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CMNS253 Assignment 3 brief

Digital media content portfolio & report (35% of total grade)

Due Tuesday the 9th of November (253A) or Wednesday the 10th of November (253B)

This assignment is a portfolio that consists of a piece of original digital content and a 1200 word
written report. You will create an original piece of digital media combined with your written report
that together respond to one of the following topics:

1. Create a 1-minute YouTube reaction video in response to a media text that falls into the
uncanny valley. In your written report, analyze your own video and the original media text to
which you were reacting. (Readings from week 7)

2. Create a series of 4 TikTok videos that are 15 seconds long each. In your written report,
analyze your own post-Fordist content creation process and how your labour could be
quanti ed and commodi ed by the platform. (Readings from week 8)

3. Create a series of 12 Instagram posts or stories about a single topic related to news, politics,
or current events. In your written report, analyze your own series of posts and use them to
analyze the relationship between a ect and Instagram’s algorithms. (Readings from week 9)

Please note that you do not have to actually upload your content to any social media platform,
and that your content will be submitted to MyCC as a single video le. Also note that everyone’s
video will be exhibited during class after the deadline, so you should also consider the audience
that will be watching your content.

Your report should incorporate theories and concepts from the assigned readings from the week
that is indicated at the end of the topic you have selected. You should not bring in any additional
sources for your discussion.

You may use any content creation tools you wish, however the following free software tools may
be useful to help create your content:

Video editing:

iMovie (available on the App Store for iOS & Mac)

Openshot (available for Mac, Windows, & Linux)

Audio editing:

GarageBand (available on the App Store for iOS & Mac)

Audacity (available for Mac, Windows, & Linux)

Image editing:

GIMP (available for Mac, Windows, & Linux)

Krita (available for Mac, Windows, & Linux)

Screen recording:

QuickTime (Mac only)

Xbox Game Bar (Windows 10 only)

OBS Studio (available for Mac, Windows, & Linux)

Video le conversion & compression:

Handbrake (available for Mac, Windows, & Linux)

Your content and report will be marked according to the following criteria:

Knowledge and understanding

• Your report should include thoughtful discussion of concepts relevant to this course that
demonstrates to the reader your knowledge and understanding of the material. You should
include multiple references to concepts from the assigned readings that correspond to your
topic, and you should discuss these concepts in proper context with your own original content
that you have created for this assignment.

Critical Perspective
• Your report should include your own critical perspective to take concepts from the readings you
have selected and apply them to your discussion. Your report should be self-re ective regarding
your own analysis of the original content which you have made for this assignment. You should
consider the meanings and implications of key concepts in light of your content, and avoid
being overly descriptive.

Communication & academic skills

• Your digital media content should be your own original work and be well-related to the platform
you have designed it for and the topic that you have selected. Your content should demonstrate
an e ort to create su cient material for re ecting on in your written report, and your video
should t the requirements outlined in your topic. You should also consider the audience as your
video will be screened during class. Your report should be written using clear language and
carefully proofread. All references, quotations, and paraphrased passages must be properly
cited and appear in your bibliography in an appropriate bibliographic style of your choice (APA,
MLA, Chicago, or Harvard). You should only be using the assigned readings from the week
identi ed in the topic that you have selected.

You should submit your written report in PDF or Word format, and your video in any common
video format (mp4, m4v, avi, mkv, mov). Please make sure that you have properly exported your
video le! Your report should include your name and ID number at the top of the page. You may
also include screenshots in your report if you wish. If you require an extension for any signi cant
reason then you must email me in advance.

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