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Dillon Hollingsworth

1. How frequently did consumers travel by air in the last 12 months?

How many times within the past year have you taken a flight?

__ 0 times
__ 1-2 times
__ 3-4 times
__ 5+ times

2. Consumers’ preference for booking through an online travel agent like Orbtiz?

How do you buy airline tickets?

__ Airline Website (,, etc.)

__ Online Agent (Orbitz, Expedia, TripAdvisor, etc.)
__ Google Flights
__ At The Airport

3. Which factors do consumers perceive as more important in selecting an online travel


Rate these factors in relation to its importance to you (3 being the most important):

Price 1 2 3

Privacy 1 2 3

Safety 1 2 3

Quality 1 2 3

4. How frequently have consumers used each of the major online travel agents in the
past 12 months?

On a scale from 1-10, how often do you go on an online travel agent in a given year?
5. How do consumers evaluate Orbitz in terms of the different factors that they
consider when selecting online travel agents?

6. Which of the segmentation criteria determine loyalty to Orbitz?

How often do you book with an online travel agent after browsing their website?

__ 0%
__ 1% - 24%
__ 25% - 49%
__ 50% - 74%
__ 75% - 100%

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