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The ASME Standard

be designed, fabricated, inspected, tested,

and stamped in accordance with ASME
International Standard RTP-1-2000.2
This standard was developed under pro-

for Fiberglass
cedures accredited because they met the
criteria for the American National Stan-
dards Institute (ANSI). The committee
that approved the standard was balanced
to ensure that individuals from competent

Reinforced Plastic
and concerned interests had an opportu-
nity to participate. The document is de-
signed to set the minimum safety stan-
dards for the design and fabrication of

Vessels is Adopted
composite vessels. Those with a material
interest in the document had the oppor-
tunity to comment and voice their views
to the committee. This consensus stan-
dard represents the best design, fabrica-

into Delaware Code

tion, and inspection technology for fiber-
glass-reinforced plastic (FRP) vessels
available today.
The ASME RTP-1 Standard Commit-
tee meets twice a year. Any party with a
LARRY CRAIGIE, American Composites Manufacturers Association material interest in FRP vessels is encour-
aged to attend meetings and to share ideas
on how to improve the standard.
Delaware adopted as code the ASME International Many ASTM standards have been de-
Standard RTP-1-2000, “Reinforced Thermoset veloped for the design of fiberglass vessels
Plastic (RTP) Corrosion Resistant Equipment,” into its civil (Figures 1 and 2). One of the most com-
code in accordance with the Jeffrey Davis Aboveground monly used specifications for filament-
Storage Tank Act. The act was written in memory of a man wound FRP tanks is ASTM D3299.3 This
killed when a sulfuric acid (H2SO4) tank exploded and standard was first published in 1971 and
is reedited and released every 5 years or
collapsed in flames. Other standards exist that can so. The latest release is dated 2000.
contribute to the proper design of RTP equipment. These During the 1970s, as the use of FRP
standards, however, do not provide equipment purchasers vessels for corrosive service increased,
the documentation that shows whether or not vessels many more specifications and standard
have been constructed according to a consensus standard methods were written to assist design en-
that represents the best design, fabrication, and gineers. The chemical plants where tanks
were installed experienced an excessive
inspection technology for RTP equipment today. number of failures, mostly related to con-
struction.4 Because of these failures, sev-
eral major chemical companies indepen-
dently formed engineering groups that

specialized in reinforced plastic equip-
ment. They developed internal specifica-
ffective June 11, 2004, Dela- tions. Some companies experienced im-
ware became the first state provements in their failure rate; others did
with a regulation1 requiring not. Parts of these specifications made it
all aboveground fiberglass- into the public domain, and tank manu-
reinforced tanks of 12,500 facturers found themselves trying to make
gal and greater, intended to vessels that required adherence to conflict-
store hazardous materials, to ing specifications.

RTP-1 demonstration vessel. (Photo courtesy of AnCor Industrial RTP-1-stamped mist eliminator rated for 15 psig to full vacuum at 200°F
Plastics.) (93°C). (Photo courtesy of Tankinetics.)

