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1-2 Facsimile text-editions

3-25 Latin, 17th century Dutch, Bilingual text-editions
26-40 Dutch translations
41-54 English translations
LISTS 55-65 German translations
66-68 French translations
HOW TO ORDER 69-72 Spanish translations
73-75 Italian translations
SEARCH IN OUR STOCK 76-80 Hebrew translations
81-85 Yiddish translations
LINKS 86-93 Studies in Hebrew
94-99 Studies in Yiddish
100 Russian Spinozana (collection)
101-103 Series
104-448 Monographs and collective works
449-474 Related Seventeenth Century-authors, modern studies and reprints
475-500 Reference works and sources

Facsimile text-editions
Antiquariaat Spinoza

Archangelkade 2-G 1. Opera Posthuma. Amsterdam 1677. Riproduzione fotografica integrale. Complete
photographic reproduction. Edited by Pina Totaro. Preface in Italian and English by Filippo
1013BE Amsterdam Mignini.
Macerata, Quodlibet, 2008. Cloth in carton box. LXII, 808 pp. New. EUR 87.--
Telephone +31 20 6 209 129 ~Facsimile edition of the Opera Posthuma.
Fax +31 20 6 257 540 2. Brief van Spinoza aan Lodewijk Meijer 26 juli 1663. Ed. by A.K. Offenberg.
Amsterdam, 1975. Orig. wraps. 28 pp. Fine copy. EUR 25.--
~Facsimile edition of letter (1 page) of Spinoza to Lodewijk Meijer, with the Latin text,
Visits only by appointment Dutch translation and commentary. The letter was discovered in 1974. Limited edition of
250 copies.

Latin, 17th century Dutch, Bilingual text-editions

Chronological order

3. Der Briefwechsel des Spinoza im Urtexte herausgegeben und mit einer Einleitung über
dessen Leben, Schriften und Lehre versehen von Hugo Ginsberg. Angehängt ist: La vie de
B. de Spinosa par Jean Colerus.
Leipzig, Erich Koschny, 1878. Halfcloth. Orig. wraps. bound in. Handwritten lable on spine.
Stamp on frontcover. IV, 90, 252, [2] pp. Some illustrations in the text. Handwritten name
on title. Ruff edges. Blind-stamped ex-libris on first free endpaper. Paper slightly browned.
Good copy. EUR 120.--
~Introduction (90 pp.) in German. Text of the letters in Latin. Coleraus, La Vie... in French.

4. Opera quotquot reperta sunt. Recognoverunt J. van Vloten et J.P.N. Land. Editio
tertia, 4 parts in 2 vols. Complete.
The Hague, 1914. Orig. cloth. XI, 273, 331, 247, IX, 249 pp. Slight traces of use and wear.
EUR 35.--
~In this reprint the Compendium grammatices linguae hebraeae. has been omitted.

6. Tractatus Politicus (Ed. by T. Goedewaagen).

Hilversum, De Heuvelpers (S.H. de Roos), 1928. Orig. full vellum with gilt lettering on
spine. Binding a bit warped with some slight age-discoloring. Bookplate from G.J. Brouwer
inner frontcover. [8], 112, [8] pp. EUR 675.--
~Bibliophile edition. First Heuvelpers edition; printed by S.H. de Roos in 1927-28 in red
and black in his specially designed Meidoorn-type on handmade paper with the Heuvelpers
watermark in 125 numbered copies (225), present copy no.XVIII (18) (Without the
separate booklet by the editor T. Goedewaagen). A beautiful example of the typography of
S.H. de Roos in a very good condition.

7. Opera. Ed. by Carl Gebhardt. Vols. 1-5.

Heidelberg, [1925], 1987. Orig. cloth. Vol. 5: New. 631, 392, 431, 447 pp. Spines
discolored. EUR 650.--
~Complete works in Latin. Each text with `Textgestaltung' in German.

8. Traité de la réforme de l'entendement. Edited with French translation and notes by A.

Koyré. 5th ed.
Paris, 1974. Orig. wraps. XXI, 115 pp. Ex-library copy. Good condition. EUR 16.--
~Tractatus de intellectus emendatione Latin - French.

9. Korte verhandeling van God, de mensch en deszelvs welstand. - Breve trattato su

Dio, l'uomo e il suo bene. Introduzione, edizione, traduzione e commento di Filippo Mignini.
L'Aquila, 1986. Hardcover, librarybinding. 893 pp. Librarystamps. Foldingmark in first few
pages. Good copy. EUR 110.--
~Orig. 17th cent. Dutch with Italian translation on facing pages. Introduction in Italian.

11. [Tractatus de intellectus emendatione] Traité de la réforme de l'entendement.

Préface, traduction et commentaires de André Scala.
Paris, Presses pocket, 1990. Paperback. 192 pp. Yellowing paper. Owner's stamp on first
blanc. EUR 20.--

12. [Tractatus de intellectus emendatione]. The way to wisdom. Herman de Dijn.

West Lafayette, Purdue University Press, 1996. Softcover. XII, 291 pp. EUR 30.--
~Latin Gebhardt-text with English translation by E. Curly on facing pages. With
introduction, commentary and notes by Herman de Dijn.

13. Trattato Politico - Tractatus Politicus. Testo e traduzione a cura di Paolo Cristofolini.
Pisa, Ets, 1999. Paperback. 246 pp. EUR 18.--
~Bilingual edition Latin - Italian

14. Ethica ordine geometrico demonstrata. Lateinisch-deutsch. Neu übersetzt,

herausgegeben und mit einer Einleitung versehen von Wolfgang Bartuschat. (PhB 92).
Hamburg, Felix Meiner Verlag, 1999. Softcover. XXXI, 612 pp. New. EUR 23.40

15. Ethica. Vertaald en ingeleid door Henri Krop.

Amsterdam, Prometheus/Bert Bakker, 2002. Hardcover with dustjacket.628 pp. Very good
copy. EUR 63.--
~Latin text with Dutch translation on facing pages.

16. Ethica. Vertaald en ingeleid door Henri Krop.

Amsterdam, Bert Bakker, 2008. Softcover. 628 pp. EUR 33.--
~Latin text with Dutch translation.

17. Abhandlung über die Verbesserung des Verstandes. Tractatus de Intellectus

Emendatione. Lateinisch-deutsch. Neu übersetzt, herausgegeben, mit Einleitung und mit
Anmerkungen versehen von Wolfgang Bartuschat.Sämtliche Werke 5.1. 2. verb. Ausgabe..
Hamburg, Felix Meiner Verlag, 2003. Softcover. XLIII, 122 pp. New. EUR 16.--

18. Tractatus Politicus. Traité politique (Oeuvres V). Texte établi par Omero Proietti.
Traduction, introduction, notes, glossaires, index et bibliographie par Charles Ramond.
Avec une notice de Pierre-Francois Moreau, et des notes d'Alexandre Matheron. ISBN
Paris, Presses Universitaires de France - PUF, 2005. Softcover (sewed). 392 pp. New.
EUR 37.--
~The new standard critical text-edition. Latin-French.

19. [Correspondence Spinoza - Oldenburg]. Omero Proietti (ed.). Agnostos theos Il

carteggio Spinoza-Oldenburg (1675-1676) Testo originale, traduzione italiana, commento
storico-filologico del carteggio seguito da Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Note al carteggio
Macerata, quodlibet, 2006. Softcover. 264 pp. EUR 45.--
~Correspondence between Spinoza and Oldenburg. Original Latin text with Italian
translation, introduction and notes.

21. Tractatus Politicus - Politischer Traktat. Lateinisch-deutsch. Neu übersetzt,

eingeleitet und herausgegeben von Wolfgang Bartuschat.
(PhB 95b). 2. verbesserte Aufl. ISBN 9783787319602..
Hamburg, Felix Meiner Verlag, 2010. Softcover. LII, 248 pp. New. EUR 26.50

22. [Ethica]. The Vatican Manuscript of Spinoza's Ethica. Edited by Leen Spruit and
Pina Totaro. (Brill's studies in intellectual history 205). ISBN 9789004209268.
Leiden/Boston, Brill, 2011. Hardcover. VI, 318 pp. New. EUR 90.--
~Transcription of the only surviving manuscript of the Ethica, recently discovered in the
Vatican Library. Text in Latin. With introduction in English (60 pp.) and 3 appendices: I.
Printed pages in `Vat. Lat. 12838'. II. Niels Stensen's denunciation of Spinoza's philosophy
to the holy office. III. Fragment of Giovanni Cristoforo Batteli's `Censura' of Christian
Kortholt, `De tribus impostoribus'. And Bibliography

23. Tractatus Theologico-Politicus. Traité théologico-politique. (Oeuvres III) Texte

établi par Fokke Akkerman. Traduction et notes par Jacqueline Lagrée et Pierre-François
Moreau. 1999. 2nd edition REPRINT ISBN 9782130594888.
Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2012. Paperback. 862 pp. EUR 40.--
~The current standard critical text-edition. Latin-French.

24. Korte verhandeling van God, de mens en zijn welstand. Hertaald en van
aantekeningen voorzien door Rikus Koops. ISBN 9789079578368.
Almere, Parthenon, 2012. Hardcover. 452 pp. New. EUR 33.--
~Bilingual edition. Original Dutch text and modern Dutch translation on facing pages.
Preface by Wim Klever.

25. Korte verhandeling van God, de mens en zijn welstand. Hertaald en van
aantekeningen voorzien door Rikus Koops. ISBN 9789079578351.
Almere, Parthenon, 2012. Softcover. 452 pp. New. EUR 25.--
~Bilingual edition. Original Dutch text and modern Dutch translation on facing pages.
Preface by Wim Klever.

Dutch translations
Chronological order

27. Ethica van Benedictus de Spinoza. Vertaald door H. Gorter.

The Hague, Loman en Funke, 1895. Halfcloth, black spine with gold lettering, discoloring
along joint. Red upper-edge. (VIII), 288 pp. Titlepage browned. some foxing of the first
pages. EUR 130.--

28. Benedictus de Spinoza's ethica. Vertaald door J.C. Logemann.(De groote denkers der
eeuwen. Algemeene Bibliotheek van Wijsbegeerte).
Amsterdam, Cohen Zonen, no date (c. 1902). Orig. hardcover, ends of spine and corners
slightly worn. 276 pp. Some pencil-marks in the margin. Slight age-staining at the
margins. Good copy. EUR 20.--

29. Briefwisseling. Vertaald uit het Latijn en uitgegeven naar de bronnen alsmede van een
inleiding en van verklarende en tekstkritische aantekeningen voorzien door F. Akkerman,
H.G. Hubbeling, A.G. Westerbrink.
Amsterdam, Wereldbibliotheek, 1977. Orig. cloth. with dustjacket.544 pp. EUR 37.65

30. Theologisch-Politiek Traktaat. Uit het Latijn vertaald, ingeleid en van verklarende
aantekeningen voorzien door F. Akkerman..
Amsterdam, Wereldbibliotheek, 1979. Orig. cloth. with dustjacket. 548 pp. EUR 47.--

31. Ethica. Uit het Latijn vertaald en van verklarende aantekeningen voorzien door Nico
van Suchtelen. (Nieuwe uitgave, herzien en ingeleid door Guido van Suchtelen).
Amsterdam, Wereldbibliotheek, 1979. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. 336 pp. EUR 50.--

32. Korte Geschriften. Bezorgd door F. Akkerman, H.G. Hubbling, F. Mignini, M.J. Petry, N.
en G. van Suchtelen.
Amsterdam, Wereldbibliotheek, 1982. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. Dustj. slightly dam. 536
pp. and 2 plates. EUR 30.--
~1. Rene Descartes, De beginselen van de wijsbegeerte. 2. Korte verhandeling van God,
de mensch en deszelvs welstand. 3. Vertoog over de verbetering van het verstand. 4.
Stelkonstige reeckening van den regenboog.

33. Verhandeling over de verbetering van het verstand. Tekst en uitleg door W.N.A. Klever.
Baarn, Ambo, 1986. Orig. wraps. 210 pp. EUR 24.--

34. Ethicom. Spinoza's Ethica vertolkt in tekst en commentaar door Wim Klever. 1996. 2nd
edition. ISBN 9789051665260.
Delft, Eburon, 2006. Softcover. 818 pp. New. EUR 41.--

35. Theologisch-politieke verhandeling. Tractatus theologico-politicus. Vertaald, uitvoerig

ingeleid en toegelicht door Wim Klever. Delft, Eburon, 2010. Softcover.402 pp. New.
EUR 33.--
~Interpretatie en enigszins ingekorte vertaling van de TTP, eerder uitgegeven onder de
titel: Definitie van het Christendom, 1999 (identieke reprint).

36. Verhandeling over de verbetering van het verstand. Vertaald, ingeleid en van een
nawoord voorzien door Theo Verbeek.
Groningen, Historische uitgeverij, 2002. Hardcover. 149 pp. EUR 40.--

37. Korte verhandeling over God, de mens en zijn geluk. Hertaald en bezorgd door Jan
Amsterdam, Wereldbibliotheek, 2011. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. 231 pp. New. EUR 39.--

38. Brieven over het kwaad. De correspondentie tussen Spinoza en Van Blijenbergh.
Hertaald en ingeleid door Miriam van Reijen.
Amsterdam, Wereldbibliotheek, 2012. Hardcover with dustjacket. 175 pp. New. EUR 18.--

39. Ethica. Vertaling Corinna Vermeulen. Red. & annotatie: Han van Ruler & Corinna
Vermeulen. Nawoord door Han van Ruler en Leen Spruit.
Amsterdam, Boom, 2012. Hardcover. 317 pp. New. EUR 37.50
~Nieuwe Nederlandse vertaling op basis van het onlangs ontdekte manuscript in het

40. Staatkundige Verhandeling. Uit het Latijn vertaald en toegelicht door Karel
D'Huyvetters. Met een inleiding van Jonathan I. Israel.
Amsterdam, Wereldbibliotheek, 2014. Hardcover with dustjacket. 295 pp. New. EUR 23.40
~Tractatus Politicus in een nieuwe Nederlandse vertaling

English translations
Chronological order

41. Ethic Demonstrated in Geometrical Order and Divided into Five Parts, which treat (1)
of God; (2) of the Nature and Origin of the Mind; (3) of the Nature and Origin of the
Affects; (4) of Human Bondage, or of the Strength of the Affects; (5) of the Power of the
Intellect, or of Human Liberty, Translated from the Latin of Benedict de Spinoza by W. Hale
White; translation revised by Amelia Hitchison Stirling M.A. (edin.). 4th Edition Revised
and Corrected.
London, Henry Frowde, Oxford University Press, 1910. Orig. green cloth. Slightly bumped
corners. XCIX, 297 pp. Good copy. EUR 35.--

42. Philosophy of Benedict de Spinoza (three titles in one volume. Improvement of the
understanding, ethics and correspondence). Translated from the Latin by R.H.M. Elwes.
With an introduction by Frank Sewall.
New York, Tudor Publishing Co., (1933). Orig. cloth with dustjacket. Dj slightly dam. at
edges. XXXIII, 427 pp. Large 8vo (24 cm.) Very good copy. EUR 20.--

43. Ethics & De intellectus emendatione. Translated by A. Boyle. Introduction by George

Santayana. (Everyman's Library, vol.481).
London, 1934. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. XLVIII, 263 pp. EUR 15.--

45. Hebrew grammar. (Compendium grammatices linguae hebraeae.) Ed. and transl. with
an introduction by Maurice J. Bloom.
New York, Philosophical library, 1963. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. Dustj. slightly worn. IV,
152 pp. EUR 45.--

46. The political works. The Tractatus Theologico-Politicus in part and the Tractatus
Politicus in full. Edited and translated with an introduction and notes by A.G. Wernham.
1958. Repr.
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1965. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. X, 463 pp. EUR 48.--

47. The Collected Works of Spinoza. Volume 1 (all published). Edited and translated by
Edwin Curley. Second printing, with corrections, ISBN 9780691072227
Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1988. Hardcover. XX, 727 pp. EUR 50.--
~Contains: Treatise on the emendation of the intellect, Short treatise..., Descartes'
principles of philosophy, Ethics and Letters.

48. Tractatus Theologico-Politicus (Gebhardt edition 1925) Transl. by Samuel Shirley. With
an introd. by Brad S. Gregory.
Leiden, Brill, 1989. Hardcover. VI,316 pp. Very good. EUR 75.--

49. Tractatus Theologico-Politicus (Gebhardt edition 1925) Transl. by Samuel Shirley. With
an introd. by Brad S. Gregory. Second edition. ISBN 9004095500.
Leiden, Brill, 1991. Softcover. VI,316 pp. As new. EUR 40.--

50. A Spinoza Reader. The ethics and other works. Edited and translated by Edwin Curley.
Princeton, University Press, 1994. Softcover. 280 pp. EUR 24.--

51. Principles of Cartesian Philosophy with Metaphysical Thoughts. Followed by: Lodewijk
Meyer, Inaugural Dissertation on Matter (1660). Translated by Samuel Shirley. Introduction
and notes by Steven Barbone and Lee Rice.
Indianapolis/Cambridge, 1998. Paperback. 169 pp. EUR 14.--

52. Ethics. Edited and translated by G.H.R. Parkinson (Oxford philosophical texts).
Oxford, University Press, 2000. Paperback. 368 pp. EUR 28.--
~With a comprehensive guide to the understanding of Spinoza's work.

