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;Altering this number will cause the app to overwrite this file with defaults

Version 1

;Number of autosaves to keep
AutoSaveKeepCount 10

;Number of turns between autosaves

AutoSaveFrequency 1

;Whether or not to automatically end a turn when no more actions are available. (0
= off)
AutoEndTurn 0

;Whether or not to treat city range attacks as a turn blocking notification. (0 =

not turn blocking)
CityRangeAttackTurnBlocking 1

;Game history logging level, 0 = off

GameHistoryLogLevel 0

;Sequential Game history logging level, 0 = off

GameHistorySequentialLogLevel 0

;Skips movement animations, 0 = off

QuickMovement 0

;Skips combat animations, 0 = off

QuickCombat 0

;Enables always-on screen edge scrolling, 0 = off

EdgePan 0

;Forces the Production Panel to open in queue mode, 0 = off

AutoProdQueue 0

;Log all AI systems, 0 = off

AI_MasterLogging 1

;AI city build plot analysis logging level, 0 = off

AICityBuildPlotLog 0

;AI settlement analysis logging level (very large), 0 = off

AISettlementEvaluationLog 0

;AI diplomatic action logging level, 0 = off

AiDiplomaticActionLog 0

;AI operation evaluation logging level, 0 = off

AIOperationEvalLog 0

;Game Era Moments Log, 0=Top moments only, 1=All moments

GameEraMomentsLog 0

;Game Effects logging level, 0 = off, 1 = Minimal, 2 = Normal, Detailed = 3,

Diagnostic = 4
GameEffectsLogLevel 0

;Profile logging enabled, 0 = off, 1 = on

ProfileEnabled 0

;Depth of profiling, -1 = all

ProfileDepth -1

;If an AI player's processing time exceeds the time in seconds, keep the turn's
autosave, 0 = off
ProfileSaveIfPlayerTimeExceeds 0.000000

;Removes the 'One More Turn' option after achieving a victory.

DisableOneMoreTurn 0

;if the plot tooltip follows the mouse cursor (0 = off)

PlotToolTipFollowsMouse 1

;Look at the local player's combat on their turn. (0 = off, 1 = move camera, 2 =
move and zoom camera
LookAtPlayerTurnCombat 2

;Look at the local player's combat when not their turn. (0 = off, 1 = move camera,
2 = move and zoom camera
LookAtPlayerOffTurnCombat 1

;The zoom level to use for player turn combat, 0.0 to 1.0
LookAtPlayerTurnCombatZoomLevel 0.230000

;The zoom level to use for player turn combat, 0.0 to 1.0
LookAtPlayerOffTurnCombatZoomLevel 0.500000

;Does the selection auto cycle to the next available unit? (0 = no, 1 = yes)
AutoUnitCycle 1

;How the unit cycle determines the next closest unit to cycle to. 0 = Last closest,
1 = Closest of last two.
UnitCycleProximityType 0

;Experience level of player for tutorial prompts.
TutorialLevel 1

;Set to 1 if the user has chosen a tutorial level

HasChosenTutorialLevel 1

;Automatically set to 1 after the user has seen the XP1 features screen at least
HasSeenXP1FeaturesScreen 0

;Automatically set to 1 after the user has seen the XP2 features screen at least
HasSeenXP2FeaturesScreen 1

;Set to 1 after the user has opted to no longer show the screen.
HideXP1FeaturesScreen 0

;Set to 1 after the user has opted to no longer show the screen.
HideXP2FeaturesScreen 1

;Automatically set to 1 after the user has seen the CivRoyale How to Play screen at
least once.
HasSeenCivRoyaleIntro 0

;Player name used during local network games.

;Automatically download community made additional content when it is required to

join a multiplayer game.
AutoModDownload 0

;URL to send a simple, no-payload WebHook for Play By Cloud turn changes. See
TurnWebHookFrequency for frequency setting.


;Frequency of Play By Cloud turn change WebHooks. (0 = Send on local player's turn,
1 = Send on every player's turn.)
TurnWebHookFrequency 0

;Enable network message logging
NetMessageLogs 1

Difficulty 0

Era 0

Attack 1

MiniMapZoom 0

;Set to 1 to see the path a unit will traverse.

MovementPathOn 1

AllPathsOn 0

ClipCursor 1

AutoDeselect 0

PlayVignettes 1

ShowMapGrid 1

ShowMapResources 1
ShowMapYields 1

ShowMapLabelsDeserts 0

ShowMapLabelsMountainRanges 0

ShowMapLabelsNationalParks 1

ShowMapLabelsNaturalWonders 1

ShowMapLabelsRivers 1

ShowMapLabelsVolcanoes 1

ShowMapLabelsLakes 0

ShowMapLabelsOceans 1

ShowMapLabelsSeas 1

;Set to 1 to start games in strategic view.

StartInStrategicView 0

;Modifies how fast the camera moves to the target location during 'look-at' events.
CameraLookAtTimeScale 1.000000

;In-Game Clock format (0 for 12-hour, 1 for 24-hour)
ClockFormat 1

;If stats should be shown below the leaders' portraits in the HUD ribbon.
RibbonStats 0

;The amount of time, in seconds, before displaying the plot tooltip.

PlotTooltipDelay 1.100000

;The size of the text in the chat box.

ChatTextValue 12

;Sort type for Save Game list, 1 = By Last Modified, 2 = Alphabetical

SaveGameBrowseSortDefault 1

;Sort type for World Builder Map list, 1 = By Last Modified, 2 = Alphabetical
WorldBuilderMapBrowseSortDefault 1

;Play reveal animation whenever a pride moment is unlocked.

PlayHistoricMomentAnimation 1

;Has the user seen the PlayByCloud lobby? Displays new-game-mode indicator if they
have not looked at it yet.
SeenPlayByCloudLobby 0

;List of PlayByCloud games that we have seen completed. Used by the UI. Do not

;Display unset PlayByCloud notifications reminder popup.

PlayByCloudNotifyRemind 1

;What happens after a PlayByCloud turn is committed? 0 = Ask Me, 1 = Do Nothing, 2

= Exit to Main Menu
PlayByCloudEndTurnBehavior 0

;What happens after a client has readied up in a PlayByCloud game? 0 = Ask Me, 1 =
Stay in Staging Room, 2 = Exit to Lobby
PlayByCloudClientReadyBehavior 0

;Determine the speed multiplier for mouse wheel scrolling.

ScrollSpeed 0.500000

;EXPERIMENTAL! Force font rendering at a point size beyond what was authored.
FontSizeIncrease 0

;Last version the user accepted the copyright notice.

CopyrightAccept (508803)

;Replaces the drag functionality of DragControls with click to drag behavior, 0 =

ReplaceDragWithClick 0

;Has the user seen the Unified PC Play lobby? Displays new-game-mode indicator if
they have not seen it yet.
SeenCrossPlayMultiplayer 0

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