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5, 387-395, October 2004

Early effect of M ycobacterium tuberculosis infection on Mac-1

and ICAM -1 expression on m ouse peritoneal m acrophages

1 1 ,2
S h am ik G h o sh an d R ajiv K . S axen a th is p u rp o s e M . tu b erc u lo sis p re -s tain ed w ith
D ilC 1 8 flu o re sc e n t d y e w ere u s e d fo r in fe c tin g
School of Life Sciences a d h ere n t p e rito n e al m a cro p h a g e s . M a c-1 a n d
Jawaharlal Nehru University IC A M -1 expression on gated D ilC 18 po sitive an d
New Delhi 110067, India n eg ativ e c e ll p o p u latio n s w a s a n a ly ze d . O u r
Corresponding author: Tel, 91-11-26106015; re s u lts in d ic ate th a t th e e xp res s io n o f M ac -1
Fax, 91-11-26198234; E-mail, rksaxena@mail.jnu.ac.in and IC A M - 1 m arkers w as significantly enhanced
o n a ll m a c ro p h ag es in cu b a te d w ith M . tu b e r-
Accepted 18 August 2004 c u lo sis b u t w a s m o re p ro n o u n ce d o n m a cro -
p h a g e s w ith in te rn a lize d m y co b a cte ria. T a k en
Abbreviations: ICAM-1, intercellular adhesion molocule-1; MCF, to g eth e r, o u r res u lts su g g e s t th a t th e e x p re s-
mean channel fluorescence s io n o f M a c-1 a n d IC A M -1 m ark e rs is sig n ifi-
can tly u p reg u lated as a resu lt o f exp o su re an d
in fectio n w ith M . tu b ercu lo sis. S in ce th ese m ar-
k e rs p la y im p o rta n t ro le in th e u p ta k e o f m y -
A bstract c o b ac teria a s w e ll as in th e p ro c es s o f a n tig e n
E ffe c t o f M . tu b e rcu lo s is in fe c tio n w a s stu d ied p resen tatio n b y m acro p h ag es, th eir u p reg u latio n
o n th e exp ressio n o f in tercellu lar ad h esio n m o l- m ay b e b en eficial fo r g en eratio n o f a p ro tective
o c u le -1 (IC A M -1 ) an d M a c-1 m ark e rs o n m u rin e im m u n e re sp o n s e to M . tu b erc u lo sis .
p e rito n e a l m ac ro p h a g e s. In tra p e rito n e a l ad m in i-
stratio n o f M . tu b ercu lo sis resu lted in a m arked Keywords: flow cytometry; intercellular adhesion mol-
in crease in th e p ro p o rtio n o f M ac-1 + cells w h e - ocule-1; macrophages; Macrophage-1; Mycobacterium