53. Complete Works with translations by Samuel Shirley. Edited with introduction and
notes by Michael L. Morgan. ISBN 9780872206205.
Indianapolis, Hackett Publishing Company, 2002. Cloth with dustjacket. XXIV, 967 pp. New.
EUR 65.--

54. Theological-Political Treatise. Edited by Jonathan Israel. Translated by Michael

Silverthorne and Jonathan Israel. ISBN 9780521824118.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007. Hardcover. XLVI, 280 pp. New. EUR 27.--

German translations
Chronological order

55. Spinoza's neuentdeckter Tractat von Gott, dem Menschen und dessen Glückseligkeit.
Erläutert und in seiner Bedeutung für das Verständniss des Spinozismus untersucht von
Christoph Sigwart.
Gotha, 1866. Contemp. cloth, worn, spine partly damaged. Still solid binding. Bookplate
Hebrew Union College.VII, 158 pp. Ex-librarycopy with removal stamp. Titlepage foxed and
stamped. Orig. frontcover loosely inserted. Good condition internally. EUR 95.--
56. B. de Spinoza's kurzgefasste Abhandlung von Gott, dem Menschen und dessen Glück.
Aus dem Holländischen zum ersten Male ins Deutsche übersetzt und mit einem Vorwort
begleitet von C. Schaarschmidt. (Philosophische Bibliothek).
Berlin, 1869. Orig. wraps, spine and edges damaged, frontcover partly detached. XVIII,
117 pp. Pages yellowing. quires loose. Still internally good condition. EUR 30.--
~Van der Linde, 52

57. Benedict von Spinoza's Theologisch-politische Abhandlung. Uebersetzt und erläutert

von J.H. v. Kirchmann..
Berlin, Verlag von L. Heimann, 1870. Contemp. boards, slightly worn. XII, 276 pp. partly
yellowing paper. Good copy. EUR 35.--

58. B. de Spinozas kurzgefasste Abhandlung von Gott, dem Menschen und dessen Glück.
Aus dem Holländischen ins Deutsche übersetzt und mit einem Vorwort begleitet von C.
Schaarschmidt. (Philosophische Bibliothek) 3. verbesserte Auflage.
Leipzig, 1907. Orig. cloth. Corners and spine-ends slightly worn. XI, 128 pp. Some slight
foxing. Small stamp on titlepage. EUR 25.--

59. Spinozas Ethik. In verkürzter Übersetzung herausgegeben von Dr. M. Kronenberg.

Stuttgart, Greiner und Pfeiffer, no year, ca. 1910. Orig. gold-decorated cloth, richly
decorated jugendstil endpapers. 201 pp. Blue edges. Illustrated. Very good copy, clean and
bright, completely in the original state. EUR 55.--

63. Kurze Abhandlung von Gott, dem Menschen und dessen Glück. Auf der Grundlage der
Übersetzung von Carl Gebhardt. Neu bearbeitet, eingeleitet und herausgegeben von
Wolfgang Bartuschat. Sämtliche Werke. Bd. 1. ISBN 9783787310395.
Hamburg, Felix Meiner Verlag, 1991. Softcover. XLII,141 pp. New. EUR 17.--

64. Descartes' Prinzipien der Philosophie in geometrischer Weise dargestellt. Des Cartes
Principiorum Philosophiae Pars I et II, More Geometrico demonstratae. Neu übersetzt,
herausgegeben und mit einer Einleitung und Anmerkungen versehen von Wolfgang
Bartuschat. (Sämtliche Werke, Bd. 4) ISBN 9783787316960.
Hamburg, Felix Meiner Verlag, 2005. Softcover. XXXVII, 202 pp. New. EUR 21.--
~Mit einem Anhang, enthaltend Gedanken zur Metaphysik

65. Theologisch-politischer Traktat. Tractatus theologico-politicus. Neu übersetzt,

herausgegeben, mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen versehen von Wolfgang Bartuschat. (PhB
93) ISBN 9783787322879..
Hamburg, Meiner Verlag, 2012. Softcover. XLVI, 388 pp. New. EUR 23.50

French translations

66. Oeuvres complètes. Texte nouvellement traduit ou revu, présenté et annoté par
Roland Caillois, Madeleine Francès et Robert Misrahi. (Bibliotèque de la Pléiade).
Paris, Gallimard, 1967. Orig. leather with dustjacket in carton box. LVII, 1576 pp. As new.
EUR 45.--

67. Traité de l'amendement de l'intellect,... Traduit du Latin par Bernard Pautrat.

Paris, Editions Allia, 1999. Softcover. 187 pp. EUR 10.--

68. Abrégé de grammaire hébraïque. Introduction, traduction française et notes par Joël
Askénazi et Jocelyne Askénazi-Gerson. Troisième edition, augmentée. ISBN 2711606887.
Paris, J. Vrin, 2006. Paperback. 242 pp. New. EUR 34.--
~French translation of Compendium Grammatices Linguae Hebraeae. Augmented repr. of

Spanish translations

69. Epistolario. Con una introducción de Carl Gebhardt. Translated from the Latin by Oscar
Buenos Aires, 1950. Orig. wraps., wear to spine and edges, some repairs. 224 pp.
Yellowing paper. EUR 40.--

70. Ética demostrada según el orden geométrico. Edición preparada por Vidal Peña.
Madrid, Editora Nacional, 1984. Softcover. 392 pp. EUR 15.--

71. Tratado Breve. Traduccion, prologo y notas de Atilano Dominguez.

Madrid, 1990. Paperback. 284 pp. Slightly yellowing paper. EUR 20.--

72. Ética demostrada según el órden geométrico. Edición y traducción de Atilano

Madrid, Editorial Trotta, 2005. Softcover. 301 pp. Owner's stamp on first blanc. EUR 28.--

Italian translations

73. Trattato Teologico-Politico. Introduzione di Emilia Giancotti Boscherini. Traduzione e

commenti di Antonio Droetto ed Emilia Giancotti Boscherini. Seconda edizione riveduta.
Torino, Einaudi, 1980. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. Small handwritten name on dj. 503 pp.
A few minor penmarks in the introduction. EUR 37.--

74. Principi della filosofia di Cartesio. Pensieri metafisici. A cura di Emanuela Scribano.
Roma, Editori Laterza, 1990. Paperback. LI, 182 pp. EUR 35.--
~translation of 'Renati des Cartes Principiorum Philosophiae & Cogitata Metaphysica'. With
introduction in Italian by Scribano

75. Trattato Politico. A cura di Lelia Pezzillo.

Roma, Laterza, 1991. Paperback. XXXII, 114. EUR 25.--
~With introduction by Pezzillo

Hebrew translations

76. Torat ha-Middot. [Ethica. Transl. into Hebrew by J. Klatzkin. With introduction, notes
and index.] (Kitve Barukh Spinoza Meturgamim).
Leipzig, A.J. Sthybel, 1924. Orig. boards, spine damaged, corners bumped and worn. XXI,
414 pp. And 1 plate. Internally very good. EUR 120.--
~First Hebrew translation.

77. Ma'amar Teologi-Medini. (TractatusTheologico-Politicus). Translated with notes by Ch.

Jerusalem, 1961. Orig. cloth. VIII, 260 pp. and portrait. Very good copy. EUR 30.--

78. Iggerot (Letters). Translated from Latin into Hebrew with introduction and notes by E.
Jerusalem, Mossad Bialik, 1963. Orig. halfcloth, bump in backcover. 372 pp. With portrait.
With handwritten dedication of the translator on flyleaf. EUR 35.--

79. Ma'amar al Tikkun ha-Sekhel. Tractatus Intellectus Emendatione. Transl. by N. Spiegel.

Edited with Introduction and Notes by J. Ben Shlomo.
Jerusalem, Magnes, 1973. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. 95 pp. EUR 20.--

80. Ma'amar medini [Tractatus Politicus. Transl. and annotated by Ch. Wirszubski. With
introduction and indices by N. Spiegel.].
Jerusalem, 1982. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. 114 pp. EUR 22.--

Yiddish translations

81. Der Teologish-politisher Traktat. Volständig übersetzt durch N. Perlman (Perelman).

New York, Farlag M. Jankowitsch, (1923). Orig. blue cloth, black lettering. X, 375 pp.
Owner's stamp on title. EUR 100.--
~First complete Yiddish translation of Tractatus Theologico-Politicus.

82. Di etik. Yidish: W. Natanson.

Warsaw, Kultur-Lige, 1923. Orig. cloth, slight wear to edges. 320 pp. incl. portrait. Name
on title. Foldingmarks in portrait. EUR 150.--
~First Yiddish translation. William Nathanson, Kiev 1883, emigrated to the US about 1903.
According to Nathanson Spinoza and Bergson are `the two greatest Jewish philosophers'.

83. SHATZKY, JACOB (ed.). - Spinoza-Bukh. (With English title: Spinoza-book. In

Commemoration of the Tercentenary of Benedictus de Spinoza 1632-1932).
New York, Spinoza Institute of America, 1932. Orig. cloth with lettering in gold, slightly
bumped corners, minor wear to bottom spine. 239 pp. Very good. EUR 70.--
~Contains: Tractatus de Intellectus Emendatione translated into Yiddish by S. Wiener and
S. Yudkoff. Other contributors: Ch. Zhitlowsky, J. Twersky, Jacob Milch, W. Natanson, A.A.
Roback, L. Rudy and Jacob Shatzky

84. SHATZKY, JACOB (ed.). - Spinoza-Bukh. (Spinoza-book. In Commemoration of the

Tercentenary of Benedictus de Spinoza 1632-1932).
New York, Spinoza Institute of America, 1932. Orig. cloth. Librarymark on spine. Some
slight wear to corners. 239 pp. Ex-library copy. Tear in flyleaf. Good condition. EUR 45.--
~Contains: Tractatus de Intellectus Emendatione translated into Yiddish by S. Wiener and
S. Yudkoff. Other contributors: Ch. Zhitlowsky, J. Twersky, Jacob Milch, W. Natanson, A.A.
Roback, L. Rudy and Jacob Shatzky

85. Di etik: der veg tsu a fuler un tsufridener lebn. (The Ethics: The road to a fuller and a
more contented life). Translated into Yiddish from the Latin and arranged with an
introduction by Samuel Wiener.
Tel Aviv, I.L. Peretz Publishing House, 1963. Orig. cloth. 268 pp. EUR 30.--

Studies in Hebrew

Shpinoza. Kovets ma'amarim al Mishnato. (Baruch de Spinoza. A collection of papers on
his thought).
Tel Aviv, 1978. Paperback, slightly worn. XVI, 186 pp. Foldingmarks in corners. EUR 45.--
~Texts in Hebrew with English summaries

87. DRORI, M. - Spinoza we-Brunner..

Tel Aviv, Mefits ha-Sefer, Joseph Shimoni, 1966. Orig. halfcloth. 144 pp. EUR 25.--

88. FLEISCHMAN, JACOB. - Ha-Filosofyah shel Spinoza. (Lectures edited by Y. Igra).

Jerusalem, 1976. Orig. wraps. 151 pp. 4to. Mimeographed. EUR 40.--

89. FREUDENTHAL, JACOB. - Spinozah. Korot Hayyav we-Tokhen Sefarav (Biography).

Transl. from the German by M. Robinson. Part I (all publ.).
Vilna, Ha-Yarhon, Bibliotekah, 1913. Modern cloth. 221 pp. Paper yellowing. Stamps on
title. EUR 65.--

90. KLATZKIN, JACOB. - Barukh Spinoza. Hayyav, Sippurav, Shitato. (Baruch Spinoza,
his life and system).(Kitve Barukh Spinoza. Meturgamim min ha-Makor).
Leipzig, J. Sthybel, 1923. Orig. cloth. 194 pp. and 4 plates. Some foxing to endpapers.
Very good copy. EUR 20.--

91. ROTH, LEON. - Spinoza. Translated into Hebrew by Joseph Ur.

Jerusalem, 1974. Orig. cloth.196 pp. (and additional titlepage in English). EUR 25.--

92. SAMBATYON, MOSHE. - Spinozah Gannav- Sifruti (Spinoza plagiator) (Kitve

Sambatyon 9).
Tel Aviv, Eshkolon, 1949. Orig. halfcloth. 166 pp. EUR 45.--

93. SOKOLOW, NAHUM. - Baruch Spinoza u-Zemanno. (Barukh Spinoza and his time. A
study in philosophy and history).
Paris, [1928]. Orig. cloth. XX, 434 pp. and 16 plates. Very good copy. EUR 18.--

Studies in Yiddish

94. ALMI, A. - Spinoza kontra Spinoza (Extra title in Spanish: Espinosa contra Espinosa).
Buenos Aires, Asociacion pro cultura Judia, 1963. Softcover. 56 pp. EUR 40.--

95. DEBORIN, A.M. - Shpinoza der fargeyer: in likht fun materyalizm..

Warsaw, Bibliotek Mark Rakovski, Warsaw, 1930. Orig. black cloth with a scuffed patch on
the front board. 24 pp. Librarystamps. EUR 65.--
~Translated by B Goldberg.

96. SHATZKY, JACOB. - Spinoza un zayn svivah.

New York, 1927. Orig. cloth. Spine and corners worn. 334 pp. Illustrated. With
bibliography. EUR 25.--
~Spinoza and his circle

97. SHATZKY, JACOB. - Spinoza un zeyn sviveh. 2nd rev. ed.

Warsaw-New York, 1929. Orig. cloth, traces of use and wear. 353 pp. and portrait. First
flyleaf missing. Pencilmarks on title. Stamp on p. 88: Workers circle central library.
EUR 70.--

98. SLOVES, HENRI. - Barukh fun Amsterdam: Drame in fir akten, neyn bilder.
New York, YKUF, 1956. Orig. pictorial wraps, slight traces of wear and use. 111 pp.
EUR 45.--
~Theater-play in 4 acts.

99. WIENER, SAMUEL. - Shpinoza der Gebentsher. (Blessed Spinoza. To the

tercentenary of the excommunication of the great Jewish thinker, 1656-1956).
New York, 1957. 16mo. Or. wraps, slightly soiled. 63 pp. Internally very good. EUR 60.--

Russian Spinozana

100. Collection of Russian Spinozana (over 50 volumes both pre- and post-
revolutionary). The earliest publication is from 1839, the latest 1941.
Text-translations, monographs and, since the discussion about Spinoza took place in
journals, several volumes of journals. All in the Russian language. Price on request.
~Librarians are encouraged to contact us for more information.


101. Mededelingen vanwege het Spinozahuis. Volumes 1-107. Complete set of all
volumes published from 1934 until now. Each volume has an average of 25 pages.
Leiden-Delft-Voorschoten. Orig. wraps. EUR 830.--
~Mainly in English and Dutch. Latest volumes, available for EUR 4,30 each:
89. Gábor Boros: The "secularization" of religious emotions in Spinoza. (2007)
90. David Janssens: `In de greep van het theologisch-politiek probleem'. (2005).
91. Piet Steenbakkers: Spinoza-plaatsen. Over tekst en context van brief 76.
92. Detlev Pätzold: Spinozas Politiktheorie und das Streben nach Selbsterhaltung. (2007).
93. Theo van der Werf (ed.): Herdenking van de 375ste geboortedag van Benedictus de
95. Edwin M. Curley: Bayle vs. Spinoza on toleration. (2009).
96. Jan Knol: Waarom hield Spinoza zijn `Korte verhandeling' voor gezien? (2009).
97. Antonio Negri: Spinoza: une hérésie de l'immanence et de la démocratie. (2009).
100. Leen Spruit and Piet Steenbakkers: Over het Vaticaanse handschrift van Spinoza's
Ethica (2012).
101. Herman de Dijn. De affecten en het ethische leven (2011).
102. Genevieve Lloyd: Spinoza and the idea of the secular (2013).
103 M. van Reijen: Spinoza's bijdrage aan een actueel debat: Bestaat de vrije wil?
104 C. Jaquet: From parallelism to equality: The nature of the union of mind and body in
105 P. Steenbakkers: Over de dood van Spinoza, en Spinoza over de dood.
106 M. Saar: The immanence of Power.
107 H. de Dijn: Spinoza en Galilei: Een confrontatie.
Many earlier issues separately available. Price-list will be sent on request.

102. Chronicon Spinozanum. [Complete set of 5 vols.] Ed. by Höffding, W. Meijer, Sir
Frederick Pollock, Leon Brunschvicg and Carl Gebhardt.
The Hague, Curis Societatis Spinozanae., 1921-1927. Orig. halfcloth.Some illustrations.
Very good set. EUR 150.--
~Contributions in 8 different languages. Among the contributions: H. Höffding: Die Drei
Gedankenmotive Spinoza's; I. Myslicki: Jonston et de Spinoza; C. Gebhardt: Spinoza u.
der Platonismus; L. Ebreo: Dai Dialoghi d'amore; H. Höffding: Das erste Buch der Ethica;
E. v. Petersdorff: Spinozas unendliche Attribute Gottes; A. Rivaud: Les "Per se Nota" dans
l'Ethique; M. Mayer: Spinozas Berufung an die Hochschule zu Heidelberg; S. Dunin
Borkowski: Spinozas "Korte Verhandeling van God, de Mensch en deszelfs Welstand"; H. A.
Wolfson: Spinoza on the simplicity of substance; Schleiermacher über Spinoza u. Jacobi; A.
Rivaud: La physique de Spinoza; N. Porges: Spinozas Compendium der hebräischen
Grammatik; C. Gebhardt: Rembrandt u. Spinoza' F. Krejci: O vyznamu Spinozovy filosofie
(with German transl.); B. Alexander: Spinoza es a pszichoanalizis (with German transl.);
A. Deborin: Spinozismus u. Marxismus. Wolf 983

103. Studia Spinozana. An international and interdisciplinary series. Vols. 1-16.

Complete set. ISSN 01793896.
Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 1985-2008. Softcover as published. Very good set.
EUR 570.--
~1. Spinoza's philosophy of society. 474 pp.
2. Spinoza's epistemology. 476 pp.
3. Spinoza and Hobbes. 559 pp.
4. Spinoza's early writings. 460 pp.
5. Spinoza and literature. 475 pp.
6. Spinoza and Leibniz. 390 pp.
7. The ethics in the "Ethics". 397 pp.
8. Spinoza's psychology and social psychology. 410 pp.
9. Spinoza and modernity. 414 pp.
10. Spinoza and Descartes. 411 pp.
11. Spinoza's philosophy of religion. 373 pp.
12. Spinoza and ancient philosophy. 329 pp.
13. Spinoza and Jewish identity. 336 pp.
14. Spinoza on mind and body. 345 pp.
15. Spinoza and Dutch Cartesianism. 311 pp.
16. Spinoza and late scholasticism. 313 pp.
Prices for separate volumes available on request.