It was not long before it was decided the vessel was constructed as intended. must have design calculations stamped
that all companies involved would see ASTM standards are voluntary and do by a professional engineer experienced
more improvements and less confusion not contain enforcement mechanisms to in the design of RTP equipment. These
from a standardized method for the de- determine if the supplier meets the stan- calculations are based on actual physi-
sign of FRP tanks. Thus, in the late 1970s dard’s requirements. Provisions in ASME cal testing of resin laminates at the
an ASME committee was formed to es- RTP-1 that are not found in ASTM design temperature.
tablish rules of safety governing the de- D3299 are as follows: • ASME RTP-1 requires an analysis
sign, fabrication, and inspection of FRP • An ASME RTP-1 accredited sup- of loading conditions such as lifting
vessels. On December 31, 1989, ASME plier has undertaken an extensive and anchoring the vessel, wind, seis-
RTP-1 was published. qualification program to be able to of- mic, snow and man (point) loading,
fer ASME-stamped vessels. This in- up-lift, etc., and the design factor for
Provisions of the cludes an ASME-approved quality- those events must be a minimum of 5
ASME Standard assurance/quality-control (QA/QC) to 1. ASTM D3299 limits deflection
on man-loading but does not address
ASTM D3299 was chosen as a refer- program, engineering, laminator cer-
ence point because it is a very common tifications, demonstration laminates, design factors other than limiting hoop
specification. ASME RTP-1 is more than demonstration vessels, and testing. In strain to 0.001 in./in. (0.003 cm/cm).
a standard specification, however. It is a addition, ASME conducts “surprise” It does require “special consideration”
process that encompasses design, fabrica- audits to ensure that the manufacturer but is not specific on the requirements
tion, and inspection. Only by linking all is meeting the requirements of the for environmental conditions.
three parts of the process can the pur- standard. • ASME RTP-1 requires 50 psi-rated
chaser have the verifiable assurance that • A vessel meeting ASME RTP-1 ANSI 150# drilled flanges. ASTM
NONSTAMPED RTP-1 VESSEL have a lot of extra requirements. There
are more inspections, professional engi-
ASME RTP-1 design, fabricated, neering requirements, reports, and forms
Benefit design only inspected, and stamped to fill out and file. A QA plan must be
Design by registered No Yes maintained and laminators and bonders
professional engineer must be qualified, etc., all of which add
Use of qualified No Yes some cost to the tank. Most holders of
laminators ASME RTP-1 stamps have concluded,
Use of qualified secondary No Yes however, that their additional costs to
bonders produce a stamped vessel are very small.
For some it may save money. When a
Fabrication details per Maybe Required
ASME RTP-1 vessel is constructed according to ASME
RTP-1, it is built in exact accordance
Inspection of resins and Maybe Yes with specifications. The initial user’s re-
quirements are spelled out in detail; this,
Inspection by a certified No Yes combined with the professional engi-
neer’s review of the drawings, minimizes
Use of qualified laminates No Yes miscommunication between the fabrica-
tor and user. This oversight has elimi-
Quality-control manual No Yes
approved by ASME nated most costly “modifications” to the
International vessel. Many typical mistakes usually
Shop accredited by ASME No Yes eliminated are noted below:
International • Wrong veil in the liner
• Wrong catalyst used for the liner
Shop periodically audited No Yes
by ASME International • Physical properties used for design
not achievable with the laminate used
Shop hydrotesting Maybe Required • Questionable references for the
ASME International No Yes design
nameplate and stamp • Not everyone quoted on the same
• Inconsistent method of reinforcing
D3299 allows 25-psi-rated flanges. On rior surfaces to detect laminate imper- nozzles and secondary joints
larger-diameter flanges, 50-psi-rated fections. • No documentation provided for the
flanges may cost more, but are stronger • ASME RTP-1 is applicable for +15 materials of fabrication.
than 25-psi-rated flanges. psig and full vacuum. ASTM D3299 Implementation of the QA plan and
• ASME RTP-1 requires a hydrotest of is limited to a ±14-in. (36-cm) water the employment of qualified workers has
the vessel prior to applying the stamp. column. shown that these typical laminating de-
• If a vessel is designed for 2 psig or When an ASME RTP-1 vessel is de- fects and procedural errors can be elimi-
higher, ASME RTP-1 requires physical livered, it will have a full portfolio that nated. The required quality control of
property tests for proof of design. contains the forms, calculations, and re- materials helps ensure that the correct
ASTM D3299 is not valid for this ports that cover the complete history of products are used the first time, inspec-
pressure but is often used anyway, and the vessel. It contains all of the informa- tions are made, and records are kept.
proof of design is not required. tion that went into the design, fabrica- Combined, these ASME RTP-1 features
• A complete data book including tion, and inspection of the vessel. It cov- result in savings to the fabricator that
material traceability, testing, drawings, ers the complete history of the vessel more than make up for the cost of the
calculations, and details is prepared for fabrication—all of the information to program.
an ASME RTP-1 vessel. assure the user that the vessel delivered
• ASME RTP-1 requires mandatory meets the design criteria. PURCHASER
inspection at various hold points plus Specifying a stamped ASME RTP-1
inspection of records relating to equip- Cost Factors vessel can save the purchaser some ex-
ment design and materials used. The FABRICATORS pense. To ensure that a nonstamped vessel
inspector must verify reinforcing se- As compared to an ASTM D3299 is made according to specifications, the
quence and inspect interior and exte- tank, the ASME RTP-1 vessel seems to purchaser must acquire the services of a
third party “expert” to perform design and out an accredited ASME QA/QC pro- 11, 2004,
QC functions. These functions are built- gram, there may not be any material
in requirements for ASME RTP-1. Many traceability, no assurance the vessel was 2. ASME RTP-1-2000, “Reinforced Thermoset
companies are reducing the size of their produced with certified laminators, and Plastic Reinforced Equipment” (New York, NY: ASME
engineering staffs, and some may not have no proof that required tests and inspec- International, 2000).
expertise in composite design. The stan- tions were conducted. 3. ASTM D3299-00, "Standard Specification for
Filament-Wound Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermoset Res-
dard’s requirement for a professional en- Some major chemical companies are
in Chemical-Resistant Tanks,” Annual Book of ASTM
gineer to stamp the drawings relieves the now purchasing ASME RTP-1-stamped Standards (West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM, 2000).
pressure on many purchaser-engineering vessels for most of their FRP tank require- 4. J. Bustillos, Dow Chemical, correspondence to
staffs. ments. Table 1 summarizes the justifica- author, February 5, 2004.
There is a misconception that if a ves- tion of not only designing but also having
sel is designed and built according to the vessel built and stamped according to LARRY CRAIGIE is the Associate Director of
ASME RTP-1 but is not stamped, it will ASME RTP-1. Technical Services at the American Com-
cost less and still maintain all of the at- Also, with a nonstamped RTP-1 ves- posites Manufacturers Association, 1010 N.
tributes of a stamped tank except for the sel, there is no documentation that the Glebe Rd., Ste. 450, Arlington, VA 22201. He
stamp itself. Some engineers will say that has more than 30 years of experience in the
vessel meets ASME RTP-1, accredited by
development, production, selection, and use
it is possible to design an FRP vessel this ANSI. of resins for FRP. He has authored several
way, but it is not possible to build in technical publications and has made pre-
accordance with ASME RTP-1 if one is
not accredited. Without an ASME
References sentations on the subject at Dow Chemical
1. L. Craigie, “Regulations Concerning Above and ACMA. For 7 years he served as chair of
stamp, there is no assurance the vessel Ground Storage Tanks,” State of Delaware, Dept. of former NACE committee T5-D on Non-
was made according to the design. With- Natural Resources and Environmental Control, June Metallic Materials of Construction.


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