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January 27, 2021


Dear Ms.Nena,


We are pleased to offer you employment with Global Windsor Real Estate Ltd (“the Company”) under the
terms specified below.

POSITION: Project Manager

COMMENCEMENT: February 15, 2021

Other terms and conditions of employment are as follows:


Your employment shall upon commencement be subject to a period of six [6] months of probation.
Thereafter, depending on your performance, your employment may be confirmed to a full employment


Your duties and responsibilities shall include the conventional duties of a Project Manager in line with the
company’s business and you are expected to devote your skill, attention and best efforts to the
performance of your job responsibilities. The specifics of your duties will be allocated to you from time to
time by the company and you may from time to time be required by the Company to undertake additional
or other duties as is necessary to meet the needs of the company. This will however not be done without
prior consultation. Your primary responsibilities therefore will be as follows;

a. Planning and defining scope of projects

b. Activity and resource planning
c. Budget draft and Cost estimation for proposed projects.
d. Analyzing and managing project risk
e. Monitoring overall progress of pending projects.
f. Managing reports and necessary documentation.
g. Conducing project evaluation reviews to asses progress of pending projects


You will be entitled to a monthly salary of $2,500. Your salary shall be subject to statutory deductions and
withholdings such as pension contribution and applicable personal income tax laws in accordance with
the Company’s normal payroll procedure. Your monthly remuneration is broken down as follows;

Basic Salary: $1,250 (50% of gross)

Housing: $500 (20% of gross)
Transport: $450 (18% of gross)
Meal Subsidy: $200 (8% of gross)
Utility: $100 (4% of gross)
Gross Salary: $2,500 (Two thousand, five hundred dollars only)

The company shall contribute and remit 15% of your monthly basic salary as statutory pension
contribution and you shall as well contribute no less than 10% of your monthly basic salary as statutory
pension contribution. A pension account will be setup with Leadway Pensure and contributions will be
deducted and remitted on a monthly basis.


Commission structures are subject to change over time and as new products are added to the companies
offering. Active commission structures will be presented to all staff, agreed upon by all parties and signed.


 The company has in place a bonus structure under which team members are rewarded for their
dedication and hard work towards certain key projects/transactions. You will be entitled to such
performance bonus upon confirmation of your employment. The performance bonus is purely based on
the company's appraisal and assessment of your individual contribution of value to the completion of such
project and realization of revenue by the company. The performance bonus may be on a quarterly on bi-
annual basis depending on the company's financial performance and all conditions and criteria attached
to same are solely at the company's discretion and convenience.'


Mandatory office hours are from 9 a.m to 5.30 p.m, Mondays to Fridays at our office located at 2, Amisi
street, Jabi, Abuja with one hour lunch break period anytime between 12 noon and 2.00 p.m. You are
required to put in a minimum of fifty (50) work hours weekly. You should be aware that the hours you will
be required to work may vary substantially from office hours. You should also be aware that although you
will be based in our Lagos office, you may be required at any time to travel both within and outside the


You are entitled, in addition to all public holidays to take twenty-one (21) working days as annual
leave/holidays in each year. Your entitlement to leave will only arise after you have spent one [1] full year
in the employment of the Company.

Leave must be taken at a time convenient to the Company and sufficient notice of intention to proceed on
annual leave must be given to the Company. Leave entitlement unused at the end of the year cannot be
carried over into the next year.

You shall be entitled to 12% of annual basic salary as leave allowance. Annual leave allowance shall be
payable only once in a calendar year and at the time of proceeding on leave.


You shall be granted a maximum of 2 weeks with pay, but supported strictly by a medical report
/certificate issued by a qualified Medical Practitioner.

You must arrange to notify the Company of your absence as soon as possible on the first day of illness,
but in any event before 12.00 noon.

