capa- cargo list if he ever found it..."
to guard the borderland and caravans ble of unifying the Jarldoms into a nation
against raiding humanoids. Lots o' that Sara: "...and, in fact, I believe our
like Vestland. Unfortunately, there are
kind of work, state and private, down by friend Helfdan might have killed the fel-
many other nations—particularly
the Sodervirk—that wall on the low had we not intervened. "You see,
Ostland, Ylaruam, Ethengar, and
Gnollheim border." Helfdan and other champions of ancient
Thyatis—that prefer to preserve the cur-
Northland virtues feel that a man has no
Hot Tips: "Stay clear of clan squab- rent political chaos in the Jarldoms."
authority unless he can back it up with his
bles, unless you hope to make money on Prospects for Adventurers: "In gen- fist. The notion of Vestland government
the winner. Don't push your luck with eral, look to the borders and wilderness- officials making demands on manly war-
clanheads or their bullies. The jarls are es. Vestland and the Jarldoms seek riors. .. well, it often leads to fatal misun-
the law in Soderfjord. If they don't like expansion into the wild hills and moun- derstandings.
you, they can chop your head off, an' it's tains that surround the nation to the "In Vestland, a government official
twice as easy if you're not protected by north, west, and south. The humanoid feels safe from physical threats because of
your kin in some other clan. Don't trust and giantish races must be controlled or the strength of the law and the Home
nobody rich or powerful—you're just a removed, and a wealth of plunder may be Guard. Helfdan had some trouble there,
pawn to 'em." gained. I'm afraid, and we had to smooth a few
"Ostland has no wilderness left. It ruffled feathers."
A N OutsiteR's Penspcctive seeks new land across the ocean to the Helfdan: "Pipsqueak. Fines weren't
ON Xl)€ Norctl)€RN Reaches southeast on the Isle of Dawn. As much after I had a good roar at the fel-
Ostland cements its ties with Thyatis, low."
from Saw the Serpent, sorcerer and perhaps the nation will expand to the
scholar, and itinerant citizen of the whole Saru: "Now in Soderfjord, a local offi-
north into Norwold."
of the Known World cial needn't be a warrior to collect a jarl's
Prospects for Crusaders: "Do-gooders tribute, but he is wise to accompany him-
Contrasting the Three Nations: "Ostland will find plenty of work in Soderfjord, self with a band of persuasive-looking
clings to tradition, while Vestland strug- where the common folk are often caught thugs. In Ostland, everything is a person-
gles to be a modern nation. Soderfjord between feuding clan nobles. Enemies of al matter. The king himself, traveling
lies somewhere between. Many folk in Chaos may contend with the troll nations with the Personal Guard, come to his jarls
the Jarldoms still hold firmly to the to the north, the giantish races to the to collect the tribute. And, in turn, the
Northman values, but small, influential west, and the growing armies of the jarls go personally among their freemen
groups—particularly the merchant class kobolds in the Hardanger Range. to collect their tribute. In Ostland, a man
in the growing towns—want to see "One problem for the thoughtful cru- does not make demands he cannot per-
Soderfjord a modern trading nation like sader: the warlike and violent cultures of sonally back up with force, and it is not
Vestland. Their money buys influence the Northern Reaches have produced a considered improper to thrash someone
and political power, so the traditionalists people who accept brute force as a stand- for impudent behavior."
cannot ignore them. ard tool of rulership. Crusaders from
"Ostland is a barbarian culture, with an more peace-loving cultures must be care-
aemphasis on the warrior virtues, where a ful before they judge actions as 'evil' or
leader must defend his authority through •chaotic.'"
NoRtl?IaNt>s Society
"Clje the other hand, law and tradition require occasion for a lesson in manners."
that vengeance be forgotten if weregild is
paid—weregild being a mutually agreed- xn?€ Notttl?laNt> Lifestyle —
as told by Saru the Serpent upon payment made in compensation for
the injury. as told by Onund Tolundmire
'"What's the Northman like?' you ask.
"Well, foremost, a Northman is loyal "The Northman prefers impulsive "Most Northmen are farmers and
—loyal to his family, to his clan, and to action over cautious deliberation, and herders. In the good low-lying farmland,
his friends. A man who honors these quickly grows impatient with long discus- the folk gather in small villages. On the
bonds and their obligations is well- sions. Some say it is because the North- plateau and on the borderlands they live
respected. A man who turns his back on man believes his fate is already in isolated farmsteads, often fortified
his family, clan, or friends is a scoundrel. determined by the Immortals. Others say against humanoid attackers and clan
A man who allows others to speak ill of it is because the Northmen are a fero- raiders. The common people raise grain
family, clan, or friends is a coward. cious, warlike people obsessed by courage and vegetables, often with enough sur-
"The Northlander values hospitality rather than reflection. Others say it is plus to sell or trade at local markets. They
and generosity. The customs concerning a because the Northlander is quick-witted raise livestock for meat, milk, and wool.
host's duty are detailed and well- and clever at improvisation in the face of "Nobles and clan guards live in great
established in the Northern Reaches: to danger. There's considerable truth in timbered longhouses, forty to a hundred
welcome, shelter, and protect guests. The each of these views. foot long. Freemen fanners and crafts-
guest has a reciprocal obligation to honor "I do not see the average Northman as men live in smaller houses and huts. They
and defend the host, without pausing to particularly respectful or reverent of the dig below ground level to level their
examine right or wrong. Wealth in itself Immortals. There are many traditional- floors. This gives them deep foundations
is not a virtue. A man who gains wealth ists, of course, especially in Ostland and for the walls, and helps to protect the
by being stingy is not respected or trust- the backwoods of the other lands. And steaders and their animals from cold
ed, which explains the Northman's scorn clerics, of course, are more dedicated. But weather.
and distrust of merchants. the modern 'civilized' Northman thinks "The walls are made of logs, planks, or
"All Northlanders honor courage, and little of the gods or how to please them. wattle-and-daub, and the high, thatched
scorn weak-willed men. This is not only Certain fighters, particularly the ber- roofs are supported by thick timber pil-
the courage of war, though that is most serkers, appear to serve their Immortals lars. Hearthfires burn for heat and cook-
important, and quickest to mind for energetically but, in truth, I think such ing. Family and guests sleep wrapped in
most. It also includes courage to face folk are more dedicated to the fun of warm furs on sleeping benches along the
hardship and misfortune, to accept one's fighting than to the Immortals them- walls, and not shut away from each other
fate as assigned by the Immortals, and to selves. It is no disgrace in the cities, at like they do in the south.
remain cheerful and content even in great least, to deny the gods—a godless man is "The Northman is self-reliant, and
pain or privation. It is dishonorable to not particularly respected, but neither is well-rounded in many skills. The farmer
complain of bad luck, or to whine about he scorned. can take up the sword or tend a forge as
impossible odds. "Neither are Northmen what I call easily as he guides the plow or shears his
"In fact, Northerners greatly appreci- honest. They are loyal to their word, yes: sheep. Even the soft city folk are less help-
ate wit and jokes when the prospect is if they swear an oath, they are honor- less than most civilized folk, and are
bleakest. I saw Helfdan here jest when we bound to respect it. On the other hand, often no stranger to shield and spear.
were outnumbered ten to one. 'Ho- shrewd or clever speech is considered per- "In the warm summers and cool spring
hum,' he said. 'I'd hoped for something fectly fair, and misleading by omission or and fall, the Northman enjoys working
more exciting. Hate to get this nice floor misdirection is not considered wrong or hard outdoors, and takes great pleasure
all awash with their blood, but I don't dishonest. in hunting or weapons-play for leisure. In
think they just wanna play tag with us!' "Thus, when a Northlander gives his the harsh, brutal winters, he invites his
"Forgiveness is not considered a virtue word, you are expected to trust him. Oth- livestock into his house, for their protec-
in the North. The Northman is slow to erwise, the listener is expected to be sus- tion and for his warmth. He barely stirs
forget an insult or injury, particularly picious, and to require proof in doubtful for months, hibernating like the great
where the injury affects a friend or family circumstances. bear waiting for spring.
or clan member. Northmen look upon "Now boasting—boasting is not con- "Life in the larger settlements is
cruel and ruthless pursuit of vengeance as sidered a fault. A certain amount of exag- scarcely different, though many more
simply the most effective method of geration is acceptable, particularly if it men specialize in crafts, and merchants
insuring that everyone behaves himself enhances the story. Idle boasting, or and traders buy their products and sell
properly or faces the consequences. On claiming honors to which one has no them throughout the Northern Reaches.
claim, is considered foolish, and a proper

Only in cities like Norrvik and other large jarls often inherit great treasuries handed the Known World who live more wretch-
Vestland towns do folk live in stone down for many generations, and they ed lives than most Northman thralls.
houses along cobbled streets according to receive the lion's share of booty taken in "In addition to the three primary
southern fashion. Here the nobles and war or raiding, many noble families are social classes of jarl, karl, and thrall, there
the newly rich middle-class style them- quite wealthy. are a number of other social roles peculiar
selves after the decadent dukes of Kara- "The karls are the freemen of the to the Northman culture.
meikos and Thyatis, forsaking the strict Northern Reaches. Karls generally fall "The skald is a mixture of scholar,
and honest ways of their ancestors. into two sub-classes, the common free- poet, entertainer, and moralist. These
"The Northmen are renowned sailors man and the merchant middle-class. students of history and legend travel
and shipbuilders, and their longships "The vast majority of Northland citi- around the country, accepting the hospi-
range the coasts of the Known World. zens are common freemen, from farmer tality of a hearth for a time and, in
World travelers, colonizers, and adven- to craftsman to town-dweller. Northman return, they entertain, educate, and
turers, the Northmen are fearless and freemen are relatively well-off compared inform their hosts on events outside their
wide-ranging traders. Some call us to other freemen throughout the world. region. Often the skalds are rune-literate
pirates—perhaps with some justice, but They owe allegiance to their clanheads, or skilled with rune-magic. Tradition pro-
are not all merchants really pirates at but they own their own land, homes, hibits taking ready offense against a
heart? The only question is whether they livestock, and may decide their own skald—they have a freedom of speech
reap their wealth with a sword or with a means of livelihood. denied to others. Unless you are first
sharp, lying tongue!" "The merchant middle-class is rela- attacked, never take up arms against such
tively small and often fairly wealthy. a one, though many skalds are themselves
Social Classes of tlje Ostland has no such class, while the proficient in arms.
power and influence of this class is grow- "Witches and wise women are the
NORtlJ ing rapidly in Vestland, less dramatically practitioners of the old, dark magics of
as told by Sam the Serpent so in the Jarldoms. the Northman's ancestors. In general
"The jarls are the noble class of the "The thrall is literally a slave, the prop- their powers are modest, limited primari-
Northern Reaches. These aristocratic erty of his owner, to do with as he ly to fortune-telling and clumsy hedge-
families are the hereditary rulers of the chooses. Only in Ostland is slavery still wizardry. Now and then you'll come
clans. The clanhead is generally the most legal. Prisoners of war or raiding become across one with considerable skill with
noted adult of the most powerful family the thralls of their conquerors, or a jarl charms, curses, conjuring, and shape-
within the clan, and the heads of other may condemn a freeman to thralldom for shifting.
family households form the clanhead's various offenses. Though theoretically "Northmen have little trust or respect
house guard, the equivalent of feudal illegal in the Jarldoms, many clans still for wizards. They seem to see us in the
household knights. When a clanhead practice slavery or its equivalent. Though same light as they see merchants or law-
grows old and feeble, he usually yields his thralldom is generally despised by for- yers: sneaky, evil-spirited, and danger-
crown or is deposed, and his most suit- eigners, it must be noted that thralls are ous, but timid and brittle-necked in
able offspring or close relative, male or rarely treated harshly, and are often set combat. Priestly magic tricks are consid-
female—not necessarily the oldest free at the master's death as a reward for ered honorable and virtuous, but sorcer-
child—is chosen as the new ruler. Since faithful service. In my travels, I have seen ous stuff is cowardly and
many supposedly free men throughout unsportsmanlike. These silly, primitive
NontljIaNDs Society
notions are partially rooted in the ions are still sometimes referred to as When the demands of the clan and fami-
Northlander's awed fear and distrust of kings and kingdoms, though the title of ly loyalties arc in conflict, intense and
witch-wizardry, I suspect. Still, I don't jarl has become common for less formal tragic feuds result. The traditional obli-
find it surprising that a Northerner pre- occasions. gation to family is the stronger, though
fers the mace-wielding, shield-bashing "However, ever since King Cnute the practical goals of power and ambition
spirit of clerical spellcasting to the refined Bear-chest, Ostland has been ruled by a are more often served by clan loyalty.
and subtle arts of thaumaturgy and High King, a king among kings. Vestland "Certain individuals of the Northern
enchantment. I imagine a wizard who also has a High King, also a descendant of Reaches are clanless: they might be of for-
wore chain mail and charged into battle Cnute, but he shares his power with the eign birth, have renounced their clan ties
howling, his axe raised on high, would Royal Council, becoming less of a mon- to be free of impossible obligations, or
suit the Northman better. YJU don't see arch and more of a figurehead. they may have been outlawed for serious
many elves in the Northern Reaches, but "Soderfjord has many chiefs who style offenses. Clanless persons are viewed
I suspect their more violent tradition of themselves 'High King,' but none have with suspicion and distrust. Those who
spellcasting suits the Northlander's taste. the power to make good their claim. wish to change their clanless status, or
"Each of the major cults of the Ragnar the Stout, the war leader of that who wish to change clan allegiances, have
pantheon—Odin, Thor, and Frey/Freyja country, now enjoys some of the powers little trouble doing so. Marriage between
—has its priests, called godai. The godar of a High King, though I think it unlikely clans is quite common, even expected.
are generally of three types. Household that he will officially wear such a title in "Family loyalties run deep in the
godar are attached to the household of our lifetimes. Northern Reaches. Northlanders are
the clanhead, or to the chosen headman "Northmen think of themselves as a expected to respect and obey the head of
of whatever the local community is. The people, not as citizens of particular their family, and to protect and gener-
godar serve and advise the rulers, and nations, at least not in the southern ously aid their siblings and kin. One is
provide for the spiritual needs of the local sense. Vestlanders are the exception in expected to stand by one's family, often
people. Monastic godar live in groups this regard, but even those in the border- without regard to the right or wrong of
apart from other communities, often at lands regard themselves as clansmen first, the circumstances. As with the clan,
the site of some special shrine or location and Vestlanders last. Ostlanders think in adoption into a family is common. The
sacred to the cult. Itinerant godar are terms of their personal obligation to their practice of fosterage— sending an off-
priests who travel from community to ruler, rather than to their 'nation.' The spring to be raised by a close relative or
community to serve the faithful in Jarldoms are still too recently united as a friend—is another method of strengthen-
remote regions, and also to serve as agents nation to have developed any identity, ing family and social ties.
and defenders of their cult's interests. and the political situation is too unstable "Friendship is also a sacred trust
"In addition to the house guard— the to expect significant changes in the near among Northmen. It is a great crime to
noble supporters of the clanhead— many future. The people of the Jarldoms still abandon or betray a friend. The ritual of
clan rulers have something called the think in terms of the traditional chain of blood brotherhood, where light ceremo-
Hird, a group of freemen warriors of com- command: where one might fight one's nial wounds are brought together under a
mon birth who are sworn retainers of the brother, but brothers join together to solemn oath, raises friendship to the sta-
jarl. In earlier times, the Hird was simply fight cousins, who will lay aside argu- tus of a family bond."
a skilled reserve force for the clan. In ments to fight together against other
modern times, the Hird has become a families, who will in turn join together
small standing army of professional war- against a separate clan. 's Cote
riors in the service of the clanhead. Often "Loyalty to clan and clan chief is as told by Helfdan Hatf-Troll
enough, the jarl they serve gives the Hird another important element in the North- "I guess there's a touch of the hero of the
a special name, as King Hord of Ostland man's sense of social identity, sometimes sagas in all of us Northerners. Sana says it
has named his Hird the Ravenguard." hard for an outsider to comprehend. The comes from all those stories our parents
Northman owes allegiance to the and the skalds tell us—stories about gods
RaNk aNt> Tt)€ Social clanhead, and expects protection and and giants and trolls, and heroes with
ORDCR respect in return. At best, the relation- magical spears, and about the Final Bat-
ship between clansman and clanhead is a tle Ragnarok when all good Northmen
as told by Sam the Serpent personal and generous one; at worst, it is will stand beside Father Odin to guard
"At the top of the social order is the High arbitrary and autocratic. One is expected the Bridge of Heaven against the giants
King. In ancient times there were many to defend the clan and its reputation as a and the Queen of Hel.
kings and many small kingdoms. In matter of personal honor. "Well, I s'pose that's true enough. But
Ostland, the clanheads and their domin- "Loyalty to family and its patriarch or a Northman has to know how to protect
matriarch is also a potent obligation.
himself, whether he's a jarl's guard or a "There's plenty of work in the North- acknowledged wise counselors—the cler-
farmer. With all them nasty monsters and lands for a fighting man. Now the North- ics, elders, and wise women of the com-
raiders, it's smart to be handy with shield man kings have their professional armies. munity, most often. Northmen do not
and spear. And we start young. Hord Dark-Eye's brigades get lots of trust written laws and they scorn 'civi-
"When I was fourteen, I was made a action, and good pay, I hear, though I'm lized' notions of law and lawyers, which
house guard to Askold Ubbison, not too keen on being a Thyatian merce- they believe to be elaborate schemes
clanhead of Varmgard, a great jarl. nary like what Dwalinn says the Ostland dreamed up by merchants and cowards to
"House guard? Well, I guess it's like armies are, mercenaries for them Thy- cheat and abuse honest men.
being a household knight to a duke or atians. And there's caravan guards and "When a man is accused of a crime,
maybe to a prince in one of them south- border riders in the outlands —now notice of the hearing is spread through
ern nations like Karameikos. that's the work for me. Plenty of uglies the community, and the accused is
"I spoke this oath, a shield oath, out there, and poor homesteaders what brought before the community leader. In
before my jarl and before my shield- need an honest warrior to protect 'em. the search for truth, Odin's Ravens—
brothers. Other Northern warriors speak And there's always treasure-hunting folks specially-trained clerics of Odin—are
some sort of oath like this when they join who need a strong arm and sharp wits to summoned to cast the detect lies spell on
in a common cause. These are good words guide 'em to the uglies' lairs." the accused and on witnesses.
to live by—even for weaselly little "Each community has ground sacred
dwarves like Dwalinn... to Odin called the Place of Judgement.
Law Here is a small shrine dedicated to Odin,
"Honor thy lord, and avenge any as told by Onund Tolundmire often marked with runes for the use of
injury upon him. "The Northmen believe that once the Odin's Ravens. These runes have magical
Honor thy word and oath. facts of a case are made clear, a just judge- powers to help ensure peace during the
Honor thy friend and fellow war- ment is obvious to any sane person. The trial.
rior, and desert him not in his need. right and duty of judgement belongs to "The leader listens to the evidence,
Honor the hospitality of thy host, the leader of the community, whether it is then to comments and recommendations
and make no breach of the peace. the king, a jarl, a village headman, or the for judgement. He or she then retires to
Honor the stranger, give him shel- captain of a raiding longship. Although consider the case, usually for no more
ter and protection. it is the leader's right to judge, it is also than an hour, but at times for days or
Honor thy name, and make no false his or her responsibility to give consider- even weeks. Then the leader returns and
pretense upon it. ation to all testimonies of those con- announces his judgement.
Be fearless. cerned, and to weigh the advice of
At the end, hope for death in bat-
tle, weapon in hand, the bodies of
thy enemies heaped about thee."

