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A !

Learn how to The news of the

ice fish! week—behind the
Be a smarter
consumer! Interviews with
experts who can
bring the world to
And be a lot less your earbuds
bored the next
time you’re on a
treadmill The podcast that
makes complicated
subjects clear
F R E E !)

4 From the Editor
5 The Reader Page
6 PM Everywhere
8 Calendar


11 The Capitol Dome restoration
14 How your heart can talk to your
doctor THE
16 The Norwegian drink that thrives
in Montana POPU L A R
18 Things Come Apart: Telescope
21 The home coffee revolution
26 Tool Test: Circular saws, spray ST OR Y
deicers, and ultra-short-throw
projectors SUFFICIENCY
29 Shop Notes
31 Getting Started In: Furniture
36 Ask Roy

Learn the tools and skills you need to live, eat, drink,
38 The new Porsche 718 Boxster S
has only four cylinders. Shall we and entertain yourself without outside help.
40 Parts & Service: Should you
trust the dealer or your local
mechanic? PLUS: A novelist gets a lesson in survival from his dad.
42 Reviews: New rides from Kia, BY SMITH HENDERSON
Mazda, and Subaru
44 The sunroof—and other options
you should never get for your car

The New Vintage: Keeping an ’83
VW Rabbit GTi in the family
46 A motorcycle made for a


49 Fresh Cuts, Old Bikes,
Good Coffee
You can find all three at Greasy
Hands barbershop in Florence,
85 Home Hydroponics WO R KS : AWAR DS
Forget soil—all you need for a NA SA’ S
winter harvest is water.
By Daniel Kluko
VE N US The actors may get all the glory, but it’s the people behind
MACHINE the scenes who make movies come to life. Our annual look
POPULAR MECHANICS FOR KIDS at the best technology from Hollywood, including:
The rig that re-
90 A night-light powered by the sun! A car chase Crashing a A corpse you
creates any place
in the cosmos, down the Las plane in the can ride like a
THE TOOLS THEY USE Vegas Strip Hudson River Jet Ski
here on Earth.
96 A big, green ski-making machine

ON THE COVER: Photograph for Popular Mechanics by Morgan Levy.

@ P o p u l a r M e c h a n i c s _ FEBRUARY 2017 3
From the Editor

LO O O OTTA TA L K A B O U T self-sufficiency
out of a barrel, and I think he’s getting into
these days. Donald Trump pretty much won
brewing beer. This is all on less than an acre.
the election by preaching the wisdom of not
Popular Mechanics has always taught
relying on nobody for nothing. This of course
self-sufficiency—in a 1903 issue, when cars
has its risks as a foreign policy, and I hope the
had barely been invented, we were already
pros outweigh the cons. But as an individual
telling readers how to make one themselves.
policy? I love it. If the meteor hits or the grid
(The headline read, “ ‘Home-Made’ Auto-
goes down or America gets sold to Russia, it
mobiles the Raging Fad—Not Hard to Build.
would be nice to know that you could get on
All Parts Can be Bought Separately, and the
without leaving your homestead—a clean
Enjoyments in Its Possession are Tenfold.”)
water supply, a way to charge your phone,
In our special 16-page package that begins
plenty of Swiss chard out in the garden, that
on page 55, we give you all kinds of practi-
kind of thing. cal advice on the subject, culminating in a
I’m nowhere near self-sufficient yet, but we
beautiful story about a man who lives a self-
do compost. And the boys have enough Nerf
sufficient life in Montana, written by his son.
guns to at least wound a squirrel. Of course,
Our motivation here is not that we’re wor-
there’s my friend Andy up the street—we
ried about the meteor hitting or being sold to
could always hide out at his place. Andy keeps
Russia. It’s articulated best in that father-son
bees. He makes wine in his basement, taps his
story, “The Art of Staying Alive,” in which
maple trees for sap that he boils into syrup,
writer Smith Henderson concludes that his
raises chickens for eggs, grows corn, makes
father lives independently not because he
strawberry jam each summer, built a smoker
wants to withdraw from the world but because
it inspires him to engage
If the meteor hits or the grid goes down or and interact with his sur-
America gets sold to Russia, it would be roundings even more than
he would otherwise.
nice to know that you could get on without It’s a good, counter-
leaving your homestead. intuitive lesson for these
times. I hope you enjoy
the story—and the rest of the issue. And if
you don’t, you can burn it in your woodstove Editor in Chief
when the grid goes down. @rhdagostino

Editor in Chief Ryan D’Agostino • Design Director Michael Wilson • Executive Editor Peter Martin • Managing Editor Helene F. Rubinstein •
Deputy Managing Editor Aimee E. Bartol • Articles Editor Jacqueline Detwiler • Senior Editors Matt Allyn, Roy Berendsohn • Automotive
Editor Ezra Dyer • Technology Editor Alexander George • Senior Associate Editors Kevin Dupzyk, Matt Goulet • Associate Editor Lara
Sorokanich • Editorial Assistant James Lynch • Assistant to the Editor in Chief Katie Macdonald • Editorial Intern Katie Miller • Copy Chief
Robin Tribble • Copy Editor Maude Campbell • Research Director David Cohen • Research Editor Henry Robertson • Art: Art Director Alexis
SINCE 1902 Cook • Associate Art Director Zachary Gilyard • Photography: Director of Photography Allyson Torrisi • Assistant Photo Editor Ida Garland •
Contributing Editors: Tom Chiarella, Daniel Dubno, Wylie Dufresne, Kendall Hamilton, Francine Maroukian, Nick Wicks Moreau, David Owen,
Joe Pappalardo, Richard Romanski, James Schadewald, Joseph Truini • Imaging: Digital Imaging Specialist Steve Fusco • PopularMechanics.
com: Site Director Andrew Moseman • Deputy Editor Eric Limer • DIY Editor Timothy Dahl • Web Video Editor Ryan Mazer • Assistant Editor
Jay Bennett • Mobile Editions: Mobile Editions Editor Tom Losinski • Popular Mechanics Interactive: Producer Jeff Zinn • Popular Mechanics International Editions: Russia, South Africa • SVP/International
Editorial Director Kim St. Clair Bodden • Published by Hearst Communications, Inc. President & Chief Executive Officer Steven R. Swartz • Chairman William R. Hearst III • Executive Vice Chairman Frank
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4 FEBRUARY 2017 _ P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S . C O M
The Reader Page



hen Rob Jablonsky learned his wife sourcing local red oak from a small mill near
was pregnant with their first child, his hometown of Columbia, Missouri, the civil
he used the news to exercise the fine engineer built a few more years of use into his
woodworking skills he’d picked up in design. With the removal of a few wooden pegs Our first annual list of the greatest
high school shop class but hadn’t used he could take out the crib’s crossbeams, lower hardware emporiums in the coun-
since. He was going to build a crib. Jablonsky the mattress, and convert the crib into a small try (November) spurred some
of you to write in with your own
found rough plans online and adapted them to bed when his infant grew into a toddler. Jablon-
nominees. Keep them coming.
meet the safety standards of production cribs. sky finished just two weeks before they brought
Borrowing a drill press from a neighbor and their new daughter home. Elwood Adams Hardware
(Worcester, Massachusetts)
BE IN POPULAR MECHANICS! It’s the oldest operating hardware
Got a great project you’ve been working on, or a solid tip you’ve picked up in the workshop? Tell us about store in the country, opened in
it, and you could be featured right here in the magazine. For projects, send photos, a description, and your 1782—America’s original “If we
contact info to If your submission is published, we’ll give you $100 for a don’t have it, you don’t need it.”
project or $50 for your tip. —Joe Petkiewicz, Cherry Valley,

Deck’s Hardware
LETTERS (Ambler, Pennsylvania)
My brother and I are third-
generation owners of Deck’s, which
I was born in the 1950s and grew
has been serving our neighborhood
up watching TV shows about
just outside of Philadelphia since
cowboys. I always wanted to be
1908. Sometimes our customers
like Maggie Schmidt, featured in
just want to come in, browse, and
your November issue (The Life),
take in the sights and smells.
but life, gender norms, choices, —Tyler Deck, Ambler, Pennsylvania
and circumstances never worked
in my favor. Now I am past the age McLendon Hardware
of pursuing childhood dreams, but (Renton, Washington)
doggone it, I can still wear the hat. McLendon’s has hardware
Can you tell me where to find of every kind imaginable and
the one Schmidt wears? replacement parts for almost
Betsy Shanley all of it. Need a drip pan for a
Vienna, Virginia 30-year-old air conditioner?
That’s aisle 27. A replacement tire
Editor’s Note: Betsy (and for the push mower your grand-
other aspiring cowboys) can daddy bought when he got back
find Schmidt’s SunBody Reata from World War II? Aisle 13.
hat ($59) at —Sam Nash, Renton, Washington

CO W B OY S : M AT T K I E DA I S C H @ P o p u l a r M e c h a n i c s _ FEBRUARY 2017 5
EVE RYWHE RE What We’re Up To Beyond These Pages


Assistant online editor

Here’s what to listen for on our
Jay Bennett takes you Popular Mechanics podcasts
behind the scenes of the Air this month:

Force’s Special Operations

Command training facili- On The Most Useful Podcast
Ever, host Jacqueline Detwiler
ties. He even jumped out of brings you even more tips for liv-
an airplane while report- ing off the grid. She’ll speak with
Lehman’s, an Ohio-based farm
ing. Be glad he survived, store, about the most useful tools
because now you can read and nonelectric machines used
by the Amish. Plus, technology
his story and watch the editor Alex George teaches you
video exclusively at popular- how to build the ultimate enter-
tainment system to take along when you abscond from society.

Meanwhile, on the How Your

World Works podcast, host
Kevin Dupzyk sits down with a
lead game producer and a game
director from Fox’s NFL broad-
casts just in time for the playoffs.

@offermanwoodshop: “#tbt to a
lovely afternoon spent making
Subscribe and download
redwood planter boxes with the students of
both for free on iTunes.
Augustus F Hawkins high school and


• Grand prize: Screening of The Lego Batman Movie for 50 people

at a theater near you, complete with free popcorn and soda.
• 25 runner-up winners: A pair of Fandango movie
tickets to see the film in theaters February 10.
• For rules, see page 94. For details and to enter for a
chance to win, visit



@popularmechanics @PopMech PopMech /PopularMechanics

And get our attention with #PopularMechanics

6 FEBRUARY 2017 _ P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S . C O M

The ultimate winter weekend clubhouse

In December, more than 300 Popular Mechanics readers how to cut and varnish their own wood coasters with DIY
experienced the ultimate winter clubhouse at the Popular editor Timothy Dahl, and sew their own leather wallets with
Mechanics Lodge in Brooklyn, New York. The event took Slightly Alabama’s Dana Glaeser. Pop-up shops showcased
place at Kinfolk 94—an event space and bar partially formed some of our favorite brands, including Kit and Ace technical
by a huge geodesic dome of laminated plywood. The open clothing and Camp Chef outdoor cooking gear. The evening
bar featured Blue Moon and our signature Gold Rush cocktail closed with a performance from Jeff Conley, a musician who
(bourbon, lemon juice, and honey), and The Cannibal Beer and makes his own guitars out of old suitcases and other found
Butcher provided homemade cured meats. Guests learned objects. (Look for a story on him in the April issue.)
Calendar FEBRUARY How to get the most
out of your month.


29 30 31 1 2 3 4
Groundhog Day. Calcium chloride
Punxsutawney ice melt works
Phil has a down to −25
39 percent degrees F, while
accuracy rate. rock salt only
Make a weather works down to
station instead. 15. Save money
(See page 60.) by mixing them.

5 6 7 8 9
Super Bowl Author and The weather
Sunday. Come comic-book cre- is not getting
for the football, ator Neil Gaiman better anytime
stay for reimagines soon. Equip
24: Legacy Viking myths yourself with
after the game. in Norse Myth­ some proper
ology, out today. snow boots.

12 13 14 15 16 17 18
The 59th Annual Valentine’s Day. Keep an eye on Idris Elba and It’s the NBA
Grammy Awards. Or our annual the Chicago Auto Matthew All-Star week-
argument for Show this week. McConaughey end. The Slam
woodwork- Automakers star as a gun- Dunk Contest
ing as an tend to roll out slinger and a is tonight on
expression of new trucks and sorcerer in the TNT. Game’s
affection. SUVs here. big screen tomorrow.
adaptation of
Stephen King’s
The Dark Tower.

20 21 22 23 24 25
President’s Day. If your heat’s been Tired of the win-
Plus, the day running since ter gloom? Bring
John Glenn November, now some greenery
became the is a good time to indoors with
first Ameri- change your fur- a hydroponic
can to orbit nace filter. Do it station, page 85.
Earth. every three months.

26 27 28 1 2 3 4
The Super The Mobile
Bowl of stock World Congress
car racing, the starts today
Daytona 500, with new smart-
is on today. No phone releases
episodes of expected Mardi Gras.
24: Legacy throughout the Celebrate Louisi-
after, this time. week. Save the ana-style with
headphone jack! a local drink.



Whatever any groundhog tells you, MECHANICAL HISTORY NEW ORLEANIAN
the weather will still be rough for a On this day 55 years ago, John Glenn Invented in 1838, the Sazerac is the
while. Two boot upgrades if your pair became the first American to orbit first American cocktail and the official
hasn’t fared well this winter: Earth, in a spacecraft called Friend- cocktail of New Orleans. To make it,
Forsake Duck Boot ship 7. Before Glenn, two Soviets roll a small amount of absinthe around
An all-weather duck boot you can had successfully made orbit, a sore a chilled rocks glass to coat. Discard
keep on in the office. ($140) spot for NASA. Glenn orbited Earth the extra. In a separate glass, muddle
North Face ThermoBall three times, reaching speeds over a sugar cube with three dashes of
Versa Boot 17,000 miles per hour. After almost bitters. Add one and a half ounces
Clean black on the outside. five hours looping the planet, he Sazerac rye. Pour into the rocks glass
Puffy insulation on the inside.
($130) returned home to a hero’s welcome. and garnish with a lemon peel.

8 FEBRUARY 2017 _ P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S . C O M
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How to Fix
Literally. When the
Capitol Dome was
in need of repair, its
stewards recruited
some of the country’s
best makers to fix it.
Just in time for
Donald Trump’s big day.

@ P o p u l a r M e c h a n i c s _ FEBRUARY 2017 11
braham Lincoln’s first inauguration, in 1861, was staged on the
steps of the United States Capitol as its dome was still a work in
progress. A few years later, Lincoln insisted that the construc-
tion of the dome continue through the Civil War. “If people see
the Capitol going on,” he said, “it is a sign we intend the Union
shall go on.” In 1866, less than a year after Lincoln had been assassinated, at the
dawn of Reconstruction, the dome was completed: nine million pounds of cast
iron covered in Dome White paint, capped with a bronze statue called Freedom
Triumphant in War and Peace.
But the work goes on. Since the dome’s last complete restoration, from 1959 to
1960, decades of abuse by rain, snow, and slow leaks degraded the cast iron, caus-
ing more than 1,000 feet of cracking to spiderweb across it. So in January 2014,
under the direction of the Architect of the Capitol, the federal agency in charge of
the maintenance and restoration of the Capitol complex, a team of companies and
craftsmen from around the country began repairs. By Inauguration Day they will
be complete, and the American people will gather on the steps of a proud symbol of
American government restored to its original glory. Donald Trump will recite the
oath of office in front of the dome that rose above Lincoln, above our 39th Congress,
and endures at the start of the 115th. Here are a few of the companies that worked
behind a veil of more than one million pounds of scaffolding to ensure it goes on.

Historical Allen
C O MPAN Y Lock-N- Bullseye Arts and Architectural American
Stitch Glass Casting Metals F.D. Thomas Iron Works
L O C ATI O N Turlock, Portland, West Jordan, Talladega, Central Point, Hyattsville,
California Oregon Utah Alabama Oregon Maryland

FOU N D E D 1990 1974 1973 1995 1979 1948

WO RK O N Designed a water- Used traditional Restored and cast Implemented the Removed the Installed the more
D O ME tight system to fill processes to more than 100 Lock-N-Stitch many coats of than two miles of
cracks: Threaded- replace unstable pieces of cast technology to lead paint on the metal scaffolding
metal pins pull the or badly damaged iron including repair the dome’s dome and con- that surrounded
two pieces of cast cupola windows ornamentation thousands of tained the site to the dome during
iron together, then with handmade like rosettes and cracks. avoid spreading restoration.
metal “locks” lay glass that repli- scrolls, and gut- hazardous lead
perpendicular to cated the wavy ters. If they throughout the
the repair to com- surface texture of couldn’t repair an Capitol.
plete the “stitch.” the originals. original piece, they
melted it down
and reused the

P RE VI OU S Jay Leno recently Bullseye devel- Historical Arts Built the steel
P ROJ E C T S implemented its oped a new type of added decora- staircases,
system to fix the fusible glass that tive pieces to the handrails, and
engine block on solved a common Mormon temples pedestrian bridges
his 1913 Christie problem in art in Philadelphia at the Food and
fire engine. and architecture and Payson, Utah. Re-created the Drug Administra-
involving complex cast bronze and Installed chemical- tion Building in
glasswork: When gold candelabra as resistant coating Maryland.
joined, different well as the bronze in clean rooms for
types of glass fountain spire at tech companies
often shatter or City Hall Park in like Hewlett Pack-
crack as they cool. Manhattan. ard and Motorola.

AD D I TI O NAL In 2013 the When the com- Worked with During restoration Long before The company’s
C RE D E N TI AL S Architect of the pany was getting the Frank Lloyd work at the United work began on workforce for the
Capitol nominated off the ground, it Wright Foun- Nations headquar- the chambers dome restora-
Lock-N-Stitch for sold its handmade dation to cast ters in New York of Congress, tion was highly
a construction glass out of its reproduction City, Allen employ- F.D. Thomas was diverse, employing
innovation award Portland offices— vases, urns, and ees transported founded by Dan immigrants from
for its repair a VW microbus. candlesticks by the ornamental Thomas as “Dan’s Morocco, Syria,
technology. the designer. doors to their Quality Paint- Armenia, Jamaica,
shop in Alabama in ing”—he painted and Haiti.
the bed of a pickup residential homes.

12 FEBRUARY 2017 _ P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S . C O M

R E A L -T I M E
1. The cardiac
2 monitor tracks
heart signals.
2. A second device
uploads the data
5 via cell network.
3. Patient condition
reports are
available online.
4. If A-fib is
detected, the
doctor gets a
5. The patient is
given fast-acting
blood thinners
until the heart is
back to normal.

agement rather than

diagnosis. The device
and drug are already out
3 there, but we’re using them in a
way they weren’t intended to be used.
I would say I didn’t invent chocolate,
CARDIOLOGY Popular Mechanics: So how does I didn’t invent peanut butter, but I

this device work? invented Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.
Rod Passman: Your heart sends out PM: My favorite candy. As wireless
electrical signals, and they can be technology improves, what’s next?

Connected recorded from anywhere in the body.

