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Names: Yenifer Carolina Last names: Medina Pérez

Reg. Number: 1-20-3548 Professor: Isaias Santana

Subject: English exp. Techniques Section: ING-505-001

In this section, you will write a paragraph using ideas generated from your own
experience in the D.R. context and you will write a 16-sentence paragraph.
Developing a typical content for the Dominican Republic. Your paragraph will
have a title, topic sentence, supporting sentences, and one or more concluding
My best childhood memories
Childhood is a magical time because children have big dreams, many illusions and great
innocence. I am a young woman who was born and raised in Santiago de los Caballeros.
In my childhood I was a very happy and joyful child. For me it was an incredible time,
when I spent many hours playing with friends in the street, eating candy and waiting
until nightfall for the electricity to come. Together with my sister we would spend many
hours in the backyard of my house playing with dirt and water. I remember that when
my siblings and I would sneak out of the house to go play with the neighbors, my
mother would come looking for us to give us a "pela" for going out without permission.
Every day when I got up, the first thing I did was to have breakfast, go to school and
when I returned at noon, I would help my mother with the housework, so that later she
would let me go out to play. After lunch I would take a nap and then buy candy at the
grocery store. Together with my younger sister we would go out to play with dolls, ride
bicycles, play "chatas", jump rope, etc...that was my daily routine. Once I was given a
chihuahua puppy and I was very happy because I always wanted one, we named him
Aran. We trained him and when he grew up a little more, together with my father we
made him a little house. He was a very naughty little dog because whenever we went to
give him a bath he would run away from home and we had to go out and look for him
all over the neighborhood. Although as a child I played and had a lot of fun, I loved to
watch television, my favorite channels were "Discovery kids, Disney Channel and
Nickelodeon". Once I saw a TV show in which an old lady sat on a couch and fell
down, for me that was very funny so I imitated her whenever I could. In one of those
attempts to imitate her in the yard, I slipped and fell backwards into some barbed wire. I
screamed loudly and my mother ran out to get me. When she picked me up from the
ground, my back was covered with blood from the scratches caused by the wires. I
remember that day as if it had been yesterday, besides the fact that I had a small scar on
my back. When I was 11 years old my family and I moved to Santo Domingo and since
then I still live here. The truth is that I feel very fortunate to have lived my childhood in
a healthy way, playing and enjoying the little things that life gave me, because with the
advancement of technology, many children do not do the kind of things I did, just to be
playing with cell phones and tablets; today I can say that my childhood was wonderful.

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