"Sure, I went raiding when I was a kid.

It's a good way to get rich and make your
reputation. I never hurt no women or
children, and I never burnt no houses—
well, 'cept once when we was gettin' even
with some other pirates who'd come
burning our houses. I killed some men,
true, but I never tried to start a fight—
and I never finished anybody off while he
was down, the way those berserks do,
when they get into a chopping fury.
"I don't go raiding no more. I get plenty
of action adventuring and campaigning
against the trolls and gnolls. I don't miss
raiding. I kinda agree with Saru—things
are getting too civilized around here to let
that old-fashioned raiding go on. It ain't
gonna stop, though, not as long as Hord
Dark-Eye winks at his Ostlander jarls when
they go out for loot.
"Because of the vengeful Northern "Well, you wouldn't believe some of the fell in with a man who I later found was
temperament, the most common senten- quaint practices reported by travelers... pursued by three brothers who wanted
ce simply encourages the aggrieved party and neither would I. I'll speak of what his head for an affront to their sister. Fel-
to take his venegeance on the evil-doer. I've seen with my own eyes, or learned low swore he was innocent, but these
Neither the judge nor the community through bitter experience. brothers chased us all over Vcstland,
necessarily owes any aid in enforcing a "Burials, for example, of some king or ambushing us a couple times a week,
sentence, though it is common for the powerful jarl. The noble got a hollowed- until we got lucky and finished them off.
judge and the honest people of the com- out oak for his coffin, full of finest wools Good thing they were stupid, 'cause they
munity to side with the victim. and furs, and they raised a mound of were sure enough persistent.
"Because vengeance can be so disrup- earth above him. They cut the slaves' "Northmen have a nice dueling cus-
tive to the community, Northmen have throats and threw the bodies into the tom —it's called 'holmgang.' What hap-
evolved the concept of wercgild— com- bogs, then followed that with barrels of pens is two parties who have taken
pensation paid for an injury. Essentially, treasure. Now that I didn't see, but the offense with one another will put down a
the victim is offered a payment to aban- wise woman who told me could not have cloth about fifteen feet on a side, then
don his vengeance against the evil-doer. been lying, under the circumstances. drive stakes at the four corners and tie a
"The appropriate compensations for var- "I did see a jarl burned in a longship rope around the area. Then the two men
ious injuries or crimes are established by built just to be his funeral pyre. I watched have at each other inside. Any man who
tradition, though in extreme cases the his wife march right into the fire and sit touches one of the ropes or steps out of
judge may demand a particularly great or next down on burning cushions next to the area is a coward.
small compensation, according to circum- her dead lord. Spooky. And this old hag, "I've seen it run two ways. One is a
stances. For example, the weregild for a wise woman, or as they call them the 'fight to first blood'—the first man to
manslaying of a freeman is usually 500 gp; 'Angels of Death,' hovered around the bleed on the cloth is the loser. The other
for a serious or crippling injury, the were- pyre, jabbering nonsense and waving a is 'fight until one can't continue.' The
gild might be 250 gp. In the case of the wand covered with runes. They say the two fight until one is unconscious or oth-
murdered noble, 10,000 gp might be old kings were buried or burned in deep erwise incapacitiated, usually only with a
demanded, and for the slaying of a king, crypts, with hundreds of warriors slain to priest about to keep them both honest.
500,000 gp. guard over the tombs as living dead. Real No magic, no magical weapons, just war-
"In many cases, the accused's jarl may quaint, huh? riors and weapons.
pay half of the weregild; at the same "Another thing—hostages. The "Northmen love boasting contests.
time, a jarl often demands half the vic- Northmen are big for trading hostages. Seems their fussiness about sworn oaths
tim's weregild. When you realize that the They figure if they have your brother or disappears when they start spinning a
parties might never be able to make good sister or a close friend, you'll never do yarn. Folk take it none amiss when you
their claim on the compensation money anything for fear they'll croak the hos- wildly exaggerate your adventures and
without the armed might of their jarls, tages. And it seems to work, most of the accomplishments, particularly around
such an arrangement makes sense. time, though sometimes the hostages are the hearth or when chewing a few flagons
"In certain cases of particularly con- slain in cold blood, and then the venge- down at the tap. They don't like being
temptible crimes—kinslaying, betrayal ance is terrible to see. lied to at all, but you can tell by their atti-
of one's lord, murder of a cleric, or the "Hospitality. Outsiders find it hard to tude whether they expect the straight
like—a man may be outlawed. The com- believe, but the Northman doesn't hesi- truth or a rousing epic.
mon term for an outlaw is 'black sheep' tate to ask a party of adventurers in to "And drink? Look, I'm a dwarf, and
or 'nameless man.' An outlaw is banished share his hearth and bread. And I've had dwarves are no slouches at drinking, but
from a region— generally from the clan my host—a man I'd never seen before— I'm usually legless while those big
domain, but in some cases, from a group take up arms against a crowd of bullies Northlander clowns are still prancing
of domains or even a nation—and forbid- who pursued me to his door. Partly it's around with two mugs in each fist. It's an
den to return, even in death. The accusa- the fearless courage of the freeman, and important sign of strong character to be
tion of treason is a powerful weapon for a his confidence in his weapons. Partly, the last man to fall over at a feast or drink-
jarl, and many men have been banished too, the one who violated the sanctity of ing contest. I'm not complaining, no...
from their communities for no greater hearth and hospitality would risk a terri- they do make a passable lager. Stay away
crime than incurring their lord's enmity." ble vengeance. Admittedly, things are from that mead stuff, though. It's fer-
not so nice down in Soderfjord, with all mented honey, sweet as can be. You can
CUStOMS Of tl)€ NORtlJ the clan warfare and political brouhaha... drink a tank of it and never even notice
too much bad blood, now. you've died. But the headache the morn-
as told by Dwalinn the Dwarf "The Northman blood feud is serious ing after? Even a cure serious won't touch
business. Don't get mixed up in it. I once it."
CueatiNQ NoKtl7MaN Play en Cl7auact€RS
Character Creation name until you reach Step Seven below. an Intelligence bonus, select your bonus
(Steps Two through Six should give you an beginning skills. Record your character's
Before you create a character from the
idea what your character is like, which will background and beginning skills.
Northlands, read through the entire
help you pick an appropriate name.)
Player Book. Knowledge of the special Step Five: DetetiMiNe Social
rules and abilities described may influ- Step Zwo (Optional)-. DetetiMihte Class aNtf Fatuity Status
ence your choices in character creation. PensoNality Znaits Use the Social Class and Family Status
Be sure to consult with your DM. He or
Follow the procedure described in the Tables, page 20. Record your social class
she may prefer that you use the simpler
section "Personality Traits" below. and family status. Make a note of your
character creation system from the
Heyday gifts, and note any Charisma
D&D® Basic Player Book. Step iztjnee: DeteniwiNe bonuses or penalties in parentheses next
Use the following procedures to create NatioNality, ClaN, aNO HOMC to your Charisma ability score.
a beginning character from the North-
lands. DMs may also use this procedure Consult with your DM. He may assign
Step Six (Optional): DetenMiNe
to create fully realized NPC characters. your nationality, clan, and home
lMpontaNt Past ExpenieNces
Choosing Character Race: Neither elves domain, or allow you to choose them. If Use the four tables on pages 20-22 to dis-
nor halflings are common characters in you are allowed to choose, see the charts cover important biographical details that
the Northern Reaches. Check with your on pages 13 and 14. may affect your character's abilities or
DM; he or she may prefer that you play possessions. Some of these details may
human or dwarven characters. Step FOUR-. DetetiMihie
affect previously-determined character-
BackQRouNb aNO Begmmhiq
Step ONC: Cneate tlje Basic Skills istics; adjust as necessary.
To determine the experiences and skills Step SeveN: Cljoose a Naiue
Follow the procedures in "Making Up a learned by your character before he
New Character," D&D® Basic Player Book, Select a name for your character. See the
became an adventurer, use the Training
pages 48-51. Choose your alignment, as Background Table. If your character has list of suggested names and the accom-
section 9 says, but wait to choose your panying notes on page 23.