This implantable cardiac monitor, so
RP: The device will communicate
directly with a patient’s phone. My

small it’s actually injected underneath vision is, just like a diabetic checks
the skin with a special tool, reads the their blood sugar and treats them-
electrical activity and feeds it to a web- selves, in the future the patient with
A clinical trial heralds the site. When you develop A-fib, the heart atrial fibrillation might take blood
wireless future of personalized rate becomes very erratic. The device thinners on their own in response to
medicine. B Y K I R A P E I K O F F sees the irregularity, and via the web- data from this chip inside their body.
site alerts me with a text. Ultimately, these devices will
About five million Americans suffer from PM: What led to this new approach? not just see the rhythm of the heart.
atrial fibrillation, a quivering heartbeat RP: One piece of the puzzle was the Maybe they could see things like
that can lead to blood clots and increase development of drugs that could rap- blood pressure or glucose levels. Tell
the risk of a stroke by 500 percent. The condi- idly thin the blood, and the other you whether you’ve been mobile or
tion is currently treated with a lifetime course of piece was that we had to have tech- not. The potential usefulness of these
continuous blood thinners, which are effective nology that could provide long-term devices is really quite remarkable.
at preventing blood clots but raise the chances of cardiac monitoring with remote PM: One day, will we all end up
serious bleeding. Dr. Rod Passman, a cardiology transmission. If we were able to mon- wearing one to monitor us before
professor at Northwestern University, recently con- itor you and let you know quickly, we something goes wrong? Is this
ducted a study with a radically different approach: could potentially thin your blood early basically a Fitbit on steroids?
Cardiac monitors the size of a paper clip were and prevent a blood clot from form- RP (laughing): A Fitbit is a toy com-
inserted under the skin to measure the electrical ing—providing the benefits of a blood pared with this. One can envision it
output of patients’ hearts in real time. They alerted thinner, with minimal risks. as a long-term health-management
Dr. Passman with a text message if they detected PM: What did the study show? tool. The concept of waiting until
signs of A-fib. When that happened, he’d initiate RP: In a small group of 59 patients, you’ve fallen off the cliff to come to
a course of next-generation blood thinners that we reduced time on the blood thinner the doctor or to recognize a disease
would act just long enough to normalize patients’ by 94 percent. But to show that this after it’s gotten out of control could be
rhythms. Without inventing a new device or discov- is safe, we need a very large study, so obsolete. Think of the efficiency—we
ering a new drug, Dr. Passman’s novel integration of we’re planning a 6,000-patient trial. could monitor thousands of patients
the two into an on-demand system stands to trans- PM: Has this remote monitoring from their homes. We see problems
form the way we treat the sick. approach been used before to guide before the patients see problems.
clinical decisions? PM: Sounds like a new paradigm
RP: My study is the first example of that’s still far away.
using these devices for patient man- RP: It’s a lot closer now than ever.

14 FEBRUARY 2017 _ P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S . C O M I L LU S T R AT I O N BY G R A H A M M U R D O C H
sugar. If the temperature gets too hot,
cool water is run into the fermenter’s
exterior stainless-steel jacket. “When

Drink Like a
the yeast has eaten all the sugar, what
you essentially have is beer,” Mont-
gomery says. “The first distillation is a
Scandinavian stripping run, not a flavor-determining
run. It is just about getting the alcohol
How a spirit from 16th-century Norway made its out of the beer as fast as we can.” The
way to Montana. And why it should be in your glass. result, called low wines, is about 25 per-
BY FRANCI N E MAROU KIAN cent alcohol by volume.

The second fractional distillation,
Viking boat may not Montana’s nutrient-rich volcanic done in a 21-plate copper column still, Skadi
have b een able to earth and abundant snowmelt provide cuts the spirit to a specific proof and aquavit
make it to Montana, the exceptional grain and water qual- creates a very clean canvas—basi- Predominantly
caraway, with
but that doesn’t mean ity that aquavit relies on. cally like vodka—for the addition of fennel, dill, and
the Scandinavians Aquavit is a traditional spirit dis- the botanicals. “We return the spirit a hint of citrus.
couldn’t. Along with the Homestead tilled from potato or grain mash that to the pot still and give it a last run
Act of 1862, which gave settlers 160 has the predominant flavor of cara- to create vapor infusion,” Montgom-
acres of land for a small fee and a com- way (the taste you think of when you ery says. As the vapor rises, it passes
mitment to live there for five years, think of rye bread), a botanical related through a cheesecloth bag of aromat-
the extension of the transcontinental to parsley and cilantro. It’s finished ics suspended on a metal grate before
railroad across the U.S. helped Scan- with aromatics like lemon, fennel, being recondensed as flavored aqua-
dinavians migrate to the agricultural and cardamom, resulting in a drink vit, cut with filtered water, and bottled
frontier of Montana. Today their Nor- that is savory and yet fresh, almost at 80 proof.
dic heritage remains embedded in the minty—a counterbalance to the salty “Making aquavit is our chance to
folkways of the Northern Great Plains, preservation methods (fermentation, introduce something with great history
so much that it demanded a familiar smoking, curing) necessitated by Nor- that is still new to most Americans,”
and hard-to-find drink: “We started dic winters. The aquavit process is a Montgomery says. The traditional way Barrel-
making aquavit on request from the straightforward double distillation. of drinking aquavit is straight and ice
local fraternal order of the Sons of Montgomery uses a 100 percent non- cold in small glasses—and never with- aquavit
Norway,” says Ryan Montgomery, GMO hard red winter wheat strain out first toasting your tablemates by Muted caraway
and dill plus
cofounder of Montgomery Distillery called War Horse, grown on his grand- saying, “Skoal.” Additionally, Mont- caramel and
in Missoula. “And we continue mak- father’s farm, which is now tended by gomery says, “we substitute it for vodka toffee notes.
ing it not only because we sell out, but his parents. The wheat is mashed with in our Bloody Marys and other craft A slight spice
from the rye
because aquavit has significant ties to hot water and fermented at a tempera- cocktails.” It tastes good with a little barrel. $33
the culture and climate of the region.” ture that allows the yeast to digest the curaçao in a daiquiri, too.

Montgomery’s barrel-finished
aquavit is rested in oak barrels
previously used to age rye. This
smooths the flavor and adds spice.

16 FEBRUARY 2017 _ P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S . C O M P H OTO G R A P H BY M O R G A N L E V Y

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NOTES: This is how vision works: Light is gathered through a hole,
shaped, and presented—converged into focus—for viewing. In the
case of our eyes, the equipment involved is the pupil, the cornea and
lens, and the retina, respectively. This standard equipment is remark-
able but limiting: Our pupils are small. The distance between the
retina and the lens is minuscule. So it would not be inaccurate to say
that a telescope is an enlarged and elongated version of our eyes. The
big front opening replaces the pupil. Lenses and mirrors guide light
through a long tube rather than a tiny eyeball. The result: a tool that
peers across the city, over the horizon, into the heavens.

AIMING THE TELESCOPE its own databank of astronomically interest- it reaches the focal plane at the back of the
The telescope is mounted on a complicated ing objects it can automatically point to after telescope, the light that’s been carefully col-
system of supports that keep it stable but a quick orientation process. lected by the mirrors goes through a pair of
allow it to find and track a star or other celes- sub-aperture correctors that reduce distor-
tial body. Its tripod (16) is stabilized with an GATHERING LIGHT tion that wouldn’t show up to the naked eye
accessory tray (15) and topped with a head- Once it’s aimed at an object of interest, light but would trouble any photographer with a
piece that provides a mounting location for from that object enters the telescope through high-quality camera.
the base (13). The base contains the azimuth the corrector (1), a slightly curved sheet of Of course, you can also use it the old-
motor (11) and attaches to the fork arm (14), glass that bends the light’s path just enough fashioned way, in which case you need to
which houses the altitude motor (17). Then to funnel it toward the primary mirror (6), attach an eyepiece (10). The eyepiece con-
the telescope’s optical tube (5) attaches to which sits at the back of the telescope. The tains another set of lenses—typically, three
the top of the fork arm with a dovetail (4) light reflects, now converging toward the or four—that provides magnification and
and thumbscrews (2) so that when the azi- secondary mirror (18) at the front. This mir- again corrects optical artifacts to create a
muth motor rotates the base, the telescope ror sends the light into a jet-black baffle tube pristine image. (If it’s out of focus, the focus
moves left and right, and when the altitude (8) that funnels it unencumbered to the rear knob [7] moves the primary mirror to fine-
motor pivots its mount, the telescope moves of the telescope, where it converges to the tune.) Putting a star diagonal (9)—an elbow,
up and down. focal plane in front of the eyepiece. The pur- basically—between the tube and the eyepiece
You can aim the telescope in two ways. If pose of all this redirection? By using a series will make viewing a little more comfortable.
you’re old-school, you find your chosen star of mirrors, the telescope is able to collect and The diagonal also contains a mirror to flip the
yourself: Using the hand control (12) or focus more light rays in a shorter tube—in image. Thanks to the primary and secondary
phone app, you rotate the telescope into the fact, the Evolution’s focal length is five times mirrors, when light reaches the focal point,
vicinity of the star, then look through the its optical tube length of 16 inches. it’s both inverted and reversed—which might
StarPointer Pro finderscope (3)—which bother a peeping tom, but is essentially unno-
is essentially a lower-powered scope with a VIEWING THE IMAGE ticeable to an astronomer, whose subject is a
larger field of view—to align the main tube. This telescope is designed to be used with a black sky, pinpricks of light, and wonder.
Alternatively, the NexStar Evolution HD has digital camera for astrophotography. So as —Kevin Dupzyk

18 FEBRUARY 2017 _ P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S . C O M
1 2 3 4 5 6






15 14 13 12

@ P o p u l a r M e c h a n i c s _ FEBRUARY 2017 19

The Esquire Manhattan

is made with superior Jefferson’s bourbon and a combination
of the finest sweet and dry vermouth and bitters. Crafted
with the editors of Esquire and barrel-aged for 90 days,
the result is a damn good cocktail. Serve it up or on the
rocks. No labor or equipment needed.



Birch Coffee owners

Jeremy Lyman (left) and Paul
Schlader roasted more than
150,000 pounds of coffee
beans last year.

The Home Coffee Revolution

An influx of new equipment—high-tech and low—will help you brew better joe.

IT’S EASY TO take your coffee for granted. Mix hot water with grounds, sommelier. For example, choose a finer grind to create more surface
and within minutes you’re warmed and awake. But there’s science in area, which lets more water into the bean to release more flavor. With
that process—science that can be tweaked and perfected. Chang- the help of Schlader and his crew at Birch, over three weeks we tested
ing your beans, grind size, filter, brew time, and water temperature every grinder, brewer, and pour-over contraption we could find. We
all shape how your coffee tastes and feels, says Paul Schlader, Birch consulted baristas across the country. And we really drank a lot of cof-
Coffee co-owner and certified Q Grader—the coffee equivalent of a fee. We’re excited to show you the results. Maybe even a little jittery.

P H OTO G R A P H BY S T E P H A N I E D I A N I @ P o p u l a r M e c h a n i c s _ FEBRUARY 2017 21


Preparing the Beans

Crafting a better pot of coffee begins before you start brewing.

eliminate the smoke. Five

preset roasts will help you

Roast Grınd
get your bearings before you
start to truly customize. You
can buy green, unroasted
You don’t need to roast your beans online. (We like Roast-
own coffee. But you also For your first
don’t need to fix up that old batches, try beans from
truck yourself, or build your Central America. They have
own deck. Roasting at home consistent size, quality, and a
puts you in the driver’s seat wide range of flavors, which
to make the perfect bean for makes them especially for-
your household. Unlike other giving if roasted too long or
home roasters, the too little.
Behmor 1600 Plus
($370) can be used
indoors. As moisture
and oils leave the
beans, metal coils
on the ceiling of
the countertop unit
reheat and virtually

To keep beans fresh longer,

store your coffee in a dark,

temperature-stable environ-
ment (like your cupboard), There are two types of coffee. Burr grinders crush
with minimal exposure to air, grinders, blade and burr, beans between rotating
says Todd Goldsworthy, the but you’ll never find a blade plates for uniform, uncooked
2014 and 2016 U.S. Brewers grinder in a barista’s kitchen. grains. The Baratza Encore
Cup champion. With an inner The whirling blade operates ($130), above left, is a work-
lid and valve that forces air like a blender, but heats up horse with 40 grind settings
out of the canister, AirScape the grounds and burns off and an ideal choice for your
containers (starting at $24) flavors. It also produces a first big grinder upgrade.
create a nearly oxygen-free wildly variable grind, which For a little more money, the
environment. Goldsworthy can be even worse. The mix Breville Smart Grinder
also urges you to stop storing of too-fine and oversize Pro ($200) offers 60 set-
beans in your freezer. They particles leads to inconsis- tings for enthusiasts seeking
won’t last longer but will tent steeping—since the the perfect grind for
absorb unpleasant flavors. bigger the grounds are, the every brew method
more quickly water passes and type of
through them—and weak bean.



The hand-cranked Hario
Ceramic Coffee Mill
($50) offers an afford-
To brew a consistently delicious able and portable option
cup, you need to be consistent if you don’t mind using a
in your dosage and how long sures to a more precise tenth of little muscle in the morn-
you let the coffee brew. Which a gram. For brewing a pour-over ing. The grind adjusts
means you can’t just trust your on the scale, a timer senses the in seconds from fine to
instincts. You need a scale. Unlike weight change from the water French press coarse.
the average kitchen scale, the and automatically starts once
Bonavita Auto Tare ($60) mea- you begin dousing the grounds.

22 FEBRUARY 2017 _ P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S . C O M
You’re Ready to Make Coffee

THESE GRAVIT Y BREW ERS operate using—you guessed it!—gravity, delivering hot
water to grounds and slowly straining out the coffee. It’s like your old Mr. Coffee,
although these brewers are finely tuned to deliver water at the perfect temperature: hot
enough to release maximum flavor, but not so hot as to extract bitterness from the bean.




With the Behmor Brazen Plus, you can Even if you never use it, the Chemex Instead of the typical cone-shaped filter,
program a pre-soak, brew temperature is pretty enough just to put on your which unevenly funnels water through
and an automatic start. If you like sweeter countertop. And it’s available with an the grounds, the Bonavita uses a flat-
flavors, set the temperature between 197 automatic pour-over, in case you’re feeling bottomed filter basket to extract coffee
and 200 to dial back the coffee extraction. lazy. A showerhead evenly pulses 197- to more evenly from the beans. A 1500-watt
Set it between 202 and 207 for a brighter, 205-degree Fahrenheit water onto the heater holds the brewing water at that
more acidic cup. You can also replace the grounds to mimic the slow dispersal of ideal flavor-extraction temperature of
kettle and basket with a pour-over brewer a barista’s kettle, while a hot plate keeps 195 to 205 degrees. The insulated pitcher
to make it an automatic. ($200) your next cup of coffee warm. ($350) keeps the coffee hot. ($190)




NOT SURPRISINGLY, the immersion process immerses (or steeps) grounds, typically for three to five minutes
before filtering out the coffee. Submerging the grounds extracts flavorful oils and acids from the beans over time,
producing coffee with a heavier body than drip brewers produce. Just don’t leave grounds in the water too long. After
more than five minutes, the contact time between the coffee and water tends to release the bitter flavors of the bean.





This combination brewer and It’s cheap, fast, simple, and per- istry set heats water in the French presses don’t have to
carafe creates the full-bodied fect for travel, if you’re the kind lower globe until the building make a bitter cup. Just pour all
coffee of a French press with- of person who packs your own vapor pressure sends boil- the coffee after it’s brewed so it
out the over-extraction and coffeemaker when you leave ing water to the upper globe doesn’t steep longer on the
resulting bitterness. With a town for the weekend. Just where it cools slightly and grounds. This insulated,
twist of the lid, the stainless- mix grounds and hot water in mixes with grounds. Cut the double-walled brewer has a
steel Duo separates the liquid the chamber for a minute, then heat after a minute and your built-in scale to measure your
from the grounds, so your press out your coffee through coffee descends back down grounds and water, and a timer
extra coffee doesn’t keep the filter. ($30) through a filter, ready to to tell you when your coffee
brewing between cups. ($100) be enjoyed. ($67) is ready. ($150)
Shop Notes: Coffee How I Brew
By Ben Jones, 2016 U.S.
AeroPress Champion

The Coffee-Brewing I think of brewers like

Tank for Any Worksite cars. A Kalita or Chemex
The OXX Coffeeboxx ($230) is built is like a Toyota Camry: not
to travel and simple to use: Fill the flashy, but will always get
tank with water, insert a K-cup you from A to B. These all
Tip! Never Buy have a restricted flow rate,
Pre-Ground Coffee. pod, select a size serving,
Unless It’s This One and then wait for it to brew. which reduces the barista’s
Oxygen is the biggest Its 2.5-liter removable water impact. Hario’s V60 ($25) is
enemy of freshness. tank can make ten cups of more like a Porsche or 427
When beans are ground, coffee, and its watertight AC Cobra. It has aggres-
flavor escapes in as little design prevents spills on sive channels and a large
as three minutes. But rough rides. The Coffeeboxx drip hole, which lets water
for when you require has a rubberized handle, a flow through very quickly.
pre-ground, Blue Bottle three-foot retractable power The unrestricted flow can
Coffee created Per- cord to make it mobile, and create a wider range of cup
fectly Ground (starting a chassis rated to withstand profiles. Faster pours make
at $18 for a five-pack) a 1,500-pound load. That a bright, light-bodied cof-
ground coffee pack- makes it the only coffee- fee. Slow your pour and the
aged in an oxygen-free maker you can sit on body increases while the
environment. or, in a pinch, prop up a flavor tones down.
grand piano with.

The Easiest Way to Buy whole, fresh beans. Fresh means within three weeks of roasting, says Shawn Steiman of
Make Better Coffee Coffea Consulting (which is not a typo), who holds a Ph.D. in coffee science, which is a real thing.

Blue Bottle
Paying more
for a bag of
beans won’t Stumptown
produce Starbucks

better coffee.
So where’s
the smart
money go? Lavazza
Here, we chart Maxwell An Insert That
eight popular Peet’s
House Heats—and Cools—
on quality Folgers Your Coffee
(flavor minus
bitterness) Double-walled stainless
and Keurig travel mugs keep your cof-
accessibility Green Mountain
fee piping hot for hours, but
(availability what good is scalding cof-
minus cost). ACCESSIBILITY fee that’s too hot to drink?
The Stanley QuickSip
insert ($15) slides into your
mug or bottle and absorbs
excess heat—as much as
PAPER VS. METAL FILTERS Your choice of filter carries an outsize impact on what you end
47 degrees. In the ensu-
up sipping. Because of their holes, metal filters allow more oils and fine particles into your ing hours, it re-releases the
cup, giving your coffee more body. Paper filters, however, keep those tiny bits of grounds and energy to keep the coffee
oils out of your mug. That might mean less body, but it also means more distinct flavors. It’s up hot and drinkable.
to you. Just avoid brown paper filters. They have a weird taste.

P H OTO G R A P H S BY J A R R E N V I N K @ P o p u l a r M e c h a n i c s _ FEBRUARY 2017 25


Because everybody’s elbow
could use a little more rest, we
gathered the lightest new circular
saws on the market. Then we
crosscut, ripped, beveled, and cut
compound miters with each.

