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Laura Poncharik

ELD 308

Lesson Plan: Interactive Read Aloud

Grade: 5

Time: 15 minutes

Standard: 3.4.4 A. Active Listening

1. Listen actively for a variety of purposes such as enjoyment and obtaining information

Objective: Students will listen as teacher reads aloud, stopping to make connections and

Materials: Owl Moon by Jane Yolen

Lesson Sequence:

 Before Reading:
o “Boys and girls, today I am going to be reading a book aloud by one of my
favorite authors, Jane Yolen, the book is Owl Moon.” I know some of you may
already be familiar with this story but I think you will agree that this story is
worth rereading.”
o “So let’s begin by taking a look at the cover of the book. Can anyone share with
me what they predict the book will be about based on the cover’s illustrations?”
o Allow students to make predictions.
o “Remember, students that predictions are never wrong and do not always match
what the author is thinking so it is ok to change your prediction.”

 During Reading:

o Stop reading occasionally and allow students to make connections to the text. If
you notice students are not engaged in story, stop and redirect by asking them
questions about the text or their connections.

o Also, clarifying and discuss the meaning of any figurative language students may
find difficult.

 Question examples:

 Do you think the main character is a boy or a girl?

 Does anyone know how an icy palm feels on your back?

 After Reading:
Laura Poncharik
ELD 308

o “I want you to turn and talk to a neighbor about two things:

 Where your story predictions confirmed in the story?

 What were some things that you could connect with in the story and why
or why not?

o After two to three minutes, discuss these questions with the whole group.

 Assessment:

o I will know my students were successful if they were able to make predictions and
connections about the story.

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