PeiisoNality "CRaits Sometimes two or more traits may Example #1: Buri the Butcher and Ari
(OptioNal) influence a decision. In that case, trait Least-Wit are two NPC creeps. They poke
checks are made for each relevant trait, their heads into a side passage and are
Personality traits are a way of establishing and the highest successful check deter- surprised by two PC fighters and a PC
a character's individuality, and help mines which trait more strongly influ- magic user. Buri's Courageous Trait is 18.
decide how a character would act in cer- ences the NPCs actions. Ari's Courageous Trait is 7. Since they are
tain situations. Use of these traits scores is For a player character, personality trait surprised, the DM makes Courage checks
optional and should not be used to scores are an easily referenced summary of for both NPCs.
restrict the actions of a player character. a character's personality. \bu can use trait Buri rolls a 14 and passes his check.
A player simply chooses his first-level checks to help decide how your player "Who's a-scared of a puny hedge-wizard
character's initial trait scores when he cre- character might act in a puzzling or con- and his scrawny pals?" he sneers.
ates his character. The DM may roll char- fusing situation, although they should be Ari rolls a 9 and fails his check. His
acter trait scores for NPCs, or may assign used with caution. The traits are optional actions are influenced by the opposite of
them at will. for PCs, serving only as reminders of dis- the Courageous trait— Fearful. He recalls
When an NPC is confronted with a sit- tinctive characteristics. The personality the last time he got toasted by a puny
uation where his personality traits might traits are not to be used as rules which hedge-wizard. "Uh-uh-uh- YAHHH! "—
affect his actions, the DM may make a DMs may apply to force player characters and Ari beats a hasty, disorderly retreat.
trait check to decide how the NPC will to act in any way other than the way their Example #2: Onund Tolundmire, a
behave. When making a trait check, the player chooses to have them behave. player character, is walking along a trail
DM rolls a twenty-sided die. If the roll is Review the list of traits in the chart on when he encounters an old crone sitting
equal to or lower than the trait score, the page 10. Next to each trait is a blank line by her hut, stirring something in a caul-
NPCs actions are strongly influenced by where the trait score is recorded. In dron. The crone invites Onund to share a
that trait. If the roll is greater than the parentheses to the right of the trait score bowl of soup with her.
trait score, the NPCs actions are more is the opposite trait; the opposite trait Onund is normally a trusting soul
strongly influenced by the opposite of the determines a character's actions when he (Trusting 13), but he is also wary of stran-
character trait. fails a trait check.
CncatiNQ NoRtl7MaN Playen C^aitactens
gers offering gifts (Cautious 13). rewarding challenge to play a character
Personality Traits Chart Onund's player isn't sure what Onund with unusual traits that they would never
i drafts would do in such a tricky situation, so have chosen themselves.
Lawful: 12 + d6 decides to check both traits to see whether
Neutral: 6 + d6 Onund accepts the crone's offer. NPC RaNDoM 'Cnait Scones
Chaotic: 2d6 The player rolls the dice. Onund passes
his Trusting check with a 5, and passes his DMs may follow the procedure below to
Traits Cautious check with an 11. Since both establish a character's trait scores with the
Cautious (Rash) checks are successful, the higher score has aid of dice and random chance. The DM is
Modest (Proud) the greater influence. Onund peers not obligated to use this table to determine
Peaceful (Violent) thoughtfully into the cauldron, and cau- NPC trait scores; he or she may always
Generous (Greedy) tiously but politely declines her offer. assign or alter NPC initial trait scores as
Courageous. (Fearful) needed for scenarios. However, once an
Reverent (Godless) NPC's traits have been established, major
Forgiving (Vengeful) CI700SINQ PC 'Cnatt Scones changes are not appropriate without a very
Energetic (Lazy) For each personality trait, choose a num- good explanation and justification.
Honest (Deceitful) ber from 1-20 to represent how strongly Examine the modifiers noted on the
Trusting (Suspicious) the character is influenced by that per- Personality Trait Chart to understand
Loyal (Unreliable)
sonality trait. how alignment, nationality, character
. (Open-Minded)
For example, if your character is a class, and dedication to an Immortal may
National Modifiers fighter, he should probably be fairly Cou- affect a character's personality. Read the
rageous. Choosing a Courage trait score Trait Descriptions below before continu-
Karameikos: no modifiers of at least 10, or as high as 20, might be ing, so that you understand what kinds of
Ylaruam: + 2 Reverent, — 1 Modest,
- 1 Forgiving, + 1 Dogmatic
appropriate. A magic user, on the other behavior each trait represents.
Glantri: - 3 Reverent, - 2 Dogmatic hand, might think it no shame to be 1. Choose alignment. Characters of
Ierendi: +2 Trusting, - 2 Energetic, much more Cautious than Courageous, each alignment establish their trait scores
+ 1 Generous and so might have a Cautious trait score differently, as indicated on the chart to
Rockhome: see below, under Dwarves of 10 to 20, and a Courage score of no the left. Alignment must be decided
Alfheim: see below, under Elves higher than 10. before continuing.
Northern Reaches: + 2 Loyal, Trait scores of 15 or more indicate very 2. For each trait, roll dice as directed to
— 1 Forgiving, + 1 Courageous, strong personality traits. Conversely, trait determine the trait score for each align-
- 1 Cautious scores of 5 or less are equally strong ment. Roll for each trait score separately.
expressions of the opposite trait. Note Lawfuls roll Id6 and add 12. Neutrals roll
Character Class Modifiers
that the characteristics are always referred Id6 and add 6. Chaotics roll 2d6. Record
Fighters: + 3 Courageous, - 3 Cautious to in their positive form—Peaceful, Hon- the scores in pencil; you'll continue to
Clerics: +3 Reverent, +2 Dogmatic, est, or Forgiving—even if the character alter the scores in the steps below.
+ 1 Loyal has a low rating in that quality, implying Note that Lawfuls generally have high
Magic Users: - 2 Courageous, the opposite behaviors are a more pictur- trait srores. Neutrals generally have lower
+ 2 Cautious, - 2 Trusting
esque assessment of the person—Violent, trait scores. Chaotics' trait scores vary the
Thieves: - 2 Honest, + 2 Cautious,
— 2 Trusting Deceitful, or Vengeful. most, and are generally lower than either
Dwarves: - 2 Trusting, +2 Dogmatic, Characters with very high or very low Lawfuls or Neutrals.
— 2 Generous trait scores will develop a reputation for 3. Assign National, Character Class,
Elves: +2 Honest, - 2 Modest, +2 Cau- these strong traits. As they become more and Immortal Served Modifiers. Certain
tious famous and successful, anyone who recog- nations, cultures, and Immortals favor
Halflings: +2 Peaceful, - 2 Cautious, nizes them is likely to know them in terms some traits over others, and each charac-
+ 2 Energetic of those very high and low trait scores. (See ter class has its own preferred character
"Reputation" on page 12 for more details.) traits. Alter the trait scores as directed on
Immortal Served Modifiers the table.
If a player chooses, he or she may use
Odin: — 1 Peaceful, + 1 Courageous the NPC Random Traits Score system 4. Distribute optional points to suit
Thor: —6 Peaceful, + 3 Courageous, (below) to determine a character's per- your conception of the character's person-
— 3 Cautious sonality trait scores. In this case, the play- ality (optional, for PCs developed using
Frey/Freyja: +1 Loyal, +2 Peaceful er has less control over the scores the the random trait score system). 'Vfou may
Loki: - 3 Honest, - 3 Dogmatic character will have. However, used with add up to six points total to any one trait.
caution, experienced players will find it a "Vfou can add fewer than six points' worth,
CneatiNQ NouttjMaN
if you like, or make no changes at all. the sake of fighting. They think negotia- wisdom of an Immortal and his servants,
tion is undignified and cowardly, and or may compromise his principles in a dif-
rnait DcscniptioNS scorn those who shrink from violence. In ficult or ambiguous situation.
hostile dungeons or wildernesses, or in
The traits described here are organized in warfare, violent people may make good FonqiviNq (VeNqeful)
the same order the Personality Traits chart heroes. In civilized regions, such people
is organized. The characteristic and its Forgiving characters understand that no
are a definite danger to society.
opposite are treated together. one is perfect, and that people sometimes
act carelessly or thoughtlessly without nec-
QeNenous (QneeOy)
Cautious (Rastj) essarily being evil. Forgiving characters also
Generous characters give freely of their realize that other people may not share
Cautious characters like to consider and time and wealth to friends, family, and their enlightenment, and make allowances
discuss before they act. They are reluctant clansmen, and are prudently generous even for the ignorant and uneducated.
to act impulsively, even when haste is nec- to strangers. They carefully honor the rules Vengeful characters know that the only
essary. They're happier when back-up of hospitality, extending protection to way to eradicate evil behavior is to punish
plans and escape routes have been plot- guests or victims of misfortune or evil. it ruthlessly. They treat an offender
ted out in detail. harshly, believing that he'll hesitate
Greedy characters don't like to share
Rash characters do the first thing that their time or wealth with others, and are before he offends again. Even normally
comes to mind. They might think that always eager to add to their possessions. forgiving persons may sometimes be
acting quickly gives some advantage, or Such people are scorned by the vengeful, particularly when an important
that they are clever at improvising a plan Northmen but, at the same time, loyalty or principle is involved—or when
once they have gained the intitiative. The Northmen respect a wealthy man, and the person is in a particularly bad mood.
other explanation is that they may simply the only way to become wealthy is to be
be unable to control their impulses. careful with the belongings you do have. Enenqetic (Lazy)
MoOest (Pnout» Energetic characters are always eager to be
Counaqeous (Feanful)
doing something, even if it is the wrong
Modest characters are humble, tending to Courageous characters don't hesitate to thing. They consider laziness a great evil,
understate their own accomplishments confront danger—even when it might be and consider it a virtue to work for the sake
and abilities. They are not easily offend- smarter to go around it or to try to con- of working, if there is no better reason.
ed when others criticize or mock them, fuse it. Sometimes it is difficult to distin- Lazy characters can't see what all the fuss
and they easily ignore jokes or taunts. guish between courage and stupidity. is about. Haste makes waste, they say. They
Proud characters have a poor sense of Fearful characters prefer to get out of a often conceive very elaborate excuses for
humor when it comes to themselves, and dangerous situation, occasionally leaving avoiding tasks that they are just too lazy to
their principles and beliefs. They are at a dead run. Fearful behavior can be a do. Even energetic people get tired and fed
quick to avenge an insult, real or imag- matter of careful, sensible evaluation of up sometimes, refusing to budge—because
ined, and feel compelled to answer chal- the odds, and sometimes it is simply a they are usually so energetic, they feel enti-
lenges, even when they are at a failure of nerve. tled to relax now and then.
considerable disadvantage.
ReveneNt ((jobless) HoNest (Deceitful)
Peaceful (Violent)
Reverent characters honor and fear the Honest characters tend to speak the
Peaceful characters prefer an ordinary Immortals and their servants on the truth, even when it might have been bet-
normal life to a life of conflict. When Prime Plane. They faithfully observe the ter to keep quiet. They may be painfully
possible, they try to resolve disagree- rituals and strictures of the Immortal's frank, and may thoughtlessly reveal
ments by negotiation and, when threat- cult, and give great weight to the counsel information they should have kept secret.
ened by violent enemies, they try to of priests and holy men. Their faith On the other hand, you can generally
eliminate the threat with the least danger makes them strong, and occasionally trust what they say.
of injury to themselves and others. On hard-headed or foolish in following the Deceitful characters seem to actually
the other hand, peaceful personalities principles of their cult. enjoy telling untruths. Sometimes such
need not avoid all violence categorically. characters misrepresent the truth to take
Godless characters may refuse to honor
They understand that it can be a neces- advantage of others. Other characters may
the Immortals on principle, or they may
sary defense against a violent opponent. speak untruths or wild exaggerations just to
simply be careless or frivolous in their
A peaceful character will simply try the be entertaining, or to make themselves
religious observances. Even a reverent
other choices first. seem more important. A character who fails
character might sometimes doubt the
Violent characters enjoy fighting for
CneatiNQ NontftiviaN
to be honest doesn't necessarily lie. More virtue. Being open-minded about torture died in his arms. Want to go over for a
often, he simply fails to tell the whole or mass slaughter is hardly praiseworthy, for closer look?"
truth, or he refuses to say anything. example. Bjarni's Player: "Sure. I go poke him the
ribs until he looks up at me."
"CnustiNQ (Suspicious} ReputatiON DM: "Uh, give me a second." (Bjarni's
no skald, for sure, but the snoring figure
Trusting characters see themselves as Adventurers in the Northern Reaches are is Dwalinn, a dwarf with an E Attack
trustworthy, and expect others to be trust- like sports personalities in the modern Rank. Starting at Dwalinn's 12 levels at
worthy also. They tend to accept others at twentieth century world. The more expe- 5% each (60%), plus an additional 25%
their word, and can be duped by dishon- rienced a character becomes, the more for Attack Ranks A-E, Bjarni has an 85 %
est or deceitful persons. people will recognize him or her, and the chance to recognize Dwalinn.) "Okay,
Suspicious characters may be suspi- more they know about that character's roll percentiles."
cious because they themselves are sneaky, history and personal life.
or they may have learned their suspicious Bjarni's Player: (Rolls a 4 3 ) "Do I recog-
A PC or NPC adventurer may be recog- nize him?"
nature after painful experiences with nized by another character. Someone who
deception. Occasionally even very trust- DM: "Sure enough. That's Dwalinn the
recognizes a character will know that Dwarf, a noted adventurer."
ing persons hesitate to trust others, per- character's Reputation—those character
haps on the basis of a vague intuition, or Bjarni's Player: "Oh yeah! What's his
traits that are exceptionally high or low. reputation?"
when remembering the warnings of other
acquaintances. DM: (Looking at Dwalinn's traits.) Well,
RecoQNiziNQ aN AOveNtunen he likes to fight (Peaceful 4), he's pretty
Skalds have a chance of recognizing a PC impulsive (Cautious 5), and he doesn't
Loyal (Uhmeiiable)
or NPC adventurer equal to 10% multi- show much respect to the Immortals
Loyal characters honor friendships, oaths, plied by the character's level. Thus, a (Reverent 3). (Adding a little flourish.)
and personal, family, and social obliga- skald has a 20% chance of recognizing a "And you've heard he doesn't like to be
tions. Unreliable characters may be consist- second level character, and a 100% disturbed while he's sleeping."
ently self-centered and careless of others, or chance of recognizing any character at Bjarni's Player: "Oh. Say, did I leave the
may seek advantage by betrayal. When tenth level or higher. door open on the way in?"
normally loyal people act unreliably, it may Normal men and adventurers without
be an isolated incident of forgetfulness, the Skald skill have only a 5 % chance per DctCRMiNC NatioNality,
carelessness, or inconsiderateness. level of recognizing another adventurer. ClaN aNb DoMaiN
Consider Attack Ranks as equivalent to
levels for purposes of recognizing a non- Dominions are usually known by the name
human adventurer. of the ruling clan; thus, the Olvasford
Dogmatic characters tend to follow the clan's dominion is known as "Olvasford."
letter of the law, regardless of extenuat- The Great Hall of the ruling danhead is
ing circumstances. Law and tradition are KNOwiNG HN AOveNtunen's
ReputatiON located in the town or village indicated on
sacred, and disagreeing with their princi- the clan charts printed on the following
ples is evil. They often emphasize justice When a character is recognized, his most pages. (Olvasfjord clan's Great Hall is in
over mercy, and have a reputation for distinctive traits are known. Any trait the town of Wilmik.) There may be one or
hardheadedness and moral arrogance. with a score of 16 or higher, and any trait more domains under a single clan's domin-
At their best, open-minded characters with a score of 5 or lower, is identified by ion. If a character's clan controls more than
can consider both sides of a problem, and the one who recognizes the character as one domain, then one of them must be
are not bound by the blinders of habit and either "high" or "low." The exact trait chosen as the home domain.
tradition. At their worst, they are com- score is not known. These high or low
pletely arbitrary and unpredictable, and traits are known as a character's "reputa-
honor no principles but their own whims. ObliqatioNS
DM Note: For all their virtues, Lawfuls 1. Clansmen must obtain permission
can hardly be credited with being open- Example: Bjarni Droop-lid, a 4th level to travel or take employment outside the
minded. In fact, their narrow-mindedness fighter, strolls into the Crushed Thrush clan's dominion. PCs must visit the clan's
often keeps them from appreciating other Tavern and looks around. He sees a slight- Great Hall and apply in person for per-
points of view, and makes them unsympa- ly overweight, balding dwarf slumped mission from the clanhead or subordinate
thetic where they could be more under- over a table in the corner, snoring fitfully. clan chief. Such permission is usually
standing and compassionate. On the other Bjarni's Player: "Say, do I know that automatic for PC adventurers. However,
hand, being open-minded isn't always a guy?" a DM may decide to hold characters with-
DM: "It's pretty dark, and his head is cra-
CueatiNQ NontfjMaN Playcu Cfyanactens
in the dominion for campaign reasons. of a jarl. Defense of the clan as a whole, in dominions changing hands.
2. Clansmen must answer a call to arms however, is a strong obligation. A player character may also challenge
from their clanhead. An adventurer who 3. Clansman are familiar with the land, the clanhead of his own clan for ruler-
hears his clan is in trouble is expected to the donate, and the peoples of his dan and ship. The character must be of name
drop everything and come to its aid, even home domain. A clansman knows his level, and must defeat the current head-
if he must travel long distances and for- home domain very well. He is familiar with man (or his champion) in single combat.
sake valuable opportunities. local legends, and knows where to go for A player who wants his character to chal-
3. Obey the clanhead. Normally, when the most generous lodgings, best informa- lenge the head of that character's clan
a character is away from his home tion, or strongest aid. For more difficult or should inform his DM. The DM will then
domain, he won't have to deal with such obscure information, the DM may request prepare an opponent and decide the con-
orders. However, an entire adventure an Intelligence check. ditions of the challenge; these are the
might be based on a character's response rights of the challenged clanhead in dis-
to an unjust order. ObtaiNiNQ a DOMINION putes over clan leadership.
4. Protect the reputation of the din. (DQD® CoMpaNiON DM
Player characters are expected to bring ColONizatiON
glory to the clan, to make the clan proud. Rules)
Areas designated as "wilderness" on the
Characters are also expected to stand up A dominion may be obtained in two large map may be colonized with the per-
for the clan. Failure of a Modest trait ways: by a successful challenge of a mission of the nation's ruler or ruling
check may induce a character to fight to clanhead, or by colonization of an unoc- body. A borderland or wilderness domin-
avenge insults to the clan's good name. cupied dominion. ion may be obtained with a charter from
the King of Vestland or from the Council
C/aN of Soderfjord. There are no opportunities
1. A dansman is always entitled to the This is obtaining a dominion by conquest for colonization in Ostland but the DM
hospitality of the dan from a fellow dans- (see D&D® Companion DM Rules, page may permit landseekers to start or expand
man, including food, shelter, and weap- 4). Normally a dominion must be con- colonies on the Isle of Dawn with the sup-
ons. quered by armies. The kings of Vestland port of the King of Ostland.
2. A dansman may expect the aid and and Ostland already control armies pow- Any territory not already settled in the
protection of other dansmen in honorable erful enough to prevent a player character Northern Reaches tends to be terrain less
and worthy endeavors. This doesn't mean a from raising a force that could threaten than suitable for human habitation, or
clansman is obligated to drop everything to their security. Soderfjord, on the other already occupied by powerful, hostile
help, regardless of his own interests— hand, is poorly organized and unable to non-human races.
unless the player character has the authority prevent the small internal wars that result

OstlaNO ClaNS aNt> DoMiNioNS

Some clans hold mote than one of the domains marked on the fold-out map.
No Ostland domains ate landlocked.
Clan Name Head of Clan Great Hall Domains
Vestpont Anlaf Geirmundson Port Swenson Vestpont
Sumarland Gest the Hook Lenvik Sumarland
Ringmark Herjolk Eirikson Fjallasen Ringmark
Hammetsholm Sigrid Halldorson Marmaty Hammersholm
Noslosfotd Geirstein Thorgelson Leirbotn Noslosford
Vithesford Ragnar Solmundson Storm Bay Vithesfotd, Thotholrn
Varmgard Askold Ubbison Zeafort Varmgard, Aland
Haltimark Sigvaldi Thorirson Ankarson Haltimark
Havatdholm Bodvar Dogleg Kroken Havardholm
Suddmote Gunnhild Svalasdottir Suddpont Suddmore
Romaland Hygelac the Doubter Shipton Romaland, Steingard
Fallersholm Karlsefni Gatson Kirkesdahl Fallersholm
Zeamark King Hotd Dark-Eye Zeaburg Zeamark, Hedmark
Gotland Mord the Gteedy Bergfors Gotland
Osterlo Starkad the Hunter Sakshore Osterlo
Sognesholm Rollo the Cruel Osknes Sognesholm
Ostmanland Thorir the Wealthy Ostmanhaven Ostmanland
Kalsloviki Rognvald the Raven Galten Kalsloviki
Oland Ottar the Swimmer Abisko Oland
Kunslo Hakon Halfdenson Sali Kunslo

Some clans hold more than one of the domains marked on the fold-out map.
Domains marked with an asterisk (*) are landlocked.

Clan Name Head of Clan Great HaU Domains

Hostmore Askold Steinson Hostpork Hostmore
Valgard Aslak Illugison Laisvall Valgard
Grosfold Erik Rhorvaldson Halmstad Grosfold
Marsfjord Runolf the Dandy Dremmen Marsfjord
Sveamark King Harald Gudmundson Norrvik Sveamark
Fosterhead Alfgeir Vagnson Valjok Fosterhed
Ranviki Gorm the Droll Bergen Ranviki
Falsterholm Thrain Helgason Namsen Falsterholm
Fynmark Rurik Sturlason Sudorn Fynmark
Namahed Eyvind the Odd Tromso Namahed, Vcrfjord, Jamtfjord
Skanicost Horsi Ulfson Grebbestad Skanicost
Norrland Skapti the Skald Dovefell Norrland
Bornbank RotolfKalfson Vanger Bornbank, Hrutmark
Brandholm Erlund the Droll Kyskmoen Brandholm
Hennesdalir Vandrad the Strong Helaga Vestfjord
Landersfjord Arnulf Burison Landersfjord Landersfjord
Haverhold Leif the Lean Haverfjord Haverhold
Uplands Bersi Broadaxe Hedal Uplands*
Hallmark Herigar Tree-Foot Linghed Hallmark*
Rhoona Gudwulf the Golden Rhoona Rhoona


Some clans hold more than one of the domains marked on the fold-out map.
Domains marked with an asterisk (*) are landlocked.
Clanhead marked t is war leader of the Soderfjord Jarldoms.