Monographs and collective works

105. AKKERMAN, F. - Studies in the posthumous works of Spinoza. On style, earliest

translation and reception, earliest and modern edition of some texts.
Groningen, Rijksuniversiteit, 1980. Orig. wraps., spine slightly discolored. VI, 285 pp.
EUR 26.--
~Dissertation. Collection of 6 papers of which 4 were published earlier. English, French and

106. AKKERMAN, FOKKE and PIET STEENBAKKERS (eds.). - Spinoza to the letter.
Studies in words, texts and books. ISBN 9789004149465.
Leiden, Brill, 2005. Hardcover. XIV, 344 pp. New. EUR 75.--
~Contributions in English and French. On language, style and transmission and editing of
Spinoza's texts. Contr. by J. Lagrée, Pierre-Francois Moreau, Filippo Mignini and many
others. With an inventory of all copies of the posthumous work (in Latin and Dutch)
present in the Netherlands.

109. ALTKIRCH, ERNST. - Maledictus und Benedictus. Spinoza im Urteil des Volkes und
der Geistigen bis auf Constantin Brunner.
Leipzig, 1924. Orig. halfcloth, corners slightly worn. 211 pp. With coloured pencil- and
pen-underlinings. Paper yellowing. Handwritten name on title. Good condition. EUR 57.--

110. ALTWICKER, NORBERT (ed.). - Texte zur Geschichte des Spinozismus.

Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1971. Orig. cloth. 415 pp. EUR 25.--
~Contains a.o.: L.I. Akselrod: Spinoza und der Materialismus (1925); Ernst Cassirer:
Spinoza (1922), Heinz Pflaum: Rationalismus und Mystik in der Philosophie Spinozas
(1926); Walter Eckstein: Die Lehre vom Staatsvertrag bei Sinoza (1933).

111. AMANN, FRANCIS. - Ganzes und Teil. Wahrheit und Erkennen bei Spinoza.
(Schriftenreihe der Spinoza-Gesellschaft Band 9).
Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2000. Softcover. 354 pp. EUR 41.--

113. ASKANASY, HELENE. - Spinoza und De Witt. Neun Bilder vom Kampf der "Freiheit"
um die Republik und ein Epilog.
Zürich, Amalthea-Verlag, 1931. Orig. cloth. Traces of removed bookplate inner
frontcover.First blanc missing. Else very good. EUR 21.--

114. AUERBACH, BERTHOLD. - Spinoza. Ein Denkerleben. (Separat-Abdruck aus

Auerbachs Romanen).
Stuttgart, 1880. Orig. decorative cloth, later endpapers. XIV, 284 pp. Frakturschrift. Good
copy. EUR 17.--

115. BAC, J. MARTIN. - Perfect Will Theology: Divine Agency in Reformed Scholasticism
As Against Suarez, Episcopius, Descartes, and Spinoza.
Leiden, Brill, 2010. Hardcover. 561 pp. New. EUR 125.--

116. BAGLEY, PAUL J. - Philosophy, Theology and Politics. A reading of Benedict

Spinoza's Tractatus Theologico-Politicus.
Brill, Leiden, 2008. Hardcover. 252 pp. New. EUR 98.--

117. BALZ, ALBERT G.A. - Idea and essence in the philosophies of Hobbes and Spinoza.
New York, Columbia University Press, 1918. Or. wraps, spine partly damaged. 87 pp.
Internally very good. EUR 35.--
~First edition

118. BELAIEF, GAIL. - Spinoza's Philosophy of Law.

The Hague, Mouton, 1971. Orig. wraps. 151 pp. EUR 45.--

119. BELLANGÉ, CHARLES. - Spinoza et la philosophie moderne.

Paris, Henri Didier, 1912. Orig. wraps, spine dam. and repaired, upper edge chipped.II,
397 pp. Paper yellowing. Internally very good. EUR 40.--

120. BEND, J.G. VAN DER (ed.). - Spinoza on knowing, being and freedom. Proceedings
of the Spinoza symposium at the International School of Philosophy in The Netherlands
(Leusden, September 1973).
Assen, 1974. Orig. cloth, with dustjacket. (8),188 pp. EUR 18.--
~Among the contributors: Arne Naess, J.J. Groen, P. van der Hoeven, H.G. Hubbeling

122. BENTO, ANTONIO and JOSE MARIA SILVA ROSA (eds.). - Revisiting Spinoza's
Theological-Political Treatise.
Hildesheim, Olms, 2013. Softcover. 340 pp. New. EUR 58.--
~Contr. by a.o. Jaume Aurell, André Santos Campos, Montserrat Herrero, André Tosel,
Maria Luisa Ribeiro Ferreira, Pedro Lomba. Papers presented at the conference at the
university of Beira Interior, Covilha, Portugal. Texts in English (1 in French).

123. BEVERAGGI, HERVÉ. - La Liberté spéculative chez Descartes et Spinoza. (Thèse de

Lille, 1997. Softcover. 601 pp. EUR 60.--

124. BIASUTTI, FRANCO. - Ricerche sulla fortuna di Spinoza nel Settecento italiano 1
(Pubblicazioni di Verifiche 11).
Trento, Verifiche, 1984. Orig. wraps. 131 pp. EUR 30.--

125. BIDNEY, DAVID. - The psychology and ethics of Spinoza. A study in the history and
logic of ideas.
New York, 1962. Orig. cloth, spine and edges slightly worn. Backcover stained. XV, 454 pp.
Blind-stamped ex-libris and handwritten name on flyleaf. Uncut. Internally very good.
EUR 30.--

126. BILLECOQ ALAIN. - Spinoza et les spectres - Un essai sur l'esprit philosophique.
Paris, PUF, 1987. Softcover. 168 pp. Stamp: `Specimen' on first 2 leaves. Else good.
EUR 30.--

127. BLANCO - ECHAURI, JESUS (ed.). - Espinosa: Etica e Política. Encontro Hispano-
Portugués de Filosofía. Santiage de Compostela, 5-7 de Abril de 1997..
Santiago de Compostela, Universidad, 1999. Hardcover. 507 pp. EUR 68.--

129. BOLLACHER and others (eds.). - Ein neuer Blick auf die Welt. Spinoza in Literatur,
Kunst und Ästhetik.
Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2010. Softcover. 275 pp. New. EUR 30.--
~16 contributions. Discussed are the influence of Spinoza on Goethe, Friedrich Schlegel,
Arno Schmidt, Vermeer, Moses Mendelssohn, Hölderlin and many others.

130. BORDOLI, ROBERTO. - Ragione e Scrittura tra Descartes e Spinoza. Saggio sulla
«Philosophia S. Scripturae interpres» di Lodewijk Meyer e della sua recezione.
Milano, Franco Angeli, 1997. Orig. wraps. 472 pp. EUR 55.--
131. BOROS, GABOR. - Heilsfragment. Rekonstruktion der Spinozanischen Ethik (Doxy
Budapest, Institut f. Philosophie der Ungarischen Akademie der Wiss., 1990. Softcover. 189
pp. Ex-library copy. EUR 30.--
~In German

132. BOSTRENGHI, DANIELA. - Fore e virtu della immaginazione in Spinoza.

Napoli, Bibliopolis, 1996. 216 pp. EUR 15.--

133. BOUGANIM, AMI. - Le testament de Spinoza.

Paris, Alliance Israelite Universelle, [2000]. Softcover. 387 pp. EUR 45.--

134. BRÖCHNER, H. - Benedict Spinoza. En monographie.

Copenhagen, P.G. Philipsens Forlag, 1857. Modern cloth. 188 pp. Some slight
dampstaining. EUR 40.--
~In Danish

136. BRUNNER, CONSTANTIN. - Spinoza gegen Kant und die Sache der geistigen
Wahrheit. Berlin 1910. 2.Auflage.
Assen, Van Gorcum, 1974. Orig. wraps. (8), 80 pp. EUR 9.--

137. [BRUNNER, CONSTANTIN] - BERNARD, WALTER. - The philosophy of Spinoza

and Brunner.
New York, The Spinoza Institute of America, 1934. Hardcover. 183 pp. Good copy. EUR 14.-

138. [BRUNNER, CONSTANTIN] - ROTTNER, ELI. - Aus Spinozas Heimat und

Constantin Brunners letzter Zufluchtsstätte (Eindrücke). Mit 37 Abbildungen und 10
Dortmund, 1972. Orig. wraps, minor traces of use. 136 pp. Illustrated. EUR 11.--
~Gewidmet dem Gedächtnis der 55 Freunde der Philosophie Constantin Brunners und
Spinozas, die -gemeinsam mit ihren Familien - während des zweiten Weltkrieges Opfer des
Hitlerregimes wurden, darunter Leoni Brunner und Lotte Stigter-Brunner. Added: Studie zu
Spinozas "Traktat über die Verbesserung des Verstandes (...) 1964" (pp. 113-136)


Spinoza in neuer Sicht (Schriftenreihe der Constantin-Brunner-Stiftung Hamburg Band 1.
Meisenheim am Glan, Anton Hain, 1977. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. 220 pp. EUR 42.--
~Contr. by a.o. Constantin Brunner, Walter Bernard, Lothar Bickel, Sigmund Freud
(facsimile letter) and David Ben Gurion.


- Auf den Pfaden der Philosophie Spinozas und Constantin Brunners.(Schriftenreihe der
Constantin-Brunner-Stiftung, Hamburg. Band 2).
Königstein, Anton Hain, 1982. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. 188 pp. EUR 25.--

141. [BRUNNER, CONSTANTIN] - EISENSTEIN, ISRAEL. - Constantin Brunners

Philosophie in ihrem Verhältnis zu Spinoza, Kant und Hegel.
Essen, Verlag die Blaue Eule, 1995. Orig. wraps. 227 pp. EUR 25.--

142. [BRUNNER, CONSTANTIN] - EISENSTEIN, ISRAEL. - Ein neuer Beitrag zum

Verständnis Spinozas aufgrund der Lehre Constantin Brunners.
Frankfurt am Main, Atheneum Verlag, 1989. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. 150 pp. EUR 7.--

143. [BRUNNER, CONSTANTIN] - STENZEL, JÜRGEN. - Philosophie als

Antimetaphysik. Zum Spinozabild Constantin Brunners Schriftenreihe der Spinoza-
Gesellschaft Bd. 10..
Würzburg, Konigshausen & Neumann, 2002. Softcover. 522 pp. EUR 34.--

144. BRUNNER, PETER. - Probleme der Teleologie bei Maimonides, Thomas von Aquin
und Spinoza (Beiträge zur Philosophie).
Heidelberg, 1928. Contemp. marbled boards, librarybinding, removed sticker on spine. XII,
139 pp. (removal) stamps on verso title. Good copy. EUR 28.--
~Freimann 338

145. BRUNSCHVICG, LEON. - Spinoza et ses contemporains. 4th ed. (Bibliothèque de

Philosophie Contemporaine).
Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1951. Or. wraps, top and bottom spine worn. (8),
309 pp. Librarystamp on titlepage. Paper slightly browned. EUR 15.--

146. BRUNSCHVICG, LEON. - Ecrits philosophiques, tome premier. L'humanisme de

l'occident, Descartes-Spinoza-Kant (Bibliothèque de Philosophie Contemporaine).
Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1951. Or. wraps, spine slightly discolored. 319 pp.
Handwritten dedication on flyleaf. EUR 18.--

147. BRYKMAN, GENEVIEVE. - La judéité de Spinoza.

Paris, 1972. Or. wraps. 135 pp. EUR 9.--

148. BUNGE, WIEP VAN (ed.). - The Early Enlightenment in the Dutch Republic, 1650-
1750. Selected Papers of a Conference held at the Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel,
22-23 March 2001. ( Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History 120)..
Leiden, Brill, 2003. Hardcover.VIII, 268 pp. New. EUR 110.--
~Contributions by Jonathan Israel, Henri Krop, Han van Ruler, Michiel Wielema and many

149. BUNGE, WIEP VAN. - From Stevin to Spinoza. An essay on philosophy in the
seventeenth-century Dutch republic.
Leiden, Brill, 2001. Cloth with dustjacket. XII, 214, 5 pp. New. EUR 110.--

150. BUNGE, WIEP VAN. - Spinoza Past and Present. Essays on Spinoza, spinozism and
Spinoza scholarship.
Leiden, Brill, 2012. Hardcover. XIV, 256 pp. New. EUR 105.--
~12 essays. `Special attention is paid to the various ways in which Spinoza's works have
been interpreted from the late seventeenth century to the present day. In particular
Spinoza's recent popularity among advocates of the Radical Enlightenment is discussed.'.

151. CASSUTO, PHILIPPE. - Spinoza Hébraïsant L'Hébreu Dans Le "Tractatus

Theologico-Politicus" Et Le "Compendium Grammatices Linguae Hebraeae".
Leuven, Peeters, 2000. Softcover. VIII, 362 pp. New. EUR 58.--

152. CHAMLA MINO. - Spinoza e il concetto della «Tradizione ebraica».

Milano, Franco Angeli, 1996. Softcover. 222 pp. EUR 42.--

153. [COHEN, HERMANN] - Festgabe zum zehnjährigen Bestehen der Akademie für die
Wissenschaft des Judentums. 1919-1929.
Berlin, 1929. Orig. wrps., corners slightly damaged. 91 pp. And one plate (of Gustav
Bradt). Some foldingmarks. 3 pages repaired tear in margin. Owner's stamp. Few pencil-
annotations. Still a good copy. EUR 30.--
~Among the contributions: Hermann Cohen: `Ein ungedruckter Vortrag Hermann Cohens
über Spinozas Verhältnis zum Judentum, eingeleitet von Franz Rosenzweig' (pp. 42-68).
Publication of the speech that was delivered by Hermann Cohen for the Halberstädter Bne-
Brith-Loge in 1910. According to Rosenzweig it deals with the same issues as discussed in
the Abhandlung 1915, reprinted in Jüdische Schriften. `Der Vortrag lohnt aber auch dem
genauen Kenner der Abhandlung noch die Lektüre'.

154. COHEN, M.H. - Spinoza en de geneeskunde.

Amsterdam, J.H. de bussy, 1920. Orig. wraps, minor traces of use. XII, 74 pp. Good copy.
EUR 53.--

156. COLERUS, JOHN. - The life of Benedict de Spinosa. Done out of French. London
1706. Facsimile edition.
The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1906. Orig. wraps. 102 pp. Very good condition. EUR 20.--
~`Literally reprinted from the original copy in the Royal Library at the Hague'

157. COLLECTIVE. - Spinoza 1632-1677. Actes du colloque international. Paris, 3-5 mai
Paris, Éditions Albin Michel, 1978. Orig. wraps, minor traces of wear. 304 pp. EUR 90.--
~Among the contributors: Geneviève Rodis-Lewis, A. Rupert Hall, Marie Boas Hall, Roger
Henrard, Roland Caillois, Lucien Mugnier-Pollet, A.C. Wernham, Sylvain Zac, André
Chouraqui and many others.

158. COUCHOUD, PAUL-LOUIS. - Benoit de Spinoza (Les grandes philosophes).

Paris, 1902. Contemp. halfleather. Spine gilt decarated. Marbled endpapers. Upper part
spine slightly dam. Binding slightly worn along the joints but solid. XII, 307 pp. Paper
yellowing at the edges. Internally very good, clean copy in attractive binding. EUR 90.--
~Bookplate Charles Platrier inner frontcover.

159. COUDERT, ALLISON (ed.). - Judaeo-Christian intellectual culture in the

Seventheenth Century. A celebration of the library of Narcissus Marsh.
Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999. Hardcover. X, 316 pp. New. EUR 139.--
~Among the contributions: T. Verbeek, Spinoza and Cartesianism; J. Lagrée, La religion
naturelle et révélée philosophie et théologie: Louis Meyer, Spinoza, Regner de Mansvelt.

