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Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 51 :387-393 (1993)

Beneficial Effects of Electromagnetic Fields

C. Andrew L. Bassett
Bioelectric Research Center, Columbia University, Riverdale, New York 10463

Abstract Selective control of cell function by applying specifically configured, weak, time-varying magnetic fields
has added a new, exciting dimension to biology and medicine. Field parameters for therapeutic, pulsed electromagnetic
field (PEMFs) were designed to induce voltages similar to those produced, normally, during dynamic mechanical
deformation of connective tissues. As a result, a wide variety of challenging musculoskeletal disorders have been treated
successfully over the past two decades. More than a quarter million patients with chronically ununited fractures have
benefitted, worldwide, from this surgically non-invasive method, without risk, discomfort, or the high costs of operative
repair. Many of the athermal bioresponses, at the cellular and subcellular levels, have been identified and found
appropriate to correct or modify the pathologic processes for which PEMFs have been used. Not only is efficacy
supported by these basic studies but by a number of double-blind trials. As understanding of mechanisms expands,
specific requirements for field energetics are being defined and the range of treatable ills broadened. These include
nerve regeneration, wound healing, graft behavior, diabetes, and myocardial and cerebral ischemia (heart attack
and stroke), among other conditions. Preliminary data even suggest possible benefits in controlling
mal ignancy. o 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Key words: cell function, magnetic fields, PEMF connective tissues, musculoskeletal disorders

A revolution is occurring in the ability to A major thrust for these developments de-
control specific aspects of cell function by pre- rived from the clinical success of pulsed electro-
cise physical means. This revolution goes far magnetic fields (PEMFs) in salvaging limbs
beyond the classically recognized mechanisms scheduled for amputation, after repeated surgi-
living systems have evolved to facilitate transduc- cal failures to heal patients with chronically
tion of certain types of energy to functional ununited, broken bones [Bassett, 1989; Bassett
responses, such as photochemical reactions (e.g., et al., 1974a]. Almost at the same time, certain
vision) and action potentials in nerve and mus- types of time-varying magnetic fields were re-
cle. During the past two decades, it has become ported to affect calcium efflux and influx in
increasingly clear that weak, non-ionizing elec- brain tissue [Bawin and Adey, 1976]. Shortly,
tromagnetic fields exert a wide range of ather- thereafter, epidemiological reports began to ap-
mal effects when energetic patterns and pear suggesting a link between cancer and 60 Hz
"biotargets" are properly matched. As a result, power lines [Wertheimer and Leeper, 1979].
a critical re-examination of weak field interac- These three nearly concordant events stimu-
tions with the charge and other physical charac-
lated scientific interest in the mechanisms of
teristics of many biochemical species is in
action responsible for these bioelectromagnetic
progress (e.g., ligand-receptors, phase transi-
tions, and cooperativity, among others). Simul-
Significant progress has been made in the past
taneously, a new approach to medical therapeu-
15 years in defining many cellular and sub-
tics is emerging, one in which abnormal cell
behavior is modified, beneficially, by inductive- cellular mechanisms of action when biosystems
coupling of selected, externally applied, ex- are exposed to a variety of ELF magnetic fields.
tremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields. More recently, effects at the level of the whole
organism and the molecule have been reported
[Blank and Soo, 1992; Reiter et al., 1992]. Not as
Received July 20, 1992; accepted August 3, 1992.
much progress, however, has occurred in identi-
Address reprint requests to C. Andrew L. Bassett, Bioelec-
fying the physical principles underlying ather-
tric Research Center, Columbia University, 2600 Nether- mal bioeffects. Although a number of physical
land Avenue, Riverdale, New York 1046:3. mechanisms have been investigated, including
, 1993 Wiley-liss, Inc.
388 Bassett

