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Ashwini Star indicates: Horse Head

1. Ashwini star carrys dosha ( karama vienai) of Sun-Suryan-indicates- father, elder son,father family,government,politics,eyes, one side headache,bodyheat,
2.Sun reperesent : Leadership, identity, ego ,individual,to praise him,domient nature,
3. where ever he or she go they look people to give them respect and importants in each aspects
4. he or she will face hurdles in life for first time to achive succes in their own life proffesional life will be successful than personal life.
5. nature will be Anger,heat,farustration,youth,fast, confident,independent ,ego,jeoulsy,handsome looking ,beautiful,proffesional oriented,develpoment
6.Ashwini indicates Horse head so their own head will slightly projected outer than others,healer, a connection with mediceins & hospitality so they will do their own treatments
7.Emotional, shorth Tempt,action oriented,thinking capacity will be less some times ,high intituion power, bright thinking ,high kownledge ,
8.dressing sense ,physical apperrence will be attracting to others ,
9. he or she will be not satisfied with whatever he has with him materially or spirtiually the mind will always be in search of something
10.If he or she achive 1 they go behind the next and the serch will be continued and no satisfaction in any.
11. he or she will follow their religion,spiritualism,moral ethics,and have bit higher knowledge on that they never cross ther ethics
12. he or she always intrested in parents but there will be a distance with father as some sort of misunderstanding will lead to seperation .
13. he or she will be respecting and loving his father inside heart .
14. restless mind, ruudh type nature but will sacrifice for others, will never have issues for money or living wealth ,economy in life
15. he or she will always motivate others
16.he or she be an ENT specialist,or selling medicine, or manufacture of medicine ,he will be in a link of medicine industry or hosiptal busniess
17. he or she have good and close relation with sisters
18. he or she is connected with Medical,astrology,intitution,siriptual have bright future and will success in their life
19.he or she take risk in life ,they always have double minded ,they challenge to take competition to be in front
20. he or she take any dission without thinking or discussing it will effect them emotionally and can damage relation in seconds
21. he or she does a work without thinking for any rewards or to praise him, then they will succeed
22. Always check ,Ketu ,mercury & Sun in brith chart as they give negative impacts to this person in life
23.venus should not sit in Ashwini star for this person


Bharani star indicates : Male elephant

Bharani star characters: Patients,hard work,discpline,growing,Fast, anger,force,strength,arrogante,secrets,luxury,winning nature,beautiful eyes,
1. Bharani star carrys dosha ( karama vienai) of chandran-Moon-indicates- Mother, feelings ,emotional,impatients,depression,mentally ill, vecing problems, someone in family
would been deid in water ,river lake or sea.

2. poor communication skill , their communication may irritate others , no respect & response can be expected from this person because of this they loose respect from others
3.he or she will take only good tasty food and if they found anything is missing in the taste of food will immediately shout on the person who cooked it without thinking who is
around him
4.he or she is food fans and they cannot compromise in that
5.he or she will love to be luxury life ,food, family ,home ,things and once they eat food they need a small sleep immediately
6.thinking memory will be less so they cannot recall immdiatly
7.he or she can be cheated very easily and they don’t realize that they have been cheated by others
8.he or she can be dominated by her mother or can be mis guided by her ,diffrence of opinion, the dicission taken by mother can go wrong
9.he or she has chance for getting food poison , when they talk there will be no any valid points on that discussion.
10. the way they behave will be like a acting because if they say there heart is paining when they go to doctor he will say nothing is there .
11.he or she will create small things as big picture,in life they always be changing their thoughts and mind set
12.he or she will be : creative, artist, spokes person, fast,strengtend, confident.
13.he or she will be successful person in business, sucessfull leader in personal life,they have competitive mind in competition,
14. he or she will be lazy , doing things fast without thinking, without judging the place
15. he or she will act clever in some situations, they depend on others to get their work done
16.he or she should maintain good behaviour
17. he or she will have sexual desires, they wont be satisfied in any thing, they have a unsatisfied married life .
18. he or she should learn swimming, before taking any dicssion they have to think twice
19.he or she should pray on fridays esspicially will give good results
20.he or she will be very close to the same age of relatives with sisters