161. CRISTOFOLINI, PAOLO (ed.). - The Spinozistic heresy - L'hérésie Spinoziste - The
debate on the Tractatus Theologico-politicus, 1670-1677 and the immediate reception of
Spinozism. Proceedings of the international Cortona Seminar, 10-14 Aprill 1991.
Amsterdam / Maarssen, APA, 1995. Orig. wraps. VIII, 260 pp. New. EUR 30.--
~English, French, German & Italian. Contr. by Popkin, M. Silvera, W. van Bunge, Klever,
Jacqueline Lagrée and many others

163. CURLEY, EDWIN and PIERRE-FRANCOIS MOREAU (eds.). - Spinoza. Issues and
directions. The proceedings of the Chicago Spinoza Conference.
Leiden, Brill, 1990. Orig. cloth with dustjacket.404 pp. New. EUR 95.--

164. CURLEY, EDWIN. - Behind the geometrical method. A reading of Spinoza's Ethics.
Princeton, University Press, 1988. Softcover. 175 pp. EUR 25.--

165. CZELINSKI, MICHAEL. - Der tugendhafte Atheist. Studien zur Vorgeschichte der
Spinoza-Renaissance in Deutschland. (Schriftenreihe der Spinoza-Gesellschaft Bd. 13).
Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2007. Softcover. 244 pp. New. EUR 32.--

166. DAMASIO, ANTONIO. - Looking for Spinoza. Joy, sorrow, and the feeling brain.
Orlando, Harcourt, 2003. Cloth with dustjacket. 355 pp. Illustrated. EUR 17.50
167. DEBRABANDER, F. - Spinoza and the stoics. Power, politics and the passions.
Continuum Studies in Philosophy.
London/New York, Continuum, 2007. Hardcover. X, 149 pp. New. EUR 70.--

168. DELAHUNTY, R.J. - Spinoza (In the series: The arguments of the philosophers).
London, Routledge, 1985. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. 317 pp. EUR 35.--

169. DELBOS, VICTOR. - Le Spinozisme. Cours professé à la Sorbonne en 1912-1913.

Paris, J.Vrin, 1972. Softcover. 215 pp. Very good copy. EUR 12.--

170. DELEUZE, GILLES. - Spinoza und das Problem des Ausdrucks in der Philosophie.
München, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1993. Paperback. 316 pp. EUR 39.--
~German text. Aus dem Französischen von Ulrich Johannes Schneider

171. DELEUZE, GILLES. - Expressionism in philosophy: Spinoza. Transl. from the French
by Martin Joughin. ISBN 9780942299519.
New York, Zone Books, 1992. Hardcover with dustjacket. 445 pp. EUR 35.--

172. DELEUZE, GILLES. - Spinoza et le problème de l'expression.

Paris, Les Editions de Minuit, 1968. Sewn, orig. wraps. 332 pp. Name on flyleaf. EUR 18.--

173. DELEUZE, GILLES. - Spinoza. Practical philosophy. Translated from the French by
Robert Hurley. ISBN 9780872862180.
San Francisco, City Lights Books, 1988. Softcover. IV, 130 pp. New. EUR 13.--

der europaïschen Geistesgeschichte.
Edition Hentrich, 1994. Hardcover. 464 pp. Pencil-annotations. Blindstamped ex-libris on
flyleaf. EUR 50.--

175. DELLA ROCCA, MICHAEL. - Spinoza. ISBN 9780415283304.

London/New York, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2008. Softcover. 360 pp. New. EUR 22.--
~In English. Introduction to Spinoza's philosophy

176. DEUGD, C. DE (ed.). - Spinoza's political and theological thought. International

symposium...commemorating the 350th anniversary of the birth of Spinoza. Amsterdam
Amsterdam, 1984. Orig. wraps. 248 pp. EUR 17.--
~Contr. in English, French and German. Among the authors: Hubbeling, Kaplan, Akkerman
and Klever.

178. DEVEAUX, SHERRY. - The role of God in Spinoza's Metaphysics.

London/New York, Continuum, 2007. Hardcover. 142 pp. New. EUR 42.--

179. DIJKSTERHUIS and others.- Descartes et le cartésianisme hollandais. Études et

documents (Publications de l'Institut Français d'Amsterdam, Maison Descartes).
Paris/Amsterdam, PUF, 1950. Orig. wraps., partly discolored. XII, 307 pp. Good, clean
copy. EUR 15.--
~Contributors: Cornelia Serrurier, Paul Dibon, C. Louise Thuissen-Schoute, Genevieve
Lewis. Texts in French

182. DOUGLAS, ALEXANDER X. - Spinoza and Dutch Cartesianism.

Oxford, University Press, 2015. Hardcover. 192 pp. New. EUR 39.--

185. DUNKHASE, JAN EIKE. - Spinoza Der Hebraer. Zu einer Israelischen

Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013. Paperback. 155 pp. New. EUR 23.50

186. DUNNER, JOSEPH. - Baruch Spinoza and Western democracy. An interpretation of

his philosophical religious and political thought.
New York, 1955. Orig. cloth, slightly age-stained. XII, 140 pp. Blindstamped ex-libris.
EUR 22.--

187. EKKART, RUDI. - Spinoza in beeld. Het onbekende gezicht. Spinoza in portrait. The
unknown face.
Voorschoten, Vereniging het Spinozahuis, 1999. Orig. wraps. 32 pp. Illustrated. EUR 15.--
~Bilingual Dutch and English. Originally published in "De Steen vliegt. A stone in flight:
Artistic explorations inspired by Benedictus de Spinoza. Amsterdam 1997

188. ELLSIEPEN, CHRISTOF. - Anschauung des Universums und Scientia Intuitiva. Die
Spinozistischen Grundlagen von Schleiermachers früher Religionstheorie.
Berlin - New York, Walter de Gruyter, 2006. Hardcover. 462 pp. New. EUR 75.--
~On Spinoza's influence on the work of Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768-1834)


Randfiguren. Spinoza-Inspirationen. Festgabe für Manfred Walther.
Hannover, Wehrhahn Verlag, 2005. Softcover. 346 pp. New. EUR 20.--
~18 contributions inspired by `Spinoza und seinen Spuren durch die europäische
Geistesgeschichte'. Among the contr.: Martin Terpstra: Thesen zur politischen Philosophie
Spinozas; Felicitas English: Zu Religion und Staat bei Spinoza und Hegel, Frits Pommes:
Das spinozistische Pferd; Maria-Brigitta Schröder: Der Spinoza-Übersetzer Schack
Hermann Ewald. Contains bibliography of the publications of Manfred Walther.
190. ENGSTLER, ACHIM and ROBERT SCHNEPF (eds.). - Affekte und Ethik. Spinozas
Lehre im Kontext.
Hildesheim, Olms, 2002. Softcover. 374 pp. EUR 47.--

191. ERHARDT, FRANZ. - Die Philosophie des Spinoza im Lichte der Kritik.
Leipzig, 1908. Halfleather. Spine and corners slightly worn and damaged. Solid binding.
Blindstamped ex-libris on flyleaf. Internally very good. EUR 58.--

192. ERHARDT, FRANZ. - Die Weltanschauung Spinozas.

Stuttgart, 1928. Black cloth, gold lettering, with some minor wear along the upper-edge.
VIII, 160 pp. With portrait-frontispiece. Blindstamped ex-libris on flyleaf. A few brown
spots. Good copy. EUR 20.--

193. FÄRBER, ANDREAS. - Die Begründung der Wissenschaft aus reiner Vernunft:
Descartes, Spinoza und Kant, (Alber-Reihe Philosophie).
Freiburg/München, Verlag Karl Alber, 1999. Hardcover. 285 pp. EUR 20.--

195. FEYERABEND, WILHELM. - Schopenhauers Verhältnis zu Spinoza. Inaugural-

Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde genehmigt von der Philosophischen Fakutät
der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Bonn.
Bonn, 1910. Selfwraps, some slight staining. 108 pp. Internally good. EUR 45.--
~Wolf library catalogue 1003

196. FISCHER, KUNO. - Baruch Spinoza's Leben und Charakter. Ein Vortrag (11. Januar
Heidelberg, 1946. Orig. wraps. 56 pp. Paper slightly browned. EUR 6.50

197. FRAISSE, JEAN-CLAUDE. - L'oeuvre de Spinoza.

Paris, J. Vrin, 1978. Softcover. 383 pp. Slight staining on first and last blanc. EUR 18.--

198. FRAMPTON, TRAVIS R. - Spinoza, Religious heterodoxy, and the rise of historical
criticism of the Bible. (Thesis Erasmus University Rotterdam).
Waco, Texas, 2004. Softcover. 262 pp. EUR 50.--

199. FRANCK, ADOLPHE. - Moralistes et philosophes.

Paris, Librairie Académique Didier, 1872. 8vo. Contemp halfcloth, bumped edges. [4], VIII,
485 pp. Foxing. Good copy. EUR 95.--
~From the contents a.o.: Descartes et le cartésianisme, ou la philosophie au XVIIe siècle;
Lévi ben Gerson; Spinoza.

200. FREEMAN, HENRY and ABRAHAM RETTER-T. - Benedictus de Spinoza Mystiker

der Immanenz. Beiträge zur Spinoza - Forschung.
Jerusalem, published by the authors, 1971. Orig. wraps, slightly foxed, spine repaired.
XIX, 164, VII, 52, 17 pages. Xeroxed. EUR 42.--
~Henry Freeman (originally Hersch Flickstein). 1899-1969.

202. FREYER, KURT. - Spinoza. Führer der Irrenden. Gedenkschrift anlässlich der 250.
Wiederkehr des Todestages Spinozas 21 Februar 1927.
Berlin, Horodisch & Marx, 1927. Or. halfvellum. [32] pp. Fine copy. EUR 200.--
~Bibliophile edition of Soncino-Gesellschaft. Printed in 452 copies. This copy one of 37
printed on `Kaiserlich Japan"(nr. XXIII)

203. FREYER, KURT. - Spinoza. Führer der Irrenden. Gedenkschrift anlässlich der 250.
Wiederkehr des Todestages Spinozas 21 Februar 1927.
Berlin, Horodisch & Marx, 1927. Or. halfvellum.[32] pp. Some slight foxing. Good copy.
EUR 40.--
~Bibliophile edition of Soncino-Gesellschaft. Printed in 452 copies.

206. GALLI, GALLO. - Spinoza. Saggio sulla vita e l'opera. Dal Breve Trattato all'Etica.
Milano, Ed. Pergamena, 1974. Orig. wraps. 179 pp. A few slight foldingmarks. EUR 40.--

207. GARCIA, FERNANDEZ. - Potencia y razon en B. Spinoza (Dissertation).

Madrid, Universidad Complutense Madrid, Facultad Filosofia, 1988. Orig. hardcover
binding, spine slightly dam. XVI, 606 pp. Mimeographed 8vo. EUR 50.--

208. GARRETT, AARON V. - Meaning in Spinoza's Method.

Cambridge, University Press, 2003. Cloth with dustjacket. XII, 240 pp. New. EUR 60.--

210. GATENS, MOIRA and GENEVIEVE LLOYD. - Collective imaginings. Spinoza, past
and present.
London - New York, Routledge, 1999. Paperback (small dent in frontcover). VIII, 169 pp.
EUR 27.--

211. GATENS, MOIRA. - Spinoza's Hard Path to Freedom. Spinoza Lectures.

Assen, Van Gorcum, 2011. Softcover. 56 pp. New. EUR 11.--
~Lecture I: The free man and the multitude. Lecture 2: George Eliot's artful bridge (Eliot
translated `The Ethics').

212. GATTUNG, CHRISTIANE. - Der Mensch als Glied der Unendlichkeit. Zur
Anthropologie von Spinoza.
Würzburg, 1993. Softcover. 182 pp. Blindstamped ex-libris on halftitle. EUR 18.--
214. GIANCOTTI, EMILIA. - Studi su Hobbes e Spinoza.
Napoli, Bibliopolis, 1995. Orig. wraps. 406 pp. As new. EUR 30.--

215. [GIANCOTTI, EMILIA] - Pagine sul Seicento (Quaderni dell'Istituto di Filosofia di

Urbino, 1994. Orig. wraps. 97 pp. EUR 25.--
~This issue dedicated to the memory of Emilia Giancotti. Contr. by Paolo Cristofolini,
Filippo Mignini, Michelangelo Bovero, Maria Emanuele Scribano and 3 essays by Giancotii.
With bibliography of Giancotti's works.

216. GIOVANNONI, AUGUSTIN. - Immanence et finitude chez Spinoza. Etudes sur l'idée
de constitution dans l'Ethique.
Paris, Editions Kimé, 1999. Softcover. 239 pp. EUR 48.--

217. GIULIETTI, GIOVANNI. - Spinoza. La sua vita. Il suo pensiero.

Treviso, Ed. Canova, 1974. Or. wraps. 295 pp. EUR 23.--

218. GOETSCHEL, WILLI. - Spinoza's Modernity. Mendelssohn, Lessing, and Heine.

Madison, University of Wisconsin, 2004. Softcover. 351 pp. Minor traces of use. EUR 28.--

219. GOFF, PHILIP (ed.). - Spinoza on Monism.

UK, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. Hardcover. 295 pp. Very good copy. EUR 55.--

220. GOLDSTEIN, REBECCA. - Betraying Spinoza. The renegade Jew who gave us
New York, Nextbook - Schocken, 2006. Softcover. X, 287 pp. New. EUR 14.--

221. GRAESER, ANDREAS. - Studien zu Spinoza, Herder, Hölderlin und Hegel.

Sankt Augustin, Academia, 1999. Softcover. 135 pp. EUR 20.--

222. GRAETZ, H. - Geschichte der Juden von den ältesten Zeiten bis auf die Gegenwart.
Aus den Quellen neu bearbeitet. 10. Band. Von der dauernden Ansiedlung der Marranen in
Holland (1618) bis zum Beginne der Mendelssohn`schen Zeit (1750). 3. vermehrte u.
berbesserte Auflage. Bearbeitet von Dr. M. Brann.,.
Leipzig, Oskar Leiner, no date (1896). Contemp. halfleather, slightly worn. XII, 532 pp.
Frakturschrift Some slight age-staining. Some minor pencil-underlinings. Good copy.
EUR 28.--
~Pp. 155-236: Spinoza und Sabbatai Zewi. See vd Linde, nr. 280 and nr. 379.

223. GRENE, MARJORIE (ed.). - Spinoza. A collection of critical essays. 1973. Repr.
Notre Dame, 1979. Orig. cloth. XVIII, 390 pp. Blindstamped ex-libris on flyleaf. Very good
copy. EUR 45.--

224. GRENE, MARJORIE and DABRA NAILS (eds.). - Spinoza and the sciences.
Dordrecht, Reidel publishing Company, 1986. Hardcover with dustjacket. 336 pp. Very
good copy. EUR 132.--
~Among the contributions: Alexandre Matheron: Spinoza and Euclidean Arithmetic (transl.
from the French); Richard H. Popkin: Some new light on the roots of Spinoza's Science of
Bible Study; Michel Paty: Einstein and Spinoza (transl. from the French). With annotated


in der Frühzeit seiner religiösen Wirkung. Wolfenbütteler Studien zur Aufklärung Bd. 12.
Heidelberg, Verlag Lambert Schneider, 1984. Orig. wraps.255 pp. and 1 portrait. EUR 15.--
~Among the articles: Gershom Scholem: Die Wachtersche Kontroverse über den
Spinozismus und ihre Folgen, Hubertus G. Hubbeling: Zur frühen Spinozarezeption in den
Niederlanden, John D. Woodbridge: Richard Simon's reaction to Spinoza's TTP.

229. GRUNWALD, MAX. - Spinoza in Deutschland. (Gekrönte Preisschrift).

Berlin, Verlag von S.Calvary & Co., 1897. Contemp. halfcloth, solid binding, edges and
corners worn. IV,380 pp. Blindstamped ex-libris on title. Title slightly stained. On the whole
a good copy. EUR 50.--
~First edition

230. GRUNWALD, MAX. - Spinoza in Deutschland. (Gekrönte Preisschrift). Berlin 1897.

Reprint. ISBN 3511009227.
Aalen, Scientia Verlag, 1986. Cloth. IV,380 pp. New. EUR 46.--

232. GULLAN-WHUR, MARGARET. - Within reason : a life of Spinoza.

London, 1998. Orig. cloth with dustjacket.XVIII, 398 pp. EUR 14.--

233. GUTTMANN, JULIUS. - Mendelssohns Jerusalem und Spinozas Theologisch-

politischer Traktat. In: `Bericht 48 der Hochschule für die Wiss. des Judentums in Berlin'.
Berlin, 1931. Or. wraps., spine damaged. pp. 31-67. EUR 30.--
~Meyer, Moses Mendelssohn - Bibliographie, 1237

234. GUZZO, AUGUSTO. - Il pensiero di Spinoza. 1924. Seconda edizione.

Torino, 1964. Or. wraps. 302 pp. Yellowing paper. EUR 25.--
~In Italian. With a new preface.

235. HADDAD-CHAMAKH, FATMA. - Philosophie systématique et Système de

Philosophie politique chez Spinoza. These de Doctorat et Lettre presentee devant la Faculte
des Lettres de Paris X.
Tunis, Publ. de l'universite de Tunis, 1980. Orig. wrappers. 452 pp. With author's
dedication on flyleaf. Very good copy. EUR 40.--

236. HAGEMEIER, MARTIN. - Zur Vorstellungskraft in der philosophie Spinozas

(Schriftenreihe der Spinoza-Gesellschaft, Band 16).
Würzburg, 2012. Softcover. 211 pp. EUR 32.50

237. HALLETT, H.F. - Benedict de Spinoza. The elements of his philosophy. A reprint of
the 1957 edition.
Bristol, Thoemmes, 1990. Hardcover. XVI, 171 pp. And portrait. As new. EUR 14.--

238. HALLETT, H.F. - Creation, Emanation and Salvation. A Spinozistic Study.

Den Haag, Martinus Nijhoff, 1962. Orig. cloth. 234 pp. Owner's name on flyleaf. Ex-libris
on halftitle. Pencil-underlinings. EUR 70.--

239. HAMMACHER, KLAUS and others (eds.). - Zur Aktualität der Ethik Spinozas.
Medizin/Psychiatrie - Ökonomie - Recht - Religion. Spinoza in der Geshcichte der
philosophischen Ethik. With summaries in English. (Schriftenreihe der Spinoza-Gesellschaft
Band 7).
Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2000. Softcover. 494. EUR 35.--

240. HAMMACHER, KLAUS (ed.). - Spinoza und die moderne Wissenschaft (with
abstracts in English). (Schriften der Spinoza-Gesellschaft Band 5).
Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 1998. Softcover. 298 pp. EUR 24.--

Ethics. A collective commentary. ISBN 9789004194250.
Leiden, Brill, 2011. Hardcover. 380 pp. New. EUR 115.--
~Enlarged version of the collective commentary on Spinoza's Ethics which appeared in
German in the series `Klassiker Auslegen' in 2006. It seeks to provide a commentary on
all parts of the Ethics, while at the same time offering an insight into the way scholars
from different philosophical traditions discuss Spinoza.