re as th e p ro p o rtio n o f IC A M -1 c e lls d e clin ed tuberculosis; phagocytosis
sh arp ly 4 h p o st infection . A b solute n um bers of
M ac -1 + a n d IC A M -1 + ce lls h o w e v er in cre a se d
at all tim e points after the infection. C om parison In tro d u c tio n
o f kin e tics o f ch an g es o b served in M ac-1 + an d
Macrophages play a crucial role in immunity to tu-
IC A M -1 + cell p o p u latio n s w ith d ifferen tial leu ko -
berculosis. Activated through receptors like TLR2
c yte c o u n ts in p e rito n e a l c ells in d ic ate d th a t
which recognize pathogen associated molecular pat-
th ese alteratio n s co u ld b e d u e to cellu lar in flu x,
terns of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Underhill et al.,
e sp ec ia lly th a t o f n eu tro p h ils , o r u p re g u latio n 1999), macrophages secrete a variety of cytokines
o f th e s e m ark e rs o n m ac ro p h a g e s an d o th er (Giacomini et al., 2001), phagocytose mycobacteria
p e rito n e a l ce lls . In ad h e ren t p e rito n e a l m ac ro - (Rabinovitch, 1995) and process/present mycobac-
p h ag es in fec ted in v itro w ith M . tu b e rcu lo s is, terial antigens to T cells (Ullrich et al., 2000; Jiao et
+ +
p ro p o rtio n o f M a c -1 an d IC A M -1 c e lls in - al., 2002). T cell cytokines like IFNγ further activate
creased m arkedly w ith in 24 h o f infection . M ean macrophages to kill the intracellular mycobacteria
e xp res s io n o f th e s e m a rk ers o n p e r ce ll b a s is (Diang et al., 1988). In susceptible individuals, my-
also in creased sig n ifican tly. S im ilar resu lts w ere cobacteria can subvert the protective mechanisms
o b ta in e d b y u s in g R A W 26 4 .7 m o u s e m a cro - initiated by macrophages and survive inside macro-
p h ag e c ell lin e , s u g g e stin g th a t th e e n h a n c e d phages. In vitro studies with mononuclear phagocytes
e xp res s io n o f M a c -1 a n d IC A M -1 m ark e rs w a s have established that M. tuberculosis adheres either
a d ire ct effec t o f M . tu b e rc u lo s is in fe c tio n a n d opsonincally or non-opsonically to different receptors
n o t m ed iate d b y c o n ta m in a tin g c e ll typ es p re - on the host cell surface (Schlesinger et al., 1990,
sen t in ad h eren t m acro p hag e preparatio ns. M ac- 1994; Downing et al., 1995; Peterson et al., 1995).
1 and IC A M -1 expression w as further studied on Receptor molecules on macrophages that participate
m a cro p h a g e s th at h a d a ctu a lly e n g u lfed M . tu - in the uptake of mycobacteria include Mac-1, a com-
b ercu lo sis an d co m p ared w ith b ystan d er m acro - plement receptor of integrin family. Mac-1 not only
p h ag es w ith o u t in tracellu lar M . tu b ercu lo sis. F o r participates in phagocytosis of opsonized M. tubercu-
388 Exp. Mol. Med. Vol. 36(5), 387- 395, 2004

losis but also promotes phagocytosis of non-opson- upregulation of Mac-1 and ICAM-1 expression on
ized mycobacteria by providing two distinct binding macrophages. Additionally, the effect on Mac-1 and
sites for M. tuberculosis (Le Cabec et al., 2002). ICAM-1 expression was more prominent on macro-
Mac-1 is also involved in extravasation of macropha- phages that had actually ingested mycobacteria in
ges and monocytes across the endothelial cells lining comparison to the bystander macrophages.
blood vessels (Van oud Alblas et al., 1979; Rosseau
et al., 2000). ICAM-1 is another molecule expressed
on macrophages, which belongs to immunoglobulin M ate ria ls an d M e th o d s
superfamily and has an important role as a costimula-
tory molecule during antigen presentation to T cells A nim als
(Van Seventer et al., 1990). Recently macrophages Inbred C57BL/6 mice (8-12 weeks old) were used
from ICAM-1 knockout mice were shown to have throughout this study. Animals were bred and main-
decreased phagocytic activity indicating an additional tained in the animal house facility at Jawaharlal Nehru
role of this molecule in phagocytosis (Paine et al., University, New Delhi or obtained from the National
2002). Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad. The JNU Institutional
Mac-1 and ICAM-1 molecules may thus play Animal Ethical Committee approved all experimental
important role in different phases of macrophage protocols requiring the use of animals.
response to mycobacterial infection. Enhanced ex-
pression of these molecules during early phases of
M. tuberculosis infection may be beneficial for in- R eagents and other supplies
ducing a protective immune response. In order to All tissue culture reagents and Tween-80 were pur-
ensure its own survival, M. tuberculosis may subvert chased from Sigma Chemicals (St. Louis, MO). Sou-
the expression of these molecules. Lopez-Ramirez et rces of other reagents were: Fetal calf serum, Hy-
al reported that M. tuberculosis infection increased clone Laboratories Inc, USA; Middlebrook 7H11 Agar,
ICAM-1 expression significantly and that of Mac-1 Difco Laboratories, MI, USA. Anti-mouse CD16/CD32,
molecule nominally in a human monocyte cell line anti-mouse Mac1-FITC and anti-mouse ICAM1-FITC
THP1 (Lopez-Ramirez et al., 1994). Significant upre- monoclonal antibody were purchased from Phar-
gulation of ICAM-1 expression was reported in mingen. DiLC18 stain was purchased from Molecular
peritoneal cells (PCs) from Balb/c mice three days Probes, USA. All the syringes and needles were
after mycobacterial infections (Saha et al., 1994; procured from Becton Dickinsion, Singapore. Costar
Tomioka et al., 2000). Similar effect of M. tuberculosis (Cambridge, MA) was the source of all plastic dis-
infection on ICAM-1 and Mac-1 expression on lung posable culture ware.
or bone marrow derived dendritic cells was also
reported (Gonzalez-Juarrero and Orme, 2001). Bod-
C ulture of m ycobacteria
ner et al. however did not find upregulation of ICAM-1
on bone marrow derived macrophages infected with The H37Ra strain (ATCC 2517) of M. tuberculosis
M. tuberculosis (Bodnar et al., 2001). Hamerman and provided by Dr. Katoch (Japanese Association for
Aderem reported a down regulation of Mac-1 ex- Leprosy Mission Aided Institute, JALMA, Agra) was
pression on murine peritoneal macrophages 48 h after grown in Sauton's medium (with 0.05% Tween 80).
BCG infection (Hamerman and Aderem, 2001). Early At late log phase bacterial cells were harvested and
effects of mycobacterial infection on the expression frozen at -70 C in medium with 20% glycerol. Viability
of Mac-1 and ICAM-1 on macrophages may be im- was determined by plating different dilutions of the
portant to determine the course of infection, but this bacterial suspension on Middlebrook 7H11 agar (en-
information is not available in literature. W e started riched with OADC supplement). Colonies were counted
our investigations of these early effects on macro- after three to four weeks and CFU of the frozen stock
phages following an intraperitoneal infaction of M. were calculated.
tuberculosis. Similar work on resident peritoneal ma-
crophages has not yet been reported. W e found a C ell culture m edium
marked increase in absolute recoveries of Mac-1 and
ICAM-1 bearing cells within 4 h of intraperitoneal Murine peritoneal cells and RAW 264.7 (TIB 71 from
administration of M. tuberculosis. This effect was ATCC) cells were maintained in RPMI 1640 sup-
however not solely due to changes in macrophages. plemented with 10% heat inactivated fetal calf serum,
In order to assess the direct effect of M. tuberculosis 20 mM Hepes, 300 µg/ml glutamine, 20 µM 2-mer-
infection on macrophages, we continued the investi- captoethanol and 60 µg/ml gentamycin.
gations by using in vitro infection model. Our results
indicate that M. tuberculosis infection causes early
Mac-1 and ICAM-1 on M. tuberculosis infected macrophages 389

