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Name : Neng Mulyani

NPM : 4214081

Class : 1C D4-MP

Exercise Slide 11

1. a) Can / Could / Would you ...?

(Can / Could / Would you keep the noise down?)
b) Could you possibly ...?
(Could you possibly keep the noise down, please?)
c) Do / Would you mind ___ing...?
(Do / would you mind keeping this noise?)
d) I wonder if you’d mind ___ing ...
(I wonder if you’d mind to keeping the noise?)
2. a) Can / Could / Would you ...?
(Can / could / would you repeat it one more time?)
b) Could you possibly ...?
(Could you possibly repeat it one more time, please?)
c) Do / Would you mind) ___ing...?
(Do / would you mind repeating it one more time?)
d) I wonder if you’d mind ___ing ...
(I wonder if you’d mind to repeating it one more time ?)
3. a) Can / Could / Would you ...?
(Can / could / would you like to explain it again?)
b) Could you possibly ...?
(Could you possibly to explain it again, please?)
c) Do / Would you mind ___ing...?
(Do / would you mind explaining it again?)
d) I wonder if you’d mind ___ing ...
(I wonder if you’d mind to explaining it again?)
4. a) Can / Could / Would you ...?
(Can / could / would you guid me to do my homework?)
b) Could you possibly ...?
(Could you possibly guid me to do my homework, please?)
c) Do / Would you mind ___ing...?
(Do / would you mind guiding me to do my homework?)
d) I wonder if you’d mind ___ing ...
(I wonder if you’d mind guiding me to do my homework?)
5. a) Can / Could / Would you ...?
(Can / could / would you don’t smoke in this area?)
b) Could you possibly ...?
(Could you possibly not smoke in this area , please?
c) Do / Would you mind ___ing...?
(Do / would you mind smoking not in this area?)
d) I wonder if you’d mind ___ing ...
(I wonder if you’d mind not smoking in this area?)
6. a) Can / Could / Would you ...?
(Can / coul / would you like to lend your many?)
b) Could you possibly ...?
(Could you possibly like to lend your many, please?)
c) Do / Would you mind ___ing...?
(Do / would you mind lending your money?)
d) I wonder if you’d mind ___ing ...
(I wonder if you’d mind to lending your money?)
7. a) Can / Could / Would you ...?
(Can / could / would you give me a ride?)
b) Could you possibly ...?
(Could you possibly give me a ride, please?)
c) Do / Would you mind ___ing...?
(Do / would you mind giving me a ride?)
d) I wonder if you’d mind ___ing ...
(I wonder if you’d mind to giving me a ride?)
8. a) Can / Could / Would you ...?
(Can / could / would you want to park your vehicle elsewhere?)
b) Could you possibly ...?
(Could you please want to park your vehicle elsewhere?)
c) Do / Would you mind ___ing...?
(Do / would you mind to parking your vehicle elsewhere?)
d) I wonder if you’d mind ___ing ...
(I wonder if you’d mind to parking your vehicle elsewhere?)
Activity 2

A : “excuse me, may i ask you about this explanation?”

B : “Of course, I am not bussy now. Ok, whan can I help You?”

A : “I do not Know how to practice by this explanation”

B : “Les’t go to the computer laboratory, we can practice by Mr. Jhony’s


A : “Thank you”

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