Clan Name Head of Clan Great Hall Domains

Olvasford Sokki Sturlson Wilmik Olvasford
Suddland UlfKolson Labbas Suddland, Moderfeld*
Heddesfjord Gudrid Thorsdottir Harby Heddesfjord, Hordamark
Soderfjord Ragnar the Stoutt Soderfjord Soderfjord
Vithesfeld Thorkell Gydason Lerum Vithesfeld
Bergholm Floki the Fat Dorna Bergholm
Vastcrgard Harek Hard-Sailer Rollag Vastergard
Vandermark Knute the White Treungen Vandermark, Rogaviki
Haltford Halfden Greybeard Morden Haltford, Borkmark
Oberbeck Vigfus Ketilson Gargnas Oberbeck
Ozurfold Vandrad Horikson Whiteheart Ozurfold, Rurrland*
Hedden Ceowulf War-Tooth Backwater Hedden, Gudholm*
Hadmark Helgi Horse-Killer Aurskog Hadmark, Dealand*
Highland Ketil Skull-Scatterer Highhold Highland*
Hillgard Steinthor Pin-Leg Maula Hillgard*
Ranholm Ottar Heathcock Kassler Ranholm*
Boddergard Guthorm Brittle-Bone Ranwood Boddergard*, Hodderland*
Gretmarsh Thorbjorn Rorikson Sortfeld Gretmarsh, Otterland*
Nordcastel Rollo Harekson Snowvale Nordcastel*
Castellan Solvi Hardhand Castellan Castellan*

BackquouND aNt> fon Skill Use a character sheet by marking the number
Skills of additional points with a "plus" sign
• In most circumstances, skills cannot
after the skill name (i.e.. Jeweler + 1 ,
be used against other player characters.
Nature Lore +2, etc.). Improving a skill
Skills: All beginning Certain skills, particularly Charisma
increases the chance of a successful check
(first-level) Northman characters know skills, can be used only against NPCs.
against that skill. Other benefits con-
four skills: two skills related to character • A roll of 20 always fails. The higher
ferred by that skill are not affected. These
class, and two background skills. These the successful roll (so long as it is success-
are permanent choices; you cannot shuf-
skills are determined with the Training ful!), the more effectively the skill has
fle skill scores after the character starts
Background Table found on the next been used. The more difficult the task,
page. Read the table for directions to the more modest the benefits of a success-
determine your character's four initial ful check.
skills. • A roll of 1 is not an automatic success.
When a very difficult task is attempted, Notes on the Training
BONUS Skills: A beginning character the DM may assign penalties to the roll to Background Table
knows more skills if he is particularly reflect the increased difficulty of the task. Class-Related Skills
intelligent, exactly as a character knows If the task is exceptionally difficult, the Young fighters learn to be very aggres-
more languages if he is intelligent. If he DM may rule before the dice are rolled sive in combat. They also learn how to
has an Intelligence of 13-15, he knows that, although the effort is remotely pos- intimidate, which allows them to
one extra skill (for a total of five). If she sible, it is incredibly unlikely. In such a avoid bloodshed without being cow-
has an Intelligence of 16-17, she knows case he or she may require the player to ardly.
two extra skills (for a total of six.) If he has roll two consecutive l's to succeed at a A Northman thief wants to avoid
an Intelligence of 18, he knows three task. If the player can roll two consecutive violence. He cultivates stealth and
extra skills (for a total of seven.) These l's, a case can be made for divine inspira- avoidance rather than combat skills.
skills are selected from the skills described tion! Those destined to be Northman
on the next several pages. • The DM may decide that use of a skill clerics are schooled by local priests in
Note that the optional Step Six in in easy tasks is automatic, or receives a the cult principles and rituals.
Northland character creation may affect bonus to the roll. In addition to basic spellcasting,
Intelligence or other ability scores, and • The DM determines the amount of magic users learn to read for research,
therefore change how many skills and time required for a successful use of a and a general history of the Northern
which ones may be obtained. Some ele- skill. Building a small boat may take sev- Reaches.
ments of Step Six depend on earlier steps, eral days, while identifying a curious arti-
so just work in pencil and be prepared to fact may take only seconds. Background Skills
make adjustments as necessary if you use • The DM determines the conditions
that step. concerning the successful use of a skill. Sailor, Farmer /Herder: Hard physical
He may rule that successful use of the labor and the associated skills.
Sailing Weather skill will give advance Craftsman: This represents a basic
HOW Skills Ane Useth Each skill is
warning of a storm, or he may rule that it apprenticeship in the chosen craft.
based on one of a character's ability scores
only permits the character to deal with Laborer, Servant /Thrall: This repre-
(Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Consti-
the storm when it strikes, according to cir- sents physical and /or menial work.
tution, Dexterity, or Charisma).
cumstances. Even characters of high social class may
During a game session, the DM may
• The DM's ruling is final. If, as a play- have such a background due to clan
decide that a character's skill may help
er, you think a judgement was unreasona- obligations or family disgrace. Labor is
him in a situation. Also, the player may
ble, discuss it with the DM after the not a respected vocation in the North.
ask the DM to consider whether his char-
acter's skill might be applicable, but it is game, with the hope of avoiding misun- Merchant/Trader: Usually working
the DM's decision. derstandings in the future. for an experienced merchant or trader
for low wages. May include selling in vil-
If the DM decides use of the character's lage markets and traveling with cara-
skill is appropriate to the situation, the IMPROVING Skills: If you wish, a char-
acter's skill score may be raised above the vans.
player is asked to roll a twenty-sided die
ability score that the skill is based on. To Hunter: All occupations where one
against the current ability score the skill is
improve a skill score, you must trade in must live off the land in wild regions.
based on. If the roll is equal to or less than
one ordinary skill choice to increase a dif- Priest of Odin: Generally important
the ability score, the skill has been used
ferent skill score by one point. clan counselors, valued for their
Such an improved skill is indicated on shrewd thinking and diplomatic skills.
'CnaiNiNQ BackgnouNO Table
Each Northlander character begins with a background occupation, two skills related to that occupation, and two skills related to
character class. The class-related skills reflect a character's early personal tendencies and interests; the background skills reflect
training received from various individuals, and experiences as the character grows up. To use this table, start at "A" and only
apply those conditions that relate to your character.

A. If the character is a FIGHTER, ELF, or DWARF:

the two class-related skills are Fighting Instinct and Intimidate.

B. If the character is a THIEF or HALFLING:

the two class-related skills are Surprise and Evade.

C. Background skills for FIGHTER, ELF, DWARF, THIEF, or HALFLING characters:

Roll 2d4 to determine training background. If the character is from a seacoast or river clan, — 1 to roll. If from a landlocked
clan, + 1 to roll. When background is determined, choose two skills from that background.

1. Sailor: Boating, Navigation, Ship Building, Sailing Weather

2. Craftsman: Carpentry, Metalsmithing, Bowmaking, Tanner, Potter, Tinker, Jeweler
3-4. Farmer/Herder: Nature Lore, Stamina, Outdoorsman, Horsemanship
5-6. Servant/Thrall: Domestic Crafts, Deceive
7. Laborer: Muscle, Stamina
8. Merchant/Trader: Know Market Value, Persuade, Deceive, Gain Trust, Horsemanship
9- Hunter: Hunting, Nature Lore, Stamina, Outdoorsman, Horsemanship

D. If the character is a CLERIC:

the two class-related skills are Read Runes and Honor Immortal.

E. Background skills for a CLERIC:

Choose Immortal served, and choose two skills honored by that Immortal. The DM may rule that player characters cannot
be Loki clerics, since they are often rabid chaotics deeply distrusted by almost all Northlanders.

1. Priest of Odin (Lawful or Neutral): Detect Deception, Persuade, Skald

2. Priest of Thor (Lawful or Neutral): Fighting Instinct, Intimidate, Skald
3. Priest of Frey/Freyja (Lawful or Neutral): Nature Lore, Gain Trust, Skald
4. Priest of Loki (Chaotic only): Deceive, Detect Deception, Skald

F. If the character is a MAGIC USER:

the two class-related skills are Read/Write Language and Ancient History.

G. Background skills for a MAGIC USER:

Roll Id6 to determine training background, and choose two skills.

1-5. Private Apprentice: Read Runes, Skald

6. Magic College Graduate: Planar Geography, Non-Human Cultures, Magical Engineering, Alchemy, Alternate Mag-
ics, Clerical Magics