Intra-peritoneal infection of m ice in dark at 37 o C for 2 h followed by three washings

A frozen stock of M. tuberculosis (H37Ra) of known with PBS.
CFU/ml was thawed and the bacilli diluted in PBS to
a concentration of 1×10 /ml. The suspension was S tatistical analyses
passed through 24 G needle several times to break
For each set of data, arithmetic mean and standard
the clumps and prepare a single cell suspension of
deviation were calculated. Data sets were compared
bacteria. Intra- peritoneal infection was initiated by
by using unpaired Student's t-test for independent
injecting 50×10 6 CFUs of M. tuberculosis per mouse
(in a volume of 500 µl).

D ifferential leukocyte count R e su lts

Differential leukocyte count was carried out by making
smears of peritoneal cells on glass slides. Cell E arly upregulation of M ac-1 and IC A M -1
smears were air dried and the slides were fixed by expression on peritoneal cells (P C s) from m ice
dipping into absolute methanol for 30 min. Com- infected intraperitoneally by M . tuberculosis
mercial Giemsa stain (Qualigens, India) diluted 10 ICAM-1 (CD54) and Mac-1 (CD11b/CD18) are amongst
times with PBS were added drop by drop on the fixed the surface expressed molecules on macrophages
smear and kept for 20 min. Then the slide was that are involved in the processes of migration of
washed with flowing water and air dried. The slide these cells to the site of infection, phagocytosis of
was examined under a light microscope to study the mycobacteria, and presentation of mycobacterial
differential staining of various leukocytes and a total antigens to T cells. It is therefore important to de-
of 200 cells from each sample were counted. termine if the expression of these membrane markers
is modulated during mycobactrial infection. Because
In vitro infection of Peritoneal cells and RAW 264.7 of the ease in isolating the leukocyte populations from
cells peritoneal cavity, we studied the effect of intra-
peritoneal administration of Mycobacterium tuberculo-
Peritoneal cells harvested from C57BL/6 mouse were
sis on the expression of Mac-1 and ICAM-1 molecules
allowed to adhere in a 24 well culture plate (2×10 6
on peritoneal leukocytes. Results in Figure 1A show
cells/ml/well) for 2 h. Adherent cells were washed and
that the percentage of PCs expressing Mac-1 doubled
infected with 20×10 6 M. tuberculosis (H37Ra) for
from 38.8 ± 5.3% to 82.8 ± 4.6% within four hours
varying time periods. RAW 264.7 cells cultured in a
of administration of M. tuberculosis and remained
24-well plate (0.2×10 6 cells/ml) were similarly in-
elevated till 48 h post infection. Percentage of ICAM-1
fected with 2×10 6 M. tuberculosis (H37Ra) for
expressing PCs however declined sharply at 4 h time
varying time periods. At different time points cells
point but increased steadily thereafter (Figure 1A).
were harvested from wells, stained with anti mouse
Increase in the absolute recoveries of Mac-1 ex-
Mac-1-FITC or ICAM-1-FITC antibody and analyzed
pressing cells was more dramatic. Mac-1 positive cell
by flowcytometry. 6
population increased from about 1 ± 0.18×10 cells
/mouse to about 14.1 ± 2.5×10 cells/mouse 4 h