DeWalt DWE575

WEIGHT: 10.4 lb
LIKES: Professional-grade with unstoppable
power and a heavy-duty rubber cord that’s
robustly mounted to the motor, so you don’t have
to worry about snags leading to a loose connec-
tion. All control points and grip surfaces are well
engineered and comfortable.


26 FEBRUARY 2017 _ P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S . C O M P H OTO G R A P H S BY J A R R E N V I N K


Spray Deicers
Unless you’d prefer
to spend your
morning scraping
Makita HS7600
Craftsman 320.46123
WEIGHT the windshield.
9.0 lb 7.4 lb
A / Rain-X Windshield
LIKES: A compact and spunky saw that’s easy LIKES: Still a consumer saw at an accessible
to handle. It has outstanding balance and vis- price, but its midrange power is much closer
ibility to the cut line. to the professional end of the scale. ESTIMATED SPRAY RANGE: 2 ft
DISLIKES: Relatively low amperage does DISLIKES: Could use a sturdier shoe, and The least aggressive ice melter
cost the Makita some performance during moving the spindle-lock button higher would we tested, but it also had the
long, deep rips. Plus, the blade wrench likes to make it easier to reach. least intense odor. After melting
come loose from its holder. the ice, it leaves behind a residue
$50 of classic Rain-X to help keep
$100 glass clean. Since it’s more of a
mist, the Rain-X would be tough
to apply in any real wind.


B / Prestone


The densely focused stream and
aggressive propellant make this a
good choice for tall or broad
windshields. Melts ice aggres-
sively and keeps on melting.
There’s even a somewhat-
effective scraper built into the
can for particularly tough ice.

Ridgid R3204 Skilsaw SPT67WM $12

8.8 lb 10.6 lb


LIKES: This feisty little saw was the only tool LIKES: A lot of saw and a lot of performance
in our test with a 6 1/2-inch blade. For a framing for the money. The Skilsaw is smooth-
saw, the Ridgid is extremely compact, which running with professional power and ESTIMATED SPRAY RANGE: 6 ft
makes it easy to handle. dead-on accuracy. The price makes it a good Medium-dense spray pattern.
DISLIKES: The blade bevel support obscures fit for anyone who wants to move up in accu- The high methanol content melts
the view of the cut line on the shoe. Would be racy and power without spending a lot. ice readily, and the reasonably
nice if the shoe were a little longer. DISLIKES: None. powerful propellant means you
can spray under windy conditions.
$89 $100


A / ASUS B / Sony LSPX-P1

ZenBeam E1


Yes, 5 hours LIKES: Beautiful
LIKES: Despite weigh- design, good color,
ing less than two and passable built-in
pounds and having a sound. We really liked
footprint the size of a the wireless aspect:
smartphone, the E1 is Plug the hub into a
bright enough to use source—your cable
even in some ambient box or computer—
light. The speakers or connect via Wi-Fi
can also get quite and stream from
loud. Adjustments your phone or tablet,
are intuitive, and the and you can place
metal shell looks the projector nearly
more elegant than the anywhere.
plastic on many other DISLIKES: At 720p, the
projectors. image starts to soften C
DISLIKES: Doesn’t when you project
project in HD. The larger than 60 inches.
keystone correction The bulb isn’t strong
sometimes inexpli- enough for the picture
cably and annoyingly to be seen in anything
readjusts the image. but a dark room.

$249 $999

80 in.
Yes, 2.5 hours SIZE: 110 in.
LIKES: Although the PORTABLE
built-in speaker is BATTERY: No
tinny, you can con- LIKES: At 3100
nect a UE Boom or lumens, the Casio
other Bluetooth provided the bright-
speaker for better est picture of our test,
sound, with a lag so with a built-in speaker
small you won’t really that sounds as good as
notice it. Good color, any. Focus is controlled
and the room doesn’t with an easy slide lever.
have to be com- DISLIKES: The combi-
pletely dark to see nation laser/LED
the picture.
DISLIKES: Wireless
connection works
light source is sup-
posed to hold its
brightness over time
only with Android or
Windows machines.
better than a tradi-
tional bulb, but it made
for a slightly grainy
$650 picture. Set one up as little as 12 inches from the wall
for a picture that fills the room. Just in time
$1,800 for the Super Bowl.

28 FEBRUARY 2017 _ P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S . C O M P H OTO G R A P H BY J A R R E N V I N K


of Cell

If the cruel vicissitudes of cellular

service have you suspecting the five
bars at the top of your screen are not
what they seem, prepare to be vindi-
cated. Phones measure reception in
decibel-milliwatts (dBm) on a scale
from, roughly, minus 140 (no service)
to minus 40. But there’s no standard.
Four bars on one phone may be equiv-
alent in dBm to two bars on another.
Luckily, most handsets allow you to
display reception in dBm instead.
➼ ON AN IPHONE, call *3001#123
45#* to go into Field Test mode. The
bars are replaced with a dBm read-
ing. Hold the power button until
“Slide to power off” appears, then
hold the home button until Field Test
quits. Now tapping the reception
indicator switches from bars to dBm.
can view dBm reception through the Rubber Tub Captures Sawdust
“About Phone” menu. THERE ARE PLENTY of ready-made and DIY solutions for sawdust collection from a contrac-
tor’s saw, but none as simple and cheap as that devised by reader Wayne Germain of San Tan
Valley, Arizona. He purchased a plastic bin with a clamping lid, cut a hole in the lid to accom-
modate the saw’s motor, then screwed it to the enclosure. When it’s time to saw, he clamps the
bin in place. Afterward he simply removes it and dumps the dust. Germain estimates he traps
80 percent of the sawdust, and could easily capture more by adding some weather stripping.

Know Your Drill Bits
— T H ES
ARC 68!)
Kettle Grill Makes
Perfect Turntable
for Spray Painting
When you’ve got something to spray
paint from all sides, consider a ket-
tle grill for your work surface. It’s just General POINT Efficiently Makes fast Bores TERSINK Often AND TILE Pyramid
the right height, and on many mod- purpose Pointed removes and rough large Creates a used with Carbide shape cre-
for wood, tip cre- wood holes in holes; pilot hole a ham- tip allows ates holes
els the grill can be turned by hand. metal, and ates clean, shavings framing centering for a screw mer drill; it to cut of many
Just be sure to cover the grill with plastic accurate from deep lumber bit guides and space fluting without diam-
holes in bores entry to fasten it off-loads causing eters in
newspaper or drop cloths, lest your wood into the flush debris cracks thin steel,
burgers taste like Rust-Oleum. surface aluminum

I L LU S T R AT I O N BY M O R N I N G B R E AT H @ P o p u l a r M e c h a n i c s _ FEBRUARY 2017 29



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In... It’s going to be tough. Your first couple chairs might be a little wobbly, and your
bookshelves may crumble under anything more than a few paperbacks. But
you’ll get better. Eventually, what was a liability will become a money-saving
source of pride. B Y R O Y B E R E N D S O H N

B U I L D I N G Y O U R O W N F U R N I T U R E is a lot like growing sawhorses, simple bookcases and shelves, that sort of thing. But there’s
your own vegetables or working on your car. On the one hand, a mahogany blanket chest from years ago, with dovetailed corners and
you might ask yourself, Why bother? On the other, you might a finish of countless layers of tung oil. I built it with hand tools and
ask, Why not? On any given day, depending on how much time you intended it to be a good fake of an antique. Guests at our home some-
have to spare, it’s hard to say which answer will have the upper hand. times say, “Oh, what a lovely old chest.” I get a kick out of that. When
But there’s nothing like building something and putting it to work someone compliments a nice piece of furniture, and you’re the guy
in your life and in the lives of people around you. I’ve built very little who made it? That’s a feeling you don’t get many times in life. Unless
that qualifies as fine furniture. Most of what I’ve built is utilitarian— you’re a full-time furniture maker. Then you probably hear it a lot.

@ P o p u l a r M e c h a n i c s _ FEBRUARY 2017 31

Find Something
to Build
While you may eventually become skilled enough to design your
own furniture, when you’re starting out, you should always
work from a model. One good way to learn is to find a piece of
furniture you like and try to copy it. Otherwise, here
are a few good places to look:

At offers a

furniture you’ll find projects collection of user-generated
to hone your skills, including a designs for everything from
Shaker cabinet, a bookshelf, workbenches to a TIE-fighter
a kid’s storage bench, a farm- bookshelf. Nothing is vetted, but
house table (right), and a most of the projects we’ve seen
simple bench (below). look solid. And they’ll definitely
inspire you.


If you buy only one
book on the subject,
make it Andy Rae’s
Complete Illustrated
Guide to Furniture &
Cabinet Construc-
tion. There are tool
tips and techniques,
and more plans than
you’ll ever be able to
work through.



32 FEBRUARY 2017 _ P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S . C O M I L LU S T R AT I O N S BY S T E V E S A N F O R D
Basic Tips

After you measure and mark your cut line, You can greatly enlarge the capacity of your Lumber doesn’t always come square from
place a small X on the scrap side. Always saw by building a base—essentially a plat- the factory, so you’ll need to check it with
cut on that side of the line, otherwise form with a gap in its center for the saw. This your square tool and cut it square, if it’s not
you’re liable to cut a piece too short by enables you to more reliably and safely cut already, to create a reference face. Measure
the width of the saw blade. long pieces and to attach stop blocks. all dimensions from that edge or face.

Ensure that multiple parts are the same Use a rip fence (a bar that runs Pressing a square into the corner of an
dimension by clamping and cutting all pieces parallel to the saw blade) or a assembly is a good way to check, obviously,
at one time, or by using a fixed power tool, square to direct your saw to ensure but on larger projects you need to check
like a miter saw with a stop block. a completely straight cut. diagonal measurements. The two measures
from corner to corner should be the same.



Learn to make: WANDEL Learn to make:
floating desk, end Learn to make: work- pedestal table,
table, and foldable bench on wheels, burl table, and
shop stool. daybed, and book- sled. case. teenwoodworker
iliketomakestuff matthiaswandel


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I broke two bits drilling We’re remodeling Is there a good way

holes in my garage our old house and have to make speaker holes
floor with a rented hammer found a lot of disconnected in my ceiling? I’ve tried a
drill. What did I do wrong? old wiring in the walls. Is it cordless jigsaw and a
The most obvious possibility is that better to remove it or leave drywall jab saw, but both
you hit a piece of rebar, or reinforcing it alone? look sloppy.
steel. Or maybe you found a cast-iron STAN C., FORT MILL, SOUTH CAROLINA HARRY M., SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA

drainpipe. If you see a pipe exiting the floor Old, disconnected wiring is a common Your best bet is to invest in an
at any point, assume that that’s what you’re sight when you open the walls, floors, inexpensive adjustable hole cutter
hitting and drill elsewhere. and ceilings in an old house. It’s a good idea from Klein Tools. Klein’s Model 53731 cuts
You might think that a bit strong enough to remove it for several reasons, but before I holes from two to seven inches in diameter
to drill through concrete could also handle get into that, the most important thing to be and should cost you less than $30. It con-
steel, but a masonry bit’s tip and flute geom- sure of is that the wiring is truly dead. If you sists of two adjustable knife-like cutters
etry are completely different—thicker and can’t plainly see that the wiring is not con- affixed to a bar. These blades orbit a central
blunter, meant to pulverize. Also, the ham- nected to anything, you’ll need an electri- pilot drill and the entire assembly is housed
mer drill was probably in percussion mode, cian to evaluate it. Even then, double-check in a clear plastic dome that looks, surpris-
which simultaneously pounds and drills all wiring with a non-contact voltage ingly, like something you’d place over a
through concrete, stone, or asphalt. That detector before you start messing with it. cake. Chuck the drive end of the cutter into
percussive action broke the bit when you hit Let’s assume an electrician checks the a cordless drill and you’re in business.
steel. Even if you’d switched to rotary mode, old wiring and finds that it’s kaput and safe Almost. Don’t forget to clamp on the drill’s
it wouldn’t have helped. The bit may not have to handle. Removing it is relatively easy. If auxiliary handle. You’re going to need that
broken, but it wouldn’t have made any real it’s knob-and-tube type wiring (easily rec- handle for extra support since you’re
progress through the steel. ognized by the white porcelain fittings to working overhead, which requires more
First, determine whether you can move which the wire is mounted), you’ll first need exertion. The handle helps offset some of
the hole to another location or drill a shal- to pry out the knobs, which are nailed into the back force on your wrist.
lower hole. If neither is practical, switch the framing. This loosens the wires, and Lay out the center of each speaker hole,
to the next heavier rental drill, called a you can simply pull them through. For mod- and poke the pilot drill bit into the mark.
rotary hammer. Get a masonry bit and a ern stapled-up wiring, grip the staples with Ease into the cut. Instead of getting all over
rebar-cutting bit. When you hit steel, back the tip of a pair of diagonal pliers, then lever you, most of the dust and debris falls down
out the masonry bit and install the rebar downward to remove them. You can also use into the plastic dome, including the circle
cutter. Switch the drill off hammer mode a tack puller, a small tool that looks like a of drywall. A light touch and a firm grip on
and into drilling mode, and drill through forked screwdriver with a bend in its shaft. the drill is really all it takes.
the rebar before backing the bit out and Next, use a fire-blocking foam to seal any
switching back to the masonry bit and holes where it traveled through the fram-
hammer mode. ing. Both the old wiring and its holes serve
Email your home and yard questions
The other issue I didn’t mention is age. as a conduit for rodents. Those holes can to
Not yours—the concrete’s. Concrete hard- also lead to cold drafts. More important, the and watch for Roy’s answer in an
upcoming column.
ens as it ages. Take your time and let the holes form a ready path for hot combustion
drill do the work with as little muscle as gases in the event of a fire. Which is why you
possible on your part. filled them up with fire-blocking foam.

36 FEBRUARY 2017 _ P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S . C O M I L LU S T R AT I O N S BY T. M . D E T W I L E R
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The New Heathen Porsche SPECS


$69,450 (Boxster S)
he car I’ve brought the entry­level flyweight to the big­ 4.3 seconds
to Carolina Motor­ boy 911. Previously, both had the ENGINE
Horizontally opposed
sports Park deserves iconic flat six. Sure, Porsche would four-cylinder
the skepticism it’s get­ dial down the horsepower on the
ting. Gathered here Boxster and Cayman to keep them
are members of the Porsche Club of from overshadowing the 911. But all
America. Like many of the Porsche­ sang the same beautiful song. Not
loyal (see Seinfeld, J.), they see the anymore. The new 718 has lost two the $90,000 911. Shall we weep?
rear­engine 911 and, more impor­ cylinders to make a flat four, and, in The PCA crowd is pretty hard­
tantly, its flat six to be the essential the S model I’ve brought, gained a core. Local chapter director Marty
expression of its manufacturer’s illus­ sophisticated turbocharger. In this Barrett is representative, towing his
trious history. It’s the setup that has sense, the 718 Boxster is emblem­ Porsche behind his Porsche (911 GT3
powered every 911, the legendary 959, atic of the challenges facing every and Cayenne, respectively). Another
and some of the greatest race cars in car company: Keep upping the power, member, Marvin Jennings, owns
the history of motor sport. Porsche ideally while reducing emissions and three 911s and brought his 1969 racer.
hasn’t built a four­cylinder since the fuel consumption. Smaller engines The grass parking area next to the
1990s­era 968. and turbos—that’s how you do it. So I track is crowded with more tasty 911s,
Like the preceding six­cylinder asked the Porsche Club congregants: Caymans, and Boxsters, with a Macan
Boxster and Cayman, the 718 is The flat six is gone, now exclusive to or two thrown in. These are the people

38 FEBRUARY 2017 _ P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S . C O M
like you could do your taxes on the By adjusting the tilt of the blades, the
straightaways. The 718 S, however, Porsche turbocharger can vary its
kicks out 350 horsepower and 309 boost for smooth, torquey acceleration,
lb-ft of torque, and its distinctly 911- despite a two-cylinder deficiency.
like acceleration comes from that
special turbocharger. Most turbos
are like a one-speed transmission—
quick response or big, powerful boost,

OTH ER C ARS THAT WENT FO U R- CYLI N D ER : Volvo XC90, Land Rover LR2 (a.k.a. Discovery Sport), BMW 328i, Ford Mustang, Porsche Le Mans Prototype Racers (RS Spyder to 919 Hybrid).
but not both. But the 718’s can change
the angle of the turbo’s vanes, adjust-
ing boost so smoothly that it mimics
a naturally aspirated engine’s torque
curve. This is a revelation: a Boxster
with torque.
I want to know what Jennings
thinks, so I climb into the passenger
seat and we head out onto the track.
We’re chasing a Cayman GT4, the
385-hp zenith of the six-cylinder era.
“If you didn’t tell me this was a four,
I would’ve thought it was a six,” Jen-
nings says. “It pulls all the way to the
redline with no turbo lag.” While I’m
sure a GT4 sets quicker lap times, our
718 stays on its tail without seeming
to exert itself—the car ahead of us has
35 more horses when it’s near the red-
line, but the 718 is stronger low down
in the rev range, where you’re actually disappointment. With the top down,
driving most of the time. you hear its belligerent woofle. It’s the
Jennings professes respect for the whumpa-whumpa-whumpa drum-
718, but allows that his definition of a beat of a flat four, a sound like the
Porsche begins and ends with the 911. Red Baron swooping down to strafe a
So we head into the pits to recruit a trench. But at speed, the noise disap-
midengine acolyte. I find one in Bill pears in the slipstream.
Ainsley, who drives a Boxster RS 60 on Such is the price of progress. A nat-
Porsche needs to convert to the four- the street and a Cayman on the track. urally aspirated flat six sings with a
cylinder philosophy. We’re barely past turn one when he hard-edged rasp, an unfiltered crackle
Not being a Porsche traditionalist dips into the throttle and declares, that’s increasingly rare as even the
myself, I warmed to the flat four the “Wow...that’s a lot of torque!” These mighty 911 moves to an all-turbo-
first time I passed a dawdler on the are words that have never before charged lineup. These cars are faster
rural two-lanes leading to the track. been spoken from behind the wheel and still get decent mileage. You can’t
Boxsters have always had great grip of a Boxster. “Not the same sound, really argue with that. But driving one
and midengine balance, but you felt though,” he says, his voice tinged with FAMOUS is like your favorite band’s new album.
It takes a few listens before you dig the
new material.
Eventually, the four-cylinder Box-
ster will seem like it’s been around
forever. Which, in a way, it has. The
original 718 from the late 1950s had
Seinfeld, J. a flat four. So did James Dean’s 550
Spyder. Embrace these new 718s, peo-
ple. Because at some point, whether
in ten years or 20 or 30, the techno-
McQueen, S. logical noose will draw tight, and the
homogeneity of electrics will render
moot all the age-old barroom debates
on cylinder count and turbos. But for
now, Porsche has a new engine, one
Lohan, L. that renews the relevance of its most
attainable sports car. You’ve got to like
the sound of that.