Below this, write down your character's Modest or a Courageous check.
Priest of Thor: Generally these are skills. Record the name of the skill, the Muscle: Knowledge and experience with
warrior chaplains, sharing the living abbreviation of the ability the skill is heavy lifting and hard labor. The character
quarters and lifestyle of warriors. based on, any permanent modifier you knows how to direct groups of laborers to
Priests of Frey/Freyja: Considered have obtained for the skill by devoting make their efforts most effective. He
the guardians and counselors of the extra skill choices to it, and the current understands the use of simple machinery
common man, and protectors of the skill roll you have with the skill. like wedges, pulleys, and levers. Character
poor and weak, they live humble life- Example: Erik the Prune, a sour-faced receives a + 2 bonus on Strength checks for
styles. Vestlander cleric (S12, 114, W16, C13, difficult tasks like bending bars or smash-
Priests of Loki: Loki worship is rarely D9, Chi) is beginning his adventuring ing through doors and walls.
public. Most priests adopt the disguise career. His Intelligence of 14 gets one
of a vagabond or mercenary. extra skill choice. After he determines his iNtelliQCNce Skills
Apprenticeship / Magic College skills on the Training Background Table,
Graduate: Most magic users learn the Boating: The ability to handle small boats
and selects his bonus skill, his sheet looks
basics through an apprenticeship to an or perform as a crewman on a larger ship.
like this:
experienced spellcaster. A select few are Also includes fishing skills. Most simple
admitted to the College of Norr- Number of Skill Choices: 5 tasks are performed automatically by char-
vik. Poorer candidates receive scholar- Read Runes (I): 14 acters with this skill; check against this skill
ships or earn their keep with part-time Honor Odin (W): 16 only in critical or emergency situations.
jobs. Detect Deception (W): 16 Helmsman/Captain: The ability to
Skald (I): 14 handle a larger ship and direct a compe-
Non-Human Cultures (I): 14 tent crew. This doesn't include handling
LeattNiNQ Mone Skills: As time goes challenges to a captain's authority—a
by, your character may gain more skills or Skill DescniptioNS mutiny, for example—which would be
improve existing skills. decided by a Charisma check or use of
Below are the skills particularly appropri- some other appropriate skill (Intimidate,
All characters get a new skill choice ate or useful in a Northern Reaches cam-
every four experience levels. Thus they Persuade, Deceive, etc.).
paign, listed according to the ability score Navigation: The ability to guide a boat
get their first skills at Level 1, then a new they are based on. This is not a complete
skill at Level 5, another at Level 9, or ship to an unfamiliar destination or in
list of all possible skills. You may suggest unfavorable circumstances (fog, storms,
another at Level 13, and so on. other skills to your DM, and he or she
Each new skill choice may be used to night, etc.). Use of this skill presumes
may have other skills to choose from. possession of a sextant or sky reader,
acquire a new skill or to improve an old
Do not overlook the possibility of essen- maps, and other navigational aids. If any
skill in the manner described above.
tially useless but entertaining skills. Skills of these are not available, a penalty of - 4
can be useful to characters for in-session to —8 may be imposed.
MaxiMUM Skills KNOWN problem-solving, but a skill doesn't have to Ship Building: The ability to build
by Character Level and Attack Rank be useful to be desirable—it can just be boats and ships, and to keep them in
Level 1: 7 skills. fun. Don't hesitate to ask your DM for a good repair. Use of this skill presumes
Level 5: 8 skills. skill that might not be very useful, but adequate time and access to appropriate
Level 9: 9 skills. which perfecdy fits the personality you've tools and materials. Otherwise, penalties
Level 13/Rank C: 10 skills. imagined for your character. may be assessed, or DMs may rule that
Level 17/RankE: 11 skills. the task is impossible.
Level 21/Rank G: 12 skills. StneNGtlj Skills Sailing Weather: The ability to antici-
Level25/Rankl: 13 skills. pate sea and weather conditions —to take
Level 29/Rank K: 14 skills. Intimidate: The ability to bully others
into doing what you want them to do. advantage of them, or to avoid their dan-
Level 33/RankM: 15 skills. gers. A successful use might increase a
Successful use means that NPCs who gen-
erally don't like something like fighting vessel's speed, for example, or warn of an
Skills aNd We Cfjanacteti Sijeet: (most normal people) are intimidated impending storm.
Record your skills on your character sheet into doing what they can. Read Runes: The ability to read the
in this fashion: Find a blank spot on the sacred runes of the Northern Reaches.
This works best against civilians and
sheet. Write "Number of Skill Choices: Successful use permits a literal reading of
non-fighter types. NPC adventurers and
" , leaving room beneath that. other fighter-type NPCs (guards, thugs, the message. Understanding the sacred or
Record on the line the number of starting bouncers, etc.) may ignore a successful profound meanings of the runes requires
skill choices your character received. use of this skill if they succeed in either a separate use of the interpret runes spell.
Activating a Rune of Power requires use another D&D® game nation, or may be detect lies spell, this skill only warns the
of the bless spell (p. 27). selected from the list of Common Lan- character to distrust the NPC who is try-
Nature Lore: Knowledge of common guages, D&D Basic DM Rules, page 18. ing to deceive him. The character gets no
plant and animal life of a familiar locali- Ancient History: Detailed knowledge clues about which statements are true or
ty, both domestic and wild. This includes of Northern Reaches history and prehis- untrue. Successful use of this skill just
knowing such things as edible and poi- tory. General knowledge of the history of indicates that the speaker is intentionally
sonous plants, healing herbs, or signs of other D&D game nations and non- trying to deceive the character.
unnatural danger like unusually quiet human races. Honor (Specific Immortal): The ability
forest, absence of normal plant life, atyp- Planar Geography: General knowledge to properly honor an Immortal to gain his
ical animal behavior, etc. of the Prime, Inner, Outer, Astral, and favor and aid. This includes knowing the
Use of this skill in the character's home Ethereal Planes as described in the D&D code of behavior and the rituals pleasing
dominion receives a +2 bonus. Use of this Companion Player Manual. Includes to the Immortal in question.
skill in an unfamiliar but similar setting is knowledge of techniques of travel among This skill enables clerics to obtain use of
at a - 2 to - 4 penalty. For example, a planes and common inhabitants of clerical spells. Use of this skill by a cleric is
hunter from the foothills of the Hardanger better-known planes. automatically successful in routine situa-
Range might be at a - 2 penalty on the Non-Human Cultures: General knowl- tions. If the cleric has performed actions
moors of northern Vestland, or a — 4 penal- edge of non-human races of the Northern displeasing to his Immortal, he may be
ty in the mountains of Rockhome. A native Reaches. Includes incomplete knowledge required to make a skill check. Failure may
Northlander is presumed to have at least of non-human customs, methods of war- mean that the cleric does not receive one or
some hearsay knowledge of plants and ani- fare, skills with magic, and a very basic more of his spells, or that he suffers some
mals throughout the Northern Reaches. vocabulary (about 20-30 common words). other penalty, such as a temporary curse.
Know Terrain: The knowledge of the Magical Engineering: Ability to recog- Use of this skill by non-clerics normally
land, water, and weather of a region. This nize basic principles of some unfamiliar permits only knowledge of appropriate
includes knowing the safest or fastest tra- magical devices. Does nor include practi- codes of behavior and rituals. However,
vel routes, pathfinding, local waterways, cal training in design or fabrication of any character, cleric or non-cleric, may
and dangerous weather conditions. magical artifacts. Does include recogni- use this skill to request "divine interven-
Use of this skill in the character's home tion of most common magical items. tion." The character must permanently
dominion receives a +2 bonus. Use of this Alchemy: The ability to recognize and sacrifice Id 10 hit points to request an
skill in an unfamiliar but similar setting is identify common alchemical substances immediate one-time use of any clerical
at a — 2 to — 4 penalty. Northland natives and potions. spell, regardless of level. If the skill check
are presumed to have at least some hearsay Alternate Magics: Basic familiarity is successful, the hit points are lost, even
knowledge of land, water, and weather with those magics which are not related to if the Immortal denies the character's
throughout the Northern Reaches. standard spellcasting. Includes knowing request. A character with fewer than 10
Outdoorsman: Experience with and magical abilities of well-known magical hit points risks killing himself this way.
knowledge of wilderness travel, camping, Prime Plane and extra-planar monsters,
and survival techniques. and of Immortal beings. CoNStitutiON Skills
Know Market Value: A character with Clerical Magics: Ability to recognize
Stamina: The ability to continue arduous
the skill automatically knows the market and identify magical effects associated
physical activity for long periods, and to
value of common goods, including stand- with clerical spells and other magical abil-
endure physical hardship. Character can
ard D&D® game equipment items. Suc- ities. At the DM's option, may permit
run twice as long—40 rounds, 10
cessful checks allow one to estimate the occasional operation of clerical items by
minutes—without becoming exhausted
approximate value of special goods like magic users, but this is universally
(see "Movement", D&D Basic Player
magical items and treasures. acknowledged as extremely dangerous—
Manual, p. 56). He moves as though
Skald: Knowledge of traditional verses it can result in destruction of the object
encumbered at one class lower than his
concerning Northland traditions, legends, and the user if the skill check fails.
actual encumbrance (see Encumbered
and heroic figures, and the ability to present Movement Rates Table, D&D Basic Play-
the tales to an audience. The higher the suc- WisbOM Skills er Manual, p. 30), and receives a +2
cessful roll (so long as it is successful), the fin- bonus on any Constitution-based checks
Detect Deception: The ability to recog-
er the presentation. To create original verses concerning resistance to effects of adverse
nize deceptive tricks or behaviors in an
glorifying the deeds of modem heroes, weather or resistance to fatigue from
NPC. This does not reveal the truth or
checks are made at a - 4 penalty. extended periods of exertion.
falsity of statements nor the motivations
Read/Write Language: Fluency in a of the speaker, nor does it reveal the exact
language common in the Known World. nature of the deception. Unlike the
The language chosen may be from
Dextenity Skins dungeon. audience to perform specific actions. A suc-
This skill focuses more on the "hunt- cessful use of this skill permits the character
Craftsman (Soil): The ability to make and
ing" than the "bow" and does not affect to make an appeal to a given personality
repair items associated with your craft, and
combat uses of other missile weapons. trait (Courageous, Loyal, Energetic, etc.) of
the ability to evaluate the worth of such
Horsemanship: Knowledge of basic an NPC listener—success means the player
items. Craftsman skills include Carpentry,
care and feeding of horses, and the ability can get the listener's attention, not that he
Metalsmithing, Bowmaking, Tanner, Pot-
to control a horse under difficult circum- has persuaded him.
ter, Tinker, Jeweler, and so forth.
stances. A character can recognize a nag, To actually encourage the desired
DMs may choose to designate Crafts-
but buying a suitable mount for a reason- action, the player decides with the DM
man skills as based on Intelligence rather
able price requires a minimal skill check, which trait he will appeal to, according to
than Dexterity, especially as the crafts-
as will attempting to perform various the circumstances. For example, if the
manship approaches the level of artistry.
activities from the saddle. For example, character is trying to get the listener to
Here the skills have been included among
most folk can stay in a saddle while a attack a dragon, he may appeal to a sus-
the Dexterity-based skills because man-
horse is walking, but staying there during pected high Courageous trait, or a low
ual dexterity, patience, and practice are
a gallop or a combat is a whole different Generous trait (presuming a treasure is at
important in learning the basics of any
story. To use a weapon, spell, or skill stake). The player then makes a brief
craft. DMs may decide to use both desig-
while on horseback, a character must suc- speech for his character, appealing to that
nations in the same campaign, where an
ceed in a horsemanship check, with pen- trait. Then the DM rolls a trait check for
Intelligence-based crafter makes the love-
alties as the difficulty increases. the NPC. If the player's speech is really
lier products and a Dexterity-based craf-
good, the DM should award bonuses to
ter makes solid, serviceable goods.
CIjanisMa Skins the check. If the check is successful, the
Domestic Crafts: Knowledge of basic NPC acts as the character requests. If the
homecrafts providing shelter, food, and Persuade: The ability to prove your hon- check is a failure, the NPC does not fol-
garments for a household. Includes cook- esty and sincerity to NPC listeners. This low the character's request.
ing, spinning, weaving, sewing, shoe- skill cannot be used to deceive a listener;
making, housekeeping, etc. the speaker must believe in the truth of If the NPC listener is hostile, or has rea-
what he says. Successful use of this skill son to distrust the speaker, the DM may
Fighting Instinct: The reaction of
means the listener believes what the assess penalties of - 1 to - 8 to the check.
impulsively attacking first in order to
speaker tells him. It does not imply that Alternatively, the DM may require opposed
gain the advantage in combat. Successful
the listener will agree to actions that are Charisma checks, or opposed checks
use gives a + 1 to Initiative in the first
proposed by the speaker. between the Leadership skill and the NPC's
round of a combat.
Trusting or Loyalty trait, if appropriate.
Surprise: The ability to get the jump If the NPC listener is hostile, or has
Gain Trust: The ability to gain the trust
on an unsuspecting victim. May be used reason to distrust the speaker, the DM
of an NPC through a combination of
to attack (e.g., to jump someone from may assess penalties of — 1 to — 8 to the
courtesy, respect for traditions, knowl-
behind) or to avoid a conflict (e.g., to check. Alternatively, the DM may ask for
edge of human nature, and honorable
duck out of the hands of the man who opposed Charisma checks, or may require
behavior. Successful use of this skill
caught you picking his pocket). Success- checks between the Persuade skill and the
causes an NPC to accept the character as a
ful use gives a + 1 to Surprise. NPC's Trusting trait.
trustworthy person until given solid evi-
Evade: The ability to elude a pursuer. Deceive: The ability to persuade a listen- dence to the contrary.
This skill comes through experience in er of the truth and sincerity of what is said,
despite the fact that the speaker is being In routine situations, a successful use of
running away from dangers. Successful
untruthful, insincere, or both. Successful this skill is sufficient. This covers situations
use permits (where appropriate) a move-
use of this skill causes an NPC to believe an like an overnight visit to a roadside inn,
ment bonus of +10 feet per round for 10
untrue statement or to accept a misleading seeking food and shelter at a farmstead, etc.
rounds, giving the evader a chance to
hide or throw the pursuer off his trail. If statement as honest and sincere. In dangerous or threatening circum-
the situation is one of hiding, dodging, stances, or if the NPC listener is hostile or
The speaker need not actually lie to
or outguessing a pursuer, a successful already has reason to distrust the speaker,
intend to deceive his listener. For exam-
check allows the character to find some the DM may assess penalties to the check.
ple, the statement "We come in peace"
way to be overlooked. The DM must examine the situation, and
may be literally true, in the sense that the
may require opposed Charisma checks
Hunting: The ability to locate, stalk, speaker hasn't killed anyone yet. It may
between the PC and the NPC, or require
and hunt large and small game with the be misleading in the sense that the speak-
opposed checks between the Gain Trust
bow. Successful use gives a + 1 to hit with er is cheerfully willing to butcher anyone
skill and the NPC's Trusting trait or any
a bow in an outdoor setting. It is essen- in order to reach his goal.
other trait appropriate.
tially useless inside a building, cave, or Leadership: The ability to appeal to an
iMpoutaNt Past on page 22. Read the notes carefully and
FaMily Status ExpenieNces — follow any instructions that apply to your
A young Northlandcr's reputation character. Record any changes to abilities,
The optional tables on the next two pages personality traits, skills, or wealth.
rests firmly upon the reputation of his
indicate significant events that happen to When you are done, you might have a
or her immediate family. Until the
your Northern Reaches character before he list of notations like this example:
Northerner proves himself later by his
gives up the relatively safe but unrewarding
adult actions, he is judged by the rep- Age 17: Good health.
occupation of "Normal Man" for the excit-
utation of his family. Outside his Generous teacher, + 1 Con, gain
ing life of a D&D® game adventurer.
home locality, his family's reputation + 1 to
may be unknown. These tables are only to be used in
character creation! Once a character has Stamina skill
Roll ldlOO to determine status. Saw action in a small raid,
begun earning experience points in an
Write down the Charisma modifier + 1 Courage
adventuring life, he or she may not use
next to the Charisma ability score on Resolved to Change, work harder
these tables.
the character sheet, in parentheses. on weapons practice, +1 Energetic.
The DM will determine whether one's Do not run a character through the
family's reputation is known outside tables more than once, although if you 3. The last step is to figure out a story
one's home domain. use any one table, you must use all. Some that fits these details. Add what you
tables may yield benefits, others may learned about the Northern Reaches in
Roll Status Charisma Modifier yield misfortunes. "Vbu cannot gain if you this Player Book to fill in the background.
are not willing to risk losing. Create a brief biography for the charac-
01-05 Honored + 2 Charisma
Respected +1 Charisma
Use of these tables is subject to your ter's year of pre-adventuring experience,
21-70 Unremarkable No Effect DM's approval. He or she may prefer that and keep these notes on the back of your
71-85 Doubtful - 1 Charisma you play standard characters as created character sheet or on a separate piece of
Reputation with the D&D Basic Set Rules, or that you paper.
86-95 Scorned - 2 Charisma play Northlander PCs without any addi-
96-00 Outlaw - Id4 Charisma For the character given as an example,
tional changes. above, you might concoct a story like this:
Before you decide to use the tables, At 17, Rolf went to live with his uncle
look them over carefully. Although the in Namahed to work on his sheep farm.
Heyday Qifts experiences may improve a character, The hard work and outdoor life tough-
In the Northern Reaches, one receives some may injure or weaken a character. ened him, and cured him of sleeping
gifts from family, friends, and clansmen Life is not always kind. There is an ele- late. Ostland pirates attacked a neigh-
when one comes of age at sixteen. The ment of risk in using these tables, which bor's stead that summer, and Rotfand his
sixteenth birthday is called one's "Hey- is one reason they are optional. uncle helped drive the raiders off. 2?o/r~
day." Roll ldlOO to determine one's didn 't get in on much of the righting,
social status and Heyday inheritance. iMpontawt Past ExpenieNces but he 11 be better prepared if the raiders
Heyday gifts are intended to help Pnocetnme come again next year. He considered join-
the recipient begin a productive adult ing an expedition advertised in Tromso,
1. Roll first on the "Afflictions and
life. The gifts are generally either in but figured he wasn't ready for the
Accidents Table," page 21. (Bad news
coin or in the form of some useful adventuring life until he'd spent more
first.) Change any abilities as directed.
object the recipient will need in his or time practicing his fighting technique.
2. Then roll on the "Significant Expe-
her chosen occupation. Heyday gifts riences Table," "Character Building
are in addition to any coin that the Table," and "Combat Experience Table"
player character received in the Basic
Character Creation procedure.

Roll Social Class Inheritance

01 Rich Noble 60 + 3d2O gp
02-04 Typical Noble 40 + ld20 gp
05-10 Poor Noble 20 + ldlOgp
11-15 Rich Freeman 40 + ld20 gp
16-70 Typical Freeman 20 + ldlOgp
71-85 Poor Freeman ldlOgp
86-00 Servant/Thrall/ ldlOsp

Aff lictioNS aNO AccibeNts 'Cable

Roll ldlOO. Subtractions will never drop an ability score below 7.

1 Brown Plague: Roll Id6 and subtract that score from Constitution.
2 Brain Rot: - 1 to all ability scores; no Annual Training,
Character Building, or Combat Experience.
3 Fading of Youthful Enthusiasm: - 1 Constitution, - 1 Strength
4-8 Minor Accidental Injury: Roll ldlO and see below:
1-2: Minor Injury to Hands, Arms, Feet, or Legs: - 1 Dexterity
3: Head Injury: — 1 Intelligence
4: Injury Affecting Breathing or Digestion: - 1 Constitution
5: Disfiguring Scars: - 2 Charisma
6: Bad Fall/Riding Accident/Wild Party: - 1 Strength, - 1 Dexterity
7-10: No permanent disability
9 Gut Worms: 10% chance of - 1 Constitution
10 Arthritis/Back Injury/Hernia: - 1 Dexterity
11-90 Good Fortunes and Perfect Health: No ability losses
91-93 Dysentery: 25% chance of - 1 Constitution
94-96 Sheep Pox: — 1 Charisma; 25% chance of — 1 Constitution and — 1 Strength
97 Out of Shape: - 1 Dexterity, - 1 Strength
98 Poor Mental Health: - 1 Intelligence, - 3 Wisdom
99 Carrot Fever: - 1 to all ability scores; no Annual Training, Character
Building, or Combat Experience
00 Very Serious Accident: Roll Id6 and subtract that score from

AfflictioNS aNt> AcciOeNts stabbed in a tavern brawl, caught with Sheep Pox
'Cable Notes the landlord's daughter, or any number A common, highly contagious affliction.
of possible situations. Accidents will hap- Once infected and recovered, victim is
Brown Plague pen; fortunately, many injuries are not immune from further infection.
Onset of the illness is so rapid that the permanently disabling.
victim is often desperately ill before treat- Out of Shape
ment can be obtained. Only good for- Gut Worms Only exercise and dedication can main-
tune can prevent a serious reduction of Serious digestive disorder. Parasitic infes- tain one's youthful trim and vigor. The
one's overall health. tations of larger creatures cannot be cured longer you go without taking care of your
by a cure disease, remove curse, or other body, the harder it is to change your lazy
Brain Rot magical spells. Parasites must be poi- ways.
A mysterious disease which exhibits no soned, and victim cannot be treated with
symptoms until the victim keels over neutralize poison until the parasites are Poor Mental Health
without warning. Affects the brain and dead. This can come about by being scared silly,
nervous system. Victim is bedridden for getting locked in a dungeon, joining a
Id4 months, and never fully recovers. Arthritis/Back Injury/Hernia weird cult, or by several other imaginable
Unfortunately, these disabilities and oth- situations.
Fading of Youthful Enthusiasm ers like them are permanently debilitat-
Individual prefers loafing around the tav- ing. Carrot Fever
ern over studying or weapons practice. A A malaria-like disease transmitted by car-
common affliction, treatable by imposed Dysentery rot parasites. (For notes on curing parasit-
exercise or desperate peril. An unpleasant but generally minor ail- ic illnesses, see Gut Worms above.)
ment. Some victims develop permanent
Minor Accidental Injury digestive problems in serious cases.
This might be getting kicked by a horse,
Past iMpontaNt Past ExpenieNces 'Cable
ExpenieNces Cable Notes Roll 4d6. Fighters: - 3 to roll. Magic Users: + 3 to roll.
This table indicates an important experience Abilities cannot be raised or reduced beyond the scores noted on the table.
affecting the character before he or she makes 1 Complete Dedication: + 1 Strength, + 1 Constitution (each, maximum 16)
the decision to become an adventurer. 2 Brutal Schedule: gain + 1 to any two different skills
+1 Bonuses to Skills: These are in addition 3 Hard Training: + 1 Strength, + 1 Constitution (each, maximum 15)
to your normal beginning skills and bonus 4 Training Accident: - 1 Dexterity
skills for high Intelligence, and do not count 5 Learn to Concentrate on Work at Hand: + 1 Intelligence (maximum 15)
against future skill choices gained at higher 6 Patient Practice: + 1 Dexterity (maximum 16)
levels. 7 Generous Teacher: + 1 Constitution (maximum 15); + 1 to any skill
+ ltoA Class-related Skill: A + 1 to either 8 Sincere Effort: gain + 1 to any class-related skill
of the two skills received as beginning skills. 9-19 No Benefit
This does not affect bonus skills. 20 Competent Teacher: gain + 1 to any class-related skill
Family Heirloom: If an orphan, is received 21 Good Advisor: +1 Wisdom (maximum 15)
from a friend or companion. Clerics receive a 22 Meet a Famous Priest: gain a healing potion; +4 Reverent
handsomely carved club. Northman clerics 23 Good Health, Good Environment: + 1 Strength
use such wooden clubs carved with runes as 24 Learn Bad Habits: ~ 1 Intelligence (minimum 12)
holy weapons. 25 Access to Good Library: +1 to Intelligence (maximum 15)
26 Inherit Heirloom: gain + 1 dagger (Cleric: + 1 club) with continual light
27 Fundamental Insight: + 1 to Intelligence (maximum 16); + 1 to any skill

CftaiiacteR BuiltriNQ Cable CftaRacteR BUIIDINQ Cable

Notes Roll ld20. No trait can be raised above 15 or reduced below 6 by this table.
Certain experiences have a dramatic effect on 1 Betrayed by a Close Friend: Loyal - 2
a character's personality. This table indicates 2 Humiliated and Thrashed by a Bully: Peaceful - 2 , Forgiving - 2
the one experience that had the greatest effect 3 Widely Praised for a Small Achievement: Modest — 2
on the character's personality. 4 Cheated by Fast-talking Acquaintance: Trusting — 1, Generous — 1
Sometimes the impetus for change comes 5 Inspired by the Actions of a Spiritual Hero: Reverent + 3
from within the character. For those who 6 Mocked for Timid Behavior: Courageous + 1, Cautious —3
resolve to change their ways, think of it as an 7 Discouraged by Poor Luck: Energetic - 1 , Cautious - 2
important New Year's Resolution—an old tra- 8 Achieve Success by Misleading a Comrade: Honest - 1 , Loyal - 1
dition among the Northmen. 9 Protect a Friend from an Attack: Loyal + 1, Courageous + 1
10 Defend the Honor of a Family Member: Loyal + 1 , Courageous +2
11 Lose Several Opportunities Through Hesitation: Cautious - 1
12 Forgive a Miscreant Who Becomes a Close Friend: Forgiving +2
13 Get Caught in a Complicated Lie: Honest + 1 , Cautious + 1
14 Ignore a Personal Principle, with Disastrous Results: Dogmatic +2
15 Accidentally Injure an Innocent Person: Cautious + 1 , Peaceful +2
16-20 Resolve to Change Tfbur Ways: Alter any single trait score 1 point.