Karthigai star indicates : sharp edge knife & peacock

Karthigai star carrys dosha ( karama vienai) of Chevvai-Mars-indicates- Job,work,husband,brother,land,happy functions,joy,blood,fire ,fast.
Karthigai star characters: Angry nature , short temper,harsh charcter,arrogante,aggressive,ego,knowledge,sexual desires,cut & strict.
1. he or she will be living far away from his native place ,while driving there are chance of getting hurt and that mark will be visible
2.he or she should avoid aruguments with brothers & sisters in family
3. he or she who lives in there house that house will have vastu or some other problems.
4. he or she is a police officer they should not get into illegal activities
5. he or she will have property ,land related problems with their father or mother family or husband in wife family
6.he or she should avoid court, cases instead they should sit and solve all their problems which can give good results as they will lose court cases.
7.he or she will face delay in marriage life, some may not be happy with marriage life ,some may get second marriage ,
8.he or she will have equal prower,confident,knowledge of 7 people into him as a nature gift
9. he or she can create and distroy any relations, business,job,
10. he or she will attract others , will move towards growth, high energy,caring nature.
11.he or she will be monitoring on others mistakes, he or she will never forgive mistakes and they will explore their aggresiveness in very ruudh manners
12.he or she will not hold her anger,aggresiveness for long means they forget soon.short temper, searching for new things in life will continue for life long.
13.he or she will hide their secrets ,anger and negative parts of their life.
14.he or she will be strict to their childrens like how military officer are but the other side of heart they are soften.
15. he or she should maintain human relation ship with neutral and diplomatic manners with others.
16.he or she will be motherly caring person ,protecting nature
17. he or she will be active nature ,highly energytic, but should not suez others by that energy means -should not make others get negative thoughts by you
18.he or she will cut any relation ship within seconds because of hard and ruudh nature
19. he or she can daily burn a small mud lamp in there house or can see fire on daily basis will be good and positive for them
20.he or she should be honest and should share their knowledge to others will be good to them

Rohini star indicates :

Rohini star carrys dosha ( karama vienai) of Budhan-Mercury-indicates- Education, Love,romance,skin,communication,nerves system,computer,networks,documents,paper
Rohini star characters:
1. he or she will be married in a intercaste ,register marriage or they will marry without informing to anyone
2. he or she should read carefully any doucments before siging it
3.he or she when they communicate to others the communication will not reach to the other person clearly , should maintain clear communication
4.he or she will forget or lose any of their documents most of times
5. he or she should always keep all important ID,passport bank books cards and other documents on safe place instead of forgetting or lossing them .
6.he or she if they have faced problems in study in the young age they manage to come up and complete their studies on mid age
7.he or she their job and studies will not match at all
8.he or she should not marry kettai or Bharani star person it will not be fruitfull to both
9.he or she will be connected some how in spirtual studies,black magic, mantra ,tantra.etc
10.he or she will try to maintain timing
11. he or she may be born and brought up by step mothers or neighbour mother other than her own mother ( in some cases not applys to all -rohini's)
12.he or she is intrested in tasty foods they may eat in neighbour home or friends home or in relatives homes where they find tasty foods been cooked
13.he or she may have struggled in school .colleges times chances of falling in love or getting love marriage
14.he or she should not involve in Share market, finance , gambling ,speculation
15. he or she should donate books to others and share their knowledge to others will give positive effects
16. he or she will face skin allergy, nerves problems ,if this person doesn’t have this symptoms his or her family members will be having this issues
17.he or she will have vecing problem,dust allergy problem,
18.he she will think to be good looking, good food,good family , good surrounding ,good finance ,good family,
19.he or she will be selfish minded .they will not talk in front of person directly despite behind the doors they will talk
20. he or she will love her mother very much but mother will take benefit of that and do better profit to other childrens by taking form this child ..

Mregushreesham star indicates : Deer

Mregushreesham star carrys dosha ( karama vienai) of Guru-Jupiter-indicates- Speech,Teaching ,Children,elders

Mregushreesham star characters: Anger, fast,Aggressive,reserch mind,intellegence,strong body,Teachers,Consultants,Guidence,impatence,Using bad words.

1.He/She Marriage life will have agruments with spouse

2.He/She Will have worrys about childrens always due to delay in brith,or difficulties on pergency,or on their growth in good health & education -because of Guru Dosham
3.He/She may takes others childrens as their own child and make them grow with them
4.He/She may have Relations before marriage
5.He /She may have illegal sex before marriage or after marriage
6.He/She will have property issues with their families
7.He /She should not be too close with any teachers espiecally with females as Guru dosham will effect them
8.He /She should not dis obey any religious scholors,techers,Gurus,& elders
9.He/she should be in Banking,Finance,Teaching,Reserch,consultation,Laywers,Judges,traning,musician will benefit them
10.He/She will suffer with diebetics, Stomach related problems,greadness
11.He/She should not give Money for intrest if they do so Guru Dosham will increase and will effect
12.He/She should not give Gold or jewellerys to anyone as they will never return back again .
13. He/she should be kind and polite with others childrens
14. He/She

Thiruvadirai star indicates : DIAMOND SHAPE ( EYE TEARS)