242. HAMPSHIRE, STUART. - Spinoza and Spinozism. ISBN 9780199279548.

Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005. Softcover. 206 pp. As new. EUR 25.--
~Contains Hampshire's writings on Spinoza: Spinoza and Spinozism (2004), Spinoza: An
introduction to his philosophical thought (1951) , Spinoza and the idea of Freedom (1962)

243. HARRIS, ERROL E. - Spinoza's philosophy: An outline.

New Jersey - London, 1992. Softcover. X, 125 pp. Owner's stamp on halftitle. EUR 19.--

245. HARRIS, ERROL E. - Salvation from despair. A reappraisal of Spinoza's philosophy.

Den Haag, Martinus Nijhoff, 1973. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. Clean tear in dustj. XX, 270
pp. Very good copy. EUR 45.--

246. HART, ALAN. - Spinoza's ethics. Part I and II. A platonic commentary. ISBN
Leiden, Brill, 1983. Orig. cloth. X, 158 pp. As new. EUR 60.--
~`Thorough explication of the metaphysics and epistemology of Spinoza as found in `The
Ethics'. (...) The book also contains a discussion of the many close analogies between
Spinoza and the later philosophy of Plato (...).

247. HEERICH, THOMAS. - Transformation des Politikkonzepts von Hobbes zu Spinoza.

Das Problem der Souveränität. (Schriftenreihe der Spinoza-Gesellschaft Band 8).
Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2000. Softcover. 94 pp. EUR 26.50

248. HEERTUM, CIS VAN and FRANK GRUNTERT (eds.). - Spinoza im Kontext.
Voraussetzungen, Werk und Wirken einse radikalen Denkers.
Halle, Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 2010. Softcover. 176 pp. EUR 20.--
~Katalog zur Ausstellung. Contr.: Cis van Heertum/Frank Grunert: Spinoza: Wolfenbüttel,
Amsterdam, Halle. Zur Einleitung. Wiep van Bunge: Spinozas philosophische Hintergründe.
Frank Mertens: Spinozas Amsterdamer Freundeskreis. Henri Krop: Spinozas Bibliothek.
Kay Zenker: Spinoza und die Hallesche Frühaufklärung. Spinoza im Kontext - Beschreibung
der Exponate.

249. HEINZ, MARION (ed.). - Herder Und Die Philosophie Des Deutschen Idealismus.
(Fichte-Studien-Supplementa 8).
Amsterdam, Rodopi, 1997. Softcover. 345 pp. As new. EUR 35.--
~In German. From the contents: John H. Zammito: Herder, Kant, Spinoza und die
Ursprünge des deutschen Idealismus; Klaus Hammacher: Herders Stellung im

250. HERER, MAXIMILIAN. - Spinoza. Die Philosophie der Wahrheit und der Erkenntnis.
Jerusalem, Israel Universities Press, 1971. Orig. cloth with dustjacket.324 pp. EUR 9.--

251. HESSING, SIEGFRIED (ed.). - Speculum Spinozanum 1677-1977. With a foreword

by Huston Smith.
London, 1978. Or. cloth with dustjacket. XXI, 590 pp. and 9 plates. Very good copy.
EUR 34.--
252. HESSING, SIEGFRIED (ed.). - Dreihundert Jahre Ewigkeit. Spinoza-Festschrift
1632-1932. 2. verm. Auflage.
The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1962. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. XLII, 205 pp. EUR 19.--
~Contr. by D. ben Gurion, Dubnow, Einstein, Freud, Romain Rolland, Arnold Zweig a.o. In

253. HINDRICHS, GUNNAR (ed.). - Die Macht der menge. Über die Aktualität einer
Denkfigur Spinozas.
Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2006. Hardcover. 202 pp. New. EUR 36.--
~In German. About Spinoza's notion: Potentia Multitudinis. Contributors: Robin Celikates,
Arnd Pollmann, Dominik Schrage, Markus Kartheininger, Guido Kreis, Martin Saar

254. HOMENAJE a Baruch Spinoza. Con motivo del tricentenario de su muerte. (Museo
judío de Buenos Aires).
Buenos Aires, 1976. Or. wraps. 254 pp. Illustrated. Paper yellowing at the edges. EUR 27.--

255. HONG, HAN-DING. - Spinoza und die Deutsche Philosophie. Eine Untersuchung zur
metaphysischen Wirkungsgeschichte des Spinozismus in Deutschland. Mit Nachwort von
Lutz Geldsetzer. ISBN 3511092094.
Aalen, Scientia Verlag, 1989. Orig. cloth. 279 pp. EUR 32.--

256. HORNÄK, SARA. - Spinoza und Vermeer. Immanenz in Philosophie und Malerei.
(Schriften der Spinoza-Gesellschaft Bd. 11)..
Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2004. Softcover. 269 pp. New. EUR 35.--

257. HUAN, GABRIEL. - Le dieu de Spinoza.

Paris, Librairie Félix Alcan, 1914. Or. wraps, some staining, foxed. Professionally rebacked.
338 pp. Uncut. Internally very good. EUR 140.--

258. HUBBELING, H.G. - Spinoza's methodology (1964). 2nd ed.

Assen, 1967. Softcover. IV, 158 pp. EUR 10.--

259. HUBBELING, H.G. - Spinoza (text in German).

Freiburg - München, Alber, 1978. Paperback. 176 pp. EUR 11.--

260. HUENEMANN, CHARLIE (editor). - Interpreting Spinoza. Critical essays.

Cambridge, University Press, 2008. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. 196 pp. EUR 68.--

261. HULTEN, PONTUS. - Vermeer et Spinoza. Traduit du suédois par Lydie Rousseau.
Présentation de Bernadette et Thierri Dufrêne.
Paris, L'Echoppe, 2002. Orig. wraps. 78 pp. EUR 18.--

262. ISAACSON, JOSE. - Cuaderno Spinoza.

Buenos Aires, Ediciones Marymar, 1977. Orig. wraps, slight traces of wear. 286 pp. and 17
plates. Good copy. EUR 36.--

263. ISRAEL, JONATHAN I. - Radical enlightenment. Philosophy and the making of

modernity 1650-1750. ISBN 0198206089.
Oxford, University Press, 2001. Orig. cloth with dustjacket.XXII, 810 pp. Corner cut out
from flyleaf. Else good, clean copy. EUR 52.--

264. ISRAEL, JONATHAN. - `Failed enlightenment': Spinoza's legacy and the

Netherlands (1670-1800). KB Lecture 4.
Wassenaar, NIAS, 2007. Softcover. 55 pp. New. EUR 11.50
~Lecture given at the National Library of the Netherlands.

266. JACOBI, FRIEDRICH HEINRICH. - Über die Lehre des Spinoza in Briefen an den
Herrn Moses Mendelssohn. Auf Grundlage der Ausgabe von Klaus Hammacher und Irmgard
Maria Piske bearbeitet von Marion Lauschke. ISBN 9783787317066..
Hamburg, Felix Meiner Verlag, 2004. Softcover. XI, 374 pp. New. EUR 28.50

267. JANSSEN, RALF. - Die Bestimmung der Negation im Zusammenhang von Spinozas
Philosophie des Absoluten. (Dissertation).
Aachen, 1992. Softcover. 143 pp. EUR 25.--

268. JOACHIM, HAROLD H. - A study of the Ethics of Spinoza.

Oxford, 1901. Orig. cloth with dustjacket (dj dam.). XIV, 316 pp. EUR 35.--

269. JOEL, M(ANUEL) (Rabbiner zu Breslau). - Spinoza's Theologisch-politischer

Traktat. Aus seine Quellen geprüft.
Breslau, 1870. Orig. wraps, loosening. slightly dam. at edges. Spine reinforced with paper.
XI, 76 pp. Blindstamped ex-libris. Some slight folding-marks. Internally very good.
EUR 120.--

270. KAPLAN, FRANCIS. - L'éthique de Spinoza et la méthode géométrique. Introduction

à la lecture de Spinoza..
No place, Flammarion, 1998. Softcover, slightly soiled. 234 pp. EUR 20.--

271. KASHAP, S. PAUL (ed.). - Studies in Spinoza; Critical and Interpretive Essays..
Berkeley, University of California Press, 1974. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. XX, 355 pp.
EUR 20.--
272. KASHAP, S. PAUL (ed.). - Studies in Spinoza; Critical and Interpretive Essays..
Berkeley, University of California Press, 1974. Paperback. Foldingmark spine. XX, 355 pp.
Name on first blanc. Good copy. EUR 12.--
~Contributions by T.M. Forsyth, A. Wolf, Francis S. Haserot, S. Alexander, Ruth L. Saw, H.
Barker, H.F. Hallett, A.E. Taylor, David Savan, Guttorm Floistad, Raphael Demos, A.E.
Taylor, Stuart Hampshire and S. Paul Kashap.

273. KATZ, GIDEON. - The Pale God. Israeli secularism and Spinoza's philosophy of
Boston, 2011. Hardcover. 214 pp. New. EUR 59.--
~`Thorough analysis of Spinoza's philosophy of culture as an important tool for portraying
a serious option to sustaining a certain trend of Israeli secularism'.

274. KETTNER, FREDERICK. - Spinoza the biosopher. Introduction by Nicholas Roerich.

New York, Roerich Museum Press, 1932. Orig. halfcloth, slightly soiled. Corners slightly
worn. 263 pp. Blindstamped ex-libris on titlepage. Internally very good. EUR 60.--

275. KISSER, THOMAS. - Selbstbewusstsein und Interaktion. Spinozas Theorie der

Individualität. (Schriftenreihe der Spinoza-Gesellschaft Band 1).
Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 1998. Softcover. 145 pp. EUR 24.--

277. KNIGHT, WILLIAM ANGUS (ed.). - Spinoza; Four essays, by Land, Kuno Fischer J.
van Vloten and Ernest Renan.
London, Williams and Norgate, 1882. Orig. cloth, discolored, new spine. Corners slightly
bumped. XIV, 170 pp. some damage to inner margin of pages XI-XII without loss of text.
Last page age-toned. Good copy. EUR 90.--
~First edition. Bookplate on inner frontcover.

278. KOGAN, BARR S. (ed.). - Spinoza; a tercentenary perspective.

Cincinnati, Hebrew Union College, 1978. Orig. wraps. XII,106 pp. EUR 12.--
~Contributions by Alfred Gottschalk, Richard H. Popkin, Lewis S. Feuer, David Savan and
Eugene Mihaly

279. KOISTINEN, OLLI (ed.). - The Cambridge Companion to Spinoza's Ethics. ISBN
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1996. Softcover. XIII, 465 pp. EUR 27.--

282. [KROP, HENRI] - LIAS. Sources and documents relating to the early modern history
of ideas. Volume 32, part 1.
Amsterdam, APA, 2005. Softcover. 215 pp. EUR 20.--
~Among the contributions: Henri Krop: A Dutch Spinozismusstreit: the new view of
Spinoza at the end of the eighteenth century. pp. 184-211.

283. KROP, HENRI. - Spinoza. Een paradoxale icoon van Nederland.

Amsterdam, Prometheus - Bert Bakker, 2014. Hardcover with dustjacket. 822 pp. New.
EUR 35.--
~In Dutch. Comprehensive survey of Spinoza-reception in the Netherlands from 17th
century until now

285. LACROIX, JEAN. - Spinoza et le problème du salut.

Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 1970. Softcover. 127 pp. EUR 24.--

286. LAGREE, JACQUELINE. - Spinoza et le débat religieux : lectures du Traité

Rennes, Presses Universitaires, 2004. Softcover. Slight foldingmarks upper-corner. Else
very good. EUR 18.--

287. LAUTERPACHT, H. - Spinoza and international law. Reprinted from: The British Year
Book of International Law.
London, 1927. Orig. wraps, rebacked. Spine slightly dam.pp. 89-107. Ex-library copy.
Folding corners. Untidy, but solid copy, good paper quality. EUR 15.--

288. LAUX, H. - Imagination et religion chez Spinoza. La potentia dans l’histoire.

Paris, J. Vrin, 1993. Orig. wraps. 317 pp. Blindstamped ex-libris on flyleaf. EUR 25.--

289. LAZZERI, CHRISTIAN (ed.). - Spinoza. Puissance et impuissance de la raison.

Paris, PUF, 1999. Softcover. Minor foldingmark at fore-edge. 115 pp. EUR 45.--

292. LERMOND, LUCIA. - Form of man. Human Essence in Spinoza's Ethic.

Leiden, Brill, 1988. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. X, 87 pp. EUR 30.--

293. LEVENE, NANCY K. - Spinoza's Revelation. Religion, Democracy, and Reason. ISBN
Cambridge, University Press, 2004. Cloth with dustjacket. XXII, 256. New. EUR 65.--

294. LÉVEQUE, RAPHAEL. - Le problème de la vérité dans la philosophie de Spinoza.

Préface de M. Maurice Pradines, Professeur à la Faculté des Lettres. (Publications de la
Faculté des Lettres de l'Université de Strasbourg. Fasc. 17).
Strasbourg, 1923. Modern cloth, frontcover mounted. X, 155 pp. EUR 34.--

295. LEVIN, DAN. - Spinoza, the young thinker who destroyed the past.
New York, Weybright and Talley, 1970. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. 338 pp. EUR 25.--

296. LEVY, LIA. - L'Automate spirituel. La subjectivé moderne d'après l'Ethique de

Assen, Van Gorcum, 2000. Softcover. XII, 363 pp. New. EUR 30.--

297. LEVY, ZE'EV. - Baruch Spinoza. Seine Aufnahme durch die jüdischen Denker in
Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2001. Softcover. 333 pp. EUR 35.--

298. LEVY, ZE'EV. - Baruch or Benedict. On some Jewish aspects of Spinoza's philosophy.
New York, Peter Lang, 1989. Hardcover. 224 pp. Blindstamped ex-libris. EUR 60.--

299. LLOYD, GENEVIEVE. - Part of Nature. Self-Knowledge in Spinoza's Ethics.

Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1994. Cloth with dustjacket. 182 pp. EUR 60.--

300. LORD, BETH. - Spinoza's Ethics.

Indiana, University Press, 2010. Softcover. 182 pp. EUR 16.--
~A concise introduction.

303. MACK, MICHAEL. - Spinoza and the specters of modernity. The hidden
enlightenment of diversity from Spinoza to Freud.
New York, Continuum, 2010. Softcover. 222 pp. New. EUR 25.--

304. MAHLER, KARL. - Die Entstehung des Irrtums bei Descartes und bei Spinoza.
Leipzig, Druck von Oskar Heller, 1910. Orig. wraps. 46 pp. Slight foldingmark in title. With
handwritten dedication. EUR 23.--

305. MANDELBAUM, MAURICE and EUGENE FREEMAN (eds.). - Spinoza. Essays in

La Salle, Illinois, Open Court, 1975. Paperback. 323 pp. Name on halftitle. EUR 18.--
~14 essays. Among the authors: Stuart Hampshire, E.M. Curley, Robert McShea, Errol E.
Harris. Many of these essays were first published in `The Monist', Volume 55, number 4,

306. MASON, RICHARD. - The God of Spinoza. A philosophical study. 1997.

Cambridge, University Press, 2001. Hardcover with dustjacket. XIV, 272 pp. EUR 48.--

307. MATHERON, ALEXANDRE. - Individu et communaute chez Spinoza. Nouvelle

Paris, Editions de Minuit, 1988. Orig. wraps, minor traces of use. 647 pp. Good copy.
EUR 42.--

308. MAUTHNER, FRITZ. - Spinoza. Ein Umriss seines Lebens und Wirkens. (11. bis 16.
Dresden, 1922. Orig. halfcloth, edges worn. 157 pp. and portrait. Last flyleaf lacking. First
quires partly detached. Still good copy. EUR 16.--

309. MCSHEA, J. - The political philosophy of Spinoza.

New York, 1968. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. Dustjacket damaged. X, 214 pp.
Blindstamped ex-libris on flyleaf. EUR 20.--

310. MÉCHOULAN, HENRY and GÉRARD NAHON (eds.). - Mémorial I.-S. Révah Études
sur le marranisme, l'heterodoxie juive et Spinoza (Collection de la Revue des Etudes
Juives). ISBN 9789042908987.
Paris-Louvain, Peeters, 2001. Softcover. 560 pp. EUR 72.--
~Among the contr.: Pierre-Francois Moreau:Les prophètes des autres peuples. Note sur
Juan de Prado et Spinoza; Jonathan Israel: Orobio de Castro and teh early enlightenment;
Henry Mechoulan: N'est pas Marrane celui qu'on croit.

311. MECKENSTOCK, GÜNTER. - Deterministische Ethik und kritische Theologie: Die

Auseinandersetzung des frühen Schleiermacher mit Kant und Spinoza, 1789-1794
Berlin/New York, Walter de Gruyter, 1988. Hardcover. 244 pp. EUR 48.--

312. MEINSMA, K.O. - Spinoza en zijn Kring. Historisch-kritische studiën over

Hollandsche vrijgeesten. Met inleiding van Dr. S.B.J. Zilverberg.
The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1896. Library binding, carton boards with orig. wrappers
mounted. XXIV, 457, 22 pp. And one plate. Some foxing, especially the first and last
pages. hinges showing at title. Good copy. EUR 60.--
~First edition.