Coivibat ExpeRieNce Cable CoMbat ExpeRieNce Cable

Notes Roll 4d4. Fighter: - 3 to roll. Magic User: +3 to roll.
A beginning character may have been No trait or ability may be raised above 15 or reduced below 6 by this table.
involved in fighting before he or she becomes 1 War Veteran/Seriously Injured: - 2 Constitution, - 1 Strength
an adventurer. Northland magic users gener- 2 War Veteran/Uninjured: + 2 Courageous, - 2 Peaceful
ally avoid combat situations, while fighters 3 War Veteran/Injured: + 1 Courageous, - 1 Constitution
eagerly seek them out. 4 War Veteran: Little Danger: + 2 Courageous
A "war" on this table does include full- 5 Raid or Small Action Veteran /Injured: + 1 Cautious, - 1 Constitution
scale campaigns. "War" also includes action 6 Raid or Small Action Veteran/Uninjured: + 1 Courageous, — 1 Peaceful
in the minor but persistent feuds between 7 Raid or Small Action Veteran/Little Danger: + 1 Courageous
vengeful clansmen. 8-17 No combat experience
"Raid or Small Action" indicates a single, 18 Injured in Combat: — 1 Courageous, — 1 Constitution, + 2 Cautious
isolated incident—anything from repelling a 19 Badly Injured in Combat: - 3 Courageous, - 1 Constitution, + 3 Cautious
raid on a farm to beating off bandits ambush-
ing traders.
Ingolfson; Ingrid, daughter of Ingolf, is is proud of. Thus, Rolf Ingolfson might
Ingrid Ingolfsdottir. Some Northland introduce himself as Rolf the Sea-Wolf,
Cljanacteiis families take their names from revered or Rolf of Kroken.
Northlanders have two names: a given ancestors or important locations, a less Use the following lists of names as
name (the common name they are known common but quite respectable practice. resources and inspirations. Don't hesitate
by), and a family name. Many Northlanders are best known by to create your own colorful nicknames to
Family names are usually formed by their colorful nicknames. Nicknames can fit the background and personality of
adding the suffixes -son or -sen ("son"), refer to a person's home domain—Sturla your character.
or -dottir ("daughter") to the father's of Ncmmen, for instance. Other nick-
name. Thus, Rolf, son of Ingolf, is Rolf names refer to feats or features the person

iviaie isa M€S Einar

Aethelwcard Aslak Eirik Gizur Harek Hrapp Kolskegg Rollo Stein thor ThorkeU
Aki Adi Eldgrim Glum Hastein Hrethel Lambi Rorik Strybjorn Thormod
Alf Aun Elrik Godfted Hauk Hring Ljot Runold Strykar Thormond
Alfgeir Bardi Erik Gorm Havard Hroald Ljotolf Runolf Sturla Thorolf
Alrik Beowulf Erlend Grani Heardred Hrolf Lodin Rurik Sumarlidi Thorstein
Amundi Bergthor Erling Grim Hedin Hrothgar Mord Saemund Svan Thorvald
Anlaf Bersi Eyjolf Gudmund Helgi Hrut Njal Sam Svart Thrain
Anskai Bjarni Eystein Gudrun Hemming Hygelac Odd Sighvat Svein Thrand
An Bjorn Eyvind Gunnar Hengist Illugi Ofeig Sigmund Sven Tosti
Arinbjorn Bodvar Fhorgeir Gunnbjorn Herijar Ingald Ogmund Sigred Thjodolf Tryggvi
Armod Bork Finn Gunnlaug Herjolf Ingi Olaf Sigrid Thjostolf Ubbi
Arnfinn Botolf Finnbogi Guthorm Hjalri Ingjald Olvir Sigtrydd Thorarin Ulf
Arngrim Brand Fjolnir Guthum Hjorleif Ingolf Onund Sigurd Thorbjorn Vagn
Ami Brynjolf Floki Hafgrim Hjort Isleif Orm Sigvaldi Thorbrand Valgard
Arnlaug Bui Flosi Haki Hogni Ivar Otkel Skamkel Thord Vandrad
Amor Bunnbjorn Fridgeir Hakon Holgi Kalf Otrygg Snorri Thorfinn Vermund
Arnulf Buri Gardi Halfdan Hord Kari Ottar Sokki Thorgeir Vestein
Asgrim Ceowulf Geir Hall Horik Karlsefni Ozur Solmund Thorgest Vigfus
Askold Egil Geirmund Halldor Hormstein Ketil Ragnar Solvi Thorgils Volund
Askr Eilif Geirstein Hallfrcd Horsa Knut Rhorleif Starkad Thorgrim Ynvar

FeMale Naiues Ragnhild NickNaMes the Fecund the Quiet

Rannveig the Fisher the Rascal
Aelgifu Groa Rhora Bag-Nose Paunch-Shaker the Flayer the Raven
Alfdis Gunnhild Saeunn Bare-legs Pin-Leg the Fool the Red
Alfhild Gudrid Siglinde Beard Rattler the Fosterer the Seal
Arnora Gudris Sigrid Black Scale-Clatterer the Gentle the Shabby
Asa Gudrun Svala Bloodaxe Serpent-Tongue the Golden the Short
Asfrid Gunnhild Thjodhild Blue-Tooth Silk-Beard the Good the Slender
Asgerd Gyda Thora Buttered-Bread Skull-Splitter the Grey the Stone
Asleif Halldis Thorbjorg Cod-Biter Smooth-Tongue the Hairy the Stout
Asta Hallfrid Thordis Fine-Hair Swarthy-Skin the Handsome the Strong
Astrid Hallgerd Thorfinna Fish-Hook Swift-Sailer the Hook the Stubborn
Aud Hallveig Thorgerd Flat-Nose Tree-foot the Huntsman the Tall
Bera Helga Thorgunna Forkbeard War-Tooth the Killer the Thrall
Bergljot Herdis Thorhalla Goat-Shoe Wry-Mouth the Lean the Unruly
Bergthor Hild Thorhild Grey-Cloak Wry-Neck the Learned the Wealthy
Brynhild Hildigunn Thorkatla Hairy-Breeks the Bitter the Lesser the White
Bunnvor Hlif Thorunn HalfuoU the Braggart the Mighty the Wild
Dona Hrefna Thurid Hard-mouth the Broad-Shouldered the Old the Winged
Elsa Hrodyn Thyra Hard-Sailer the Candle the Overbearing the Wise
Elva Ingibjorg Thyri Hare-Foot the Clerk the Pale the Worrier
Erika Ingigred Tosti Heath-Cock the Crow the Peaceful the Yeoman
Freydis Ingirid Tovi Horse-Head the Deep-Minded the Peacock the Young
Gerloc Ingunn Unn Iron-Wood the Dragon-Slayer the Pickled
Gjaflaug Jorunn Valgerd Iron-Side the Dueler the Pious
Grima Katla Vigdis Lace-Cuff the Easterner the Powerful
Grimhilda Ragna Yrsa Long-Leg the Fat the Priest
Of R€alMS
denies I N tl?e NcmtlieRN most godar of higher levels—those capa- small offerings of spare food, weapons, or
Reaches ble of casting raise dead, for example— other useful gear at these shrines. In des-
are usually household godar serving the perate circumstances, a cultist may take
A cleric in the Northern Reaches is called chief of a clan, and are not to be found in what he needs from these shrines.
a "godi" (plural "godar"). There are local temples, as is the case in most other Of course, these remote shrines are sel-
three types of godar: household godar, D&D® game communities. This can dom guarded, and there is nothing to
monastic and temple godar, and itinerant present problems for adventurers seeking prevent non-cultists or simple thieves
godar. to get a party member raised in a territory from pilfering objects from these shrines.
where the clan and clanhead are It is said, however, that the Immortals
HouselJOlO Qoban-. A community's unfriendly. remember such insults, and any honor-
cult leaders are usually housed and pro- able observer will certainly chastise a per-
vided for by the clan leaders. The godar ItiNenawt (?ot»an: These priests serve son so mean as to steal from a shrine.
maintain a shrine accessible to the public two purposes for their cults. First, they
for the whole community, as well as a pri- serve the needs of cult members in
vate shrine for the use of the master's remote areas where there are no temples
household. The head godi is available or monasteries, and no clanhold or village
when needed in his host's hall. godar. Second, they serve as agents of There's an old saying in the North—
their cults, watching out for the interests "Gods don't notice, but godar do." If
Monastic HND reiuple Qottan-. For of their spiritual brothers and seeking the you want something from a godar—
various reasons, certain places become information, treasure, and diplomatic shelter, blessing, healing, etc.—make a
associated with individual Immortals. power that ensure the steady growth and generous gift. If you are poor, the godar
The Stones of Sky, a circle of rune- security of their cult. make allowances, so long as you make
inscribed standing stones, are said to have some gesture. If you are rich—and all
been inscribed by Odin himself. There is S1?RIN€-S tO tt}€ iMMOUtalS — adventurers are rich by definition,
also Thor's Anvil, a solitary bald granite according to the godar—you are expected
hill northwest of Sudorn in Vestland, In addition to formal temples, shrines are to be extra-generous.
where Thor is said to have shattered the common throughout the Northlands. Household godar expect to live at the
Chains of Deceit forged for Loki by the same level of luxury as their noble
Modrigswerg masters, Brokk and Sindri. Heantlj StjniNCS: Reverent cult mem- patrons. Some are more greedy; some are
Often a community of godar will bers maintain household hearth shrines. kept in poverty by dishonorable lords.
establish sacred retreats in these holy In a poor house, it may be no more than a Benefits: The primary benefit of wor-
places for contemplation and worship, slab of stone by the fire, where small shipping an Immortal is avoiding his
and for service to the Immortal's fol- offerings of food are made at mealtimes. wrath. Northmen are generally a super-
lowers. These retreats are called "monas- In a wealthy jarl's house, it may be an stitious lot, and much obsessed with the
teries" because, like the monks of the elaborately carved wood or stone altar notion of Fate. When something goes
southern continental cults, the godar of where the Immortals are honored, or wrong, they tend to ascribe their misfor-
these communities renounce their ties where coins or war trophies might be ded- tunes to the ill favor of the Immortals.
with the outside world—clan, family, and icated to a patron Immortal. Whether the worship of the Immortals
friends—to dedicate themselves wholly Since personal practices vary, polite actually helps one avoid misfortune is a
to the service of the Immortal. guests are careful to observe and follow topic of lively discussion among believers
Throughout Vestland, and in larger the lead of one's host. Failure to make and unbelievers alike.
towns like Soderfjord Beach and Castel- offerings, or making offerings to the In a practical sense, the godar provide
lan, all Northland cults have established wrong Immortal, can cause a guest great benefits to the individual worship-
temples modeled on the sacred precincts embarrassment or worse. per and the community. Where the gods
of Immortal cults in other D&D® game do not act, the godar may be more atten-
cultures. This is a recent and "modern" RoaOsiOe StjnineS: Throughout the tive, particularly if properly encouraged
development, and the practice has not Northern Reaches, small roadside shrines with offerings. One important service in
spread to Ostland nor to rural or frontier are constructed and consecrated by itiner- the Northlands is the casting of continual
districts. Northland temples are similar ant godar. Usually they are simple, made light on honored family and clan heir-
to temples all over the D&D game of wood or soft stone, and engraved in looms, which are thereafter used to light
Known World, in that most have a resi- clerical runes. The runes can be devotion- longhouse entrances, hearth halls, and
dent staff of godar dedicated to the serv- al messages, wise sayings, or accounts of family treasure troves.
ice of the cult, its followers, and its divine historical and legendary events that In the borderlands, monasteries are
patrons. Adventurers should note that occurred nearby. It is customary to make centers of trade and communication, and