Thiruvadirai star carrys dosha ( karma vienai) of Shukran-Venus-indicates- love ,Marriage, Luxury life,expectation,Sex, married female & females
Thiruvadirai star characters:
1. He/She their expectations cant be met by anyone
2.He/She can be used by others or he or she can use others for their work, wiseversa
3.He/She will be looking for true love
4. He /She will be looking for spouse help but it cant be met .
5. He/She will face love failure
6.He/She will face Uthrus problems
7.He/She will have lots of inner feelings related to Luxury,sexual feelings,and they will fail due to expectation are not met
8.He/She will always Doubt on others
9. He/She will attrack others
10.He/She chances of getting miss used by others
11. He/She carrys dosha of Venus -Shukran so they always fight with their spouse
12. He/She their mother will be dominating character
13.He/She in their birth chart Venus-shukran placed in any house it will keep on triggering to make mistake on that house where it is placed
14.He/She in their perivious birth they have failed to take care of their spouse to full fill their needs
15.He/She in general they expect luxury life,even tho whatever they enjoy they cant achive their goals
16.He/She if they enjoy happiness within one or two days they will face a failure or sad news or any other issues in their life
17. He/She should not doubt on any one in their life,
18.He/She they will depend o partners and partners will depend on them
19.He/She in their family someone will be bitten by dog or will been with Uthrus issues
20.He/She will always think about sucide inside her heart
21.He/She -should not marry with Puram ,Moolam,karthigai,Revathi nakhathram

PUNARPOOSAM star indicates : ( )

Punarpoosam star carry dosha of (Karma Vienai) of Sani-Saturn-indicates- Life,Work,All related to Proffesional life,Carrier Growth,
Punarpoosam star characters: some one in their family may have died in early stage in short age or may be effected physically like a handicap person or with some issues
related to body ,
1. He/She may had find very difficult to get their first job ,carrier,
2. He/She may face some problems in their jobs and work area and with their collegues
3. He/She may struggle to take any dissicion related to personal & proffesional life even they don’t allow others to take dissicion and keep on confusing
4. He/She may be a traveller willing to travel short & long distance ,city,town,state ,country
5.He/She may live far away from their native
6.He/She may be a Leader in home ,a Teacher ,or a senior post in the society
7. He/She may throw their mistakes on others even on parents
8.He/She should not do any insurance business or as insurance employ
9.He/She may not get blessing of father on their marriage ( not appicable to all )
10.He/She may face issues in work place if they are employee ,also will not follow punchuality on time
11. He/She always have a double standard on their discission
12. He/She may be a hard worker but while sleeping will break records example like Kumbakaran
13.He/She should always try to be active ,there will not be a clear words or proper working with this person as asulating mind will be there
14.He/She will always take late discissions
15.He/She should never treat their juniors employees ,secondary people ,labours and low cateogery person - as all they come under sani-Saturn's control
16.He/She in their family anyone may have effected with seviear diesease or have left the world in small age .
17.He/She their business or carrier life will have less growth
18.He/She may face late marriage or second marriage possible, even to get settled in life will take 40-45 years compare to others
19.he/She should always put their effects and work hard, but their will not be rewards, credits or accountability for them
20.He/She has Sani -Saturns Dosham so better not to marry with Mars -Chevvai dosham persons

POOSAM star indicates : ( )

poosam star carry dosha of (Karma Vienai) of Rahu-indicates- Big Dreams, Illegal business,foregin travels,Gambling,Speculation,lottery
poosam star character: in their family they may speak multiple languages, father or mother side anyone will be involed in politics,government,transport,teaching,
software,worshipper in temple ,astrologer,spritual .

1.He/She will always have big dreams , too much talks,always praise about them self which can irritate others
2.He/She may know cooking good foods and always will be thinking of food
3. He/She will have Pithuru dosham they have to do the pithuru karmam for their family elders
4.He/She Will be in confusion and will delay things always
5.He/She in some case will make urgent ,they may drive vehicles fast which they should not do,
6.He/She will have big ideas to develop their business and to do things fast
7.He/She will get contacts for illegal business which they should avoid and never do it
8.He/She should never deal with Gambling,speculation ,lottery,cards,
9.He/She will have more intention or connections in Government, Politics
10.he/She their will be some maya on their speeach ,they will think of huge investments on business
11.He/She will be a Boss in business or a family head or a Leader in his society
12.He/She will be benefited with wife ,father in law's family
13.He/She will be dominating nature ,they will dominate others in their speeach
14.He/She can do business of ,Iron related ,forgging,changing shapes,sheet metal,dycasting,electronics,eletrical,automabiles,transport,export ,import
15.He/She will have chances for travelling abroad countrys once in life atleast
16.He/She in their father or mother 's family someone may have suffer with cancer,or TB diesease
17.He/She while driving they should go in a normal speed to avoid accident in their life
18.He/She they should not invest any huge investment in business
19.he/She will always have taking care nature about their family

AAILYAM star indicates : ( )