313. MEINSMA, K.O. - Spinoza en zijn Kring. Historisch-kritische studiën over

Hollandsche vrijgeesten. Met inleiding van Dr. S.B.J. Zilverberg. 's-Gravenhage 1896. Repr.
Utrecht, Hes Publishers, 1980. Orig. wraps. XXIV, 457, 22 pp. EUR 40.--

314. MEINSMA, K.O. - Spinoza et son cercle. Étude critique historique sur les
hétérodoxes hollandais. Traduit du néerlandais par S. Roosenburg. Appendices latins et
allemands traduits par J.-P. Osier. Préface de Henri Gouhier.
Paris, J.Vrin, 1983. Softcover. 576 pp. EUR 60.--
315. MEINSMA, K.O. - Spinoza und sein Kreis. Historisch-Kritische Studien über
Holländische Freigeister. Deutsch von Lina Schneider. Vorher: Spinoza gegen Kant und die
Sache der geistigen Wahrheit von Constantin Brunner.
Berlin, 1909. Contemp. halfvellum, orig. wrappers bound in. 540 pp. with 2 portraits in
colour. Slight waterstaining in lower margin in the first pages. A very good copy. EUR 100.-

319. MILLET, LOUIS. - Pour connaître Spinoza. 2nd revised edition.

Paris, Bordas, 1986. Softcover. 155 pp. EUR 15.--

324. MONTAG, WARREN. - Bodies, Masses, Power. Spinoza and his contemporaries.
London, Verso, 1999. Softcover. 256 pp. EUR 34.--

326. MOREAU, PIERRE-FRANÇOIS. - Spinoza. (Series: Ecrivains de toujours).

Paris, Seuil, [1975]. Softcover. 189 pp. Illustrated. Very good copy. EUR 23.--

327. MOREAU, PIERRE-FRANÇOIS. - Spinoza et le Spinozisme (que sais-je?). 2003.

Deuxième édition mise à jour. ISBN 9782130560043.
Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2007. Softcover. 125 pp. New. EUR 13.--

328. MORFINO, VITTORIA. - Substantia sive organismus. Immagine e funzione teorica

di Spinoza negli scritti jenesi di Hegel.
Milano, Guirini e Associati, 1997. Orig. wraps. 175 pp. EUR 18.--

329. NADLER, STEVEN. - Spinoza. A life. ISBN 9780521552103.

Cambridge, University Press, 1999. Or. cloth with dustjacket. XIV, 407 pp. EUR 40.--

330. NADLER, STEVEN. - Rembrandt's Jews.

Chicago, 2003. Paperback. XII, 250 pp. Illustrated. EUR 18.50

331. NADLER, STEVEN. - Spinoza's Heresy. Immortality and the Jewish mind..
Oxford, Clarendon Press, 2004. Hardcover with dustjacket. XVI, 225 pp. New. EUR 53.--

332. NADLER, STEVEN. - Spinoza's 'Ethics'. An Introduction (Cambridge Introductions to

Key Philosophical Texts)..
Cambridge, University Press., 2006. Hardcover. XVIII, 300 pp. New. EUR 60.--

333. NADLER, STEVEN. - A book Forged in Hell. Spinoza's scandalous treatise and the
birth of the secular age.
Princeton, Oxford, Princetun University Press., 2011. Hardcover with dustjacket. XX, 279
pp. New. EUR 28.--
~When it appeared in 1670, Baruch Spinoza's Theological-Political Treatise was denounced
as the most dangerous book ever published - godless , full of abominations , a book forged
in hell ...

334. NADLER, STEVEN (ed.). - Spinoza and Medieval Jewish Philosophy.

Cambridge, University Press, 2014. Hardcover with dustjacket. 260 pp. New. EUR 70.--

335. NEGRI, ANTO. Spinoza. L'anomalia selvaggia, Spinoza sovversivo, Democrazia ed

eternità in Spinoza. Prefazioni di Gilles Deleuze, Pierre Macherry, Alexandre Matheron.
Rome, 2006. Softcover 396 pp. EUR 30,00
* 2nd edition. First edition was published in 1998

336. NEGRI, ANTONIO. - Subversive Spinoza. (Un)contemporary variations. Edited by

Timothy S. Murphy. Transl. (from the Italian) by Timothy S. Murphy, Michael Hardt, Ted
Stolze and Charles T. Wolfe.
Manchester - New York, Manchester Univ. Press, 2004. Paperback.124 pp. EUR 17.--

338. NEUMARK, DAVID. - Essays in Jewish philosophy. A selection from the scattered
essays, lectures and articles. (Cincinnati 1929). Ed. with a bibliography of the author's
writings by Samuel S. Cohon. REPRINT.
Amsterdam, 1971. Orig. cloth.VI, 376 pp. New. EUR 14.--
~Contains article: Crescas and Spinoza, about relations between the Tractatus theologico-
politicus and Crescas' Or Adonoi. (pp. 301-346)

339. NORRIS, CHRISTOPHER. - Spinoza and the origins of modern critical theory.
Oxford, 1991. Paperback. 322 pp. Good copy. EUR 20.--

340. NOURRISSON. - Spinoza et le naturalisme contemporain.

Paris, 1866. Cont. halfcloth with marbled boards. Slightly bumped corners. Marbled
endpapers. XVII, 307 pp. Paper slightly browned. Very good. EUR 90.--
~Wolf 1095

341. NYDEN-BULLOCK, TAMMY. - Spinoza's radical Cartesian mind. Continuum Studies

in Philosophy.
London/New York, Continuum, 2007. Hardcover. XII, 164 pp. New. EUR 32.--

342. OITTINEN, VESA (ed.). - Spinoza in Nordic Countries - Spinoza im Norden

(Philosophical Studies from the University of Helsinki 5).
Helsinki, 2004. Softcover. 281 pp. EUR 35.--
~Among the contributors: Olli Koistinen, Manfred Walther, Carola Häntsch, Carl-Göran
Heidegren, Kari Väyrynen and Igor Kaufman
343. OSSADNIK, FLORIAN. - Spinoza und der wissenschaftliche Atheismus des 21.
Jahrhunderts. Ethische und politische Konsequenzen frühaufklärischer und gegenwärtiger
Weimar, VDG, 2011. Softcover. 143 pp. EUR 21.--
~The author investigates the similarities between the `Religionskritik' of Spinoza and
contemporary thinkers like Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and Michael Schmidt-Salomon.

344. PARENS, JOSHUA. - Maimonides & Spinoza. Their conflicting views of human
Chicago/London, Univ. of Chicago Press, 2012. Hardcover with dustjacket. 226 pp. New.
EUR 27.--

345. PÄTZOLD, DETLEV. - Spinoza - Aufklärung - Idealismus. Die Substanz der Moderne.
Zweite erweiterte Auflage.
Assen, van Gorcum, 2002. Softcover. 224 pp. EUR 17.50

346. PIGUET, J. CLAUDE. - Le dieu de Spinoza.

Geneve, Editions Labor et fides, 1987. Softcover, slightly discolored, some slight scratching
on the backcover. 134 pp. Owner's inscription on halftitle. EUR 24.--

350. POPKIN, RICHARD H. - The third force in Seventeenth-century thought. ISBN

Leiden, Brill, 1992. Orig. cloth. 377 pp. New. EUR 90.--
~Collection of essays, a.o. on Hobbes, Condorcet, Hume, Newton, Maimonides and
Spinoza: `Spinoza's relations with the quakers in Amsterdam'. `Spinoza and the three

351. POPKIN, RICHARD H.- Spinoza (Oneworld Philosophers Series). ISBN

Oxford, Oneworld, 2004. Softcover. 153 pp. EUR 15.--

352. PRÉPOSIET, JEAN. - Spinoza et la liberté des hommes.

No place, Gallimard, 1967. Orig. wraps. 315 pp. EUR 36.--

353. PROIETTI, OMERO. - Osservazioni, note e congetture sul testo latino e

nederlandese del "Tractatus politicus".
Macerata, Universita di Macerata, 1995. Orig. wraps. 135 pp. EUR 35.--

354. PROKHOVNIK, RAIA. - Spinoza and republicanism.

Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. Hardcover. 280 pp. EUR 90.--
~`Seventeenth-century Dutch political practice and thought (...), set against the
background of its history and political traditions, represents a crucially important context in
which to discuss Spinoza's political philosophy'.

355. PRÜMERS, WALTHER. - Spinozas Religionsbegriff. (Dissert.).

Halle a.d.S., Druck von Ehrhardt Karras, 1906. Orig. selfwraps. 2, 44 pp. EUR 10.--

356. RABENORT, WILLIAM LOUIS. - Spinoza as educator. Columbia Univ. 1911.

New York, AMS Press, 1972. Orig. cloth. 87 pp. First pages 2 tiny pieces of corner lacking.
Else good. EUR 45.--

357. RAVVEN, HEIDI M. and LENN E. GOODMAN (eds.). - Jewish themes in Spinoza's
philosophy. ISBN 9780791453094.
State University of New York Press, 2002. Hardcover. 290 pp. New. EUR 75.--
~Among the contributions: L.E. Goodmann: What does Spinoza's Ethics contribute to
Jewish Philosophy? E.M. Curley: Maimonides, Spinoza, and the Book of Job. Warren
Montag: "That Hebrew word", Spinoza and the concept of the Shekhinah".

358. RAVVEN, HEIDI M. and LENN E. GOODMAN (eds.). - Jewish themes in Spinoza's
philosophy. ISBN 9780791453100.
State University of New York Press, 2002. Softcover. 290 pp. EUR 24.--
~Among the contributions: L.E. Goodmann: What does Spinoza's Ethics contribute to
Jewish Philosophy? E.M. Curley: Maimonides, Spinoza, and the Book of Job. Warren
Montag: "That Hebrew word", Spinoza and the concept of the Shekhinah".

359. RENSI, GIUSEPPE. - Spinoza. (Storia universale della filosofia, vol.40). 2nd ed.
Milano, 1944. Orig. wraps., spine creased, some foxing. V, 195 pp. Yellowing paper, Slight
foxing. EUR 15.--
~Text in Italian

360. REVAH, I.S. - Spinoza et Juan de Prado.

Paris / La Haye, 1959. Orig. wraps. 163 pp. EUR 20.--

361. RICCI, SAVERIO. - Bruno spinozista, Bruno martire luterano. La polemica tra
Lacroze e Heumann. Offprint of: Giornale Critico della Filosofia Italiana Anno LXV (LXVII).
Fasc. I - Gennaio-Aprile 1986.
Firenze, G.C. Sansoni Editore, 1986. Orig. wraps. 61 pp. EUR 18.--
~On Giordano Bruno `the spinozist and the Lutheran martyr', the polemic between
Lacroze and Heumann. In Italian
363. RÖHR, WERNER (ed.). - Spinoza im Osten. Systematische und
rezeptionsgeschichtliche Studien.
Berlin, Edition Organon, 2005. Softcover. 171 pp. New. EUR 34.--
~Focus is mainly on Spinoza-reception in Poland. Other contributions: Endre Kiss on
Spinoza in Hungarian philosophy and Andrej Maidanski about Russian 20-cent. Spinozists.

364. ROSENTHAL, H.M. - The Consolations of Philosophy: Hobbes's Secret; Spinoza's

Way. Edited, with an Introduction, by A.L. Rosenthal..
Philadelphia, Temple University Press, 1989. Hardcover with dustjacket. X, 211 pp. Very
good copy. EUR 25.--

365. ROTENSTREICH, NATHAN and NORMA SCHNEIDER (eds.). - Spinoza. His

thought and work. Entretiens in Jerusalem 6-9 September 1977.
Jerusalem, 1983. Orig. cloth. 187 pp. EUR 18.--
~Contr. by a.o.: E. Levinas, Y. Yovel, Werner Marx, S. Pines, Arne Naess, Stuart

366. ROTH, LEON. - Spinoza.

London, 1929. Orig. cloth. Minor traces of wear. XVI, 250 pp. Handwritten dedication on
flyleaf. Else clean. Good copy. EUR 15.--

367. ROTHKAMM, JAN. - Institutio Oratoria: Bacon, Descartes, Hobbes, Spinoza.

Leiden, Brill, 2009. Hardback. X, 256 pp. New. EUR 100.--

368. ROTTNER, ELI. - Spinoza in Israel. Eine kritische Betrachtung.

Nieuwkoop, 1979. Paperback. 216 pp. Illustr. EUR 10.--

369. ROUSSET, BERNARD. - L'Immanence de le salut. Regards spinozistes. Préface

d'Andre Tosel.
Paris, Editions Kimé, 2000. Softcover. 256 pp. Used. Some pen-annotations and -
underlinings. EUR 18.--

370. RUNES, DAGOBERT D. - Spinoza dictionary. With a foreword by Albert Einstein.

New York, 1951. Or. boards, with dustjacket. Dustj. dam. Bumped corner. (12), 308 pp.
Blindstamped ex-libris. EUR 30.--

371. SAAR, MARTIN. - Die Immanenz der Macht. Politische Theorie nach Spinoza.
Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft.
Berlin, Surhkamp Verlag, 2013. Paperback. 459 pp. New. EUR 20.50

372. SAMELY, ALEXANDER. - Spinozas Theorie der Religion. Schriftenreihe der Spinoza-
Gesellschaft. Bd.2..
Würzburg, Koenigshausen & Neumann, 1993. Softcover. 107 pp. EUR 20.--

373. SCHAARSCHMIDT. - Des Cartes und Spinoza. Urkundliche Darstellung der

Philosophie Beider.
Bonn, Adolph Marcus, 1850. Cont. halfcloth. Some slight wear. [VIII], 204, [1] pp.
Blindstamped ex-libris flyleaf. Some slight browning. Good copy. EUR 160.--
~Wolf 1132. Vd Linde 311.

374. SCHEWE, MARTIN and ACHIM ENGSTLER (eds.). - Spinoza. (Auslegungen 2).
Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 1990. Softcover. 370 pp. Blindstamped ex-libris. Corners
slightly bumped. Title loose. Else good. EUR 38.--
~Text in German and English. Among the contributors: Kuno Fischer, Leo Baeck, Jacob
Freudenthal, Carl Gebhardt, Harry Wolfson, Rainer Specht, Konrad Hecker, Theun de Vries

375. SCHLENKE, HUBERTUS. - Vermeer mit Spinoza gesehen.

Berlin, Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1998. Cloth with dustjacket. 137 pp. EUR 32.--

376. SCHNEPF, ROBERT. - Metaphysik im ersten Teil der Ethik Spinozas. (Schriftenreihe
der Spinoza-Gesellschaft Band 4).
Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 1996. Softcover. EUR 30.--


Deutschland des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts. Zur Erinnerung an Hans-Christian Lucas.
Stuttgart, Fromann-Holzboog, 2002. Orig. cloth. 593 pp. New. EUR 85.--
~Among the contributions: Hans Christian Lucas: Baruch de Spinoza als Dorn im Fleisch
der Orthodoxie; Wolfgang Bartuschat: Leibniz als Kritiker Spinozas; Ursula Goldenbaum:
Mendelssohns schwierige Beziehung zu Spinoza; Oswald Bayer: Spinoza im Gespräch
zwischen Hamann und Jacobi.

378. SCHWARTZ, DANIEL. - The first modern Jew. Spinoza and the history of an image.
ISBN 9780691142913.
Princeton, University Press, 2012. Hardcover with dustjacket. XVI, 270 pp. New. EUR 34.--

379. SCRIBANO, MARIA EMANUELA. - Da Descartes a Spinoza. Percorsi della teologia

razionale nel Seicento.
Milano, Franco Angeli, 1988. Softcover. 298 pp. EUR 36.--

380. SEGOND. - La vie de Spinoza.

Paris, Perrin, 1933. Orig. wraps. 229 pp. Paper slightly yellowing. EUR 15.--
381. SEIDEL, HELMUT. - Spinoza zur Einführung.
Hamburg, 1994. Orig. wraps. 141 pp. EUR 9.--

383. SEPTIMANA SPINOZANA. Acta conventus oecumenici in memoriam Benedicti de

Spinoza diei natalis trecentissimi Hagae comitis habiti. Curis Societatis Spiniozanae edita.
Den Haag, Martinus Nijhoff, 1933. Orig. wraps, partly discolored (slightly). XII, 319 pp.
and 1 plate. Some foxing, especially at the edges. Good+ copy. EUR 50.--
~English, Dutch, German, Italian, French

384. SÉROUYA, HENRI. - Spinoza. Sa vie, sa philosophie. Nouvelle édition. Revue et

Paris, 1947. Orig. wraps. 257 pp. And 32 plates. EUR 12.--

385. SHAHAN, ROBERT W. and J.I. BIRO (eds.). - Spinoza: New Perspectives.
Norman, University of Oklahoma, 1978. Hardcover, slightly bumped corners. 240 pp.
Owner's handwritten name and stamp on flyleaf. EUR 39.--

386. SHARP, HASANA and JASON E. SMITH (eds.). - Between Hegel and Spinoza. A
volume of critical essays.
London, Continuum, 2012. Hardcover. 224 pp. New. EUR 75.--
~"(...) between Hegel and Spinoza there is not only opposition. This collection of essays
seeks to find the suppressed kinship between Hegel and Spinoza."

387. SHARP, HASANA. - Spinoza And The Politics Of Renaturalization.

Chicago, University Press, 2011. Hardcover. 240 pp. EUR 30.--
~"Sharp's groundbreaking argument critically engages with important contemporary
thinkers - including deep ecologists, feminists, and race and critical theorists"

388. SIEBRAND, H.J. - Spinoza and the Netherlanders. An inquiry into the early
reception of his philosophy of religion.
Assen, 1988. Or. printed boards. X, 239 pp. EUR 20.--

389. SIGWART, CHRISTOPH. - Über den Zusammenhang des Spinozismus mit der
Cartesianischen Philosophie. Ein philosophischer Versuch. (1816). Reprint
ISBN 3511090083.
Aalen, Scientia Verlag, 1974. Softcover. VII, 152 pp. EUR 19.--

390. SIGWART, H.C.W. - Der Spinozismus, historisch und philosophisch erläutert, mit
Beziehung auf ältere und neuere Ansichten. 1839. Reprint..
Aalen, Scientia Verlag, 1974. Hardcover. IV,267 pp. New. EUR 28.50

391. SIGWART, H.C.W. - Vergleichung der Rechts- und Staatstheorien des B. Spinoza
und des T. Hobbes, nebst Betrachtungen über das Verhältnis zwischen dem Staat und der
Kirche. (1842). Reprint.
Aalen, Scientia Verlag, 1974. Softcover. VI, 153 pp. New. EUR 19.--

393. SIWEK, PAUL. - Spinoza et le panthéisme religieux.

Paris, 1937. Orig. wraps. 295 pp. EUR 15.--

394. SLEE, J.C. VAN. - De Rijnsburger collegianten. Haarlem 1895. Reprint.

Utrecht, Hes, 1980. Paperback. 455 pp. and a few plates. EUR 25.--
~Language: Dutch

395. SMITH, NORMAN KEMP. - Studies in the Cartesian philosophy.

London, 1902. Orig. cloth, some slight wear to ends of spine and corners. XIV, 276 pp.
Very good copy. EUR 50.--
~Chapter IV: The Cartesian principles in Spinoza and Leibniz.