ion cyclotron resonance, parametric resonance, for the first therapeutic fields. These were de-
and, more recently, quantum effects on singlet- rived from two decades of investigation focused
triplet states, bioelectromagnetics still lacks con- on mechanisms to explain the exquisite sensitiv-
crete explanations for weak ELF field effects. ity of bone cells to mechanical forces [Bassett
Until this issue is addressed successfully, some and Becker, 1962; Bassett, 1971, 1989]. Bone
classical physicists will continue to claim that mass and its spatial organization reflect load-
thermal noise overshadows any effect of a weak bearing patterns with such precision that engi-
field. These individuals, currently, refer to re- neering principles can be applied to predict struc-
peatable bioresponses as "Pathological Science" ture. Cellular action which selectively adds or
and "the Emperor's Clothes." In the process, removes bone in specific locations appears to be
non-linear behavior, biomechanisms for increas- electrically mediated, through transduction.
ing signal to noise (SIN) ratios (e.g., large, june- When bone and many other structural tissues
tionally coupled cell arrays), and signal amplifi- are mechanically deformed, they become electri-
cation through messenger responses at the cell cally charged as a result of piezoelectric, elec-
membrane and its interior, among other factors, tret, and electrokinetic properties [Bassett, 1971,
are ignored [Bassett, 1971, 1993; Pilla et al., 1989J. The amplitude and frequency content of
1992b]. the resultant voltage waveforms reflect both the
It is not possible in this brief review ofbenefi- velocity and magnitude of the deflection. For
cial medical effects to cite the wide range of physiologic loading, voltages between 10 J..lV and
proven cellular and subcellular responses to dif- 1 mVI em are produced with a frequency content
ferent ELF magnetic fields. These have been predominantly in the range of < 1 Hz to ::::: 100
reviewed elsewhere and, more recently, in the Hzlor greater.
Proceedings of the 1st World Congress on the . Electric field characteristics in these ranges
topic [Bassett, 1989; Blank, 1992]. Effects range have been shown to affect the function of bone
from changes in cellular Ca + + , to modified recep- (and other) cells, whether they arise endoge-
tor and messenger behavior, to increased synthe- nously from transduction or exogenously from
sis and degradation. Highly specific alterations inductively coupled, appropriately configured,
in transcription and translation have been re- time-varying magnetic fields [McLeod and Ru-
ported, in which the energetic patterns of differ- bin, 1990]. The cell does not seem to make a
ent fields (e.g., pulse shape and sequencing, fre- distinction between the sources of the field, only
quency characteristics, amplitude, and spatial its "informational" content. In fact, ELF mag-
orientation, among other factors) produce func- netic fields can prevent the bone loss which
tional "signatures" [Goodman and Henderson, normally occurs during immobilization, bed rest,
1991]. These and other data suggest strongly or space flight (i.e., weightlessness) [Bassett et
that there are "windows" and thresholds for al., 1979]. These states diminish mechanical
bioeffects in which classic dose responses may deformation, thereby reducing endogenous fields
not exist. Furthermore, data are emerging which in the microenvironment of the cell.
indicate a direct interaction between the field Armed with the voltage patterns Nature ap-
and a gene without a cascade of biochemically pears to use to communicate instructions to
mediated signalling (messenger) events being bone, dynamic magnetic fields were designed to
initiated at the plasma membrane or in the produce similar waveforms via inductive cou-
cytoplasm [Goodman et al., 1991J. In other pling. Specific details appear elsewhere [Bassett,
words, isolated chromosomes, devoid of cell or 1989; Bassett et al., 1974b]. Suffice it to say, the
nuclear envelopes, respond to field exposure. term pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) was
The mechanisms behind this behavior are moot used to delineate these broad-band patterns
but may involve resonance effects on ion counter within the larger electromagnetic spectrum. The
charge at specific loci on the DNA molecule itself fact that PEMFs proved to be a highly effective
[Bassett, 1993; Hinsenkamp et al., 1978J. therapeutic agent for a range of musculoskeletal
The pattern of bioresponse to field exposure disorders may seem to be a striking example of
depends not only on cell type, its state of func- the scientist's credo "it is better to be lucky than
tion, and its tissue envelope but also on specific smart." For example, in the 20 years since the
energetic characteristics of the magnetic field. first clinical use of PEMFs, a variety of other
Given this complex state of affairs, it is appropri- field patterns have proven to be effective. On
ate to address steps which led to specifications superficial examination, many of these have
Beneficial Effects of Electromagnetic Fields 389