Flow cytom etric analysis of cell surface receptors after the infection. Absolute numbers of Mac-1 PCs
Cells to be stained (0.25×10 6 /in 50 µl volume) were declined thereafter, but was still 8.8 ± 1.6×10 cells
incubated with anti mouse CD16/CD32 Fc block (1 /mouse 48 h post infection. In contrast, the absolute

µg/10 cells) for 10 min prior to staining. Cells were recovery of ICAM-1 PCs steadily increased from
then incubated with anti mouse Mac-1-FITC or less than 1.4 ± 0.2×10 cells/control mouse to
ICAM-1-FITC antibody (1 µg/10 cells) for 30 min on about 8.1 ± 1.8×10 cells/mouse 48 h post infection.
ice. Cells were washed twice with staining buffer Changes in proportions and absolute recoveries of
(PBS without Ca
and Mg 2+ containing 1% FBS and PCs bearing Mac-1 and ICAM-1 markers were
0.09% sodium azide) and fixed in 200 µl of 0.1% distinctly different and could result from differential
paraformaldehyde. Flow cytometric analysis was car- migration of different classes of leukocytes to the site
ried out by using a Coulter-EPICS flow cytometer and of infection. Differential leukocyte counting (DLC) was
W INMDI software. therefore carried out with PCs isolated from control
and infected mice. Results in Figure 2A indicate that
in PC preparations from control mice, macrophages
D iLC 18 staining of M . tuberculosis and lymphocytes were almost equally represented
M. tuberculosis (1×10 ) were resuspended in 500 µl with very few neutrophils. In infected mice however,
of PBS containing 10 µM DiLC18 dye and incubated neutrophils accounted for 80.2 ± 6% of all PCs.
390 Exp. Mol. Med. Vol. 36(5), 387- 395, 2004


Figure 1. Time kinetics of Mac-1 and ICAM-1 expression after M. Figure 2. Effect of M. tuberculosis infection on differential leukocyte
tuberculosis infection. 50×10 6 bacteria (M. tuberculosis) were injected count in mouse peritoneal cells. 50×10 6 bacteria (M. tuberculosis)
intra-peritoneally in each mouse. At different time points after the were injected intraperitoneally in each mouse. At different time points
infection peritoneal cells were harvested from mice, stained with after infection peritoneal cells were harvested from mice and
anti-mouse Mac-1 or ICAM-1 monoclonal antibody and analyzed on differential leukocyte count were done as described in Materials and
a flow cytometer. (A) Percent Mac-1 + and ICAM-1 + cells, and (B) Methods. (A) Percentage of different types of leukocytes in peritoneal
+ +
total recoveries of Mac-1 and ICAM-1 cells per mouse. All comparisons cell preparations, and (B) total recoveries of different types of
of infected and control cells were done by unpaired t-test (*P < 0.05). leukocytes per mouse. Comparisons of values for infected and control
Each bar represents mean of five experiments ± SD. mice were done by unpaired t-test. (*P < 0.05). Each bar represents
mean of three experiments ± SD.

