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Developing a Questionnaire

Prepare questionnaire based on the following case. You are to prepare the introduction, screening
questions, and then the rest of the questions. All of your scales need to be labelled. At several points I
have indicated the type of scale that should be used (e.g., measure using an ordinal scale). Take into
considerations factors like the wording of the questionnaire, the number of scale points etc...)

You are to do wo things:

1. You need to write down the measures that you would use for each research objective.
2. Develop a questionnaire as it would appear to the respondent or be completed by the

Case Study

Orbitz, an online travel agent for airline tickets, wants to determine consumers’ attitudes of U.S.
residents towards selecting online travel agents for airline tickets. A series of focus groups about the
issue uncovered several interesting findings. The findings revealed that consumers purchase tickets
online through the airline companies themselves, or through travel agents. The main travel agents they
mentioned where Expedia, Priceline, Travelocity and Orbitz. The most important factors that consumers
consider in selecting an online travel agent are convenience (doing it any time), cost of the airline ticket,
safety of paying through the website, reputation of the website. The main segmentation criteria in this
industry are frequency of travel by air during the last 12 months (measure using a ratio scale), size of
family travelling (measure using an ordinal scale), and income (measure using an ordinal scale). You are
sending this survey to the emails of consumers who have booked online through Orbitz before.

Research Objectives

1. How frequently did consumers travel by air in the last 12 months? (measure using a ratio scale)
2. Consumers’ preference for booking through an online travel agent like Orbtiz?
3. Which factors do consumers perceive as more important in selecting an online travel agent?
(measure using an ordinal scale)
4. How frequently have consumers used each of the major online travel agents in the past 12
months? (measure using an interval scale)
5. How do consumers evaluate Orbitz in terms of the different factors that they consider when
selecting online travel agents? (measure using a Likert scale, Balanced scale)
6. Which of the segmentation criteria determine loyalty to Orbitz? (N.B.: loyalty is measured by
frequency of booking from the website in the past 12 months)

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