widely disparate energy characteristics, although cost of medical care is significantly reduced be-
it appears that the induced electric field, rather cause no hospital or surgical fees are involved.
than magnetic field component, exerts the main In the two decades since PEMFs were" first
effect [Bassett, 1989, 1993; Pilla et al., 1992a]. used for a patient with a chronically ununited
When subjected to closer scrutiny (with meth- fracture, more than 300,000 individuals, around
ods such as Fast Fourier Transforms),however, the world, have been treated with the method.
there are many similarities or overlaps in fre- Domestically, clinical usage is restricted to those
quency content and distribution [Bassett, 1989, indications which are approved as safe and effec-
1993; Pilla, 1992; Stuchly, 1990]. tive by the F.D.A. Nonunion, after fracture,
The energetic principles for bioresponses be- failed joint fusions, and congenital pseudarthro-
ing enunciated for therapeutic applications are sis (a highly recalcitrant, infantile nonunion,
beginning to spillover into the potential hazards often associated with an inborn defect of nerves)
of environmental fields. No longer is field inten- fall into this category. Elsewhere, in the world, a
sity being viewed as the sine qua non for bioef- number of other conditions, are being success-
fects; spectral analysis (e.g., frequency content) fully treated with PEMFs, based largely on clin-
is now becoming a topic of focus and may well ical findings in the U.S. but not yet approved by
impinge on attempts to set health standards the F.D.A. Results in ununited fractures, in
[Wilson et al., 1992]. Furthermore, it is increas- terms of success rates and treatment times, are
ingly clear that the passive electrical properties essentially the same as those produced surgi-
of different tissues may impose specific modifica- cally [Gossling et al., 1992]. In some disorders,
tions in the characteristics of an induced voltage PEMFs are the only known method of success-
waveform. In other words, the frequency and ful treatment [Bassett, 1989, 1993].
amplitude patterns "seen" by a nerve or bone Table I lists those medical problems in which
cell, residing in their respective tissues, can be PEMFs produce significant clinical benefits. All
quite different when exposed to identical PEMFs. of these conditions currently encompass disor-
"Signal processing" by a given tissue can alter ders of the musculoskeletal system or the integ-
frequency responses so that different "driving ument. Clinical effectiveness, in each, has been
fields" appear as if they were electrically filtered proven by randomized, prospectively controlled
[Bassett, 1989]. studies and by double-blind trials. As can be
From a practical standpoint, therapeutic units, seen in Table II, the mechanisms of PEMF
generally, consist of a portable, battery-powered action are appropriate to correct or modify the
pulse generator and a coil of wire which is placed, underlying pathological processes. Many of these
externally, over the site to be treated. Units are mechanisms have been elucidated over the past
available only on a physician's prescription in 15 years, as the result of intensive tissue culture
the U.S.A. and have been approved for certain and animal studies. Despite the complexities of
bony disorders by the F.D.A. since 1979. As designing reproducible bioelectromagnetic exper-
"current flows in the treatment coils, the result- iments, more than a thousand reports of well-
ing magnetic field penetrates the body (or cast controlled studies underpin current understand-
or non-metallic brace), inducing a voltage and ing of cellular, subcellular, and biomolecular
current in the exposed tissue. With present day responses. In fact, as much or more is known
clinical units, there is little or no evidence of a about PEMF biomechanisms as is known about
bioeffect in normal, resting tissues or cells within the action of aspirin.
the field. Certain pathological processes, how- Perhaps in no other arena of biomedical inves-
ever, are modified, beneficially, if the PEMF tigation are the requirements for precise inter-
"message" and exposure conditions are appropri- disciplinary collaboration quite as rigorous as
ate. Treatment times range from 20 minutes to they are in bioelectromagnetics. Principles of
8-10 hours a day, depending on the nature of physics, engineering, biology, biochemistry,
the abnormal process and applied field character- physiology, genetics, and medicine all impinge
istics. Usually the equipment is fitted in the on proper experimental design and interpreta-
doctor's office and used at home. At least for tion. It is all too easy for biologists, unaware of
PEMFs (i.e., induced voltage patterns similar to the physical subtlities of field interactions with
strain-generated waveforms), there is no discom- living systems, to fail in controlling or describ-
fort OJ: known risk. Compared with most alterna- ing key elements of their exposure conditions.
tive methods for treating bony disorders, the Conversely, it is all too easy for physicists and
390 Bassett

TABLE I. Clinical Conditions Amenable to PEMF Treatment*

FDA Controlled Treatment
Condition approved study time Success rate
Fracture nonunion Yes Prospective and 3-6 mos 75-95%a
double blind
Failed joint fusions Yes Prospective 3-6 mos 85-90%a
Spine fusions Yes Prospective and 3-6 mos 90-95%
double blind
Congenital pseuarthrosis Yes Prospective 6-12 mos 70-80%h
Osteonecrosis (Hip) No Prospective 6-12 mos 80-100%h
Osteochondritis dessicans No Prospective 3-9 mos 85-90%
Osteoporosis No Prospective Life 85-90%
Osteogenesis imperfecta No Prospective Life
Chronic tendinitis No Double blind 3-4 mos 85-90%
Chronic skin ulcers No Double blind 3 mos 85-90%
'Conditions currently unapproved by the FDA, in the United States, are being treated extensively elsewhere in the world with
this technology. Results in osteogenesis imperfecta suggest a substantial reduction in fracture rate is possible in this rare
pathological state and nonunions in these patients behave, during PEMF treatment, as they do in the general population.
aRate dependent upon anatomical site and effectiveness of ancillary immobilization.
bRate dependent upon severity classification.