P H OTO G R A P H S BY P E T E R TAY LO R @ P o p u l a r M e c h a n i c s _ FEBRUARY 2017 39



Car owners might not love

dealer service departments,
but independent mechanics do.
Why? Because dealers’ stiff rates
and by-the-book approach can drive
customers straight to a local inde-
pendent specialist. Alan Prosser, PROBLEM You’re on a tight schedule. PROBLEM Your late-model car has an
owner of Alan Auto Volvo Service in electronics gremlin.
Portland, Maine, can attest. “When DEALER MECHANIC
The dealership is bigger and, because it’s usual- DEALER MECHANIC
a dealer changes out a common EVAP
hose in the rear of a post-2001 V70, ly more expensive, less in demand. It can churn Modern vehicles require expensive diagnostic
jobs quickly, whereas an independent shop equipment that dealerships already have.
they need to remove the exhaust sys-
will prioritize emergencies, while you wait for “We install software updates on every car,”
tem and rear suspension,” he says. parts. But the good ones, like dealerships, have Profenno says. “When you pick it up, maybe
“That’s six to eight hours of labor.” loaner vehicles and plan service around their the Bluetooth works better.” Independents
Instead of deliberately protracting availability. “After the flat-rate system, rushed who focus on a particular manufacturer will be
the job to rack up the bill, Prosser jobs are perhaps the greatest contributor to similarly outfitted, but, Prosser says, “General-
takes a holesaw and 30 minutes to crappy work in our industry, so we set it up so service shops don’t cut it. You’re paying them
do the same fix. “We independents we can take our time,” Prosser says. “We keep to learn about your car.” If you can’t find a
at least five loaners available for customers.” specialist in area, off to the dealer.
haven’t sold out our imaginations,”
he says. And yet, that same impro-
PROBLEM Your unusual car has an esoteric PROBLEM When you sell your car, you
visation can make a dealership’s worry that buyers will balk at non-dealer
mechanical issue, like a BMW E36 power
accountability appealing. “Volvo convertible top that stopped working. service records.
always sends us the software updates,
and we’re the first to know about a DEALER MECHANIC DEALER MECHANIC
new way to do things,” says Mike Some problems are so complex and discour- “If your car is new and under warranty,” Prosser
Profenno, service manager at Herb aging—in this case, a synchronized dance says, “go to the dealer.” After that period ends,
between motors, sensors, and bodywork—that usually around 50,000 miles, go independent.
Chambers Volvo, a dealership in Nor-
an independent will know to walk away. “Good It’s cheaper, and you avoid the pitch for a new
wood, Massachusetts. “There are car. But check if your manufacturer has an
mechanics know when they are out of their
handicaps when you don’t have man- league and will give you alternatives,” Prosser exceptional warranty policy. “Here, dealer-
ufacturer support.” So who do you go says. Dealers and mechanics consult with each installed Volvo parts have a lifetime warranty,”
to? We asked Prosser and Profenno other, so you might end up with a referral to the Profenno says. “You’re not going to get that
some questions to help us decide. best expert for that particular problem. with an independent.”

• Join an online forum • Approach strang- • Check if candidate • On your first visit, give
HOW TO for your make and, ide- ers who also have an shops are Automotive the shop a small job, such

FIND A ally, specific model

and ask for shop
old Volvo or Bronco or
Service Excellence (ASE)
and Better Business
as balancing the tires,
and compare its price
MECHANIC recommendations. Bureau certified. against NAPA AutoCare’s
repair estimator.

40 FEBRUARY 2017 _ P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S . C O M
Base price: $32,390
Included accessory
for first 1,000
Launch Edition
Miatas: 42-mm
Tourneau watch

1 2 3
Base price: $36,800
Virtual-engine-sound Base price:
system: Below 12 mph, $26,315
the Soul emits a space- Performance
ship noise to warn package features:
pedestrians. Brembo brakes
and Sachs perfor-
mance shocks, the
better to use the
system’s new
Track setting.

1 2 3


The Soul EV isn’t much different now The last hardtop Miata was almost For 2017, Subaru gave the BRZ a new
than it was in 2014 when it first arrived, identical to the ragtop: same silhou- intake manifold, exhaust manifolds,
which means it’s been superseded by the sec- ette, just with better soundproofing and camshafts, cylinder heads, and valves, a con-
ond generation of EVs. The latest electric Soul metal instead of cloth. The new RF (retract- siderable overhaul that brings the 2.0-liter
has roughly half the horsepower and less able fastback) goes for a completely different boxer four from 200 horsepower all the way
than half the battery capacity of the simi- roofline. When the top is down, the buttresses up to...205 horsepower. Unless you get the
larly priced Chevy Bolt—EPA-rated range behind the seats remain, sort of like a minia- automatic transmission. Then it’s still 200
is 93 miles to the Bolt’s 238. Welcome to the ture Porsche 911 Targa. horsepower.
car as an electronic device. Your two-year-old Like the Targa, the RF is fascinating to Well, the BRZ has never been about the
vehicle is as outdated as an iPhone 4. behold as the entire rear deck pops up and numbers. Like the Miata, this is a car that
Still, the 2016 EV Plus has all the goodness swallows the roof. When the roof panels delivers an experience, not a killer quarter-
of an electric car. It’s eerily smooth and quiet, descend, they slide behind the front seats and mile time. It’s lightweight, free-revving, and
a Maybach dressed as a pugnacious Korean apparently into a wormhole. Inexplicably, rear-wheel-drive. You’re constantly shifting
wagon. Its 210 lb-ft of torque makes it quick the trunk capacity is the same as the soft-top gears to keep the flat four singing. And that’s
around town. Leave the regenerative brak- model, even with the top down. You can open okay, because the stubby shifter is delightful.
ing on all the time and your brake pads will and close at up to 6 mph, which might sound Yes, Subaru could have turbocharged
probably last until the Singularity renders us slow, but you can at least begin creeping out the BRZ and given it 300 horsepower. And
all servants to the omniscient digital ether- of the way if the light turns green while you’re perhaps it still might. But to what end?
brain. And if you can plug in every night, the mid-stow. More expensive, with less accessible limits?
93 miles of range is probably sufficient. But All of this clever engineering has a prac- Perhaps Subaru remembers the Japanese-
even against the updated Nissan Leaf, Kia tical goal, namely making the Miata a more performance-car battles of the ’90s, when
can’t compete on specs. pleasant machine with which to dispatch the Mitsubishi 3000GT VR4 and Toyota
Which means that the Soul is likely to be long-distance drives. The soft-top is always Supra imploded under the weight of their own
a bargain. We’ve seen Kia offer $3,000 cash loud, even with the top up. The RF acts like a overcomplicated, overpowered ambitions.
on top of the $7,500 federal EV credit, and grand-touring coupe with the roof raised, and Whatever the motive, this BRZ reminds you
sub-$200 lease deals are the norm. Hey, if an open-air corner-carver with it retracted. that when you’re on the Tail of the Dragon,
the price is right, you might conclude that an If you dig the Targa look, then it’s a best-of- tires howling, tach flirting with 7,000 rpm,
iPhone 4 still works just fine. both-worlds scenario. nobody’s keeping score.


Posh and quick. T5 PLATINUM Volvo, 2017: SL63 Heaters work
Huge trunk. rugged yet voluptuous. until 90 mph.
42 FEBRUARY 2017 _ P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S . C O M
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the Jaguar F-Pace’s wheels are

available in four sizes, from 18
inches to 22 inches—go with

The Guide to the middle ground. Your car

will look right, and you won’t get
body-slammed at every highway
Car Options expansion joint.
Aesthetics and ride quality
are, of course, subjective. Other
decisions aren’t. Like the sun-

roof, any navigation system is a
f I can convince just one person to avoid the sunroof, waste. One former Apple engi-
then my career has had some value. Because the sun- neer told me that, unlike swift
roof is nonsense. Let me give you the sales pitch: We, tech companies, auto manufac-
the manufacturer, will cut a hole in your car’s roof and turers can take up to five years to
install a glass panel. When closed, solar gain will make develop and finally deploy a new
your interior into a sweat lodge. When open, a low-pressure zone system in a car that should be on
will attempt to vacuum your otic ganglion out through your ears. the road for a decade. “Imagine
Oh, and at some point, this thing is definitely going to leak. For that in phone terms,” he said.
all this, we’ll charge you $1,000. Maybe more. Ready to sign up? “Would you buy a new phone that
As a man whose overhead map lights fill up like miniature was designed five years ago and
aquariums every time it rains, I’ve learned that there are options then keep it for ten years after
you should always buy, and others you should always decline. that?” No, you wouldn’t. Which
Choose wisely and your car will have everything you need for the is why I use the Waze app, lest
lowest possible price. Go awry with extras and you’ll saddle your- my car’s useless navigation sys-
self with years of heartbreak and regret, all while undermining tem—part of a $4,000 package
your car’s resale value. when I bought it—attempts to
Let’s start with fundamentals: color and wheels. Yes, it’s tempt- use its outdated maps to take me
ing to pay $700 extra for the Austin Yellow Metallic on your new west via the Oregon Trail.
BMW M4. You may want the 20-inch wheels, the primary draw of This applies a thousandfold
the $4,750 Competition Package. And you may wish to swaddle to DVD players. The rear-seat
yourself with the Sakhir Orange leather seats ($950). BMW will be Blu-Ray entertainment system
delighted. But you’ll wind up rocking a color scheme reminiscent in a 2017 Toyota Sequoia costs OPTIONS
of bad pea soup, riding on 30-profile tires that will do precious lit- $1,920. Buy two 32-GB iPad Air
tle to shield those beautiful wheels from even the shortest of curbs. 2s, hang them off the back of the YOU
When it comes to color, it’s hard to go wrong with the no-cost seats, and save $1,122. DO WANT
choices. I assure you, your vehicle will include paint regardless of Finally, there’s the mat-
whether you pay extra, and it’s unlikely that the next owner will ter of performance. I’ll never
have a qualm with Alpine White. And for wheels, remember that talk anybody out of buying the ELECTRONIC
each extra inch of diameter means a corresponding reduction most powerful engine. But I SAFETY
in tire sidewall height. If you have several to choose from— might try to talk you out of all- Lane-keeping assist,
automatic braking, adap-
wheel drive. A 2017 Mercedes
tive cruise—these things
C300 costs $2,000 more with will make your life easier.
all-wheel drive and loses three And possibly save it.
miles per gallon on the high-
way. And for what? So you can THE BIG STEREO
drive up the side of the moun- Digital source mate-
tain in a snowstorm? You can rial is finally respectable
enough to make a
do that anyway with the right
booming system worth
set of winter tires, which have
it. Bluetooth Apple
the added benefit of helping you Music sounds legit on a
steer and stop. Besides, making Bose, Bowers, Bang, or
your car lighter almost always Burmester.
costs money (a set of titanium
Ferrari lug nuts can easily run KEYLESS START
more than $1,000), so think of Not for the starting,
but for the automatic
your non-all-wheel-drive car as
a bargain superleggera. Speak-
ing of which, you know what THE HEATED
else saves weight? Skipping the STEERING WHEEL
sunroof. The greatest option ever.

1983 Volkswagen made her push-start his
Porsche 356 in a Chicago

Rabbit GTi alleyway every spring. She

understands what cars
mean to people.
I don’t really care
about going to a parking

Christopher Dick
lot and having guys tell
you how beautiful it is. I
love cars because I love
SELLER: driving, and the Rabbit
Dan Sather, friend since high school has brought me friends
who are the same way.
Minneapolis PRICE: OWNED: It’s 150 horsepower for
$8,000 Two 1,700 pounds. The roll
cage and racing suspen-
sion make it extremely
D A N WA S L I V I N G how to make enough rigid, with low-profile,
with me, working in the money to buy one. barely road-legal tires.
garage of the first house He moved out, got You know how you feel
I bought. He had spent married, had kids, and when you get off a roller
20 years and $20,000 put the Rabbit up for coaster? That’s what
turning a rusted-out sale. I explained to my it’s like when I drive it to
Volkswagen into this wife that it was an work. You’re tired and
brand-new car from investment. That it know you’ve experienced
1983. It was the kind would never be worth some adrenaline.
of project I could never less than what I was pay- I felt bad about the
justify doing myself. ing for it. That ’80s cars labor and money that Dan
But watching him work, don’t have the failure had put into it until he said
I was jealous. We had rates like the ’60s or ’70s. that he was happy to sell
been into Volkswa- That I wanted to rescue it to me. Every time he
gens since high school, it from some 19-year- and his wife see me, they
reading about them in old wrapping it around say, “It’s still in the family!”
European car maga- a telephone pole. She He’s happy knowing it’s
zines, thinking about grew up with a dad who still around.

P H OTO G R A P H S BY J M U C K L E @ P o p u l a r M e c h a n i c s _ FEBRUARY 2017 45

752 pounds
96-hp 1400-cc V-twin

A Cruiser for a Superhero


here’s an evolution to riding that I always thought lay back and do a sudoku puzzle, listen to some music on the sound
went something like this: street bike to dual-sport, system, and make some sandwiches, all while taking in the scenery.
sport bike to sport cruiser, touring cruiser to some Wrong. The first day of the two-day trip was the worst weather—a
sort of silly trike, then perhaps you go back to a sport hard rain with thick fog. The MGX-21, equipped with multiple driv-
when you’re in heaven. It’s like the reverse ascent of ing modes—veloce (fast), turismo (touring), pioggia (rain), and venti
man. Your riding position starts upright then eventually turns to cappuccino—handled the roads well, but with a basically nonexistent
the same slouch when you’re watching Dancing With windshield, no lower fairing to protect my legs, and
the Stars in your comfy chair. But I’ve never been a I figured I nothing but pegs protecting my feet, the elements
cruiser kind of guy. I can’t see myself trading in my could lay really beat me up. In strong winds the bat-wing han-
sport cruiser for a tugboat blaring Fleetwood Mac dlebar fairing and semi-enclosed carbon-fiber front
from its stereo, no matter what stage of life I’m in.
back and do a wheel tossed me around like a kitten in a dryer. Ever
I’ve been riding a lot lately, having clocked more sudoku puzzle, had rain seep into a full-face helmet before? How
than 4,000 miles in two weeks, and, believe me, my listen to some about having the water go through your rain gear and
shoulders and hips and butt are feeling a new kind of straight up your leg to form a puddle in your crotch?
twinge. Suddenly the sloth-like cruisers that I cursed music, and make It’s a sick, sick form of torture.
along the Blue Ridge Parkway a month ago looked sandwiches. Then the weather cleared up. The next day the
like Swedish masseuses, so I thought a cruiser would Guzzi cornered through some beautiful stretches of
provide a comfortable break. When you first see it, the Moto Guzzi the White Mountain National Forest with ease. The 96-hp, 1400-cc
MGX-21 Flying Fortress ($21,990) looks like something custom- V-twin has 89 lb-ft of massive torque that’s ballsy and responsive.
made for Batman. It’s black—blacker than black actually, with a Even though the bike weighs 752 pounds and can be hard work
matte-black exhaust, rims, and a bat-like front fairing. The only color maneuvering around the parking lot, once you get it up to speed, it
on this eight-foot-four-inch-long bike is the brilliant red on the head- scribes an arc like a compass. Solid and confident, the torque pulls
ers and Brembo brakes. Its gas tank and enormous tapered hard cases you onto the straights with a heady surge of acceleration. It’s a joy to
are, no surprise, carbon fiber. drive, just check the weather first. I always used to wonder why guys
I couldn’t wait to get the Fortress on the road. I decided to take it for had more than one bike. It seemed like a way to show people that you
a 650-mile ride to the Kancamagus Highway, stop for lunch in North had too much money. But now I realize it was just a way to be able to
Conway, New Hampshire, and head back. On a cruiser, I figured I could ride whenever you want. No matter how many clouds are in the sky.

46 FEBRUARY 2017 _ P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S . C O M P H OTO G R A P H BY N I G E L PA R R Y


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Three great rituals—working on motorcycles, making coffee, and getting
haircuts—happen in one old building in Florence, Alabama.

Photographs by C A RY N O RT O N

@ P o p u l a r M e c h a n i c s _ FEBRUARY 2017 49

O M A J O R H I G H W AY will take you to conversation. A free coffee next door. It’s an every-three-or-four-
Florence, Alabama. You fly down a weeks gift to yourself.
sparse two-lane to get there, averaging You sit. Maybe Austin Shirey, the owner, takes care of you. Or
fifteen over, the dust of dry farm fields Daniel. Or Austin’s brother Garrett. Or Sanford. Those are the guys.
catching the last stretches of the south- Austin’s other brother, Reese, runs Turbo. You, freshly shorn—the
ern sun. It’s still 68 degrees at dusk, so guys are wizards with scissors and a razor—get your coffee. In those
you keep the windows down. three or four weeks between your visits, the guys are there. They’re
You pass an old, warehouse-looking building on Tennessee Street. doing for your neighbors, your doctor, the students at nearby Univer-
Turbo Coffee, it says out front. Next door, same building: a genu- sity of North Alabama the same thing they did for you. This is their
ine barber pole. You could use a trim. You go in. Greasy Hands, it’s modern-day version of the old downtown gathering spot—the village
called. It looks transplanted from some hipper neighborhood in a hall, the general store. The barbershop. The coffee shop. It’s great.
hipper city—Brooklyn, Austin, the Mission. But nope, here you are They hang out in front of the coffee shop before they start cutting
in Florence, Alabama. in the morning. They find breaks during the day to take their vin-
It works here because it works anywhere: good people doing good tage motorcycles for a spin around town or futz with the engines in
work that makes you feel good when you walk in and better when you the garage. But mostly they work. They craft cup after perfect cup
leave. It doesn’t cost much—maybe a little more than a barbershop of coffee, and every clean neck gets a final heavy drag of a steamed
where the guy’s half asleep, but not much. What do you get for it? towel. When you leave, refreshed, there’s someone else waiting.
An escape from the drudgery of the everyday. A clean cut. Friendly Always someone else.

50 FEBRUARY 2017 _ P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S . C O M
PAGE 49:
The guys don’t start
cutting hair until 10 in
the morning, so they’ll
soak up every last min-
ute beforehand hanging
out front of Turbo.

From left, on Garrett

Shirey: Wilson & Willy’s
shirt ($155). On Daniel
Crisler: Schott jacket (his
own), Criquet shirt ($95).
On Sanford Rodriguez:
Shinola sweatshirt
($150), Levi’s jeans (his
own), Converse sneak-
ers ($75). On Austin
Shirey: Todd Snyder
shirt ($158), Levi’s jeans
(his own).

Shirey and his brothers
did a lot of the work on
the shop themselves,
pulling down the ’50s-
era drop ceiling to
expose the raw beams
underneath and paint-
ing the space.


In the garage that
separates Greasy
Hands from Turbo Cof-
fee, Shirey keeps two
vintage Hondas and
a BMW he and Reese
have been working on.

Levi’s jeans (his own);

Red Wing boots (his own).

@ P o p u l a r M e c h a n i c s _ FEBRUARY 2017 51
The Univer-
sity of North
Alabama is
just down the
road out of
town from
Greasy Hands,
perfect for
an afternoon

Billy Reid
jacket ($395).

