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IMMUNOSERO LAB - Phosphocholine found surface of

- Necessary because it interfere with
 Acute phase reactant present in normal some testing like detection of
serum (fibrinogen,complement proteins antibodies
<haptoglobin>) - Production of crp is in the liver under
 during inflammation, they change the control/stimulation of Interleukin-
concentration (increases) 6(pyrogen) only il that activates apr
 to check the level of crp if detectable or (important mediator of fever and acute
not phase response)
 Liver: main organ necessary for the - il are cytokines (signaling proteins of
production of most proteins phagocytic cells) subclass are
 Pentameric acute phase (5 interleukin
molecules/monomer attached to each - B cells, hepatocytes,
other) - Excessive production of il-6 is
 Acute phase of pneumococco infection dangerous (excessive production:
in 1930 cytokine storm) during chronic
 Derived from c-polysaccharide of inflammation
pneumococci - Crp is also an opsonin that activates
 Innate immunity complement classical pathway that
leads to lysis.
METHODS - Normal level in male: appx. Less than
- Routine test (qualitative test) 1.5mg/L
- Pentraxin group of the plasma proteins - Normal level in female: appx. less than
(five identical peptide subunits) 2.5mg/L
- Half-life of crp: 18 hours increases Pentameric crp (phagocytosis) dissociate in the
rapidly within 4-6 hours after infection site of inflammation and becomes monomeric
- Reaches peak value within 48 hours crp which promotes chemotaxis
(hundred or even thousand fold)
- Widely used indicator of acute Crp stimulates immune cells through binding to
inflammation the fc receptor of the antibody which increase
- To observe response of treatment the production of immunoglobulin
- Can also use esr in respond to
70 diseasse state
- Provides direct serum protein Extremely elevated level crp – possible bacterial
measurement infection in at risk patients
- Crp is easily destroyed by heating the
Crp is not specific to rule out the cause of
serum 56C for 30 minutes
increased in crps
- Plasma half-life:
- Main substrate: phosphocholine Prior to chemoteraphy,, if crp is higher than
(presence of calcium, crp binds to 10mg/L, if decrease by 50% after 2 seconds,
polysaccharide) calcium dependent chemoteraphy is effective and found related to
- Activates classical complement pathway cancer.
When there is a rejection in organ/tissue - Saksak human crp sa rabbit, will
rejction donated, rcp levels will rise recognize as foreign so magpproduce ng
produce anti-human crp
After surgery, it will peak after 2 days and
- If passive, carrier is attached to antigens
gradually return after 7-10 days but if crp is
(detect antibody)
persistently elevated, patient has underlying
- Preservative: sodium azide (highly toxic
and corrosive)
For obese patient, crp and ldl cholesterol is - Specimen: fresh and clear serum
present (ldl transports cholesterol from the liver - anti human crp antibody IGG
to the tissue) hdl should always be more than - Glycine saline buffer 20%/ 1 glycine
ldl saline : 20 water (8.1 to 8.3 slightly
alkaline solution)
People at risk in cardiovascular diseases - Sodium azide: 0.1% (0.96g/L)
Myocardial infarction (atherosclerosis/clog of - Mix the vial, gitna sa palm
blood) stroke (brain/cerebrovascular accident) - Quality control to know if agglutination
is produced, positive.
Cdc recommended the crp concentration of less - Positive control: human serum with crp
than 1 mg/L is associated with low risk of concentration of .15 mg/L & 0.95mg/L
cardiovascular disease sodium azide
1-3mg/L average risk - Negative control: animal serum with
max. concentration of human crp of
3 mg/L and above high risk for hjeart attack and 1mg/L & 0.95mg/L sodium azide
stroke - Undilutes patient serum
- 1 drop of patient serum, hold pipette
More than 10 mg/L Abnormally high (if you
perpendicularly to the slide because the
have severe infection)
amount of serum being dispensed will
CRP rapid latex agglutination test not be the same (at least 50 microliter)
then add 1 drop of positive control to
- Carrier: latex particles coated with
the positive circle and 1 drop of
antihuman crp antibodies against
negative control to the negative circle
unknown serum which binds to human
then suspend the latex reagent. Mix the
crp in the serum
vial carefully. Lagay ng latex reagent sa
- Agglutination, above the reference
tabi lang ng bawat drop, then mix with
separate stirrer for each mixture and
- More than 6 mg/L if reactive (analytical
maximize until it reaches/fill up the
mark of the cicle. Tilt test slide back and
- Principle: reverse passive agglutination
forth or 100 rpm if mechanical rotator
(detecting antigens), slide test or
then observe for agglutination OF
qualitative test
LATEX SUSPENSION (mostly on the ring
- Reagent: 1 percent suspension of
polystyrene latex particles coated with
- Positive reaction: agglutination of Latex
anti-human crp produced in goats or
Suspension (if crp concentration is
higher than 6mg/L)
- Negative Reaction: opaque / smooth
milky suspension
- Antigen excess: postzone so dilute the
serum sample

- Centrigufe to remove upper lipids if

- False negative: aspirin (anti-


- Dilute the serum/specimen; titrate the

amount of crp (6 test tubes)
- Most diluted is tube number

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