TABLE II. PEMF Mechanisms of Action*

Condition Pathology PEMF cellular effects
Fracture nonunion Soft tissues in gap, failure of calcifica- t mineralization, t angiogenesis
tion, bone formation and vasculariza- t collagen + GAG production, endo-
tion chondral ossification
Failed joint fusion As above As above
Congenital pseudarthrosis As above, plus t osteoclasis As above, plus t osteoclasis
Spine fusion Unincorporated bone grafts t angiogenesis, t osteoblastic activity
Osteonecrosis Dead bone, rapid osteoclasis t angiogenesis, t osteoclasis, t osteo-
blastic activity
Osteoporosis t Bone removal t osteoclasis-
t Bone formation t osteoblastic activity
Osteogenesis imperfecta Thin bones (osteopenia), Inborn error, t osteoclasis
collagen t osteoblastic activity"
Chronic tendinitis Avascular, hyalinized, fibrillated collagen t Angiogenesis
t Collagen + GAG production
Chronic skin ulcers Poor vascular supply and healing t Angiogenesis
i Collagen + GAG production
'Many of these effects may derive from or are agumented by increased growth factors/mitogen production or "sensitivity."
"Reduced osteoclasis associated with reduction in collagenase activity and receptor responsiveness to parathyroid hormone.
"Metabolic error not corrected, but more bone means fewer fractures.

engineers to oversimplify exceedingly complex came "electrified," have been conducted under
biosystems, so they can fit the standard equa- truly controlled conditions. The few in which
tions of their disciplines. Table III lists some of effective magnetic shielding (i.e., zero field condi-
the common confounders facing the physicist or tions) has been used suggest strongly that some
biologist in designing bioelectromagnetic experi- cellular functions are very different when they
ments. Those of us who study biosystems must are isolated from ambient magnetic fields [Bas-
develop a more universal recognition that all sett, 1989; Dubrov, 1978].
pervasive, weak, time-varying magnetic fields At the present time, there are a number of
can affect their behavior, depending on energy important, rational, clinical extensions in the
characteristics and exposure conditions. Given wings, waiting to be brought into the main-
this challenge, it is appropriate to ask whether stream of medical therapeutics. Some of the
most biological studies, since our Society be- more immediate breakthroughs are summa-
Beneficial Effects of Electromagnetic Fields 391

TABLE III. Interactive Factors Determining Bioelectromagnetic Responses

Physical Biological
A. Primary ("driving") fields A. Biofactors-cell
1. Strength (Intensity) 1. Size, shape
2. Homogeneity (E vs. B) 2. Density (confluent, non-confluent)
3. Vectors (Bac and Bdc) 3. Junctions
4. Time-varying characteristics 4. State of function
a. Rep rate and sequencing a. Dividing
b. Pulse shape (symmetric or not) b. Resting
c. Rise and fall times c. Synthesizing
d. Frequency content d. Differentiated/specialized
e. Switching transients e. Embryonal/senescent
B. Secondary (environmental) fields f. Migrating
1. Geomag. (static and time varying) 5. Exposure pattern
2. Switching transients (motors, etc.) a. Phasing in cell cycle
3. Electron microscopes, NMR, ESR b. Duration
4. Powerlines c. Continuous vs. interrupted
5. R.F. and microwave d. Orientation in Band E fields
6. Magnetic door catches B. Biofactors-tissue
7. Electrostatic (fur, clothing) 1. Type
C. Endogenous electrogenic events 2. Microstructure (axes, planes)
1. Fixed charge on moving membranes 3. Orientation in Band E fields
and organnelles 4. Hydration
2. Action potentials 5. Charged species
3. Transmembrane potentials 6. Mobility of charge carriers
4. Injury potentials 7. Charge relaxation
5. Development potentials C. Biofactors-animal
6. Strain-generated potentials 1. Size (scaling)
a. Piezoelectric 2. Orientation in Band E fields
b. Electrokinetic a. Random
7. Resultant biomagnetic fields b. Preferred
D. Passive electrical properties c. Fixed
1. Solid state (rectification) 3. Local vs. systemic effects
2. Ferroelectric ("memory") a. Melatonin
3. Electrets b. Glucocorticoids
4. Capitance/impedence 4. "Crosstalk"
5. Dielectric properties a. Shielding
6. Magnetite b. Distance
5. Stressors
a. Vibration
b. Electrostatic
c. Restraint