Figure 2B shows the absolute recoveries of lym- pression of ICAM-1 and Mac-1 markers on macro-
phocytes, macrophages and neutrophils in PCs from phages, in vitro infection experiments were carried out
control and infected mice. Neutrophils constituted the to avoid the interference caused by migrated cell
major population in PCs derived from infected mice, populations in vivo.
but absolute numbers of lymphocytes and macro-
phages also increased significantly in PC preparations
from infected mice. A comparison of results in Figure In vitro effect of M . tuberculosis infection on
1B and 2B shows that while the average absolute M ac-1 and IC A M -1 expression on m urine
recovery of macrophages from infected mice was peritoneal m acrophages
around 2.4 ± 0.2×10 cells/mouse, absolute reco- Adherent macrophage enriched populations of mouse
veries of Mac-1 and ICAM-1 + cells reached as high

PCs were infected in vitro with M. tuberculosis. Re-
6 6
as 14.1 ± 2.5×10 and about 8.1 ± 1.8×10 cells/ sults in Figure 3A show Mac-1 and ICAM-1 expres-
mouse respectively. Clearly therefore cells other than sion on control and M. tuberculosis infected adherent
macrophages contributed to the substantial increase PCs. In control cell preparations, 40.9 ± 8.5 and
in Mac-1 + and ICAM-1 + cells seen in the PC pre- 52.3 ± 4.7% cells expressed Mac-1 and ICAM-1
parations from infected mice. In order to study the markers respectively. These values increased in a
direct effect of M. tuberculosis infection on the ex- time dependent manner and were 87.5 ± 4.6 and
Mac-1 and ICAM-1 on M. tuberculosis infected macrophages 391

Figure 3. Effect of M. tuberculosis infection on Mac-1 and ICAM-1 Figure 4. Effect of M. tuberculosis infection on Mac-1 and ICAM-1
expression of adherent peritoneal cells. Peritoneal cells harvested from expression of RAW 264.7 cells. RAW 264.7 cells were cultured in
C57BL / 6 mice were allowed to adhere in a 24-well culture plate (2× a 24-well plate (0.2×10 6 cells/ml) and infected with M. tuberculosis
10 cells/ml/well) for 2 h. Adherent cells were washed and infected after different time periods. Control and infected cells were harvested,
with M. tuberculosis as described in materials and methods. At stained with anti mouse Mac-1 or ICAM-1 antibody and analyzed by
different time points adherent cells were harvested from wells, stained flow cytometry. (A) Percent positive cells, and (B) Mean channel
with anti-mouse Mac-1 or ICAM-1 monoclonal antibody and analyzed fluorescence (MCF) as percentage of control. All comparisons of
by flow cytometry. (A) Percent cells expressing Mac-1 and ICAM-1 infected and control cells were done by unpaired t-test (*P < 0.05).
after M. tuberculosis infection, and (B) changes in mean channel Each bar represents mean of five experiments ± SD.
fluorescence (MCF) as percentage of control. All comparisons of
infected and control cells were done by unpaired t-test (*P < 0.05).
Each bar represents mean of five experiments ± SD. 3B). Average ICAM-1 expression increased only mar-
ginally (Figure 3B). Adherent PCs are predominantly
macrophages, Yet some contamination from other cell
84.6 ± 5.9% respectively 24 h after the infection types is expected. In order to further confirm if the
(Figure 3A). Average expression of Mac-1 and ICAM- effect of infection with M. tuberculosis was a direct
1 on control and infected adherent PCs is shown in effect on macrophages, in vitro infection experiments
Figure 3B. W hile percentage of cells staining with were repeated with RAW 264.7 mouse macrophage
Mac-1 and ICAM-1 antibodies increased significantly, cell line. Results in Figure 4A and B indicate that the
average expression of Mac-1 per cell as assessed by proportion of Mac-1 and ICAM-1 expressing RAW
mean fluorescence on stained cells, also increased 264.7 cells as well as the average expression of
significantly in M. tuberculosis infected cells (Figure these markers on RAW 264.7 cells increased in a
392 Exp. Mol. Med. Vol. 36(5), 387- 395, 2004

or was uniformly seen on all cells exposed to M.