The raw
soaked floor
of the space
above the
shop used to
function as
a showroom
for an auto

On Rodriguez:
Billy Reid
jacket ($295).
On Austin
Shirey: Tail-
gate Clothing
T-shirt ($32).
On Reese
Shirey: Apolis
jacket ($278),
Levi’s Made &
Crafted jeans
($198), Wol-
verine boots

52 FEBRUARY 2017 _ P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S . C O M

@ P o p u l a r M e c h a n i c s _ FEBRUARY 2017 53
limb to the highest
point on your land, in
your house, even in
your apartment sit-
uation—just get up
high—and look down
at your life as a kind
of map. The perspective is military; the
distance makes your attachment to your
possessions dispassionate. From your
promontory, the edges are clear. This is
the world you created. How’d you do? Can
what you’ve made provide beyond the next
grocery run? Sure it’s a place you can live,
but is it a place where you could survive?
I live in Indiana, at a great remove. On
the far end of an empty country road, in a
little house on a broad creek. I don’t grow
any food. I don’t own any livestock. I used
up all my firewood last year and haven’t
replaced it. But I feel I can make it out
here. Even though my best tool for survival
is the epic snarling of my nasty-loyal yard
dog. When I first went up high on this
property for my look around, I paused
in the loft of my barn, which stands on
a hill. A house, two cabins, a barn, and
a garage. I thought: It’s a compound.
Surely, this was all we needed.
But the list of structures turned out
to be only the shell. Self-sufficiency
takes trade-offs and lessons years in
the making. You have to buy a goat,
the right kind at the right time of
year. You have to take a weekend
and rewire the barn. You have to
find a way to store water, kindling,
rain gear, beans. You gotta get a
freezer. You gotta get a generator.
You need flares. You have to mas-
ter the small-scale solar install.
You have to learn, to really mas-
ter, sharpening a chainsaw and
an axe, rigging a pulley system.
You’ll learn how to make repairs
on refrigeration units, shed
roofs, and forgotten tractors.
When all of this stuff starts
to fall together for you, in your
head and on your shelves, you’ll
be able to stand at the highest
point on your property and
know what each building car-
ries for you, each and every
inventory of all the corners
of your land and yourself.
You’ll see that you have built
survival into the place and
into yourself. Only then can
you lift your eyes above your own stuff,
look to the horizon, and watch for what-
ever trouble you might have to survive.
—Tom Chiarella

@ P o p u l a r M e c h a n i c s _ FEBRUARY 2017 55
Learn to grow and preserve
your own food. There’s no take-
out in the middle of the woods.

Di a m a nt Gr a in Mill
→ A cast-iron flywheel turns
iron and steel burrs to grind
grains into flour or cereal.
Use with the corn sheller to
make cornmeal. $1,000
Shop Like the
Lehman’s opened in 1955 as a hard-
ware store in Kidron, Ohio, selling
equipment to northeast Ohio’s Amish
community. Today, Lehman’s has
expanded to sell products through,
uncharacteristically, the internet.
Here are a few to pick up for your
off-grid kitchen.

Cast-Iron Cor n Sheller Ov en/Sun Food-Dry ing R ack Sta rter Fruit Pr ess
→ Use this to remove the kernels from → These solid oak and fberglass drying → Not only will it instantly turn any
dried corn so they can be fed to livestock. screens separate fruit and vegetable kitchen table into a tableau of American
You can use the cobs as frewood slices so they (the slices) can be dried. farmhouse charm, it can press eight
(frecorn?). $299 $90 quarts of soft fruits, such as grapes,
into juice. $200

56 FEBRUARY 2017 _ P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S . C O M P H OTO G R A P H BY DY L A N G R I F F I N

If You Bring Only

One Pan


The problem with being a cook and also a

gearhead who believes in having the right
tool for the job is that somehow I’ve ended
up with 47 pots and pans. I could justify
E F each of them, but when I start home-
steading, I’m going to pack just one: my
Le Creuset enameled cast-iron 11.75-inch
The Grow-Forever skillet. Unlike traditional cast-iron pans,

this one has shallow, slightly sloped sides,
making it more like a sauté pan. Once the
thing heats up (this takes a while—it’s a Btu
hog), the cast iron holds a consistent tem-
perature, which allows for uniform cook-
ing. I’ve used it to make pancakes, fry eggs,
and even roast whole chickens. I have half
a mind to throw it on top of our fire pit and
sear some steaks when
Connor Stedman, an agroforestry specialist and ecologist at garden the weather improves,
design firm AppleSeed Permaculture, uses a farming practice because I know the pan
called permaculture that exploits natural relationships between can take the heat. Best
plants to create a long-lasting garden that of all, it comes in 12
colors, which makes it
will grow without fertilizer. Here’s how to do it at home. a piece of equipment
everyone in the family
can get behind.
A) Tr ees D) Bet w een-bush pl a nts —Wylie Dufresne
→ Place trees on the northern side of → In between the bushes, plant aspar-
your garden, then try to arrange agus, which grows when the berries
the rest of the plants in a descend- aren’t ripe, and yarrow, which is
ing order from north to south. This medicinal for colds. You Need
ensures that no tall plants are block-
ing the sun from shorter crops. E) Thr ee Sisters Rather than a
→ Try planting pear (rose family), cor- → Plant corn on the eastern and west- compressor, a
nelian cherry (dogwood family), and ern edges of the garden, where it won’t tiny propane
flame drives the
pawpaw (custard apple family) trees block the sun from other vegetables.
together. All three produce edible Then plant pole beans and squash in cycle, using reac-
fruit, but won’t spread disease to each the same bed, as American Indians tions between
other. did. The crops, known as the three ammonia and
sisters, are complementary. hydrogen gas to
B) Understory A Propane remove heat from
→ Directly underneath the trees, cre- F) Beds Fridge the interior. And
ate a functional support system. Wild → Rule-of-thumb plants to keep together though they can
be expensive—a
senna adds nitrogen to the soil and and apart: vegetables in the cabbage
21-cubic-foot model might run as much
attracts beneficial insects, comfrey family (cabbage, broccoli, brussels as $2,500—they’re incredibly efficient:
brings up nutrients from deep soil sprouts) like leafy greens and beets, A propane fridge requires a bit more
and is medicinal for burns, and anise but won’t do well with strawberries. than a pound of propane a day under
hyssop can be used for tea. Peas don’t get along with garlic. Corn, normal operation, and can use even
tomatoes, and potatoes shouldn’t be less if your kids don’t stand in front of it
C) Bushes planted together because they don’t looking for snacks with the door open.
→ Try highbush blueberries, gooseber- make sense geometrically. Try to
ries, and Nanking cherry. rotate your vegetables each year.

I L LU S T R AT I O N BY J O N AT H A N C A R L S O N @ P o p u l a r M e c h a n i c s _ FEBRUARY 2017 57
We can teach you how to procure
water for your family.
For whiskey, you’re on your own.


The How and

Where of
Ground level

Forget Wi-Fi. Modern home-

steader BEN HEWITT faced Pitless adapter
the greatest obstacle to living
far from utility lines:

How do you get water?
Water to house
(below frost line)
hen I was one, my fam-
ily moved from a large
farmhouse in north-
western Vermont into a Static level
small cabin my parents of H2O
had built at the edge
of a nearby hardwood forest. The cabin
featured neither electricity nor indoor Bedrock
plumbing. It was lit by smoky kerosene
lanterns, and we bathed in a metal wash-
tub filled with water heated atop an old
wood-fired cookstove.
At first, my parents hauled totes of
water to the cabin in the backseat of their
rust-bitten Volkswagen Beetle. When they
tired of this, my father rigged up a hand
pump and managed to pull water from
a stream nearly a half-mile distant and
at least a hundred vertical feet below the
cabin site. He was understandably proud.
Though I was too young to grasp the
implications, that pump was my first expe-
rience with water that hadn’t come from a
municipal authority. My next would come
twenty-five years later, after my wife,
Penny, and I closed on forty remote acres
of our own. Seeking a more permanent Pump
solution than my father’s stream-fed hand (generally
pump, we chose to drill a well. installed 10 to 15
It has been another two decades since feet from the bot-
then, but I remember clearly the day the tom of the well)
rig arrived to set its bit. At the time, Penny
and I had $1,500 to our names, and like
all drillers, ours charged by the foot. If
memory serves, the late-nineties price
was $8 per foot. If we didn’t strike water by
150 feet or so (we needed a small reserve
Water source
to pay for the steel casing that would line
the well from surface to bedrock), we’d

58 FEBRUARY 2017 _ P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S . C O M I L LU S T R AT I O N BY J O N AT H A N C A R L S O N
have to pull the plug. You Need
At a hundred feet, the bit struck a vein of water that produced thirty
gallons per minute. According to the EPA, the average American fam- A Sand-Point
ily of four uses four hundred gallons of water a day. We’d have plenty Well
to spare. Better yet, the total bill, including the casing and well cap,
A sand-point is basically a
came to around $1,000. That night, we ate steak.
spear tip with a metal screen
Last summer, Penny and I drilled yet another rural well, to serve a
behind it. If you have a rea-
house we are building on a hundred acres in Vermont’s remote North- sonably high water table and
east Kingdom. Again we faced the obstacle that all property owners sandy-gravel soil, pound that
do when they drill for water: There is no way to know with certainty sucker into the ground using
how deep the water lies, or how much water there is to be found. If the either a slide hammer or a
four hundred gallons a day statistic is correct, a mere third of a gal- drop weight and pulley on a
lon per minute is all that’s necessary to supply the average family of tripod. Keep pounding until
the point penetrates about
four, but that leaves little wiggle room for times of heavy use or vari-
ten feet past the water
ations in flow. Besides, we keep livestock, including a small herd of table. It’s slow and grueling,
cattle, thirsty beasts capable of drinking thirty gallons a day apiece. but it works. And it’s cheap.
I wish I could report that this time The sand-point method can
around money was not an issue. Alas, my save you thousands com-
career as freelance writer and small-scale
farmer has ensured that I cannot. Com- Despite the pared to having a well drilled
pounding the problem was the fact that
many of the neighboring wells ran to four
modern tech-
hundred feet, and delivered only three or nology, the rig
looked pre-
four gallons a minute, barely sufficient for
our needs. Worse yet, according to the well
maps provided by the state, one nearby
property owner had drilled six hundred historic, like
feet without hitting water. Nor had drill-
ing costs magically defied the one-way
a dinosaur same result, as did our coach, though I couldn’t help
considering that they’d both seen me go first. Still. My
rule of inflation: In rural Vermont, it now
costs approximately $12 per foot to drill,
ready to chew rods had crossed entirely unbidden by human force.
They absolutely had. Hadn’t they?
and the six-inch steel casing is $17 a foot. up my yard. In matters of faith, one can choose to believe or
At those rates, assuming a hundred feet choose not to. The agony, I’ve found, resides in the
of casing, a four-hundred-foot well would middle path. Besides, we’d shelled out $250 for the
cost us $6,500 before we installed a pump. dowser’s time. A flagged stake was planted.
So we hired a dowser, a sort of water psychic who locates ideal drill- Three weeks later, the rig arrived. The drill carriage was mounted
ing locations by watching the movement of copper rods. This despite on a lift. When raised, by leveling jacks that hoisted the rig’s front
numerous studies clearly demonstrating that the practice is no bet- wheels off the ground, it stood forty feet in the air. Despite the modern
ter than a coin toss. technology—diesel engine, digital display, high-flow hydraulics—
The dowser arrived on a late-summer morning. I don’t know what it looked prehistoric, like a dinosaur ready to chew up my yard. At
I’d expected, exactly—flowing robes? a flower crown?—but I was none- 165 feet, it punched into a vein that shot past at approximately fifty
theless pleased that he arrived in a commonplace Toyota Tacoma and gallons per minute. “Truth is, I’m not sure exactly how fast it’s flow-
wore the utilitarian garb of a rural working person. ing,” the rig operator told me. “It’s coming in too damn fast. But it’s
“I’m going to have you find the water. I want your energy in it,” he the best well in town, that’s for sure.”
said to Penny and me, before handing us each a pair of foot-long cop- That evening, I threw a couple of T-bones on the grill and got my sons
per L-rods fashioned out of wire. Sleeves installed over the short end to move the picnic table from the backside of the house to the front. It’d
of the L allowed the rods to rotate freely in our hands, ostensibly in be another day before the casing was fully installed, and another week
response to the presence of potable water. before a friend and I dropped in the pump and ran water to the house.
My confidence increased when my L-rods crossed mere minutes Still, I wanted to look out on our good fortune while I ate my steak.
after I started off on my walk around the property. It felt almost as if Can I say with certainty that divination produced our desired
I could not have stopped them from crossing if I’d tried. Penny got the result? I cannot. We’ve got water. That’s all I need to know.

What’s the closest anyone’s gotten to creating no trash at all?

Great Astonishingly close, though it certainly takes an effort that most folks aren’t prepared to expend.

The average American, per Environmental Protection Agency statistics, jettisons 4.4 pounds of
trash a day. Lauren Singer, a Brooklyn-based blogger, on the other hand, has managed to fit sev-
of eral years’ worth of waste into a single mason jar. Of course, she drinks her iced coffee through a
reusable straw and makes her own toothpaste. Singer is one of several young bloggers dedicated
Self-Sufficiency! to sharing strategies to cut down on waste. For starters, you’ll want to be conscious of what you
buy—items in nonrecyclable packaging are no-nos. Obviously, you’ll want to recycle or compost
absolutely anything you can. Otherwise, think of a way to reuse it. Styrofoam blocks might make
for stylish lightweight headgear, and used PC towers serve as sleek, modern side tables.

@ P o p u l a r M e c h a n i c s _ FEBRUARY 2017 59
When you’re living far from
civilization, it’s the little things 1) Snow boa r d
→ Cut a sixteen-inch square out of
that are the most difficult. plywood, paint it white, and place
it on even, open ground next to
a vertical meter stick. Mark the
location with a bright flag. By mea-
suring both snowfall and the water
equivalent of snow (use your rain
gauge, below), you’ll be able to tell
how much water your crops are
getting in the winter.

2) Ther mometer...
2 → Shell out for a thermistor ther-
mometer. These register electrical
resistance and are very accurate.
Record temperature for a few years
to get the average first freeze.
...a nd h ygrometer
→ This will give you dew point, the
highest temperature at which
water vapor will become liquid.
High dew points at low tempera-
1 tures can protect your plants from
frost damage.
3) Cup a nemometer a nd
w ind va ne

How to
→ The anemometer will give you
wind speed, while the vane

Predict will show wind direction.

Strong winds at night can pre-

vent frost from sitting on—and

4) Four-inch r ain gauge

in Your Backyard → Recording total rainfall over time
will help you predict your proper-
ty’s threshold for how much rain
With Ginger Zee
is too much (for example: at what
point your basement will flood).
Good Morning America and
ABC World News Tonight 5) A neroid ba rometer
→ An aneroid barometer, which
chief meteorologist Ginger Zee uses a vacuum box to measure
grew up on a four-acre farm pressure, will last longer than a
that ran on geothermal power liquid barometer, which is subject
and a small woodstove. It’s important to record to evaporation. Depending on
what side of a storm you’re on, air
and understand your homesite’s microclimate,
5 pressure will drop or rise as it
she says, especially when you’re growing food. approaches.
You’ll need the following tools.

You Need

A Manual Washing Machine Even if you rarely use it, a fat, crankable egg, such
as the EasyGo Washer mobile hand-powered
washing machine, is easily worth $55 just so you don’t have to dunk your drawers in the sink during a
power outage. Stuff it with clothes, add two glugs of camping soap, and start sloshing. It doesn’t look like
it, but a toddler could muscle the handle. Give it a full turn, a hard yank in the opposite direction, then a full
rotation, then back again. Enjoy the therapeutic slushing. Two minutes in soapy water, two minutes in a
fresh water rinse, and you’re done. Or mostly done. Without a spin cycle, your clothes will be fairly soggy.
Two dozen black socks washed in the EasyGo took two full days to dry on a shower-curtain rod, even with
the window open. If climate permits, use a clothesline. Or plan your underwear schedule accordingly.

I L LU S T R AT I O N S : J O N AT H A N C A R L S O N ; TO O L S : DY L A N G R I F F I N
The Ultimate
12-gauge shotgun
→ Off-grid means on your own. Use this to Long-h a ndle No. 2 round-
scare off potential mischief-makers, or to point shov el
dispatch rabbits digging up your vegetable → Dig a ditch, put out a brush fire,
patch and eat ’em for dinner. chop through ice and snow. It’s all
in a day’s work for old No. 2. Get
one with a deep socket—the metal
cup at the top of the blade into
which the handle fits. This will
make it nearly indestructible.

Ca nt hook
→ If you’re gonna be
lighting fires, you’re
gonna be moving logs. Ch a insaw
Your back will last → Use it to cut fire-
twice as long if you use wood, make fence
one of these grabbers posts, or clear a tree
to do it. that fell across your

Fr a ming h a mmer
→ Nails will cower when they see this big-
Linesm a n pliers ger, heavier version of a standard claw
→ Also called side cut- hammer coming. The unbreakable solid-
ters for the blades on steel model from Estwing is a good bet.
its jaws, these pliers
can make electrical
repairs, cut fence wire,
and chop through
nails and small

P H OTO G R A P H / I L LU S T R AT I O N BY T E E K AY N A M E @ P o p u l a r M e c h a n i c s _ FEBRUARY 2017 61

How to Make
Your Own
Set up one of these systems,
and then bellow like Zeus every time
you turn on the coffeemaker.

Sol a r
→ Location: South- or west-facing rooftop or
Ecocapsule unwooded area
→ Equipment: At least 24 solar panels,

The charge controller, breakers, switchgear,

inverter, and batteries.
→ Output: 7.5-kw
→ Cost*: $25,000 to $30,000, depending on

whether it’s a rooftop or a ground array.

Gener ator
→ Location: Level ground near the house
→ Equipment: Generator, panel, breakers,
Don’t want to build your own cabin in the woods? and switchgear. A 100-gallon or larger lique-
You don’t have to. A premade, off-grid-compatible house can fied petroleum gas tank. Propane.
function wherever you decide to call home. → Output: 7.5-kw
→ Cost: About $10,000, but it can vary based
on distance to the house, plumbing, and inter-
connection to a battery.

Sm a ll Wind Tur bine

→ Location: Breezy area, high ground
→ Equipment: A wind turbine, set atop an
80- to 100-foot tower, turbine disconnect,
Acr e Designs ZeroHouse Ecoca psule electronics, inverter, and batteries.
→ Best for: Design → Best for: People who → Best for: People who → Output: 7.5-kw
enthusiasts wish the Jetsons were don’t shower much → Cost*: $36,000 to $40,000 on average. Cost
→ Comparable to: A real → Comparable to: varies based on whether there is road or trail
four-star resort → Comparable to: A Wrapping your access to tower location and how far the tower
→ Coolest feature: It motel in Japan comforter around is from your home.
combines all your → Coolest feature: yourself like a burrito
utilities into a single High-efficiency solar → Coolest feature: Micro Hy dro
appliance, the Zero- panels produce all This pod can survive → Location: A water source with a vertical
Box, which includes of the zeroHouse’s anywhere, without drop and a steady flow measured in gallons
an electrical panel, a electrical power, connection to any- per minute
distribution panel, a storing it in battery thing, for up to a → Equipment: An intake gate called a pen-
7.2-kilowatt inverter, banks that can oper- year. It powers itself stock, valves and pressure gauges, turbine,
an energy recovery ate for up to a week through solar cells switchgear, inverter, and electronics. Low-
ventilator, and a without sunlight. A that cover the roof output or variable-output systems may
whole-home water- 2,700-gallon cistern and a retractable require a battery bank.
filtration system and collects rainwater 750-watt wind tur- → Output: 7.5-kw
emergency shutoff. from the roof, while bine, and the shape → Cost*: Anywhere from $8,000 to $36,000,
→ Cost: $400,000 to a digester unit under maximizes collected depending on the length of your penstock,
$500,000; available the house processes rainwater, which whether there is road or trail access, and how
at organic waste into built-in filters make the turbine will be sheltered.
dry compost. safe for consumption.
→ Cost: Approximately → Cost: Approximately *Costs do not reflect tax or other incentives or locally
required permits.
$350,000; available $87,600; available at

62 FEBRUARY 2017 _ P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S . C O M R I G H T: P H OTO G R A P H BY DY L A N G R I F F I N

Now that you have the
basics taken care of,
what is there to do out here?