rized in Table IV. Lest the reader be tempted to mon abnormalities in each of the clinical set-
interpret this broad potential therapeutic spec- tings. Furthermore, the role of the passive elec-
trum as evidence that bioelectromagnetics is a trical properties of each tissue, interacting with
panacea let it be said, there is no panacea. This the field to which it is exposed, impose certain
discipline faces many challenges in determining highly specific changes in the energy character-
the most propitious field characteristics for a istics an embedded cell will finally "see." These
given pathologic state. At the current state of properties probably change as disease alters the
the art, it is fortunate that the broad-band pat- structure and composition of the tissue.
terns chosen to open the therapeutic quest ex- Unfortunately, data supporting projections for
hibit a capacity to produce a number of poten- clinical expansions are largely unknown outside
tially beneficial bioresponses. As one examines bioelectromagnetic research. This situation can
known, cellular mechanisms behind present day only be remedied by an educational outreach
usage, many are similar and address some com- such as that epitomized by the Prospects series
392 Bassett

TABLE IV. Experimental Data Supporting Some New Clinical Indications for PEMFs
Conditions Supporting experimental data
1. Acute myocardial ischemia (heart attack) Animal data showing decrease in infarct size, (acute effects
on blood flow and angiogenesis, ? effect on superoxide
dismutase, nitrous oxide)
2. Acute cerebral ischemia (stroke) Same as above.
3. Cancer Animal data demonstrate decreased growth and invasive-
ness of Meth A sarcoma in BalbC mice, encapsulation,
cell and nuclear changes.
4. Dental (periodontal disease, edentulous jaw Animal data show decrease in bone resorption in jaws, in-
and extraction sockets) creased osteogenesis in tooth extraction sockets and an
improved bacterial flora spectrum.
5. Diabetes (adult onset) Clinical benefits on blood glucose reported, ? secondary to
Ca + + effects on insulin secretion.
6. Diabetic and alcoholic neuropathy (insensate Effects on axoplasmic transport, neuronal protein synthe-
skin, ulcers, and charcot joints) sis, Ca" " /neurotransmitter effects at synapse, and an-
7. Ligamentltendon healing Animal data showing improved healing, increased collagen
and GAG synthesis, increased angiogenesis.
8. Peripheral nerve transection and crush Animal data showing increased protein synthesis, axon
migration and function.
9. Spinal cord injury No direct evidence but data bearing on neuropathy and
nerve transection may prove beneficial, particularly in
crush injuries when sensory and motor evoked poten-
tials are still present.

in this journal. It is to be hoped through such beneficial in medicine. Other important ather-
endeavors the attention and involvement ofthose mal effects, also, have been observed at higher
steeped in the more classic reaches of biology, field intensities. For example, with stronger in-
biochemistry, biotechnology, and other similar tensities and appropriate time domain character-
disciplines can be convinced to add bioelectro- istics (e.g., dB/dt), it is possible to evoke action
magnetic principles to their experimental pro- potentials in nerves and muscle, using external
files. The ultimate payoff for physicians and coils. This non-invasive technology has added a
their patients of such a development are poten- new dimension to medical therapeutic and diag-
tially enormous. For example, preliminary find- nostic capabilities [Stuchly, 1990]. Electro-
ings suggest that bioelectromagnetics may hold poration, with high intensity, short duration
a unique promise for modifying the malignant electric fields, having secured a central role in
behavior of certain types of experimental can- biotechnology, is poised to aid in the introduc-
cer, athermally [Bassett, 1989]. tion of pharmaceutical agents, transdermally, to
Certainly, there seems to be little question produce high local concentrations [Weaver,
that physical control of cell function is estab- 1992].
lished as an embryonal facet of biology and Unfortunately, in our pursuit of the biochem-
medicine. Although many of the data support- ical secrets of the cell, its electrical dimensions
ing this view are born of direct interaction be- frequently are destroyed or overlooked [DeLoof,
tween certain field energetics and the cell, both 1986]. Until these dimensions are considered on
synergistic and antagonistic modifications of a broader scale, many of the mysteries of living
drug, hormone, and growth factor-mediated ef- systems will remain hidden. As noted a century
fects are possible. In fact, the actions of Ca +- ago by the noted Belgian chemist, Ernest Solvay,
channel blockers, parathyroid hormone, and "The phenomena of life can and should be ex-
IGF-II, among others, already have been shown plained by the action of only physical forces
to be affected by weak time-varying magnetic which govern the Universe, and that, among
and electric fields [Bassett, 1989, 1993]. these forces, electricity plays a dominant role"
This presentation has focused on athermal [Solvay, 1894]. The surface ofbioelectromagnet-
bioeffects of weak fields which have proven to be ics has only been scratched, but beneath it there
Beneficial Effects of Electromagnetic Fields 393

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