Aailyam star carry dosha of (Karma Vienai) of -Sun-Suryan indicates- Dominating nature,Father,Elder son,position,respect,native,proffesion, senior mgr
Aailyam star character:

1.He/She will always want all things to be in correct way

2. He/She will have thinking or dreams of sucide
3.He/She will not have good relation with father or he will not get any benift from father example property issues
4.He/She emotional activities ,religious,following their old culture
5.He/She they will show that they are strong enough but their will be a fear inside always
6.He/She their father or mother family someone have been done 2 marriages
7.He/She they may live far from their parents
8.He/She will face property issues with father or chances of not getting it if they got father property means they are in full (surya dosha ) they cannot enjoy it
9.He/She they may get jobs in government but they should not miss use it
10.He/She should compel or dominate anyone due to job posting
11.He/She will be intelligent, educated,thinking power
12.He/She wont like speaking lies and they should also not speak lies
13.He/She should ne honest and should avoid non veg foods
14.He/She will make others to work and them self will be lazy and dominating others
15.He/She should not marry Uttradam star person
16.He/She always looking others to praise them and others to listen to their command
17.He/She in their birth chart in which house SUN is placed they should avoid arguments in that particular house

MAGAM star indicates : ( )

Magam star carry dosha of (Karma Vienai) of -Chandran-Moon indicates-Mother,Community,Food habits,Liquid items,Milk,Teaching ,
Sports,Travelling,Peacefullness,Happiness,Surroundings of House
Magam star character:

1.He/She will be dominated by their Mother

2.He/She there are chances of mis guidence by their Mother in Life
3.He/She will have no benifits from Mother or being separated from mother or have urguments with her
4.He/She will not get marry or delay in marriage or marriage life will not be fruitfull
5.He/She their sexual desire will be effected

6.He/she if their Lagnum or lagan lord is placed on this magam star -anyone of them in their family will be seperation in marriage or marriage life may have effected,
7.He/She in their father or mother's family someone may have effected with metal brain illness
8.He/She will have problems in Lungs,Asthma,Paralysis,Vesing problems,cold,
9.He/She their name in the society will get spoiled because of Chandra Karma
10.He/She even though they have good memory power but sometimes they forget small things to remember
11.He/She will be emotionally week ,but will show unwanted anger
12.He/She Can do Liquid related business or Food Business,catering,milk,dairy products,fish,teaching,export import,agriculture
13.He/She will have problems in stomach,uthurus,kidney,sperm count,
14.He/She should know that Shukran-Venus has born from same Magam star so sukran dosham is also there.

POORAM star indicates : ( )

Pooram star carry dosha of (Karma Vienai) of -Chevvai-Mars indicates- Brothers,Land,House,Work,Husband,

Pooram star character:

1.He/She in there family some one may have been without marriage life or late marriage after 40-45 or separation in marriage life
2.He/She female will face issues and fight with her husband in demanding and dominating him so the relation will not go in a smooth manner
3.He/She will have strong expectations
4. He/She will not have a satisfied marriage life even in there family someone would have the same issues and problems
5.He/She should avoid arguments in their work space ,
6.He/She will face property issues or someone in their family would have faced property issues
7.He/She should always keep documents clear and clean if any property issues arises they should sit and sort out with relations or 3td party
8.He/She will have low income they should maintain good relationship with seniors & with workers
9.He/She will not have healthy relationship with family members
10.He/she should be very carefull in driving vehicles should avoid going fast
11.He/She there will be a person in the family with surgery or this person chances of getting surgery
12.He/she should be carefull in operating any machines
13.He/she will face blood related problem
14.He/She if need to go for surgerys they should check same blood group is available in hospital or no
15.He/She can go to temple and pray on Tuesday morning or eveinings

UTHRAM star indicates : ( )

Uthram star carry dosha of (Karma Vienai) of -Budhan-Mercury indicates- Education,Planning,Sharp Mind,family,Name,Speech,Business,Documentation,Information technology,
Uthram star character:

1.He/She will have 2 names

2.He/She mother & mother sides relations will not be so satisfactory
3.He/She have high chances of intercaste marriages and relations
4.He/she will have Love feelings
5.He/She can do meditations , religious prayers and studying religious books ,spiritualisim,black magic
6.He/She will have skin, nervers related problems if not then sure someone in their family will have the diesease
7.He/She should always keep all documents safe which are required in life, as there are chance of losing them
8.He/she will have calculated mind all the time
9.He/she will always doubts on others
10.He/She should not doubt or talk whatever they think with people if they do so they will loose relationship
11.He/She they should act smart only on the places where it is required not in all the places
12.He/She can donate to studying children who are poor or can take their study expences
13.He/She can deal with technology,design ,computer, maths,accounts so in future it may gain

HASTHAM star indicates : ( )