d e n i e s of tlje NORHJCRN RealMS
a source of protection. Monastic godar observing the affairs of men, and by Honor the Warrior's Code (see page 6).
provide continual light for the practical studying runestones and the songs and Obey clerics of Thor and the rightful
purpose of illuminating remote steads, verses about gods and heroes. These trav- lords acknowledged by Thor's clerics.
shelters, and defensive forts against mon- eling clerics, called skalds, are popular Actually, most followers of Thor are
strous or human raiders. In return, the guests of the rich and poor, repaying their fairly sane, and will refuse combat or
monasteries expect substantial donations hosts with entertainment, including abandon a comrade when to do otherwise
of food, livestock, and the services of war- instructive tale-telling and singing. is obviously suicidal. Nonetheless, a fol-
riors and laborers from the local land- Odin's Ravens: The clerics of Odin of lower of Thor would feel shamed by those
holders and clan chiefs. 7th level and higher may be accorded the circumstances, and would swear mighty
special status of being one of "Odin's oaths to Thor promising to atone for his
iMpontaNt NoRttylaNO Ravens." These clerics have the detect lies or her weakness with deeds of exceptional
spell and are called upon as judges and fearlessness.
iMMORtal CUltS counselors when disputes arise. Clerics: Lawfuls and Neutrals.
Many Northmen honor all of the Immor- Northmen believe that once the facts of a Special Abilities: Godar of Thor
tals of the Northman pantheon, but most case are known, a just judgement is obvi- receive berserk and fist of Thor spells at
worship some particular Immortal. Wor- ous to any right-thinking man. Ravens second level instead of snake charm and
ship of each Immortal yields specific ben- are considered well informed and right- speak with animals. Godar of Thor prefer
efits of special interest to adventurers. All thinking, and are asked to listen to the the hammer, a weapon sacred to Thor.
clerics honoring Northland Immortals testimonies of the parties in a dispute (at Most clerics are attached to a patron
know the interpret rune, bless rune, least two eyewitnesses, or one eyewitness clan leader. Adventuring clerics of Thor
know rune, and inscribe rune spells at the and two reputable character witnesses). are generally attached to a war band or
appropriate levels, and the rituals associ- Then they are asked to deliver judge- adventuring party. Clerics of Thor scorn
ated with those spells (see page 27). ment. merchants, townsfolk, and farmers, and
There is no means of enforcing a Rav- are only found in the company of warriors
OOiN en's judgement. Realistically, the Ravens and noble chieftains. Thor clerics think of
Followers: Worship of Odin and Thor is only recommend a judgement and sen- themselves as fighters, "just one of the
ordered by royal decree in Ostland. In tence. It is up to the clanheads of those boys," and show little interest in scholar-
Vestland and Soderfjord, worship is com- involved to honor the recommendations ship, fine speech, table manners, or
mon among the nobility, less common of the Raven. human decency.
among the freemen and the thralls. In Ostland, Ravens have great power,
Benefits: An additional bonus of + 1 as the clanheads are greatly influenced by Berserk
in combat when blessed by a cleric of the priests. In Vestland, leaders tend to (2nd level clerical spell)
Odin. follow the Ravens' recommendations in
Range: Touch
Obligations: Honor and obey clerics of spirit, though with considerable freedom
Duration: 10 rounds
Odin and the rightful lords acknowl- of interpretation. In the Soderfjord
Effect: One follower of Thor or Odin
edged by Odin's clerics. In Ostland, fol- Jarldoms, the Ravens carry great moral
lowers are taxed one-tenth of their annual weight, but clanheads commonly delay Affects character touched or self. The
income by the Church of Odin. or ignore the Ravens' judgements when it subject gains one extra attack per round
Clerics: Lawfuls and Neutrals. suits their purposes. In the Jarldoms, jus- for 10 rounds. When spell ends, the sub-
Special Abilities: Instead of the purify tice is whatever pleases the clanhead. ject is exhausted for 3 turns, with the fol-
food and water spell, godar of Odin lowing penalties: all attackers gain a +2
receive the read languages spell. Instead bonus to hit; the subject's AC is calcu-
of the snake charm spell, Odin godar lated without a shield (subject is too wea-
Followers: Worship of Thor and Odin is ry to use it); and the subject's movement
receive the spear of Odin spell (identical ordered by royal decree in Ostland. In
to magic missile, except instead of an is reduced by half. Two or more spells
Vestland and Soderfjord, worship is very may affect the subject in sequence. Pen-
arrow, a magical spear is formed). Godar popular among the nobility and their
of Odin are permitted to use the spear, alties for a berserk-exhausted subject are
retainers, but rare among freemen and temporarily deferred by use of another
the weapon sacred to Odin, in melee or as thralls.
a missile weapon. berserk spell, but each use means 3 full
Benefits: An additional bonus of + 1 turns of penalties as noted.
Skalds: Most godar arc attached to a in combat when blessed by a cleric of
patron clan leader or to a place of wor- Thor.
ship, but many are itinerant travelers and Fist of Thor
Obligations: Never refuse combat. (2nd level clerical spell)
adventurers, seeking to learn wisdom by Never abandon your comrades-in-arms.
d e n i e s of tl?e Ncmtl?€RN RcalMS
Range: Touch ards, and other social outcasts, Loki cler- vants of the Queen of Hel. A raise dead
Duration: 10 rounds ics are despised by many for their dubious performed before the spirit is taken will
Effect: One weapon moral character; they have a reputation work, although the character is looked
for treachery, deceit, and glib fast-talk. upon as a ghost or supernatural figure.
This spell gives a magical bonus to weap- However, Loki clerics are not automati- Thereafter, any raising of the dead is a
on damage: + 3 for war hammer (the cally untrustworthy, despite their poor matter of negotiation with the Immor-
weapon sacred to Thor), and + 1 to all reputations. tals.
other weapons and to unarmed combat.
Weapon, or fist (if unarmed combat) A Northman fighter or cleric (and
touched by the cleric glows magically, Hel sometimes a dwarf) who dies gloriously in
and permits damage to magical beings as battle is taken up by the Valkyries to Val-
Followers and Clerics: Few and secretive
with enchanted weapons. halla, an Outer Plane of the Northland
outlaws, limited to practitioners and ser-
Immortals. This is a great honor. That
vants of the necromantic arts. This is an
character may henceforth be available for
Fney BNO Fneyja NPC class of clerics not open to player
special adventures, sent by the Immortals
Followers: Worshipped by freemen and to aid mortal friends. Clerics wait one day
Godar of Hel receive the animate dead before raising such a character in order to
thralls throughout the Northern Reaches.
and the speak with dead spells at second see the will of the Immortals. If after a
Benefits: A bonus of - 1 AC when
level, the reversed version of cure serious day the character's body has not been
blessed by a cleric of Frey/Freyja.
wounds (cause serious wounds) at third claimed, it is considered proper to raise
Obligations: Observance of the daily level, and the raise dead spell at fourth
and seasonal rituals honoring the him.
level. Clerics of Hel also may control
deities—typically prayer with small offer- undead instead of turn undead, using the The spirits of other characters who die
ings and sacrifices of food or other posses- same game mechanics as turning undead, go to Hel, another Outer Plane. There
sions. D&D® Basic Player Book, page 25. Con- the characters can only be rescued by
Clerics: Lawfuls or Neutrals. trolled undead will obey the cleric just as questing to the Outer Plane of Niflheim,
Special Abilities: Clerics of Frey/Freyja if he had created the undead with the ani- to the Court of Hel, there to petition the
are druids, with the abilities and restric- mate dead spell. Queen of Hel or to try to rescue the spirit
tions of that class. by guile or heroic valor.
Worship of Hel is universally consid-
Almost every homestead and hearth
ered evil, and is outlawed throughout the
has a small shrine to Frey/Freyja, and eve- RUNG Magic
Northern Reaches. Only in the Jarldoms,
ry meal or special occasion is accompa-
where the central government is "The runes are there, for any fool to
nied by thanks for their generosity and
extremely weak, will rumor or even pub- read," Onund proclaimed. "But only he
protection. Most of these clerics are resi-
lic demonstration of Hel worship not who has Hung on the Tree, as did Father
dents of rural communities and towns,
automatically result in the trial and ban- Odin, one who has gazed on the Abyss
but many travel the roads and wilderness
ishment of the individual. This is particu- and suffered its emptiness, may know
trails, offering blessings and aid to iso-
larly true if that individual is wealthy, or their true meanings or tap the Power that
lated followers.
has powerful friends. Temples and cult lies within."
rituals are secretive and hidden. "Yah, sure. Save that priest-doodle for
the peasants," Helfdan scoffed pleas-
Followers: Worship is outlawed in Raise DeaO antly.
Ostland, and disliked but tolerated in Saru the Serpent picked a bit of fluff
Vestland and the Soderfjord Jarldoms. As noted above, godar who are capable of
casting raise dead are not located in the from his mead. "Well, my ignorant, ill-
Most common among thieves, outlaws, tutored friend, they do say the runes were
and other social outcasts. temples. Even when a cleric can be con-
vinced to cast the spell, there will be given to Man by the Immortal Odin All-
Clerics: Chaotics. much moral resistance. A person who has Father. The legends suggest that the
Special Abilities: May receive reversed been raised from the dead is a subject of Immortal 'died'— 'hung on the tree,'
forms of clerical spells at 1st level (nor- fear and loathing among the Northmen; they say. Through the experience of
mally learned only at 4th level and such beings are considered a form of death, through gazing on the incompre-
above). Public worship is extremely rare; undead. On the other hand, heroic hensible void, Odin gained some insight
the few established Loki cults are hidden undead are not uncommon among leg- into the magical significance and power
and secretive. Loki clerics are usually the endary adventurers. of the runes."
itinerant type, and they habitually travel "Nice of him to go to all that trouble
in disguise. Known for their charity and The spirit remains with the body for
4d6 hours. After that period, the spirit is just for you humans, right?" Dwalinn
sympathy with outlaws, criminals, cow- rolled his head from the table and squint-
claimed by the Valkyries or by the ser-
denies of tl?e NoRtfieiw RcalMS
ed at the candle. "Well, our pal Odin also RUNG Spells Bless Rune
expects us all to go through considerable
The following clerical spells are known at Range: Touch
sacrifice to share the meaning of the
the appropriate levels by all clerics who Duration: 10 rounds unless otherwise
runes. I suppose you've heard those sto-
serve Immortals of the Northland pan- specified
ries of ritual suicides and raising of the
theon, and who have the Read Runes skill Effect: One rune inscription
dead associated with learning runes? All
true. Right, Onund?" (if the optional skill system is being This spell activates a power rune which
used). has previously been properly inscribed on
Onund glared at Dwalinn without reply- an object by a cleric.
ing. SCCONO Level Spells The best-known magical powers of the
"Folk are just dying to learn the secrets Interpret Runes 24 Power Runes of Odin are listed begin-
of the runes, right?" asked Hetfdan, and ning on page 29. Other powers of these
collapsed in fits and giggles. Range: Touch runes might be learned through adven-
Duration: Instantaneous turing. Different power runes may also
Dwalinn blinked at the others in aston-
Effect: One cleric exist, and these additional runes might
ishment. "Helfdzn made a pun. Incredi-
ble. A punning barbarian. What is the Using a specially carved and enchanted be discovered through adventuring.
world coming to?" set of wooden tiles, the subject can ask Bless rune activates only one of the var-
the Immortal he serves for guidance on a ious powers inherent in the rune. The
On one level, runes are simply a special course of action. The subject casts the spellcaster must specify which power he
form of written language popular among spell, addresses his Immortal with the wishes to invoke before casting the spell,
Northern clerics, used particularly for proper ritual phrases, describes the course or the spell fails and the rune is not acti-
inscriptions in wood, stone, or other hard of action he proposes, then casts the vated.
surfaces. On a higher level, certain special wooden tiles before him. In the tiles the
runes known as "power runes" have spe- subject reads the answer of his Immortal THjinO Level Spells
cial magical meanings. With the aid of patron.
Know Rune
certain clerical spells, experienced clerics The Immortals generally answer in one
can enhance the power and significance of the following ways: Range: None
of those runes. • "You have chosen well. You have our Duration: Nine nights
The most common use of runes is in blessing." (Good idea.) Effect: One cleric
seeking divine guidance and inspiration. • "Your fate is uncertain but you have Use of this spell permits a cleric to learn
The interpret runes spell permits clerics our blessing." (Well, it's not a terrible one of the 24 Power Runes of Odin, or
to learn an Immortal's will or to gaze into idea.) some other power rune made available by
the future. • "Your choice is unwise. May the fates the DM.
Another use of runes is for inscriptions bless your fortune." (Bad idea. If you try To be effective, this spell must be
on standing stones. Standing stones are this, you'd better be lucky.) accompanied by the ritual appropriate to
freestanding slabs of rock inscribed with a • "Your choice offends us. May you live the cleric's cult. (See "Rune Cult Rituals"
mixture of practical advice and mystical to regret it." (Not only a bad idea, but below.) Each use of this spell results in
insights concerning great and humble against the principles of your cult. Your the permanent loss of one Constitution
men, the trials they have faced, and the patron is not pleased, but might forgive point.
wisdom to be learned from their deeds. you.)
A third use of runes is in enchanting • "SILENCE!" (Could mean anything Inscribe Rune
weapons, jewelry, garments, tombs, and from "How could you waste my time
items of ritual value. The cleric must use with something that dumb?" to "Do Range: Touch
the inscribe rune spell to put the power that, and you're not only dead, but your Duration: Permanent
rune onto the object. Runes used in this ghost will be looking for a new Immortal Effect: One power rune on one object
way create magical items usable only by to serve.") This spell permits a cleric to inscribe a
clerics. The magical properties of a prop- The DM, of course, has the option to power rune on an object. The cleric must
erly inscribed object are activated by the make the Immortal's response take any know the rune (see the know rune spell
bless rune spell. To properly inscribe an form he wants, from a single word to a above) and perform the appropriate rit-
object with a power rune, a cleric must long speech on ethics. uals (below). Any error or omission in
have learned that specific rune through performance of the ritual spoils the spell
the know rune spell and the perilous effect.
nine-night rituals associated with that Unless inscribed using this spell, a
Clerics of tl)€ Nontfteiw RealMS
power rune has no magical properties and rune or an object bearing the properly- the cleric a hitherto unknown power rune
cannot be activated. Once properly inscribed rune must be present during (which must be specially created by the
inscribed upon an object, a power rune the nine day ceremony. A priest who DM).
may be activated by a cleric using the knows the spell must also be present to Note: Most modern nations of the
bless rune spell. speak the proper words. D&D Known World regard the know
An object inscribed with a power rune The know rune ritual requires the cer- rune rituals with horror and disgust,
becomes linked to the cleric that per- emonial (not real) death of the cleric who because of their nearly suicidal associa-
forms the ritual and casts the spell. is to learn the rune. As a consequence, tions. Therefore, these practices are kept
Henceforth the cleric will know whenever each use of the know rune spell results in secret by Northman clerics, though
the rune is activated by a bless rune spell, the permanent loss of one Constitution widely-rumored. This may partially
or when it is destroyed physically (i.e., by point. explain why rune magic is not common
destruction of the rune or the object) or The cleric is given a potion—a toxin outside the Northern Reaches.
magically (i.e., by a dispel magic or simi- which does not kill, but paralyzes the Inscribe Rune: To effectively inscribe
lar spell). This occurs regardless of dis- cleric's mind and body, inducing a death- an object with a power rune, the object,
tance from the object. The cleric knows like appearance. The cleric remains the cleric making the inscription, and the
nothing of the circumstances of the acti- awake for nine days and nights, but can- tools used to make the inscription must
vation or destruction of the rune— only not communicate, even by mental magic. be ritually purified and dedicated to the
that it has been activated or destroyed. Cut off from all perception of the world, Immortals. The preparations for the rit-
There is a limit to the number of power the unprepared can actually perish in ual require 2d4 hours, and the ritual itself
runes a cleric may have magically their brush with the madness which requires 4d6 hours. The preparations and
inscribed at any one time. The total is results. the ritual itself must be performed by the
equal to the number of third level spells In the Odin cult, a ceremonial hang- cleric who is to cast the spell and make the
the cleric may memorize at one time. If man's noose is placed around the cleric's inscription. If the cleric is disturbed in
the cleric attempts to inscribe a greater neck, and then he is buried in a water- any way during the ritual, the ritual is
number of runes than his limit, all power tight coffin in a sacred bog for nine spoiled, and the spell cannot be cast
runes currently inscribed by him immedi- nights. In the Thor cult, the ceremony is effectively.
ately lose their magical properties, and similar, except that the cleric is buried in
his current inscribe rune ritual is spoiled the earth for nine nights. In the Frey/ "Ctje Stcwes
as well. Objects properly inscribed by a Freyja cult, the cleric is laid to rest on a
cleric retain their properties after his ceremonial funeral pyre, which is not lit, Skalds carve freestanding stones by road-
death. where he remains in a trance for the nine sides to commemorate important events
days. In the Loki cult, the cleric drinks the and to tell tales of the good and evil deeds
potion and is sealed in darkness. men do. The inscriptions on standing
RUNC Cult Rituals stones are left so that those who follow
At the end of the nine-night ceremony,
The following rituals are common among the cleric must be awakened from his rit- after may learn from the experiences of
the clerics of the Northlands pantheon. ual death. Thus, a neutralize poison spell eyewitnesses inspired by the Immortals.
Interpret Runes: The 24 Power Runes and cure critical wounds must be availa- The rune inscriptions may only be read by
of Odin must be carved into oak tiles by ble, at least. those who have the Read Runes skill.
the cleric who casts the spell. The invoca- When the character is awakened, at the Neither the read languages nor read
tion must respectfully ask for the Immor- DM's option a Reverence check may be magic spells permit reading rune inscrip-
tal's attention and plainly describe the required. A successful check means the tions. The special enchanted nature of
course of action upon which the cleric cleric knows the rune he or she sought to the runes is clerical, and is not affected by
wishes an opinion. learn. most magic user spells. A wish or contact
Some say that elaborately-carved and A failure may indicate that the Immor- outer plane, however, might be effective,
ornamented tiles are no more effective tal has chosen to give the character a rune depending on circumstances and the
than crudely-improvised tiles, so long as other than the one requested. In some decisions of the DM.
the runes are clearly and accurately repre- cases, the Immortal gives the cleric a rune These stones and the runes inscribed
sented. Others claim that only the finest more suitable for the Immortal cult upon them are sacred to the Immortals.
materials and the most skilled craftsman- served. In other cases the Immortal may Tampering with or defacing them is a
ship are pleasing to the the Immortals. assign a rune at random or, occasionally, great sacrilege. Those dedicated to Odin
Player Hint: A handmade set of these more than one rune. Sometimes the rune will stop at nothing to avenge a slight to
tiles can be used as props during game requested is granted, but only upon the runestones.
sessions. accomplishment of some task or quest. In
Know Rune: A cleric who knows the rare circumstances, the Immortal gives
24 Powen RUNCS of ODIN
These power runes (pages 29-31) are 2. Indicates direction to a specifically ^ Raibu Journeying
those best known by Northern clerics and identified treasure.
adventurers. All characters can learn to 3. Shields a treasure from magical iC This rune signifies the traveler.
recognize these runes, paraphrase their detection. "^ 1. For a six hour period, the
meanings, and understand their magical 4. Announces the owner of an cleric awakens from sleep if an enemy or
functions. Only those inspired by sacri- inscribed object. creature with hostile intent approaches
within 100 feet.

fice and communion with the Immortal
2. If the cleric is lost, or the way is
(the know rune ritual) can understand Unun the Auroch obscured by darkness or bad weather, the
and reproduce these runes. Unless other-
This rune signifies the strength cleric senses which direction (but not dis-
wise noted, player characters get saving
throws against rune spells as if against of the wild beast. tance) to travel to reach his destination.
magic wands. 1. Causes one hostile wild animal to 3. For a six-hour period, the cleric
Other Runes: There are many other stand as if hypnotized. receives a +2 bonus to Constitution
runes of power. These runes are the prop- 2. Gives the cleric the strength of a bear checks made as a result of fatigue or dan-
erty of the Immortals, and may be (Strength 18). gerous weather conditions.
bestowed on favorites. 3. Attracts the attention of all attackers
When encountered, these unique within a 30' radius and causes them to KaUNNa Fire
runes cannot be comprehended without attack the cleric instead of other compan-
ions (just as the bull auroch challenges a This rune signifies the warmth-
special knowledge (such as instructions giving hearth, the light-giving
from the original inscriber, extensive pack of wolves in order to protect the herd).
torch, and the destructive power of wild-
scholarly research, or divine guidance). fire.
To invoke the power of a rune, one must L 'CtyURS the Giant 1. The rune burns like a torch for two
understand what different effects the 1^ This rune signifies the various hours, yet does not consume the material
rune may produce and specifically ^ creatures of the giantish races. the rune is inscribed upon. The fire burns
request the one desired effect when bless- 1. Causes giantish creatures to have a even in heavy rain, but not while sub-
ing the rune. favorable reaction (+ 2 to reaction roll) to merged.
A desperate godi (priest) might try to the cleric. 2. The rune burns intensely for the
invoke a rune which he did not under- 2. Causes one giantish creature to duration of the spell. If a to-hit roll is
stand. If the godi is a PC, the player stand as if hypnotized. Creature may made, the victim takes 3d4 damage when
should tell the DM what magical effect he make a saving throw vs. spells each round struck.
is trying to invoke. If that effect is in any to overcome compulsion.

way related to the power of the rune,
there should be a chance that the rune
3. Cleric grows to the size of a hill Q€fU Giving
giant. Cleric in effect temporarily
will be activated. becomes a hill giant, with all associated
Normally nothing happens. Occasion- / ^ V ^ This rune signifies generosity
abilities and liabilities (including a
ally something nice happens. Occasional- and hospitality.
giant's stupidity and savage, brutal
ly something horrible happens. Invoking 1. Causes intelligent creatures to
nature). Cleric's clothing and armor may
a rune without specific knowledge of its respond positively to requests for food,
be destroyed by the transformation. Nor-
powers is a chaotic act, and not to be shelter, and clothing ( + 3 to reaction
mal human weapons are useless.
lightly undertaken. rolls).
A character may occasionally be given 2. Causes hostile or vengeful persons to
his own personal rune by the Immortals.
AS the Immortals positively respond to offers of appropri-
It is a sign of great favor, and often a sign This rune signifies the Immor- ate gifts or weregild as compensation for
that a great fate awaits the character. tals and their realms beyond the injury or offense given ( + 3 to reaction
Generally that fate is as much of a curse as Prime Plane. rolls).
a blessing. 1. Reveals the true appearance of magi- K WUNJUjoy
cally disguised creatures, particularly
Y This rune signifies great happi-
Felju Cattle demons, Immortals, and various crea-
ness and appreciation of life.
tures from beyond the Prime Plane.
This rune signifies wealth. 2. Creates a circle of protection as with 1. Causes an audience to respond
Northmen traditionally figure a protection scroll which prevents favorably to a tale or song ( + 2 to reaction
their wealth in terms of how many cattle demons from entering the circle of pro- rolls).
they own. tection. 2. Causes one listener to respond favor-
1. Indicates the presence of treasure 3. Confers a +2 bonus on all saving ably to a request for aid ( + 4 to reaction
within a radius of 90 feet. throws. roll).