tuberculosis. For this purpose, macrophages were
infected with M. tuberculosis pre-stained with DiLC18,
a fluorescent dye which binds the bacterial cells
irreversibly. Macrophages with or without fluorescent
M. tuberculosis could be gated on a flow cytometer
and expression of Mac-1 and ICAM-1 populations
could be studied on both populations of cells. Results
of a typical experiment showing the uptake of DiLC18
stained M. tuberculosis by adherent PCs are given
in Figure 5. About 64% macrophages had taken up
M. tuberculosis 8 h post infection. By 48 h more than
95% macrophages were positive for DilC18 stained
M. tuberculosis (Figure 5). Results of a represen-
tative experiment showing the expression of Mac-1
and ICAM-1 markers on control macrophages and
macrophages infected with DiLC18 stained M. tuber-
culosis are given in Figures 6. Proportions of Mac-1 +
and ICAM-1 + cells within DiLC18 positive and ne-
gative adherent PCs are shown in Figures 6A and
6B. These results show that there was a significant
increase in Mac-1 and ICAM-1 expression on ma-
crophages with or without ingested M. tuberculosis.
The increase in expression of these receptors was
however more pronounced on macrophages with
bacteria (Figures 6C and 6D).

D isc u ssio n
The basic aim of this study was to assess the effect
of M. tuberculosis infection on expression of two
selected markers i.e. Mac-1 and ICAM-1 on macro-
phages. These markers participate in the process of
migration of macrophages to the site of infection and
facilitate the phagocyotic activity of the macrophages.
Mac-1 is probably the first known receptor which has
Figure 5. In vitro uptake of bacteria by adherent mouse peritoneal the unique ability to mediate type I phagocytosis of
cells after infection with DiLC18 stained M. tuberculosis. Peritoneal mycobacteria under non-opsonic conditions and type
cells harvested from C57BL/6 mice were cultured for 2 h. Adherent II under opsonic conditions (Le Cabec et al., 2002).
cells were washed and infected with DiLC18 stained M. tuberculosis ICAM-1 plays an important role in transmission of
for varying time periods. At different time points adherent cells were
washed and analyzed by flow cytometry. An arrow on x-axis indicates
signal between APCs and T cells (Van Seventer et
the position of gate determined by using uninfected cells. Percentage al., 1990). Sustained increase of ICAM-1 expression
cells positive for DiLC18 have been indicated in the individual on macrophages is necessary for maintaining the
histograms. structure of tubercular granuloma (Johnson et al.,
1998). Macrophages treated with blocking ICAM-1
antibodies or derived from ICAM-1 knockout mice
time dependent manner after M. tuberculosis infection. show significantly decreased phagocytosis of micro-
beads (Paine et al., 2002).
Our data suggest that there was an early migration
Expression of M ac-1 and IC A M -1 m olecules on
of leukocytes in the peritoneal cavity after the
peritoneal m acrophages w ith or w ithout ingested
initiation of M. tuberculosis infection. Number of
M . tuberculosis
Mac-1 + cells also increased but the increase was
It was of interest to determine if the enhanced significantly greater than the number of macrophages
expression of Mac-1 and ICAM-1 markers was con- actually present in peritoneal cavity indicating that
fined to macrophages that ingested M. tuberculosissis +
Mac-1 cells other than macrophages contributed to
Mac-1 and ICAM-1 on M. tuberculosis infected macrophages 393

Figure 6. Mac-1 and ICAM-1 expression on M. tuberculosis positive and negative populations of adherent mouse peritoneal cells infected in
vitro. Peritoneal cells were harvested from C57 BL / 6 mouse and cultured in a 24 well culture plate (2×10 cells / ml / well) for 2 h. Adherent
cells were washed and infected with DIL C18 stained M. tuberculosis. After 8 and 24 h, adherent cells were harvested from wells, stained
with anti mouse Mac-1 or ICAM-1 FITC antibody and analyzed by flow cytometry. (A, B) Percentage of Mac-1 and ICAM-1 positive cells, and
(C, D) Changes in mean fluorescence (MCF) of Mac-1 and ICAM-1 expression as percentage of control. All the comparisons of infected and
control cells were done by unpaired t-test (*, P < 0.05 and **P < 0.01). Each bar represents mean of five experiments ± SD.