Hastham star carry dosha of (Karma Vienai) of -Guru-Jupiter indicates- Education ,Self Respect,Childrens
Hastham star character:

1.He/She will have not care of their childrens

2.He/She will have a thinking of childrens because of not fullfill their needs
3.He/She will have late brith of children or they will have feelings related to children
4.He/She will have multiple marriages and problems in their sex life
5.He/She possible of having cholestrol problems swelling in skin due to cholestrol
6.He/She should never borrow jewels from anyone and if they have it they should not give it to any one
7.He/She should not give or borrow money to anyone for interest
8.He/She will have female childrens
9.He/She if they have Male childrens there will be misunderstanding and urguments with male childrens
10.He/She will have shameful situation because of childrens or because of elders in family
11.He/She should keep distance with religious scholors,teachers,gurus,swamiyars, or else the relation can go in negative way.
12.He/She chances for females to loose viginity if they don’t keep distance with the above religious people
13.He/She will not have a sucessful married life
14.He/She female should wear atleast small part of gold in their body

CHITHIRAI star indicates : (GEM-MUTHU )

Chithirai star carry dosha of (Karma Vienai) of -Sukran-Venus- indicates- love ,Marriage, Luxury life,expectation,Sex, married female & females
Chithirai star character:

1.He/She will have Strong energy,never agree failure

2.He/She harsh discission making person
3.He/She will Attract others in crowd due to beauty & captive style
4.He/She Shining attitude & personality,intelligent
5.He/She Consistantcy ,creativity,
6.He/She can do Interior design, Make up, Cinema field, Dance ,Music, Ladies items
7.He/She will be with Brothers & husband and will get support only if Mars is placed in good place in birth chart orelse there will be no benefits from them
8.He/She will have good teaching knowledge in Medicience,marketing,arts any of ther proffession as they have that ability

9.He/She there will be delays in getting their parents especially mothers porperty if Mars is in good position in birth chart or chances of been cheated and not getting them .
10.He/She will earn money and buy house by their hard work and self confidence without help of parents
11.He/She will never trust anyone in life
12.He/She will have clear mind and move forward in life for first 15 days then balance 15 days will be emotionally distracted ,no proper consistency in Mind and work
13.He/She should not show the aggressiveness or independentness in all places
14.He/She will not have any benefits from father
15.He/She should give charity and help others and follow ethics in life
16.He/She will suffer in married life
17.He/She their childrens will be under control till they are grown up and then they will not obey to your words
18.He/She will lots of struggles & troubles but there will be a indirect support from the childrens in future
19.He/She can use Chithirai star for doing functions & cremonys in houses or for marriages or to open shops for good purpose
20.He/She will have attracting ability
21.He/She their husbands income will get on effected or income may sudden get reduced
22.He/She will be independent with induviduality always
23.He/She expectations will be more , they will be attracted and will love their husbands
24.He/She will be cheated by sisters & brothers
25.He/She will not be in a good relation ship with mother
26.He/She will have eye problems or will be wearing glass
27.He/She should use their mind or they will fail - the reason for mind not working properly is SUN
28.He/She can do any service oriented business for getting success in life
29.He/She don’t want anyone to compel,or dominate them need to be free style life ,freedom
30.He/She will be willing to driving,travel short ,long travels and be communicating with community
31.He/She can work in abroad as it is Air sign


SWATHI star indicates : ( )

Swathi star carry dosha of (Karma Vienai) of -Sani-Saturn- indicates- Business,work,decision,fitness,

Swathi star character:

1.He/She will had face long time to get their 1st job and had lots of tensions in work as challenging
2.He/She their life for getting settled will take 35-40 years of age
3.He/She either they are hard workers or ideal,lazy person
4.he/She chance of love marriage, intercaste marriage
5.He/She others will get benifited out of this people
6.He/She will get confused ,delay in taking decissions
7.He/She anyone in their family had died in early ages
8.He/She anyone in their family have been physcially ill or any problems in body effected person
9.He/She should respect the labours & workers should not abuse with words
10.He/She will have full self confidence and they can help others
11.He/She is a balanced person in personal & in offical life
12.He/She their discissions will be diplomatic,harmony type so others will not get effected
13.He/She they never use harsh words to others
14.He/She will be travelling lot
15.He/She will earn money only after hard work
16.He/She will have spritual power
17.He/She should always need to work hard- because of Sani dosham
18.He/She will think to have smooth & balance relationship in family
19.He/She they will wait abserve things and then will take discission
20.He/She should respect labours should think and take good discissions in life


VISAGAM star indicates : ( )

Visagam star carry dosha of (Karma Vienai) of -Rahu-Rahu- indicates- Relation with politics,Government,Teaching,Electrical ,Electronics,pollution related
Visagam star character:

1.He/She someone in there family would been in religious activities, temple ,mosque etcor being working for that
2.He/She will be in transport,import,export,marketing,business mind , uniform ,
3.He/She will talk multiple language
4.He/She will have sudden changes in life
5.He/She will have lots of expectation s, will have possive ness ,
6.He/She will be good in communication and very intelligent
7.He/She will always thinks about how to earn money
8.He/She intrested in materialistic
9.He/She will not have a healty thinking and not achive any goals in life
10.He/She will not get satisfied in any matters
11.He/She always keep on changing their Plans and thinking
12.He/She will have habits of alcohal, sexual desire
13.He/She someone in theor family may have passed away or been effected due to accident,sucide,electical shock,poison death,
14.He/She someone ion their family will have vecing,cold,cancer,TB,
15.He/She will have strong will to success in life because of hardwork,strong will power,fearlessness
16.He/She will get surrender to those who praise them and make them happy in words
17.He/She will have good knowledge apart of studying
18.He/She will have sexual thoughts
19.He/She can change their talks,their behaviour,their promises,their attitude at any time time from good to bad
20.He/She can change according to situations others should be carefull with such peoples
21.He/She will be jealous, anger, active , emotinal,
22.He/She will not know their own aims,
23.he/She because of jealous, and thinking of joy they mess up all things wrongs and make situtations unhealthy and allow people to speak behind them and spoil their own
24.He/She should avoid negative thoughts and negative energy from them
25.He/She should not involve in share market or will loose money
26.He/She will have fixed mind one sided so chance of failure in most of his life possible
27.He/She should help people who they don’t know
28.He/She can help electrical person, drivers,transport person ,unidentified person in their life to reduce Rahu dosham .


ANUSHAM star indicates : ( )

Anusham star carry dosha of (Karma Vienai) of -Suryan-Sun- indicates- Father ,native,Elder son,Body Health,Senior manager ,MLA,MP,Government
Anusham star character:

1.He/She should co-ordinate with seniors in work place should not fight with them
2.He/She taking and doing there jobs will also reduce the dosha of Sun
3.He/She should not fight with elder son or with father in family
4.He/She should only discuss with father for discission but not sole disission on father to be taken
5.He/She their communication will be clear and acceptable
6.He/She they are hardworkers and they travel lot
7.He/She in ther public ,offical & personal life they will have ajustable attitude with lobours, collegues & family members
8.He/She will always have some secrects in their hearts always
9.He/She will be research mind,
10.He/She will take efforts, good leaders, will have friendly cycle
11.He/She should be emotinally balanced should be patience
12.He/She will take care of their family and will always be protecting them
13.He/She will be self intution person,spiritual,astrology,intellachual talent
14.He/She leadership quality , planning before doing anything
15.He/She will have any link with hospital ,medicience, doctors,meditation etc
16.He/She chances of abortion for ladies to happen or may have happened in their family to someone
17.He/She will give sexual advices to others
18.He/She money minded person ,
19.He.She should not fight with their father ,should ajust and go will give furitfull result
20.He/She should not do fathers buisness only after his death they can do
21.He/She will be good in Human resource HR, Adminstration skills , hard worker
22.He/She should avoid non veg..


KETTAI star indicates : ( )

Kettai star carry dosha of (Karma Vienai) of -Chandran-Moon- indicates- Mother ,heart ,society,food ,relationships,
Kettai star character:

1.He/She will be dominated by mother

2.He/She should avoid mothers discission in life will be better or it can give negative results in life
3.He/She will not have good name in society or in relations
4.he/She they will always think about their,Status,their Name in the society,about praising them ,
5.He/She will be helping nature but independent
6.He/She will be aggressive ladies may change their ear rings periodically
7.He/She will be loving person but he/she will be only thinks to love them and their family only
8.He/She cant live in join family ,
9.He/She will always use others for their own use and work
10.He/She will have more intrest and focus in materialist life in world,
11.He/She will be willing and looking for luxury,joy, lavishness,,happiness,materials wealth,selfish life ,but oppsite things will achive
12.He/She will have knowledge of astrology,universal ,extra cirricular ,accort,researching knowledge will be there
13.He/She will be aggressive,violent,passion,will get mentally effected
14.He/She will be protecting nature ,will have competitive skills ,vigilance, active ,
15.He/She will be possesive,selfish, jealousy,liar,changing words ,truning around their mistakes on others ,they be hurt by themselve ,crying
16.He/She they use their power in wrong way
17.He/She will be geniune maintaning ther image,name ,personality,respect out of family
18.He/She by nature they will get praise and they love to be praise by others
19.He/She will be in depression when moon enters in Aayilam,Kettai,revathi.stars
20.He/She be talented in religious spiritual activities,may know deep things in astrology,


MOOLAM star indicates : ( Tree Roots)