The Ultimate Off-Grid

Because a man can only play so much candlelit Pictionary.

1 2 3 4
“Procure” movies Sync movies onto Create power Set up your
→ The legal way: Buy movie a big smartphone → During the day, connect home theater
files from iTunes, Google, or a tablet two 20-watt Goal Zero → The AAXA P300 ($400)
or Amazon. → A 256-gig iPhone 7 Plus solar panels ($200 apiece) can display an image up
→ The...legally compli- ($969) is ideal, but a 128- to each other, and plug to 120 inches, but a full
cated way: Travel back to gig Google Pixel ($749) or them into a Sherpa 100 battery will only run
the early 2000s and find iPad Air ($499) will also battery ($300) with an for about an hour. The
DVDs. A library works. work. FYI: Most Android optional inverter ($50) Sherpa with the optional
On a laptop with a CD phones will need Google that can run power- inverter will get through
drive, download an app Chromecast to play video, hungry devices that about ten ninety-minute
called HandBrake (free) which requires extra have two- or three-prong movies before everything
to turn those disks into power to run. plugs. Three to five hours runs out of juice. Connect
video files and save them of sun will fill this bat- your phone to the projec-
to your laptop. tery with enough power tor using an HDMI cable
to charge a projector and ($5) and an adapter ($50).
your phone or tablet. Stand it up on a Joby
GorillaPod ($30).
Press play.
P H OTO G R A P H / I L LU S T R AT I O N BY T E E K AY N A M E @ P o p u l a r M e c h a n i c s _ FEBRUARY 2017 63
How to
Your Kids
in the Woods
With Matt Ross

n HBO’s Silicon Valley (returning in April), Matt

Ross plays smug, frivolous technology executive
Gavin Belson, a man given to such statements as “I
don’t know about you people, but I don’t want to live
in a world where someone else makes the world a bet-
ter place better than we do.”
Ross himself is less wealthy, more sensible. He lives with his wife
and two children in a duplex in Berkeley, California, and often wor-
ries about how much time his kids spend in contact with nature. It’s
an outgrowth of the way he himself was raised: in a series of communal
societies deep in the woods of northern California and Oregon, where All of this sounds like kids don’t much appreciate growing up far
he learned to hunt, make fire, build shelter, track animals, and read from civilization, or, at the very least, that such a life can go danger-
stars. “At one point we lived seven miles from a cement road. We were ously off-track, which is true. But for all the challenges, Ross has a
thirty or forty minutes away from the general store, and it was literally degree of creativity that came in large part from his early freedom.
called The General Store,” he says. When local hunters hadn’t deliv- Without access to TV or video games, he and his brother used to wan-
ered venison for a while, his single mom sometimes slaughtered a goat. der through uninhabited woodland for hours at a time, hauling bows
Ross’s experiences living off the grid, along with the questions and arrows, jumping fences, and pretending to hunt. Now, Ross often
about his own children, inspired him to write and direct Captain has to explain to his own kids that being bored means you’re simply
Fantastic, a film about a man who devotes his life to raising a fam- not trying hard enough to entertain yourself.
ily of six in the Washington wilderness. The film, starring Viggo “One time, I remember hiking and
Mortensen, is an extreme exaggeration of Ross’s childhood, a sort of hearing this otherworldly sound,” he
thought experiment about what it would be like to abandon modern says. “I had no idea what it was, and
convenience entirely in the service of raising a self-sufficient brood. then I come up a ridge and see hun-
A Family
The borderline-illegal parenting is a little scary, but the movie, which dreds of deer, and they are making the Itinerary
was released nationwide in July, won Ross a best director award at the strangest sound. It was one of those Matt Ross’s recom-
2016 Cannes Film Festival. sounds where you’re convinced it can’t mendations for a fun,
Ross’s own childhood may have been less militant than the one have come from the animal you’re productive day in the
depicted in Captain Fantastic, but he still had to do “intense chores.” looking at. It was like bayahhhooooy- wilderness
He remembers chopping wood into kin- aaaahhhh [Ross makes an incredible
dling in the rain for “something like six noise that is a cross between a holler, → Swim in a mountain
hours.” He also felt a sense of isolation that a moo, and a bay].” river or lake
he tried to show in the film. “I played foot- Another time, Ross says, he woke
ball, but that was the only connection I had up at dawn and walked to a lake, and → Set the kids up to
to the town,” he says. “Just going to a movie a plane swept down and dropped live fish so that they can
took an hour and a half to get there. I felt like fish into it. Rangers were repopulat- entertain themselves
I wanted to be around kids my own age, and ing the lake for some sort of scientific
we weren’t, at all, and that was really hard.” purpose, but what Ross remembers → Go for a hike
is that it was raining fish. “You have
Matt Ross also appeared in American Psycho
and Face/Off, neither of which, presumably, a pretty rich fantasy life when you → Teach the kids to
were based on his life. live like that.” track and hunt

64 FEBRUARY 2017 _ P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S . C O M
You Need

Books Walden
the Self-
Henry David Thoreau was tired of life’s
meaningless distractions 150 years
before smartphones. Though most
of the guidance in Walden, his mem-
oir about living alone in a cabin in the
woods, is philosophical in nature, it
does contain some practical advice.

Pack w isely
→ “At the present day, and in this country, as I
find by my own experience, a few implements,
a knife, an axe, a spade, a wheelbarrow, etc.,
Into the Wild The Outermost House and for the studious, lamplight, stationery, and
By Jon Krakauer By Henry Beston access to a few books, rank next to necessaries,
→ What many people learn → Why do novels about home- and can all be obtained at a trifling cost.”
from this true story of sur- steading always take place
vival gone wrong in the in the woods, when the Get up ea r ly
Alaskan backcountry: If beach on Cape Cod is a → “I would advise you to do all your work if
it’s your first time surviv- much better idea? Think of possible while the dew is on.”
ing on your own, maybe the lobsters!
don’t choose the Alaskan R educe your r eli a nce on luxur ies
backcountry. The Unsettlers: In → “I did not use tea, nor coffee, nor butter, nor
Search of the G ood milk, nor fresh meat, and so did not have to
My Side of the Life in Today’s A merica work to get them.”
Mountain By Mark Sundeen
By Jean Craighead George → A new nonfiction collection Pl a n a hea d
→ A twelve-year-old boy lives about modern pioneers try- → “While yet it is cold January, and snow
off the land in a hollowed- ing to find the “simple life” in and ice are thick and solid, the prudent land-
out tree while his family is a complicated world. Read it lord comes from the village to get ice to cool
surprisingly relaxed about on your Apple watch. his summer drink; impressively, even pathet-
the whole thing. ically wise, to foresee the heat and thirst of
The Bushcr aft Field July now in January.”
Ba ll Blue Book Guide Guide to Tr a pping,
to Preserving Gathering and Cooking Don’t get a hea d of yourself
→ The gold standard for pre- in the Wild → “Beware of all enterprises that require new
serving fruits and veggies By Dave Canterbury clothes.”
for midwinter consumption. → Because you can only eat so
Bonus: Will help you avoid many carrots. Br ing a ch a ir
giving everyone botulism! → “None is so poor that he need sit on a

Could you power any thing with a horse?

Absolutely—they don’t call it horsepower for nothing. A horse or cow (or any other reasonably
robust creature—pet alligator, caffeinated goat, malingering teenager, etc.) can be suitably
Unknowns motivated to walk on a treadmill attached to a generator in order to yield electricity, which
may be used immediately or stored in rechargeable batteries. Problem is, the gambit is inef-
of ficient from both energy production and economic standpoints. Solar power, for one, is a
Self-Sufficiency! better bet. Solar’s initial startup costs may be higher ($25,000 or more), but decent horses
aren’t free, either to buy (about $3,000) or to feed (close to $4,000 a year for twenty-five
to thirty years). And then, of course, you have the indelicate issue of the horse’s substantial

P H OTO G R A P H BY P H I L I P F R I E D M A N @ P o p u l a r M e c h a n i c s _ FEBRUARY 2017 65








By Smith

Photographs by
Morgan Levy

The author and

his father on
an impromptu
bow hunt near
Lolo Creek,

page 67
Ron Henderson could smell smoke as he
walked out to his pickup on a Monday
morning in the summer of 2013, but he
was not alarmed. There’s no such thing as
a western Montana summer without the
smell of a forest fire. Blowups as far away
as Canada or Idaho can waft hundreds Above: “Doing firewood” at the Lolo Creek homestead. Right: A compound bow like the
of miles, haze a Montana day, and make Mathews MQ32 uses a system of cams and pulleys to make shooting easier and more accurate.
a mountain valley smell like a campsite.
This time, however, there’d been a light-
ning strike somewhere above the stretch
of residences on Lolo Creek where Ron and his neighbors lived. The bedrooms and a patio. A deck off the upstairs master
blaze, which would come to be known officially as the West Fork II bedroom looked out over the property—the old barn
fire, was close. For two days it had fed on the fuel of dry grass, under- and bunkhouse, the chicken coop, and the timbered
story, and deadfall as it made its way toward them. Another small mountainside beyond.
fire, the “Schoolhouse,” had started downstream. Eventually, the In a few hours most of it would be on fire.
two would combine into an inferno that would burn ten thousand
acres, driven by forty- to fifty-mile-per-hour winds. But that morn- few years ago, I published a novel,
ing no one knew that. Ron didn’t worry about the smoke. Fourth of July Creek, which has, as
Ron’s wife, Jan, wanted to pack up and be ready to skedaddle. its complicated antagonist, an iso-
But Ron had grown up in these woods. And though he wasn’t com- lated survivalist. People often ask
placent about wildfire, he felt calm here. “We’ll wait until the ash is me if the book is based on my fam-
falling,” he said. ily in Montana—a simple question
Ron eyed the tobacco tinge in the sky as he moved the sprinklers with a complicated answer. A book is made out of
to another part of the yard. He’d been watering constantly for the your experiences and your people, of course, but what
past few days. The pasture that ran up to the two-lane highway was drives a novelist is a central query, a nagging ques-
likewise getting a good soak from large sprinklers on rebar tripods. tion. For me, that question was whether it’s better to
A moat of wet grass might not stop a forest fire from sending a fusil- be free or good for society. The character at the center
lade of burning embers the size of fists onto the cedar-shake roof of of my novel bears no resemblance to my father, but the
his log home, Ron figured, but it could keep the flames from running question can be traced back to my family of pioneers,
up to the front door. ranchers, cowboys, and loggers. They were the kind of
As for the house, Ron had assembled it himself some thirty years people, living alone in the wilderness, of whom you’d
before, buying and hauling the logs with his truck and having them have to ask such a question.
coped and notched at a log-home outfit in the nearby Bitterroot Val- I visit my father in Montana a couple times a year,
ley. It was an upgrade from the cramped two-bedroom cabin that he mostly to spend time with him and see my kids, who
had previously shared with his wife and their five kids—my brothers live down the road. The most recent time I visited, I
and sisters and me. After Ron, my dad, got home from work, we all drove up to his property on a beautiful fall day. The
would come out to watch him put a log on the structure before sup- hillsides were scarred with dark stands of dead timber
per. He would usually run out and throw a couple more up before bed. all around, but the sun was bright and warm.
In the end, the house was a grand achievement. The large flag- The Henderson homesite looks different now,
stone floor was warmed by a grid of hot-water pipes, the water heated but it’s even better suited to withstand all manner of
by a large stone fireplace. The vaulted living room housed a fifteen- trouble than it was before. It’s set back from the high-
foot Christmas tree every year. There were three ground-floor way. There’s always a garden. There’s a windmill that

68 FEBRUARY 2017 _ P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S . C O M
splitting maul, but it’s fun to be out with him today. I joke that I want
to make notes of the moment and sit down on the log while he works.
He fires up the chainsaw. As he saws into the log, I think: It always
seemed like he worked so hard.
You sort of wonder, when you’re me, and Ron is your father, how
you came to be this person, a writer in Los Angeles who reads and day-
dreams for a living. Los Angeles couldn’t be culturally or logistically
farther from western Montana. I have a Marmot Limelight tent, a
Coleman lamp, a Jetboil MiniMo camp stove, a half-dozen freeze-
dried meals and a large hunting knife. I keep a gallon of water in the
fridge because warm tap water freaks me out. I have a pair of good
boots, and a first-aid kit in a Jeep Grand Cherokee that will almost
certainly not have a full tank of gas when I need one. In a citywide Los
Angeles emergency I expect to be utterly screwed. Why? Because in
the event of an earthquake, I would find myself with the San Andreas
Fault (the likely epicenter) to my north and east, and millions of
panicked Los Angelenos to my south and west. Prepared I am not.
We stack the wood under the new wood shelter my dad built after
the fire and fill the new furnace—a shed-size freestanding wood-


can pump water from a well in the event of a power IT WAS LIKE DRIVING INTO HELL .
outage. There’s a root cellar and generator. There’s
a creek nearby, stocked with trout. The woods have
game, and everyone who lives here is a fine shot. It is
self-sufficiency in the extreme. You could live here
alone forever. stove that he installed as well. I ask him about the generator nearby.
My father and I have a cup of coffee and talk about “I should probably get it hooked up,” he says, mentally ticking
the family. We talk about the fire. Pretty soon he’s off the other more urgent things to do around the property. Some-
showing me the addition on the outbuilding, a con- times I think that I simply sought an easier life than my dad has.
crete base and hip roof that extends off the left side He does more actual work in a weekend than a roomful of TV writ-
and wraps around the back. He needed to corner the ers do in a month.
thing with a huge beam to account for the winter snow “Just a heads-up,” I say, “this is where I’m headed if the world is
load. I ask how hard it was to get that beam in place, ending.”
and he delights in telling me how he and my step- “That’s the plan, eh?” he says.
brother used his tractor to hold it up and situate it. “Yeah, I hope that’s cool.”
“You’re not a carpenter,” I say.
“Measure twice and cut once,” he says. The man bout 1 p.m. on the day of the fire, my father had fin-
loves making a shelter, an instinct that has led to tree ished loading the trucks at his job and was sorting
stands and lean-tos and even a log house that will one and decking the processed logs when his phone
day stand in the path of a forest fire. rang. He looked at the sky toward the house, where
he’d been watching a plume of slowly burgeoning
e asks me to help him chop a little smoke. Jan said she was racing home. The fire had
firewood. I jokingly complain about crested the ridge across Lolo Creek.
it—the way I did as a kid. We used to My dad jumped out of his loader and told his boss, Adam, that
have to “do firewood” every weekend, he had to go. Both men loaded into my dad’s pickup and sped up the
throwing the cut wood into the back canyon, looking for panic in the faces of the people driving the other
of his pickup and then unloading it way. Mostly they watched the thick column of smoke, black and omi-
and stacking it at the cabin. It was a much-reviled nous as a thunderhead, overtake the sky. It was like driving into hell.
chore. The column of smoke had blotted the sun by the time they got
Now, he saws the rounds and uses a powerful split- to the house. It was warm, but growing dark. My dad could hear
ter to portion them as easy as pulling apart an orange. the fire’s approach, a sound like the high whine of a jet engine. The
He used to suffer my complaints while he swung the fire was inhaling the wind, growing. He looked at the pines in the

@ P o p u l a r M e c h a n i c s _ FEBRUARY 2017 69
pasture, the pines near the house. The whole scene was way of explaining why it took two shots.
surreal, but he wasn’t really thinking about it. He felt no “When was this?” I ask.
fear. They had a way out. They had the truck. It was just “Oh, I must’ve been in the eighth grade,” he says.
a matter of doing what you could before the fire arrived.
Jan and her granddaughter were already hurrying important hen my father gets his annual elk,
papers, pictures, guns, and clothing out to her Jeep. Adam began he puts the meat in the freezer, and
to hitch up the fifth wheel to it. Jan was running stuff to the trailer everybody in the family eats elk
and then she was leaving. Something exploded on the neighbor’s steak and elk burgers. It’s the same
property, but my father couldn’t see what it was from where he stood all over the state. The first time I
on the roof. The fire was here. went hunting with him on opening day, we watched
all the cars heading up the highway in the predawn to
e go out for a hike with his bow. I want to see the join us. Every one of those people was looking to get an
whole getup—the camo, the GPS, binoculars, and elk for the garage freezer. Nearly everything you do for
rangefinder. Bow hunting is my father’s passion. fun out here meets an ulterior need. You hike where
Hitting a bull elk with his .300 Winchester Mag- you saw huckleberries last year and bring a bucket in
num from a couple hundred yards is one thing. But case the bears haven’t found them. You know where to
calling in an enormous beast with a bugle while
slathered in stinging elk urine, and then silently
aiming a Mathews MQ32 compound bow with
seventy pounds of draw weight to hit an elk in the Ron Henderson built this woodshed, installed the freestanding woodstove next to
it, and chopped all this wood himself.
heart is well-nigh impossible. It’s like the chal-
lenge of dogfighting in an airplane, or surfing a
forty-foot wave, or writing a novel. It’s crazy—a test
at the very edge of your skills—but it’s fun to try.
My father expects to get an elk every year and
always does, with his rifle. He’s a crack shot. I
ask him about a story my grandmother told me,
known in the family as “the goat-hunting story.”
As he drives, he tells me how he once applied for a
mountain-goat license and rode horseback up the
south fork of Lolo Creek to Snowslide meadows to
hunt for one. He and his friend Joey glassed a few
on the cliffs and decided they could manage an
afternoon hunt. It wasn’t long before they real-
ized that the “benchy-looking spots” were in fact
pretty steep and the steep spots were cliffs. They
pressed on, taking turns climbing and passing the
rifles up, as they edged above the tree line. Finally
in a high, steep draw with little runnels of snow-
melt, they found four goats munching beargrass.
After confirming one of the older goats was indeed
a billy, my dad took aim with his .270 Remington
pump. He only had iron sights and Joey offered
his aught-six with a scope. My dad had never shot
with a scope before. He passed.
The first shot hit the goat right behind the shoul-
der, but the animal took off as though unharmed.
The pump was quick to chamber another cartridge,
and he got a second shot off. The goat piled right up.
“They’re a pretty sturdy animal,” he says, by

Is there anywhere the post office won’t deliver?

