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Names: Yenifer Carolina Last names: Medina Pérez

Reg. Number: 1-20-3548 Professor: Isaias Santana

Section: ING-505-001 Subject: Techniques of English Exp.

After writing your topic sentence with your two controlling ideas, you will write in
this exercise the previous topic sentence and you will underline it. Next, below
your topic sentence, you will write one supporting sentence for each controlling
idea. Please, it is not accepted the verb to be as a main verb (Ex. She is intelligent_
Or simple sentences using the verb like). The exercise is worth 4 points and it will
be evaluated thinking about the complexity of your writing. If one or both
sentences are plagiarized, the student will lose the points in this exercise and
exercise #1. 
The Dominican Republic is not just the Caribbean paradise of white sand beaches and
turquoise seas, there is much more to its rich history, brilliant culture, natural wonders
and charming residents. This is the place where the first Spanish settlement in America
took place thanks to the arrival of Christopher Columbus during his first voyage in
1492. Aside from choosing the Dominican Republic as his only home in the region, a
land blessed with fertile soil and gold deposits, Columbus and the Spanish crown used
the country as a launching pad for their conquests around the Caribbean and the United

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