Moolam star carry dosha of (Karma Vienai) of -Chevvai-Mars- indicates-Work,House,Relationship,brothers ,

Moolam star character:

1.He/She will have argument in his house

2.He/She will have issues in their father ,mother property
3.he/She will have arguments in work place
4.He/She dominating nature , thinks all he knows
5.He/She will be reseraching nature , in religion, studies,spiritual,teaching or any in which he is interested
6.He/She will be willing to serve others help others
7.he/She will be reserve type person ,striaght forward person, bold person,
8.He/She will be insulting others sometimes
9.He/She will be with healthy body and strong knowledge like roots in the tree
10.He/She will be inside fear person but outlook will be strong enough to belive others
11.He/She will use their max energy in any of personal or offical life issues but at the end there are failures
12.He/She will have Ego,boldness,domination,selfish ness ,which will effect in work and in business
13.He/She don’t know their own strenght and power
14.He/She will have strong heart, strength
15.He/She will be revenge taking person, make other to accept their words ,argumenting nature,selfish,
16.He/She will try to insert their powers into others
17.He/She will go against nature law,doing wrong things ,tourchuring others
18.He/She should avoid aruguments in family,work & buisness will be good for them all times
19.He/She should not fight or go to court for property issues dispite they should sit and sortout within there family will be good
20.He/She should be caution while driving should take care while driving
21.He/She is Blessed by god in Moolam nakshatra


POORADAM star indicates : ( )

Pooradam star carry dosha of (Karma Vienai) of -Bhudan-Mercury- indicates-Education, Talent,Skin,Nerves,documents,memory,

Pooradam star character:
1.He/She will not match their education and work they are doing
2.He/She will have 2 names ingeneral
3.He/She someone will be dealing in money matters for interest
4.He/She will have struggle in life and reach the highest
5.He/She will have spirit power and shyness,individuallity will not come out
6.He/She will have hidden inbuilt talents which cant be seen normally through others
7.He/She they should use there intellachual talent for their growth
8.He/She will have loving and care nature with their surrounding s
9.He/She others cant judge their expression or cant tell what they have in there heart
10.He/She they wont get exualted even after failure they try to overcome and win the situation
11.He/She they wont research there failure reason despite they keep on struggling to achive what they need
12.He/She they think and live in a world which is unbelivable and not realistic ,they should come out to the reality
13.He /She will delay to start any new ideas,work etc
14.He/She will be always inspired,happiness will be surrounding where ever they are
15.He/She will always think to be happy ,a good life ,maintain happiness
16.He/She will not be so transparent, but honest,some secrects as well
17.He/She can change face expression to the out world even when not happy
18.He/She will have lots of pateince and they will wait for their time to come
19.He/She will face skin & nevres related problems
20.He/She should take vegetables foods in Wednesday will be good
21.He/She should be carefull when dealing in money matters


UTHIRADAM star indicates : (Elephant Teeth )

Uthiradam star carry dosha of (Karma Vienai) of -Guru-Jupiter- indicates-

Uthiradam star character:
1.He/She Religious followers ,ethics,all activites should be in a order, straight and right bevaiours
2.He/She their education and work will not match
3.He/She they will be in a position to advice others for their growth and honesty
4.He/She face delay in birth of child or had faced issues at the time of delivery
5.He/She will have issues with teachers,religious scholors ,gurus,etc
6.He/She may have swelling in body due to cholestrol
7.He/She may sometimes use harsh words or become violent
8.He/She maintain and follow traditional values
9.He/She will always have positive wining attitude
10.he/She is gods blessed star and wining attitude always
11.He/She strong will power will struggle and finally winning nature
12.He/She cant tolerate mistakes ,wrong things
13.he/She will be calculated mind and know how and what to be spoken
14.He/She if they are working they will have strong relation with seniors or in top manangement
15.He/She will have strong will power and talents
16.He/She will be creativity,good nature,gentle ness, not hurting others
17.He/She should not marry Aayilam star person
18.he/She should avoid arguments,emotional activities with anyone
19.He/She others cant win this Uthiradam star people it’s a gods gift


THIRUVONAM star indicates : (Elephant Teeth )