396. SMITH, STEVEN B. - Spinoza, Liberalism, and the Question of Jewish Identity.
New Haven, Yale University Press, 1997. Softcover. XVIII, 270 pp. EUR 12.--

397. SOCHER, ABRAHAM P. - The Radical Enlightenment of Solomon Maimon: Judaism,

Heresy, and Philosophy..
Stanford, University Press, 2006. Hardcover with dustjacket. XIV, 248 pp. New. EUR 44.--
~Describing Maimon's philosophy, his contemporary, the German philosopher Kant used
the word: Spinozistic. In the context this meant `that one had taken reason beyond its
acceptable limits with dangerous and untenable results' (quote from the introduction).

398. SPIEGLER, JULIUS S. - Geschichte der Philosophie des Judenthums nach den
neuesten Forschungen dargestellt. Leipzig 1890. Reprint.
Leipzig, 1971. Orig. cloth. XIII,369 pp. Very good. EUR 20.--
~"Unveränderter fotomechanischer Nachdruck der Originalausgabe". Chapters on Spinoza:
pp. 318-344. Among them: "Spinoza's Lehre wurzelt in der Kabbala".

399. STARCKE, C.N. - Baruch de Spinoza. Ins Deutsche übertragen von K. Hellwig.
Copenhagen, 1923. Orig. wraps. 392 pp. with portrait. EUR 10.--

400. STEENBAKKERS, PIET. - Spinoza's Ethica from manuscript to print. Studies on text,
form and related topics. (Dissertation).
Assen, van Gorcum, 1994. Softcover. 212 pp. New. EUR 21.00
~Chapters on the editorial history of the Opera Posthuma, accent-marks in Neo-Latin,
Lodewijk Meyer's catalogue of the passions (1670), text of Ethica part V and: Ordo
Geometricus: shell or kernel?

401. STEIN, LUDWIG. - Leibniz und Spinoza. Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der
Leibnizischen Philosophie. Mit neunzehn Ineditis aus dem Nachlass von Leibniz.
Berlin, Georg Reimer, 1890. Contemp. marbled boards, minor wear to edges. XVI, 362 pp.
and 10 pp. advertisements. Author's dedication on halftitle. EUR 130.--
~First edition

402. STEINBERG, DIANE. - On Spinoza. (Wadsworth Philosophers Series).

Belmont, Wadsworth, 2000. Softcover. 96 pp. EUR 17.--

403. STEWART, MATTHEW. - The Courtier and the Heretic. Leibniz, Spinoza and the fate
of God in the modern world. ISBN 9780393329179.
New York/London, W.W. Norton, 2006. Hardcover with dustjacket. 351 pp. EUR 23.--

404. STEWART, MATTHEW. - The Courtier and the Heretic. Leibniz, Spinoza and the fate
of God in the modern world. ISBN 9780393329179.
New York/London, W.W. Norton, 2006. Softcover. 351 pp. EUR 14.--

405. STEWART, MATTHEW. - Nature's God. The heretical origins of the American
New York/London, W.W. Norton, 2014. Hardcover with dustjacket. X, 566 pp. New.
EUR 24.--
~Stewart traces the little-known influence of secular philosophers, from Epicurus through
Spinoza, on the founders of America.

406. STOCKUM, TH.C. VAN. - Spinoza - Jacobi - Lessing. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der
deutschen Literatur und Philosophie im 18. Jahrhundert. (Dissert. Rijksuniversiteit
Groningen, 1916. Orig. wraps. Spine damaged. 108 pp. Some folding. EUR 32.--
~Text in German. Propositions in Dutch.

407. STRAUSS, LEO. - Leo Strauss. The early writings (1921-1932). Translated and
edited by Michael Zank. ISBN 0791453308.
New York, State University of New York Press, 2002. Softcover. 238 pp. EUR 28.--
~Contains English translation of a.o. 3 articles on Spinoza with notes and introduction:
Cohen's analysis of Spinoza's Bible Science (1924), On the bible science of Spinoza and his
precursors (1926) and The Testament of Spinoza (1932). It does not contain the
translation of `Die Religionskritik Spinozas [...]' (1930)

409. THIJSSEN-SCHOUTE, C. LOUISE. - Nederlands Cartesianisme (avec sommaire et

table des matières en francais).
Amsterdam, Noord-hollandsche Uitgeversmaatschappij, 1954. Orig. wraps, spine and
corners damaged. VIII, 742 pp. Slight folding of the corners. Internally good. EUR 50.--
~In Dutch

410. THIJSSEN-SCHOUTE, C. LOUISE. - Nederlands Cartesianisme (avec sommaire et

table des matières en francais). Amsterdam 1954. REPRINT. Bezorgd en van aanvullende
bibliografie voorzien door Th. Verbeek.
Utrecht, Hes Uitgevers BV, 1989. Orig. cloth. XXIV, 742 pp. As new. EUR 74.--
~In Dutch

411. TIMMERMANS, BERNARDUS. - Le Spinozisme de Maeterlinck (Dissertation).

Zaltbommel, 1924. Or. wraps, spine repaired. XII, 196 pp. Leaf with `stellingen' loosely
inserted. stamp on title. Some slight foldingmarks. EUR 60.--
~Text in French

412. TROJMAN AIM, PATRICIA. - Les Sources hébraïques de la joie et de la

perséverence dans l'être chez Spinoza. (Thèse de doctorat).
Lille, 1998. Softcover. 388 pp. New. EUR 43.--

414. VALENTINER, W.R. - Rembrandt and Spinoza: a Study of the Spiritual Conflicts in
Seventeenth-Century Holland..
London, Phaidon Press, 1957. Cloth with dustjacket. 87 pp. Illustr. Good copy. EUR 20.--

415. VANDENBOSSCHE, H. and E. WALRAVENS. - De politieke filosofie van Spinoza. La

philosophie politique de Spinoza. Frans Hemsterhuis. Tijdschrift voor de studie van de
verlichting. 6de jaargang - 1978, Nrs. 1-4.
1978. Orig. wraps. 333 pp. EUR 45.--
~Contains speeches of a congress organised by `Centrum voor de Studie van der
Verlichting' on the political philosophy of Spinoza. Contributions in French, Dutch and
German. Among the contributors: Klaus Hammacher, Alexandre Matheron, Sylvain Zac,
Robert Misrahi.

416. VARDOULAKIS, DIMITRIS (ed.). - Spinoza Now. ISBN 9780816672813.

Minneapolis, London, 2011. Paperback. 375 pp. New. EUR 21.--
~Broadly interdisciplinary volume. Among the contributors: Alain Badiou, Mieke Bal,
Cesare Casarino, Alexander Garcia Düttmann, Arthur J. Jacobson, Michael Mack and
Antonio Negri.

417. VULLIAUD, PAUL and others. - [CONVOLUTE of 4 titles, bound together]. 1. PAUL
VULLIAUD: Spinoza d'après les livres de sa bibliothèque. Paris, 1934. 103 pp. 2. A. VAN
DER LINDE: Bibliografie. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1871. 111 pp. 3. W. MEIJER:
Spinoza een levensbeeld. Amsterdam 1915. 33 pp. 4. W. MEIJER: De wetenschap van Dr.
G. Jelgersma en de wijsbegeerte van Benedictus de Spinoza. 's Gravenhage, 1900. 50 pp.
Modern cloth, marbled endpapers. Orig. frontcovers bound in. EUR 200.--

418. WALTHER, MANFRED. - Metaphysik als Anti-Theologie., Die Philosophie Spinozas

im Zusammenhang der religionsphilosophischen Problematik.
Hamburg, Felix Meiner Verlag, 1971. Softcover. 175 pp. EUR 29.--

419. WALTHER, MANFRED (ed.). - Spinoza und der deutsche Idealismus (Schriftenreihe
der Spinoza-Gesellschaft Band 1).
Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 1991. Softcover. 202 pp. EUR 24.--

420. WAWRYTKO, SANDRA A. - The Undercurrent of Feminine Philosophy in Eastern and

Western Thought.
Washington, 1981. Paperback, wraps. slightly discolored. XXIV, 357 pp. EUR 50.--
~Part III: `Spinozism as a feminine philosophy'.

421. WEDDE, HERWIG. - Elemente des erkenntnistheoretischen Idealismus bei Spinoza.

Eine historisch-kritische Abhandlung. (Dissertation at the University of Jena).
Jena, 1910. Orig. wraps with small repair. 80 pp. Blindstamped ex-libris. Paper slightly
browned, A few underlinings in blue pencil. EUR 65.--

422. WEISSENBORN, GEORG. - Vorlesungen über Pantheismus und Theismus.

Marburg, 1859. Orig. paper boards. Spine dam. and repaired with tape. VIII, 243 pp.
Librarystamp on title: Bibliotheek vereen. doopsg. gemeente Amsterdam. Some brown
age-staining. Good copy. EUR 140.--
~Oko pp. 446.

423. WENZEL, ALFRED. - Die Weltanschauung Spinozas. 1.(einziger) Band: Spinozas

Lehre von Gott, von der menschlichen Erkenntnis und von dem Wesen der Dinge.
Neudruck der Ausgabe Leipzig 1907.
Aalen, Scientia Verlag, 1983. Or.cloth. VIII,479 pp. New. EUR 55.--

424. WERTHEIM, DAVID J. - Salvation through Spinoza. A Study of Jewish Culture in

Weimar Germany.
Leiden, Brill, 2011. Hardcover. 240 pp. New. EUR 95.--
~"In recapturing this forgotten chapter in the history of Spinozism, this book sheds an
original light on Weimar Germany's reknown Jewish culture".

425. WERTHEIM, DAVID J. - Cherishing a Heretic, The Jews of Weimar Germany and
their Celebration of Spinoza. (Thesis).
No place (Utrecht), No publisher, 2005. Orig. wraps. 186 pp., illustrated. EUR 34.--
~Leaflet with thesis-propositions loosely inserted (as issued).

426. WETLESEN, J. - The sage and the way. Spinoza's ethics of freedom. ISBN
Assen, 1979. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. 474 pp. A few pencil-annotations. Else very good.
EUR 110.--

427. WIELEMA, MICHIEL. - The march of the libertines - Spinozists and the Dutch
Reformed Church (1660-1750).
Hilversum, Uitgeverij Verloren, 2004. Softcover. 221 pp. with illustrations. New. EUR 21.--

428. WIELENGA, BASTIAAN. - Spinozas "Cogitata Metaphysica" als Anhang zu seiner

Darstellung der cartesianischen Prinzipienlehre. Inaugural-dissertation zur Erlangung der
Doktorwürde der hohen philosophischen Fakultät der Grossh. Bad. Ruprecht-Karls-
Universität zu Heidelberg.
Heidelberg, 1899. Orig. wraps., edge frayed with some loss, spine damaged. VIII, 59
pp.Uncut. Ex-library copy. Internally good. EUR 75.--

429. WIENPAHL, PAUL. - The radical Spinoza.

New York, University Press, 1979. Orig. cloth, spine and part of frontcover discoloured.
XIII, 281 pp. EUR 45.--

430. WILBUR, JAMES B. (ed.). - Spinoza's metaphysics. Essays in critical appreciation.

Assen, 1976. Softcover. VII, 163 pp. EUR 10.--

431. WOLFSON, HARRY AUSTRYN. - The philosophy of Spinoza. Unfolding the latent
processes of his reasoning. Two volumes.
New York, Schocken Books, 1969. Paperback. 420, 440 pp. Good set. EUR 50.--

432. WOOLHOUSE, R.S. - Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz. The concept of substance in

seventeenth-century metaphysics.
New York, Routledge, 1993. Orig. cloth. 214 pp. EUR 42.--

433. WULF, JAN-HENDRIK. - Spinoza in der jüdischen Aufklärung. Baruch Spinoza als
diskursive Grenzfigur des Jüdischen und Nichtjüdischen in den Texten der Haskala von
Moses Mendelssohn bis Salomon Rubin und in frühen zionistischen Zeugnissen. ISBN
Oldenbourg, Akademie-Verlag, 2012. Hardcover. 622 pp. New. EUR 110.--
434. WURZER, WILLIAM S. - Nietzsche und Spinoza.
Meisenheim am Glan, Verlag Anton Hain, 1975. Orig. wraps. 276 pp. Handwritten owner's
name on titlepage. Good copy. EUR 50.--

435. YERUSHALMI, YOSEF HAYIM. - Spinoza und das Überleben des Jüdischen Volkes.
Mit einem Anhang: Spanien und das Spanishe in Spinozas Bibliothek..
Munchen, Veröffentlichungen des Lehrstuhls für Jüdische Geschichte und Kultur, 1999.
Softcover. 78 pp. EUR 38.--
~Translated from the Hebrew into German by Markus Lemke.

436. YOSHIDA, KAZUHIKO. - Vernunft und Affektivität. (Schriftenreihe der Spinoza-

Gesellschaft Band 12).
Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2004. Softcover. 207 pp. EUR 27.--

437. YOVEL, YIRMIYAHU. - Spinoza. Das Abenteuer der Immanenz. Transl. from the
English by Brigitte Flickinger.
Göttingen, Steidl Verlag, 1996. Orig. boards. 550 pp. EUR 21.--

438. YOVEL, YIRMIYAHU (ed.). - Spinoza on knowledge and the human mind.
Jerusalem Conferences II. ISBN 9004099816.
Leiden, Brill, 1994. Or. cloth with dustjacket. 244 pp. New. EUR 100 .--

439. YOVEL, YIRMIYAHU. - Spinoza and other heretics. Complete set in 2 volumes.
Vol.1: The Marrano of reason. Vol. 2: The adventures of immanence.
Princeton, University Press, 1989. Cloth with dustjacket.XIII, 244 pp. XXVI, 225 pp.
EUR 40.--
~First edition.

440. YOVEL, YIRMIYAHU. - Spinoza and other heretics. Vol.1: The Marrano of reason.
Princeton 1989. Repr. with corrections and a new afterword by the author.
Princeton, University Press, 1992. Cloth with dustjacket (dj slightly damaged). XIII, 248
pp. EUR 28.--

441. YOVEL, YIRMIYAHU. - Spinoza and other heretics. Vol. 2: The adventures of
Immanence. Princeton 1989. Repr. with corrections and a new afterword by the author.
Princeton, 1992. Softcover. XVI, 231 pp. EUR 29.--

442. YOVEL, YIRMIYAHU (ed.). - God and nature. Spinoza's metaphysics. Jerusalem
Conferences I (Ethica 1). ISBN 9004094849.
Leiden, Brill, 1991. Or. cloth (no dustjacket). 253 pp. Name on flyleaf. Else very good.
EUR 130.--

443. YOVEL, YIRMIYAHU (ed.). - Desire and affect: Spinoza as psychologist. Papers
presented at the third Jerusalem Conference (Ethica III). ISBN 9780967710211.
New York, 1999. Softcover. 294 pp. EUR 35.--

444. YOVEL, YIRMIYAHU and GIDEON SEGAL (eds.). - Spinoza on Reason and the
"Free Man". Ethica 4 (Spinoza by 2000, the Jerusalem Conferences).
New York, Little Room Press, 2004. Softcover.256 pp. Very good copy. EUR 24.--

445. ZAC, SYLVAIN. - La Morale de Spinoza.

Paris, PUF, 1959. Orig. wraps some colored pencilmarks on backcover. 116 pp. Good copy.
EUR 20.--
~First edition.

446. ZAC, SYLVAIN. - Spinoza et l'interprétation de l'Écriture (Bibliothèque de

Philosophie Contemporaine).
Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1965. Orig. wraps. 241 pp. With author's
dedication. Very good copy. EUR 80.--

447. ZEMACH, EDDY M. (ed.). - Iyyun: The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly. Volume
50, January, 2001.
Jerusalem, 2001. Softcover. Librarystamp. pp. 227-342. EUR 45.--
~Contains papers delivered at the fifth Spinoza Conference in Jerusalem. These papers will
not be included in ETHICS V. Among the contributors: Richard Mason, Charles Jarrett,
T.L.S. Sprigge and Heidi Miriam Ravven.