Great Not really, though if you live in one of nearly 400 out-of-the-way ZIP codes, you may have to

Unknowns pitch in by collecting your mail from a local post office. Such arrangements are common in
Alaska, but you may also encounter them in such seemingly civilized states as California, Vir-
of ginia, Maryland, and North Carolina. It’s hard to fault the good ole USPS, though. They go the
Self-Sufficiency! literal extra mile whenever possible. One route in Alabama is served entirely by boat. Mariners
plying the Great Lakes use a ZIP code assigned to a ship that cruises the Detroit River; passing
vessels lower a bucket to receive mail. And members of the Havasupai Native American tribe,
who dwell in the depths of the Grand Canyon, get their bills and birthday cards via mule train.

70 FEBRUARY 2017 _ P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S . C O M
I’m exactly like him. I’ve always got a project.
I recently took my ten-year-old son to a lec-
ture by one of the hosts of his favorite podcasts,
Jad Abumrad. My son loves Abumrad’s Radio-
lab. (Say that five times fast.) He listens to it
every night. Still, I wasn’t sure that the lecture
was right for him. It was an exploration of the
creative process—“gut churn,” in Abumrad’s
phrasing. Interesting for me, but a lot for a kid.
During the lecture, Abumrad explained
that one can navigate the emotionally treach-
erous waters of creativity by identifying the
“adjacent possible.” Instead of allowing
all their options to paralyze them, he said,
successful creators look for the “adjacent pos-
sible” and see choices as doors that open into
rooms with more doors. You manage the fear of
creative work by engaging with the next closest
thing, and then the next and then the next. By
breaking it up this way, you never have to look
at the terrifying whole.
The phrase “adjacent possible” appeared
most aptly in a 2010 essay by Steven Johnson
in The Wall Street Journal called “The Genius
of the Tinkerer” wherein he writes:
The adjacent possible is a kind of shadow
future, hovering on the edges of the present
state of things, a map of all the ways in which
the present can reinvent itself.
Not only does this describe the act of writ-
ing at its most exhilarating, it also explains my
father’s orientation to the world. He is always
Clockwise from top: The author and his father trade their bows for rifles; hunting tools, tinkering—playing with a step just beyond the
including binoculars, a handmade knife, a rangefinder, elk cattle call, GPS, and a high-speed place where he already is. It looks like a lot of
lighter; rations from the pantry.
work to build a log house or put in a root cellar
or install a shed-size external woodstove or
hunt with a bow or go after a mountain goat.
mushroom. When you harvest your garden, you pickle To me, it looks downright impossible. But step by step, it is not only
or jam everything you can’t give away. Even if you possible, but happening right in front of me, here in Montana. And it
make a pot of stew, you can the leftovers and put them is not that my father is afraid of what the future holds—prepping for
in the root cellar. The more you actually live on your the apocalypse or whatever—but that he is excited about what oppor-
land, the more you look for purpose and efficiencies. tunities it will provide for him to be even more engaged with life.
It becomes a kind of game, getting more out of less. Here’s an example: It’s winter. Out in the yard, we kids are digging
Nowadays, all kinds of modern devices make self- an igloo out of a huge pile of snow. My father is changing the oil on his
sufficiency easier. Take the old man’s compound bow: logging truck, which involves using a kind of blowtorch to heat up the
Its complex sighting system adjusts for range, the engine in the freezing temperatures. He finishes up, and of course
soloCam reduces the draw weight of the bowstring comes to help us with the igloo. The man loves building a shelter.
when aiming, and the arrows, flying at 305 feet per So we’re sitting inside pretty satisfied when that tinkering grin
second, flange outward when they hit their mark— lights up his face, and before we know it he’s got the propane tank
vastly improving his chances on the entire endeavor. and the blowtorch and he’s running a blue flame over and inside the
And if my father’s lucky enough to get his bull, his igloo, melting it just a touch so it’ll freeze hard as stone. Come April,
chainsaw winch can drag the field-dressed thing the thing’s still standing.
out of some pretty nasty scrub up to the logging road So what’s the adjacent possible when the house you built stands in
where he has his pickup or ATV. the path of a wildfire? When your fort isn’t a fort, but a house contain-
The most vital thing isn’t doing everything the ing the memories of your family, your children, and your hard work?
hard way—just being smart about doing it all your- What does the tinkerer do then?
self. It’s the sense that freedom is a function of actual He fetches the aluminum ladder and leans it against the house. He
independence, and actual independence is a conse- dashes out to the pasture and drags the two enormous sprinklers, one
quence of ability. For the longest time, I didn’t think and then the other, up the ladder, situating the tripods on the spine
I had much of my father in me—just look at the pair of of the roof. Then he climbs down and turns on the spigot. He loses
us walking in the pasture, one with a compound bow the barn and the coop and even the tractor. But the house survives
and the other with his laptop. But that’s the thing: because he makes it rain.

@ P o p u l a r M e c h a n i c s _ FEBRUARY 2017 71

NASA’s Venus
This machine

Machine blends the gases,

also adding any
necessary water
Inside the Glenn Extreme and pumping the
Environments Rig, you can visit blend into the
anyplace in the cosmos. sealed vessel,
B Y J O E PA P PA L A R D O where the test
materials await.
Imagine what it’s like to be a spacecraft.
Your service life begins with a violent
explosion skyward, followed by a hypersonic
struggle to escape Earth’s gravity, and, if
you’re lucky, the reward of reaching the minus-
455-degree-Fahrenheit vacuum of space.
Then, after months or, in some cases, years,
you might get to land on an alien planet with
an environment seemingly designed to melt,
corrode, compress, or irradiate you out of exis-
tence. One particularly lethal planet is Venus,
where NASA plans to send a probe by 2020.
In order to make sure the expensive machin-
ery survives the mission, scientists at the
Glenn Research Center, a NASA outpost near
Cleveland, Ohio, have been testing samples
in a fourteen-ton steel tank called the Glenn
Extreme Environments Rig (GEER). With
eight gas streams and the ability to mimic
the extreme temperatures and pressures of
Venus, it can help scientists find the absolute
limits of man-made objects before they face
them in space. Here’s how it works.

The vessel is constructed of low-carbon 304-type stain-
less steel, which is nearly tough enough to resist the
Venusian atmosphere on its own. In addition, the internal
walls are polished to a mirror finish, so that there are no
nicks or rough spots to give corrosion a foothold.

The atmosphere of Venus
is primarily composed of
“supercritical” carbon diox-
ide—it’s under so much
pressure that it doesn’t
behave like a liquid or a gas
but somewhere in-between.
Once the gas mix is inside
the vessel, the heat and 6
pressure increase to this
level, so researchers can TESTING
find out what it might do to Once the machine is up to Venus’ conditions, a gas sample is run through a
potential probe materials. mass spectrometer. In the future, a window will be added to the container,
allowing a laser to measure chemical composition and the vessel to remain
sealed for the duration of the test.

72 FEBRUARY 2017 _ P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S . C O M I L LU S T R AT I O N BY S I N E L A B
G A S C A B I N E T S Each of four 2 To make sure the corrosive
cabinets contains two independent gas
cylinders to create a mix of up to eight gases don’t damage the
GEER itself, a majority of the
gases, which can re-create an alien RECIPE
atmosphere to the parts per million. tubing is treated with a non-
(See Recipe for Venus, right.) reactive protective coating FOR VENUS
called Sulfinert. It reduces
corrosion and prevents the
gases from adsorbing on, or
sticking to, the tube walls. 96.5%

35,000 PPM

less than 1%
180 PPM

51 PPM
poisonous and
also flammable

30 PPM

12 PPM

poisonous, flammable,
explosive, and smells
like rotten eggs

0.5 PPM
7 a main component
of hydrochloric acid,
which breaks down
VENTING food in your stomach
Using the ingredients for this hellish brew
isn’t as dangerous as it sounds. Since the HYDROGEN
concentrations GEER uses are so low, the 0.0025 PPM
amount of gases used at the facility over a main component
of hydrofluoric
the course of a year doesn’t even violate acid, which can
the EPA’s daily allowable limit. Still, when dissolve glass
GEER vents after the end of an experi-
ment, a fan on the building’s roof draws
in air to dilute the exhaust.
Raise to 1,340 psi at 878 degrees
Fahrenheit. Good luck.

@ P o p u l a r M e c h a n i c s _ FEBRUARY 2017 73


THE BIAS ISN’T INTENTIONAL but it’s there: Nearly every
category at the Oscars recognizes the achievements of actors
or directors. Sure, there are Oscars for effects, production,
and even makeup, but as fans of innovative new camera technology,
ingenious set designs, bigger explosions, and just the right amount
of CGI, we want more. And the men and women responsible for those
moments deserve more. That’s why, for the third year in a row, we’ve
highlighted the greatest visual effects in film. We want to recognize
those people whose work is often judged more by what isn’t noticed
than what is. Just as important, we want to encourage them to do
more—because we’re watching and appreciating every minute of it.


May contain spoilers, cinema secrets, and unabashed fandom.


For director Jon Favreau’s adaptation of the Disney

classic The Jungle Book, visual-effects supervisor
Robert Legato says the crew had a mantra: “Do not
embellish nature. My primary interest was not mak-
ing a fantastic new world, but making one that feels
like it was conventionally photographed.”
That meant the crew created a “virtual cinematog-
raphy.” In motion-capture, they shot only Mowgli and
stuffed animal stand-ins (left). “We shot and cut as if
everything was in front of us,” Legato says. “It wasn’t
photo-real, but it has enough information to know
where our camera is and what lens we were going to
use. When we replicated it on stage, instead of being
limited to a blue screen and looking at one angle, we
have a 360-degree view of the world.”
The animals were based on real-world examples.
“We’re not allowed to photograph them anymore
because of animal rights. So we looked at nature
documentaries and movies. Every one of our scenes
had a real-life piece of reference. The animals move
the way a real animal moves. The computer rigs that
we created were based on their skeleton and their
musculature.” To up the realism, the creative team
even embraced the imperfections that stem from
old-fashioned live-action filming. “We wanted it to
feel like we went out and photographed each thing,”
Legato says. “If someone got too close to the cam-
era, it would shake. If you put a camera in a spot in
the middle of a stampede, you’re going to get mud
all over it. The audience starts to absorb the story as
we wish to tell it. They don’t get mired in the tech-
nique of it.”

76 FEBRUARY 2017 _ P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S . C O M P H OTO G R A P H / I L LU S T R AT I O N BY T E E K AY N A M E


Writer-director Ilya Nai-

shuller had experience with
first-person filming before
Hardcore Henry, having
directed and starred in a similar music
video in 2013. But that was less than
five minutes—and the technology, or at
least the rigging of it, was basic. “I shot
a lot of it with a GoPro in my mouth sur-
rounded by tissues and hoping not to
slobber too much.” For Henry, a film shot
entirely from the first-person POV, GoPro
provided its best equipment at the time—
GoPro HERO3s—with then-unreleased
software that allowed Naishuller to con-
trol the aperture and outer focus.
Instead of having actors hold the cam-
eras in their mouths, Naishuller settled on
a lightweight 3D-printed plastic helmet
with magnetic stabilization (above). Two
GoPros were mounted at mouth height.
“If you put the camera on top of your head
like in extreme sports, it looks terrible. It’s
a very lanky, slender character.” The chal-
lenge was training the actors to focus on
the camera, rather than the eyes of the per-
son in the rig. “It’s basic human instinct to
look at the eyes when we talk,” Naishuller
says. “So we bought these ridiculous,
1980s skiing glasses with yellow reflec-
tive lenses” to obscure the actor’s eyes, and
added red arrows pointing to the cameras.
Including Naishuller, thirteen dif-
ferent operators served as “Henry.” The
crew went through about a dozen GoPro
HERO3s. Most of those casualties were
due to kicks to the head, which had to
get very close to the cameras to look real.
Sometimes they got too close, breaking
the cameras’ outputs. But not a single one
was lost to drool.

@ P o p u l a r M e c h a n i c s _ FEBRUARY 2017 77

Most movies are shot at 24 frames per second (fps): Each second,
24 images flash on the screen—just enough to make us see motion.
Anything higher than 24 makes some people feel sick, but director
Ang Lee wanted a smooth, immersive experience. So he shot Billy
Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk at 120.
“Lee really liked 3D,” says his editor Tim Squyres. “But 24 fps
causes strobing [a jumpy image] and motion blur [a smeared image
caused by movement]. In 2D we’re used to it. It’s what we consider
the film look. In 3D, strobing is annoying.” So Lee increased his frame
rate and incorporated a two-camera 3D rig. “Both cameras have syn-
Director Ang Lee (above, right) rigged up two
chronized shutters running at 120,” Squyres says. This led to a few
cameras at a 90-degree angle to each other
with a beam splitter between them to create
surprises. “You can’t really get away with makeup,” says Squyres.
a smooth 3D picture. The biggest challenge Some viewers will initially be shocked by Billy Lynn’s startlingly
was getting the actors to focus on the splitter
instead of one of the camera lenses. live look but Lee thinks that his shooting style will soon be common.
If you have a queasy stomach, you can always play it safe and wait
thirty minutes after eating before entering the theater.

78 FEBRUARY 2017 _ P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S . C O M

In five movies, the Jason The city agreed to close down its main air, and the cars themselves were slightly
Bourne franchise has included thoroughfare from 10 p.m. until 6 a.m. for doctored. “We took out the engines to make
a lot of car chases (and jump only two weeks. “We had something like sure when we hit them they were as light as
cuts and insanely frenetic fight two hundred extras and roughly fifty-five possible,” Powell says. “It looks great, but
scenes), but the one down the Las Vegas Strip stunt drivers,” Powell says of the actual Strip they still look like cars.”
at the end of Jason Bourne is what director shoot. There were very few visual effects, so All they needed was a spectacular ending,
Paul Greengrass considers the best. When that the scene would look more real. When which presented itself when they found out
stunt coordinator Gary Powell first met with that SWAT van plows through cars, it’s plow- the Riviera Hotel was already set for demo-
second-unit director Simon Crane to scout ing through actual cars—but with a little lition. If it’s already going to be torn down,
locations, one thing became clear. “We were bit of movie help: A ramp was added to the it is no big deal to drive a car through the
both adamant it had to be on the Strip,” Pow- SWAT vehicle to throw the cars higher in the front door.
ell says. “It was pointless going to Las Vegas if
you weren’t going to be using the Strip—if you
go around the back roads, you could have been
anywhere else.” The idea required the kind of
permissions that Las Vegas rarely gives. “We
had to go through all the implications of shut-
ting down the Strip: how much does it cost,
what hotels are going to play ball with us. We
lucked out that everyone was really accom-
modating. The speeds we were doing—the
amount of cars we crashed—has never been
done on that scale in Las Vegas,” Powell says.

Other than enhancing some background buildings

and removing camera rigs and a car-tossing plow
from the front of the SWAT van, nearly all of the
chase scene was created using practical effects.

Makeup-effects producer Jason Hamer created

MOST USEFUL a life-size mold of Daniel Radcliffe to use as the corpse
CORPSE buddy to a character trapped in the wilderness in
SWISS Swiss Army Man. Although the corpse can’t move
ARMY MAN and only barely speaks, he serves many roles:
companion, Jet Ski, water well, axe, gun, and
highly inappropriate compass.

“We wanted a monster that looks like a tree

but has a lot of expression,” says Félix Bergés,
visual-effects supervisor for A Monster Calls.
Much of that expression was inspired by Liam
Neeson, who voices the character. The tree
even moves a little like Neeson. But primarily
it’s a tree, with all the walking challenges
you might expect: “We wanted him to have
difficulty making even one step. Everything
is completely rigid—but we had to study all
the positions, all the joints, all the ways of
modeling, to achieve the muscles.” Which
probably explains why most trees remain still.

It’s not easy to re-create a plane crash on a river, but

that’s what visual-effects supervisor Michael Owens and
cinematographer Tom Stern did for director Clint East-
wood’s Sully. Some of their bigger challenges:

You can buy old airplanes, Stern says. “Used-up aircraft
become some discounted amount of scrap aluminum. We
bought two out-of-service A320s. They had to be brought
from the airplane junkyard in Victorville, California,
▶ S U L LY to Falls Lake at Universal Studios outside Los Angeles.
They had to be moved at night under highway patrol
escort, on a route that was calculated to avoid bridges.”

80 FEBRUARY 2017 _ P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S . C O M

Even a fictional
spaceship should be
accurate. Although
he began consulting
on Arrival after the
craft was designed,
scientist Stephen
Wolfram came up
with a theory for
how the ship would
▶ARRIVAL travel: It could “spin
to create gravita-
When Amy Adams’s Arrival’s creative team ing the jumping element,” Morin tional waves,” then
character Louise approached the complicated shot says. “Then the camera would “swim through space
first visits the aliens from two angles: as a philosoph- move to the second set, where we propelled by those
who land on Earth ical comment and a logistical would have the people landing. waves,” he says.
in Arrival, she learns something puzzle. “The characters need to The first camera was wild”— It helps to picture
the spacecraft as a
incredible about their spaceship: It jump and walk up—it’s a leap of that is, run by an operator—“and
submarine: “You can
has its own internal gravity, which faith,” Vermette says. To make the second camera was motion-
push it through the
shifts partway up the vessel. The it work, visual-effects supervi- controlled with a rig called the water. Or you can boil
shift was dreamed up after pro- sor Louis Morin drew inspiration Technodolly. We stitched all the water around it,”
duction designer Patrice Vermette from Gravity, seamlessly integrat- those shots together, and then we he says, and make it
and director Denis Villeneuve had ing two sets to give the impression reverse-engineered the camera, easier for the sub-
to abandon an initial idea in which that the characters were physi- locking it to the faces of the actor, marine to move. “If
Louise and her team simply rose cally hopping from Earth’s gravity and the motion-control would do you can kind of boil
space-time, you don’t
up to the top of the ship with a scis- at the base of the ship to the ves- all the camera moves as if they
have something with
sor lift. “The scissor lift just wasn’t sel’s, which stems from the walls, were flying in the air.” The result is the same struc-
tall enough,” says Vermette. “So, changing the viewer’s perspective a seamless transition and an ele- ture you thought
we said, ‘Well, maybe there should from horizontal to vertical. gant leap from Earth’s gravity to you were going to,”
be a gravity shift there.’” “We first shot the actors fak- the walls of the spacecraft. Wolfram says.

2. TWO LOCATIONS plane would pitch and rotate down the river, changing level as it goes,
The crew planned to film the crash and rescue in the Hudson River, but we weren’t able to do that because it was fix-mounted in the tank.”
but Mother Nature intervened. “The current is quite intense and it
goes both directions,” Owens says. “It runs up and down at five knots 4 . BRACING FOR IMPACT
twice a day,” Stern says. “That’s a tremendous amount of force.” To Owens used real background shots to mimic the path of US Airways
avoid injury to the cast and crew—or drowning Tom Hanks—they Flight 1549 into the Hudson, but when it came time to duplicate the
shot some rescue scenes in the Hudson and then moved to an over- actual crash, CG took over. “Because of the complexity of the shot, all
size water tank at Universal’s lot. the water, all the background, and the plane were done completely with
a computer,” Owens says. Water simulations were run to mimic what
3. WATER the force of a commercial airplane hitting the Hudson would look like,
The studio tank, which ran from six to thirty feet deep, wouldn’t allow with Owens balancing Eastwood’s desire for realism with the demands
the fifty-ton plane to be as submerged as it needed to be. “There were to make the landing look as dynamic as possible. “With effects shots,”
many shots where I CG-ed extra water,” says Owens. “In real life, the he says, “it looks absolutely phony until it’s perfect.”