Thiruvonam star carry dosha of (Karma Vienai) of -Sukran-Venus- indicates- love ,Marriage, Luxury life,expectation,Sex, married female & females
Thiruvonam star character:
1.He/She will face love failures in youth age
2.He/She will be unsatisfied in marriage life
3.He/She whatever work they do they will be complete it they wont stop in between or make things pending
4.He/She whatever activities they do they will have a reason behind it
5.He/She will have ifferity complex,stuborn,ego,never getting back from their task,itellegent,hardwork,lazyness,sharp minded,knowledgable person,
6.He/She will be selfishness , helping nature
7.He/She will take others baden in their heads and go into debts in money
8.He/She because of their Ego they will be surrounded with enemys in their life to be carefull
9.He/She will naturally have cosmic energy (power) with them gifted by god
10.He/She should first listen from others before talking or to act in their life for all matters
11.He/She will be matured person ,hard working ,well deciplined , cunningness
12.He/She will be smart person maintaing their name in the society and work place
13.He/She will have good habits and welcoming manners with there family and relations
14.He/She will mental struggles, unwanted travels, being victim ,shame in society by others
15.He/She should not gossip others ,should leave his Ego,
16.He/She will have intrest in Teaching,Listening,learning ,music
17.he/She will be narrow minded need to change this in life
18.He/She if involves in others problems they should do it with full heart and should do it only for positive work even if there is something wrong in it they should trun it the
negative part to positive but not work or support for wrong or negative things in any of the matter in their life
19.He/She if they get or been cheated there are chances for this person to go on the wrong track and wrong habits .
20.he/She will reflect saturns full attitude and action in their life


AVITTAM star indicates : ( )

Avittam star carry dosha of (Karma Vienai) of -Sani-Saturn- indicates- Business,work,decision,fitness,

Avittam star character:

1.He/She who is in Pada 1 & 2 will be fast working nature

2.He/She who is in Pada 3 & 4 others find difficult to judge their activities & attitude
3.He/She will get delay to find a job or struggles in work, or delay in setting up own business
4.he/She someone in their father or mother family would had died in small age ,or phycially challenged person will be in their family
5.He/She may suffer with skin or nerves related issues or in their family
6.He/She will be dominent, high positive energy,argument type
7.He/She Happiness ,anger or sadness may be seen in their face directly
8.He/She 3 & 4 pada people will be silent activiy but they will show their face later to enemy as they maintain secrects
9.He/She will make small things as big eaither positive or negative-creativity
10.He/She will be honest, stright forward, as well as expectations are their
11.He/She they like to be with group rather than individual
12.He/She will not meet the expectation in marriage life from spouse only for those whos Mars is not in good house in their chart
13.He/She immediate discission makers -they should avoid such attitude
14.He/She may be working in Sport,Military,Police ,force Michenery,factory,
15.He/She will have softcorners at the same time Anger,intelligent,
16.He/She cant take solid desission in personal life in family
17.He.She Will have struggles in proffesional life as well
18.He/She will have property disputes
19.He/She family life will have arguments apart of smooth running
20.He/She will have administration skills,determination,but they will be stuborn
21.He/She will be charitable nature, motivating others


CHADAYAM star indicates : (Circle )

Chadayam star carry dosha of (Karma Vienai) of -Rahu-Rahu- indicates- Relation with politics,Government,Teaching,Electrical ,Electronics,pollution related
Chadayam star character:

1.He/She in chadayam star is a extordinary power

2.He/She they are self guidence , never trust others
3.He/She will be quiet nature, their thoughts & dreams are totally different than others
4.He/She will have ideas, suggestions,creativity,shy type,but they cant expose to the world
5.He/She will have lots of ups and downs in life from where they begin their life they will come back to same place
6.He/She should avoid share market buisness
7.he/She have talent in speaking phylosopy,the other person may get irr
8.He/She may have struggles in studies some may have quit studies in young
9.He/She will go to forgein countrys

10.He/She will be web designer, web modeling,electrical,electronics,transportation,power,banking,teaching,politics,government,will be in link with these sectors
11.He/She will focus on others behaviours about their hosnesty
12.He/She will be holding secrects inside them inbuilt only they should say others never know
13.He/She will not be open mind
14.He/She will be Lazyness, mental dipression,tension,tumb rule follwers
15.He/She will never listen to others only follow their own way,own ideas,own path
16.He/She they hold secrects inside them and use it for their victory always
17.He/She donot cheat others, donot go into share market, finance business,
18.He/She will defaultly know black magic, tantar,mantar,religious follwer,etc
19.He/She - there will be accident deaths, sucide deaths, cancer death or cancer effected person in their fathers or mothers family
20.He/She they will have hidden idealogy which they will not bring it out
21.He/She will not be easy for others to approach them as they will never be transparent
22.He/She will always see with doubts on everythings new place ,person, or whatever may be
23.He/She once after revewing everthing they will come to accept or trust it
24.He/She will have lot of inbuilt energy with them which they should only use it for positive things to success inlife
25.He/She should never involve or do sumaggling, gambling, liquior, gangsters, ladies business because it may take you to the peek and sudden will bring un imagenable
problems and make you to start your life from 0 again
26.He/She -Rahu indicates mouth and teeth position so on Rahu Dasa,bhuti periods should use good words will be much better in life

POORATHADI star indicates : ( )

Poorathadi star carry dosha of (Karma Vienai) of -Suryan-Sun- indicates-

Poorathadi star character:

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