448. ZWEERMAN, THEO. - L'introduction à la philosophie selon Spinoza. Une analyse

structurelle de l'introduction du Traité de la réforme de l'entendement, suivie d'un
commentaire de ce texte.
Leuven, University Press, 1993. Softcover. XXIV, 282 pp. EUR 22.--
~French translation by the author of his dissertation in Dutch at the University of Louvain,

Related Seventeenth Century-Authors, modern studies and reprints

449. [BAYLE, PIERRE] - BOST, HUBERT. - Un "intellectuel" avant la lettre: Le

journaliste Pierre Bayle (1647-1706). L'actualité religieuse dans les `Nouvelles de la
République des lettres (1684-1687).
Amsterdam, APA - Holland University Press, 1994. Cloth. XII, 584 pp. New. EUR 50.--

450. [BAYLE, PIERRE] - BOTS, HANS (ed.). - Critical spirit, wisdom and erudition on
the eve of the enlightenment. Critique, savoir et érudition à la veille des lumières le
`Dictionaire Historique et Critique' de Pierre Bayle (1647-1706). Actes du colloque
international, Nimègue, octobre 1996. ISBN 9030210389.
Amsterdam, APA - Holland University Press, 1998. Orig. wraps. X, 420 pp. New. EUR 48.--
~Contains article by Gianluca Mori: Benedictus de Spinoza: athée vertueux, athée de
systeme, with appendix listing all passages in Bayle's work and correspondence where
Spinoza, Spinoziste or Spinozisme is mentioned. Most contributions in French

451. BAYLE, PIERRE. - Écrits sur Spinoza.

Paris, Berg International Éditeurs, 1983. Softcover. 189 pp. EUR 30.--

452. [BAYLE, PIERRE] - LIESHOUT, H.H.M. VAN. - The making of Pierre Bayle's
Dictionaire Historique et Critique. With a CD-rom containing the dictionaire's library and
reference between articles. ISBN 9030210400.
Amsterdam, APA - Holland University Press, 2001. Cloth. XXVI, 339 pp. New. EUR 58.--

453. [BAYLE, PIERRE] - Pierre Bayle le philosophe de Rotterdam. Etudes et documents

publiés sous la direction de Paul Dibon.
Amsterdam, Elsevier Publishing Company, 1959. Or. cloth. XX, 255 pp. EUR 60.--
~French and English. Contr. by Popkin, Hazewinkel, Robinet and others

454. [BAYLE] - BUNGE, WIEP VAN and HANS BOTS. - Pierre Bayle (1647-1706), Le
Philosophe De Rotterdam - Philosophy, Religion and Reception: Selected Papers of the
Tercentenary Conference Held at Rotterdam, 7-8 December 2006. ISBN 9789004165366.
Leiden, Brill, 2008. Hardcover. VI, 274 pp. New. EUR 95.--
~This book contains 15 essays on the philosophy, theology and reception of Pierre Bayle,
who has been rediscovered as one of the key authors of the early Enlightenment.

455. [COURT] - WESTSTEIJN, ARTHUR. - Commercial Republicanism in the Dutch

Golden Age. The Political Thought of Johan & Pieter de la Court. ISBN 9789004221390.
Leiden, Brill, 2011. Hardcover. XIV, 395 pp. (with 4 color plates & 12 b/w illustrations).
New. EUR 115.--

456. DA COSTA, URIEL. - Examination of pharisaic traditions. Exame das tradiçoes

phariseas. Facsimile of the unique copy in the Royal Library of Copenhagen. Supplemented
by Samuel Da Silva's Treatise on the immortality of the soul. Tratado da immortalidade da
alma. Translation, notes and introduction by H.P. Salomon and I.S.D. Sassoon. ISBN
Leiden / New York / Köln, Brill, 1993. Orig. cloth, with dustjacket. XXIV, 578 pp, 2 folded
maps and 8 plates. Very good copy. EUR 130.--

457. DA COSTA, URIEL. - Die Schriften des Uriel da Costa. Mit Einleitung, übertragung
und Regesten herausgegeben von Carl Gebhardt (Bibliotheca Spinozana 2.).
Amsterdam, 1922. Orig. halfcloth, corners and extermities spine worn.XL,286 pp. Paper
slightly browned. Good copy. EUR 50.--
~Contains a.o. the original texts: Propostas contra a Tradicao, Sobre a Mortalidade da
Alma and Exemplar Humanae Vitae all with German translations.

458. DA COSTA, URIEL. - Examination of pharisaic traditions. Exame das tradiçoes

phariseas. Facsimile of the unique copy in the Royal Library of Copenhagen. Supplemented
by Samuel Da Silva's Treatise on the immortality of the soul. Tratado da immortalidade da
alma. Translation, notes and introduction by H.P. Salomon and I.S.D. Sassoon. ISBN
Leiden / New York / Köln, Brill, 1993. Hardback. XXIV, 578 pp, 2 folded maps and 8 plates.
New. EUR 95.--
~This is the Brill reprint of the 1993 edition in carton boards (originally published in cloth
with dustjacket).

459. [DA COSTA, URIEL] - KASTEIN, JOSEF. - Uriel da Costa oder die Tragödie der
Berlin, 1932. Or. wrps, loose. 340 pp. And 12 plates. EUR 10.--

460. DUIJKERIUS, JOHANNES. - Het Leven Van Philopater En Vervolg Van't Leven Van
Philopater: Een Spinozistische Sleutelroman Uit 1691/1697 Opniew Uitgegeven en van een
inleiding en noten voorzien door Geraldine Maréchal.
Amsterdam/Atlanta, Rodopi, 1991. Or. wraps. 215 pp. Good. EUR 10.--
~A reprint of the Dutch Spinozistic novel published in 2 vols. in 1691 and 1697. The
original Dutch text is accompanied by many explanatory notes. See Bamberger 85.

461. ENDEN, FRANCISCUS VAN DEN. - Vrije Politijke Stellingen. Met een inleiding van
Dr. W. Klever. ISBN 9028416218.
Amsterdam, Wereldbibliotheek, 1992. Softcover. 249 pp. EUR 38.--
~The original Dutch text with introduction and commentary in Dutch.

462. ENDEN, FRANCISCUS VAN DEN. - Free political propositions and considerations of
state (1665). Text in translation, the relevant biographical documents and a selection from
`Kort Verhael'. Introduced, presented and commented on by Wim Klever.
Vrijstad, Wim Klever, 2007. Wraps. 214 pp. New. EUR 28.--
~English translation of Vrije politijke Stellingen.

463. GEULINCX, ARNOLD. - Ethics. With Samuel Beckett's Notes. Translated by Martin
Wilson. Edited by Han van Ruler, Anthony Uhlmann & Martin Wilson. ISBN
Leiden/Boston, Brill, 2006. Hardcover.XLVI, 370 pp. New. EUR 105.--
~Arnold Geulincx' (1624-1669) main philosophical work remained unfinished at his death.
This new English edition is the first complete one to appear in a modern language.

465. [HOBBES] - STRAUSS, LEO. - Hobbes's Critique of Religion and Related Writings.
Translated (from the German) and edited by Gabriel Bartlett and Svetozar Minkov.
Chigago, University Press, 2011. Hardcover with dustjacket. Some slight wear to dustj.
XIV, 165 pp. EUR 21.--

466. KOERBAGH, ADRIAAN. - A light shining in dark places, to illuminate the main
questions of theology and religion. (Text and translation of: Een ligt schijnende in duystere
plaatsen... Amsterdam 1668) . Edited and translated by Michiel Wielema. With an
introduction by Wiep van Bunge. ISBN 9789004212367.
Leiden, Brill, 2011. Hardcover. X, 508 pp. New. EUR 120.--
~First edition. The original Dutch text and English translation on facing pages.

467. KOERBAGH, ADRIAAN. - Een licht dat schijnt in duistere plaatsen. Een verheldering
van de voornaamste kwesties van theologie en godsdienst. Hertaling Michiel Wielema.
Nijmegen, Vantilt, 2014. Paperback. 262 pp. Nieuw. EUR 18.50

468. LEONE EBREO (Jehuda Abravanel). - Dialoghi d'amore. Hebräische Gedichte

Hrsg. mit einer Darstellung des Lebens und Werkes Leones. Bibliographie, Register zu den
Dialoghi, Übertragung der hebräischen Texte, Regesten, Urkunden und Anmerkungen
Herausgegeben von Carl Gebhardt (Bibliotheca Spinozana Tomus III). Heidelberg 1929.
No place, no date. Plain brown cloth, white endpapers. 544 pp. EUR 55.--

469. MEYER, LODEWIJK. - Philosophy as the interpreter of Holy Scripture (1666).

Translated by Samuel Shirley. Introduction & Notes by Lee C. Rice & Francis Pastijn. ISBN
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Marquette University Press, 2005. Softcover. VI, 291 pp. New.
EUR 44.--
~English translation of Philosophia S. Scripturae Interpres with notes. Based primarily
upon the edition of 1674, which is a slightly corrected reprint of the edition of 1673. The
editors had also access to the original edition of 1666 and the Dutch version of 1667.

470. [MORTEIRA, SAUL LEVI] - SALOMON, HERMAN PRINS. - Saul Levi Mortera en
zijn "Traktaat betreffende de waarheid van de wet van Mozes", eigenhandig geschreven in
de portugese taal te Amsterdam 1659-1660. Inleiding, transcriptie en aantekeningen.
Braga, 1988. Or.wrps. CXXXVIII, 23 plates and genealogical table. EUR 10.--
~In Dutch. Introduction at the dissertation. With bibliography. Morteira was probably a
teacher of Spinoza. According to Salomon, Spinoza reacts in certain passages in his
Tractatus Theologico-Politicus directly to Morteira's Tratado da Verdade.. (pp. CVII-CXIV)

471. MORTERA [MORTEIRA], SAUL LEVI. - Tratado da verdade da lei de Moisés. Escrito
pelo su próprio punho em Portugues. Ediçao facsimilada, leitura di autografo (1659),
introduçao e comentario por H.P. Salomon. (Acta universitatis Coimbrigensis).
Coimbra, 1988. 4to. Orig. wraps. CXLVI, 1277 pp. and 23 plates. Heavy item, weighs over
3 kg. EUR 55.--
~Facsimile edition with transcription. Dissertation at the University of Nijmegen.

472. [PEREYRA, ABRAHAM] - MÉCHOULAN, HENRY. - Hispanidad y Judaismo en

tiempos de Espinoza. Estudio y edicion anotada de La Certeza del Camino de de Abraham
Pereyra, Amsterdam 1666.
Salamanca, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 1987. Orig. wraps.343 pp. New. EUR 30.-
~In Spanish

474. [VELTHUYSEN, LAMBERTUS VAN] - KLEVER, WIM. - Verba et sententiae

Spinozae or Lambertus van Velthuysen (1622-1685) on Benedictus de Spinoza. ISBN
Amsterdam / Maarssen, APA, 1991. Orig. wraps. 92 pp. and 1 plate. New. EUR 16.--
~In English. Lambert van Velthuysen (1622-1677), a progressive but still reformed
Cartesianist, criticized the work of Spinoza, both in publications and in correspondence
with Spinoza. Contains a short biography.

Reference works and sources

478. BOSCHERINI, EMILIA GIANCOTTI (ed.). - Lexicon Spinozanum (International

Archives of the History of Ideas 28). 2 vols.
The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1970. Orig. cloth with dustjacket, minor traces of use to
dustjackets.(XXXVIII) 628, (X) 631-1374 pp. Owners name on first blanc. Very good set.
EUR 335.--
~First edition
479. BOUCHER, WAYNE I. - Spinoza in English. A bibliography from the Seventeenth
Century to the present. ISBN 9004094997.
Leiden, Brill, 1991. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. X, 226 pp. Very good copy. EUR 14.--

480. BUNGE, WIEP VAN and others (eds.). - The Bloomsbury Companion to Spinoza.
2011 Reprint.
London etc, Bloomsbury, 2014. Hardcover. XVI, 380 pp. EUR 34.--
~Contains annotated chronology of Spinoza's life, bibliographies of his major influences
and critics, a substantive dictionary of key Spinozan concepts, and summaries of Spinoza's
principal writings. The work concludes with an essay on Spinoza's place in modern
academic scholarship.

481. BUNGE, WIEP VAN and others (eds.). - The dictionary of seventeenth and
eighteenth-century Dutch philosophers. Complete in 2 vols. ISBN 9781855069664.
Bristol, Thoemmes Press, 2003. Hardcover in slipcase. 1116 pp. EUR 65.--

482. [EMMERING - DE GRAAF] - Spinoza (1632-1677). A joint catalogue of S.

Emmering (Amsterdam) and De Graaf (Nieuwkoop).
1997. Orig. wraps. 37 pp. Good copy. EUR 22.--
~116 items

483. [EXHIBITION-CATALOGUE] - Baruch de Spinoza 1677-1977. Werk und Wirkung.

Ausstelllungskataloge der Herzog August Bibliothek nr. 19. Ed. wich introduction by
Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann.
Wolfenbüttel, 1977. 4to. Orig. wraps, minor wear. 115. Illustrated. EUR 20.--

484. [EXHIBITION-CATALOGUE] - Baruch de Spinoza 1677-1977. His work and its

reception (Catalogues of exhibitions at the Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel. No. 19)
Edited with an introduction by Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggeman.
Baarn, 1977. Orig. wraps.117 pp. Richly illustrated. EUR 27.--

485. [EXHIBITION-CATALOGUE] - Spinoza. Troisième centenaire de la mort du

Paris, Institut Néerlandais, 1977. Or. wraps. 83 pp. Illustrated. EUR 25.--

486. [EXHIBITION-CATALOGUE] - Wie was Spinoza? Feit en fictie rond een

zeventiende-eeuws denker. Herdenkingstentoonstelling Universiteitsbibliotheek van
Amsterdam. 22 februari - 1 april 1977.
Amsterdam, 1977. Orig. wraps. 141 pp. Illustrated. EUR 18.--
~Dutch Catalogue

487. GEBHARDT, CARL (ed.). - Spinoza. Lebensbeschreibungen und Dokumente.

Übertragen und herausgegeben von Carl Gebhardt. Vermehrte Neuausgabe 1998.
Sämtliche Werke. Bd. 7. ISBN 9783787306992.
Hamburg, Verlag von Felix Meiner, 1998. Softcover. XV,329 pp. New. EUR 16.--

488. [HERTZBERGER, MENNO] - Catalogue 179. Spinoza (1632-1677). From the library
of Dr. R.H., Amsterdam.
Amsterdam, Internationaal Antiquariaat (Menno Herzberger), no date. Or. wraps. 23 pp.
EUR 25.--
~328 entries

489. KEYSER, MARJA. - Glazemaker 1682-1982. Catalogus bij een tentoonstelling over
de vertaler Jan Hendriksz Glazemaker in de Universiteitsbibliotheek van Amsterdam.
Amsterdam, 1982. Orig. wraps. XVIII, 86 pp. EUR 15.--
~Glazemaker translated more than 70 important Latin works into Dutch. Among them the
TTP and the Opera Posthuma.

490. LINDE, A. VAN DER. - Benedictus Spinoza. Bibliografie. The Hague 1871. Reprint.
Nieuwkoop, B. De Graaf, 1965. Orig cloth.VIII, 113 pp. EUR 40.--

491. LINDE, A. VAN DER. - Benedictus Spinoza. Bibliografie. The Hague 1871. Reprint.
Nieuwkoop, B. De Graaf, 1965. Orig cloth, some wear and staining. VIII, 113 pp. Ex-
library-copy. Internally very good. EUR 16.--

492. OKO, ADOLPH S. (Compiler). - The Spinoza Bibliography. Published under the
auspices of the Columbia University Libraries. (ADDED: Supplement by Jon Wetlesen).
Boston, 1964. Orig. cloth, library-label on spine. XXIV, 700 pp. Ex-library copy. Very good
condition. EUR 425.--
~JON WETLESEN: A Spinoza Bibliography 1940-1970. 2nd revised edition, arranged as a
supplementary volume to Oko's Spinoza Bibliography. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget 1971.Orig.
wraps, ex-library

493. PRÉPOSIET, JEAN (Preposiet). - Bibliographie spinoziste.

Paris, 1973. Orig. wraps, foldingmarks and discoloring in spine. XI, 454, [6] pp. EUR 38.--

494. [SPINOZAHUIS - CATALOGUE] - Catalogus van de bibliotheek der Vereniging Het

Spinozahuis te Rijnsburg.
Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1965. Or. wraps. 61 pp. and 4 plates. Some age-yellowing. EUR 18.--
~Catalogue of the library of Het Spinozahuis. Complemented version. Less detailed
compared to the Catalogue of 1914. Introduction in Dutch and French
495. [SPINOZAHUIS] - [WINKEL, J. TE (ed.)]. - Catalogus van de boekerij der
vereeniging "Het Spinozahuis". (The Hague 1914).
Large 4to. Orig. wraps, top and bottom spine worn. Bookseller's stamp on frontcover.89
pp. Very good copy. EUR 50.--
~Catalogue of the library of Het Spinozahuis. Contains the reconstructed library of
Spinoza. The exact phrases from the inventory of Spinoza's inheritance are stated.
Shunami 4331

496. VAZ DIAS, A.M and W.G. VAN DER TAK. - Spinoza. Merchant & Autodidact.
Preface by G. van Suchtelen, secretary of the Society Het Spinozahuis. Biographical note
by Dr. J. Meijer. Reprint from Studia Rosenthaliana, Vol. XVI, Number 2, 1982.
Assen, 1982. Orig. wraps with some very slight soiling. pp. 103-195. EUR 30.--
~English translation of the collection of documents relating to Spinoza's life, published in
1932, supplemented by 4 relating articles. This edition does not contain the facsimiles of
the Dutch edition.

497. VAZ DIAS, A.M. - Spinoza. Mercator & Autodidactus. Oorkonden en andere
authentieke documenten betreffende des wijsgeers jeugd en diens betrekkingen.
Uitgegeven en toegelicht in overleg met W.G. van der Tak (Secretaris van "Het
Spinozahuis"). Met 13 facsimile's.
The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1932. 4to. Orig. wraps, edges creased and slightly dam.XII,
68 pp. Handmade paper. EUR 90.--
~Transcription of original 17th century documents, connected to Spinoza with 13 facsimile
reproductions of these documents and Dutch annotations. With letter `Aan den lezer',
loosely inserted as issued.

499. WALTHER, MANFRED. - Das Leben Spinozas. Eine Bibliographie.

Hannover, 1996. Orig. wraps. 98 pp. New. EUR 9.--

500. [WOLF - CATALOGUE] - Spinoza (1632-1677). The library of the late professor Dr.
A. Wolf, London. Menno Hertzberger. Internationaal antiquariaat, Amsterdam. Catalogue
No. 150.
[1950]. Orig. wraps, some slight foxing. 106 pp. And 4 plates. A few pencil-annotations.
Internally very good. ADDED: Separate price-list in photocopy. EUR 80.--
~Sales catalogue of Wolf"s great Spinoza collection, covering work, life and influences.
1308 entries.

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