@ P o p u l a r M e c h a n i c s _ FEBRUARY 2017 81

The opening credits of Deadpool show the

superhero in a hyper-realistic slow-motion CGI
depiction of a combination car crash, gun bat-
tle, and aggressive use of a cigarette lighter
(right). Throughout, sarcastic credits identify
the cast as “God’s Perfect Idiot,” “A Hot Chick,”
“A British Villain,” and “A CGI Character.”
Director Tim Miller explains how the scene
was created:


“When CG isn’t moving, you can really sculpt in
a lot of detail that you may not be able to do with
a character that has to behave and move through
space. With an animated human, you have cloth
on his body that moves with it properly. You have
a face that has to have a really complex set of
controls underneath. The hair has to be simu-
lated. But if the characters are frozen in space,
you don’t have to do all that work. On the flip
side, you don’t have the benefit of motion to hide
any irregularities or lack of detail. It took a team
of ten to twelve people working on this for two to
three months to get it done.”

“The writers had done it that way before I even
got involved in the project. We had started pre-
viz [a digital video tool that roughs out a scene]
before we even had a budget or the movie was
cast. Franck Balson, a director at my produc-
tion company, Blur, put in placeholders—just
a tongue-in-cheek thing to amuse him and me,
and we all loved it.”


ACTOR John Krasinski Denzel Washington Ben Affleck Joseph Gordon-Levitt Chris Hemsworth

TRANSFORMED A special-forces A vengeful cowboy in An autistic accountant A traitor and/or hero A nerdy secretary
TO soldier in 13 Hours The Magnificent Seven in The Accountant in Snowden in Ghostbusters

glasses and glasses and glasses and a

L A R G E LY B Y muscle and a beard mutton chops
a pocket protector a Rubik’s Cube slightly looser shirt

82 FEBRUARY 2017 _ P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S . C O M
▶PASSENGERS Production designer Guy Hendrix Dyas has no idea how
a spaceship would work. “My background is in industrial design,” he says. But he knows that
things need to make sense—and that everything needs to have a purpose. So that’s exactly
what he ensured in designing the ship in Passengers. “It’s absolutely no good coming up
with an attractive exterior if there’s not some logical consideration as to how people are
going to be inhabiting the interior,” he says. Dyas explains a few of the ship’s features:


“It’s a tri-hull sys- “Enormous alloy “With only two “If you’re in the “The large mush- “There are eight
tem, where each ribs hold the ship or three principal rotating spaceship room structure people in each of
hull serves a dif- together. The inspi- actors, we needed and want to get above the sleep the pod trees. By
ferent purpose, ration for them to convey a sense from one hull to chambers housed grouping them, you
and they’re all was the grilles of of isolation and the other, you have UV lights. One of can be economical
attached to a cen- 1930s racing cars. loneliness—and to travel through the things people about the power
tral pivot point. The The ribs were first horror, really. We the central core. don’t think about it takes to monitor
three hulls rotate created as a CAD could have done In this pivot point when designing their vitals. At the
in a centrifugal drawing, then sent green screens, but you’d actually be at sci-fi sleep cham- same time, and this
arrangement. In to the woodwork- that tends to be a zero gravity, so we bers is that the skin is morbid, but if
science fiction, this ing shop and cut as little difficult for ended up designing is a living, breathing there’s a malfunc-
theoretically cre- CNC profiles. Each actors to feel that an elevator that you organism. It has to tion, you don’t
ates gravity for you one has a male and sense of loneliness. climb into, where receive UV light the want to lose all of
to stand up on the a female element So the sets were you have to buckle same way a plant your passengers. “
inside edge of the that are snapped absolutely enor- up a seat belt. does. Otherwise
hulls. One hull is for together to make mous. Thirty or When you pass we’d simply die.”
storage, one is ded- the larger shapes.” forty feet high and through the central
icated to the sleep up to eight hun- point, gravity even-
chambers, and the dred feet long.” tually catches up
third hull is retail.” with you again.”

@ P o p u l a r M e c h a n i c s _ FEBRUARY 2017 83
Winter doesn’t have to mean the end
of growing your own produce.

P H OTO G R A P H BY D E VO N J A R V I S @ P o p u l a r M e c h a n i c s _ FEBRUARY 2017 85

drain (flow)
hen summer ends, a lot of our gardens close for the winter. But fitting concrete
hydroponics keep your garden going year-round. Rather than mixing tray
counting on the soil to provide plants with nutrients, a hydro-
ponic setup gives them everything they need directly through
the water. You don’t even need natural light.
fill (ebb)
There are six basic types of systems: wick, deep-water culture (DWC), fitting
ebb-and-flow, drip method, nutrient-film technique (NFT), and aero- plastic lid
ponics. (See page 88.) At Green Spirit Farms, an indoor vertical-farming
company that I run with my father in New Buffalo, Michigan, we use a
combination of NFT and ebb-and-flow. [Editors’ note: Read about Dan fill tube
and his dad in “In the Light Fields,” June 2016.] NFT is probably the most 20-gallon
plastic bin
popular system for commercial growers. It’s what most greenhouses use
because of the low water requirements, and it’s the most conservative you
can be on your water and nutrients. But it’s also prone to clogging, and if
you don’t pay attention, little issues can lead to crop loss. For home use
I recommend an ebb-and-flow system like this one. There’s little main-
tenance and fewer opportunities to kill your crops. The system is also
relatively inexpensive and easy to build. You’ll be eating homegrown
arugula in as little as two to four weeks.


1 At two opposing sides of pump cord leaves the plastic bin, the gaskets are above the tray
M ATERIALS LIST * the concrete mixing tray, your reservoir. for a watertight seal, and that
use a drill and a 1 ¼-inch spade the nipples extrude beneath it.
• 20-plus-gallon sturdy bit or holesaw to create holes Identify the flow fitting from Secure the fittings by tighten-
plastic bin with lid, 4
for the filling pipe (ebb) and drain the ebb-and-flow kit (Fig. A). ing the nuts beneath the tray.
dark color (light
(flow) from the ebb-and-flow kit. It has the larger nipple on the bot-
promotes algae
For a cleaner hole, put a piece of tom. This will be the drain for your 6 Attach the ½-inch adapter
scrap wood beneath the tray to tray. Assemble the flow fitting by included with the pump to
• Concrete mixing tray
• Ebb-and-flow kit
drill into. screwing a riser to the side oppo- the pump’s outflow and place it
(Botanicare Ebb and site the nipple, then screwing in the reservoir. Add the tubing
Flow Fitting Kit with 2 Place the mixing tray on the filter on above it. (We added to the pump and pull the power
two extensions) top of the plastic bin lid. a riser because of the eventual cord through the X cut in the res-
• Oil-free pond pump, Mark the location of the holes height of our grow medium. You ervoir lid.
between 150 to 400 in the mixing tray on the lid. want the drain, excluding the fil-
gallons per hour Remove the mixing tray and ter, to be a quarter of the height 7 Pass the tubing through one
• 2 feet 1/2-inch black drill holes in the lid with your of the medium you use. If you of the holes in the reservoir
vinyl tubing spade bit or holesaw. choose a shorter medium, don’t lid and attach it to the smaller
• 1 ¼-inch spade bit worry about using the riser.) ebb nipple below the mixing
or holesaw Near one edge of the bin tray (Fig. C).
lid, drill a ¼-inch hole. Use a 5 Insert both fittings in the
box cutter to make two 1 ½-inch holes in the tray (Fig. B). 8 Place the lid on the reservoir,
cuts in the shape of an X over Do not attach them to the align the fittings, and put the
the hole. This will be where the reservoir lid. Make sure that tray on top of the lid.

flow fitting

ebb fitting

Fig. A Fig. B Fig. C

*Unless otherwise noted, all materials are available at your local hardware store or on Amazon.

86 FEBRUARY 2017 _ P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S . C O M I L LU S T R AT I O N BY I N F O M E N


lthough similar plants, like spinach and kale, could probably be grown together, for best results,
M ATERIALS LIST you should grow only one plant in a system at a time. I recommend starting with a leafy green like
arugula, which does not have a fruiting phase in which the plant makes seeds before harvest.
• pH/EC meter
• Two programmable Before any plants go into the system, your seeds need to germinate. You’ll need to choose a
electrical timers growing medium. This is what the plant will take hold in, and it can be a lot of things. The industry
• Full-spectrum LED or standard is rock wool, a material very similar to fiberglass that is extremely porous and holds 16 times its
fluorescent light weight in water. It’s the most widely used hydroponic medium in the world because it’s completely inert.
• Plant nutrient
There’s nothing in it, and that’s exactly what you want; you can control your variables. You can also use
• Arugula seeds
• Rock-wool starters regular soil, a foam medium called Oasis, clay pebbles, products made from the husks of coconuts, or
and cubes crumpled coffee filters in plastic plant pots. As long as you have an inert material that can hold water and
oxygen, you can use it as a medium. But we’ll stick with rock wool.

3 Plug the water pump into plant itself and the particular Environment Agriculture page
an electrical timer. For stage of the grow cycle. A good to find a plant-specific nutrient
the majority of plants, setting reference for light timing (and base. I recommend a one-part
your pump to run two to four nearly everything else) is How- mix that can all be added at
times per day for 15 minutes ard M. Resh’s Hydroponic Food once, like J.R. Peters’s 16-4-17
will provide adequate water and Production. For arugula, 12 Hydro FeED. Follow the instruc-
nutrients. When the pump is hours a day will be enough for tions on the nutrient mix to add
on, water floods through the fill the plant to grow but not flower. an appropriate amount to the
fitting and drains back into the water. Change the water and
reservoir when it reaches over 5 Fill your reservoir with 15 nutrient solution at least every
the drain riser (Fig. E). Once the gallons of water and mark two weeks.
pump shuts off, any leftover the water level with a Sharpie
water drains back into the reser- so you don’t have to mea- 7 Keep track of the pH and
voir through the fill tube. sure the next time. Having a electrical conductivity (EC)
consistent amount of water is of the water daily (Fig. F). The
4 Hook your lights to a timer important for correct nutrient pH should remain the same for
Fig. D and fix them above your concentration. all plants. The ideal is 5.8, but
hydroponic system in a way that anywhere between 5.5 and 6.2 is
light hits all parts of the grow 6 Look up the produce you acceptable. If your levels are off,
1 Rinse the rock-wool starter tray. The amount of light your want to grow online on you can adjust them with a kit
cubes (Fig. D), then soak plant requires depends on the Cornell University’s Controlled bought from the hot-tub section
them in water with a pH of 5.5 of a hardware store. The EC will
for about an hour. Place a seed vary based upon the plant you
in the hole of each starter and grow. As your plants feed, you
moisten the cubes. Keep them want the EC to gradually rise. In
moist, and in a few days a sprout order to lower the EC you will
should appear. Put it near a win- add water to the reservoir. To
dow for light, and in ten to 12 increase the EC, add more nutri-
days—when you see sprouts a ents to the system. The target
few inches tall and roots going EC level for arugula is 0.8 to 1.2.
to the bottom of your rock-wool
starters—place the cubes in
their larger rock-wool blocks.

2 The most important con-

sideration in hydroponics
is consistency. The basement is
often a good place to put your
system because of the even
temperatures. (One easy way to
tell if it’s a good place to grow
plants: Ask yourself if you’re
comfortable in that room. If
you’re not, your plants won’t
be either.) Place the growing
medium in the mixing tray. Con-
firm that the risers for the drain
fitting reach only a quarter of
the way up the medium. Fig. E Fig. F

@ P o p u l a r M e c h a n i c s _ FEBRUARY 2017 87


1 Watch your plants as 2 Harvest your crops 3 When a harvest is

you would in a tradi- at the same time you finished, replace the
tional garden. If a problem would in traditional gar- rock wool and clean the
gets to the point that you dening. Arugula should be system’s reservoir, pump,
can see it, the plant has ready to harvest after two and tubing with a 3 per-
been dealing with it for a weeks and should provide cent hydrogen-peroxide
week. Avoid tinkering with another harvest every solution.
nutrients until you get a week for another four or
successful first run. five weeks.


The simplest system. It can use soil as a grow

WICK medium with a wick line into a reservoir of plain
SYSTEMS water. Doesn’t take much attention, but it’s not
going to have the best yield.

The medium is the water and the plants rest

in it all the time. You need an air pump and
DEEP-WATER an air stone to make sure that the plants get
CULTURE enough oxygen, though. You get great yields
but it’s a lot harder without experience and
you are more liable to get root rot.

The best system for beginners, but it’s used

by many professionals as well. Provides
good yields and uses very few mechanical
parts. One drawback is that it requires large
amounts of water to use.

The most sustainable approach to nutrient

conservation. An emitter slowly drips nutri-
ent water on the root system all day long. The
problem comes when the small emitters clog.
Which they are going to do. NASA experi-
mented with this system on the International
Space Station.

A small film of nutrient is used like a small

We are a global provider of stream that is always flowing down along the
roots and recirculating. As with the drip sys-
turnkey Ropeway and Automated TECHNIQUE
tem, expect the emitters to clog.
People Mover systems, to meet
the increasing demands of public
transportation networks. The highest yields—if you can do it correctly.
A mister sprays water and nutrients on the
AEROPONICS roots and gives them great oxygen flow.
Again, beware clogged emitters.

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solar-powered night-light may


sound counterintuitive, but

S ★
when the night-light isn’t in
use during the day, it captures

ambient light. Just leave it William Kennedy
from Pennsylvania.
near a window and open the blinds.
The two AA batteries hold enough
power to keep the night-light run-
ning until the sun comes up, then the
solar panel starts collecting again
and the process begins all over. One
caveat: If you live in Alaska—or even
northern Minnesota—you might
want to use standard batteries dur-
ing the winter.


Time: 1 hour Ages: 8+

Shopping List

action figure with open-grasp

26 inches 22-AWG wire

1 1N914 diode
small solar panel, 3.0-volt
70-milliamp with wires*
2 AA rechargeable batteries
10-millimeter LED lamp
1 (RadioShack item No.
AA battery holder (RadioShack
item No. 2700408)
1 toggle switch
20 1-inch 16-gauge finishing nails
No. 8 x 1–inch sheet metal
¼ x 4 x 24–inch poplar board
½ x 3 x 24–inch poplar board Solar-Powered
multipurpose adhesive
soldering gun or crimp
*Available on Amazon,
part No. 700-10850-17 Not liking the dark never looked so cool.


panel Instructions

1. Crosscut the top panel from the 4-inch

poplar board. A 3 ½-inch piece should accom-
modate most action figures.
2. Using twist-drill bits and a cordless drill,
make a 3/16-inch hole for the LED wire and a
Batteries 1 ½-inch hole for the switch. Use a spade bit to

90 FEBRUARY 2017 _ P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S . C O M


make the ¾-inch hole for the leads from the

solar panel.

3. Crosscut the box ends and sides from

the 3-inch poplar to accommodate the top
panel. Use wood glue and finish nails to fas-
ten the parts, and a nail set to countersink
the nailheads.

4. Cut two 10-inch pieces of wire. Use wire

strippers to remove 3/8 inch of insulation
from all four ends. Take one end of each
wire and solder it to the LED. Wrap connec-
2 3
tions with electrical tape. Twist these wires
together and poke them down through the
hole in the box cover.

5. Take the remaining 6-inch piece of wire

and strip ¼ inch off each end. Poke one
end through a hole in a switch terminal and
solder. Beneath the box top, attach the posi-
tive wire from the LED to the other terminal
on the switch.

6. Feed the switch leads down through the

box and hold the switch in place by tighten-
ing the nut from below. Drop the leads from
the solar panel down into the box and glue
the panel in place.

4 5 7. Use the schematic below to make the

remaining connections. First, solder together
the free LED wire and the negative wires
from the solar cell and battery pack. On the
other side of the solar cell, solder the positive
wire to the diode. Diodes are directional, so
make sure that the black band on the diode
is on the side of the circuit nearer the battery
holder. Solder the other side of the diode to
the free wire on the switch and the positive
wire from the battery.

8. Place two batteries in the holder and test

the circuit. If it works, glue the holder to the
inside of the box wall. If not, double-check the
wiring against the schematic and be sure that
you have the batteries in the holder correctly.
6 7
9. Attach the action figure by boring a pilot
hole from the inside of the box using a
3/32-inch bit. Use the same bit to make a hole in
the foot of the action figure. Mount the action
figure on the box by driving the sheet-metal
screw through the box and into the figure’s
foot, and place the LED in its hand.

Wiring Schematic
Battery holder
Diode Switch
AA battery
AA battery

8 9

P H OTO G R A P H S BY R EB ECC A M C A LPI N ; I LLUS T R AT I O N BY G EO RG E R E T S ECK @ P o p u l a r M e c h a n i c s _ FEBRUARY 2017 91

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p. 3 Guide to Self-Sufficiency: Morgan Levy; How It

Works: Sinelab; Special Effects Awards: Jeff Wack;
p. 4 D’Agostino: Ida Garland; p. 5 “Hardware Stores”:
Gene Smirnov; p. 8 groundhog, NBA game, Glenn,
Sazerac, filter: Getty Images; hydroponics: Devon Jarvis;
pp. 21–25 styling: Lynne Chan/Halley Resources;
No-Drill MudFlaps p. 31 Dean Kaufman; p. 32 bench: Anja Hitzenberger;
p. 39 Seinfeld, McQueen, Lohan: Getty Images;
p. 40 mechanics: Shutterstock; p. 55 book: iStock;
wooden surface: Shutterstock; p. 57 Dufresne: Getty
Images; p. 60 Zee: Getty Images; p. 64 kids: Stephanie
Rauser/Trunk Archives; Ross: Getty Images; p. 79 cars
on street: Vital Vegas; p. 82 Krasinski: Everett Collection;
Affleck: Warner Bros.; pp. 86–87 process images: Ida


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T H E SU BJ E C T : I N 1998, Parris left a career design-
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1 / Wintersteiger forth along the stone to cut 2 / The wood 3 / Handcrafted cores
belt sander and different patterns called Maple is one of the harder One of the unique things we
stone grinder structure. The base of a final woods to work with, but it do is build our own cores. Any
A. I use the belt sander to ski has little grooves cut into has rebound strength, impact one piece of wood might have
shape the sidewalls of the ski it, like tire treads. A structured resistance, and a vibration some inconsistencies, but
and to shape out the band-saw base with microfine texture at transfer that gives a precise making a core out of a dozen
cut, to bevel it, round it out at the bottom dissipates water, feel for the snow. Ash has a strips creates a more homog-
the top a little bit. making the ski go over the similar impact resistance, but enous material. It’s stronger
B. The other side is a round snow faster. I put the final slightly less rebound quick- and more stable than the wood
stone cylinder. A diamond- edges in a crosshatch pattern ness. It mellows out the ride. was originally.
dressing bit goes back and with the stone.

96 FEBRUARY 2017 _ P O P U L A R M E C H A N I C S . C O M P H O T O G R A P H BY C H R I S T I E H E M M K LO K




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