Your conduct during absence on medical grounds must be consistent with your declared medical


a) By Notice: The company may terminate this contract by one (1) month’s written notice or by
paying one month total salary in lieu of notice. You may terminate contract of employment by
giving two (2) month notice to the company or by paying two (2) months total salary to the
company in lieu of notice.

b) Summary Dismissal: The company may terminate this contract forthwith and without notice in
case of the following events:
i. Any serious breach, or any breach continued after warning from the company, of your
ii. Any conduct by you tending to bring the company to disrepute
iii. Any unauthorised disclosure by you of any matter relating to the business of the company
or its clients.
iv. Your falling into bankruptcy or being declared bankrupt;

c) Protracted illness: The Company may at its discretion terminate your employment contract
forthwith and without notice if you are incapacitated by ill-health, or otherwise from performing
your duties, for more than 18 consecutive weeks or for periods totalling more than 126 days in
any 52 consecutive weeks.


Your employment is subject to the Company’s personnel policies and procedures as they may be
interpreted, adopted, revised or deleted from time to time at the Company’s sole discretion. You will be
eligible to participate on the same basis as similarly situated employees in the Company’s talent
advancement programs in effect from time to time during your employment. All matters of eligibility for
coverage or benefits under any training program shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of
such plan. The Company reserves the right to change, alter or terminate any benefit plan at its sole


As an employee, you will be expected to abide by the Company’s rules and regulations as contained in
the Company’s Code of Conduct Handbook, which will be modified from time to time. It is therefore
necessary that you read and understand the content of this handbook that will be subsequently provided
you in order to familiarize yourself with the company’s policies and procedures.


You acknowledge that you shall not at any time during your employment (except so far as is necessary
and proper in the course of your employment) or at any time after your employment has terminated,
disclose to any person any information as to the business or dealings or affairs of the Company or any of
the clients of the Company or as to any other matters or trade secrets which may come to your
knowledge by reason of your employment with the Company.

You acknowledge that you shall not at any time, whether during or after the termination of your
employment, reveal to any person or entity , the trade secrets or confidential information concerning the
company, its businesses or finances or of any third party which the Company is under an obligation to
keep confidential (including but not limited to trade secrets or confidential information respecting
inventions, products, designs, data, methods, know-how, techniques, systems ,processes, software
programs, works of authorship, customer lists, projects, plans and proposals), or all other information
considered in this agreement or by the company to be confidential information, except as may be required
in the ordinary course of performing your duties as an employee of the Company, and you shall keep
confidential all matters entrusted to you and shall not use or attempt to use any such information in any
manner which may injure or cause loss or may be calculated to injure or cause loss whether directly or
indirectly to the Company.


You covenant and agree that, during the term of your employment with the company and for twelve (12)
months after the termination thereof, regardless of the reason for the employment termination, you shall
not, directly or indirectly solicit or attempt to solicit any business from any of the Company’s clients,
former clients, prospective clients or vendors with whom you had material contact during the period of
your employment with the company, or enter into any employment contract with any of the company’s

You also covenant and agree that, during the term of your employment with the company and for twelve
(12) months after the termination thereof, regardless of the reason for the employment termination, you
shall not, directly or indirectly on your own behalf or in conjunction with any person or legal entity, recruit,
solicit, induce any employee of the company with whom you had personal contact or supervised while
performing your job duties to terminate their employment with the company.


As required by law, this offer is subject to satisfactory proof of your right to work in the Federal Republic of
Nigeria. This offer is contingent upon favorable results from your references, background check and
relevant screening. Upon acceptance of this offer, paperwork will be provided for completion, please
complete the enclosed pre-employment forms and email it to We will work with
you to ensure timely completion of these required elements.


The provisions of this contract of employment signed by you and any other document subsequently
presented to you by the company forms the complete and exclusive statement of your employment
contract with the company and supersedes any other agreements or promises made to you by any one,
whether oral or written. The provisions of this contract of employment may only be varied by agreement in
writing signed by you and a duly authorized officer of the company.


Please indicate your acceptance of this offer not later than seven (7) days from the date of this letter by
signing in the space provided below and return a copy to us.

We hope that you will decide to join us and look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,



I,…………………………………………………………………………………………….the undersigned, do
hereby confirm that I fully understand the foregoing offer letter and accept this contract of employment
with the company on the above terms.

Signed……………………………….. Date …………………………….

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