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PowerPoint Rubric

4 3 2 1

Use of Class Used time well during Used time well Used some of Did not use
Time each class period. during each class the time well class time to
Focused on getting period. Usually during each class focus on the
the project done. focused on period. There project OR
Never distracted getting the was some focus often
others. project done and on getting the distracted
never distracted project done but others.
others. occasionally
distracted others.
Required The student included The student The student The student
Elements all elements of the includes four of included three included three
biome. Including the five elements out of the five or less out of
characteristics, of the specific elements of the the five
location, biome. specific biome. elements of
classification, the specific
wildlife, and plant life biome.
Graphics The student included The student The student The student
appropriate and well- included chose some included very
chosen graphics for appropriate and photos that were little photos
each of their elements well chose specific to their of the specific
graphics for biome but biome, and or
most of their seemed off-task. photos were
biome elements inappropriate.
Attractiveness The PowerPoint is The PowerPoint The PowerPoint The power
exceptionally is attractive in is acceptable point is
attractive in terms of terms of design, attractive though distractingly
design, layout, and layout, and it is a bit messy messy or very
neatness neatness poorly
Spelling/ There are no spelling There are 1-2 There are 3-5 There are
Grammar mistakes in the spelling mistakes spelling mistakes more than 5
PowerPoint in the in the spelling
PowerPoint. PowerPoint. mistakes in
the PP.

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