the increase. In contrast, percentage of ICAM-1 M. bovis BCG (Appelberg, 1992) An earlier report
bearing cell sharply declined 4 h after the infection claimed that the injection of M. bovis BCG into mouse
and then gradually increased. Early decline may be pleural cavity induced an intense biphasic inflam-
due to the dilution of ICAM-1 bearing cells by the matory reaction, which peaked at 24 h and 15 days.
influx of ICAM-1 negative neutrophils. In absolute An influx of neutrophils occurred at 4 h, but was
terms, ICAM-1 positive cells increased steadily and maximal at 24 h. At this time an intense influx of
half of the PCs after 48 h of the infection were eosinophils and mononuclear cells were also ob-
ICAM-1 positive. Considering that macrophages con- served (Menezes-de-Lima-junior et al., 1997). In our
stituted about 15.6 ± 3.7% of PCs at 48 h time point, studies, the neutrophils influx was maximum at earlier
it is likely that increased ICAM-1 expression could be time points and significant accumulation of eosinophils

due to influx of ICAM-1 cells and/or induction of this in peritoneum not noticed in M. tuberculosis infected
marker on macrophages as well as on other types mice. The difference in two studies could be due to
of PCs including neutrophils. Accumulation of high different sites of infection. Early non-adaptive immune
numbers of Mac-1 and ICAM-1 bearing cells during responses may play an important role in imparting
early phases of infection may be due to influx of cells protection until an adaptive immune response can be
bearing these markers or induction of these markers mounted. One mechanism of protection in this early
on cells which migrated to peritoneal cavity, or both. phase is to recruit more phagocytic cells and effector
Neutrophil accumulation was confirmed by performing molecules to the site of infection through the release
differential leukocyte counts which indicated that the of a battery of cytokines and chemokines. It is
recovery of neutrophils went up from negligible to possible that the upregulation of Mac-1 and ICAM-1
about 14.4 ± 1.7×10 6 neutrophils per mouse, 4 h markers on PCs from M. tuberculosis infected mice
after infection. A similar influx of neutrophils was was a consequence of altered cytokine milieu in the
observed in peritoneal cavity of mice inoculated with peritoneal cavity due to inflammatory response, and
394 Exp. Mol. Med. Vol. 36(5), 387- 395, 2004

not a direct effect of interaction of macrophages with A cknow ledegem ent

bacteria. In vitro experiments were carried out to This work was supported by UGC and ICMR research
assess the direct effect of M. tuberculosis infection grants to RKS. SG received fellowship support from
on the expression of Mac-1 and ICAM-1 markers on UGC. Help received from Dr. Satyajit Rath and Mr.
macrophages. Infection of adherent peritoneal macro- Nagarjun of NII, New Delhi for flowcytometry and Dr.
phages with M. tuberculosis caused an increase in Aruna Mittal, Institute of Pathology, New Delhi for
percentage of Mac-1 + and ICAM-1 + cells as well as differential leukocyte counting, is gratefully acknowled-
an increase in mean channel fluorescence (MCF) ged.
indicating that there was an induction as well as
upregulation of these markers in infected macro-
phages. These results were further confirmed by R e fere n ces
using a mouse macrophage cell line RAW 264.7. The
increase in the MCF value after infection in case of Appelberg R. T cell regulation of the chronic peritoneal
both the markers was quite pronounced just after 4 neutrophilia during mycobacterial infections. Clin Exp Im-
h of infection. Lopez Ramirez et al. found that in- munol 1992;89:120-5
fection of human monocyte/ macrophage cell line, Bodnar KA, Serbina NV, Flynn JL. Fate of Mycobacterium
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increase in surface expression of ICAM-1 and a 69:800-9
nominal increase in Mac-1 expression 24 h after the Ding AH, Nathan CF, Stuehr DJ. Release of reactive nitrogen
infection (Lopez-Ramirez et al., 1994). In human intermediates and reactive oxygen intermediates from mouse
PBLs however, M. avium induced a dose dependent peritoneal macrophages. Comparison of activating cytokines
down-regulation of ICAM-1 expression (Mohagheg- and evidence for independent production. J Immunol 1988;
pour et al., 1997). An initial upregulation and a latter 141:2407-12
decline in ICAM-1 expression were observed in Downing JF, Pasula R, Wright JR, Twigg HL 3rd, Martin WJ
mouse peritoneal macrophages in response to M. 2nd. Surfactant protein A promotes attachment of Mycobac-
avium (Maw et al., 1996; Tomioka et al., 2000). TNFα terium tuberculosissis to alveolar macrophages during
is responsible for the initial upregulation of ICAM-1, infection with human immunodeficiency virus. Proc Natl Acad
Sci USA 1995;92:4848-52
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