3. Causes all intelligent creatures with- melts in ldlO rounds (regardless of sur- significance of the evidence. More distant
in 20' radius to temporarily stop fighting. rounding temperature or conditions). observers are not affected.
Creatures making a save vs. spells may 2. Causes a small hail storm, 10' in 2. Messages written in runes are perma-
resist the effects of the rune. Creatures no diameter, within 60' of the cleric. Crea- nently concealed from view if accompa-
longer within the 20' radius are no longer tures within the area of effect take 3d6 nied by the activation of this rune within
affected. Alternatively, the DM may damage. Successful save causes half dam- the message. The message can only be
require NPCs to make trait checks to age. read thereafter by the activation of
resist effect of rune. another pethru rune within line of sight

JaUN Fruitful Nature of the concealed message.
Haqla Cruel Nature This rune signifies the bounty of
3. The cleric is aware of, but cannot
see, invisible beings within a 60' radius.
This rune signifies the violent, wild nature (as opposed to The cleric is not aware of direction or dis-
destructive side of nature. domestic animals and crops). tance to the invisible being. The only
1. Creates a single lightning bolt as the 1. The cleric is informed whether indication of the being's presence is the
magic user spell, but doing only 3D6 plants or animals are edible or poisonous. brilliant, intensified glow of the activated
damage. (This includes natural plants and animals
2. Creates a violent, miniature wind of outdoor and subterranean environ- rune.
and rain storm within a 20' radius, cen-
tered on the cleric. Creatures with the
area of effect must make Strength checks
2. Indicates direction to specific species
of plants known by cleric to have medical
w I
Alqin the Elk
This rune signifies protection.
(or Dexterity checks, if more appropriate) or magical properties. Maximum range is •^ 1. A shield inscribed with this
each round to perform actions normally. one mile. activated rune acts as a + 1 magical
Failure of the check means no action may shield.
be taken within that round. The cleric Il7wan the Hunter 2. The cleric receives a + 3 to all magi-
may take no action other than concentrat- cal saving throws.
ing on the rune. This rune signifies the tracking,
snaring, and killing skills of the 3. A weapon inscribed with this acti-
hunter. vated rune will automatically parry any
U Naubin Desperate Need 1. Missile weapons (leather sling or one attack during the spell's duration.
wooden bow) inscribed with this rune The player must indicate which attack he
IV This rune signifies great danger
gain a +2 to-hit bonus. chooses to parry before to-hit and dam-
and the good fortune needed to
2. Small traps and snares inscribed age dice are rolled.
avoid it.
1. Permits the cleric to delay the effects with this rune permit the cleric to capture
of any single physical attack once during small creatures (maximum 20 pounds) Sowdu the Sun
the spell. The cleric must indicate avoid- without injuring the creatures. If the spe- ^ This rune signifies healing and
ance of the attack before to-hit and dam- cies is natural to the environment, the -^ good health.
age rolls are made. The effects of the creature will be lured to the snare within 1. One healing spell thrown by the
attack are delayed until the end of the 24 hours. If the creature is not natural to cleric automatically cures maximum pos-
spell's duration. the environment, the rune has no effect. sible number of hit points. Rune activa-
2. Permits the cleric to move twice as 3. The cleric may trace the trail of any tion is immediately canceled.
fast as normal for a single round, once per creature, regardless of the surface trav- 2. Heals the recently dead. Victim loses
spell. eled, or physical or magical attempts to one point of Constitution permanently
3. Gives the cleric a + 2 bonus to all obscure the path. Effective only during and is raised to zero hit points. Victim
saving throws for the duration of the the duration of the spell. must have been reduced to negative hit

spell. points no more than ten rounds before
PetljRU the Unseen the rune is touched to the victim, and the

[ Isan Ice This rune signifies concealment victim may not have been reduced below
This rune signifies ice and cold. and hidden knowledge. - 1 1 hit points; otherwise, the rune has
1. Causes a 10' X 10' water no effect.
1. Those within a 60' radius of the cler-
surface to freeze solidly, thick enough to ic fail to notice him as if he weren't really
support the weight of a normal man. If there. Even if observers bump into him or
formed in rapidly-moving water, the ice see other evidence of his presence
becomes an ice raft and floats with the (shadows or objects interrupted in
current. At the end of the spell, the ice flight), the observers fail to recognize the
24 Powen RUNGS of ObiN

t T i w a n War 2. The cleric may search the mind of or vine, may be grown to a greater size.
This rune signifies might and another human for the answer to one ques- 3. Causes a natural animal to grow to
tion. If the subject knows the answer, the twice its normal size in one round. The
valor in arms. cleric learns the answer. If the subject does creature may only move at half its normal
1. Causes a rune-inscribed weapon to not know the answer, the cleric is no wiser. speed and dexterity, but its hit points,
strike automatically and do maximum The more complicated the question, the damage done, and carrying capacity are
damage. Rune activation is automatically more uncertain, unreliable, and obscure is doubled. The effects last for the duration
canceled. the answer the cleric receives. of the spell.
2. Causes the cleric to ignore the effects 3. Upon holding an object belonging to
of magical fear or illusions. another human, the cleric may know which
3. Reduces morale of attackers within a Obala Birthright
direction to travel in order to find him. The
10' radius by one point. cleric has no sense of distance, only direc- This rune signifies power over
tion. Rune activation ceases immediately. the fate ordained by the Immor-
fw BCRkaNa the Birch tals.
1. During the ten-round period of the
jy This rune signifies the durable LaQUR Water spell, the cleric may permit another crea-
V vitality of the birch. This rune signifies protection ture to ignore the effect of one attack that
1. If wearing no armor, skin becomes as ^ from drowning and from the would reduce it to negative hit points or
tough as bark. Armor class is 6. Shield may power of the sea. cause its death by poison or magic.
also be used. Wearing any other armor 1. The cleric can breathe underwater. 2. This rune permits the cleric to ignore
(including magical armor) negates benefits. 2. The cleric can float on the water's sur- one attack which normally would reduce
2. Cleric takes half damage from one face, regardless of personal encumbrance. him to negative hit points or cause him
physical or magical attack. Cleric may He may also buoy up one other person if death through poison or magic. The rune
elect to take half damage after knowing the person is not wearing armor (or carrying need not be currently activated, but the
the damage caused by the attack. Rune bricks or something equally silly). cleric must bear the rune-inscribed object
activation ceases immediately. 3. An activated rune carved into the in his hand and must be able to cast the
(E)3. Cleric is automatically healed of 10 prow of a ship protects it from shipwreck bless rune spell. (That is, he must know the
hit points worth of damage. Rune activa- for ID 10 turns. It does nor protect crew spell, must not have exhausted his 2nd
tion ceases immediately. members. level spells for the day, he must be conscious
and able to speak the incantation activating

4. An activated rune carved into a
Etywait the Horse wooden staff will keep an unencumbered the spell.) This action is performed auto-
This rune signifies communica- person afloat for 24 hours. It will not pro- matically, regardless of other actions taken
tion with and mastery of horses. tect the person from the elements. by the cleric during that round.

1. Cleric may enter the mind of a horse
for the duration of the spell, perceiving as a iNQwaR Growth Daqan Day
horse perceives, and with a horse's instincts. This rune signifies the power of This rune signifies the powers of
2. Cleric automatically passes all horse- growth in natural things. light and darkness.
manship skill checks. 1. Causes normal plants to grow to fill a 1. This causes the rune to bum as bright-
3. Cleric may summon a specific horse 15' radius hemisphere centered on the ly as the sun for ten rounds (bright light,
that is within one mile of the caster. If the cleric. This unnatural growth of natural not the sun's heat). All areas within line of
horse knows the cleric well and has been plants causes the plants to distort, col- sight of the rune are brightly illuminated,
well-treated, it will answer the summons lapse, and intertwine, creating a formida- up to a distance of 200' from the rune. This
immediately: it will arrive as soon as pos- ble barrier against attackers or blocking a magical effect is not affected by reversed
sible, risking combat with other crea- narrow path. The effect proceeds by light or continual light spells.
tures, and risking its life in difficult increments for the ten rounds of the 2. This reduces all artificial and magi-
physical maneuvers if necessary. Other- spell, ending in the final round. The cal light sources within 120' of the cleric
wise, the horse will take no risks in plants remain huge and distorted until to 1% effectiveness (i.e., 99% darkness).
answering the cleric's summons. they are destroyed or die naturally. All attacks are at a - 4 penalty.
2. Causes a single plant or an object 3. This permits the cleric to see in the
11 MaNNaR Man made from plant materials to grow up to dark as with inftzvision (level 3 magic
/ A \ This rune signifies knowledge five times its original height and twice its user spell) for the duration of the bless
/ / \ Vjmcl earthly wisdom. original width in one round. The effect lasts rune spell.
1. The cleric may know the true inten- for the duration of the spell. Thus a staff,
tions and basic personality of one stranger. hemp rope, or cotton shirt, as well as a tree
fnli= dnttirr: n= = un-br Liid.b.un CHu:
L l-n ^i= Hn b!uf=: n== LniiF i_ii= .b,Hn[t,u
'= i = > II= LJ n= = < U (: '

Q = n= <uF
= nn::n<u
A ru:tr!blu= nbUu:: :
* bn k:n=ULnnF=
Longhouse roof and sides 7
1988 TSR. Ini All Rights Reserved.
Largelonghouse roof and sides Large longhouse private quarters
88 TSR. Ini All Rights Reserved.
General Assembly Instructions
1. Solid black lines are the guide lines for
cutting out the buildings and counters.
2. Dotted lines show where the buildings
fold. Folds are easier to make if the
paper has been scored. You can score
the paper by using a ruler and a
ballpoint pen. Use the ruler to help
make straight lines. With the ballpoint
pen draw a line on top of the dotted line.
Press down hard with the pen. This
should push down the top few layers of
paper. You may have to draw over the
dotted line several times to make an
obvious depression in the paper. Be
careful that you don't cut through or
make holes in the paper. Try scoring on
the sheds first.
The flaps are always glued or taped to
the inside of the buildings. They should
not be visible when the buildings are
Glue or tape can be used on the flaps.
White glue should work well although
it needs time to dry. Tape is faster but Longhouse assembly I
less permanent. Using both could
relieve you from having to hold the 8 Longhouse ends |]|||
glued flaps while the glue dries. 9 Large longhouse ends
7 Longhouse roof and sides
., Gate tower assembly
The gate tower is the most difficult building
to assemble. It is designed to support metal
miniatures on the platform/parapet. First
score the dotted lines, then cut out the two
gate tower pieces (10 and 11). Assemble
piece 10 first. Fold and glue the sides
together. At the top of the tower are flaps
that fold inside and are glued to the interior
walls. These flaps form the inside of the par-
apet wall. Leave the flaps at the bottom of
the tower for later.
Pick up the platform floor piece. Fold the
flaps down and crease them until they
almost touch the bottom side of the plat-
form. Push the floor up through the tower
so it meets the inside parapet walls. Now,
glue the flaps with the help of a pencil. Dab
glue on the pencil point and then rub it on
the platform flaps. Push the flaps against E£?
the tower sides.
The flaps at the bottom of the tower are
there to strengthen the base of the tower.
Fold them inside and glue them to the inner
tower walls.
198t> 1SR. l i u . All Rights Reserved.
'1988 TSR, Int. All Rights Reserved.
Large longhouse roof and sides
General Assembly Instructions
Solid black lines are the guide lines for
cutting out the buildings and counters.
Dotted lines show where the buildings
fold. Folds are easier to make if the
paper has been scored. You can score
the paper by using a ruler and a
ballpoint pen. Use the ruler to help
make straight lines. With the ballpoint
pen draw a line on top of the dotted line.
Press down hard with the pen. This
should push down the top few layers of
paper. You may have to draw over the
dotted line several times to make an
obvious depression in the paper. Be
careful that you don't cut through or
make holes in the paper. Try scoring on
the sheds first.
The flaps are always glued or taped to
the inside of the buildings. They should
not be visible when the buildings are
Glue or tape can be used on the flaps.
White glue should work well although
it needs time to dry. Tape is faster but
less permanent. Using both could Longhouse assembly
relieve you from having to hold the 8Longhouseends|H|||||
glued flaps while the glue dries. 9 Large longhouse ends


- 'Longhouse roof and sides

"1988 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
1988 TSR, Inc. All Righti Reserved.
Hut assembly
4 Hut roof and sides
Hut roof and sides 4
General Assembly Instructions
lii in
1. Solid black lines are the guide lines for
cutting out the buildings and counters.
2. Dotted lines show where the buildings
fold. Folds are easier to make if the
paper has been scored. You can score
the paper by using a ruler and a
ballpoint pen. Use the ruler to help
make straight lines. With the ballpoint
pen draw a line on top of the dotted line.
Press down hard with the pen. This
should push down the top few layers of
paper. You may have to draw over the
dotted line several times to make an
obvious depression in the paper. Be
careful that you don't cut through or
make holes in the paper. Try scoring on
the sheds first.
3. The flaps are always glued or taped to
the inside of the buildings. They should
not be visible when the buildings are
4. Glue or tape can be used on the flaps.
White glue should work well although
it needs time to dry. Tape is faster but
less permanent. Using both could Longhouse assembly
relieve you from having to hold the 8 Longhouse ends ||[|||
glued flaps while the glue dries. 9 Large longhouse ends

- 7 Longhouse roof and sides

Large longhouse roof and sides

r iir~ninr/Tn" rmnrr TTII niirni

Longhouse roof and sides 7
's Steafc Map 10
Scale: ONe t?ex = <b Mile



i:i7€ CouRt of CNUte at Zeabimq LONGhOUSC
1. XHie Royal COMPOUND
2. QRcat Hall
3. QueeN's CouRt
4. KINQ'S Hall
5. QueeN's Hall
6. BaRRacks of the BROtheRS of the KING
7. teiuple of
8. X^Ralls' QuaRteRS
wooOeN palisaOe

BaRRacks LONQhouses

1988 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


NoRtl7€UN Reaches
by KGN RolstON

WelcoMe to the LaNO of VikiNQS. DiscoveR the

b€RS€Rk JaRls of SoOeRf JORO, the VikiNQS of
VestlaNO aNO the f eaRSOMe ORakkaRS of
OstlaNO. Ztje NontyenN Reaclyes is a UNigue
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PROviOiNQ OetaileO backQRouNO ON these thRee
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LaRQe, Oouble-siOeO f UII-COIOR Map
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QAZ i: Zlje CjnaNt) Duclyy of KanaMeikos QAZ 4: Zlje KiNQOoM of leneNtoi
QAZ 2-. Ztje EMinates of yianuaM QAZ $-. ZY)e Elves Of AlffyeiM
C}AZ 3: U/7e PniNcipalities of CjIaNtni QAZ 6-. Zlje Dwanves of RocktjOMG



®I988 CSR, INC. All Rights ReseRveo. PuiNteO iN U.S.A.

r S R UK LtO.
POB 756 XX)G Mill, Ratt?MOue RoaO

WI 5? 147 U.S.A

ISBN O-S8O38-573-I

92 3OXXXI4OI 0 46363 09230 6

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